예제 #1
		strAdd = strAdd.substring(0,strAdd.length - 1);
		strDel = strDel.substring(0,strDel.length - 1);
		objFormSubmit.graph_add.value = strAdd;
		objFormSubmit.graph_remove.value = strDel;
	<form name='graphs' id='graphs' action='graph_view.php' method='get' onSubmit='form_graph(document.graphs,document.graphs)'>


	html_graph_start_box(1, true);
	<tr bgcolor='#<?php print $colors["header_panel"];?>'>
		<td colspan='3'>
			<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' border='0'>
					<td align='left' class='textHeaderDark'>
						<strong>&lt;&lt; <?php if ($_REQUEST["page"] > 1) { print "<a class='linkOverDark' href='" . str_replace("<PAGE>", ($_REQUEST["page"]-1), $nav_url) . "' onClick='return url_go(url_graph(\"" . str_replace("<PAGE>", ($_REQUEST["page"]-1), $nav_url) . "\"))'>"; } print "Previous"; if ($_REQUEST["page"] > 1) { print "</a>"; } ?></strong>
					<td align='center' class='textHeaderDark'>
						Showing Rows <?php print ((ROWS_PER_PAGE*($_REQUEST["page"]-1))+1);?> to <?php print ((($total_rows < ROWS_PER_PAGE) || ($total_rows < (ROWS_PER_PAGE*$_REQUEST["page"]))) ? $total_rows : (ROWS_PER_PAGE*$_REQUEST["page"]));?> of <?php print $total_rows;?>
					<td align='right' class='textHeaderDark'>
						<strong><?php if (($_REQUEST["page"] * ROWS_PER_PAGE) < $total_rows) { print "<a class='linkOverDark' href='" . str_replace("<PAGE>", ($_REQUEST["page"]+1), $nav_url) . "' onClick='return url_go(url_graph(\"" . str_replace("<PAGE>", ($_REQUEST["page"]+1), $nav_url) . "\"))'>"; } print "Next"; if (($_REQUEST["page"] * ROWS_PER_PAGE) < $total_rows) { print "</a>"; } ?> &gt;&gt;</strong>
예제 #2
function settings() {
	global $colors, $tabs_graphs, $settings_graphs, $current_user, $graph_views, $current_user, $graph_tree_views;

	/* you cannot have per-user graph settings if cacti's user management is not turned on */
	if (read_config_option("auth_method") == 0) {

	/* Find out whether this user has right here */
	if($current_user["graph_settings"] == "") {
		print "<strong><font size='+1' color='#FF0000'>YOU DO NOT HAVE RIGHTS TO CHANGE GRAPH SETTINGS</font></strong>";

	if (read_config_option("auth_method") != 0) {
		if ($current_user["policy_graphs"] == "1") {
			$sql_where = "where user_auth_tree.user_id is null";
		}elseif ($current_user["policy_graphs"] == "2") {
			$sql_where = "where user_auth_tree.user_id is not null";

		$settings_graphs["tree"]["default_tree_id"]["sql"] = get_graph_tree_array(true);

	print "<form method='post' action='graph_settings.php'>\n";

	html_graph_start_box(1, true);

	print "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["header"] . "'><td colspan='3'><table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' width='100%'><tr><td class='textHeaderDark'><strong>Graph Settings</strong></td></tr></table></td></tr>";

	while (list($tab_short_name, $tab_fields) = each($settings_graphs)) {
		<tr bgcolor='<?php print $colors["header_panel"];?>'>
			<td colspan='2' class='textSubHeaderDark' style='padding: 3px;'>
				<?php print $tabs_graphs[$tab_short_name];?>

		$form_array = array();

		while (list($field_name, $field_array) = each($tab_fields)) {
			$form_array += array($field_name => $tab_fields[$field_name]);

			if ((isset($field_array["items"])) && (is_array($field_array["items"]))) {
				while (list($sub_field_name, $sub_field_array) = each($field_array["items"])) {
					if (graph_config_value_exists($sub_field_name, $_SESSION["sess_user_id"])) {
						$form_array[$field_name]["items"][$sub_field_name]["form_id"] = 1;

					$form_array[$field_name]["items"][$sub_field_name]["value"] =  db_fetch_cell("select value from settings_graphs where name='$sub_field_name' and user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"]);
				if (graph_config_value_exists($field_name, $_SESSION["sess_user_id"])) {
					$form_array[$field_name]["form_id"] = 1;

				$form_array[$field_name]["value"] = db_fetch_cell("select value from settings_graphs where name='$field_name' and user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"]);

				"config" => array(
					"no_form_tag" => true
				"fields" => $form_array


	print "<br>";

	if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) {
		$timespan_sel_pos = strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"],"&predefined_timespan");
		if ($timespan_sel_pos) {
		   $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] = substr($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"],0,$timespan_sel_pos);

	form_hidden_box("referer",(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] : ""),"");
	form_save_button("graph_settings.php", "save");
예제 #3
function grow_right_pane_tree($tree_id, $leaf_id, $host_group_data) {
	global $current_user, $colors, $config;

	include($config["include_path"] . "/config_arrays.php");
	include_once($config["library_path"] . "/data_query.php");
	include_once($config["library_path"] . "/tree.php");
	include_once($config["library_path"] . "/html_utility.php");

	if (empty($tree_id)) { return; }

	$sql_where = "";
	$sql_join = "";
	$title = "";
	$title_delimeter = "";
	$search_key = "";

	$leaf = db_fetch_row("select order_key,title,host_id,host_grouping_type from graph_tree_items where id=$leaf_id");
	$leaf_type = get_tree_item_type($leaf_id);

	/* get the "starting leaf" if the user clicked on a specific branch */
	if (!empty($leaf_id)) {
		$search_key = substr($leaf["order_key"], 0, (tree_tier($leaf["order_key"]) * CHARS_PER_TIER));

	/* graph permissions */
	if (read_config_option("global_auth") == "on") {
		/* get policy information for the sql where clause */
		$sql_where = get_graph_permissions_sql($current_user["policy_graphs"], $current_user["policy_hosts"], $current_user["policy_graph_templates"]);
		$sql_where = (empty($sql_where) ? "" : "and $sql_where");
		$sql_join = "
			left join host on (host.id=graph_local.host_id)
			left join graph_templates on (graph_templates.id=graph_local.graph_template_id)
			left join user_auth_perms on ((graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id=user_auth_perms.item_id and user_auth_perms.type=1 and user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . ") OR (host.id=user_auth_perms.item_id and user_auth_perms.type=3 and user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . ") OR (graph_templates.id=user_auth_perms.item_id and user_auth_perms.type=4 and user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . "))";

	/* get information for the headers */
	if (!empty($tree_id)) { $tree_name = db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_tree where id=$tree_id"); }
	if (!empty($leaf_id)) { $leaf_name = $leaf["title"]; }
	if (!empty($leaf_id)) { $host_name = db_fetch_cell("select host.description from (graph_tree_items,host) where graph_tree_items.host_id=host.id and graph_tree_items.id=$leaf_id"); }

