protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $em = $this->getEntityManager($input->getOption('em')); $c = $this->getContainer(); if (!$c->hasParameter('kb_sitemap.base_url')) { throw new \RuntimeException("Sitemap requires base_url parameter [kb_sitemap.base_url] to be available, through config or parameters"); } $output->write('<info>Fetching resources..</info>' . PHP_EOL); $dql = <<<___SQL SELECT, b.ownerName, b.updatedAt FROM KnpBundlesBundle:Bundle b ___SQL; $q = $em->createQuery($dql); $bundles = $q->getArrayResult(); $dql = <<<___SQL SELECT, d.createdAt FROM KnpBundlesBundle:Developer d ___SQL; $q = $em->createQuery($dql); $users = $q->getArrayResult(); $sitemapFile = $c->getParameter('kernel.root_dir') . '/../web/sitemap.xml'; $output->write('<info>Building sitemap...</info>' . PHP_EOL); $spaceless = (bool) $input->getOption('spaceless'); $tpl = $spaceless ? 'KnpSitemapBundle::sitemap.spaceless.xml.twig' : 'KnpSitemapBundle::sitemap.xml.twig'; $sitemap = $c->get('templating')->render($tpl, compact('bundles', 'users')); $output->write("<info>Saving sitemap in [{$sitemapFile}]..</info>" . PHP_EOL); file_put_contents($sitemapFile, $sitemap); // gzip the sitemap if (function_exists('gzopen')) { $output->write("<info>Gzipping the generated sitemap [{$sitemapFile}.gz]..</info>" . PHP_EOL); $gz = gzopen($sitemapFile . '.gz', 'w9'); gzwrite($gz, $sitemap); gzclose($gz); } $output->write('<info>Done</info>' . PHP_EOL); }
function doWrite( $data, $uncompressedLength = false ) { if ( $uncompressedLength ) return @gzwrite( $this->File, $data, $uncompressedLength ); else return @gzwrite( $this->File, $data ); }
/** * @see Mage_Archive_Helper_File::_write() */ protected function _write($data) { $result = @gzwrite($this->_fileHandler, $data); if (empty($result) && !empty($data)) { throw new Mage_Exception('Failed to write data to ' . $this->_filePath); } }
private function _compress($file, $content, $gzip = true) { if ($gzip) { $fh = gzopen($file, 'wb'); if (!$fh) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to open ' . $file . ' for writing.'); } gzwrite($fh, $content); gzclose($fh); $newFile = $file . '.gz'; if (rename($file, $newFile)) { self::$_tempFiles[] = $newFile; } else { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to rename ' . $file . ' to ' . $newFile . '.'); } } else { $newFile = $file . '.zip'; $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($newFile, ZipArchive::CREATE); if ($res === true) { self::$_tempFiles[] = $newFile; $zip->addFromString(basename($file), $content); // In this case the original file isn't necessary unlink($file); $zip->close(); } else { throw new RuntimeException('Got error code ' . $res . ' when attempting to open ' . 'zip archive ' . $newFile . '.'); } } // Just to make sure our subsequent assertions aren't false positives $this->assertFalse(file_exists($file)); return $newFile; }
/** * Writes a string to a stream, terminating it with an end-of-line * symbol. * * @param string $string The string to write. */ public function writeLine($string) { if (!is_resource($this->_stream)) { throw new Opl_Stream_Exception('Output stream is not opened.'); } gzwrite($this->_stream, $bytes . self::$_eol); }
public static function export_tracking() { global $wpdb; // only one export at a time if (get_option('podlove_tracking_export_all') !== false) { return; } update_option('podlove_tracking_export_all', $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . \Podlove\Model\DownloadIntent::table_name())); update_option('podlove_tracking_export_progress', 0); $rowsPerQuery = 1000; $lastId = 0; $page = 0; $fp = gzopen(self::get_tracking_export_file_path(), 'w'); do { // Keeping track of the $lastId is (roughly) a bajillion times faster than paging via LIMIT. $sql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\tid,\n\t\t\t\t\tuser_agent_id,\n\t\t\t\t\tmedia_file_id,\n\t\t\t\t\trequest_id,\n\t\t\t\t\taccessed_at,\n\t\t\t\t\tsource,\n\t\t\t\t\tcontext,\n\t\t\t\t\tgeo_area_id,\n\t\t\t\t\tlat,\n\t\t\t\t\tlng\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t" . \Podlove\Model\DownloadIntent::table_name() . "\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id > " . (int) $lastId . "\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 0, {$rowsPerQuery}"; $rows = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); foreach ($rows as $row) { gzwrite($fp, implode(",", $row) . "\n"); } $lastId = $row['id']; $page++; update_option('podlove_tracking_export_progress', $page * $rowsPerQuery); } while (count($rows) > 0); gzclose($fp); delete_option('podlove_tracking_export_all'); delete_option('podlove_tracking_export_progress'); exit; }
