예제 #1
  * Allows a user to edit post if conditions are right
  * @version 2.0
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @author  xLink
  * @param   int         $id
 public function editPost($id)
     //grab the post were reffering to
     $post = $this->objSQL->getLine('SELECT * FROM `$Pforum_posts` WHERE id ="%s" LIMIT 1;', array($id));
     if (!is_array($post)) {
         hmsgDie('FAIL', 'Failed to retreive post information');
     $thread = $this->objSQL->getLine('SELECT t.*, COUNT(DISTINCT p.id) as replies
                 FROM `$Pforum_threads` t
                 LEFT JOIN `$Pforum_posts` p ON p.thread_id = t.id
                 WHERE t.id ="%s"
                 GROUP BY t.id', array($post['thread_id']));
     if (!is_array($thread)) {
         hmsgDie('FAIL', 'Failed to retreive thread information');
     $category = $this->getForumInfo($thread['cat_id']);
     $category = $category[0];
     $catAuth = $this->auth[$category['id']];
     $writeTest = false;
     //see if the user has write permissions
     if (User::$IS_MOD || $catAuth['auth_mod'] || $catAuth['auth_edit'] && $this->objUser->grab('id') == $post['author'] && ($thread['replies'] == 1 || time() - $post['posted'] < $this->config('forum', 'post_edit_time'))) {
         $writeTest = true;
     if ($writeTest != true) {
         $this->objTPL->set_filenames(array('body' => 'modules/forum/template/forum_category.tpl'));
         $this->objTPL->assign_block_vars('threads', array());
         $this->objTPL->assign_block_vars('threads.error', array('ERROR' => $msg));
         $this->objTPL->parse('body', false);
     //if we get this far then they have permissions, so start the page output
     $this->objPage->addPagecrumb(array(array('url' => $this->config('global', 'url'), 'name' => langVar('B_EDIT_POST', $thread['subject']))));
     //okay so test to see which part of the page we should see..
     if (!HTTP_POST) {
         $this->objPage->addJSFile('/' . root() . 'scripts/editor.js');
         $this->objTPL->set_filenames(array('body' => 'modules/forum/template/forum_post.tpl'));
         $_SESSION['site']['forum'][$id]['id'] = $id;
         $_SESSION['site']['forum'][$id]['sessid'] = $sessid = $this->objUser->mkPassword($this->objUser->grab('username') . $id);
         $first_post = false;
         if ($id == $thread['first_post_id']) {
             $first_post = true;
         //-- BBCode Buttons
         $button[] = array('text_heading_1.png', 'Heading 1', 'h1', '[h1]|[/h1]');
         $button[] = array('text_heading_2.png', 'Heading 2', 'h2', '[h2]|[/h2]');
         $button[] = array('text_heading_3.png', 'Heading 3', 'h3', '[h3]|[/h3]');
         $button[] = '---';
         $button[] = array('text_bold.png', 'Bold', 'bold', '[b]|[/b]');
         $button[] = array('text_italic.png', 'Italics', 'italics', '[i]|[/i]');
         $button[] = array('text_underline.png', 'Underlined', 'underlined', '[u]|[/u]');
         $button[] = array('text_strikethrough.png', 'Strikethrough', 'strikethrough', '[s]|[/s]');
         $button[] = $this->genSelects('color');
         $button[] = '---';
         $button[] = array('link.png', 'Link', 'links', "[url]|[/url]");
         $button[] = array('email.png', 'Email Link', 'email', "[email]|[/email]");
         $button[] = array('photo_delete.png', 'Image', 'image', "[img]|[/img]");
         $button[] = array('comment.png', 'Add Quote', 'quote', "[quote]\n|\n[/quote]");
         $button[] = '---';
         $button[] = array('script_code.png', 'Code Block', 'code', "[code]\n|\n[/code]");
         $button[] = array('php.png', 'PHP Code Block', 'phpcode', "[code=php]\n|\n[/code]");
         $button[] = $this->genSelects('code');
         $button[] = '---';
         $button[] = array('text_columns.png', 'Add Table Columns', 'columns', "[columns]|[/columns]");
         $button[] = array('text_list_bullets.png', 'Add Bullet Points', 'ul', "[list]\n[*]|[/list]");
         $button[] = array('text_list_numbers.png', 'Add Numbered Points', 'ol', "[list=ol]\n[*]|\n[/list]");
         $button[] = array('text_superscript.png', 'Add Superscript Text', 'sup', "[sup]|[/sup]");
         $button[] = array('text_subscript.png', 'Add Subscript Text', 'sub', "[sub]|[/sub]");
         $this->objPlugins->hook('MODForum_post_buttons', $buttons);
         $buttons = NULL;
         foreach ($button as $b) {
             if (!is_array($b) && strlen($b) > 3) {
                 $buttons .= $b;
             if (!is_array($b) && $b == '---') {
                 $buttons .= ' &nbsp; ';
             $buttons .= sprintf('<input type="image" src="%s" class="bbButton" title="%s" data-code="%s" />', '/' . root() . 'images/icons/' . $b[0], $b[1], $b[3]);
         $postMode = null;
         $title = null;
         if ($first_post && (User::$IS_MOD || $catAuth['auth_mod'])) {
             $postVals = array(1 => str_replace(array(':', ' '), '', strip_tags(langVar('L_ANNOUNCEMENT', ''))), 2 => str_replace(array(':', ' '), '', strip_tags(langVar('L_STICKY', ''))), 0 => str_replace(array(':', ' '), '', strip_tags(langVar('L_POST', ''))));
             $postMode = $this->objForm->radio('type', $postVals, 0, array('br' => true)) . '<br />';
             $this->objTPL->assign_block_vars('title', array());
             $this->objTPL->assign_block_vars('new_post', array());
         //yada yada, the general tpl crap..