	$host_group_data_array = explode(":", $host_group_data);

	if ($host_group_data_array[0] == "graph_template") {
		$host_group_data_name = "<strong>Graph Template:</strong> " . db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_templates where id=" . $host_group_data_array[1]);
		$graph_template_id = $host_group_data_array[1];
	}elseif ($host_group_data_array[0] == "data_query") {
		$host_group_data_name = "<strong>Data Query:</strong> " . (empty($host_group_data_array[1]) ? "(Non Indexed)" : db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query where id=" . $host_group_data_array[1]));
		$data_query_id = $host_group_data_array[1];
	}elseif ($host_group_data_array[0] == "data_query_index") {
		$host_group_data_name = "<strong>Data Query:</strong> " . (empty($host_group_data_array[1]) ? "(Non Indexed) " : db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query where id=" . $host_group_data_array[1])) . "-> " . (empty($host_group_data_array[2]) ? "Unknown Index" : get_formatted_data_query_index($leaf["host_id"], $host_group_data_array[1], $host_group_data_array[2]));
		$data_query_id = $host_group_data_array[1];
		$data_query_index = $host_group_data_array[2];

	if (!empty($tree_name)) { $title .= $title_delimeter . "<strong>Tree:</strong> $tree_name"; $title_delimeter = "-> "; }
	if (!empty($leaf_name)) { $title .= $title_delimeter . "<strong>Leaf:</strong> $leaf_name"; $title_delimeter = "-> "; }
	if (!empty($host_name)) { $title .= $title_delimeter . "<strong>Host:</strong> $host_name"; $title_delimeter = "-> "; }
	if (!empty($host_group_data_name)) { $title .= $title_delimeter . " $host_group_data_name"; $title_delimeter = "-> "; }

	print "<table width='98%' align='center' cellpadding='3'>";

	/* include time span selector */
	if (read_graph_config_option("timespan_sel") == "on") {
		html_graph_start_box(3, false);
		print "<br>";

	/* start graph display */
	html_graph_start_box(3, false);
	print "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["header_panel"] . "'><td width='390' colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'>$title</td></tr>";

	if (($leaf_type == "header") || (empty($leaf_id))) {
		$heirarchy = db_fetch_assoc("select
			graph_templates_graph.title_cache as title_cache
			from (graph_tree_items,graph_local)
			left join graph_templates_graph on (graph_tree_items.local_graph_id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id and graph_tree_items.local_graph_id>0)
			where graph_tree_items.graph_tree_id=$tree_id
			and graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
			and graph_tree_items.order_key like '$search_key" . str_repeat('_', CHARS_PER_TIER) . str_repeat('0', (MAX_TREE_DEPTH * CHARS_PER_TIER) - (strlen($search_key) + CHARS_PER_TIER)) . "'
			and graph_tree_items.local_graph_id>0
			group by graph_tree_items.id
			order by graph_tree_items.order_key");

		if (read_graph_config_option("thumbnail_section_tree_2") == "on") {
			html_graph_thumbnail_area($heirarchy, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end());
			html_graph_area($heirarchy, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end());
	}elseif ($leaf_type == "host") {
		/* graph template grouping */
		if ($leaf["host_grouping_type"] == HOST_GROUPING_GRAPH_TEMPLATE) {
			$graph_templates = db_fetch_assoc("select
				from (graph_local,graph_templates,graph_templates_graph)
				where graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
				and graph_templates_graph.graph_template_id=graph_templates.id
				and graph_local.host_id=" . $leaf["host_id"] . "
				" . (empty($graph_template_id) ? "" : "and graph_templates.id=$graph_template_id") . "
				group by graph_templates.id
				order by graph_templates.name");

			/* for graphs without a template */
			array_push($graph_templates, array(
				"id" => "0",
				"name" => "(No Graph Template)"

			if (sizeof($graph_templates) > 0) {
			foreach ($graph_templates as $graph_template) {
				$graphs = db_fetch_assoc("select
					from (graph_local,graph_templates_graph)
					where graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
					and graph_local.graph_template_id=" . $graph_template["id"] . "
					and graph_local.host_id=" . $leaf["host_id"] . "
					order by graph_templates_graph.title_cache");

				if (read_graph_config_option("thumbnail_section_tree_2") == "on") {
					html_graph_thumbnail_area($graphs, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "<tr bgcolor='#a9b7cb'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'><strong>Graph Template:</strong> " . $graph_template["name"] . "</td></tr>");
					html_graph_area($graphs, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "<tr bgcolor='#a9b7cb'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'><strong>Graph Template:</strong> " . $graph_template["name"] . "</td></tr>");
		/* data query index grouping */
		}elseif ($leaf["host_grouping_type"] == HOST_GROUPING_DATA_QUERY_INDEX) {
			$data_queries = db_fetch_assoc("select
				from (graph_local,snmp_query)
				where graph_local.snmp_query_id=snmp_query.id
				and graph_local.host_id=" . $leaf["host_id"] . "
				" . (!isset($data_query_id) ? "" : "and snmp_query.id=$data_query_id") . "
				group by snmp_query.id
				order by snmp_query.name");

			/* for graphs without a data query */
			if (empty($data_query_id)) {
				array_push($data_queries, array(
					"id" => "0",
					"name" => "(Non Indexed)"

			if (sizeof($data_queries) > 0) {
			foreach ($data_queries as $data_query) {
				/* fetch a list of field names that are sorted by the preferred sort field */
				$sort_field_data = get_formatted_data_query_indexes($leaf["host_id"], $data_query["id"]);

				/* grab a list of all graphs for this host/data query combination */
				$graphs = db_fetch_assoc("select
					from (graph_local,graph_templates_graph)
					where graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
					and graph_local.snmp_query_id=" . $data_query["id"] . "
					and graph_local.host_id=" . $leaf["host_id"] . "
					" . (empty($data_query_index) ? "" : "and graph_local.snmp_index='$data_query_index'") . "
					group by graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
					order by graph_templates_graph.title_cache");

				/* re-key the results on data query index */
				if (sizeof($graphs) > 0) {
					print "<tr bgcolor='#a9b7cb'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'><strong>Data Query:</strong> " . $data_query["name"] . "</td></tr>";

					foreach ($graphs as $graph) {
						$snmp_index_to_graph{$graph["snmp_index"]}{$graph["local_graph_id"]} = $graph["title_cache"];

				/* using the sorted data as they key; grab each snmp index from the master list */
				while (list($snmp_index, $sort_field_value) = each($sort_field_data)) {
					/* render each graph for the current data query index */
					if (isset($snmp_index_to_graph[$snmp_index])) {
						$graph_list = array();

						while (list($local_graph_id, $graph_title) = each($snmp_index_to_graph[$snmp_index])) {
							/* reformat the array so it's compatable with the html_graph* area functions */
							array_push($graph_list, array("local_graph_id" => $local_graph_id, "title_cache" => $graph_title));

						if (read_graph_config_option("thumbnail_section_tree_2") == "on") {
							html_graph_thumbnail_area($graph_list, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "<tr bgcolor='#a9b7cb'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'>$sort_field_value</td></tr>");
							html_graph_area($graph_list, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "<tr bgcolor='#a9b7cb'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'>$sort_field_value</td></tr>");