function get_content($database, $table, $fp) { // get content of data global $delimiter; $result = mysql_db_query($database, "SELECT * FROM {$table}") or die("Cannot get content of table"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $insert = "INSERT INTO {$table} VALUES ("; // command for later SQL-restore for ($j = 0; $j < mysql_num_fields($result); $j++) { // content for later SQL-restore if (!isset($row[$j])) { $insert .= "NULL,"; } elseif (isset($row[$j])) { $insert .= "'" . addslashes($row[$j]) . "',"; } else { $insert .= "'',"; } } $insert = ereg_replace(",\$", "", $insert); $insert .= "){$delimiter}\n"; // create row delimiter gzwrite($fp, $insert); // now write the complete content into backup file } gzwrite($fp, "\n\n"); mysql_free_result($result); }
/** * Pimcore * * This source file is available under two different licenses: * - GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3) * - Pimcore Enterprise License (PEL) * Full copyright and license information is available in * which is distributed with this source code. * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009-2016 pimcore GmbH ( * @license GPLv3 and PEL */ function gzcompressfile($source, $level = null, $target = null) { // this is a very memory efficient way of gzipping files if ($target) { $dest = $target; } else { $dest = $source . '.gz'; } $mode = 'wb' . $level; $error = false; $fp_out = gzopen($dest, $mode); $fp_in = fopen($source, 'rb'); if ($fp_out && $fp_in) { while (!feof($fp_in)) { gzwrite($fp_out, fread($fp_in, 1024 * 512)); } fclose($fp_in); gzclose($fp_out); } else { $error = true; } if ($error) { return false; } else { return $dest; } }
/** * Gzip a file * * @param string $sSourceFile Path to the source file * @param string $sDestinationFile [optional] Path to save the zip contents. * <p> * If NULL, the default value is $this->getDefaultDestinationFilename($sSourceFile) * </p> * * @return string Path to the saved zip file * * @throws FileOpenException if there is any error opening the source or output files * @throws FileReadException if there is an error reading the source file * @throws FileWriteException if there is an error writing the output file */ public function zip($sSourceFile, $sDestinationFile = null) { if ($sDestinationFile === null) { $sDestinationFile = $this->getDefaultDestinationFilename($sSourceFile); } if (!($fh = fopen($sSourceFile, 'rb'))) { throw new FileOpenException($sSourceFile); } if (!($zp = gzopen($sDestinationFile, 'wb9'))) { throw new FileOpenException($sDestinationFile); } while (!feof($fh)) { $data = fread($fh, static::READ_SIZE); if (false === $data) { throw new FileReadException($sSourceFile); } $sz = strlen($data); if ($sz !== gzwrite($zp, $data, $sz)) { throw new FileWriteException($sDestinationFile); } } gzclose($zp); fclose($fh); return $sDestinationFile; }
private function setFile() { $recognize = ''; $recognize = implode('_', $this->dbName); $fileName = $this->trimPath($this->config['path'] . self::DIR_SEP . time() . '.sql'); $path = $this->setPath($fileName); if ($path !== true) { $this->error("无法创建备份目录目录 '{$path}'"); } if ($this->config['isCompress'] == 0) { if (!file_put_contents($fileName, $this->content, LOCK_EX)) { $this->error('写入文件失败,请检查磁盘空间或者权限!'); } } else { if (function_exists('gzwrite')) { $fileName .= '.gz'; if ($gz = gzopen($fileName, 'wb')) { gzwrite($gz, $this->content); gzclose($gz); } else { $this->error('写入文件失败,请检查磁盘空间或者权限!'); } } else { $this->error('没有开启gzip扩展!'); } } if ($this->config['isDownload']) { $this->downloadFile($fileName); } }
