function har_shortcode($params) { wp_enqueue_script('requirejs'); wp_enqueue_script('dragdrop'); $options = get_option('harviewer_options'); har_log($options); $values = shortcode_atts(array('path' => '', 'height' => $options['height'], 'resizer' => $options['resizer'], 'expand' => $options['expand'], 'loader' => $options['loader']), $params); // Body of the HAR tag is an IFRAME $body = ''; if ($values['path'] != '') { return get_preview_body($values); } return $body; }
function ProcessTest($id) { global $tempDir; global $name; global $count; global $total; $ok = false; $testPath = './' . GetTestPath($id); $restored = false; if (!is_dir($testPath)) { // try restoring the test several times in case there are network issues $attempt = 0; do { $attempt++; har_log("{$id} - restoring test ({$attempt})"); RestoreTest($id); if (is_dir($testPath)) { $restored = true; } else { sleep(1); } } while (!$restored && $attempt < 120); } if (is_dir($testPath)) { har_log("{$id} - generating HAR"); $har = GenerateHAR($id, $testPath, ['bodies' => 1, 'run' => 'median', 'cached' => 0]); if (isset($har) && strlen($har)) { gz_file_put_contents("{$tempDir}/{$id}.har", $har); unset($har); $file = "{$tempDir}/{$id}.har.gz"; if (is_file($file)) { $file = realpath($file); $remoteFile = "{$name}/{$id}.har.gz"; $bucket = 'httparchive'; har_log("{$id} - Uploading to {$remoteFile}"); if (gsUpload($file, $bucket, $remoteFile)) { $ok = true; } else { har_log("{$id} - error uploading HAR"); } unlink($file); } else { har_log("{$id} - error saving HAR"); } } else { har_log("{$id} - error generating HAR"); } // clean up the test if we restored it if ($restored) { delTree($testPath, true); } } else { har_log("{$id} - error restoring test"); } return $ok; }