	print "</table>";
function weathermap_mapselector($current_id = 0)
    global $colors;
    $show_selector = intval(read_config_option("weathermap_map_selector"));
    if ($show_selector == 0) {
        return false;
    $userid = isset($_SESSION["sess_user_id"]) ? intval($_SESSION["sess_user_id"]) : 1;
    $maps = db_fetch_assoc("select distinct weathermap_maps.*,weathermap_groups.name, weathermap_groups.sortorder as gsort from weathermap_groups,weathermap_auth,weathermap_maps where weathermap_maps.group_id=weathermap_groups.id and weathermap_maps.id=weathermap_auth.mapid and active='on' and (userid=" . $userid . " or userid=0) order by gsort, sortorder");
    if (sizeof($maps) > 1) {
        /* include graph view filter selector */
        html_graph_start_box(3, TRUE);
	<tr bgcolor="<?php 
        print $colors["panel"];
" class="noprint">
			<form name="weathermap_select" method="post" action="">
			<input name="action" value="viewmap" type="hidden">
			<td class="noprint">
					<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
							<tr class="noprint">
									<td nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;' width="40">
										&nbsp;<strong>Jump To Map:</strong>&nbsp;
										<select name="id">
        $ngroups = 0;
        $lastgroup = "------lasdjflkjsdlfkjlksdjflksjdflkjsldjlkjsd";
        foreach ($maps as $map) {
            if ($current_id == $map['id']) {
                $nullhash = $map['filehash'];
            if ($map['name'] != $lastgroup) {
                $lastgroup = $map['name'];
        $lastgroup = "------lasdjflkjsdlfkjlksdjflksjdflkjsldjlkjsd";
        foreach ($maps as $map) {
            if ($ngroups > 1 && $map['name'] != $lastgroup) {
                print "<option style='font-weight: bold; font-style: italic' value='{$nullhash}'>" . htmlspecialchars($map['name']) . "</option>";
                $lastgroup = $map['name'];
            print '<option ';
            if ($current_id == $map['id']) {
                print " SELECTED ";
            print 'value="' . $map['filehash'] . '">';
            // if we're showing group headings, then indent the map names
            if ($ngroups > 1) {
                print " - ";
            print htmlspecialchars($map['titlecache']) . '</option>';
											&nbsp;<input type="image" src="../../images/button_go.gif" alt="Go" border="0" align="absmiddle">										
예제 #5
function weathermap_tree_item_render($leaf)
    global $colors;
    $outdir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/output/';
    $confdir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/configs/';
    $map = db_fetch_assoc("select weathermap_maps.* from weathermap_auth,weathermap_maps where weathermap_maps.id=weathermap_auth.mapid and active='on' and (userid=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . " or userid=0) and weathermap_maps.id=" . $leaf['item_id']);
    if (sizeof($map)) {
        $htmlfile = $outdir . "weathermap_" . $map[0]['id'] . ".html";
        $maptitle = $map[0]['titlecache'];
        if ($maptitle == '') {
            $maptitle = "Map for config file: " . $map[0]['configfile'];
        html_graph_start_box(1, true);
<tr bgcolor="<?php 
        print $colors["panel"];
          <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                   <td class="textHeader" nowrap><?php 
        print $maptitle;
        print "<tr><td>";
        if (file_exists($htmlfile)) {
            include $htmlfile;
        print "</td></tr>";
예제 #6
function grow_right_pane_tree($tree_id, $leaf_id, $host_group_data) {
	global $current_user, $colors;

	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/data_query/data_query_info.php");
	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/graph_tree/graph_tree_utility.php");

	if (empty($tree_id)) { return; }

	$sql_where = "";
	$sql_join = "";
	$title = "";
	$title_delimiter = "";
	$search_key = "";

	$leaf = db_fetch_row("select order_key,title,host_id,host_grouping_type from graph_tree_items where id=$leaf_id");
	$leaf_type = get_tree_item_type($leaf_id);

	/* get the "starting leaf" if the user clicked on a specific branch */
	if (!empty($leaf_id)) {
		$search_key = substr($leaf["order_key"], 0, (api_graph_tree_item_depth_get($leaf["order_key"]) * CHARS_PER_TIER));

	/* graph permissions */
	if (read_config_option("auth_method") != "0") {
		/* get policy information for the sql where clause */
		$sql_where = get_graph_permissions_sql($current_user["policy_graphs"], $current_user["policy_hosts"], $current_user["policy_graph_templates"]);
		$sql_where = (empty($sql_where) ? "" : "and $sql_where");
		$sql_join = "
			left join host on (host.id=graph.host_id)
			left join graph_template on (graph_template.id=graph.graph_template_id)
			left join user_auth_perms on ((graph.id=user_auth_perms.item_id and user_auth_perms.type=1 and user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . ") OR (host.id=user_auth_perms.item_id and user_auth_perms.type=3 and user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . ") OR (graph_template.id=user_auth_perms.item_id and user_auth_perms.type=4 and user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . "))";

	/* get information for the headers */
	if (!empty($tree_id)) { $tree_name = db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_tree where id=$tree_id"); }
	if (!empty($leaf_id)) { $leaf_name = $leaf["title"]; }
	if (!empty($leaf_id)) { $host_name = db_fetch_cell("select host.description from (graph_tree_items,host) where graph_tree_items.host_id=host.id and graph_tree_items.id=$leaf_id"); }

	$host_group_data_array = explode(":", $host_group_data);

	if ($host_group_data_array[0] == "graph_template") {
		$host_group_data_name = "<strong>" . _("Graph Template:") . "</strong> " . db_fetch_cell("select template_name from graph_template where id=" . $host_group_data_array[1]);
		$graph_template_id = $host_group_data_array[1];
	}elseif ($host_group_data_array[0] == "data_query") {
		$host_group_data_name = "<strong>" . _("Data Query:") . "</strong> " . (empty($host_group_data_array[1]) ? _("(Non Indexed)") : db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query where id=" . $host_group_data_array[1]));
		$data_query_id = $host_group_data_array[1];
	}elseif ($host_group_data_array[0] == "data_query_index") {
		$host_group_data_name = "<strong>" . _("Data Query:") . "</strong> " . (empty($host_group_data_array[1]) ? _("(Non Indexed)") : db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query where id=" . $host_group_data_array[1])) . "-> " . (empty($host_group_data_array[2]) ? "Unknown Index" : get_formatted_data_query_index($leaf["host_id"], $host_group_data_array[1], $host_group_data_array[2]));
		$data_query_id = $host_group_data_array[1];
		$data_query_index = $host_group_data_array[2];

	if (!empty($tree_name)) { $title .= $title_delimiter . "<strong>" . _("Tree:") . "</strong> $tree_name"; $title_delimiter = "-> "; }
	if (!empty($leaf_name)) { $title .= $title_delimiter . "<strong>" . _("Leaf:") . "</strong> $leaf_name"; $title_delimiter = "-> "; }
	if (!empty($host_name)) { $title .= $title_delimiter . "<strong>" . _("Device:") . "</strong> $host_name"; $title_delimiter = "-> "; }
	if (!empty($host_group_data_name)) { $title .= $title_delimiter . " $host_group_data_name"; $title_delimiter = "-> "; }

	print "<table width='98%' align='center' cellpadding='3'>";

	/* include time span selector */
	if (read_graph_config_option("timespan_sel") == "on") {
		html_graph_start_box(3, false);
		require(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/html/inc_timespan_selector.php");
		print "<br>";

