예제 #1
$sql = "SELECT *, h.id AS holidayid FROM `{$dbHolidays}` AS h, `{$dbUsers}` AS u ";
$sql .= "WHERE h.userid = u.id AND h.type={$type} ";
if (!empty($user) and $user != 'all') {
    $sql .= "AND u.id='{$user}' ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY date DESC";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if (mysql_error()) {
    trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
    echo "<table align='center'>";
    echo "<tr><th>{$GLOBALS['strType']}</th><th>{$GLOBALS['strUser']}</th><th>{$GLOBALS['strDate']}</th><th>{$GLOBALS['strStatus']}</th><th>{$GLOBALS['strOperation']}</th></tr>\n";
    $shade = 'shade1';
    while ($dates = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        echo "<tr class='{$shade}'><td>" . holiday_type($dates['type']) . "</td>";
        echo "<td>{$dates['realname']}</td>";
        echo "<td>" . date('l jS F Y', mysql2date($dates['date']));
        if ($dates['length'] == 'am') {
            echo " {$strMorning}";
        if ($dates['length'] == 'pm') {
            echo " {$strAfternoon}";
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td>";
        if (empty($dates['approvedby'])) {
            echo " <em>{$strNotRequested}</em>";
        } else {
            echo "<strong>" . holiday_approval_status($dates['approved']) . "</strong>";
예제 #2
 echo "{$selectedday}/{$selectedmonth}/{$selectedyear} is ";
 switch ($length) {
     case 'am':
         echo "selected for the <strong>morning";
     case 'pm':
         echo "selected for the <strong>afternoon";
     case 'day':
         echo "selected for the <strong>full day";
         echo "<strong>not selected";
 echo "</strong> ";
 echo " as " . holiday_type($type) . ".  ";
 if ($approved == 0) {
     switch ($length) {
         // FIXME i18n ALL these
         case 'am':
             echo "You can make it <a href='holiday_add.php?type={$type}&amp;user={$user}&amp;year={$selectedyear}&amp;month={$selectedmonth}&amp;day={$selectedday}&amp;length=pm'>the afternoon instead</a>, or select the <a href='holiday_add.php?type={$type}&amp;user={$user}&amp;year={$selectedyear}&amp;month={$selectedmonth}&amp;day={$selectedday}&amp;length=day'>full day</a>. ";
         case 'pm':
             echo "You can make it <a href='holiday_add.php?type={$type}&amp;user={$user}&amp;year={$selectedyear}&amp;month={$selectedmonth}&amp;day={$selectedday}&amp;length=am'>the morning</a> instead, or select the <a href='holiday_add.php?type={$type}&amp;user={$user}&amp;year={$selectedyear}&amp;month={$selectedmonth}&amp;day={$selectedday}&amp;length=day'>full day</a>. ";
         case 'day':
             echo "You can make it <a href='holiday_add.php?type={$type}&amp;user={$user}&amp;year={$selectedyear}&amp;month={$selectedmonth}&amp;day={$selectedday}&amp;length=am'>the morning</a>, or <a href='holiday_add.php?type={$type}&amp;user={$user}&amp;year={$selectedyear}&amp;month={$selectedmonth}&amp;day={$selectedday}&amp;length=pm'>the afternoon</a> instead. ";
     if ($length != '0') {
         echo "Or you can <a href='holiday_add.php?type={$type}&amp;user={$user}&amp;year={$selectedyear}&amp;month={$selectedmonth}&amp;day={$selectedday}&amp;length=0'>deselect</a> it. ";
         echo "<a href='calendar.php?type={$type}&amp;user={$user}' title='Clear this message'>Okay</a>.";
예제 #3
function display_holiday_table($result)
    global $CONFIG, $user, $approver, $mode, $sit;
    echo "<table align='center'>";
    echo "<tr>";
    if ($user == 'all' && $approver == TRUE) {
        echo "<th>{$GLOBALS['strName']}</th>";
    echo "<th>{$GLOBALS['strDate']}</th><th>{$GLOBALS['strLength']}</th><th>{$GLOBALS['strType']}</th>";
    if ($approver and $mode == 'approval') {
        echo "<th>{$GLOBALS['strOperation']}</th><th>{$GLOBALS['strGroupMembersAway']}</th>";
    //    else
    //    {
    //        echo "<th>{$GLOBALS['strStatus']}</th>";
    //    }
    echo "</tr>";
    while ($holiday = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
        echo "<tr class='shade2'>";
        if ($user == 'all' && $approver == TRUE) {
