예제 #1
$Form->hidden('action', 'update');
$Form->hidden('tab', 'features');
$Form->hidden('blog', $edited_Blog->ID);
$Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Post list') . get_manual_link('item-list-features'));
$Form->select_input_array('orderby', $edited_Blog->get_setting('orderby'), get_available_sort_options(), T_('Order by'), T_('Default ordering of posts.'));
$Form->select_input_array('orderdir', $edited_Blog->get_setting('orderdir'), array('ASC' => T_('Ascending'), 'DESC' => T_('Descending')), T_('Direction'));
$Form->radio('what_to_show', $edited_Blog->get_setting('what_to_show'), array(array('days', T_('days')), array('posts', T_('posts'))), T_('Display unit'), false, T_('Do you want to restrict on the number of days or the number of posts?'));
$Form->text('posts_per_page', $edited_Blog->get_setting('posts_per_page'), 4, T_('Posts/Days per page'), T_('How many days or posts do you want to display on the home page?'), 4);
$Form->radio('timestamp_min', $edited_Blog->get_setting('timestamp_min'), array(array('yes', T_('yes')), array('no', T_('no')), array('duration', T_('only the last'))), T_('Show past posts'), true);
$Form->duration_input('timestamp_min_duration', $edited_Blog->get_setting('timestamp_min_duration'), '');
$Form->radio('timestamp_max', $edited_Blog->get_setting('timestamp_max'), array(array('yes', T_('yes')), array('no', T_('no')), array('duration', T_('only the next'))), T_('Show future posts'), true);
$Form->duration_input('timestamp_max_duration', $edited_Blog->get_setting('timestamp_max_duration'), '');
$Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Post options') . get_manual_link('blog_features_settings'));
$Form->select_input_array('default_post_status', $edited_Blog->get_setting('default_post_status'), get_visibility_statuses('notes-string'), T_('Default status'), T_('Default status for new posts'));
$Form->radio('require_title', $edited_Blog->get_setting('require_title'), array(array('required', T_('Always'), T_('The blogger must provide a title')), array('optional', T_('Optional'), T_('The blogger can leave the title field empty')), array('none', T_('Never'), T_('No title field'))), T_('Post titles'), true);
$Form->checkbox('allow_html_post', $edited_Blog->get_setting('allow_html_post'), T_('Allow HTML'), T_('Check to allow HTML in posts.') . ' (' . T_('HTML code will pass several sanitization filters.') . ')');
$Form->radio('enable_goto_blog', $edited_Blog->get_setting('enable_goto_blog'), array(array('no', T_('No'), T_('Check this to view list of the posts.')), array('blog', T_('View home page'), T_('Check this to automatically view the blog after publishing a post.')), array('post', T_('View new post'), T_('Check this to automatically view the post page.'))), T_('View blog after publishing'), true);
$Form->radio('editing_goto_blog', $edited_Blog->get_setting('editing_goto_blog'), array(array('no', T_('No'), T_('Check this to view list of the posts.')), array('blog', T_('View home page'), T_('Check this to automatically view the blog after editing a post.')), array('post', T_('View edited post'), T_('Check this to automatically view the post page.'))), T_('View blog after editing'), true);
// FP> TODO:
// -post_url  always('required')|optional|never
// -multilingual:  true|false   or better yet: provide a list to narrow down the active locales
// -tags  always('required')|optional|never
$Form->radio('post_categories', $edited_Blog->get_setting('post_categories'), array(array('one_cat_post', T_('Allow only one category per post')), array('multiple_cat_post', T_('Allow multiple categories per post')), array('main_extra_cat_post', T_('Allow one main + several extra categories')), array('no_cat_post', T_('Don\'t allow category selections'), T_('(Main cat will be assigned automatically)'))), T_('Post category options'), true);
$Form->radio('post_navigation', $edited_Blog->get_setting('post_navigation'), array(array('same_blog', T_('same blog')), array('same_category', T_('same category')), array('same_author', T_('same author'))), T_('Default post by post navigation should stay in'), true, T_('Skins may override this setting!'));
$location_options = array(array('optional', T_('Optional')), array('required', T_('Required')), array('hidden', T_('Hidden')));
$Form->radio('location_country', $edited_Blog->get_setting('location_country'), $location_options, T_('Country'));
$Form->radio('location_region', $edited_Blog->get_setting('location_region'), $location_options, T_('Region'));
$Form->radio('location_subregion', $edited_Blog->get_setting('location_subregion'), $location_options, T_('Sub-region'));
$Form->radio('location_city', $edited_Blog->get_setting('location_city'), $location_options, T_('City'));
예제 #2
  * Generate a title for the current list, depending on its filtering params
  * @todo cleanup some displays
  * @todo implement HMS part of YMDHMS
  * @return array List of titles to display, which are escaped for HTML display
  *               (dh> only checked this for 'authors'/?authors=, where the output was not escaped)
 function get_filter_titles($ignore = array(), $params = array())
     global $month, $disp_detail;
     $params = array_merge(array('category_text' => T_('Category') . ': ', 'categories_text' => T_('Categories') . ': ', 'categories_nor_text' => T_('All but '), 'tag_text' => T_('Tag') . ': ', 'tags_text' => T_('Tags') . ': ', 'author_text' => T_('Author') . ': ', 'authors_text' => T_('Authors') . ': ', 'authors_nor_text' => T_('All authors except') . ': ', 'visibility_text' => T_('Visibility') . ': ', 'keyword_text' => T_('Keyword') . ': ', 'keywords_text' => T_('Keywords') . ': ', 'keywords_exact_text' => T_('Exact match') . ' ', 'status_text' => T_('Status') . ': ', 'statuses_text' => T_('Statuses') . ': ', 'archives_text' => T_('Archives for') . ': ', 'assignes_text' => T_('Assigned to') . ': ', 'group_mask' => '$group_title$$filter_items$', 'filter_mask' => '"$filter_name$"', 'filter_mask_nogroup' => '"$filter_name$"', 'before_items' => '', 'after_items' => '', 'separator_and' => ' ' . T_('and') . ' ', 'separator_or' => ' ' . T_('or') . ' ', 'separator_nor' => ' ' . T_('or') . ' ', 'separator_comma' => ', ', 'display_category' => true, 'display_archive' => true, 'display_keyword' => true, 'display_tag' => true, 'display_author' => true, 'display_assignee' => true, 'display_locale' => true, 'display_status' => true, 'display_visibility' => true, 'display_time' => true, 'display_limit' => true), $params);
     if (empty($this->filters)) {
         // Filters have no been set before, we'll use the default filterset:
         // echo ' setting default filterset ';
     $title_array = array();
     if ($this->single_post) {
         // We have requested a specific post:
         // Should be in first position
         $Item =& $this->get_by_idx(0);
         if (is_null($Item)) {
             $title_array[] = T_('Invalid request');
         } else {
             $title_array[] = $Item->get_titletag();
         return $title_array;
     // Check if the filter mask has an icon to clear the filter item
     $clear_icon = strpos($params['filter_mask'], '$clear_icon$') !== false;
     $filter_classes = array('green');
     $filter_class_i = 0;
     if (strpos($params['filter_mask'], '$filter_class$') !== false) {
         // Initialize array with available classes for filter items
         $filter_classes = array('green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'magenta', 'blue');
     if ($params['display_category']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['cat_array'])) {
             // We have requested specific categories...
             $cat_names = array();
             $ChapterCache =& get_ChapterCache();
             $catsel_param = get_param('catsel');
             foreach ($this->filters['cat_array'] as $cat_ID) {
                 if (($tmp_Chapter =& $ChapterCache->get_by_ID($cat_ID, false)) !== false) {
                     // It is almost never meaningful to die over an invalid cat when generating title
                     $cat_clear_url = regenerate_url((empty($catsel_param) ? 'cat=' : 'catsel=') . $cat_ID);
                     if ($disp_detail == 'posts-subcat' || $disp_detail == 'posts-cat') {
                         // Remove category url from $ReqPath when we use the cat url instead of cat ID
                         $cat_clear_url = str_replace('/' . $tmp_Chapter->get_url_path(), '', $cat_clear_url);
                     $cat_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', $cat_clear_url) : '';
                     $cat_names[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['category_text'], $tmp_Chapter->name, $cat_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             if ($this->filters['cat_modifier'] == '*') {
                 // Categories with "AND" condition
                 $cat_names_string = implode($params['separator_and'], $cat_names);
             } elseif ($this->filters['cat_modifier'] == '-') {
                 // Categories with "NOR" condition
                 $cat_names_string = implode($params['separator_nor'], $cat_names);
             } else {
                 // Categories with "OR" condition
                 $cat_names_string = implode($params['separator_or'], $cat_names);
             if (!empty($cat_names_string)) {
                 if ($this->filters['cat_modifier'] == '-') {
                     // Categories with "NOR" condition
                     $cat_names_string = $params['categories_nor_text'] . $cat_names_string;
                     $params['category_text'] = $params['categories_text'];
                 $title_array['cats'] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($this->filters['cat_array']) > 1 ? array($params['categories_text'], $params['before_items'] . $cat_names_string . $params['after_items']) : array($params['category_text'], $cat_names_string), $params['group_mask']);
     if ($params['display_archive']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms'])) {
             // We have asked for a specific timeframe:
             $my_year = substr($this->filters['ymdhms'], 0, 4);
             if (strlen($this->filters['ymdhms']) > 4) {
                 // We have requested a month too:
                 $my_month = T_($month[substr($this->filters['ymdhms'], 4, 2)]);
             } else {
                 $my_month = '';
             // Requested a day?