	/* start graph display */
	html_graph_start_box(3, false);
	print "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["header_panel_background"] . "'><td width='390' colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'>$title</td></tr>";

	if (($leaf_type == "header") || (empty($leaf_id))) {
		$heirarchy = db_fetch_assoc("select
			from (graph_tree_items,graph)
			left join graph on (graph_tree_items.local_graph_id=graph.id)
			where graph_tree_items.graph_tree_id=$tree_id
			and graph_tree_items.order_key like '$search_key" . str_repeat('_', CHARS_PER_TIER) . str_repeat('0', (MAX_TREE_DEPTH * CHARS_PER_TIER) - (strlen($search_key) + CHARS_PER_TIER)) . "'
			and graph_tree_items.local_graph_id>0
			group by graph_tree_items.id
			order by graph_tree_items.order_key");

		if (read_graph_config_option("thumbnail_section_tree_2") == "on") {
			html_graph_thumbnail_area($heirarchy, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end());
			html_graph_area($heirarchy, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end());
	}elseif ($leaf_type == "host") {
		/* graph template grouping */
		if ($leaf["host_grouping_type"] == HOST_GROUPING_GRAPH_TEMPLATE) {
			$graph_templates = db_fetch_assoc("select
				from graph,graph_template
				where graph.graph_template_id=graph_template.id
				and graph.host_id=" . $leaf["host_id"] . "
				" . (empty($graph_template_id) ? "" : "and graph_template.id=$graph_template_id") . "
				group by graph_template.id
				order by graph_template.template_name");

			/* for graphs without a template */
			array_push($graph_templates, array(
				"id" => "0",
				"template_name" => _("(No Graph Template)")

			if (sizeof($graph_templates) > 0) {
				foreach ($graph_templates as $item) {
					$graphs = db_fetch_assoc("select
						graph.id as graph_id
						from graph
						where graph.graph_template_id=" . $item["id"] . "
						and graph.host_id=" . $leaf["host_id"] . "
						order by graph.title_cache");

					if (read_graph_config_option("thumbnail_section_tree_2") == "on") {
						html_graph_thumbnail_area($graphs, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["graph_type_background"] . "'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'><strong>" . _("Graph Template:") . "</strong> " . $item["template_name"] . "</td></tr>");
						html_graph_area($graphs, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["graph_type_background"] . "'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'><strong>" . _("Graph Template:") . "</strong> " . $item["template_name"] . "</td></tr>");
		/* data query index grouping */
		}elseif ($leaf["host_grouping_type"] == HOST_GROUPING_DATA_QUERY_INDEX) {
			$data_sources = db_fetch_assoc("select
				graph.id as graph_id,
				graph.title_cache as graph_title,
				data_source.id as data_source_id
				from graph,graph_item,data_source_item,data_source
				where graph.id=graph_item.graph_id
				and graph_item.data_source_item_id=data_source_item.id
				and data_source_item.data_source_id=data_source.id
				and graph.host_id = " . $leaf["host_id"] . "");

			$index_list = array();

			if (sizeof($data_sources) > 0) {
				foreach ($data_sources as $item) {
					if ($item["data_input_type"] == DATA_INPUT_TYPE_DATA_QUERY) {
						$field_list = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc("select name,value from data_source_field where data_source_id = ". $item["data_source_id"] . " and (name = 'data_query_id' or name = 'data_query_index' or name = 'data_query_field_name' or name = 'data_query_field_value')"), "name", "value");

						if ((isset($field_list["data_query_id"])) && (isset($field_list["data_query_index"]))) {
							if ( !(((isset($data_query_id)) && ($data_query_id != $field_list["data_query_id"])) || ((isset($data_query_index)) && ($data_query_index != $field_list["data_query_index"]))) ) {
								$index_list{$field_list["data_query_id"]}{$field_list["data_query_index"]}{$item["graph_id"]} = $item["graph_title"];
						$index_list[0][0]{$item["graph_id"]} = $item["graph_title"];

			while (list($data_query_id, $graph_list) = each($index_list)) {
				if (empty($data_query_id)) {
					print "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["graph_type_background"] . "'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'><strong>" . _("(Non Indexed)") . "</strong></td></tr>";

					$index_graph_list = array();

					while (list($graph_id, $graph_title) = each($graph_list[0])) {
						/* reformat the array so it's compatable with the html_graph* area functions */
						array_push($index_graph_list, array("graph_id" => $graph_id, "title_cache" => $graph_title));

					if (read_graph_config_option("thumbnail_section_tree_2") == "on") {
						html_graph_thumbnail_area($index_graph_list, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "");
						html_graph_area($index_graph_list, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "");
					/* fetch a list of field names that are sorted by the preferred sort field */
					$sort_field_data = get_formatted_data_query_indexes($leaf["host_id"], $data_query_id);

					/* re-key the results on data query index */
					if (sizeof($graph_list) > 0) {
						print "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["graph_type_background"] . "'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'><strong>" . _("Data Query:") . "</strong> " . db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query where id = $data_query_id") . "</td></tr>";

					/* using the sorted data as they key; grab each snmp index from the master list */
					while (list($data_query_index, $sort_field_value) = each($sort_field_data)) {
						/* render each graph for the current data query index */
						if (isset($graph_list[$data_query_index])) {
							$index_graph_list = array();

							while (list($graph_id, $graph_title) = each($graph_list[$data_query_index])) {
								/* reformat the array so it's compatable with the html_graph* area functions */
								array_push($index_graph_list, array("graph_id" => $graph_id, "title_cache" => $graph_title));

							if (read_graph_config_option("thumbnail_section_tree_2") == "on") {
								html_graph_thumbnail_area($index_graph_list, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["graph_type_background"] . "'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'>$sort_field_value</td></tr>");
								html_graph_area($index_graph_list, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["graph_type_background"] . "'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'>$sort_field_value</td></tr>");

	print "</table>";
예제 #7
function grow_right_pane_tree($tree_id, $leaf_id, $host_group_data) {
	global $current_user, $colors, $config, $graphs_per_page, $graph_timeshifts;

	include($config["include_path"] . "/global_arrays.php");
	include_once($config["library_path"] . "/data_query.php");
	include_once($config["library_path"] . "/tree.php");
	include_once($config["library_path"] . "/html_utility.php");

	define("MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES", 21);

	if (empty($tree_id)) { return; }

	$sql_where       = "";
	$sql_join        = "";
	$title           = "";
	$title_delimeter = "";
	$search_key      = "";

	$leaf      = db_fetch_row("SELECT order_key, title, host_id, host_grouping_type
					FROM graph_tree_items
					WHERE id=$leaf_id");

	$leaf_type = get_tree_item_type($leaf_id);

	/* get the "starting leaf" if the user clicked on a specific branch */
	if (!empty($leaf_id)) {
		$search_key = substr($leaf["order_key"], 0, (tree_tier($leaf["order_key"]) * CHARS_PER_TIER));

	/* graph permissions */
	if (read_config_option("auth_method") != 0) {
		/* get policy information for the sql where clause */
		$sql_where = get_graph_permissions_sql($current_user["policy_graphs"], $current_user["policy_hosts"], $current_user["policy_graph_templates"]);
		$sql_where = (empty($sql_where) ? "" : "AND $sql_where");
		$sql_join = "
			LEFT JOIN host ON (host.id=graph_local.host_id)
			LEFT JOIN graph_templates ON (graph_templates.id=graph_local.graph_template_id)
			LEFT JOIN user_auth_perms ON ((graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id=user_auth_perms.item_id AND user_auth_perms.type=1 AND user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . ") OR (host.id=user_auth_perms.item_id and user_auth_perms.type=3 and user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . ") OR (graph_templates.id=user_auth_perms.item_id AND user_auth_perms.type=4 AND user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . "))";

	/* get information for the headers */
	if (!empty($tree_id)) { $tree_name = db_fetch_cell("SELECT name FROM graph_tree WHERE id=$tree_id"); }
	if (!empty($leaf_id)) { $leaf_name = $leaf["title"]; }
	if (!empty($leaf_id)) { $host_name = db_fetch_cell("SELECT host.description FROM (graph_tree_items,host) WHERE graph_tree_items.host_id=host.id AND graph_tree_items.id=$leaf_id"); }

