예제 #1
function gigpress_show_related($content)
    global $is_excerpt, $wpdb, $gpo, $post;
    if ($is_excerpt == TRUE || !is_object($post)) {
        $is_excerpt = FALSE;
        return $content;
    } else {
        $shows = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " AS s LEFT JOIN  " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE show_related = %d AND show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id ORDER BY show_date ASC,show_time ASC", $post->ID));
        if ($shows != FALSE) {
            $count = 1;
            $total_shows = count($shows);
            foreach ($shows as $show) {
                $showdata = gigpress_prepare($show, 'related');
                include gigpress_template('related');
            $giginfo = ob_get_clean();
            if ($gpo['related_position'] == "before") {
                $output = $giginfo . $content;
            } else {
                $output = $content . $giginfo;
            return $output;
        } else {
            return $content;
예제 #2
파일: ical.php 프로젝트: alx/Tetalab
function gigpress_ical()
    global $wpdb, $gpo;
    $further_where = '';
    if (isset($_GET['show_id'])) {
        $further_where .= $wpdb->prepare(' AND s.show_id = %d', $_GET['show_id']);
    if (isset($_GET['artist'])) {
        $further_where .= $wpdb->prepare(' AND s.show_artist_id = %d', $_GET['artist']);
    if (isset($_GET['tour'])) {
        $further_where .= $wpdb->prepare(' AND s.show_tour_id = %d', $_GET['tour']);
    if (isset($_GET['venue'])) {
        $further_where .= $wpdb->prepare(' AND s.show_venue_id = %d', $_GET['venue']);
    $shows = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " AS s LEFT JOIN  " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id" . $further_where, $_GET['show_id']));
    if ($shows) {
        $count = 1;
        $total = count($shows);
        foreach ($shows as $show) {
            $showdata = gigpress_prepare($show, 'ical');
            if (isset($_GET['artist'])) {
                $filename = sanitize_title($showdata['artist']) . '-icalendar';
                $title = $show->artist_name;
            } elseif (isset($_GET['tour'])) {
                $filename = sanitize_title($showdata['tour']) . '-icalendar';
                $title = $show->tour_name;
            } elseif (isset($_GET['venue'])) {
                $filename = sanitize_title($showdata['venue_plain']) . '-icalendar';
                $title = $show->venue_name;
            } elseif (isset($_GET['show_id'])) {
                $filename = sanitize_title($showdata['artist']) . '-' . $show->show_date;
                $title = $show->artist_name . ' - ' . $showdata['date'];
            } else {
                $filename = sanitize_title(get_bloginfo('name')) . '-icalendar';
                $title = $gpo['rss_title'];
            if ($count == 1) {
                header('Content-type: text/calendar');
                header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '.ics"');
            echo "BEGIN:VEVENT\nSUMMARY;CHARSET=" . get_bloginfo('charset') . ':' . $showdata['calendar_summary'] . "\nDESCRIPTION;CHARSET=" . get_bloginfo('charset') . ':' . $showdata['calendar_details'] . "\nLOCATION;CHARSET=" . get_bloginfo('charset') . ':' . $showdata['calendar_location'] . "\nUID:" . $showdata['calendar_start'] . '-' . $showdata['id'] . '-' . get_bloginfo('admin_email') . "\nURL:" . $showdata['permalink'] . "\nDTSTART;VALUE=DATE;TZID=Etc/GMT:" . $showdata['calendar_start'] . "\nDTEND;VALUE=DATE;TZID=Etc/GMT:" . $showdata['calendar_end'] . "\nDTSTAMP:" . date('Ymd') . 'T' . date('his') . 'Z' . "\nEND:VEVENT\n";
            if ($count == $total) {
                echo "END:VCALENDAR";
예제 #3
function gigpress_show_related($args = array(), $content = '')
    global $is_excerpt, $wpdb, $gpo, $post;
    if ($is_excerpt == TRUE || !is_object($post)) {
        $is_excerpt = FALSE;
        return $content;
    } else {
        extract(shortcode_atts(array('scope' => 'all', 'sort' => 'asc'), $args));
        // Date conditionals based on scope
        switch ($scope) {
            case 'upcoming':
                $date_condition = ">= '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
            case 'past':
                $date_condition = "< '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
            case 'all':
                $date_condition = "!= ''";
        $shows = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " AS s LEFT JOIN  " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE show_related = %d AND show_expire " . $date_condition . " AND show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id ORDER BY show_date " . $sort . ",show_expire " . $sort . ",show_time " . $sort, $post->ID));
        if ($shows != FALSE) {
            $count = 1;
            $total_shows = count($shows);
            foreach ($shows as $show) {
                $showdata = gigpress_prepare($show, 'related');
                include gigpress_template('related');
            $giginfo = ob_get_clean();
            if ($gpo['related_position'] == "before") {
                $output = $giginfo . $content;
            } else {
                $output = $content . $giginfo;
            return $output;
        } else {
            return $content;
예제 #4
function gigpress_sidebar($filter = null)
    global $wpdb, $gpo;
    $further_where = $orderby = '';
    // Variables we need for conditionals
    // Check total number of artists
    $total_artists = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*) from " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS);
    // Check for sorting
    if (isset($filter['sort'])) {
        $sort = $filter['sort'];
    // Scope
    switch ($filter['scope']) {
        case 'today':
            $date_condition = "show_expire >= '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "' AND show_date <= '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
            if (!isset($sort)) {
                $sort = 'asc';
        case 'past':
            $date_condition = "show_expire < '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
            if (!isset($sort)) {
                $sort = 'desc';
        case 'all':
            $date_condition = "show_date != ''";
            if (!isset($sort)) {
                $sort = 'desc';
            $date_condition = "show_expire >= '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
    // Number of shows to list (per artist if grouping by artist)
    $limit = isset($filter['limit']) && is_numeric($filter['limit']) ? $wpdb->prepare('%d', $filter['limit']) : 5;
    // Whether or not to display tour grouings
    $show_tours = isset($filter['show_tours']) && $filter['show_tours'] == 'yes' ? 'yes' : FALSE;
    // Whether or not to group artists
    $group_artists = isset($filter['group_artists']) && $filter['group_artists'] == 'yes' ? 'yes' : FALSE;
    // Order in which to display artists if grouping
    $artist_order = isset($filter['artist_order']) && $filter['artist_order'] == 'custom' ? 'custom' : 'alphabetical';
    // Filtering by artist, tour, or venue?