             $my_day = substr($this->filters['ymdhms'], 6, 2);
             $arch = $my_month . ' ' . $my_year;
             if (!empty($my_day)) {
                 // We also want to display a day
                 $arch .= ', ' . $my_day;
             if (!empty($this->filters['week']) || $this->filters['week'] === 0) {
                 // We also want to display a week number
                 $arch .= ', ' . T_('week') . ' ' . $this->filters['week'];
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             $arch_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'm')) : '';
             $arch = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['archives_text'], $arch, $arch_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             $title_array['ymdhms'] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), array($params['archives_text'], $arch), $params['group_mask']);
     // KEYWORDS:
     if ($params['display_keyword']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['keywords'])) {
             if ($this->filters['phrase'] == 'OR' || $this->filters['phrase'] == 'AND') {
                 // Search by each keyword
                 $keywords = trim(preg_replace('/("|, *)/', ' ', $this->filters['keywords']));
                 $keywords = explode(' ', $keywords);
             } else {
                 // Exact match (Single keyword)
                 $keywords = array($this->filters['keywords']);
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             $keyword_names = array();
             foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
                 $word_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 's=' . $keyword)) : '';
                 $keyword_names[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['keyword_text'], $keyword, $word_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             $keywords = ($this->filters['exact'] ? $params['keywords_exact_text'] : '') . implode($this->filters['phrase'] == 'OR' ? $params['separator_or'] : $params['separator_and'], $keyword_names);
             $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($keyword_names) > 1 ? array($params['keywords_text'], $params['before_items'] . $keywords . $params['after_items']) : array($params['keyword_text'], $keywords), $params['group_mask']);
     // TAGS:
     if ($params['display_tag']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['tags'])) {
             $tags = explode(',', $this->filters['tags']);
             $tag_names = array();
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                 $tag_clear_url = regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'tag=' . $tag);
                 if ($disp_detail == 'posts-tag') {
                     // Remove tag url from $ReqPath when we use tag url instead of tag ID
                     $tag_clear_url = str_replace('/' . $tag . ':', '', $tag_clear_url);
                 $tag_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', $tag_clear_url) : '';
                 $tag_names[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['tag_text'], $tag, $tag_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             $tags = implode($params['separator_comma'], $tag_names);
             $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($tag_names) > 1 ? array($params['tags_text'], $params['before_items'] . $tags . $params['after_items']) : array($params['tag_text'], $tags), $params['group_mask']);
     // AUTHORS:
     if ($params['display_author']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['authors']) || !empty($this->filters['authors_login'])) {
             $authors = trim($this->filters['authors'] . ',' . get_users_IDs_by_logins($this->filters['authors_login']), ',');
             $exclude_authors = false;
             if (substr($authors, 0, 1) == '-') {
                 // Authors are excluded
                 $authors = substr($authors, 1);
                 $exclude_authors = true;
             $authors = preg_split('~\\s*,\\s*~', $authors, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $author_names = array();
             if ($authors) {
                 $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
                 $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
                 foreach ($authors as $author_ID) {
                     if ($tmp_User = $UserCache->get_by_ID($author_ID, false, false)) {
                         $user_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'author=' . $author_ID)) : '';
                         $author_names[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['author_text'], $tmp_User->get('login'), $user_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             if (count($author_names) > 0) {
                 // Display info of filter by authors
                 if ($exclude_authors) {
                     // Exclude authors
                     $author_names_string = $params['authors_nor_text'] . implode($params['separator_nor'], $author_names);
                 } else {
                     // Filter by authors
                     $author_names_string = implode($params['separator_comma'], $author_names);
                 $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($author_names) > 1 ? array($params['authors_text'], $params['before_items'] . $author_names_string . $params['after_items']) : array($params['author_text'], $author_names_string), $params['group_mask']);
     // ASSIGNEES:
     if ($params['display_assignee']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['assignees']) || !empty($this->filters['assignees_login'])) {
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             if ($this->filters['assignees'] == '-') {
                 $user_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'assgn')) : '';
                 $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Not assigned'), $user_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask_nogroup']);
             } else {
                 $assignees = trim($this->filters['assignees'] . ',' . get_users_IDs_by_logins($this->filters['assignees_login']), ',');
                 $assignees = preg_split('~\\s*,\\s*~', $assignees, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 $assignees_names = array();
                 if ($assignees) {
                     $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
                     foreach ($assignees as $user_ID) {
                         if ($tmp_User =& $UserCache->get_by_ID($user_ID, false, false)) {
                             $user_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'assgn=' . $user_ID)) : '';
                             $assignees_names[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['assignes_text'], $tmp_User->get_identity_link(array('link_text' => 'name')), $user_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
                 $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($assignees_names) > 1 ? array($params['assignes_text'], $params['before_items'] . implode($params['separator_comma'], $assignees_names) . $params['after_items']) : array($params['assignes_text'], implode($params['separator_comma'], $assignees_names)), $params['group_mask']);
     // LOCALE:
     if ($params['display_locale']) {
         if ($this->filters['lc'] != 'all') {
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             $user_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'lc')) : '';
             $loc = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Locale') . ': ', $this->filters['lc'], $user_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), array(T_('Locale') . ': ', $loc), $params['group_mask']);
     if ($params['display_status']) {
         if (!empty($this->filters['statuses'])) {
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             if ($this->filters['statuses'] == '-') {
                 $status_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'status=-')) : '';
                 $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Without status'), $status_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask_nogroup']);
             } else {
                 $status_IDs = explode(',', $this->filters['statuses']);
                 $ItemStatusCache =& get_ItemStatusCache();
                 $statuses = array();
                 foreach ($status_IDs as $status_ID) {
                     if ($ItemStatus =& $ItemStatusCache->get_by_ID($status_ID)) {
                         $status_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'status=' . $status_ID)) : '';
                         $statuses[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['status_text'], $ItemStatus->get_name(), $status_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
                 $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($statuses) > 1 ? array($params['statuses_text'], $params['before_items'] . implode($params['separator_comma'], $statuses) . $params['after_items']) : array($params['status_text'], implode($params['separator_comma'], $statuses)), $params['group_mask']);
     if ($params['display_visibility']) {
         if (!in_array('visibility', $ignore)) {
             $post_statuses = get_visibility_statuses();
             if (count($this->filters['visibility_array']) != count($post_statuses)) {
                 // Display it only when visibility filter is changed
                 $status_titles = array();
                 $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
                 foreach ($this->filters['visibility_array'] as $status) {
                     $vis_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'show_statuses=' . $status)) : '';
                     $status_titles[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array($params['visibility_text'], $post_statuses[$status], $vis_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
                 $title_array[] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_items$'), count($status_titles) > 1 ? array($params['visibility_text'], $params['before_items'] . implode($params['separator_comma'], $status_titles) . $params['after_items']) : array($params['visibility_text'], implode($params['separator_comma'], $status_titles)), $params['group_mask']);
     if ($params['display_time']) {
         // START AT:
         if (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms_min']) || !empty($this->filters['ts_min'])) {
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             if (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms_min'])) {
                 $time_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'dstart')) : '';
                 $title_array['ts_min'] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Start at') . ': ', date2mysql($this->filters['ymdhms_min']), $time_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             } else {
                 if ($this->filters['ts_min'] == 'now') {
                     $time_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'show_future')) : '';
                     $title_array['ts_min'] = str_replace(array('$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Hide past'), $time_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask_nogroup']);
                 } else {
                     $time_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'show_future')) : '';
                     $title_array['ts_min'] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Start at') . ': ', date2mysql($this->filters['ts_min']), $time_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
         // STOP AT:
         if (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms_max']) || !empty($this->filters['ts_max'])) {
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             if (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms_max'])) {
                 $time_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'dstop')) : '';
                 $title_array['ts_max'] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Stop at') . ': ', date2mysql($this->filters['ymdhms_max']), $time_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
             } else {
                 if ($this->filters['ts_max'] == 'now') {
                     if (!in_array('hide_future', $ignore)) {
                         $time_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'show_past')) : '';
                         $title_array['ts_max'] = str_replace(array('$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Hide future'), $time_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask_nogroup']);
                 } else {
                     $time_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'show_past')) : '';
                     $title_array['ts_max'] = str_replace(array('$group_title$', '$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(T_('Stop at') . ': ', date2mysql($this->filters['ts_max']), $time_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask']);
     // LIMIT TO:
     if ($params['display_limit']) {
         if ($this->single_post) {
             // Single post: no paging required!
         } elseif (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms'])) {
             // no restriction if we request a month... some permalinks may point to the archive!
         } elseif ($this->filters['unit'] == 'posts' || $this->filters['unit'] == 'all') {
             // We're going to page, so there's no real limit here...
         } elseif ($this->filters['unit'] == 'days') {
             // We are going to limit to x days:
             // echo 'LIMIT DAYS ';
             $filter_class_i = $filter_class_i > count($filter_classes) - 1 ? 0 : $filter_class_i;
             if (empty($this->filters['ymdhms_min'])) {
                 // We have no start date, we'll display the last x days:
                 if (!empty($this->filters['keywords']) || !empty($this->filters['cat_array']) || !empty($this->filters['authors'])) {
                     // We are in DAYS mode but we can't restrict on these! (TODO: ?)
                 } else {
                     // We are going to limit to LAST x days:
                     // TODO: rename 'posts' to 'limit'
                     $unit_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'unit')) : '';
                     $title_array['posts'] = str_replace(array('$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(sprintf(T_('Limited to last %d days'), $this->limit), $unit_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask_nogroup']);
             } else {
                 // We have a start date, we'll display x days starting from that point:
                 $unit_clear_icon = $clear_icon ? action_icon(T_('Remove this filter'), 'remove', regenerate_url($this->param_prefix . 'unit')) : '';
                 $title_array['posts'] = str_replace(array('$filter_name$', '$clear_icon$', '$filter_class$'), array(sprintf(T_('Limited to %d days'), $this->limit), $unit_clear_icon, $filter_classes[$filter_class_i]), $params['filter_mask_nogroup']);
         } else {
             debug_die('Unhandled LIMITING mode in ItemList:' . $this->filters['unit'] . ' (paged mode is obsolete)');
     return $title_array;
예제 #3
  * Template function: display all statuses and only one is visible by css class name
  * Statuses:
  * - published
  * - community
  * - protected
  * - review
  * - private
  * - draft
 function statuses()
     $statuses = get_visibility_statuses('', array('deprecated', 'redirected', 'trash'));
     foreach ($statuses as $status => $title) {
         echo get_styled_status($status, $title);
예제 #4
  * Generate a title for the current list, depending on its filtering params
  * @todo cleanup some displays
  * @todo implement HMS part of YMDHMS
  * @return array List of titles to display, which are escaped for HTML display
  *               (dh> only checked this for 'authors'/?authors=, where the output was not escaped)
 function get_filter_titles($ignore = array(), $params = array())
     global $month;
     $params = array_merge(array('category_text' => T_('Category') . ': ', 'categories_text' => T_('Categories') . ': ', 'tags_text' => T_('Tags') . ': '), $params);
     if (empty($this->filters)) {
         // Filters have no been set before, we'll use the default filterset:
         // echo ' setting default filterset ';
     $title_array = array();
     if ($this->single_post) {
         // We have requested a specific post:
         // Should be in first position
         $Item =& $this->get_by_idx(0);
         if (is_null($Item)) {
             $title_array[] = T_('Invalid request');
         } else {
             $title_array[] = $Item->get_titletag();
         return $title_array;
     if (!empty($this->filters['cat_array'])) {
         // We have requested specific categories...