	$host_group_data_array = explode(":", $host_group_data);

	if ($host_group_data_array[0] == "graph_template") {
		$host_group_data_name = "<strong>Graph Template:</strong> " . db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_templates where id=" . $host_group_data_array[1]);
		$graph_template_id = $host_group_data_array[1];
	}elseif ($host_group_data_array[0] == "data_query") {
		$host_group_data_name = "<strong>Graph Template:</strong> " . (empty($host_group_data_array[1]) ? "Non Query Based" : db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query where id=" . $host_group_data_array[1]));
		$data_query_id = $host_group_data_array[1];
	}elseif ($host_group_data_array[0] == "data_query_index") {
		$host_group_data_name = "<strong>Graph Template:</strong> " . (empty($host_group_data_array[1]) ? "Non Query Based" : db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query where id=" . $host_group_data_array[1])) . "-> " . (empty($host_group_data_array[2]) ? "Template Based" : get_formatted_data_query_index($leaf["host_id"], $host_group_data_array[1], $host_group_data_array[2]));
		$data_query_id = $host_group_data_array[1];
		$data_query_index = $host_group_data_array[2];

	if (!empty($tree_name)) { $title .= $title_delimeter . "<strong>Tree:</strong> $tree_name"; $title_delimeter = "-> "; }
	if (!empty($leaf_name)) { $title .= $title_delimeter . "<strong>Leaf:</strong> $leaf_name"; $title_delimeter = "-> "; }
	if (!empty($host_name)) { $title .= $title_delimeter . "<strong>Host:</strong> $host_name"; $title_delimeter = "-> "; }
	if (!empty($host_group_data_name)) { $title .= $title_delimeter . " $host_group_data_name"; $title_delimeter = "-> "; }
	if (isset($_REQUEST["tree_id"])) {
		$nodeid = "tree_" . get_request_var_request("tree_id");

	if (isset($_REQUEST["leaf_id"])) {
		$nodeid .= "_leaf_" . get_request_var_request("leaf_id");

	if (isset($_REQUEST["host_group_data"])) {
		$type_id = explode(":", get_request_var_request("host_group_data"));

		if ($type_id[0] == "graph_template") {
			$nodeid .= "_hgd_gt_" . $type_id[1];
		}elseif ($type_id[0] == "data_query") {
			$nodeid .= "_hgd_dq_" . $type_id[1];
			$nodeid .= "_hgd_dqi" . $type_id[1] . "_" . $type_id[2];

	print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
	print "<!--\n";
	print "myNode = findObj(\"$nodeid\")\n";
	print "myNode.forceOpeningOfAncestorFolders();\n";
	print "highlightObjLink(myNode)\n";
	print "//-->\n";
	print "</script>";

	print "<table width='100%' align='center' cellpadding='3'>";

	/* ================= input validation ================= */
	/* ==================================================== */

	/* clean up search string */
	if (isset($_REQUEST["filter"])) {
		$_REQUEST["filter"] = sanitize_search_string(get_request_var_post("filter"));

	/* clean up search string */
	if (isset($_REQUEST["thumbnails"])) {
		$_REQUEST["thumbnails"] = sanitize_search_string(get_request_var_post("thumbnails"));

	/* if the user pushed the 'clear' button */
	if (isset($_POST["clear_x"])) {


		$changed = true;
		/* if any of the settings changed, reset the page number */
		$changed = 0;
		$changed += check_changed("graphs", "sess_graph_view_graphs");
		$changed += check_changed("filter", "sess_graph_view_filter");
		$changed += check_changed("action", "sess_graph_view_action");

	if (isset($_SESSION["sess_graph_view_tree_id"])) {
		if ($_SESSION["sess_graph_view_tree_id"] != $tree_id) {
			$changed += 1;
	$_SESSION["sess_graph_view_tree_id"] = $tree_id;

	if (isset($_SESSION["sess_graph_view_leaf_id"])) {
		if ($_SESSION["sess_graph_view_leaf_id"] != $leaf_id) {
			$changed += 1;
	$_SESSION["sess_graph_view_leaf_id"] = $leaf_id;

	if (isset($_SESSION["sess_graph_view_host_group_data"])) {
		if ($_SESSION["sess_graph_view_host_group_data"] != $host_group_data) {
			$changed += 1;
	$_SESSION["sess_graph_view_host_group_data"] = $host_group_data;

	if ($changed) {
		$_REQUEST["page"] = 1;

	load_current_session_value("page",   "sess_graph_view_page",   "1");
	load_current_session_value("graphs", "sess_graph_view_graphs", read_graph_config_option("treeview_graphs_per_page"));
	load_current_session_value("filter", "sess_graph_view_filter", "");

	if (isset($_SESSION["sess_graph_view_thumbnails"])) {
		if ($_SESSION["sess_graph_view_thumbnails"] == "on") {
			if (isset($_POST["filter"])) {
				if (!isset($_POST["thumbnails"])) {
					$_SESSION["sess_graph_view_thumbnails"] = 'off';
			if (isset($_POST["thumbnails"])) {
				$_SESSION["sess_graph_view_thumbnails"] = 'on';
		$_SESSION["sess_graph_view_thumbnails"] = read_graph_config_option("thumbnail_section_tree_2");
		if ($_SESSION["sess_graph_view_thumbnails"] == '') {
			$_SESSION["sess_graph_view_thumbnails"] = 'off';
			$_SESSION["sess_graph_view_thumbnails"] = 'on';

	html_graph_start_box(1, false);

	/* include time span selector */
	if (read_graph_config_option("timespan_sel") == "on") {

			<script type='text/javascript'>
			// Initialize the calendar

			// This function displays the calendar associated to the input field 'id'
			function showCalendar(id) {
				var el = document.getElementById(id);
				if (calendar != null) {
					// we already have some calendar created
					calendar.hide();  // so we hide it first.
				} else {
					// first-time call, create the calendar.
					var cal = new Calendar(true, null, selected, closeHandler);
					cal.weekNumbers = false;  // Do not display the week number
					cal.showsTime = true;     // Display the time
					cal.time24 = true;        // Hours have a 24 hours format
					cal.showsOtherMonths = false;    // Just the current month is displayed
					calendar = cal;                  // remember it in the global var
					cal.setRange(1900, 2070);        // min/max year allowed.

				calendar.setDateFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M');    // set the specified date format
				calendar.parseDate(el.value);                // try to parse the text in field
				calendar.sel = el;                           // inform it what input field we use

				// Display the calendar below the input field
				calendar.showAtElement(el, "Br");        // show the calendar

				return false;

			// This function update the date in the input field when selected
			function selected(cal, date) {
				cal.sel.value = date;      // just update the date in the input field.

