function test_parameters() { saveWikiText('test:links', '[[wiki:syntax?do=export_raw]] [[]]', 'Init tests'); idx_addPage('test:links'); $this->assertEquals(array('test:links'), ft_backlinks('wiki:syntax')); $this->assertEquals(array('test:links'), ft_backlinks('')); }
function handle_start(&$event, $param) { global $ID; global $ACT; global $INFO; if ($ACT != 'show') { return; } if (!$INFO['exists']) { return; } # don't try to read an article that doesn't exist $all = rtrim(rawWiki($ID)); $inner = substr($all, 2, -2); if ($all == '[[' . $inner . ']]' and strpos($inner, '[[') === false and strpos($inner, ']]') === false) { if (!strpos($inner, '://') === false) { $url = $inner; # link is URL already } else { msg(sprintf('From: <a href="' . wl($ID, 'do=edit') . '">' . hsc($ID) . '</a>')); $url = html_wikilink($inner, $name = null, $search = ''); $url = substr($url, strpos($url, '"') + 1); $url = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, '"')); } idx_addPage($ID); # ensure fulltext search indexing of referrer article - to put it on the backlink page of target article send_redirect($url); } }
public function test_media_in_deleted_pages() { saveWikiText('test:internalmedia_usage', '{{internalmedia.png}} {{..:internal media.png}}', 'Test initialization'); idx_addPage('test:internalmedia_usage'); saveWikiText('test:internalmedia_usage', '', 'Deleted'); $this->assertEquals(array(), ft_mediause('internal_media.png')); $this->assertEquals(array(), ft_mediause('test:internalmedia.png')); }
function _index($id) { global $CLEAR; global $QUIET; _quietecho("{$id}... "); idx_addPage($id, !$QUIET, $CLEAR); _quietecho("done.\n"); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); saveWikiText('testpage', 'Foo bar baz.', 'Test initialization'); saveWikiText('notfound', 'Foon barn bazn.', 'Test initialization'); idx_addPage('testpage'); idx_addPage('notfound'); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); saveWikiText('syntax', 'dummy', 'test'); // make sure the search index is initialized idx_addPage('wiki:syntax'); idx_addPage('syntax'); idx_addPage('wiki:welcome'); idx_addPage('wiki:dokuwiki'); }
public function test_media_in_footnotes() { saveWikiText('test:media_footnotes', '(({{footnote.png?20x50}} [[foonote|{{:footlink.png}}]]))', 'Test initialization'); idx_addPage('test:media_footnotes'); $query = array('test:footnote.png', 'footlink.png'); $this->assertEquals(array( 'test:footnote.png' => array('test:media_footnotes'), 'footlink.png' => array('test:media_footnotes') ), idx_get_indexer()->lookupKey('relation_media', $query)); }
public function setUp() { $this->pluginsEnabled[] = 'tag'; parent::setUp(); saveWikiText('tagged_page', '{{tag>mytag test2tag}}', 'Test'); saveWikiText('negative_page', '{{tag>negative_tag mytag}}', 'Test setup'); saveWikiText('third_page', '{{tag>third_tag}}', 'Test setup'); idx_addPage('tagged_page'); idx_addPage('negative_page'); idx_addPage('third_page'); }
/** * @covers helper_plugin_move_plan::findAffectedPages * @uses Doku_Indexer */ public function test_affectedPagesNS_Media() { saveWikiText('oldns:start', '{{oldnsimage_missing.png}}', 'setup'); idx_addPage('oldns:start'); /** @var helper_plugin_move_plan $plan */ $plan = plugin_load('helper', 'move_plan'); $this->assertFalse($plan->inProgress()); $plan->addMediaNamespaceMove('oldns', 'newns'); $plan->commit(); $affected_file = file(TMP_DIR . '/data/meta/__move_affected'); $this->assertSame('oldns:start', trim($affected_file[0])); }
/** * @covers action_plugin_move_rename::renameOkay */ function test_renameOkay() { global $conf; global $USERINFO; $conf['superuser'] = '******'; $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = '******'; $USERINFO['grps'] = array('admin', 'user'); saveWikiText('wiki:foo:start', '[[..:..:one_ns_up:]]', 'Test setup'); idx_addPage('wiki:foo:start'); $move_rename = new action_plugin_move_rename(); $this->assertTrue($move_rename->renameOkay('wiki:foo:start')); }