         $cat_names = array();
         $ChapterCache =& get_ChapterCache();
         foreach ($this->filters['cat_array'] as $cat_ID) {
             if (($my_Chapter =& $ChapterCache->get_by_ID($cat_ID, false)) !== false) {
                 // It is almost never meaningful to die over an invalid cat when generating title
                 $cat_names[] = $my_Chapter->name;
         if ($this->filters['cat_modifier'] == '*') {
             $cat_names_string = implode(' + ', $cat_names);
         } else {
             $cat_names_string = implode(', ', $cat_names);
         if (!empty($cat_names_string)) {
             if ($this->filters['cat_modifier'] == '-') {
                 $cat_names_string = T_('All but ') . ' ' . $cat_names_string;
                 $title_array['cats'] = $params['categories_text'] . $cat_names_string;
             } else {
                 if (count($this->filters['cat_array']) > 1) {
                     $title_array['cats'] = $params['categories_text'] . $cat_names_string;
                 } else {
                     $title_array['cats'] = $params['category_text'] . $cat_names_string;
     if (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms'])) {
         // We have asked for a specific timeframe:
         $my_year = substr($this->filters['ymdhms'], 0, 4);
         if (strlen($this->filters['ymdhms']) > 4) {
             // We have requested a month too:
             $my_month = T_($month[substr($this->filters['ymdhms'], 4, 2)]);
         } else {
             $my_month = '';
         // Requested a day?
         $my_day = substr($this->filters['ymdhms'], 6, 2);
         $arch = T_('Archives for') . ': ' . $my_month . ' ' . $my_year;
         if (!empty($my_day)) {
             // We also want to display a day
             $arch .= ', ' . $my_day;
         if (!empty($this->filters['week']) || $this->filters['week'] === 0) {
             // We also want to display a week number
             $arch .= ', ' . T_('week') . ' ' . $this->filters['week'];
         $title_array['ymdhms'] = $arch;
     // KEYWORDS:
     if (!empty($this->filters['keywords'])) {
         $title_array['keywords'] = T_('Keyword(s)') . ': ' . $this->filters['keywords'];
     // TAGS:
     if (!empty($this->filters['tags'])) {
         $title_array[] = $params['tags_text'] . $this->filters['tags'];
     // AUTHORS:
     if (!empty($this->filters['authors']) || !empty($this->filters['authors_login'])) {
         $authors = trim($this->filters['authors'] . ',' . get_users_IDs_by_logins($this->filters['authors_login']), ',');
         $authors = preg_split('~\\s*,\\s*~', $authors, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         $author_names = array();
         if ($authors) {
             $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
             foreach ($authors as $author_ID) {
                 if ($tmp_User = $UserCache->get_by_ID($author_ID, false, false)) {
                     $author_names[] = $tmp_User->get_identity_link(array('link_text' => 'login'));
         $title_array[] = T_('Author(s)') . ': ' . implode(', ', $author_names);
     // ASSIGNEES:
     if (!empty($this->filters['assignees']) || !empty($this->filters['assignees_login'])) {
         if ($this->filters['assignees'] == '-') {
             $title_array[] = T_('Not assigned');
         } else {
             $assignees = trim($this->filters['assignees'] . ',' . get_users_IDs_by_logins($this->filters['assignees_login']), ',');
             $assignees = preg_split('~\\s*,\\s*~', $assignees, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $assignees_names = array();
             if ($assignees) {
                 $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
                 foreach ($assignees as $user_ID) {
                     if ($tmp_User =& $UserCache->get_by_ID($user_ID, false, false)) {
                         $assignees_names[] = $tmp_User->get_identity_link(array('link_text' => 'login'));
             $title_array[] = T_('Assigned to') . ': ' . implode(', ', $assignees_names);
     // LOCALE:
     if ($this->filters['lc'] != 'all') {
         $title_array[] = T_('Locale') . ': ' . $this->filters['lc'];
     if (!empty($this->filters['statuses'])) {
         if ($this->filters['statuses'] == '-') {
             $title_array[] = T_('Without status');
         } else {
             $title_array[] = T_('Status(es)') . ': ' . $this->filters['statuses'];
     if (count($this->filters['visibility_array']) < 5 && !in_array('visibility', $ignore)) {
         $post_statuses = get_visibility_statuses();
         $status_titles = array();
         foreach ($this->filters['visibility_array'] as $status) {
             $status_titles[] = $post_statuses[$status];
         $title_array[] = T_('Visibility') . ': ' . implode(', ', $status_titles);
     // START AT
     if (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms_min'])) {
         $title_array['ymdhms_min'] = T_('Start at') . ': ' . $this->filters['ymdhms_min'];
     if (!empty($this->filters['ts_min'])) {
         if ($this->filters['ts_min'] == 'now') {
             $title_array['ts_min'] = T_('Hide past');
         } else {
             $title_array['ts_min'] = T_('Start at') . ': ' . $this->filters['ts_min'];
     // STOP AT
     if (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms_max'])) {
         $title_array['ymdhms_max'] = T_('Stop at') . ': ' . $this->filters['ymdhms_max'];
     if (!empty($this->filters['ts_max'])) {
         if ($this->filters['ts_max'] == 'now') {
             if (!in_array('hide_future', $ignore)) {
                 $title_array['ts_max'] = T_('Hide future');
         } else {
             $title_array['ts_max'] = T_('Stop at') . ': ' . $this->filters['ts_max'];
     // LIMIT TO
     if ($this->single_post) {
         // Single post: no paging required!
     } elseif (!empty($this->filters['ymdhms'])) {
         // no restriction if we request a month... some permalinks may point to the archive!
     } elseif ($this->filters['unit'] == 'posts' || $this->filters['unit'] == 'all') {
         // We're going to page, so there's no real limit here...
     } elseif ($this->filters['unit'] == 'days') {
         // We are going to limit to x days:
         // echo 'LIMIT DAYS ';
         if (empty($this->filters['ymdhms_min'])) {
             // We have no start date, we'll display the last x days:
             if (!empty($this->filters['keywords']) || !empty($this->filters['cat_array']) || !empty($this->filters['authors'])) {
                 // We are in DAYS mode but we can't restrict on these! (TODO: ?)
             } else {
                 // We are going to limit to LAST x days:
                 // TODO: rename 'posts' to 'limit'
                 $title_array['posts'] = sprintf(T_('Limited to %d last days'), $this->limit);
         } else {
             // We have a start date, we'll display x days starting from that point:
             $title_array['posts'] = sprintf(T_('Limited to %d days'), $this->limit);
     } else {
         debug_die('Unhandled LIMITING mode in ItemList:' . $this->filters['unit'] . ' (paged mode is obsolete)');
     return $title_array;
예제 #5
 * Initialize list mode; Several actions need this.
function init_list_mode()
    global $tab, $Blog, $UserSettings, $ItemList, $AdminUI, $posttypes_perms;
    // set default itemslist param prefix
    $items_list_param_prefix = 'items_';
    if (param('p', 'integer', NULL) || param('title', 'string', NULL)) {
        // Single post requested, do not filter any post types. If the user
        // has clicked a post link on the dashboard and previously has selected
        // a tab which would filter this post, it wouldn't be displayed now.
        $tab = 'full';
        // in case of single item view params prefix must be empty
        $items_list_param_prefix = NULL;
    } else {
        // Store/retrieve preferred tab from UserSettings:
        $UserSettings->param_Request('tab', 'pref_browse_tab', 'string', NULL, true, true);
     * Init list of posts to display:
    load_class('items/model/_itemlist.class.php', 'ItemList2');
    if (!empty($tab) && !empty($items_list_param_prefix)) {
        // Use different param prefix for each tab
        $items_list_param_prefix .= substr($tab, 0, 7) . '_';
    // Create empty List:
    $ItemList = new ItemList2($Blog, NULL, NULL, $UserSettings->get('results_per_page'), 'ItemCache', $items_list_param_prefix, $tab);
    // COPY (func)
    $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('visibility_array' => get_visibility_statuses('keys')));
    if ($Blog->get_setting('orderby') == 'RAND') {
        // Do not display random posts in backoffice for easy management
        $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('orderby' => 'datemodified'));
    switch ($tab) {
        case 'full':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => NULL));
            // $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add( T_('All items'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab='.$tab.'&amp;filter=restore' );
            // require colorbox js
        case 'manual':
            if ($Blog->get('type') != 'manual') {
                // Display this tab only for manual blogs
                global $admin_url;
                header_redirect($admin_url . '?ctrl=items&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&tab=list&filter=restore');
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Manual Pages'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'list':
            // Nothing special
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Regular posts'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'pages':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => implode(',', $posttypes_perms['page'])));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Pages'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'intros':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => implode(',', $posttypes_perms['intro'])));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Intro posts'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'podcasts':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => implode(',', $posttypes_perms['podcast'])));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Podcasts'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'links':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => '3000'));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Links'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'ads':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => '4000'));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Advertisements'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'tracker':
            // In tracker mode, we want a different default sort:
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('orderby' => 'priority', 'order' => 'ASC'));
            // Delete the pref_browse_tab setting so that the default
            // (full) gets used the next time the user wants to browse
            // a blog and we don't run into the same error again.
            debug_die('Unknown filterset [' . $tab . ']');
    // Init filter params:
    if (!$ItemList->load_from_Request()) {
        // If we could not init a filterset from request
        // typically happens when we could no fall back to previously saved filterset...
        // echo ' no filterset!';
예제 #6
  * Generate a title for the current list, depending on its filtering params
  * @return array List of titles to display, which are escaped for HTML display
 function get_filter_titles($ignore = array(), $params = array())
     $title_array = array();
     if (empty($this->filters)) {
         // Filters have no been set before, we'll use the default filterset
     if (isset($this->filters['statuses'])) {
         $visibility_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('', array('redirected'));
         $visibility_array = array();
         foreach ($this->filters['statuses'] as $status) {
             $visibility_array[] = $visibility_statuses[$status];
         $title_array['statuses'] = T_('Visibility') . ': ' . implode(', ', $visibility_array);
     if (!empty($this->filters['keywords'])) {
         $title_array['keywords'] = T_('Keywords') . ': ' . $this->filters['keywords'];
     return $title_array;
예제 #7
        $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('Requested &laquo;%s&raquo; object does not exist any longer.'), T_('IP Range')), 'error');
switch ($action) {
    case 'ban':
        // only an action if further "actions" given
        // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
        // Check permission:
        $current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'edit', true);
        // TODO: This should become different for 'edit'/'add' perm level - check for 'add' here.