/** * Compress file on disk * * @param string $source * @param int $level * @return string|false */ function gzcompressfile($source, $level = false) { if (file_exists($source)) { $dest = $source . '.gz'; $mode = 'wb' . $level; $error = false; if ($fp_out = gzopen($dest, $mode)) { if ($fp_in = fopen($source, 'rb')) { while (!feof($fp_in)) { gzwrite($fp_out, fread($fp_in, 4096)); } fclose($fp_in); } else { $error = true; } gzclose($fp_out); } else { $error = true; } if ($error) { return false; } return $dest; } return false; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function _write($data) { $result = gzwrite($this->_fileHandler, $data); if (empty($result) && !empty($data)) { throw new \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException(new \Magento\Framework\Phrase('Failed to write data to %1', [$this->_filePath])); } }
function WRITE($hash, $overwrite = 0) { $id = $hash["id"]; $version = $hash["version"]; $dbfile = $this->FN("{$id}.{$version}"); if (!$overwrite && file_exists($dbfile)) { return; } #-- read-lock if (file_exists($dbfile)) { $lock = fopen($dbfile, "rb"); flock($lock, LOCK_EX); } #-- open file for writing, secondary lock if ($f = gzopen($dbfile, "wb" . $this->gz)) { if (!lock) { flock($f, LOCK_EX); } $r = gzwrite($f, serialize($hash)); gzclose($f); $this->SETVER($id, $version); $this->CACHE_ADD($id, $version); return 1; } #-- dispose lock if ($lock) { flock($lock, LOCK_UN); fclose($lock); } return 0; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function dump($string) { if ($this->handle == null) { $this->openFile(); } gzwrite($this->handle, $string); }
/** * Rotate all files in var/log which ends with .log */ public function rotateLogs() { $var = Mage::getBaseDir('log'); $logDir = new Varien_Io_File(); $logDir->cd($var); $logFiles = $logDir->ls(Varien_Io_File::GREP_FILES); foreach ($logFiles as $logFile) { if ($logFile['filetype'] == 'log') { $filename = $logFile['text']; if (extension_loaded('zlib')) { $zipname = $var . DS . $this->getArchiveName($filename); $zip = gzopen($zipname, 'wb9'); gzwrite($zip, $logDir->read($filename)); gzclose($zip); } else { $logDir->cp($filename, $this->getArchiveName($filename)); } foreach ($this->getFilesOlderThan(self::MAX_FILE_DAYS, $var, $filename) as $oldFile) { $logDir->rm($oldFile['text']); } $logDir->rm($filename); } } $logDir->close(); }
function gzip_compress($data) { $filename = gzip_tempnam(); if (!($fp = gzopen($filename, 'wb'))) trigger_error(sprintf('%s failed', 'gzopen'), E_USER_ERROR); gzwrite($fp, $data, strlen($data)); if (!gzclose($fp)) trigger_error(sprintf('%s failed', 'gzclose'), E_USER_ERROR); $size = filesize($filename); if (!($fp = fopen($filename, 'rb'))) trigger_error(sprintf('%s failed', 'fopen'), E_USER_ERROR); if (!($z = fread($fp, $size)) || strlen($z) != $size) trigger_error(sprintf('%s failed', 'fread'), E_USER_ERROR); if (!fclose($fp)) trigger_error(sprintf('%s failed', 'fclose'), E_USER_ERROR); unlink($filename); return $z; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doWrite($message, $newline) { if (false === @gzwrite($this->stream, $message . ($newline ? PHP_EOL : ''))) { // should never happen throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to write output.'); } fflush($this->stream); }
function writebk($hf, $cflag, $strw) { if ($cflag) { gzwrite($hf, $strw); } else { fwrite($hf, $strw); } }
public function writeCompressedSample($filename, $content) { $fp = gzopen('test/samples/' . $filename, 'w9') or die("can't open: {$php_errormsg}"); if (-1 == gzwrite($fp, $content)) { die("can't write: {$php_errormsg}"); } gzclose($fp); }
function write($contents) { if ($GLOBALS['gzip']) { gzwrite($GLOBALS['fp'], $contents); } else { fwrite($GLOBALS['fp'], $contents); } }
public function end() { $src = ob_get_clean(); $fp = gzopen($this->fragment, 'w9'); gzwrite($fp, $src, strlen($src)); gzclose($fp); echo $src; }
function compress($file, $dest) { $fp = fopen($file, "r"); $data = fread($fp, filesize($file)); fclose($fp); $zp = gzopen($dest, "w9"); gzwrite($zp, $data); gzclose($zp); }
