예제 #1
 * Installs GlotPress.
function _install_glotpress()
    require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php';
    require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . '/gp-includes/schema.php';
    require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . '/gp-includes/install-upgrade.php';
function gp_install()
    global $gpdb;
    $errors = gp_upgrade_db();
    if ($errors) {
        return $errors;
    gp_update_option('uri', guess_uri());
예제 #3
function _manually_load_plugin()
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../glotpress.php';
    define('GP_DIR_TESTDATA', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/data');
    global $wpdb;
    $tables = array('gp_translations', 'gp_translation_sets', 'gp_glossaries', 'gp_glossary_entries', 'gp_originals', 'gp_projects', 'gp_meta', 'gp_permissions');
    foreach ($tables as $table) {
        $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$wpdb->{$table}}");
    require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php';
    require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/gp-includes/schema.php';
    require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/gp-includes/install-upgrade.php';
예제 #4
function gp_install()
    global $gpdb;
    $errors = gp_upgrade_db();
    if ($errors) {
        return $errors;
    gp_update_option('uri', guess_uri());
    $gpdb->insert($gpdb->projects, array('name' => 'Sample', 'slug' => 'sample', 'description' => 'A Sample Project', 'path' => 'sample'));
    $gpdb->insert($gpdb->originals, array('project_id' => 1, 'singular' => 'GlotPress FTW', 'comment' => 'FTW means For The Win', 'context' => 'dashboard', 'references' => 'bigfile:666 little-dir/small-file.php:71'));
    $gpdb->insert($gpdb->originals, array('project_id' => 1, 'singular' => 'A GlotPress', 'plural' => 'Many GlotPresses'));
    $gpdb->insert($gpdb->translation_sets, array('name' => 'My Translation', 'slug' => 'my', 'project_id' => 1, 'locale' => 'bg'));
    // TODO: ask the user for an e-mail -- borrow WordPress install process
    if (!defined('CUSTOM_USER_TABLE')) {
        $admin = GP::$user->create(array('user_login' => 'admin', 'user_pass' => 'a', 'user_email' => '*****@*****.**'));
        GP::$permission->create(array('user_id' => $admin->id, 'action' => 'admin'));
    // TODO: ask the user to choose an admin user if using custom table
    return array();
예제 #5
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/settings.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/project.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/translation-set.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/translation.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/glossary.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/glossary-entry.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'routes/locale.php';
GP::$translation_warnings = new GP_Translation_Warnings();
GP::$builtin_translation_warnings = new GP_Builtin_Translation_Warnings();
GP::$router = new GP_Router();
GP::$formats = array();
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'format.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'formats/format_android.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'formats/format_pomo.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'formats/format_resx.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'formats/format_strings.php';
require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'formats/format_properties.php';
// Let's do it again, there are more variables added since last time we called it
if (!defined('GP_ROUTING')) {
    define('GP_ROUTING', false);
// Let's check to see if we need to run the upgrade routine but only run it on the admin side
if (is_admin() && GP_DB_VERSION > get_option('gp_db_version')) {
    require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php';
    require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'install-upgrade.php';
    require_once GP_PATH . GP_INC . 'schema.php';