        $keyword = utf8_substr($keyword, 0, 80);
        param('delhits', 'integer', 0);
        $all_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('keys', array('trash', 'redirected'));
        $delstatuses = array();
        foreach ($all_statuses as $status) {
            // collect which comments should be delteded
            if (param('del' . $status, 'integer', 0)) {
                // matching comments with this status should be deleted
                $delstatuses[] = $status;
        $delcomments = count($delstatuses);
        param('blacklist_locally', 'integer', 0);
        param('report', 'integer', 0);
        // Check if the string is too short,
        // it has to be a minimum of 5 characters to avoid being too generic
        if (utf8_strlen($keyword) < 5) {
            $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('The keyword &laquo;%s&raquo; is too short, it has to be a minimum of 5 characters!'), htmlspecialchars($keyword)), 'error');
예제 #8
 * Generic comments/trackbacks/pingbacks counting
 * @todo check this in a multiblog page...
 * @todo This should support visibility: at least in the default front office (_feedback.php), there should only the number of visible comments/trackbacks get used ({@link Item::feedback_link()}).
 * @param integer
 * @param string what to count
 * @param mixed string or array to count comments with this/these status(es)
 * @param boolean set true to count expired comments, leave on false otherwise
function generic_ctp_number($post_id, $mode = 'comments', $status = 'published', $count_expired = false, $filter_by_perm = true)
    global $DB, $debug, $postdata, $cache_ctp_number, $preview, $servertimenow, $blog;
    if ($preview) {
        // we are in preview mode, no comments yet!
        return 0;
    $show_statuses = is_admin_page() ? get_visibility_statuses('keys', array('trash', 'redirected')) : get_inskin_statuses();
    $filter_index = $filter_by_perm ? 0 : 1;
    if (!isset($cache_ctp_number) || !isset($cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id])) {
        // we need a query to count comments
        $count_SQL = new SQL();
        $count_SQL->SELECT('comment_post_ID, comment_type, comment_status, COUNT(*) AS type_count');
        $count_SQL->GROUP_BY('comment_post_ID, comment_type, comment_status');
        if (!empty($blog)) {
            $count_SQL->WHERE(statuses_where_clause($show_statuses, 'comment_', $blog, 'blog_comment!', $filter_by_perm));
        if (!$count_expired) {
            $count_SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_items__item_settings as expiry_setting ON comment_post_ID = iset_item_ID AND iset_name = "post_expiry_delay"');
            $count_SQL->WHERE_and('expiry_setting.iset_value IS NULL OR expiry_setting.iset_value = "" OR TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, comment_date, ' . $DB->quote(date2mysql($servertimenow)) . ') < expiry_setting.iset_value');
    // init statuses count array
    $statuses_array = array('published' => 0, 'community' => 0, 'protected' => 0, 'private' => 0, 'review' => 0, 'draft' => 0, 'deprecated' => 0, 'trash' => 0, 'total' => 0);
     * Make sure cache is loaded for current display list:
    if (!isset($cache_ctp_number) || !isset($cache_ctp_number[$filter_index])) {
        global $postIDlist, $postIDarray;
        // if( $debug ) echo "LOADING generic_ctp_number CACHE for posts: $postIDlist<br />";
        if (!empty($postIDlist)) {
            foreach ($postIDarray as $tmp_post_id) {
                // Initializes each post to nocount!
                $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$tmp_post_id] = array('comments' => $statuses_array, 'trackbacks' => $statuses_array, 'pingbacks' => $statuses_array, 'feedbacks' => $statuses_array);
            $countall_SQL = $count_SQL;
            $countall_SQL->WHERE_and('comment_post_ID IN (' . $postIDlist . ')');
            foreach ($DB->get_results($countall_SQL->get()) as $row) {
                // detail by status, tyep and post:
                $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID][$row->comment_type . 's'][$row->comment_status] = $row->type_count;
                // Total for type on post:
                $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID][$row->comment_type . 's']['total'] += $row->type_count;
                // Total for status on post:
                $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID]['feedbacks'][$row->comment_status] += $row->type_count;
                // Total for post:
                $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID]['feedbacks']['total'] += $row->type_count;
    /*	else
    		echo "cache set";
    if (!isset($cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id])) {
        // this should be extremely rare...
        // echo "CACHE not set for $post_id";
        // Initializes post to nocount!
        $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][intval($post_id)] = array('comments' => $statuses_array, 'trackbacks' => $statuses_array, 'pingbacks' => $statuses_array, 'feedbacks' => $statuses_array);
        $count_SQL->WHERE_and('comment_post_ID = ' . intval($post_id));
        foreach ($DB->get_results($count_SQL->get()) as $row) {
            // detail by status, type and post:
            $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID][$row->comment_type . 's'][$row->comment_status] = $row->type_count;
            // Total for type on post:
            $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID][$row->comment_type . 's']['total'] += $row->type_count;
            // Total for status on post:
            $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID]['feedbacks'][$row->comment_status] += $row->type_count;
            // Total for post:
            $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$row->comment_post_ID]['feedbacks']['total'] += $row->type_count;
    if ($mode != 'comments' && $mode != 'trackbacks' && $mode != 'pingbacks') {
        $mode = 'feedbacks';
    if (is_array($status)) {
        // $status is an array and probably contains more then one visibility status
        $result = 0;
        foreach ($status as $one_status) {
            if (isset($cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id][$mode][$one_status])) {
                $result = $result + $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id][$mode][$one_status];
    } elseif (isset($cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id][$mode][$status])) {
        // $status is a string with one visibility status
        $result = $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id][$mode][$status];
    } else {
        // $status is not recognized return total feedback number
        $result = $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id][$mode]['total'];
    // pre_dump( $cache_ctp_number[$filter_index][$post_id] );
    return $result;
예제 #9
  * Get a member param by its name
  * @param mixed Name of parameter
  * @return mixed Value of parameter
 function get($parname)
     switch ($parname) {
         case 't_author':
             // Text: author
             return $this->creator_User->get('preferredname');
         case 't_assigned_to':
             // Text: assignee
             if (!$this->get_assigned_User()) {
                 return '';
             return $this->assigned_User->get('preferredname');
         case 't_status':
             // Text status:
             $post_statuses = get_visibility_statuses();
             return $post_statuses[$this->status];
         case 't_extra_status':
             $ItemStatusCache =& get_ItemStatusCache();
             if (!($Element =& $ItemStatusCache->get_by_ID($this->pst_ID, true, false))) {
                 // No status:
                 return '';
             return $Element->get_name();
         case 't_type':
             // Post type (name):
             if (empty($this->ityp_ID)) {
                 return '';
             $ItemTypeCache =& get_ItemTypeCache();
             $type_Element =& $ItemTypeCache->get_by_ID($this->ityp_ID);
             return $type_Element->get_name();
         case 't_priority':
             return $this->priorities[$this->priority];
         case 'pingsdone':
             // Deprecated by fp 2006-08-21
             return $this->post_notifications_status == 'finished';
         case 'excerpt':
             return $this->get_excerpt2();
     return parent::get($parname);
예제 #10
 * Compare two visibility status in the point of public level
 * @param string first_status
 * @param string second_status
 * @return integer
 *   0 if the two statuses have the same public level
 *   1 if the first status has higher public level
 *   -1 if it first status has lower public level
function compare_visibility_status($first_status, $second_status)
    $status_index = get_visibility_statuses('ordered-index', array());
    if (!isset($status_index[$first_status]) || !isset($status_index[$second_status])) {
        // At least one of the given statuses doesn't exist
        debug_die('Invalid status given to compare!');
    $first_status_index = $status_index[$first_status];
    $second_status_index = $status_index[$second_status];
    if ($first_status_index == $second_status_index) {
        // The two status public level is equal, but note this doesn't mean that the two status must be same!