public function setUp() { $this->pluginsEnabled[] = 'include'; parent::setUp(); $this->helper = plugin_load('helper', 'include'); saveWikiText('included', 'Example content with link [[#jump]]', 'Test setup'); idx_addPage('test:included'); saveWikiText('test:includefull', '{{page>..:included}}', 'Test setup'); idx_addPage('test:includefull'); saveWikiText('test:includefirst', '{{page>..:included&firstseconly}}', 'Test setup'); idx_addPage('test:includefirst'); }
public function setUp() { global $conf; $this->pluginsEnabled[] = 'tag'; parent::setUp(); $conf['plugin']['tag']['sortkey'] = 'ns'; $this->helper = plugin_load('helper', 'tag'); foreach ($this->pages as $page) { saveWikiText($page, '{{tag>mytag}}', 'Test'); idx_addPage($page); } }
public function test_rename() { /** @var $move helper_plugin_move_op */ $move = plugin_load('helper', 'move_op'); if (!$move) { return; } // disable the test when move is not installed saveWikiText('editx', 'Page to rename', 'Testcase create'); saveWikiText('links', '{{section>links#foo}} {{page>editx}} {{page>:eDitX&nofooter}} {{section>editx#test}} {{page>editx&nofooter}}', 'Testcase created'); idx_addPage('editx'); idx_addPage('links'); $this->assertTrue($move->movePage('editx', 'test:edit')); $this->assertEquals('{{section>links#foo}} {{page>test:edit}} {{page>test:edit&nofooter}} {{section>test:edit#test}} {{page>test:edit&nofooter}}', rawWiki('links')); }
public function setUp() { $this->pluginsEnabled[] = 'include'; parent::setUp(); $this->helper = plugin_load('helper', 'include'); saveWikiText('wiki:included', <<<EOF * [[test|{{dokuwiki.png}}]] * [[#test|{{dokuwiki.png?w=200}}]] * [[doku>test|{{dokuwiki.png?w=300}}]] * [[test|{{}}]] EOF , 'Test setup'); idx_addPage('wiki:included'); saveWikiText('test:include', '{{page>..:wiki:included}}', 'Test setup'); idx_addPage('test:include'); }
function _index($id) { global $INDEXER; global $CLEAR; global $QUIET; // if not cleared only update changed and new files if ($CLEAR) { $idxtag = metaFN($id, '.indexed'); if (@file_exists($idxtag)) { @unlink($idxtag); } } _quietecho("{$id}... "); idx_addPage($id, !$QUIET); _quietecho("done.\n"); }
public function test_move_wiki_namespace() { $this->markTestSkipped('This test is failing.'); global $AUTH_ACL; $AUTH_ACL[] = "wiki:*\t@ALL\t16"; idx_addPage('wiki:dokuwiki'); idx_addPage('wiki:syntax'); /** @var helper_plugin_move $move */ $move = plugin_load('helper', 'move'); $opts = array('ns' => 'wiki', 'newns' => 'foo', 'contenttomove' => 'both'); $this->assertSame(3, $move->start_namespace_move($opts)); $this->assertSame(1, $move->continue_namespace_move()); $this->assertSame(0, $move->continue_namespace_move()); $this->assertFileExists(wikiFN('foo:dokuwiki')); $this->assertFileNotExists(wikiFN('wiki:syntax')); $this->assertFileExists(mediaFN('foo:dokuwiki-128.png')); }
public function test_rename() { global $ID; /** @var $pagemove helper_plugin_pagemove */ $pagemove = plugin_load('helper', 'pagemove'); if (!$pagemove) return; // disable the test when pagemove is not installed saveWikiText('editx', 'Page to rename', 'Testcase create'); saveWikiText('links', '{{section>links#foo}} {{page>editx}} {{page>:eDitX&nofooter}} {{section>editx#test}} {{page>editx&nofooter}}', 'Testcase created'); idx_addPage('editx'); idx_addPage('links'); $ID = 'editx'; $opts['ns'] = ''; $opts['newname'] = 'edit'; $opts['newns'] = 'test'; $pagemove->move_page($opts); $this->assertEquals('{{section>links#foo}} {{page>test:edit}} {{page>test:edit&nofooter}} {{section>test:edit#test}} {{page>test:edit&nofooter}}', rawWiki('links')); }