         $this->objTPL->assign_vars(array('F_START' => $this->objForm->start('edit', array('method' => 'POST', 'action' => '?mode=edit&postid=' . $id)), 'F_END' => $this->objForm->finish(), 'SMILIES' => $this->generateSmilies(), 'BUTTONS' => $buttons, 'ID' => $this->objForm->inputbox('id', 'hidden', $id) . $this->objForm->inputbox('sessid', 'hidden', $sessid), 'L_TITLE' => langVar('L_TITLE') . ':', 'F_TITLE' => $this->objForm->inputbox('title', 'input', $thread['subject'], array('extra' => 'tabindex="1"', 'style' => 'width:99%')), 'L_POST_BODY' => langVar('L_POST_BODY') . ':', 'F_POST' => $this->objForm->textarea('post', $post['post'], array('extra' => 'tabindex="2" rows="3"', 'style' => 'height:350px;width:99%;')), 'POST_MODE' => $postMode, 'SUBMIT' => $this->objForm->button('submit', 'Submit', array('extra' => ' tabindex="3"')), 'RESET' => $this->objForm->button('preview', 'Preview', array('extra' => ' tabindex="4" onclick="doPreview();"'))));
         $this->objTPL->parse('body', false);
     } else {
         //check to make sure we have a cat id
         if (!doArgs('id', false, $_POST)) {
             hmsgDie('FAIL', 'Error: I cannot remember where your posting to.');
         //content checks
         if (!doArgs('post', false, $_POST)) {
             hmsgDie('FAIL', 'Post Failed - Post either missing or not long enough.');
         if (!doArgs('id', false, $_SESSION['site']['forum'][$id]) || $_SESSION['site']['forum'][$id]['id'] != $_POST['id']) {
             hmsgdie('FAIL', 'Post Failed - I cannot remember where your posting to.');
         if (!doArgs('sessid', false, $_SESSION['site']['forum'][$id]) || $_SESSION['site']['forum'][$id]['sessid'] != $_POST['sessid']) {
             hmsgdie('FAIL', 'Post Failed - Security Check failed. Please make sure your posting directly from the page.');
         //--insert the post info into the db
         $uid = $this->objUser->grab('id');
         $update['post'] = secureMe($_POST['post']);
         $update['edited'] = $thread['edited'] + 1;
         $update['edited_uid'] = $uid;
         $post_update = $this->objSQL->updateRow('forum_posts', $update, array('id ="%s"', $id));
         if (!$post_update) {
             hmsgDie('FAIL', 'Error: This is not your post, or there was a problem with saving the post. Error 0x02;');
         $this->objPage->redirect('/' . root() . 'modules/forum/thread/' . seo($thread['subject']) . '-' . $thread['id'] . '.html');
         hmsgDie('INFO', 'Thread successfully posted. Redirecting you to it.');
예제 #2
  * Loads in a instance of the requested module
  * @version 2.0
  * @since   0.8.0
  * @author  xLink
  * @param   string  $module      Module name
  * @param   var     $returnVar   Variable you want the module to be loaded into
  * @param   string  $mode        class, admin, mod, user
 function autoLoadModule($module, &$returnVar, $mode = 'class')
     global $objCore;
     $objCore->objSQL->recordMessage('Loading Module: ' . $module, 'INFO');
     if (!is_dir(cmsROOT . 'modules/' . $module . '/')) {
         hmsgDie('FAIL', 'Error loading module file "' . $module . '"');
     $file = cmsROOT . 'modules/' . $module . '/' . $mode . '.' . $module . '.php';
     if (!is_readable($file)) {
         hmsgDie('FAIL', 'Error loading module file "' . $module . '"');
     $fileData = file_get_contents($file);
     $newModule = $module . '_' . substr(md5(microtime()), 0, 6);
     $fileData = preg_replace("/(class[\\s]){$module}([\\s]extends[\\s]module{)/i", '\\1' . $newModule . '\\2', $fileData);
     $success = eval('?>' . $fileData . '<?php ');
     if ($success === false) {
         hmsgdie('FAIL', 'Error: There was a syntax error in the class."' . $module . '".php file. Loading Halted.');
     $returnVar = new $newModule($objCore);