    $artist = isset($filter['artist']) ? $filter['artist'] : FALSE;
    $tour = isset($filter['tour']) ? $filter['tour'] : FALSE;
    $venue = isset($filter['venue']) ? $filter['venue'] : FALSE;
    // Display feed links and link to more shows?
    $show_feeds = isset($filter['show_feeds']) && $filter['show_feeds'] == 'yes' ? 'yes' : FALSE;
    $link = isset($filter['link_text']) && !empty($gpo['shows_page']) ? wptexturize($filter['link_text']) : FALSE;
    // Establish the variable parts of the query
    if ($artist) {
        $further_where .= ' AND show_artist_id IN(' . $wpdb->prepare('%s', $artist) . ')';
    if ($tour) {
        $further_where .= ' AND show_tour_id IN(' . $wpdb->prepare('%s', $tour) . ')';
    if ($venue) {
        $further_where .= ' AND show_venue_id IN(' . $wpdb->prepare('%s', $venue) . ')';
    if ($group_artists) {
        $orderby = 'a.artist_name ASC,';
    $artist_order = $artist_order == 'custom' ? "artist_order ASC," : '';
    // If we're grouping by artist, we'll unfortunately have to first get all artists
    // Then  make a query for each one. Looking for a better way to do this.
    if ($group_artists && !$tour && !$artist && !$venue && $total_artists > 1) {
        $artists = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " ORDER BY " . $artist_order . "artist_name ASC");
        foreach ($artists as $artist_group) {
            $shows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " AS s LEFT JOIN  " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE " . $date_condition . " AND show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = " . $artist_group->artist_id . " AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id " . $further_where . " ORDER BY s.show_date " . $sort . ",s.show_time " . $sort . " LIMIT " . $limit);
            if ($shows) {
                // For each artist group
                $some_results = TRUE;
                $current_tour = '';
                $i = 0;
                // Data for artist heading
                $showdata = array('artist' => wptexturize($artist_group->artist_name), 'artist_id' => $artist_group->artist_id);
                include gigpress_template('sidebar-artist-heading');
                include gigpress_template('sidebar-list-start');
                foreach ($shows as $show) {
                    // For each individual show
                    $showdata = gigpress_prepare($show, 'public');
                    // Close the previous tour if needed
                    if ($show_tours && $current_tour && $showdata['tour'] != $current_tour) {
                        include gigpress_template('sidebar-tour-end');
                    // Open the current tour if needed
                    if ($show_tours && $showdata['tour'] && $showdata['tour'] != $current_tour && !$tour) {
                        $current_tour = $showdata['tour'];
                        include gigpress_template('sidebar-tour-heading');
                    // Zero-out $current_tour
                    if (empty($showdata['tour'])) {
                        $current_tour = '';
                    // Prepare the class
                    $class = $i % 2 ? 'gigpress-alt ' : '';
                    $class .= $showdata['tour'] && $show_tours ? 'gigpress-tour ' . $showdata['status'] : $showdata['status'];
                    // Display the show
                    include gigpress_template('sidebar-list');
                // Close the current tour if needed
                if ($show_tours && $current_tour) {
                    include gigpress_template('sidebar-tour-end');
                // Close the list
                include gigpress_template('sidebar-list-end');
        if ($some_results) {
            // After all artist groups
            // Display the list footer
            include gigpress_template('sidebar-list-footer');
        } else {
            // No shows from any artist
            include gigpress_template('sidebar-list-empty');
    } else {
        // Not grouping by artists
        $shows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " AS s LEFT JOIN  " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE " . $date_condition . " AND show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id " . $further_where . " ORDER BY s.show_date " . $sort . ",s.show_time " . $sort . " LIMIT " . $limit);
        if ($shows) {
            $current_tour = '';
            $i = 0;
            include gigpress_template('sidebar-list-start');
            foreach ($shows as $show) {
                // For each individual show
                $showdata = gigpress_prepare($show, 'public');
                // Close the previous tour if needed
                if ($show_tours && $current_tour && $showdata['tour'] != $current_tour && !$tour) {
                    include gigpress_template('sidebar-tour-end');
                // Open the current tour if needed
                if ($show_tours && $showdata['tour'] && $showdata['tour'] != $current_tour && !$tour) {
                    $current_tour = $showdata['tour'];
                    include gigpress_template('sidebar-tour-heading');
                if (!$showdata['tour']) {
                    $current_tour = '';
                // Prepare the class
                $class = $i % 2 ? 'gigpress-alt ' : '';
                $class .= $showdata['tour'] && $show_tours ? 'gigpress-tour ' . $showdata['status'] : $showdata['status'];
                // Display the show
                include gigpress_template('sidebar-list');
            // Close the current tour if needed
            if ($show_tours && $current_tour && !$tour) {
                include gigpress_template('sidebar-tour-end');
            // Close the list
            include gigpress_template('sidebar-list-end');
            // Display the list footer
            include gigpress_template('sidebar-list-footer');
        } else {
            // No shows from any artist
            include gigpress_template('sidebar-list-empty');
    echo '<!-- Generated by GigPress ' . GIGPRESS_VERSION . ' -->