        return 0;
    return $first_status_index > $second_status_index ? 1 : -1;
예제 #11
    if ($perm_blog_admin) {
        // Only admin can set this setting to 'Public'
        $status_options['published'] .= ' [' . T_('Admin') . ']';
    } else {
        // Remove published status for non-admin users
// put this on feedback details container, this way it won't be displayed if comment posting is not allowed
echo '<div class="feedback_details_container">';
$Form->select_input_array('new_feedback_status', $edited_Blog->get_setting('new_feedback_status'), $status_options, T_('New feedback status'), $newstatus_warning . T_('Logged in users will get the highest possible status allowed by their permissions. Plugins may also override this default.'));
echo '</div>';
// Moderation statuses setting
$not_moderation_statuses = array_diff(get_visibility_statuses('keys', NULL), get_visibility_statuses('moderation'));
// Get moderation statuses with status text
$moderation_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('', $not_moderation_statuses);
$blog_moderation_statuses = $edited_Blog->get_setting('moderation_statuses');
$checklist_options = array();
foreach ($moderation_statuses as $status => $status_text) {
    // Add a checklist option for each possible modeartion status
    $is_checked = strpos($blog_moderation_statuses, $status) !== false;
    $checklist_options[] = array('notif_' . $status, 1, $status_text, $is_checked);
$Form->checklist($checklist_options, 'moderation_statuses', T_('Comment moderation reminder statuses'), false, false, array('note' => 'Comments with the selected statuses will be notified on the "Send reminders about comments awaiting moderation" scheduled job.'));
$Form->radio('comment_quick_moderation', $edited_Blog->get_setting('comment_quick_moderation'), array(array('never', T_('Never')), array('expire', T_('Links expire on first edit action')), array('always', T_('Always available'))), T_('Comment quick moderation'), true);
$Form->begin_fieldset(T_('RSS/Atom feeds'));
$Form->radio('comment_feed_content', $edited_Blog->get_setting('comment_feed_content'), array(array('none', T_('No feeds')), array('excerpt', T_('Comment excerpts')), array('normal', T_('Standard comment contents'))), T_('Comment feed contents'), true, T_('How much content do you want to make available in comment feeds?'));
$Form->text('comments_per_feed', $edited_Blog->get_setting('comments_per_feed'), 4, T_('Comments in feeds'), T_('How many of the latest comments do you want to include in RSS & Atom feeds?'), 4);
예제 #12
 if (empty($tab3)) {
     $tab3 = 'fullview';
 $AdminUI->set_path('collections', 'comments', $tab3);
 $comments_list_param_prefix = 'cmnt_';
 if (!empty($tab3)) {
     // Use different param prefix for each tab
     $comments_list_param_prefix .= $tab3 . '_';
  * List of comments to display:
 $CommentList = new CommentList2($Blog, NULL, 'CommentCache', $comments_list_param_prefix, $tab3);
 // Filter list:
 $CommentList->set_default_filters(array('statuses' => get_visibility_statuses('keys', array('redirected', 'trash')), 'order' => 'DESC'));
  * Mass delete comments
 param('mass_type', 'string', '');
 if ($action == 'mass_delete' && !empty($mass_type)) {
     // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
     // Init the comment list query, but don't execute it
     // Set sql query to get deletable comment ids
     $deletable_comments_query = 'SELECT DISTINCT ' . $CommentList->Cache->dbIDname . ' ' . $CommentList->CommentQuery->get_from() . $CommentList->CommentQuery->get_where();
     // Set an action param to display a correct template
     $process_action = $action;
예제 #13
 * Get buttons to change item type
 * @param object Item
 * @param integer Index of the row on page
 * @return string
function item_row_status($Item, $index)
    global $current_User, $AdminUI, $Blog, $admin_url;
    if (empty($Blog)) {
        // global Blog object is not set, e.g. back-office User activity tab
        $blog_ID = $Item->Blog->ID;
    } else {
        $blog_ID = $Blog->ID;
    // Get those statuses which are not allowed for the current User to create posts in this blog
    $exclude_statuses = array_merge(get_restricted_statuses($blog_ID, 'blog_post!', 'create'), array('trash'));
    // Get allowed visibility statuses
    $status_options = get_visibility_statuses('', $exclude_statuses);
    if (is_logged_in() && $current_User->check_perm('item_post!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $Item) && isset($AdminUI, $AdminUI->skin_name) && $AdminUI->skin_name == 'bootstrap') {
        // Use dropdown for bootstrap skin and if current user can edit this post
        $status_icon_options = get_visibility_statuses('icons', $exclude_statuses);
        $r = '<div class="btn-group ' . ($index > 5 ? 'dropup' : 'dropdown') . ' post_status_dropdown">' . '<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-status-' . $Item->status . ' dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false" id="post_status_dropdown">' . '<span>' . $status_options[$Item->status] . '</span>' . ' <span class="caret"></span></button>' . '<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="post_status_dropdown">';
        foreach ($status_options as $status_key => $status_title) {
            $r .= '<li rel="' . $status_key . '" role="presentation"><a href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=' . $blog_ID . '&amp;action=update_status&amp;post_ID=' . $Item->ID . '&amp;status=' . $status_key . '&amp;' . url_crumb('item') . '" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1">' . $status_icon_options[$status_key] . ' <span>' . $status_title . '</span></a></li>';
        $r .= '</ul>' . '</div>';
    } else {
        // Display only status badge when user has no permission to edit this post and for chicago skin
        $r = $Item->get_format_status(array('template' => '<span class="note status_$status$"><span>$status_title$</span></span>'));
    return $r;
    if ($user_has_cat_perms) {
        // Field to create a new category if current user has the rights
        $categories[] = array('value' => 'new', 'label' => T_('New') . ':', 'suffix' => '<input type="text" id="new_categories[' . $post_counter . ']" name="new_categories[' . $post_counter . ']" class="form_text_input" maxlength="255" size="25" />');
    $Form->radio_input('category[' . $post_counter . ']', $selected_category_ID, $categories, T_('Category'), array('suffix' => '<br />'));
    // Clear last option to create a new for next item with other $post_counter
    $Form->info(T_('Post content'), '<img src="' . $fm_FileRoot->ads_url . urldecode($item) . '" width="200" />');
$edited_Item = NULL;
$visibility_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('notes-string', array(), true, $blog);
if (empty($visibility_statuses)) {
    $visibility_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('notes-string');
    if (isset($visibility_statuses[$Blog->get_setting('default_post_status')])) {
        // Current user can create a post only with default status
        $Form->info(T_('Status of new posts'), $visibility_statuses[$Blog->get_setting('default_post_status')]);
} else {
    // Display a list with the post statuses
    $Form->select_input_array('post_status', $Blog->get_setting('default_post_status'), $visibility_statuses, T_('Status of new posts'));
$Form->end_form(array(array('submit', 'actionArray[make_posts_from_files]', T_('Make posts'), 'ActionButton')));
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery( 'input[id^=new_categories]' ).focus( function()
	var num = jQuery( this ).attr( 'id' ).replace( /new_categories\[(\d+)\]/gi, '$1' );
	jQuery( 'input[name=category\\[' + num + '\\]]' ).attr( 'checked', 'checked' );
예제 #15
 * Display CommentList with the given filters
 * @param integer Blog ID
 * @param integer Item ID
 * @param array Status filters
 * @param integer Limit
 * @param array Comments IDs string to exclude from the list
 * @param string Filterset name
 * @param string Expiry status: 'all', 'active', 'expired'
function echo_item_comments($blog_ID, $item_ID, $statuses = NULL, $currentpage = 1, $limit = 20, $comment_IDs = array(), $filterset_name = '', $expiry_status = 'active')
    global $inc_path, $status_list, $Blog, $admin_url;
    $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
    $Blog =& $BlogCache->get_by_ID($blog_ID, false, false);
    global $CommentList;
    $CommentList = new CommentList2($Blog, $limit, 'CommentCache', '', $filterset_name);
    $exlude_ID_list = NULL;
    if (!empty($comment_IDs)) {
        $exlude_ID_list = '-' . implode(",", $comment_IDs);
    if (empty($statuses)) {
        $statuses = get_visibility_statuses('keys', array('redirected', 'trash'));
    if ($expiry_status == 'all') {
        // Display all comments
        $expiry_statuses = array('active', 'expired');
    } else {
        // Display active or expired comments
        $expiry_statuses = array($expiry_status);
    // if item_ID == -1 then don't use item filter! display all comments from current blog
    if ($item_ID == -1) {
        $item_ID = NULL;
    // set redirect_to
    if ($item_ID != null) {
        // redirect to the items full view
        param('redirect_to', 'url', url_add_param($admin_url, 'ctrl=items&blog=' . $blog_ID . '&p=' . $item_ID, '&'));
        param('item_id', 'integer', $item_ID);
        param('currentpage', 'integer', $currentpage);
        if (count($statuses) == 1) {
            $show_comments = $statuses[0];
        } else {
            $show_comments = 'all';
        param('comments_number', 'integer', generic_ctp_number($item_ID, 'comments', $show_comments));
        // Filter list:
        $CommentList->set_filters(array('types' => array('comment', 'trackback', 'pingback'), 'statuses' => $statuses, 'expiry_statuses' => $expiry_statuses, 'comment_ID_list' => $exlude_ID_list, 'post_ID' => $item_ID, 'order' => 'ASC', 'comments' => $limit, 'page' => $currentpage));
    } else {
        // redirect to the comments full view
        param('redirect_to', 'url', url_add_param($admin_url, 'ctrl=comments&blog=' . $blog_ID . '&filter=restore', '&'));
        // this is an ajax call we always have to restore the filterst (we can set filters only without ajax call)
        $CommentList->set_filters(array('types' => array('comment', 'trackback', 'pingback')));
    // Get ready for display (runs the query):
    $CommentList->display_if_empty(array('before' => '<div class="bComment"><p>', 'after' => '</p></div>', 'msg_empty' => T_('No feedback for this post yet...')));
    // display comments
    require $inc_path . 'comments/views/_comment_list.inc.php';
예제 #16
    $comment_date_input = $Form->date_input('comment_issue_date', $edited_Comment->date, '');
    $comment_date_input .= $Form->time_input('comment_issue_time', $edited_Comment->date, '');
    $Form->info(T_('Comment date'), $comment_date_input, '');
if ($comment_Item->can_rate() || !empty($edited_Comment->rating)) {
    // Rating is editable
    $edit_form_params = $disp_params['edit_form_params'];
    $before_rating = $edit_form_params['fieldstart'] . $edit_form_params['labelstart'] . T_('Rating') . $edit_form_params['labelend'] . $edit_form_params['inputstart'];
    $after_rating = $edit_form_params['inputend'] . $edit_form_params['fieldend'];
    $edited_Comment->rating_input(array('before' => $before_rating, 'after' => $after_rating));
// Get those statuses which are not allowed for the current User to create comments in this blog
$exclude_statuses = array_merge(get_restricted_statuses($Blog->ID, 'blog_comment!', 'edit'), array('redirected', 'trash'));
// Get allowed visibility statuses
$sharing_options = get_visibility_statuses('radio-options', $exclude_statuses);
if (count($sharing_options) == 1) {
    // Only one visibility status is available, don't show radio but set hidden field
    $Form->hidden('comment_status', $sharing_options[0][0]);
} else {
    // Display visibiliy options
    $Form->radio('comment_status', $edited_Comment->status, $sharing_options, T_('Visibility'), true);
// Display renderers
$comment_renderer_checkboxes = $edited_Comment->renderer_checkboxes(NULL, false);
if (!empty($comment_renderer_checkboxes)) {
    $Form->info(T_('Text Renderers'), $comment_renderer_checkboxes);
// Display comment attachments
$LinkOwner = new LinkComment($edited_Comment);
if ($LinkOwner->count_links()) {
예제 #17
// ####################### PLUGIN FIELDSETS #########################
$Plugins->trigger_event('AdminDisplayItemFormFieldset', array('Form' => &$Form, 'Item' => &$edited_Item, 'edit_layout' => 'expert'));
if ($current_User->check_perm('meta_comment', 'view', false, $edited_Item)) {
    // ####################### META COMMENTS #########################
    $currentpage = param('currentpage', 'integer', 1);
    $total_comments_number = generic_ctp_number($edited_Item->ID, 'metas', 'total');
    param('comments_number', 'integer', $total_comments_number);
    param('comment_type', 'string', 'meta');
    $Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Meta comments') . get_manual_link('meta-comments-panel') . ($total_comments_number > 0 ? ' <span class="badge badge-important">' . $total_comments_number . '</span>' : ''), array('id' => 'itemform_meta_cmnt', 'fold' => true, 'deny_fold' => $total_comments_number > 0));
    global $CommentList, $UserSettings;
    $CommentList = new CommentList2($Blog);
    // Filter list:
    $CommentList->set_filters(array('types' => array('meta'), 'statuses' => get_visibility_statuses('keys', array('redirected', 'trash')), 'order' => 'DESC', 'post_ID' => $edited_Item->ID, 'comments' => $UserSettings->get('results_per_page'), 'page' => $currentpage, 'expiry_statuses' => array('active')));
    // comments_container value shows, current Item ID
    echo '<div class="evo_content_block">';
    echo '<div id="comments_container" value="' . $edited_Item->ID . '">';
    // display comments
    $CommentList->display_if_empty(array('before' => '<div class="bComment"><p>', 'after' => '</p></div>', 'msg_empty' => T_('No feedback for this post yet...')));
    require $inc_path . 'comments/views/_comment_list.inc.php';
    echo '</div>';
    // comments_container div
    echo '</div>';
    if ($current_User->check_perm('meta_comment', 'add', false, $edited_Item)) {
        // Display a link to add new meta comment if current user has a permission
        echo action_icon(T_('Add meta comment') . '...', 'new', $admin_url . '?ctrl=items&amp;p=' . $edited_Item->ID . '&amp;comment_type=meta&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID . '#comments', T_('Add meta comment') . ' &raquo;', 3, 4);
    // Load JS functions to work with meta comments:
예제 #18
  * Restrict to specific statuses
  * @param string List of statuses to restrict to (must have been previously validated)
  * @param boolean Filter by user permission. Set to false to select each comment with the correspondong visibily statuses even if current User has no permission to view them.