            echo "<td><a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?user={$holiday->userid}&amp;mode=approval'>";
            echo user_realname($holiday->userid, TRUE);
            echo "</a></td>";
        echo "<td>" . ldate($CONFIG['dateformat_longdate'], mysql2date($holiday->date, TRUE)) . "</td>";
        echo "<td>";
        if ($holiday->length == 'am') {
            echo $GLOBALS['strMorning'];
        if ($holiday->length == 'pm') {
            echo $GLOBALS['strAfternoon'];
        if ($holiday->length == 'day') {
            echo $GLOBALS['strFullDay'];
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . holiday_type($holiday->type) . "</td>";
        if ($approver == TRUE) {
            if ($sit[2] != $holiday->userid and $mode == 'approval') {
                echo "<td>";
                $approvetext = $GLOBALS['strApprove'];
                if ($holiday->type == HOL_SICKNESS) {
                    $approvetext = $GLOBALS['strAcknowledge'];
                echo "<a href=\"holiday_approve.php?approve=TRUE&amp;user={$holiday->userid}&amp;view={$user}&amp;startdate={$holiday->date}&amp;type={$holiday->type}&amp;length={$holiday->length}\">{$approvetext}</a> | ";
                echo "<a href=\"holiday_approve.php?approve=FALSE&amp;user={$holiday->userid}&amp;view={$user}&amp;startdate={$holiday->date}&amp;type={$holiday->type}&amp;length={$holiday->length}\">{$GLOBALS['strDecline']}</a>";
                if ($holiday->type == HOL_HOLIDAY) {
                    echo " | <a href=\"holiday_approve.php?approve=FREE&amp;user={$holiday->userid}&amp;view={$user}&amp;startdate={$holiday->date}&amp;type={$holiday->type}&amp;length={$holiday->length}\">{$GLOBALS['strApproveFree']}</a>";
                echo "</td>";
            } else {
                echo "<td>";
                if ($holiday->approvedby > 0) {
                    echo sprintf($GLOBALS['strRequestSentToX'], user_realname($holiday->approvedby, TRUE));
                } else {
                    echo $GLOBALS['strRequestNotSent'];
                    $waiting = TRUE;
                echo "</td>";
            if ($approver == TRUE and $mode == 'approval') {
                echo "<td>";
                echo check_group_holiday($holiday->userid, $holiday->date, $holiday->length);
                echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
예제 #4
 $daynumber = 1;
 $options = 0;
 // if ($end==$start)
 $end += 86400;
 // ensure we still loop for single day bookings by setting end to next day
 for ($day = $start; $day < $end; $day = $day + 86400) {
     if (date('D', $day) != 'Sat' && date('D', $day) != 'Sun') {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$dbHolidays}` WHERE `date` = FROM_UNIXTIME({$day}, '%Y-%m-%d') AND userid={$user}";
         $result = mysql_query($sql);
         if (mysql_error()) {
             trigger_error("MySQL Query Error " . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
         // need to do something different when there are more than one row
         if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
             while ($existing_holiday = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                 $holiday_type = holiday_type($existing_holiday['type']);
                 $holiday_legend = strtoupper(substr($holiday_type, 0, 1));
                 echo "<tr>";
                 echo "<td class='shade2' align='right'> " . ldate('l jS M y', $day) . " </td>";
                 echo "<td class='shade1' align='center'>";
                 if ($existing_holiday['length'] == 'day') {
                     echo "<input type='radio' name='dummy{$daynumber}' value='day' disabled='disabled' />";
                 } else {
                     echo "<input type='radio' name='length{$daynumber}' value='none' checked='checked' />";
                 echo "</td>";
                 echo "<td class='shade1' align='center'>";
                 if ($existing_holiday['length'] == 'day') {
                     echo $holiday_legend;
                 } else {
                     echo "<input type='radio' name='dummy{$daynumber}' value='day' disabled='disabled' />";