gp_LogGatewayTrans("PayPal", $ipnValid[1], "Invalid IPN");
// Check that the payment status is completed
if ($ipnValid[1]['payment_status'] !== "Completed") {
    gp_LogGatewayTrans("PayPal", $ipnValid[1], $ipnValid[1]['payment_status']);
//Check that we havn't credited for it already
$query = 'SELECT * FROM tblaccounts WHERE transid=\'' . $ipnValid[1]['txn_id'] . '\'';
if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($query))) {
$gpSettings = gp_LoadSettings();
//Begin to credit the client
//TODO: Uncomment
//$clientId = 1;
$clientId = gp_LoadUserFromHash($ipnValid[1]['custom']);
gp_LogGatewayTrans("PayPal", $ipnValid[1], "Successful");
if ($clientId) {
    //Apply the Credit
    // Get the clients currency and apply the rate
    $currency = getCurrency($clientId);
    //Write the Transactions
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tblaccounts` (userid,gateway,`date`,description,amountin,fees,transid,invoiceid,`rate`)\n   \t\t\t\t\t\t values ({$clientId},'paypal',now(),'" . $gpSettings['SystemName'] . " Credit'," . $ipnValid[1]['mc_gross'] . "," . $ipnValid[1]['mc_fee'] . ",'" . $ipnValid[1]['txn_id'] . "',0,'" . $currency['rate'] . "')");
    //Increase the credit balance
    mysql_query("UPDATE `tblclients` set credit = credit + " . $ipnValid[1]['mc_gross'] . " where id = {$clientId}");
    //Add it to the credit log
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tblcredit` (clientid,date,description,amount)\n\t\t\t\t\t values ({$clientId},now(),'" . $gpSettings['SystemName'] . " Credit " . $ipnValid[1]['payer_email'] . "'," . $ipnValid[1]['mc_gross'] . ")");
    run_hook("groupPay_paymentComplete", array("clientId" => $clientId, "paypalInfo" => $ipnValid[1]));
$breadcrumbnav = '<a href="index.php">' . $_LANG['globalsystemname'] . '</a> > <a href="grouppay.php">' . $gpSettings['SystemName'] . '</a>';
initialiseClientArea($pagetitle, $pageicon, $breadcrumbnav);
# Define the template filename to be used without the .tpl extension
$templatefile = "grouppay";
$userHash = $_GET['hash'];
$fromPaypal = $_GET['fromPaypal'] == 'true';
//Load the grouppay settings
$gpPayPalEmail = gp_LoadPayPayEmail();
//Define up some smarty vars for the template
$loggedInClientHash = $_SESSION['uid'] ? gp_HashUserId($_SESSION['uid']) : "";
$smartyvalues["loggedInClientHash"] = $loggedInClientHash;
//If we are loading this for a user (other than logged in if applicable)
if (isset($userHash) && ($userHash != "" && $userHash != $loggedInClientHash)) {
    $smartyvalues["anotherClientHash"] = true;
    $clientId = gp_LoadUserFromHash($userHash);
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from tblclients where id = {$clientId}");
    $smartyvalues["clientFound"] = $clientInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    $smartyvalues["clientInfo"] = $clientInfo;
    $smartyvalues["clientHash"] = $userHash;
} else {
    $smartyvalues["anotherClientHash"] = false;
    // Load the past payments
    $clientId = $_SESSION['uid'];
    $smartyvalues["clientFound"] = false;
// Load the past Payments
$pastPayments = array();
if (!$smartyvalues['anotherClientHash'] || $gpSettings['HidePublicPayments'] != "on") {
    $dbPastPayments = mysql_query("SELECT * from `tblcredit` where `clientid` = " . $clientId . " and `description` LIKE '{$gpSettings['SystemName']}%'");
    while ($pastPayment = mysql_fetch_array($dbPastPayments)) {