 function where_statuses($show_statuses, $filter_by_perm = true)
     global $DB;
     if (empty($show_statuses)) {
         // initialize if emty
         $show_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('keys', array('trash', 'redirected'));
     $this->show_statuses = $show_statuses;
     if ($filter_by_perm) {
         // show not published comments corresponding to the given blog perms
         // When Blog is empty we must set blog param to 0, this way we will check all blogs
         $blog = empty($this->Blog) ? 0 : $this->Blog->ID;
         $this->WHERE_and(statuses_where_clause($this->show_statuses, $this->dbprefix, $blog, 'blog_comment!', true, $this->author));
     } else {
         $list = '';
         $sep = '';
         foreach ($show_statuses as $status) {
             $list .= $sep . $DB->quote($status);
             $sep = ',';
         $this->WHERE_and($this->dbprefix . 'status IN (' . $list . ')');

 * This file implements the Item history details view
 * This file is part of the b2evolution/evocms project - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}.
 * See also {@link https://github.com/b2evolution/b2evolution}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2015 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}.
 * @package admin
if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) {
    die('Please, do not access this page directly.');
global $edited_Item, $Revision;
$post_statuses = get_visibility_statuses();
$Form = new Form(NULL, 'history', 'post', 'compact');
$Form->global_icon(T_('Cancel viewing!'), 'close', regenerate_url('action', 'action=history'));
$Form->begin_form('fform', sprintf(T_('Revision #%s for: %s'), $Revision->iver_ID == 0 ? '(' . T_('Current version') . ')' : $Revision->iver_ID, $edited_Item->get_title()));
$Form->info(T_('Date'), mysql2localedatetime($Revision->iver_edit_datetime, 'Y-m-d', 'H:i:s'));
$iver_editor_user_link = get_user_identity_link(NULL, $Revision->iver_edit_user_ID);
$Form->info(T_('User'), empty($iver_editor_user_link) ? T_('(deleted user)') : $iver_editor_user_link);
$Form->info(T_('Status'), $post_statuses[$Revision->iver_status]);
$Form->info(T_('Note'), $Revision->iver_ID > 0 ? T_('Archived version') : T_('Current version'));
$Form->info(T_('Title'), $Revision->iver_title);
$Form->info(T_('Content'), $Revision->iver_content);
예제 #20
  * Check if the user has the given role in any blog
  * @param string role name, available values ( post_owner, moderator )
  * @return mixed NULL if the given roll name is not defined or there are no blogs, true if the user is super admin, 0 if the user doesn't have the given role, positive number otherwise
 function check_role($rolename)
     global $DB;
     if ($this->check_perm('blogs', 'editall')) {
         // if user has global editall blogs permission then it has any kind of role in all blogs
         return true;
     switch ($rolename) {
         case 'post_owner':
             // User is considerated as a post owner, if already has at least one post, or he has right to create posts
             if ($this->get_num_posts() > 0) {
                 // User already has at least one post
                 return true;
             $role_conditions = array('perm_poststatuses' => array('IS NOT NULL', '<> ""'));
         case 'member':
             // User has member role if is member of at least one blog
             $role_conditions = array('ismember' => array('IS NOT NULL', '<> 0'));
         case 'comment_editor':
             // User has permission to edit some other users comments at least in one status
             $role_conditions = array('perm_edit_cmt' => array('IS NOT NULL', '<> "no"', '<> "own"'), 'perm_cmtstatuses' => array('IS NOT NULL', '<> 0'));
         case 'comment_moderator':
             // set comment moderator perm names
             $edit_perm_name = 'perm_edit_cmt';
             $statuses_perm_name = 'perm_cmtstatuses';
         case 'post_moderator':
             if ($rolename == 'post_moderator') {
                 // set post moderator perm names
                 $edit_perm_name = 'perm_edit';
                 $statuses_perm_name = 'perm_poststatuses';
             // User is a moderator if has moderator permission at least in one blog
             // A moderator must have permissions to create post/comment with at least two statuses from moderation statuses + published status
             $check_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('moderation');
             // Create addition of statuses perm values
             $perms_value = get_status_permvalue('published');
             foreach ($check_statuses as $status) {
                 $perms_value = $perms_value + get_status_permvalue($status);
             // Check if user has permission to edit other comments than his own and has create permission on at least two statuses defined above
             $role_conditions = array($edit_perm_name => array('IS NOT NULL', '<> "no"', '<> "own"'), $statuses_perm_name => array('IS NOT NULL', 'BIT_COUNT( $perm_field$ & ' . $perms_value . ' ) > 1'));
             // roll with the given roll name is not defined
             return NULL;
     $where_clause = '';
     $perm_prefixes = array('bloguser_', 'bloggroup_');
     foreach ($perm_prefixes as $prefix) {
         // Check requred perms on blogusers and bloggroups as well
         $where_part = '';
         foreach ($role_conditions as $perm_name => $conditions) {
             // Go through each required permission
             $perm_field = $prefix . $perm_name;
             foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
                 // Check all defined conditions and join with 'AND' operator
                 if (strpos($condition, '$perm_field$') !== false) {
                     // The $perm_filed must be replaced in the middle of the condition
                     $where_part .= '( ' . str_replace('$perm_field$', $perm_field, $condition) . ' ) AND ';
                 } else {
                     // The $perm_filed must be added into the beginning of the condition
                     $where_part .= '( ' . $perm_field . ' ' . $condition . ' ) AND ';
         // Remove the last ' AND ' from the end of this where clause part
         $where_part = substr($where_part, 0, strlen($where_part) - 5);
         // Add the created conditions to the final where clause
         $where_clause .= '( ' . $where_part . ' )';
         if ($prefix != 'bloggroup_') {
             // 'bloggroup_' perm check is the last, but everywhere else we need an 'OR' operator
             $where_clause .= ' OR ';
     // Count blog ids where this user has the required permissions for the given role
     $SQL = new SQL();
     $SQL->SELECT('count( blog_ID )');
     $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_coll_user_perms ON (blog_advanced_perms <> 0 AND blog_ID = bloguser_blog_ID AND bloguser_user_ID = ' . $this->ID . ' )');
     $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_coll_group_perms ON (blog_advanced_perms <> 0 AND blog_ID = bloggroup_blog_ID AND bloggroup_group_ID = ' . $this->grp_ID . ' )');
     $SQL->WHERE('blog_owner_user_ID = ' . $this->ID);
     return $DB->get_var($SQL->get(), 0, NULL, 'Check user role in all blogs');
예제 #21
     * Load items by the given categories or collection ID
     * After the Items are loaded create a map of loaded items by categories
     * @param array of category ids
     * @param integer collection ID
     * @return boolean true if load items was required and it was loaded successfully, false otherwise
    function load_by_categories($cat_array, $coll_ID)
        global $DB, $posttypes_specialtypes;
        if (empty($cat_array) && empty($coll_ID)) {
            // Nothing to load
            return false;
        // In case of an empty cat_array param, use categoriesfrom the given collection
        if (empty($cat_array)) {
            // Get all categories from the given subset
            $ChapterCache =& get_ChapterCache();
            $subset_chapters = $ChapterCache->get_chapters_by_subset($coll_ID);
            $cat_array = array();
            foreach ($subset_chapters as $Chapter) {
                $cat_array[] = $Chapter->ID;
        // Check which category is not loaded
        $not_loaded_cat_ids = array();
        foreach ($cat_array as $cat_ID) {
            if (!isset($this->items_by_cat_map[$cat_ID])) {
                // This category is not loaded
                $not_loaded_cat_ids[] = $cat_ID;
                // Initialize items_by_cat_map for this cat_ID
                $this->items_by_cat_map[$cat_ID] = array('items' => array(), 'sorted' => false);
        if (empty($not_loaded_cat_ids)) {
            // Requested categories items are all loaded
            return false;
        // Query to load all Items from the given categories
        $sql = 'SELECT postcat_cat_ID as cat_ID, postcat_post_ID as post_ID FROM T_postcats
					WHERE postcat_cat_ID IN ( ' . implode(', ', $not_loaded_cat_ids) . ' )
					ORDER BY postcat_post_ID';
        $cat_posts = $DB->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A, 'Get all category post ids pair by category');
        // Initialize $Blog from coll_ID
        $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
        $Blog = $BlogCache->get_by_ID($coll_ID);
        $visibility_statuses = is_admin_page() ? get_visibility_statuses('keys', array('trash')) : get_inskin_statuses($coll_ID, 'post');
        // Create ItemQuery for loading visible items
        $ItemQuery = new ItemQuery($this->dbtablename, $this->dbprefix, $this->dbIDname);
        // Set filters what to select
        $ItemQuery->SELECT($this->dbtablename . '.*');
        $ItemQuery->where_chapter2($Blog, $not_loaded_cat_ids, "");
        $ItemQuery->where_datestart(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $Blog->get_timestamp_min(), $Blog->get_timestamp_max());
        $ItemQuery->where_types('-' . implode(',', $posttypes_specialtypes));
        // Clear previous items from the cache and load by the defined SQL
        foreach ($cat_posts as $row) {
            // Iterate through the post - cat pairs and fill the map
            if (empty($this->cache[$row['post_ID']])) {
                // The Item was not loaded because it does not correspond to the defined filters
            // Add to the map
            $this->items_by_cat_map[$row['cat_ID']]['items'][] = $this->get_by_ID($row['post_ID']);
예제 #22
 * Get post status label from DB value
 * @param string Status value
 * @return string Status label
function iver_status_label($iver_status)
    $statuses = get_visibility_statuses();
    return isset($statuses[$iver_status]) ? $statuses[$iver_status] : $iver_status;
예제 #23
 $posts_awaiting_moderation_content = ob_get_contents();
 if (!empty($posts_awaiting_moderation_content)) {
     echo '<div class="items_container evo_content_block">';
     echo $posts_awaiting_moderation_content;
     echo '</div>';
 // Create empty List:
 $ItemList = new ItemList2($Blog, NULL, NULL);
 // Filter list:
 $ItemList->set_filters(array('visibility_array' => get_visibility_statuses('keys', array('trash')), 'orderby' => 'datemodified', 'order' => 'DESC', 'posts' => 5));
 // Get ready for display (runs the query):
 if ($ItemList->result_num_rows) {
     // We have recent edits
     if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_post_statuses', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID)) {
         // We have permission to add a post with at least one status:
         $block_item_Widget->global_icon(T_('Write a new post...'), 'new', '?ctrl=items&amp;action=new&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID, T_('New post') . ' &raquo;', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary'));
     echo '<div class="items_container evo_content_block">';
     $block_item_Widget->title = T_('Recently edited');
     while ($Item =& $ItemList->get_item()) {
         echo '<div class="dashboard_post dashboard_post_' . ($ItemList->current_idx % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd') . '" lang="' . $Item->get('locale') . '">';
         // We don't switch locales in the backoffice, since we use the user pref anyway
예제 #24
     * Load data from Request form fields.
