예제 #1
    $link = pg_pconnect("dbname={$psqldb} user={$psqluser} password='******' host={$psqlhost}");
    if (pg_connection_status($link) != PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK) {
        print "<BR><FONT COLOR=\"RED\"><B>Error:</B> Unable to establish a connection to the stats database.  Please try again later. If this issue persists, please report it to the pool operator.</FONT><BR>";
$user_id = get_user_id_from_address($link, $givenuser);
if (!$user_id) {
    print "<BR><FONT COLOR=\"RED\"><B>Error:</B> Username <I>{$givenuser}</I> not found in database.  Please try again later., as the stats server is probably just overloaded. If this issue persists for several hours, please report it to the pool operator.</FONT><BR>";
$worker_data = get_worker_data_from_user_id($link, $user_id);
if (isset($_GET["cmd"])) {
    include "userstats_subcmd.php";
$cppsrbloaded = 0;
if ($balanacesjsondec = apc_fetch('balance')) {
} else {
    $balance = file_get_contents("/var/lib/eligius/{$serverid}/balances.json");
    $balanacesjsondec = json_decode($balance, true);
    // Store Cache for 10 minutes
    apc_store('balance', $balanacesjsondec, 600);
$mybal = $balanacesjsondec[$givenuser];
if ($mybal) {
    if (isset($mybal["balance"])) {
        $bal = $mybal["balance"];
예제 #2
function get_hashrate_stats(&$link, $givenuser, $user_id)
    global $psqlschema, $serverid;
    $worker_data = get_worker_data_from_user_id($link, $user_id);
    $wherein = get_wherein_list_from_worker_data($worker_data);
    $u12avghash = 0;
    $u12shares = 0;
    $u16avghash = 0;
    $u16shares = 0;
    $u2avghash = 0;
    $u2shares = 0;
    # get current latest aggregated data time
    $sql = "select ((date_part('epoch', (select time from {$psqlschema}.stats_shareagg where server={$serverid} group by server,time order by time desc limit 1)-'12 hours'::interval)::integer / 675::integer)*675::integer) as oldest_time";
    $result = pg_exec($link, $sql);
    $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0);
    $oldest_time = $row["oldest_time"];
    # get list of data points for last 12 hours
    $sql = "select accepted_shares,date_part('epoch', time) as ctime from {$psqlschema}.stats_shareagg where server={$serverid} and user_id in {$wherein} and time > to_timestamp({$oldest_time}) order by time desc";
    $result = pg_exec($link, $sql);
    $numrows = pg_numrows($result);
    if ($numrows) {
        $t3 = $oldest_time + 9 * 3600;
        $t225 = $oldest_time + 12 * 3600 - 22.5 * 60;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows; $i++) {
            $row = pg_fetch_array($result, $i);
            $as = $row["accepted_shares"];
            $t = $row["ctime"];
            $u12shares += $as;
            if ($t > $t3) {
                $u16shares += $as;
                if ($t > $t225) {
                    $u2shares += $as;
        $u12avghash = $u12shares / (12 * 3600) * 4294967296;
        $u16avghash = $u16shares / (3 * 3600) * 4294967296;
        $u2avghash = $u2shares / (22.5 * 60) * 4294967296;
    # instant hashrates from CPPSRB
    if ($cppsrbjsondec = apc_fetch('cppsrb_json')) {
    } else {
        $cppsrbjson = file_get_contents("/var/lib/eligius/{$serverid}/cppsrb.json");
        $cppsrbjsondec = json_decode($cppsrbjson, true);
        apc_store('cppsrb_json', $cppsrbjsondec, 60);
    if (isset($cppsrbjsondec[$givenuser])) {
        $mycppsrb = $cppsrbjsondec[$givenuser];
        $my_shares = $mycppsrb["shares"];
    $globalccpsrb = $cppsrbjsondec[""];
    $cppsrbloaded = 1;
    # build up return value, an array of maps containing structured information about the hash rate over each interval
    $return_value = array();
    add_interval_stats($return_value, 43200, "12 hours", floatval($u12avghash), intval($u12shares));
    add_interval_stats($return_value, 10800, "3 hours", floatval($u16avghash), intval($u16shares));
    add_interval_stats($return_value, 1350, "22.5 minutes", floatval($u2avghash), intval($u2shares));
    for ($i = 256; $i > 127; $i = $i / 2) {
        if (isset($my_shares)) {
            add_interval_stats($return_value, $i, "{$i} seconds", $my_shares[$i] * 4294967296 / $i, round($my_shares[$i]));
        } else {
            add_interval_stats($return_value, $i, "{$i} seconds", 0, 0);
    return $return_value;