    return ob_get_clean();
예제 #5
function gigpress_venues()
    global $wpdb, $gpo;
    if (isset($_POST['gpaction']) && $_POST['gpaction'] == "add") {
        require_once 'handlers.php';
        $result = gigpress_add_venue();
    if (isset($_POST['gpaction']) && $_POST['gpaction'] == "update") {
        require_once 'handlers.php';
        $result = gigpress_update_venue();
    if (isset($_GET['gpaction']) && $_GET['gpaction'] == "delete") {
        require_once 'handlers.php';
    $url_args = isset($_GET['gp-page']) ? '&amp;gp-page=' . $_GET['gp-page'] : '';

	<div class="wrap gigpress gp-venues">

    _e("Venues", "gigpress");
    $venue_id = isset($_REQUEST['venue_id']) ? $wpdb->prepare('%d', $_REQUEST['venue_id']) : '';
    // Check our context to determine what we're populating
    if (is_array($result)) {
        // This means we $_POSTed and there were errors
        $venue_name = gigpress_db_out($_POST['venue_name']);
        $venue_city = gigpress_db_out($_POST['venue_city']);
        $venue_address = gigpress_db_out($_POST['venue_address']);
        $venue_country = $_POST['venue_country'];
        $venue_url = gigpress_db_out($_POST['venue_url']);
        $venue_phone = gigpress_db_out($_POST['venue_phone']);
    } elseif (isset($_GET['gpaction']) && $_GET['gpaction'] == "edit") {
        // Just loaded for editing
        $venuedata = $wpdb->get_results("\n\t\t\tSELECT * from " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " WHERE venue_id = " . $venue_id . " LIMIT 1\n\t\t");
        if ($venuedata) {
            foreach ($venuedata as $venue) {
                $venue_name = gigpress_db_out($venue->venue_name);
                $venue_city = gigpress_db_out($venue->venue_city);
                $venue_address = gigpress_db_out($venue->venue_address);
                $venue_country = $venue->venue_country;
                $venue_url = gigpress_db_out($venue->venue_url);
                $venue_phone = gigpress_db_out($venue->venue_phone);
        } else {
            $load_error = '<div id="message" class="error fade"><p>' . __("Sorry, but we had trouble loading that venue for editing.", "gigpress") . '</div>';
    } else {
        // New venue entry
        $venue_name = $venue_city = $venue_address = $venue_url = $venue_phone = $load_error = '';
        $venue_country = $gpo['default_country'];
    if (isset($_GET['gpaction']) && $_GET['gpaction'] == "edit" && $venuedata || is_array($result) && $result['editing'] == TRUE) {
        _e("Edit this venue", "gigpress");
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
        echo get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gigpress-venues" . $url_args;
		<input type="hidden" name="gpaction" value="update" />
		<input type="hidden" name="venue_id" value="<?php 
        echo $venue_id;
" />

    } else {
        if ($load_error) {
            echo $load_error;

        _e("Add an venue", "gigpress");
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
        echo get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gigpress-venues" . $url_args;
		<input type="hidden" name="gpaction" value="add" />		
		<table class="form-table gp-table">
				<th scope="row"><label for="venue_name"><?php 
    _e("Venue name", "gigpress");
:<span class="gp-required">*</span></label></th>
				<td><input type="text" size="48" name="venue_name" id="venue_name" value="<?php 
    echo $venue_name;
    if ($result['venue_name']) {
        echo ' class="gigpress-error"';
				<th scope="row"><label for="venue_city"><?php 
    _e("Venue city", "gigpress");
:<span class="gp-required">*</span></label></th>
				<td><input type="text" size="48" name="venue_city" id="venue_city" value="<?php 
    echo $venue_city;
    if ($result['venue_city']) {
        echo ' class="gigpress-error"';
				<th scope="row"><label for="venue_address"><?php 
    _e("Venue address", "gigpress");
				<td><input type="text" size="48" name="venue_address" id="venue_address" value="<?php 
    echo $venue_address;
" /></td>
				<th scope="row"><label for="venue_country"><?php 
    _e("Venue country", "gigpress");
					<select name="venue_country" id="venue_country">
    global $gp_countries;
    foreach ($gp_countries as $code => $name) {
        $sel = $code == $venue_country ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        echo '<option value="' . $code . '"' . $sel . '>' . $name . '</option>';
				<th scope="row"><label for="venue_url"><?php 
    _e("Venue website", "gigpress");
				<td><input type="text" size="48" name="venue_url" id="venue_url" value="<?php 
    echo $venue_url;
" /></td>
				<th scope="row"><label for="venue_phone"><?php 
    _e("Venue phone", "gigpress");
				<td><input type="text" size="48" name="venue_phone" id="venue_phone" value="<?php 
    echo $venue_phone;
" /></td>
    if (isset($_GET['gpaction']) && $_GET['gpaction'] == "edit" || is_array($result) && $result['editing'] == TRUE) {
				<span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
        _e("Update venue", "gigpress");
" /></span> <?php 
        _e("or", "gigpress");
 <a href="<?php 
        echo $url_args;
        _e("cancel", "gigpress");
    } else {
				<span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
        _e("Add venue", "gigpress");
" /></span>		
    _e("All venues", "gigpress");
	<div class="tablenav">
		<div class="alignleft">
    _e("Note that you cannot delete a venue while it has shows in the database.", "gigpress");
    $venue_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . GIGPRESS_VENUES);
    if ($venue_count) {
        $pagination_args['page'] = 'gigpress-venues';
        $pagination = gigpress_admin_pagination($venue_count, 15, $pagination_args);
        if ($pagination) {
            echo $pagination['output'];
    $limit = isset($_GET['gp-page']) ? $pagination['offset'] . ',' . $pagination['records_per_page'] : 15;
		<div class="clear"></div>
	<table class="widefat">
				<th scope="col" class="gp-tiny">ID</th>
				<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Name", "gigpress");