			// This function gets called when the end-user clicks on the 'Close' button.
			// It just hides the calendar without destroying it.
			function closeHandler(cal) {
				cal.hide();                        // hide the calendar
				calendar = null;
		<script type="text/javascript">

			function applyTimespanFilterChange(objForm) {
				strURL = '?predefined_timespan=' + objForm.predefined_timespan.value;
				strURL = strURL + '&predefined_timeshift=' + objForm.predefined_timeshift.value;
				document.location = strURL;

			<tr bgcolor="<?php print $colors["panel"];?>" class="noprint">
				<form name="form_timespan_selector" method="post">
				<td class="noprint">
					<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
							<td nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;' width='55'>
							<td nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;' width='130'>
								<select name='predefined_timespan' onChange="applyTimespanFilterChange(document.form_timespan_selector)">
									if ($_SESSION["custom"]) {
										$graph_timespans[GT_CUSTOM] = "Custom";
										$start_val = 0;
										$end_val = sizeof($graph_timespans);
									} else {
										if (isset($graph_timespans[GT_CUSTOM])) {
										$start_val = 1;
										$end_val = sizeof($graph_timespans)+1;

									if (sizeof($graph_timespans) > 0) {
										for ($value=$start_val; $value < $end_val; $value++) {
											print "<option value='$value'"; if ($_SESSION["sess_current_timespan"] == $value) { print " selected"; } print ">" . title_trim($graph_timespans[$value], 40) . "</option>\n";
							<td nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;' width='30'>
							<td width='150' nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;'>
								<input type='text' name='date1' id='date1' title='Graph Begin Timestamp' size='14' value='<?php print (isset($_SESSION["sess_current_date1"]) ? $_SESSION["sess_current_date1"] : "");?>'>
								&nbsp;<input style='padding-bottom: 4px;' type='image' src='images/calendar.gif' alt='Start date selector' title='Start date selector' border='0' align='absmiddle' onclick="return showCalendar('date1');">&nbsp;
							<td nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;' width='20'>
							<td width='150' nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;'>
								<input type='text' name='date2' id='date2' title='Graph End Timestamp' size='14' value='<?php print (isset($_SESSION["sess_current_date2"]) ? $_SESSION["sess_current_date2"] : "");?>'>
								&nbsp;<input style='padding-bottom: 4px;' type='image' src='images/calendar.gif' alt='End date selector' title='End date selector' border='0' align='absmiddle' onclick="return showCalendar('date2');">
							<td width='130' nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;'>
								&nbsp;&nbsp;<input style='padding-bottom: 4px;' type='image' name='move_left' src='images/move_left.gif' alt='Left' border='0' align='absmiddle' title='Shift Left'>
								<select name='predefined_timeshift' title='Define Shifting Interval' onChange="applyTimespanFilterChange(document.form_timespan_selector)">
									$start_val = 1;
									$end_val = sizeof($graph_timeshifts)+1;
									if (sizeof($graph_timeshifts) > 0) {
										for ($shift_value=$start_val; $shift_value < $end_val; $shift_value++) {
											print "<option value='$shift_value'"; if ($_SESSION["sess_current_timeshift"] == $shift_value) { print " selected"; } print ">" . title_trim($graph_timeshifts[$shift_value], 40) . "</option>\n";
								<input style='padding-bottom: 4px;' type='image' name='move_right' src='images/move_right.gif' alt='Right' border='0' align='absmiddle' title='Shift Right'>
							<td nowrap style='white-space: nowrap;'>
								&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type='image' name='button_refresh' src='images/button_refresh.gif' alt='Refresh selected time span' border='0' align='absmiddle' value='refresh'>
								<input type='image' name='button_clear' src='images/button_clear.gif' alt='Return to the default time span' border='0' align='absmiddle'>


	<tr class="noprint" bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
		<form name="form_graph_view" method="post">
			<td class="noprint">
				<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
						<td width="55" nowrap="" style="white-space: nowrap;">
						<td width="130" nowrap="" style="white-space: nowrap;">
							<input size='30' width='100' name='filter' value='<?php print clean_html_output(get_request_var_request("filter"));?>'>
						<td nowrap style='white-space:nowrap;' width="110">
							&nbsp;<strong>Graphs per Page:</strong>&nbsp;
						<td width="1">
							<select name="graphs" id="graphs" onChange="submit()">
								if (sizeof($graphs_per_page) > 0) {
								foreach ($graphs_per_page as $key => $value) {
									print "<option value='" . $key . "'"; if (get_request_var_request("graphs") == $key) { print " selected"; } print ">" . $value . "</option>\n";
						<td width="40">
							<label for="thumbnails"><strong>&nbsp;Thumbnails:&nbsp;<strong></label>
							<input type="checkbox" name="thumbnails" onClick="submit()" <?php print (($_SESSION['sess_graph_view_thumbnails'] == "on") ? "checked":"");?>>
						<td style='white-space:nowrap;' nowrap>
							&nbsp;<input type="image" src="images/button_go.gif" alt="Go" border="0" align="absmiddle">
							<input type="image" src="images/button_clear.gif" name="clear" alt="Clear" border="0" align="absmiddle">
	html_graph_start_box(3, TRUE);

	$graph_list = array();

	if (($leaf_type == "header") || (empty($leaf_id))) {
		if (strlen(get_request_var_request("filter"))) {
			$sql_where = (empty($sql_where) ? "" : "AND (title_cache LIKE '%" . get_request_var_request("filter") . "%' OR graph_templates_graph.title LIKE '%" . get_request_var_request("filter") . "%')");

		$graph_list = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT
			graph_templates_graph.title_cache as title_cache
			FROM (graph_tree_items,graph_local)
			LEFT JOIN graph_templates_graph ON (graph_tree_items.local_graph_id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id AND graph_tree_items.local_graph_id>0)
			WHERE graph_tree_items.graph_tree_id=$tree_id
			AND graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
			AND graph_tree_items.order_key like '$search_key" . str_repeat('_', CHARS_PER_TIER) . str_repeat('0', (MAX_TREE_DEPTH * CHARS_PER_TIER) - (strlen($search_key) + CHARS_PER_TIER)) . "'
			AND graph_tree_items.local_graph_id>0
			GROUP BY graph_tree_items.id
			ORDER BY graph_tree_items.order_key");
	}elseif ($leaf_type == "host") {
		/* graph template grouping */
		if ($leaf["host_grouping_type"] == HOST_GROUPING_GRAPH_TEMPLATE) {
			$graph_templates = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT
				FROM (graph_local,graph_templates,graph_templates_graph)
				WHERE graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
				AND graph_templates_graph.graph_template_id=graph_templates.id
				AND graph_local.host_id=" . $leaf["host_id"] . "
				" . (empty($graph_template_id) ? "" : "AND graph_templates.id=$graph_template_id") . "
				GROUP BY graph_templates.id
				ORDER BY graph_templates.name");

			/* for graphs without a template */
			array_push($graph_templates, array(
				"id" => "0",
				"name" => "(No Graph Template)"

			if (sizeof($graph_templates) > 0) {
			foreach ($graph_templates as $graph_template) {
				if (strlen(get_request_var_request("filter"))) {
					$sql_where = (empty($sql_where) ? "" : "AND (title_cache LIKE '%" . get_request_var_request("filter") . "%')");

				$graphs = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT
					FROM (graph_local,graph_templates_graph)
					WHERE graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
					AND graph_local.graph_template_id=" . $graph_template["id"] . "
					AND graph_local.host_id=" . $leaf["host_id"] . "
					ORDER BY graph_templates_graph.title_cache");

				/* let's sort the graphs naturally */
				usort($graphs, 'naturally_sort_graphs');

				if (sizeof($graphs)) {
				foreach ($graphs as $graph) {
					$graph["graph_template_name"] = $graph_template["name"];
					array_push($graph_list, $graph);
		/* data query index grouping */
		}elseif ($leaf["host_grouping_type"] == HOST_GROUPING_DATA_QUERY_INDEX) {
			$data_queries = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT
				FROM (graph_local,snmp_query)
				WHERE graph_local.snmp_query_id=snmp_query.id
				AND graph_local.host_id=" . $leaf["host_id"] . "
				" . (!isset($data_query_id) ? "" : "and snmp_query.id=$data_query_id") . "
				GROUP BY snmp_query.id
				ORDER BY snmp_query.name");