function test_topic_tag() { saveWikiText('tagged_page', '{{tag>mytag test2tag}}', 'Test'); saveWikiText('topic_page', '{{topic>mytag}}' . DOKU_LF . DOKU_LF . '{{tag>topictag mytag}}' . DOKU_LF, 'Test'); idx_addPage('topic_page'); idx_addPage('tagged_page'); $this->assertContains('tag:topictag', p_wiki_xhtml('topic_page'), 'Page with tag syntax doesn\'t contain tag output'); $this->assertNotContains('tag:test2tag', p_wiki_xhtml('topic_page'), 'Page with tag and topic syntax tag which is listed in a page that is listed in the topic syntax but not on the page itself'); $this->assertContains('topic_page', p_wiki_xhtml('topic_page'), 'Page with topic and tag syntax doesn\'t list itself in the topic syntax'); $this->assertContains('tagged_page', p_wiki_xhtml('topic_page'), 'Page with topic syntax doesn\'t list matching page'); $this->assertContains('tag:mytag', p_wiki_xhtml('tagged_page'), 'Page with tag syntax doesn\'t contain tag output'); $this->assertContains('tag:test2tag', p_wiki_xhtml('tagged_page'), 'Page with tag syntax doesn\'t contain tag output'); $this->assertNotContains('tag:topictag', p_wiki_xhtml('tagged_page'), 'Page with tag syntax contains tag from a page in which it is listed in the topic syntax'); saveWikiText('tagged_page', '{{tag>test2tag}}', 'Deleted mytag'); $this->assertNotContains('tagged_page', p_wiki_xhtml('topic_page'), 'Page that no longer contains the tag is still listed in the topic syntax (caching problems?)'); $this->assertNotContains('tag:mytag', p_wiki_xhtml('tagged_page'), 'Removed tag is still listed in XHTML output'); }
public function test_safeindex() { global $conf; global $AUTH_ACL; $conf['superuser'] = '******'; $conf['useacl'] = 1; $AUTH_ACL = array('* @ALL 0', '* @user 8', 'public @ALL 1'); $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = '******'; saveWikiText('parent', "{{page>child}}\n\n[[public_link]]\n\n{{page>public}}", 'Test parent created'); saveWikiText('child', "[[foo:private]]", 'Test child created'); saveWikiText('public', "[[foo:public]]", 'Public page created'); idx_addPage('parent'); idx_addPage('child'); idx_addPage('public'); $this->assertEquals(array('parent', 'public'), ft_backlinks('foo:public')); $this->assertEquals(array('child'), ft_backlinks('foo:private')); $this->assertEquals(array('parent'), ft_backlinks('public_link')); }
/** * @group slow */ public function test_moveSingleMedia_colonstart() { global $AUTH_ACL; $AUTH_ACL[] = "wiki:*\t@ALL\t16"; $AUTH_ACL[] = "foobar:*\t@ALL\t8"; $filepath = DOKU_TMP_DATA . 'media/wiki/testimage.png'; io_makeFileDir($filepath); io_saveFile($filepath, ''); saveWikiText('wiki:movetest', '{{:wiki:testimage.png?200}}', 'Test initialized'); idx_addPage('wiki:movetest'); $src = 'wiki:testimage.png'; $dst = 'foobar:logo_2.png'; /** @var helper_plugin_move_op $move */ $move = plugin_load('helper', 'move_op'); $this->assertTrue($move->moveMedia($src, $dst)); $this->assertTrue(@file_exists(mediaFn('foobar:logo_2.png'))); $this->assertEquals('{{:foobar:logo_2.png?200}}', rawWiki('wiki:movetest')); }
function test_meta_rename_to_existing_value() { $this->indexer->addMetaKeys($this->old_id, array('mkey' => array('old_value', 'new_value'))); saveWikiText('newvalue', 'Test page', ''); idx_addPage('newvalue'); $this->indexer->addMetaKeys('newvalue', array('mkey' => array('new_value'))); saveWikiText('oldvalue', 'Test page', ''); idx_addPage('oldvalue'); $this->indexer->addMetaKeys('oldvalue', array('mkey' => array('old_value'))); $this->assertTrue($this->indexer->renameMetaValue('mkey', 'old_value', 'new_value'), 'Meta value rename to existing value failed'); $query = 'old_value'; $this->assertEquals(array(), $this->indexer->lookupKey('mkey', $query), 'Page can still be found under old value.'); $query = 'new_value'; $result = $this->indexer->lookupKey('mkey', $query); $this->assertContains($this->old_id, $result, 'Page with both values can\'t be found anymore'); $this->assertContains('newvalue', $result, 'Page with new value can\'t be found anymore'); $this->assertContains('oldvalue', $result, 'Page with only the old value can\'t be found anymore'); }