public function compressToGZ($srcName, $dstName) { $fp = fopen($srcName, "r"); $data = fread($fp, filesize($srcName)); fclose($fp); $zp = gzopen($dstName, "w9"); gzwrite($zp, $data); gzclose($zp); }
function gzip($infile, $outfile, $param = 5) { $fp = fopen($infile, "r"); $data = fread($fp, filesize($infile)); fclose($fp); $zp = gzopen($outfile, "w" . $param); gzwrite($zp, $data); gzclose($zp); }
private function buildGZFile($xmlFile, $xml) { if (function_exists('gzopen') && function_exists('gzwrite') && function_exists('gzclose')) { $gz = gzopen($xmlFile . '.gz', 'w'); gzwrite($gz, $xml); gzclose($gz); } return; }
function process($tmp_filename) { $output_file = $tmp_filename . '.gz'; $file = gzopen($output_file, "wb"); gzwrite($file, file_get_contents($tmp_filename)); gzclose($file); unlink($tmp_filename); return $output_file; }
function GetDataTables() { global $db, $argv; $sql = 'SELECT house from tblRealm where region=\'US\' and slug=\'medivh\''; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $house = 0; $stmt->bind_result($house); $stmt->fetch(); $stmt->close(); $sql = 'SELECT id from tblRealm where house = ?'; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param('i', $house); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $realms = DBMapArray($result, null); $stmt->close(); $sql = sprintf('SELECT id from tblSeller where realm in (%s) order by lastseen desc limit 20', implode(',', $realms)); $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->get_result(); $sellers = DBMapArray($result, null); $stmt->close(); $tables = ['tblAuction' => 'house=' . $house, 'tblAuctionExtra' => 'house=' . $house, 'tblAuctionPet' => 'house=' . $house, 'tblAuctionRare' => 'house=' . $house, 'tblBonusSet' => '1=1', 'tblHouseCheck' => '1=1', 'tblItemBonusesSeen' => '1=1', 'tblItemExpired' => 'house=' . $house, 'tblItemGlobal' => '1=1', 'tblItemHistoryDaily' => 'house=' . $house, 'tblItemHistoryHourly' => 'house=' . $house, 'tblItemHistoryMonthly' => 'item in (select id from tblDBCItem where auctionable=1) and house=' . $house, 'tblItemLevelsSeen' => '1=1', 'tblItemSummary' => 'house=' . $house, 'tblPet' => '1=1', 'tblPetHistoryHourly' => 'house=' . $house, 'tblPetSummary' => 'house=' . $house, 'tblRealm' => '1=1', 'tblRealmGuidHouse' => '1=1', 'tblSeller' => 'realm in (' . implode(',', $realms) . ')', 'tblSellerHistoryHourly' => 'seller in (' . implode(',', $sellers) . ')', 'tblSellerItemHistory' => 'seller in (' . implode(',', $sellers) . ')', 'tblSnapshot' => 'house=' . $house, 'tblWowToken' => '1=1']; if (count($argv) > 1) { $toRemove = array_diff(array_keys($tables), array_slice($argv, 1)); foreach ($toRemove as $tblName) { unset($tables[$tblName]); } } if (count($tables) == 0) { echo "No tables marked for export.\n"; exit(1); } $sqlFile = __DIR__ . '/../testdata.sql.gz'; if (!(touch($sqlFile) && ($sqlFile = realpath($sqlFile)))) { echo "Could not create testdata.sql\n"; exit(1); } $sqlResource = gzopen($sqlFile, 'w'); $tmpFile = tempnam('/tmp', 'testdata'); $cmd = 'mysqldump --verbose --allow-keywords --skip-opt --quick --create-options --add-drop-table --add-locks --extended-insert --no-autocommit --result-file=%s --user='******' --password='******' --where=%s ' . escapeshellarg(DATABASE_SCHEMA) . " %s\n"; foreach ($tables as $table => $where) { file_put_contents($tmpFile, ''); $trash = []; $ret = 0; exec(sprintf($cmd, escapeshellarg($tmpFile), escapeshellarg($where), escapeshellarg($table)), $trash, $ret); if ($ret != 0) { echo 'Error: ' . implode("\n", $trash); break; } gzwrite($sqlResource, file_get_contents($tmpFile)); } gzclose($sqlResource); unlink($tmpFile); }
function clear_overflow($fp, &$contents) { global $mybb; if (function_exists('gzopen')) { gzwrite($fp, $contents); } else { fwrite($fp, $contents); } $contents = ''; }
function write($str) { if ($this->f) { gzwrite($this->f, $str); fflush($this->f); } else { echo $str; ob_flush(); } }
public function write($file, $data) { $open = gzopen($file, 'w'); if (empty($open)) { throw new FileNotFoundException('Error', 'fileNotFound', $file); } $return = gzwrite($open, $data, strlen($data)); gzclose($open); return $return; }