			/* for graphs without a data query */
			if (empty($data_query_id)) {
				array_push($data_queries, array(
					"id" => "0",
					"name" => "Non Query Based"

			if (sizeof($data_queries) > 0) {
			foreach ($data_queries as $data_query) {
				/* fetch a list of field names that are sorted by the preferred sort field */
				$sort_field_data = get_formatted_data_query_indexes($leaf["host_id"], $data_query["id"]);

				if (strlen(get_request_var_request("filter"))) {
					$sql_where = (empty($sql_where) ? "" : "AND (title_cache LIKE '%" . get_request_var_request("filter") . "%')");

				/* grab a list of all graphs for this host/data query combination */
				$graphs = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT
					FROM (graph_local, graph_templates_graph)
					WHERE graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
					AND graph_local.snmp_query_id=" . $data_query["id"] . "
					AND graph_local.host_id=" . $leaf["host_id"] . "
					" . (empty($data_query_index) ? "" : "and graph_local.snmp_index='$data_query_index'") . "
					GROUP BY graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
					ORDER BY graph_templates_graph.title_cache");

				/* re-key the results on data query index */
				if (sizeof($graphs) > 0) {
					/* let's sort the graphs naturally */
					usort($graphs, 'naturally_sort_graphs');

					foreach ($graphs as $graph) {
						$snmp_index_to_graph{$graph["snmp_index"]}{$graph["local_graph_id"]} = $graph["title_cache"];

				/* using the sorted data as they key; grab each snmp index from the master list */
				while (list($snmp_index, $sort_field_value) = each($sort_field_data)) {
					/* render each graph for the current data query index */
					if (isset($snmp_index_to_graph[$snmp_index])) {
						while (list($local_graph_id, $graph_title) = each($snmp_index_to_graph[$snmp_index])) {
							/* reformat the array so it's compatable with the html_graph* area functions */
							array_push($graph_list, array("data_query_name" => $data_query["name"], "sort_field_value" => $sort_field_value, "local_graph_id" => $local_graph_id, "title_cache" => $graph_title));

	$total_rows = sizeof($graph_list);

	/* generate page list */
	if ($total_rows > get_request_var_request("graphs")) {
		$url_page_select = get_page_list(get_request_var_request("page"), MAX_DISPLAY_PAGES, get_request_var_request("graphs"), $total_rows, "graph_view.php?action=tree&tree_id=" . $tree_id . "&leaf_id=" . $leaf_id . (isset($_REQUEST["host_group_data"]) ? "&host_group_data=" . get_request_var_request("host_group_data") : ""));

		$nav = "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["header"] . "'>
				<td colspan='11'>
					<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>
							<td align='left' class='textHeaderDark'>
								<strong>&lt;&lt; "; if (get_request_var_request("page") > 1) { $nav .= "<a class='linkOverDark' href='graph_view.php?action=tree&tree_id=" . $tree_id . "&leaf_id=" . $leaf_id  . (isset($_REQUEST["host_group_data"]) ? "&host_group_data=" . get_request_var_request("host_group_data") : "") . "&page=" . (get_request_var_request("page")-1) . "'>"; } $nav .= "Previous"; if (get_request_var_request("page") > 1) { $nav .= "</a>"; } $nav .= "</strong>
							<td align='center' class='textHeaderDark'>
								Showing Graphs " . ((get_request_var_request("graphs")*(get_request_var_request("page")-1))+1) . " to " . ((($total_rows < read_graph_config_option("treeview_graphs_per_page")) || ($total_rows < (get_request_var_request("graphs")*get_request_var_request("page")))) ? $total_rows : (get_request_var_request("graphs")*get_request_var_request("page"))) . " of $total_rows [$url_page_select]
							<td align='right' class='textHeaderDark'>
								<strong>"; if ((get_request_var_request("page") * get_request_var_request("graphs")) < $total_rows) { $nav .= "<a class='linkOverDark' href='graph_view.php?action=tree&tree_id=" . $tree_id . "&leaf_id=" . $leaf_id  . (isset($_REQUEST["host_group_data"]) ? "&host_group_data=" . get_request_var_request("host_group_data") : "") . "&page=" . (get_request_var_request("page")+1) . "'>"; } $nav .= "Next"; if ((get_request_var_request("page") * get_request_var_request("graphs")) < $total_rows) { $nav .= "</a>"; } $nav .= " &gt;&gt;</strong>
		$nav = "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["header"] . "'>
				<td colspan='11'>
					<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>
							<td align='center' class='textHeaderDark'>
								Showing All Graphs" . (strlen(get_request_var_request("filter")) ? " [ Filter '" . clean_html_output(get_request_var_request("filter")) . "' Applied ]" : "") . "

	print $nav;

	/* start graph display */
	print "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["header_panel"] . "'><td width='390' colspan='10' class='textHeaderDark'>$title</td></tr>";

	$i = get_request_var_request("graphs") * (get_request_var_request("page") - 1);
	$last_graph = $i + get_request_var_request("graphs");

	$new_graph_list = array();
	while ($i < $total_rows && $i < $last_graph) {
		$new_graph_list[] = $graph_list[$i];

	if ($_SESSION["sess_graph_view_thumbnails"] == "on") {
		html_graph_thumbnail_area($new_graph_list, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end());
		html_graph_area($new_graph_list, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end());

	print $nav;

	print "</table>";
예제 #8
		strAdd = strAdd.substring(0,strAdd.length - 1);
		strDel = strDel.substring(0,strDel.length - 1);
		objFormSubmit.graph_add.value = strAdd;
		objFormSubmit.graph_remove.value = strDel;
	<form name='graphs' id='graphs' action='graph_view.php' method='get' onSubmit='form_graph(document.graphs,document.graphs)'>


	html_graph_start_box(1, TRUE);
	<tr bgcolor='#<?php print $colors["header_panel"];?>'>
		<td colspan='3'>
			<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' border='0'>
					<td align='left' class='textHeaderDark'>
						<strong>&lt;&lt; <?php if (get_request_var_request("page") > 1) { print "<a class='linkOverDark' href='" . str_replace("<PAGE>", (get_request_var_request("page")-1), $nav_url) . "' onClick='return url_go(url_graph(\"" . str_replace("<PAGE>", (get_request_var_request("page")-1), $nav_url) . "\"))'>"; } print "Previous"; if (get_request_var_request("page") > 1) { print "</a>"; } ?></strong>
					<td align='center' class='textHeaderDark'>
						Showing Rows <?php print ((ROWS_PER_PAGE*(get_request_var_request("page")-1))+1);?> to <?php print ((($total_rows < ROWS_PER_PAGE) || ($total_rows < (ROWS_PER_PAGE*get_request_var_request("page")))) ? $total_rows : (ROWS_PER_PAGE*get_request_var_request("page")));?> of <?php print $total_rows;?>
					<td align='right' class='textHeaderDark'>
						<strong><?php if ((get_request_var_request("page") * ROWS_PER_PAGE) < $total_rows) { print "<a class='linkOverDark' href='" . str_replace("<PAGE>", (get_request_var_request("page")+1), $nav_url) . "' onClick='return url_go(url_graph(\"" . str_replace("<PAGE>", (get_request_var_request("page")+1), $nav_url) . "\"))'>"; } print "Next"; if ((get_request_var_request("page") * ROWS_PER_PAGE) < $total_rows) { print "</a>"; } ?> &gt;&gt;</strong>
    private function outputMapViewHeader($pageTitle, $isCycling, $limitingToGroup)
        $colors = $this->colours;
        html_graph_start_box(2, true);
        <tr bgcolor="<?php 
        print $colors["panel"];
                <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                        <td class="textHeader" nowrap> <?php 
        print $pageTitle;
                        <td align="right">
        if (!$isCycling) {
                                (automatically cycle between full-size maps (<?php 
            if ($limitingToGroup > 0) {
                print '<a href = "?action=viewcycle_filtered&group=' . intval($limitingToGroup) . '">within this group</a>, or ';
            print ' <a href = "?action=viewcycle">all maps</a>';

