예제 #1
파일: mp4player.php 프로젝트: haru8/foltia
        header("Status: 404 Not Found", TRUE, 404);
        print "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n  <meta charset=\"UTF-8\" />\n";
        print "  <title>foltia HTML5 Video Player</title></head><body>No pid.</body></html>";
if ($filename == "") {
    header("Status: 404 Not Found", TRUE, 404);
    print "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n  <meta charset=\"UTF-8\" />\n";
    print "  <title>foltia HTML5 Video Player</title></head><body>File not found.</body></html>";
print "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\" />\n\n\n<title>foltia HTML5 Video Player / {$title} {$countno} {$subtitle}</title>\n";
$mp4videofileurl = "http://" . getserverfqdn() . "{$httpmediamappath}/{$tid}.localized/mp4/{$filename}";

  <!-- Include the VideoJS Library -->
  <script src="./video-js/video.js" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"></script>

  <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8">
    // Run the script on page load.

    // If using jQuery
    // $(function(){
    //   VideoJS.setup();
    // })
예제 #2
파일: sb-edit.php 프로젝트: haru8/foltia
 if ($tid > 0) {
     print "<a href = \"http://cal.syoboi.jp/tid/{$tid}/time#{$pid}\" target=\"_blank\">{$subtitle}</a> ";
 } else {
     print "{$subtitle} ";
 print htmlspecialchars($rowdata[1]) . " ";
 print htmlspecialchars($rowdata[6]) . "分 ";
 print htmlspecialchars(foldate2print($rowdata[5]));
 print "<br /><br />";
 $mp4filename = $rowdata[9];
 $serverfqdn = getserverfqdn();
 $m2pfilename = $rowdata[8];
 list($tid, $countno, $date, $time) = split("-", $m2pfilename);
 $tid = ereg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $tid);
 $path = ereg_replace("\\.m2p\$", "", $m2pfilename);
 $serveruri = getserverfqdn();
 print "</div>\n";
 print "<img src='http://{$serveruri}{$httpmediamappath}/{$tid}.localized/img/{$path}/{$filename}' width='160' height='120' alt='{$tid}:{$countno}:{$filetid}' align=\"left\">\n";
 if (getform(preview) == 1) {
     // htmlspecialchars(stripslashes( ))
     $subject = getform(subject);
     $maintext = $_POST["textarea"];
     $maintext = pg_escape_string($maintext);
     //$maintext = mbereg_replace("\n","<br />\n", $maintext);
     $rate = getform(rank4);
     switch ($rate) {
         case -2:
             $ratechara = "× ";
예제 #3
파일: folcast.php 프로젝트: haru8/foltia
     $countprint = "第" . $countno . "回";
 } else {
     $countprint = "";
 $subtitle = $rowdata[3];
 $subtitle = htmlspecialchars($subtitle);
 $onairdate = $rowdata[4];
 $day = substr($onairdate, 0, 4) . "/" . substr($onairdate, 4, 2) . "/" . substr($onairdate, 6, 2);
 $time = substr($onairdate, 8, 2) . ":" . substr($onairdate, 10, 2);
 $onairdate = "{$day} {$time}";
 $starttimerfc822 = foldate2rfc822($rowdata[4]);
 $mp4filename = $rowdata[5];
 $mp4uri = "http://" . getserverfqdn() . $httpmediamappath . "/{$tid}.localized/mp4/{$mp4filename}";
 $mp4thmname = $rowdata[5];
 $mp4thmname = ereg_replace(".MP4", ".THM", $mp4thmname);
 $mp4thmnameuri = "http://" . getserverfqdn() . $httpmediamappath . "/{$tid}.localized/mp4/{$mp4thmname}";
 if (file_exists("{$recfolderpath}/{$tid}.localized/mp4/{$mp4filename}")) {
     $mp4filestat = stat("{$recfolderpath}/{$tid}.localized/mp4/{$mp4filename}");
     $mp4filesize = $mp4filestat[7];
 } else {
     $mp4filesize = 0;
 if ($rowdata[0] == 0) {
     $showntitle = "{$title} {$subtitle}";
 } else {
     $showntitle = "{$title} {$countprint}";
 $item = "    <item> \n          <title>{$showntitle}</title> \n          <itunes:author>foltia</itunes:author> \n          <description>{$title} {$countprint} {$subtitle}</description> \n          <itunes:subtitle>{$title} {$countprint} {$subtitle}</itunes:subtitle> \n          <itunes:summary>{$title} {$countprint} {$subtitle}</itunes:summary> \n          <enclosure url=\"{$mp4uri}\" length=\"{$mp4filesize}\" type=\"video/mov\" /> \n          <guid isPermaLink=\"true\">{$mp4thmnameuri}</guid>\n          <pubDate>{$starttimerfc822}</pubDate> \n          <itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit>\n\t\t  <itunes:keywords>foltia,Folcast,DCC-JPL Japan,{$title},{$subtitle}</itunes:keywords>  \n\t\t  <itunes:image href=\"{$mp4thmnameuri}\" />\n        </item> \n";
 $item = mb_convert_encoding($item, "UTF-8");
 print $item;
예제 #4
파일: showlibc.php 프로젝트: haru8/foltia
// endif if (ereg("iPhone", $useragent))
if (file_exists("{$recfolderpath}/{$tid}.localized")) {
    //	print "ディレクトリは存在します\n";
} else {
    //	print "ディレクトリはありません\n";
    print "再生可能番組がありません<BR>\n</body></html>";
//新仕様/* 2006/10/26 */
if (file_exists("./selectcaptureimage.php")) {
    $sbpluginexist = 1;
$serverfqdn = getserverfqdn();
echo "<div id=contents class=autopagerize_page_element />";

<form name="deletemovie" method="POST" action="./deletemovie.php">
<p align="left"><input type="submit" value="項目削除" ></p>

$query = "\n  SELECT\n    COUNT(*) AS cnt\n  FROM foltia_mp4files\n    LEFT JOIN foltia_subtitle ON foltia_mp4files.mp4filename = foltia_subtitle.pspfilename AND foltia_mp4files.tid = foltia_subtitle.tid\n    LEFT JOIN foltia_program  ON foltia_mp4files.tid         = foltia_program.tid\n  WHERE foltia_mp4files.tid = ? \n  ORDER BY foltia_subtitle.startdatetime DESC\n";
$rs = sql_query($con, $query, "DBクエリに失敗しました", array($tid));
$rowdata = $rs->fetch();
$dtcnt = htmlspecialchars($rowdata[0]);
//echo $dtcnt;