$company->setId($id); if (!empty($company->info['member_id'])) { $member->setId($company->info['member_id']); } $push_data['company'] = $company->info; $push_data['member'] = $member->info; if (!empty($company->info)) { $pdb->Execute("REPLACE INTO {$tb_prefix}spacecaches (cache_spacename,company_id,data1,data2,expiration) VALUE ('" . $company->info['cache_spacename'] . "','" . $id . "','" . @serialize($push_data) . "',''," . ($time_stamp + $space_cache_cycle) . ")"); } } } if (isset($company->info['status']) && $company->info['status'] === 0) { header_sent(L('company_checking')); exit; } elseif (empty($company->info) || !$company->info) { header_sent(L('data_not_exists')); exit; } if (!empty($company->info['created'])) { $time_tmp = $time_stamp - $company->info['created']; $company->info['year_sep'] = $time_tmp = ceil($time_tmp / (3600 * 24 * 365)); } if (empty($company->info['email'])) { $company->info['email'] = $_PB_CACHE['setting']['service_email']; } if (empty($company->info['picture'])) { $company->info['logo'] = $absolute_uri . pb_get_attachmenturl('', '', 'big'); } else { $company->info['logo'] = $absolute_uri . $attachment_url . $company->info['picture']; } $pdb->setFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_BOTH);
$msg .= "<br />" . L("db_conn_error_no", 'msg', $pdb->ErrorNo()); if (!file_exists(DATA_PATH . "install.lock")) { $msg .= "<br /><a href='install/install.php'>" . L("please_reinstall_program", "msg") . "</a>"; } header_sent($msg); exit; } if ($dbcharset && mysql_get_server_info() > '4.1') { $pdb->Execute("SET NAMES '{$dbcharset}'"); } if (!file_exists(CACHE_PATH . "cache_setting.php")) { require_once LIB_PATH . "cache.class.php"; $cache = new Caches(); if ($cache->cacheAll()) { $msg .= "<a href='index.php'>" . L("cached_and_refresh") . "</a>"; header_sent($msg); exit; } } $cachelost = (include CACHE_PATH . 'cache_setting.php') ? '' : 'settings'; $phpb2b_auth_key = md5($_PB_CACHE['setting']['auth_key'] . pb_getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT')); $php_self = pb_getenv('PHP_SELF'); $base_script = basename($php_self); list($basefilename) = explode('.', $base_script); if ($headercharset) { @header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $charset); } //timezone $time_offset = isset($_PB_CACHE['setting']['time_offset']) ? $_PB_CACHE['setting']['time_offset'] : 0; $date_format = isset($_PB_CACHE['setting']['date_format']) ? $_PB_CACHE['setting']['date_format'] : "Y-m-d"; $time_now = array('time' => gmdate("{$date_format} H:i", $time_stamp + 3600 * $time_offset), 'offset' => $time_offset >= 0 ? $time_offset == 0 ? '' : '+' . $time_offset : $time_offset);
function pb_attack_filter($StrFiltKey, $StrFiltValue, $ArrFiltReq) { if (is_array($StrFiltValue)) { $StrFiltValue = @implode(",", $StrFiltValue); } if (preg_match("/" . $ArrFiltReq . "/is", $StrFiltValue) == 1) { echo $StrFiltValue; header_sent("Warning : Illegal operation!"); exit; } }
public function init() { global $subdomain_support, $rewrite_able, $pdb, $time_stamp, $tb_prefix, $absolute_uri, $attachment_url, $G, $viewhelper; //espcial done for multi arrTemplate $this->loadModel("space"); $sections = 'space'; $this->view->configLoad('default.conf', $sections); if (isset($_GET['userid'])) { $this->userid = trim(htmlspecialchars($_GET['userid'])); } if ($subdomain_support && $rewrite_able) { $hosts = explode($subdomain_support, pb_getenv('HTTP_HOST')); if ($hosts[0] != "www") { // $this->userid = trim($hosts[0]); } } $G['membergroup'] = cache_read("membergroup"); using("member", "company"); $member = new Members(); $company = new Companies(); $space_name = ''; if (empty($theme_name)) { $theme_name = "default"; $style_name = isset($G['setting']['theme']) && !empty($G['setting']['theme']) ? $G['setting']['theme'] : "default"; $ADODB_CACHE_DIR = DATA_PATH . 