예제 #10
function grow_graph_tree($tree_id, $start_branch, $user_id, $options) {
	global $colors, $current_user, $config;

	include(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/global_arrays.php");
	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/auth/auth_constants.php");
	include_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/tree.php");

	$search_key = "";
	$already_open = false;
	$hide_until_tier = false;
	$graph_ct = 0;
	$sql_where = "";
	$sql_join = "";

	/* get the "starting leaf" if the user clicked on a specific branch */
	if (($start_branch != "") && ($start_branch != "0")) {
		$order_key = db_fetch_cell("select order_key from graph_tree_items where id=$start_branch");

		$search_key = substr($order_key, 0, (tree_tier($order_key) * CHARS_PER_TIER));

	/* graph permissions */
	if (read_config_option("auth_method") != 0) {
		/* get policy information for the sql where clause */
		$sql_where = get_graph_permissions_sql($current_user["policy_graphs"], $current_user["policy_devices"], $current_user["policy_graph_templates"]);
		$sql_where = (empty($sql_where) ? "" : "and (" . $sql_where . " OR graph_tree_items.local_graph_id=0)");
		$sql_join = "left join graph_local on (graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id=graph_local.id)
			left join graph_templates on (graph_templates.id=graph_local.graph_template_id)
			left join user_auth_perms on ((graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id=user_auth_perms.item_id and user_auth_perms.type=" . PERM_GRAPHS . " and user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . ") OR (device.id=user_auth_perms.item_id and user_auth_perms.type=" . PERM_DEVICES . " and user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . ") OR (graph_templates.id=user_auth_perms.item_id and user_auth_perms.type=" . PERM_GRAPH_TEMPLATES . " and user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . "))";

	/* include time span selector */
	if (read_graph_config_option("timespan_sel") == CHECKED) {

	$hier_sql = "select
		graph_templates_graph.title_cache as graph_title,
		CONCAT_WS('',device.description,' (',device.hostname,')') as hostname,
		from graph_tree_items
		left join graph_templates_graph on (graph_tree_items.local_graph_id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id and graph_tree_items.local_graph_id>0)
		left join settings_tree on (graph_tree_items.id=settings_tree.graph_tree_item_id and settings_tree.user_id=$user_id)
		left join device on (graph_tree_items.device_id=device.id)
		where graph_tree_items.graph_tree_id=$tree_id
		and graph_tree_items.order_key like '$search_key%'
		order by graph_tree_items.order_key";

		$hierarchy = db_fetch_assoc($hier_sql);

		print "<!-- <P>Building Hierarchy w/ " . sizeof($hierarchy) . " leaves</P>  -->\n";

		html_graph_start_box(0, true);

		print "<tr class='rowHeader'><td colspan='30'><table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' width='100%'><tr><td class='textHeaderDark'><strong><a class='linkOverDark' href='" . htmlspecialchars("graph_view.php?action=tree&tree_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_view_tree_id"]) . "'>[root]</a> - " . db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_tree where id=" . $_SESSION["sess_view_tree_id"]) . "</strong></td></tr></table></td></tr>\n";

		$i = 0;

		/* loop through each tree item */
		if (sizeof($hierarchy) > 0) {
			foreach ($hierarchy as $leaf) {
				/* find out how 'deep' this item is */
				$tier = tree_tier($leaf["order_key"]);

				/* find the type of the current branch */
				if ($leaf["title"] != "") { $current_leaf_type = "heading"; }elseif (!empty($leaf["local_graph_id"])) { $current_leaf_type = "graph"; }else{ $current_leaf_type = "device"; }

				/* find the type of the next branch. make sure the next item exists first */
				if (isset($hierarchy{$i+1})) {
					if ($hierarchy{$i+1}["title"] != "") { $next_leaf_type = "heading"; }elseif (!empty($hierarchy{$i+1}["local_graph_id"])) { $next_leaf_type = "graph"; }else{ $next_leaf_type = "device"; }
					$next_leaf_type = "";

				if ((($current_leaf_type == 'heading') || ($current_leaf_type == 'device')) && (($tier <= $hide_until_tier) || ($hide_until_tier == false))) {
					$current_title = (($current_leaf_type == "heading") ? $leaf["title"] : $leaf["hostname"]);

					/* draw heading */
					draw_tree_header_row($tree_id, $leaf["id"], $tier, $current_title, true, $leaf["status"], true);

					/* this is an open device, lets expand a bit */
					if (($current_leaf_type == "device") && (empty($leaf["status"]))) {
						/* get a list of all graph templates in use by this device */
						$graph_templates = db_fetch_assoc("select
					from (graph_local,graph_templates,graph_templates_graph)
					where graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
					and graph_templates_graph.graph_template_id=graph_templates.id
					and graph_local.device_id=" . $leaf["device_id"] . "
					group by graph_templates.id
					order by graph_templates.name");

						if (sizeof($graph_templates) > 0) {
							foreach ($graph_templates as $graph_template) {
								draw_tree_header_row($tree_id, $leaf["id"], ($tier+1), $graph_template["name"], false, $leaf["status"], false);

								/* get a list of each graph using this graph template for this particular device */
								$graphs = db_fetch_assoc("select
						from (graph_local,graph_templates,graph_templates_graph)
						where graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
						and graph_templates_graph.graph_template_id=graph_templates.id
						and graph_local.graph_template_id=" . $graph_template["id"] . "
						and graph_local.device_id=" . $leaf["device_id"] . "
						order by graph_templates_graph.title_cache");

								$graph_ct = 0;
								if (sizeof($graphs) > 0) {
									foreach ($graphs as $graph) {
										/* incriment graph counter so we know when to start a new row or not */

										if (!isset($graphs[$graph_ct])) { $next_leaf_type = "heading"; }else{ $next_leaf_type = "graph"; }

										/* draw graph */
										$already_open = draw_tree_graph_row($already_open, $graph_ct, $next_leaf_type, ($tier+2), $graph["local_graph_id"], 1, $graph["title_cache"]);

					$graph_ct = 0;
				}elseif (($current_leaf_type == 'graph') && (($tier <= $hide_until_tier) || ($hide_until_tier == false))) {
					/* incriment graph counter so we know when to start a new row or not */

					/* draw graph */
					$already_open = draw_tree_graph_row($already_open, $graph_ct, $next_leaf_type, $tier, $leaf["local_graph_id"], $leaf["rra_id"], $leaf["graph_title"]);

				/* if we have come back to the tier that was origionally flagged, then take away the flag */
				if (($tier <= $hide_until_tier) && ($hide_until_tier != false)) {
					$hide_until_tier = false;

				/* if we are supposed to hide this branch, flag it */
				if (($leaf["status"] == "1") && ($hide_until_tier == false)) {
					$hide_until_tier = $tier;


		print "</tr></table></td></tr>\n";