				<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("City", "gigpress");
				<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Address", "gigpress");
				<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Country", "gigpress");
				<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Phone", "gigpress");
				<th scope="col" class="gp-centre"><?php 
    _e("Number of shows", "gigpress");
				<th class="gp-centre" scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Actions", "gigpress");
    $venues = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " ORDER BY venue_name ASC LIMIT " . $limit);
    if ($venues) {
        foreach ($venues as $venue) {
            if ($n = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " WHERE show_venue_id = " . $venue->venue_id . " AND show_status != 'deleted'")) {
                $count = '<a href="' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gigpress-shows&amp;venue_id=' . $venue->venue_id . '">' . $n . '</a>';
            } else {
                $count = 0;
            $venuedata = gigpress_prepare($venue, 'venue');
            $style = $i % 2 ? '' : ' class="alternate"';
            // Print out our rows.
            echo $style;
					<td class="gp-tiny"><?php 
            echo $venuedata['venue_id'];
            echo $venuedata['venue'];
            echo $venuedata['city'];
            echo $venuedata['address'];
            echo $venuedata['country'];
            echo $venuedata['venue_phone'];
					<td class="gp-centre"><?php 
            echo $count;
					<td class="gp-centre">
						<a href="<?php 
            echo get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gigpress-venues&amp;gpaction=edit&amp;venue_id=' . $venue->venue_id . $url_args;
" class="edit"><?php 
            _e("Edit", "gigpress");
            if (!$count) {
 | <a href="<?php 
                echo wp_nonce_url(get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gigpress-venues&amp;gpaction=delete&amp;venue_id=' . $venue->venue_id . $url_args, 'gigpress-action');
" class="delete"><?php 
                _e("Delete", "gigpress");
    } else {
        // We don't have any venues, so let's say so
			<tr><td colspan="7"><strong><?php 
        _e("No venues in the database", "gigpress");
				<th scope="col" class="gp-tiny">ID</th>
				<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Name", "gigpress");
				<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("City", "gigpress");
				<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Address", "gigpress");
				<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Country", "gigpress");
				<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Phone", "gigpress");
				<th scope="col" class="gp-centre"><?php 
    _e("Number of shows", "gigpress");
				<th class="gp-centre" scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Actions", "gigpress");
	<div class="tablenav">
    if ($pagination) {
        echo $pagination['output'];
예제 #6
function gigpress_admin_shows()
    if (isset($_REQUEST['gpaction']) && $_REQUEST['gpaction'] == "delete") {
        require_once 'handlers.php';
    if (isset($_GET['gpaction']) && $_GET['gpaction'] == "undo") {
        require_once 'handlers.php';
    if (isset($_POST['gpaction']) && $_POST['gpaction'] == "update") {
        require_once 'handlers.php';
    if (isset($_GET['gpaction']) && $_GET['gpaction'] == "trash") {
        require_once 'handlers.php';
    global $wpdb, $gpo;
    // Checks for filtering and pagination
    $url_args = '';
    $further_where = '';
    $pagination_args = array();
    switch ($_GET['scope']) {
        case 'upcoming':
            $condition = ">= '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
            $url_args .= '&amp;scope=upcoming';
            $pagination_args['scope'] = 'upcoming';
        case 'past':
            $condition = "< '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
            $url_args .= '&amp;scope=past';
            $pagination_args['scope'] = 'past';
            $condition = 'IS NOT NULL';
    global $current_user;
    switch ($_GET['sort']) {
        case 'asc':
            $sort = 'ASC';
            update_usermeta($current_user->ID, 'gigpress_sort', $sort);
        case 'desc':
            $sort = 'DESC';
            update_usermeta($current_user->ID, 'gigpress_sort', $sort);
    if (!isset($_GET['sort'])) {
        if (!($sort = get_usermeta($current_user->ID, 'gigpress_sort'))) {
            $sort = 'DESC';
            update_usermeta($current_user->ID, 'gigpress_sort', $sort);
    if (isset($_GET['gp-page'])) {
        $url_args .= '&amp;gp-page=' . $_GET['gp-page'];
    if (isset($_GET['artist_id']) && $_GET['artist_id'] != '-1') {
        $further_where .= ' AND s.show_artist_id = ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $_GET['artist_id']) . ' ';
        $pagination_args['artist_id'] = $_GET['artist_id'];
        $url_args .= '&amp;artist_id=' . $_GET['artist_id'];
    if (isset($_GET['tour_id']) && $_GET['tour_id'] != '-1') {
        $further_where .= ' AND s.show_tour_id = ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $_GET['tour_id']) . ' ';
        $pagination_args['tour_id'] = $_GET['tour_id'];
        $url_args .= '&amp;tour_id=' . $_GET['tour_id'];
    if (isset($_GET['venue_id']) && $_GET['venue_id'] != '-1') {
        $further_where .= ' AND s.show_venue_id = ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $_GET['venue_id']) . ' ';
        $pagination_args['venue_id'] = $_GET['venue_id'];
        $url_args .= '&amp;venue_id=' . $_GET['venue_id'];
    // Build pagination
    $show_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " AS s LEFT JOIN  " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE show_expire " . $condition . " AND show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id " . $further_where . "ORDER BY show_date " . $sort . ",show_time " . $sort);
    if ($show_count) {
        $pagination_args['page'] = 'gigpress-shows';
        $pagination = gigpress_admin_pagination($show_count, 10, $pagination_args);
