} $bx->box_body_begin(); echo "<table border=0 width=100% align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>\n"; echo "<tr><td align=center><B>" . $t->translate("Which languages/tools you like to watch?") . "</B></td></tr><tr><td>\n"; echo "<center><table border=0>\n"; $db->query("SELECT * from prog_languages"); $count = 0; while ($db->next_record()) { $count++; $language_code = $db->f("code"); $colname = $db->f("colname"); if ($count == 1) { echo "<tr>\n"; } echo "<td align=right>" . $db->f("language") . "</td><td>\n"; htmlp_select("plang[" . $language_code . "]"); $db2->query("SELECT * FROM weightings"); while ($db2->next_record()) { $weightid = $db2->f("weightid"); $weighting = $db2->f("weighting"); $select = 0; if ($exists) { $exist_weighting = $db3->f($colname); if ($exist_weighting == $weightid) { $select = 1; } } htmlp_select_option("{$weightid}", $select, $t->translate($weighting)); } htmlp_select_end(); echo "</td>\n";
if ($tasktype == $db2->f("code")) { htmlp_select_option($db2->f("code"), 1, $db2->f("ability")); } else { htmlp_select_option($db2->f("code"), 0, $db2->f("ability")); } } if ($tasktype == "other") { htmlp_select_option("other", 1, $t->translate("other")); } else { htmlp_select_option("other", 0, $t->translate("other")); } htmlp_select_end(); htmlp_select_end(); echo "<BR>\n"; echo $t->translate("Request-Language") . ":<BR>"; htmlp_select("reqlang"); echo "\n"; $reqlang = $db->f("language"); select_lang($reqlang); htmlp_select_end(); echo "<BR>\n"; echo "<BR>\n"; $reqmessage = $db->f("reqmessage"); echo $t->translate("Content") . ":<BR>"; htmlp_textarea("reqmessage", 60, 30, "nowrap", 2000, $reqmessage); htmlp_form_end(); $bx->box_body_end(); $bx->box_end(); } else { $be->box_full($t->translate("Error"), $t->translate("No such Request")); }
echo "<center><table border=0>\n"; $db->query("SELECT * from prog_languages"); $lang_amount = $db->num_rows(); $counter = 0; while ($counter < $lang_amount) { $counter++; $db->next_record(); if ($counter % 2 == 1) { echo "<tr><td width=33%>\n"; } else { echo "<td width=33%>\n"; } echo "<table border=0 width=100% cellpadding=3><tr><td align=right>"; echo $db->f("language") . "\n"; echo "</td><td width=20%>"; htmlp_select("plang[" . $db->f("code") . "]"); $db2->seek(0); while ($db2->next_record()) { $selected = 0; if ($db2->f("weightid") == 0) { $selected = 1; } htmlp_select_option($db2->f("weightid"), $selected, $t->translate($db2->f("weighting"))); } htmlp_select_end(); echo "</td></tr></table>"; if ($counter % 2 == 0) { echo "</td></tr>\n\n"; } else { echo "</td>\n"; }
<?php if ($db->f("search") == "yes") { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"search\" checked></td><td>"; } else { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"search\"></td><td>"; } echo $t->translate("allow to be searched"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr valign=middle align=left> <td align=right> <?php echo $t->translate("personal message behavior"); echo "</td><td>"; htmlp_select("contact"); switch ($db->f("contact")) { case "yes": htmlp_select_option("yes", 1, $t->translate("mail me a copy of each personal message")); htmlp_select_option("dai", 0, $t->translate("mail me a list of new personal messages once a day")); htmlp_select_option("wee", 0, $t->translate("mail me a list of new personal messages once a week")); htmlp_select_option("no", 0, $t->translate("don't allow any personal messages")); break; case "dai": htmlp_select_option("yes", 0, $t->translate("mail me a copy of each personal message")); htmlp_select_option("dai", 1, $t->translate("mail me a list of new personal messages once a day")); htmlp_select_option("wee", 0, $t->translate("mail me a list of new personal messages once a week")); htmlp_select_option("no", 0, $t->translate("don't allow any personal messages")); break; case "wee": htmlp_select_option("yes", 0, $t->translate("mail me a copy of each personal message"));
htmlp_select("dev_lang"); echo "\n"; select_lang(999); htmlp_select_end(); htmlp_form_hidden("option", $option); htmlp_form_submit($t->translate("Submit"), ""); $bx->box_body_end(); $bx->box_end(); break; case "country": $bx->box_begin(); $bx->box_title($t->translate("Search for Countries")); $bx->box_body_begin(); htmlp_form_action("devresults.php", NULL, "POST"); echo $t->translate("Please select desired Country") . "\n"; htmlp_select("dev_country"); echo "\n"; select_country(999); htmlp_select_end(); htmlp_form_hidden("option", $option); htmlp_form_submit($t->translate("Submit"), ""); $bx->box_body_end(); $bx->box_end(); break; } ?> <!-- end content --> <?php require "./include/footer.inc"; @page_close();
while ($counter < $lang_amount) { $counter++; $db->next_record(); if ($counter % 2 == 1) { echo "<tr><td width=33%>\n"; } else { echo "<td width=33%>\n"; } $ability_value = 0; $ability_code = $db->f("code"); echo "<table border=0 width=100% cellpadding=3><tr><td align=right>"; echo $db->f("language") . "\n"; $colname = $db->f("colname"); $ability_value = $db2->f($colname); echo "</td><td width=20% align=right>"; htmlp_select("plang[" . $ability_code . "]"); $db3->seek(0); while ($db3->next_record()) { $selected = 0; if ($db3->f("weightid") == $ability_value) { $selected = 1; } htmlp_select_option($db3->f("weightid"), $selected, $t->translate($db3->f("weighting"))); } htmlp_select_end(); echo "</td></tr></table>"; if ($counter % 2 == 0) { echo "</td></tr>\n\n"; } else { echo "</td>\n"; }