if ($edit_preview) { $content = $edit_file_content; html_break(1); html_text_bold(lang('Preview of %1', $path . '/' . $edit_file)); html_break(2); html_table_begin('90%'); html_table_row_begin(); html_table_col_begin(); html_text(nl2br($content)); html_table_col_end(); html_table_row_end(); html_table_end(); } elseif ($edit_save) { $content = $edit_file_content; if ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->vfs->write(array('string' => $edit_file, 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ALL), 'content' => $content))) { html_text_bold(lang('Saved %1', $path . '/' . $edit_file)); html_break(2); html_link_back(); } else { html_text_error(lang('Could not save %1', $path . '/' . $edit_file)); html_break(2); html_link_back(); } } /* This doesn't work just yet elseif ($edit_save_all) { for ($j = 0; $j != $numoffiles; $j++) { $fileman[$j];
echo "<br>{$sequence_num} - getabsolutepath - {$cd} (shouldn't matter) - {$i} - {$relatives['0']} - {$o} - {$ao}"; } } # end of getabsolutepath tests ### ### # start of path_parts tests /* Just for convienience $io = array ("" => array ("fake_full_path" => "", "fake_leading_dirs" => "", "fake_extra_path" => "", "fake_name" => "", "real_full_path" => "", "real_leading_dirs" => "", "real_extra_path" => "", "real_name" => "")); `~!@#$%^&*()-_=+/|[{]};:'\",<.>? */ $sequence_num = 12; $cd = "test8/test10"; $relatives[0] = RELATIVE_USER; $phpgw->vfs->cd(array('string' => $cd, 'relative' => False, 'relatives' => array($relatives[0]))); $subhome = substr($homedir, 1); $io = array("" => array("fake_full_path" => "{$homedir}/{$cd}", "fake_leading_dirs" => "{$homedir}/test8", "fake_extra_path" => "{$subhome}/test8", "fake_name" => "test10", "real_full_path" => "{$filesdir}{$homedir}/{$cd}", "real_leading_dirs" => "{$filesdir}{$homedir}/test8", "real_extra_path" => "{$subhome}/test8", "real_name" => "test10"), "dir2/file" => array("fake_full_path" => "{$homedir}/{$cd}/dir2/file", "fake_leading_dirs" => "{$homedir}/{$cd}/dir2", "fake_extra_path" => "{$subhome}/{$cd}/dir2", "fake_name" => "file", "real_full_path" => "{$filesdir}{$homedir}/{$cd}/dir2/file", "real_leading_dirs" => "{$filesdir}{$homedir}/{$cd}/dir2", "real_extra_path" => "{$subhome}/{$cd}/dir2", "real_name" => "file"), "`~!@#\$%^&*()-_=+/|[{]};:'\",<.>?" => array("fake_full_path" => "{$homedir}/{$cd}/`~!@#\$%^&*()-_=+/|[{]};:'\",<.>?", "fake_leading_dirs" => "{$homedir}/{$cd}/`~!@#\$%^&*()-_=+", "fake_extra_path" => "{$subhome}/{$cd}/`~!@#\$%^&*()-_=+", "fake_name" => "|[{]};:'\",<.>?", "real_full_path" => "{$filesdir}{$homedir}/{$cd}/`~!@#\$%^&*()-_=+/|[{]};:'\",<.>?", "real_leading_dirs" => "{$filesdir}{$homedir}/{$cd}/`~!@#\$%^&*()-_=+", "real_extra_path" => "{$subhome}/{$cd}/`~!@#\$%^&*()-_=+", "real_name" => "|[{]};:'\",<.>?")); while (list($i, $o) = each($io)) { $ao = $phpgw->vfs->path_parts(array('string' => $i)); while (list($key, $value) = each($o)) { if ($ao->{$key} != $o[$key]) { echo "<br>{$sequence_num} - path_parts - {$cd} - {$i} - {$relatives['0']} - {$key} - {$o[$key]} - {$ao[$key]}"; } } } # end of path_parts tests ### $phpgw->vfs->cd(); html_break(2); html_text_bold("The less output, the better. Please file errors as a " . html_link("https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=7305&atid=107305", "bug report", True, False) . ". Be sure to include the system information line at the top, and anything special about your setup. Thanks!"); html_page_close();