    $limit = isset($_GET['gp-page']) ? $pagination['offset'] . ',' . $pagination['records_per_page'] : 10;
    // Build the query
    $shows = $wpdb->get_results("\n\t\tSELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " AS s LEFT JOIN  " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE show_expire " . $condition . " AND show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id " . $further_where . "ORDER BY show_date " . $sort . ",show_expire " . $sort . ",show_time " . $sort . " LIMIT " . $limit);
	<div class="wrap gigpress">

    _e("Shows", "gigpress");
		<ul class="subsubsub">
    $all = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(show_id) FROM " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " WHERE show_status != 'deleted'");
    $upcoming = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(show_id) FROM " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " WHERE show_expire >= '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "' AND show_status != 'deleted'");
    $past = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(show_id) FROM " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " WHERE show_expire < '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "' AND show_status != 'deleted'");
    echo '<li><a href="' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gigpress-shows"';
    if (!isset($_GET['scope'])) {
        echo ' class="current"';
    echo '>' . __("All", "gigpress") . '</a> <span class="count">(' . $all . ')</span> | </li>';
    echo '<li><a href="' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gigpress-shows&amp;scope=upcoming"';
    if (isset($_GET['scope']) && $_GET['scope'] == 'upcoming') {
        echo ' class="current"';
    echo '>' . __("Upcoming", "gigpress") . '</a> <span class="count">(' . $upcoming . ')</span> | </li>';
    echo '<li><a href="' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gigpress-shows&amp;scope=past"';
    if (isset($_GET['scope']) && $_GET['scope'] == 'past') {
        echo ' class="current"';
    echo '>' . __("Past", "gigpress") . '</a> <span class="count">(' . $past . ')</span></li>';
		<div class="tablenav">
			<div class="alignleft">
				<form action="" method="get">
						<input type="hidden" name="page" value="gigpress-shows" />
    if (isset($_GET['scope'])) {
						<input type="hidden" name="scope" value="<?php 
        echo $_GET['scope'];
" />
						<select name="artist_id">
							<option value="-1"><?php 
    _e("View all artists", "gigpress");
    $artistdata = fetch_gigpress_artists();
    if ($artistdata) {
        foreach ($artistdata as $artist) {
            $selected = isset($_GET['artist_id']) && $_GET['artist_id'] == $artist->artist_id ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
            echo '<option value="' . $artist->artist_id . '"' . $selected . '>' . gigpress_db_out($artist->artist_name) . '</option>';
    } else {
        echo '<option value="-1">' . __("No artists in the database", "gigpress") . '</option>';
						<select name="tour_id">
							<option value="-1"><?php 
    _e("View all tours", "gigpress");
    $tourdata = fetch_gigpress_tours();
    if ($tourdata) {
        foreach ($tourdata as $tour) {
            $selected = isset($_GET['tour_id']) && $_GET['tour_id'] == $tour->tour_id ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
            echo '<option value="' . $tour->tour_id . '"' . $selected . '>' . gigpress_db_out($tour->tour_name) . '</option>';
    } else {
        echo '<option value="-1">' . __("No tours in the database", "gigpress") . '</option>';

						<select name="venue_id">
							<option value="-1"><?php 
    _e("View all venues", "gigpress");
    $venuedata = fetch_gigpress_venues();
    if ($venuedata) {
        foreach ($venuedata as $venue) {
            $selected = isset($_GET['venue_id']) && $_GET['venue_id'] == $venue->venue_id ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
            echo '<option value="' . $venue->venue_id . '"' . $selected . '>' . gigpress_db_out($venue->venue_name) . '</option>';
    } else {
        echo '<option value="-1">' . __("No venues in the database", "gigpress") . '</option>';
						<select name="sort">
							<option value="desc"<?php 
    if ($sort == 'DESC') {
        echo ' selected="selected"';
    _e("Descending", "gigpress");
							<option value="asc"<?php 
    if ($sort == 'ASC') {
        echo ' selected="selected"';
    _e("Ascending", "gigpress");
						<input type="submit" value="Filter" class="button-secondary" />
    if ($pagination) {
        echo $pagination['output'];
			<div class="clear"></div>

		<form action="" method="post">
			<input type="hidden" name="gpaction" value="delete" />

		<table class="widefat">
					<th scope="col" class="column-cb check-column"><input type="checkbox" /></th>
					<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Date", "gigpress");
					<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Artist", "gigpress");
					<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("City", "gigpress");
					<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Venue", "gigpress");
					<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Country", "gigpress");
					<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Tour", "gigpress");
					<th class="gp-centre" scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Actions", "gigpress");
					<th scope="col" class="column-cb check-column"><input type="checkbox" /></th>
					<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Date", "gigpress");
					<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Artist", "gigpress");
					<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("City", "gigpress");
					<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Venue", "gigpress");
					<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Country", "gigpress");
					<th scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Tour", "gigpress");
					<th class="gp-centre" scope="col"><?php 
    _e("Actions", "gigpress");
    // Do we have dates?