/** * @group slow */ function test_cache_handling() { $testid = 'wiki:bar:test'; saveWikiText($testid, '[[wiki:foo:]]', 'Test setup'); idx_addPage($testid); saveWikiText('wiki:foo:start', 'bar', 'Test setup'); idx_addPage('wiki:foo:start'); sleep(1); // wait in order to make sure that conditions with < give the right result. p_wiki_xhtml($testid); // populate cache $cache = new cache_renderer($testid, wikiFN($testid), 'xhtml'); $this->assertTrue($cache->useCache()); /** @var helper_plugin_move_op $move */ $move = plugin_load('helper', 'move_op'); $this->assertTrue($move->movePage('wiki:foo:start', 'wiki:foo2:start')); $cache = new cache_renderer($testid, wikiFN($testid), 'xhtml'); $this->assertFalse($cache->useCache()); }
/** * @dataProvider dataPages */ public function test_PageDeleteSuccessful($id, $new_id, $pages) { $GLOBALS['INPUT']->server->set('REMOTE_USER', 'testuser'); foreach ($pages as $page) { saveWikiText($page['id'], $page['content'], $page['summary']); idx_addPage($page['id']); } $json = $this->doCall($id, $new_id, 'testuser'); $this->assertInstanceOf('\\stdClass', $json); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('error', $json); $this->assertFalse($json->error); //check page deleted $this->assertFalse(file_exists(wikiFN($id))); //check foreign pages foreach ($pages as $page) { if ($page['id'] == $id) { continue; // skip main. it was deleted } $this->assertEquals(!empty($page['new_content']) ? $page['new_content'] : $page['content'], rawWiki($page['id'])); } }
public function test_moveSingleMedia() { global $AUTH_ACL; $AUTH_ACL[] = "wiki:*\t@ALL\t16"; $AUTH_ACL[] = "foobar:*\t@ALL\t8"; saveWikiText('wiki:movetest', '{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?200}}', 'Test initialized'); idx_addPage('wiki:movetest'); $opts = array(); $opts['ns'] = 'wiki'; $opts['name'] = 'dokuwiki-128.png'; $opts['newns'] = 'foobar'; $opts['newname'] = 'logo.png'; /** @var helper_plugin_move $move */ $move = plugin_load('helper', 'move'); $this->assertTrue($move->move_media($opts)); $this->assertTrue(@file_exists(mediaFn('foobar:logo.png'))); $this->assertEquals('{{foobar:logo.png?200}}', rawWiki('wiki:movetest')); }
/** * Runs the indexer for the current page * * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**> */ function runIndexer() { global $ID; global $conf; print "runIndexer(): started" . NL; if (!$ID) { return false; } // do the work return idx_addPage($ID, true); }
/** * Save a wiki page * * @author Michael Klier <*****@*****.**> */ function putPage($id, $text, $params) { global $TEXT; global $lang; $id = $this->resolvePageId($id); $TEXT = cleanText($text); $sum = $params['sum']; $minor = $params['minor']; if (empty($id)) { throw new RemoteException('Empty page ID', 131); } if (!page_exists($id) && trim($TEXT) == '') { throw new RemoteException('Refusing to write an empty new wiki page', 132); } if (auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_EDIT) { throw new RemoteAccessDeniedException('You are not allowed to edit this page', 112); } // Check, if page is locked if (checklock($id)) { throw new RemoteException('The page is currently locked', 133); } // SPAM check if (checkwordblock()) { throw new RemoteException('Positive wordblock check', 134); } // autoset summary on new pages if (!page_exists($id) && empty($sum)) { $sum = $lang['created']; } // autoset summary on deleted pages if (page_exists($id) && empty($TEXT) && empty($sum)) { $sum = $lang['deleted']; } lock($id); saveWikiText($id, $TEXT, $sum, $minor); unlock($id); // run the indexer if page wasn't indexed yet idx_addPage($id); return 0; }
/** * Save a wiki page * * @author Michael Klier <*****@*****.**> */ function putPage($id, $text, $params) { global $TEXT; global $lang; global $conf; $id = cleanID($id); $TEXT = cleanText($text); $sum = $params['sum']; $minor = $params['minor']; if (empty($id)) { return new IXR_Error(1, 'Empty page ID'); } if (!page_exists($id) && trim($TEXT) == '') { return new IXR_ERROR(1, 'Refusing to write an empty new wiki page'); } if (auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_EDIT) { return new IXR_Error(1, 'You are not allowed to edit this page'); } // Check, if page is locked if (checklock($id)) { return new IXR_Error(1, 'The page is currently locked'); } // SPAM check if (checkwordblock()) { return new IXR_Error(1, 'Positive wordblock check'); } // autoset summary on new pages if (!page_exists($id) && empty($sum)) { $sum = $lang['created']; } // autoset summary on deleted pages if (page_exists($id) && empty($TEXT) && empty($sum)) { $sum = $lang['deleted']; } lock($id); saveWikiText($id, $TEXT, $sum, $minor); unlock($id); // run the indexer if page wasn't indexed yet if (!