foreach ($allow_admin_view_fields as $value) { $showtype = 'p'; if ($value == 'message') { $showtype = 'p_pre'; } $editvalue[$value] = !empty($update[$value]) ? $update[$value] : $editvalue[$value]; showsetting($mname . '_' . $value, $value, $editvalue[$value], $showtype); } if ($mname == "album") { $photosview = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]}?&action=list&m=photo&shopid={$editvalue['shopid']}&albumid={$editvalue['itemid']}&filtersubmit=GO\">" . lang('verify_photosview') . '</a>'; showsetting($mname . '_photosview', 'photosview', $photosview, "p_pre"); } if (!empty($editvalue['attr_ids'])) { echo '<tr><td colspan="2" class="td27">' . lang('item_attribute') . '</td></tr>'; require_once B_ROOT . '/batch.attribute.php'; $attributes = getattribute($editvalue['attr_catid']); foreach ($editvalue['attr_ids'] as $key => $value) { echo '<tr class="noborder"><td class="vtop rowform">' . $attributes[$key]['attr_name'] . ': ' . ($attributes[$key]['attr_type'] == 0 ? $attributes[$key]['attr_values'][$value]['attr_text'] : $value) . '</td><td class="vtop rowform"></td></tr>'; } } elseif (!empty($attributes)) { echo '<tr><td colspan="2" class="td27">' . lang('item_attribute') . '</td></tr>'; foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { echo '<tr class="noborder"><td class="vtop rowform">' . $attributes[$key]['attr_name'] . ': ' . ($attributes[$key]['attr_id'] == 0 ? $attributes[$key]['attr_values'][$value]['attr_text'] : $value) . '</td><td class="vtop rowform"></td></tr>'; } } if (!empty($editvalue['relatedidstr']) || !empty($relatedarr)) { print_r($editvalue['relatedidstr']); if (!empty($editvalue['relatedidstr'])) { foreach ($editvalue['relatedidstr'] as $related) { $related = explode('@', $related); $relatedtype = trim($related[0]);
function getitemattributes($type_id, $itemid) { global $_G, $_SGLOBAL, $lang, $_BCACHE, $_SBLOCK; $type_id = intval($type_id); $itemid = intval($itemid); if ($itemid) { $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . tname("itemattribute") . " WHERE itemid = '{$itemid}' AND catid = '{$type_id}'"); $itemattr = DB::fetch($query); } $attributes = getattribute($type_id); if (count($attributes) < 1) { return false; } if (!empty($itemattr)) { foreach ($attributes as $attr_id => $attribute) { if ($attribute['attr_type'] == 1) { $attr_id_s[] = $attr_id; } } if (!empty($attr_id_s)) { $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . tname("attrvalue_text") . " WHERE attr_id in ('" . implode("', '", $attr_id_s) . "') AND item_id = '{$itemid}'", DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); while ($row = DB::fetch($query)) { $itemattr['attr_id_' . $attributes[$row['attr_id']]['attr_row']] = $row['attr_text']; } } } //print_r($itemattr); $itemattributestr = ''; foreach ($attributes as $attr_id => $attr) { if ($attr['attr_type'] == 0) { $valuesops = ''; foreach ($attr['attr_values'] as $key => $value) { $valuesops .= '<option value="' . $value['attr_valueid'] . '"' . ($itemattr['attr_id_' . $attr['attr_row']] && $itemattr['attr_id_' . $attr['attr_row']] == $value['attr_valueid'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $value['attr_text'] . '</option>'; if ($itemattr['attr_id_' . $attr['attr_row']] && $itemattr['attr_id_' . $attr['attr_row']] == $value['attr_valueid']) { $itemattrvalue = $value['attr_text']; } } $attrsettings .= '<tr><td class="td27" width="80px">' . $attr['attr_name'] . $lang['colon'] . '</td><td class="td27"><select name="attr_ids[' . $attr_id . ']">' . $valuesops . '</select>' . '</td></tr>'; $itemattributestr .= $attr['attr_name'] . $lang['colon'] . $itemattrvalue . " "; } else { $valuesops = '<input type="text" name="attr_ids[' . $attr_id . ']" ' . ($itemattr['attr_id_' . $attr['attr_row']] ? 'value="' . $itemattr['attr_id_' . $attr['attr_row']] . '" ' : '') . '/>'; $attrsettings .= '<tr><td class="td27" width="80px">' . $attr['attr_name'] . $lang['colon'] . '</td><td class="td27">' . $valuesops . '</td></tr>'; $itemattrvalue = $itemattr['attr_id_' . $attr['attr_row']]; $itemattributestr .= $attr['attr_name'] . $lang['colon'] . $itemattrvalue . " "; } } return $itemattributestr; }