    if ($shows != FALSE) {
        foreach ($shows as $show) {
            $showdata = gigpress_prepare($show, 'admin');
				<tr class="<?php 
            echo 'gigpress-' . $showdata['status'];
					<th scope="row" class="check-column"><input type="checkbox" name="show_id[]" value="<?php 
            echo $show->show_id;
" /></th>
					<td><span class="gigpress-date"><?php 
            echo $showdata['date'];
            if ($showdata['end_date']) {
                echo ' - ' . $showdata['end_date'];
            echo $showdata['artist'];
            echo $showdata['city'];
            echo $showdata['venue'];
            if ($showdata['address']) {
                echo ' (' . $showdata['address'] . ')';
            echo $showdata['country'];
            echo $showdata['tour'];
					<td class="gp-centre">
						<a href="<?php 
            echo $show->show_id;
" class="edit" title="<?php 
            _e("Edit", "gigpress");
            _e("Edit", "gigpress");
</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="<?php 
            echo $show->show_id;
" class="edit" title="<?php 
            _e("Copy", "gigpress");
            _e("Copy", "gigpress");
				<tr class="<?php 
            echo 'alternate' . ' gigpress-' . $showdata['status'];
					<td colspan="8"><small>
            if ($showdata['time']) {
                echo $showdata['time'] . '. ';
            if ($showdata['price']) {
                echo __("Price", "gigpress") . ': ' . $showdata['price'] . '. ';
            if ($showdata['admittance']) {
                echo $showdata['admittance'] . '. ';
            if ($showdata['ticket_link']) {
                echo $showdata['ticket_link'] . '. ';
            if ($showdata['ticket_phone']) {
                echo __('Box office', "gigpress") . ': ' . $showdata['ticket_phone'] . '. ';
            echo $showdata['notes'] . ' ';
            echo $showdata['related_edit'];
        // end foreach
    } else {
        // No results from the query
			<tr><td colspan="8"><?php 
        _e("Sorry, no shows to display based on your criteria.", "gigpress");
		<div class="tablenav">
			<div class="alignleft">
				<input type="submit" value="<?php 
    _e('Trash selected shows', 'gigpress');
" class="button-secondary" /> &nbsp; 
    if ($tour_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " WHERE tour_status = 'deleted'")) {
        $tours = $tour_count;
    } else {
        $tours = 0;
    if ($show_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " WHERE show_status = 'deleted'")) {
        $shows = $show_count;
    } else {
        $shows = 0;
    if ($tour_count || $show_count) {
        echo '<small>' . __("You have", "gigpress") . ' <strong>' . $shows . ' ' . __("shows", "gigpress") . '</strong> ' . __("and", "gigpress") . ' <strong>' . $tours . ' ' . __("tours", "gigpress") . '</strong> ' . __("in your trash", "gigpress") . '.';
        if ($shows != 0 || $tours != 0) {
            echo ' <a href="' . wp_nonce_url(get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gigpress-shows&amp;gpaction=trash' . $url_args, 'gigpress-action') . '">' . __("Take out the trash now", "gigpress") . '</a>.';
        echo '</small>';
    if ($pagination) {
        echo $pagination['output'];

예제 #7
function gigpress_shows($filter = null, $content = null)
    global $wpdb, $gpo;
    $further_where = $limit = '';
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('tour' => FALSE, 'artist' => FALSE, 'venue' => FALSE, 'limit' => FALSE, 'scope' => 'upcoming', 'sort' => FALSE, 'group_artists' => 'yes', 'artist_order' => 'custom', 'show_menu' => FALSE, 'show_menu_count' => FALSE, 'menu_sort' => FALSE, 'menu_title' => FALSE, 'year' => FALSE, 'month' => FALSE), $filter));
    $total_artists = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*) from " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS);
    // Date conditionals and sorting based on scope
    switch ($scope) {
        case 'upcoming':
            $date_condition = "show_expire >= '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
            if (empty($sort)) {
                $sort = 'asc';
        case 'past':
            $date_condition = "show_expire < '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
            if (empty($sort)) {
                $sort = 'desc';
        case 'today':
            $date_condition = "show_expire >= '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "' AND show_date <= '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
            if (empty($sort)) {
                $sort = 'asc';
        case 'all':
            $date_condition = "show_expire != ''";
            if (empty($sort)) {
                $sort = 'desc';
    // Artist, tour and venue filtering
    if ($artist) {
        $further_where .= ' AND show_artist_id = ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $artist);
    if ($tour) {
        $further_where .= ' AND show_tour_id = ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $tour);
    if ($venue) {
        $further_where .= ' AND show_venue_id = ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $venue);
    // Date filtering
    // Query vars take precedence over function vars
    if (isset($_REQUEST['gpy'])) {
        $year = $_REQUEST['gpy'];
        if (isset($_REQUEST['gpm'])) {
            $month = $_REQUEST['gpm'];
        } else {
        $no_limit = TRUE;
    // Validate year and date parameters
    if ($year || $month) {
        if ($year) {
            if (is_numeric($year) && strlen($year) == 4) {
                $year = round($year);