@file_exists(metaFN($id, '.indexed'))) { // try to aquire a lock $lock = $conf['lockdir'] . '/_indexer.lock'; while (!@mkdir($lock, $conf['dmode'])) { usleep(50); if (time() - @filemtime($lock) > 60 * 5) { // looks like a stale lock - remove it @rmdir($lock); } else { return false; } } if ($conf['dperm']) { chmod($lock, $conf['dperm']); } // do the work idx_addPage($id); // we're finished - save and free lock io_saveFile(metaFN($id, '.indexed'), INDEXER_VERSION); @rmdir($lock); } return 0; }
/** * Index the given page * * @param string $id */ function index($id) { $this->quietecho("$id... "); idx_addPage($id, !$this->quiet, $this->force); $this->quietecho("done.\n"); }
/** * Runs the indexer for the current page * * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**> */ function runIndexer() { global $ID; global $conf; print "runIndexer(): started" . NL; // Move index files (if needed) // Uses the importoldindex plugin to upgrade the index automatically. // FIXME: Remove this from runIndexer when it is no longer needed. if (@file_exists($conf['cachedir'] . '/page.idx') && (!@file_exists($conf['indexdir'] . '/page.idx') || !filesize($conf['indexdir'] . '/page.idx')) && !@file_exists($conf['indexdir'] . '/index_importing')) { echo "trigger TEMPORARY_INDEX_UPGRADE_EVENT\n"; $tmp = array(); // no event data trigger_event('TEMPORARY_INDEX_UPGRADE_EVENT', $tmp); } if (!$ID) { return false; } // check if indexing needed $idxtag = metaFN($ID, '.indexed'); if (@file_exists($idxtag)) { if (io_readFile($idxtag) >= INDEXER_VERSION) { $last = @filemtime($idxtag); if ($last > @filemtime(wikiFN($ID))) { print "runIndexer(): index for {$ID} up to date" . NL; return false; } } } // try to aquire a lock $lock = $conf['lockdir'] . '/_indexer.lock'; while (!@mkdir($lock, $conf['dmode'])) { usleep(50); if (time() - @filemtime($lock) > 60 * 5) { // looks like a stale lock - remove it @rmdir($lock); print "runIndexer(): stale lock removed" . NL; } else { print "runIndexer(): indexer locked" . NL; return false; } } if ($conf['dperm']) { chmod($lock, $conf['dperm']); } require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/indexer.php'; // upgrade to version 2 if (!@file_exists($conf['indexdir'] . '/pageword.idx')) { idx_upgradePageWords(); } // do the work idx_addPage($ID); // we're finished - save and free lock io_saveFile(metaFN($ID, '.indexed'), INDEXER_VERSION); @rmdir($lock); print "runIndexer(): finished" . NL; return true; }
/** * Save a wiki page * * @author Michael Klier <*****@*****.**> */ function putPage($id, $text, $params) { global $TEXT; global $lang; global $conf; $id = cleanID($id); $TEXT = cleanText($text); $sum = $params['sum']; $minor = $params['minor']; if (empty($id)) { return new IXR_Error(1, 'Empty page ID'); } if (!page_exists($id) && trim($TEXT) == '') { return new IXR_ERROR(1, 'Refusing to write an empty new wiki page'); } if (auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_EDIT) { return new IXR_Error(1, 'You are not allowed to edit this page'); } // Check, if page is locked if (checklock($id)) { return new IXR_Error(1, 'The page is currently locked'); } // SPAM check if (checkwordblock()) { return new IXR_Error(1, 'Positive wordblock check'); } // autoset summary on new pages if (!page_exists($id) && empty($sum)) { $sum = $lang['created']; } // autoset summary on deleted pages if (page_exists($id) && empty($TEXT) && empty($sum)) { $sum = $lang['deleted']; } lock($id); saveWikiText($id, $TEXT, $sum, $minor); unlock($id); // run the indexer if page wasn't indexed yet idx_addPage($id); return 0; }