     * @param array groups of params to load
     * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
    function load_from_Request($groups = array())
        global $Messages, $default_locale, $DB;
         * @var User
        global $current_User;
        // Load collection settings and clear update cascade array
        if (param('blog_name', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // General params:
            $this->set('shortname', param('blog_shortname', 'string', true));
            $this->set('locale', param('blog_locale', 'string', $default_locale));
        if (param('archive_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Archive link type:
            $this->set_setting('archive_links', get_param('archive_links'));
            $this->set_setting('archive_posts_per_page', param('archive_posts_per_page', 'integer', NULL), true);
        if (param('chapter_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Chapter link type:
            $this->set_setting('chapter_links', get_param('chapter_links'));
        if (param('category_prefix', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            $category_prefix = get_param('category_prefix');
            if (!preg_match('|^([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+(/[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)*)?$|', $category_prefix)) {
                param_error('category_prefix', T_('Invalid category prefix.'));
            $this->set_setting('category_prefix', $category_prefix);
        if (param('atom_redirect', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            param_check_url('atom_redirect', 'commenting');
            $this->set_setting('atom_redirect', get_param('atom_redirect'));
            param('rss2_redirect', 'string', NULL);
            param_check_url('rss2_redirect', 'commenting');
            $this->set_setting('rss2_redirect', get_param('rss2_redirect'));
        if (param('image_size', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            $this->set_setting('image_size', get_param('image_size'));
        if (param('tag_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Tag page link type:
            $this->set_setting('tag_links', get_param('tag_links'));
        if (param('tag_prefix', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            $tag_prefix = get_param('tag_prefix');
            if (!preg_match('|^([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+(/[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)*)?$|', $tag_prefix)) {
                param_error('tag_prefix', T_('Invalid tag prefix.'));
            $this->set_setting('tag_prefix', $tag_prefix);
        // Default to "tag", if "prefix-only" is used, but no tag_prefix was provided.
        if (get_param('tag_links') == 'prefix-only' && !strlen(param('tag_prefix', 'string', NULL))) {
            $this->set_setting('tag_prefix', 'tag');
        // Use rel="tag" attribute? (checkbox)
        $this->set_setting('tag_rel_attib', param('tag_rel_attib', 'integer', 0));
        if (param('chapter_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on chapter pages?
            $this->set_setting('chapter_content', get_param('chapter_content'));
        if (param('tag_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on tags pages?
            $this->set_setting('tag_content', get_param('tag_content'));
        if (param('archive_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on archive pages?
            $this->set_setting('archive_content', get_param('archive_content'));
        if (param('filtered_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on filtered pages?
            $this->set_setting('filtered_content', get_param('filtered_content'));
        if (param('main_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on main pages?
            $this->set_setting('main_content', get_param('main_content'));
        // Chapter posts per page:
        $this->set_setting('chapter_posts_per_page', param('chapter_posts_per_page', 'integer', NULL), true);
        // Tag posts per page:
        $this->set_setting('tag_posts_per_page', param('tag_posts_per_page', 'integer', NULL), true);
        if (param('single_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Single post link type:
            $this->set_setting('single_links', get_param('single_links'));
        if (param('slug_limit', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Limit slug length:
            $this->set_setting('slug_limit', get_param('slug_limit'));
        if (param('normal_skin_ID', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Default blog:
            $this->set_setting('normal_skin_ID', get_param('normal_skin_ID'));
        if (param('mobile_skin_ID', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Default blog:
            $this->set_setting('mobile_skin_ID', get_param('mobile_skin_ID'));
        if (param('tablet_skin_ID', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Default blog:
            $this->set_setting('tablet_skin_ID', get_param('tablet_skin_ID'));
        if (param('archives_sort_order', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            $this->set_setting('archives_sort_order', param('archives_sort_order', 'string', false));
        if (param('feed_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // How much content in feeds?
            $this->set_setting('feed_content', get_param('feed_content'));
            param_integer_range('posts_per_feed', 1, 9999, T_('Items per feed must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('posts_per_feed', get_param('posts_per_feed'));
        if (param('comment_feed_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // How much content in comment feeds?
            $this->set_setting('comment_feed_content', get_param('comment_feed_content'));
            param_integer_range('comments_per_feed', 1, 9999, T_('Comments per feed must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('comments_per_feed', get_param('comments_per_feed'));
        if (param('require_title', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Title for items required?
            $this->set_setting('require_title', get_param('require_title'));
        if (param('blog_description', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Description:
            $this->set_from_Request('shortdesc', 'blog_description');
        if (param('blog_keywords', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Keywords:
        if (param('blog_tagline', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // HTML tagline:
            param_check_html('blog_tagline', T_('Invalid tagline'));
            $this->set('tagline', get_param('blog_tagline'));
        if (param('blog_longdesc', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // HTML long description:
            param_check_html('blog_longdesc', T_('Invalid long description'));
            $this->set('longdesc', get_param('blog_longdesc'));
        if (param('blog_footer_text', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Blog footer:
            param_check_html('blog_footer_text', T_('Invalid blog footer'));
            $this->set_setting('blog_footer_text', get_param('blog_footer_text'));
        if (param('single_item_footer_text', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Blog footer:
            param_check_html('single_item_footer_text', T_('Invalid single post footer'));
            $this->set_setting('single_item_footer_text', get_param('single_item_footer_text'));
        if (param('xml_item_footer_text', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Blog footer:
            param_check_html('xml_item_footer_text', T_('Invalid RSS footer'));
            $this->set_setting('xml_item_footer_text', get_param('xml_item_footer_text'));
        if (param('blog_notes', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // HTML notes:
            param_check_html('blog_notes', T_('Invalid Blog Notes'));
            $this->set('notes', get_param('blog_notes'));
            param_integer_range('max_footer_credits', 0, 3, T_('Max credits must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('max_footer_credits', get_param('max_footer_credits'));
        if (in_array('pings', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the ping checkboxes:
            $blog_ping_plugins = param('blog_ping_plugins', 'array/string', array());
            $blog_ping_plugins = array_unique($blog_ping_plugins);
            $this->set_setting('ping_plugins', implode(',', $blog_ping_plugins));
        if (in_array('authors', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the multiple authors params
            $this->set('advanced_perms', param('advanced_perms', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('use_workflow', param('blog_use_workflow', 'integer', 0));
        if (in_array('features', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the workflow checkboxes:
            $this->set_setting('allow_html_post', param('allow_html_post', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('enable_goto_blog', param('enable_goto_blog', 'string', NULL));
            $this->set_setting('editing_goto_blog', param('editing_goto_blog', 'string', NULL));
            $this->set_setting('default_post_status', param('default_post_status', 'string', NULL));
            $this->set_setting('post_categories', param('post_categories', 'string', NULL));
            $this->set_setting('post_navigation', param('post_navigation', 'string', NULL));
            // Show x days or x posts?:
            $this->set_setting('what_to_show', param('what_to_show', 'string', ''));
            param_integer_range('posts_per_page', 1, 9999, T_('Items/days per page must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('posts_per_page', get_param('posts_per_page'));
            $this->set_setting('orderby', param('orderby', 'string', true));
            $this->set_setting('orderdir', param('orderdir', 'string', true));
            // Time frame
            $this->set_setting('timestamp_min', param('timestamp_min', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('timestamp_min_duration', param_duration('timestamp_min_duration'));
            $this->set_setting('timestamp_max', param('timestamp_max', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('timestamp_max_duration', param_duration('timestamp_max_duration'));
            // Location
            $location_country = param('location_country', 'string', 'hidden');
            $location_region = param('location_region', 'string', 'hidden');
            $location_subregion = param('location_subregion', 'string', 'hidden');
            $location_city = param('location_city', 'string', 'hidden');
            if ($location_city == 'required') {
                // If city is required - all location fields also are required
                $location_country = $location_region = $location_subregion = 'required';
            } else {
                if ($location_subregion == 'required') {
                    // If subregion is required - country & region fields also are required
                    $location_country = $location_region = 'required';
                } else {
                    if ($location_region == 'required') {
                        // If region is required - country field also is required
                        $location_country = 'required';
            $this->set_setting('location_country', $location_country);
            $this->set_setting('location_region', $location_region);
            $this->set_setting('location_subregion', $location_subregion);
            $this->set_setting('location_city', $location_city);
            // Set to show Latitude & Longitude params for this blog items
            $this->set_setting('show_location_coordinates', param('show_location_coordinates', 'integer', 0));
            // Load custom double & varchar fields
            $custom_field_names = array();
            $this->load_custom_fields('double', $update_cascade_query, $custom_field_names);
            $this->load_custom_fields('varchar', $update_cascade_query, $custom_field_names);
            if (!empty($update_cascade_query)) {
                // Some custom fields were deleted and these fields must be deleted from the item settings table also. Add required query.