            } else {
                $year = date('Y', current_time('timestamp'));
        } else {
            // We've only specified a month, so we'll assume the year is current
            $year = date('Y', current_time('timestamp'));
        if ($month) {
            if ($month == 'current') {
                $month = date('m', current_time('timestamp'));
            } elseif (round($month) == 0) {
                // Probably using a month name
                $month = date('m', strtotime($month));
            } elseif (round($month) < 10) {
                // Make sure the month is padded through 09
                $month = str_pad($month, 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
            } elseif (round($month) < 13) {
                // Between 10 and 12 we're OK
                $month = $month;
            } else {
                // Bogus month value (not a string and > 12)
                // Sorry, bailing out. Your "month" will be ignored. Dink.
                $month = FALSE;
            $start_month = $end_month = $month;
        if (!$month) {
            $start_month = '01';
            $end_month = '12';
        $start = $year . '-' . $start_month . '-01';
        $end = $year . '-' . $end_month . '-31';
        $further_where .= ' AND show_date BETWEEN ' . $wpdb->prepare('%s', $start) . ' AND ' . $wpdb->prepare('%s', $end);
    $limit = $limit && !$no_limit ? ' LIMIT ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $limit) : '';
    $artist_order = $artist_order == 'custom' ? "artist_order ASC," : '';
    // With the new 'all' scope, we should probably have a third message option, but I'm too lazy
    // Really, there should just be one generic 'no shows' message. Oh well.
    $no_results_message = $scope == 'upcoming' ? wptexturize($gpo['noupcoming']) : wptexturize($gpo['nopast']);
    // Are we showing our menu?
    if ($show_menu) {
        $menu_options = array();
        $menu_options['scope'] = $scope;
        $menu_options['type'] = $show_menu;
        if ($menu_title) {
            $menu_options['title'] = $menu_title;
        if ($show_menu_count) {
            $menu_options['show_count'] = $show_menu_count;
        if ($menu_sort) {
            $menu_options['sort'] = $menu_sort;
        if ($artist) {
            $menu_options['artist'] = $artist;
        if ($tour) {
            $menu_options['tour'] = $tour;
        if ($venue) {
            $menu_options['venue'] = $venue;
        include gigpress_template('before-menu');
        echo gigpress_menu($menu_options);
        include gigpress_template('after-menu');
    // If we're grouping by artist, we'll unfortunately have to first get all artists
    // Then  make a query for each one. Looking for a better way to do this.
    if ($group_artists == 'yes' && !$artist && $total_artists > 1) {
        $artists = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " ORDER BY " . $artist_order . "artist_name ASC");
        foreach ($artists as $artist_group) {
            $shows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " AS s LEFT JOIN  " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE " . $date_condition . " AND show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = " . $artist_group->artist_id . " AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id " . $further_where . " ORDER BY s.show_date " . $sort . ",s.show_expire " . $sort . ",s.show_time " . $sort . $limit);
            if ($shows) {
                // For each artist group
                $some_results = TRUE;
                $current_tour = '';
                $i = 0;
                $showdata = array('artist' => wptexturize($artist_group->artist_name), 'artist_id' => $artist_group->artist_id);
                include gigpress_template('shows-artist-heading');
                include gigpress_template('shows-list-start');
                foreach ($shows as $show) {
                    // For each individual show
                    $showdata = gigpress_prepare($show, 'public');
                    if ($showdata['tour'] && $showdata['tour'] != $current_tour && !$tour) {
                        $current_tour = $showdata['tour'];
                        include gigpress_template('shows-tour-heading');
                    $class = $showdata['status'];
                    $class .= $i % 2 ? '' : ' gigpress-alt';
                    if (!$showdata['tour'] && $current_tour) {
                        $current_tour = '';
                        $class .= ' divider';
                    $class .= $showdata['tour'] && !$tour ? ' gigpress-tour' : '';
                    include gigpress_template('shows-list');
                include gigpress_template('shows-list-end');
        if ($some_results) {
            // After all artist groups
            include gigpress_template('shows-list-footer');
        } else {
            // No shows from any artist
            include gigpress_template('shows-list-empty');
    } else {
        // Not grouping by artists
        $shows = $wpdb->get_results("\n\t\t\tSELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " AS s LEFT JOIN  " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE " . $date_condition . " AND show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id " . $further_where . " ORDER BY s.show_date " . $sort . ",s.show_expire " . $sort . ",s.show_time " . $sort . $limit);
        if ($shows) {
            $current_tour = '';
            $i = 0;
            include gigpress_template('shows-list-start');
            foreach ($shows as $show) {
