예제 #1
 * Enqueue Fonts
function gpp_enqueue_fonts()
    $theme_options = get_option(gpp_get_current_theme_id() . '_options');
    if (!empty($theme_options['font']) || !empty($theme_options['font_alt'])) {
        $protocol = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http';
        $fonts = gpp_font_array();
        // Font from our DB
        $header = explode(':', $theme_options['font']);
        $header_name = $header[0];
        if (!empty($header[1])) {
            $header_params = ':' . $header[1];
        } else {
            $header_params = null;
        $body = explode(':', $theme_options['font_alt']);
        $body_name = $body[0];
        if (!empty($body[1])) {
            $body_params = ':' . $body[1];
        } else {
            $body_params = null;
        if (!empty($theme_options['font']) && !empty($theme_options['font_alt'])) {
            $sep = "|";
        } else {
            $sep = "";
        if ($theme_options['font'] == $theme_options['font_alt']) {
            $final_fonts = rawurldecode($header_name . $header_params);
        } else {
            $final_fonts = rawurldecode($header_name . $header_params . $sep . $body_name . $body_params);
        // store these for use later if needed (photoshelter)
        global $gpp_google_fonts;
        $gpp_google_fonts = $protocol . '://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' . $final_fonts;
        wp_enqueue_style('gpp-custom-fonts', "{$protocol}://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family={$final_fonts}");
예제 #2
 * Custom Font Previews
function gpp_fonts_preview()
    // Flag to determine if this is for the header or body copy.
    $font_flag = $_GET['font'];
    $fonts = gpp_font_array();
    $protocol = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http';
    $count = count($fonts);
    $i = 0;
    $final_fonts = null;
    foreach ($fonts as $font => $attributes) {
        if ($count != $i) {
            $sep = '|';
        } else {
            $sep = null;
        $clean_font = str_replace(' ', '+', $font);
        if (!empty($attributes['parameter'])) {
            $attr_sep = ':';
        } else {
            $attr_sep = '';
        $final_fonts .= "{$clean_font}{$attr_sep}{$attributes['parameter']}{$sep}";
    // wp_enqueue_style( 'reportage-google-fonts', "$protocol://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family={$final_fonts}" );
    print "<link href='{$protocol}://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family={$final_fonts}' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>";
    $lorum = 'Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.';
    $html = null;
    foreach ($fonts as $font => $attributes) {
        $class = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $font));
        $html .= '<div class="box">';
        $html .= '<h2 class="' . $class . '">' . $attributes['title'] . '</h2>';
        $html .= '<p class="' . $class . '">' . $lorum . '</p>';
        if ("" != $attributes['parameter']) {
            $font_attr = ':' . $attributes['parameter'];
        } else {
            $font_attr = "";
        $html .= '<button class="button" data-font-' . $font_flag . '="' . $font . $font_attr . '">Use this font</button>';
        $html .= '</div>';
    print '<div id="gpp-font-preview">' . $html . '</div>';
 * See README.md for a full list of option types
$general_settings_tab = array("name" => "general_tab", "title" => __("General", "gpp"), "sections" => array("general_section_1" => array("name" => "general_section_1", "title" => __("General", "gpp"), "description" => "")));
$colors_tab = array("name" => "colors_tab", "title" => __("Colors", "gpp"), "sections" => array("colors_section_1" => array("name" => "colors_section_1", "title" => __("Colors", "gpp"), "description" => "")));
$slideshow_tab = array("name" => "slideshow_tab", "title" => __("Slideshow", "gpp"), "sections" => array("slideshow_section_1" => array("name" => "slideshow_section_1", "title" => __("Slideshow", "gpp"), "description" => "")));
// Default order of the sections in the particular tab
$block_order = explode(",", '1,2,3,4,5');
$block_array = array(1 => array("order" => "1", "title" => "Work", "icon" => "grid"), 2 => array("order" => "2", "title" => "Services", "icon" => "grid"), 3 => array("order" => "3", "title" => "Clients", "icon" => "gridh"), 4 => array("order" => "4", "title" => "Testimonials", "icon" => "staggered"), 5 => array("order" => "5", "title" => "News", "icon" => "text"));
// Get the order from the database
$theme_options = get_option(gpp_get_current_theme_id() . "_options");
if (!empty($theme_options['section_order'])) {
    $block_order = explode(",", $theme_options['section_order']);
 * Home page tab
$section_array = array("homepage_section_0" => array("name" => "homepage_section_0", "title" => __("Sortable Sections", "gpp"), "description" => ""));
// Arrange the sections according to saved order
foreach ($block_order as $value) {
    $section_array["homepage_section_" . $value] = array("name" => "homepage_section_" . $block_array[$value]['order'], "title" => $block_array[$value]['title'], "description" => "", "icon" => $block_array[$value]['icon']);
$homepage_tab = array("name" => "homepage_tab", "title" => __("Homepage", "gpp"), "sections" => $section_array);
 * The following example shows you how to register theme options and assign them to tabs and sections:
$options = array('wallstreet_logo' => array("tab" => "general_tab", "name" => "wallstreet_logo", "title" => "Logo", "description" => __("Use a transparent png or jpg image", "gpp"), "section" => "general_section_1", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "general_section_1", "type" => "image", "default" => ""), 'wallstreet_custom_favicon' => array("tab" => "general_tab", "name" => "wallstreet_custom_favicon", "title" => "Favicon", "description" => __("Use a transparent png or ico image", "gpp"), "section" => "general_section_1", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "general_section_1", "type" => "image", "default" => ""), 'font' => array("tab" => "general_tab", "name" => "font", "title" => "Headline Font", "description" => __('<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=fonts&font=header&height=600&width=640" class="thickbox">Preview and choose a font</a>', "gpp"), "section" => "general_section_1", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "general_section_1", "type" => "select", "default" => "Abel:400", "valid_options" => gpp_font_array()), 'font_alt' => array("tab" => "general_tab", "name" => "font_alt", "title" => "Body Font", "description" => __('<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=fonts&font=body&height=600&width=640" class="thickbox">Preview and choose a font</a>', "gpp"), "section" => "general_section_1", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "general_section_1", "type" => "select", "default" => "Lora:400,700,400italic", "valid_options" => gpp_font_array()), 'color' => array("tab" => "colors_tab", "name" => "color", "title" => "Color", "description" => __("Select a color palette", "gpp"), "section" => "colors_section_1", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "colors_section_1", "type" => "select", "default" => "default", "valid_options" => array("default" => array("name" => "default", "title" => __("Blue", "gpp")), "dark" => array("name" => "dark", "title" => __("Dark", "gpp")), "spring" => array("name" => "green", "title" => __("Green", "gpp")), "orange" => array("name" => "orange", "title" => __("Orange", "gpp")))), "css" => array("tab" => "colors_tab", "name" => "css", "title" => "Custom CSS", "description" => __("Add some custom CSS to your theme.", "gpp"), "section" => "colors_section_1", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "colors_section_1", "type" => "textarea", "sanitize" => "html", "default" => ""), "portfolio_cat" => array("tab" => "homepage_tab", "name" => "portfolio_cat", "title" => __("Portfolio", "gpp"), "description" => __("Select portfolio category", "gpp"), "section" => "homepage_section_1", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "homepage_section_1", "type" => "select", "default" => "", "valid_options" => gpp_get_taxonomy_list('category', true)), 'section_order' => array("tab" => "homepage_tab", "name" => "section_order", "title" => __("section order setting", "gpp"), "description" => __('Stores the order of the sections', "gpp"), "section" => "homepage_section_0", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "homepage_section_0", "type" => "hidden", "default" => "1,2,3,4,5", "sanitize" => "html"), "services_cat" => array("tab" => "homepage_tab", "name" => "services_cat", "title" => __("Services", "gpp"), "description" => __("Select services category", "gpp"), "section" => "homepage_section_2", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "homepage_section_2", "type" => "select", "default" => "", "valid_options" => gpp_get_taxonomy_list('category', true)), "clients_cat" => array("tab" => "homepage_tab", "name" => "clients_cat", "title" => __("Clients", "gpp"), "description" => __("Select clients category", "gpp"), "section" => "homepage_section_3", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "homepage_section_3", "type" => "select", "default" => "", "valid_options" => gpp_get_taxonomy_list('category', true)), "testimonials_cat" => array("tab" => "homepage_tab", "name" => "testimonials_cat", "title" => __("Testimonials", "gpp"), "description" => __("Select testimonials category", "gpp"), "section" => "homepage_section_4", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "homepage_section_4", "type" => "select", "default" => "", "valid_options" => gpp_get_taxonomy_list('category', true)), "blog_cat" => array("tab" => "homepage_tab", "name" => "blog_cat", "title" => __("Blog", "gpp"), "description" => __("Select blog category", "gpp"), "section" => "homepage_section_5", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "homepage_section_5", "type" => "select", "default" => "", "valid_options" => gpp_get_taxonomy_list('category', true)), "team_cat" => array("tab" => "general_tab", "name" => "team_cat", "title" => __("Team", "gpp"), "description" => __("Select team category", "gpp"), "section" => "general_section_1", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "general_section_1", "type" => "select", "default" => "", "valid_options" => gpp_get_taxonomy_list('category', true)), "wallstreet_orientation" => array("tab" => "general_tab", "name" => "wallstreet_orientation", "title" => "Thumbnail Orientation", "description" => __("Select an image orientation layout.", "gpp"), "section" => "general_section_1", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "general_section_1", "type" => "select", "default" => "1", "valid_options" => array("horizontal" => array("name" => "horizontal", "title" => __("Horizontal", "gpp")), "thumbnail" => array("name" => "square", "title" => __("Square", "gpp")), "vertical" => array("name" => "vertical", "title" => __("Vertical", "gpp")))), "slideshow_enabled" => array("tab" => "slideshow_tab", "name" => "slideshow_enabled", "title" => "Enable Slideshow", "description" => __("Enable homepage slideshow.", "gpp"), "section" => "slideshow_section_1", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "slideshow_section_1", "type" => "select", "default" => "", "valid_options" => array("yes" => array("name" => "yes", "title" => __("Yes", "gpp")), "no" => array("name" => "no", "title" => __("No", "gpp")))), "slide_show" => array("tab" => "slideshow_tab", "name" => "slide_show", "title" => "Slideshow Images", "description" => __("Select or create a gallery of images to use in the homepage slideshow.", "gpp"), "section" => "slideshow_section_1", "since" => "1.0", "id" => "slideshow_section_1", "type" => "gallery", "default" => ""));