'dbcache'; } $this->view->assign("theme_img_path", "templates/" . $theme_name . "/"); $this->view->assign('ThemeName', $theme_name); $cache_data = $push_data = array(); if (!empty($this->userid)) { $userid = $this->userid; $member->setInfoBySpaceName($this->userid); if (!empty($member->info['id'])) { $this->member_id = $member->info['id']; $company->setInfoByMemberId($member->info['id']); } else { $company->setInfoBySpaceName($this->userid); } $push_data['company'] = $company->info; $this->company_id = $company->info['id']; $push_data['member'] = $member->info; } elseif (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $company->id = $this->company_id = $id; $company->setInfoById($id); if (!empty($company->info['member_id'])) { $member->id = $this->member_id = $company->info['member_id']; } $push_data['company'] = $company->info; $push_data['member'] = $member->info; } if (isset($company->info['status']) && $company->info['status'] === 0) { header_sent(L('company_checking')); exit; } elseif (empty($company->info) || !$company->info) { header_sent(L('data_not_exists')); exit; } $cache_data = $pdb->GetRow("SELECT data2 AS style FROM {$tb_prefix}spacecaches WHERE company_id='" . $company->info['id'] . "'"); if (isset($cache_data['style'])) { $skin_extra_style = $cache_data['style']; } if (!empty($company->info['created'])) { $time_tmp = $time_stamp - $company->info['created']; $company->info['year_sep'] = $time_tmp = ceil($time_tmp / (3600 * 24 * 365)); } if (empty($company->info['email'])) { $company->info['email'] = $G['setting']['service_email']; } if (empty($company->info['picture'])) { $company->info['logo'] = $absolute_uri . pb_get_attachmenturl('', '', 'big'); } else { $company->info['logo'] = $absolute_uri . $attachment_url . $company->info['picture']; } $company->info = pb_lang_split_recursive($company->info); $company->info['description'] = nl2br(strip_tags($company->info['description'])); $is_set_default_skins = false; $member_templet_id = $member->info['templet_id']; if (isset($_GET['force_templet_id'])) { $member_templet_id = intval($_GET['force_templet_id']); } if (!empty($member_templet_id)) { $skin_path_info = $pdb->GetRow("SELECT name,directory FROM {$tb_prefix}templets WHERE type='user' AND status='1' AND id='" . $member_templet_id . "'"); } if (empty($skin_path_info)) { $skin_path_info = $pdb->GetRow("SELECT name,directory FROM {$tb_prefix}templets WHERE type='user' AND is_default='1'"); if (empty($skin_path_info)) { $is_set_default_skins = true; } } elseif (!is_dir(PHPB2B_ROOT . $skin_path_info)) { $is_set_default_skins = true; } if ($is_set_default_skins) { $skin_path_info = array(); $skin_path_info[] = "default"; $skin_path_info[] = "templates/skins/default/"; } list($skin_path, $skin_dir) = $skin_path_info; if (strpos($skin_dir, "templates") === false) { $skin_dir = "templates/" . $skin_dir; //for 4.3 upgrade from 4.3 below,begin 2012.10 } $this->skin_path = $skin_path; $this->skin_dir = $skin_dir; uaAssign(array("SkinName" => $skin_path, "ThemeName" => $skin_path, "SkinPath" => $skin_dir, "COMPANY" => $company->info, "MEMBER" => $member->info)); $this->view->setTemplateDir(PHPB2B_ROOT . "templates" . DS . "skins" . DS); $this->view->setCompileDir(DATA_PATH . "templates_c" . DS . $this->lang . DS . "skin" . DS . $skin_path . DS); if (isset($member->info['id'])) { $this->setLinks($member->info['id']); } $this->setMenu($company->info['cache_spacename'], $this->spaceModules); $product_types = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT *,id as typeid,name as typename FROM {$tb_prefix}producttypes WHERE company_id=" . $company->info['id']); //set and get db cache setvar("ProductTypes", $product_types); $group_info = array(); $group_info['year'] = $time_tmp; if (!empty($member->info['membergroup_id']['name'])) { $group_info['name'] = $G['membergroup'][$member->info['membergroup_id']]['name']; } else { $group_info['name'] = L("undefined_image", "tpl"); } if (!empty($member->info['membergroup_id']['avatar'])) { $group_info['image'] = $absolute_uri . STATICURL . "images/group/" . $G['membergroup'][$member->info['membergroup_id']]['avatar']; } else { $group_info['image'] = $absolute_uri . STATICURL . "images/group/formal.gif"; } setvar("GROUP", $group_info); //for old version if (isset($member->info['membergroup_id']['name'])) { setvar("GroupName", $G['membergroup'][$member->info['membergroup_id']]['name']); } if (isset($member->info['membergroup_id']['avatar'])) { setvar("GroupImage", $absolute_uri . STATICURL . "images/group/" . $G['membergroup'][$member->info['membergroup_id']]['avatar']); } setvar("Menus", $this->getMenu()); setvar("Links", $this->getLinks()); $space_url = $this->rewrite($company->info['cache_spacename'], $company->info['id']); setvar("space_url", $space_url); setvar("SpaceUrl", $absolute_uri . $skin_dir); $space_extra_style = ''; setvar("SpaceExtraStyle", $space_extra_style); if (!empty($skin_extra_style)) { $space_extra_style = $absolute_uri . $skin_dir . "styles/" . $skin_extra_style . "/"; setvar("SpaceExtraStyle", $space_extra_style); } setvar("BASEMAP", $absolute_uri . $skin_dir); $pdb->Execute("UPDATE {$tb_prefix}companies SET clicked=clicked+1 WHERE id='" . $company->info['id'] . "'"); if (!empty($arrTemplate)) { $this->view->assign($arrTemplate); } if (!empty($_GET['module'])) { $this->module = trim($_GET['module']); } $this->view->assign("cur", "space_" . $this->module); }
function pb_submit_check($var) { $referer = pb_getenv('HTTP_REFERER'); if (is_file(DATA_PATH . 'antispam' . DS . 'index.php')) { require DATA_PATH . 'antispam' . DS . 'index.php'; } if (!empty($_POST[$var]) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if ((empty($referer) || preg_replace("/https?:\\/\\/([^\\:\\/]+).*/i", "\\1", $referer) == preg_replace("/([^\\:]+).*/", "\\1", pb_getenv('HTTP_HOST'))) && $_POST['formhash'] == formhash()) { return true; } } header_sent(L("invalid_submit")); exit; }
<?php /** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ define('ANTI_FORCE', true); define('ANTI_LEVEL', 3); //higher,will be more secure,default 3. if (ANTI_FORCE) { $GLOBALS['log']->lwrite($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $ip_addr = pb_get_client_ip("long"); if (strpos($referer, pb_getenv('HTTP_HOST')) === false || empty($ip_addr)) { header_sent(L("invalid_submit")); exit; } $client_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (preg_match('/windows 2000/', $client_agent)) { header("Location:" . URL); exit; } $temp = explode('(', $client_agent); $Part = $temp[0]; $ext_info = $temp[1]; $ext_info = explode(')', $ext_info); $temp = explode(';', trim($ext_info[0])); $r_info = array(); if (!empty($ext_info[1])) { $r_info = trim($ext_info[1]);