                // For each individual show
                $showdata = gigpress_prepare($show, 'public');
                if ($showdata['tour'] && $showdata['tour'] != $current_tour && !$tour) {
                    $current_tour = $showdata['tour'];
                    include gigpress_template('shows-tour-heading');
                $class = $showdata['status'];
                $class .= $i % 2 ? '' : ' gigpress-alt';
                if (!$showdata['tour'] && $current_tour) {
                    $current_tour = '';
                    $class .= ' divider';
                $class .= $showdata['tour'] && !$tour ? ' gigpress-tour' : '';
                include gigpress_template('shows-list');
            include gigpress_template('shows-list-end');
            include gigpress_template('shows-list-footer');
        } else {
            // No shows to display
            include gigpress_template('shows-list-empty');
    echo '<!-- Generated by GigPress ' . GIGPRESS_VERSION . ' -->
    return ob_get_clean();
예제 #8
function gigpress_feed()
    global $wpdb, $gpo;
    header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=' . get_bloginfo('charset'));
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . get_bloginfo('charset') . '"?>
	<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">';
    $filter = '';
    $filter .= isset($_GET['tour']) ? $wpdb->prepare('AND s.show_tour_id = %d ', $_GET['tour']) : '';
    $filter .= isset($_GET['artist']) ? $wpdb->prepare('AND s.show_artist_id = %d ', $_GET['artist']) : '';
    $filter .= isset($_GET['venue']) ? $wpdb->prepare('AND s.show_venue_id = %d ', $_GET['venue']) : '';
    $shows = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS . " AS s LEFT JOIN  " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE show_expire >= '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "' AND show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id " . $filter . "ORDER BY show_date ASC,show_time ASC"));
    if ($shows != FALSE) {
        $count = 1;
        $total = count($shows);
        foreach ($shows as $show) {
            $showdata = gigpress_prepare($show, 'feed');
            if ($count == 1) {
                echo wptexturize($gpo['rss_title']);
                if (isset($_GET['artist'])) {
                    echo ': ' . $showdata['artist'];
                if (isset($_GET['tour'])) {
                    echo ': ' . $showdata['tour'];
                if (isset($_GET['venue'])) {
                    echo ': ' . $showdata['venue_plain'];
                echo wptexturize($gpo['rss_title']);
                if (isset($_GET['artist'])) {
                    echo ': ' . $showdata['artist'];
                if (isset($_GET['tour'])) {
                    echo ': ' . $showdata['tour'];
                if (isset($_GET['venue'])) {
                    echo ': ' . $showdata['venue_plain'];
			<atom:link href="<?php 
                echo GIGPRESS_RSS;
                if (isset($_GET['artist'])) {
                    echo '&amp;artist=' . $_GET['artist'];
                if (isset($_GET['tour'])) {
                    echo '&amp;tour=' . $_GET['tour'];
                if (isset($_GET['venue'])) {
                    echo '&amp;venue=' . $_GET['venue'];
" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
                echo GIGPRESS_URL;
            echo $showdata['artist'] . ' ' . __("in", "gigpress") . ' ' . $showdata['city'] . ' ' . __("on", "gigpress") . ' ' . $showdata['date'];
            echo '<![CDATA[';
            echo wptexturize($gpo['artist_label']);
:</strong> <?php 
            echo $showdata['artist'];
            if ($showdata['tour']) {
                echo wptexturize($gpo['tour_label']);
:</strong> <?php 
                echo $showdata['tour'];
            _e("Date", "gigpress");
            echo $showdata['date_long'];
            if ($showdata['end_date']) {
                echo ' - ' . $showdata['end_date_long'];
            if ($showdata['time']) {
                _e("Time", "gigpress");
                echo $showdata['time'];
            _e("City", "gigpress");
            echo $showdata['city'];
            _e("Venue", "gigpress");
            echo $showdata['venue'];
            if ($showdata['address']) {
                _e("Address", "gigpress");
                echo $showdata['address'];
            if ($showdata['venue_phone']) {
                _e("Venue phone", "gigpress");
                echo $showdata['venue_phone'];
            _e("Country", "gigpress");
            echo $showdata['country'];
            if ($showdata['price']) {
                _e("Admission", "gigpress");
                echo $showdata['price'];
            if ($showdata['admittance']) {
                _e("Age restrictions", "gigpress");
                echo $showdata['admittance'];
            if ($showdata['ticket_phone']) {
                _e("Box office", "gigpress");
                echo $showdata['ticket_phone'];
            if ($showdata['ticket_link']) {
                echo $showdata['ticket_link'];
            if ($showdata['notes']) {
                _e("Notes", "gigpress");
                echo $showdata['notes'];
            if ($showdata['related_link']) {
                echo $showdata['related_link'];
            echo $showdata['gcal'];
 | <?php 
            echo $showdata['ical'];
            echo $showdata['permalink'];
				<guid isPermaLink="false">#show-<?php 
            echo $showdata['id'];
            echo $showdata['rss_date'];
            if ($count == $total) {
                echo '</channel>';
    echo '</rss>';