            // call modules update_collection_features on this blog
            modules_call_method('update_collection_features', array('edited_Blog' => &$this));
        if (in_array('comments', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the workflow checkboxes:
            // load moderation statuses
            $moderation_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('moderation');
            $blog_moderation_statuses = array();
            foreach ($moderation_statuses as $status) {
                if (param('notif_' . $status, 'integer', 0)) {
                    $blog_moderation_statuses[] = $status;
            $this->set_setting('moderation_statuses', implode(',', $blog_moderation_statuses));
            $this->set_setting('comment_quick_moderation', param('comment_quick_moderation', 'string', 'expire'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_item_subscriptions', param('allow_item_subscriptions', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('comments_detect_email', param('comments_detect_email', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('comments_register', param('comments_register', 'integer', 0));
        if (in_array('other', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the workflow checkboxes:
            $this->set_setting('enable_sitemaps', param('enable_sitemaps', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('allow_subscriptions', param('allow_subscriptions', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('allow_item_subscriptions', param('allow_item_subscriptions', 'integer', 0));
            // Public blog list
            $this->set('in_bloglist', param('blog_in_bloglist', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('image_size_user_list', param('image_size_user_list', 'string'));
            $this->set_setting('image_size_messaging', param('image_size_messaging', 'string'));
            $this->set_setting('archive_mode', param('archive_mode', 'string', true));
        if (param('allow_comments', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Feedback options:
            $this->set_setting('allow_comments', param('allow_comments', 'string', 'any'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_view_comments', param('allow_view_comments', 'string', 'any'));
            $new_feedback_status = param('new_feedback_status', 'string', 'draft');
            if ($new_feedback_status != $this->get_setting('new_feedback_status') && ($new_feedback_status != 'published' || $current_User->check_perm('blog_admin', 'edit', false, $this->ID))) {
                // Only admin can set this setting to 'Public'
                $this->set_setting('new_feedback_status', $new_feedback_status);
            $this->set_setting('disable_comments_bypost', param('disable_comments_bypost', 'string', '0'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_anon_url', param('allow_anon_url', 'string', '0'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_html_comment', param('allow_html_comment', 'string', '0'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_attachments', param('allow_attachments', 'string', 'registered'));
            $this->set_setting('max_attachments', param('max_attachments', 'integer', ''));
            $this->set_setting('allow_rating_items', param('allow_rating_items', 'string', 'never'));
            $this->set_setting('rating_question', param('rating_question', 'text'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_rating_comment_helpfulness', param('allow_rating_comment_helpfulness', 'string', '0'));
            $blog_allowtrackbacks = param('blog_allowtrackbacks', 'integer', 0);
            if ($blog_allowtrackbacks != $this->get('allowtrackbacks') && ($blog_allowtrackbacks == 0 || $current_User->check_perm('blog_admin', 'edit', false, $this->ID))) {
                // Only admin can turn ON this setting
                $this->set('allowtrackbacks', $blog_allowtrackbacks);
            $this->set_setting('comments_orderdir', param('comments_orderdir', '/^(?:ASC|DESC)$/', 'ASC'));
            // call modules update_collection_comments on this blog
            modules_call_method('update_collection_comments', array('edited_Blog' => &$this));
            $threaded_comments = param('threaded_comments', 'integer', 0);
            $this->set_setting('threaded_comments', $threaded_comments);
            $this->set_setting('paged_comments', $threaded_comments ? 0 : param('paged_comments', 'integer', 0));
            param_integer_range('comments_per_page', 1, 9999, T_('Comments per page must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('comments_per_page', get_param('comments_per_page'));
            $this->set_setting('comments_avatars', param('comments_avatars', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('comments_latest', param('comments_latest', 'integer', 0));
        if (in_array('seo', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the workflow checkboxes:
            $this->set_setting('canonical_homepage', param('canonical_homepage', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_homepage', param('relcanonical_homepage', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_item_urls', param('canonical_item_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_item_urls', param('relcanonical_item_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_archive_urls', param('canonical_archive_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_archive_urls', param('relcanonical_archive_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_cat_urls', param('canonical_cat_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_cat_urls', param('relcanonical_cat_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_tag_urls', param('canonical_tag_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_tag_urls', param('relcanonical_tag_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('default_noindex', param('default_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('paged_noindex', param('paged_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('paged_nofollowto', param('paged_nofollowto', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('archive_noindex', param('archive_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('archive_nofollowto', param('archive_nofollowto', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('chapter_noindex', param('chapter_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('tag_noindex', param('tag_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('filtered_noindex', param('filtered_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('arcdir_noindex', param('arcdir_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('catdir_noindex', param('catdir_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('feedback-popup_noindex', param('feedback-popup_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('msgform_noindex', param('msgform_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('special_noindex', param('special_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('title_link_type', param('title_link_type', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('permalinks', param('permalinks', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('404_response', param('404_response', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('help_link', param('help_link', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('excerpts_meta_description', param('excerpts_meta_description', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('categories_meta_description', param('categories_meta_description', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('tags_meta_keywords', param('tags_meta_keywords', 'integer', 0));
        if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_admin', 'edit', false, $this->ID)) {
            // We have permission to edit advanced admin settings:
            if (in_array('cache', $groups)) {
                // we want to load the cache params:
                $this->set_setting('ajax_form_enabled', param('ajax_form_enabled', 'integer', 0));
                $this->set_setting('ajax_form_loggedin_enabled', param('ajax_form_loggedin_enabled', 'integer', 0));
                $this->set_setting('cache_enabled_widgets', param('cache_enabled_widgets', 'integer', 0));
            if (in_array('styles', $groups)) {
                // we want to load the styles params:
                $this->set('allowblogcss', param('blog_allowblogcss', 'integer', 0));
                $this->set('allowusercss', param('blog_allowusercss', 'integer', 0));
            if (in_array('login', $groups)) {
                // we want to load the login params:
                $this->set_setting('in_skin_login', param('in_skin_login', 'integer', 0));
                $this->set_setting('in_skin_editing', param('in_skin_editing', 'integer', 0));
            if (param('blog_head_includes', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // HTML header includes:
                param_check_html('blog_head_includes', T_('Invalid Custom meta section'));
                $this->set_setting('head_includes', get_param('blog_head_includes'));
            if (param('blog_footer_includes', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // HTML header includes:
                param_check_html('blog_footer_includes', T_('Invalid Custom javascript section'));
                $this->set_setting('footer_includes', get_param('blog_footer_includes'));
            if (param('owner_login', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // Permissions:
                $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
                $owner_User =& $UserCache->get_by_login(get_param('owner_login'));
                if (empty($owner_User)) {
                    param_error('owner_login', sprintf(T_('User &laquo;%s&raquo; does not exist!'), get_param('owner_login')));
                } else {
                    $this->set('owner_user_ID', $owner_User->ID);
                    $this->owner_User =& $owner_User;
            if (($blog_urlname = param('blog_urlname', 'string', NULL)) !== NULL) {
                // check urlname
                if (param_check_not_empty('blog_urlname', T_('You must provide an URL blog name!'))) {
                    if (!preg_match('|^[A-Za-z0-9\\-]+$|', $blog_urlname)) {
                        param_error('blog_urlname', sprintf(T_('The url name %s is invalid.'), "&laquo;{$blog_urlname}&raquo;"));
                        $blog_urlname = NULL;
                    if (isset($blog_urlname) && $DB->get_var('SELECT COUNT(*)
															FROM T_blogs
															WHERE blog_urlname = ' . $DB->quote($blog_urlname) . '
															AND blog_ID <> ' . $this->ID)) {
                        // urlname is already in use
                        param_error('blog_urlname', sprintf(T_('The URL name %s is already in use by another blog. Please choose another name.'), "&laquo;{$blog_urlname}&raquo;"));
                        $blog_urlname = NULL;
                    if (isset($blog_urlname)) {
            if (($access_type = param('blog_access_type', 'string', NULL)) !== NULL) {
                // Blog URL parameters:
                $this->set('access_type', $access_type);
                if ($access_type == 'absolute') {
                    $blog_siteurl = param('blog_siteurl_absolute', 'string', true);
                    if (preg_match('#^https?://[^/]+/.*#', $blog_siteurl, $matches)) {
                        // It looks like valid absolute URL, so we may update the blog siteurl
                        $this->set('siteurl', $blog_siteurl);
                    } else {
                        // It is not valid absolute URL, don't update the blog 'siteurl' to avoid errors
                        $Messages->add(T_('Blog Folder URL') . ': ' . sprintf(T_('%s is an invalid absolute URL'), '&laquo;' . htmlspecialchars($blog_siteurl) . '&raquo;') . ' ' . T_('You must provide an absolute URL (starting with <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code>) and it must contain at least one \'/\' sign after the domain name!'), 'error');
                } elseif ($access_type == 'relative') {
                    // relative siteurl
                    $blog_siteurl = param('blog_siteurl_relative', 'string', true);
                    if (preg_match('#^https?://#', $blog_siteurl)) {
                        $Messages->add(T_('Blog Folder URL') . ': ' . T_('You must provide a relative URL (without <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code>)!'), 'error');
                    $this->set('siteurl', $blog_siteurl);
                } else {
                    $this->set('siteurl', '');
            if (param('aggregate_coll_IDs', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // Aggregate list: (can be '*')
                $aggregate_coll_IDs = get_param('aggregate_coll_IDs');
                if ($aggregate_coll_IDs != '*') {
                    // Sanitize the string
                    $aggregate_coll_IDs = sanitize_id_list($aggregate_coll_IDs);
                // fp> TODO: check perms on each aggregated blog (if changed)
                // fp> TODO: better interface
                if ($aggregate_coll_IDs != '*' && !preg_match('#^([0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*)?$#', $aggregate_coll_IDs)) {
                    param_error('aggregate_coll_IDs', T_('Invalid aggregate blog ID list!'));
                $this->set_setting('aggregate_coll_IDs', $aggregate_coll_IDs);
            if (param('blog_media_location', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // Media files location:
                $this->set_media_subdir(param('blog_media_subdir', 'string', ''));
                $this->set_media_fullpath(param('blog_media_fullpath', 'string', ''));
                $this->set_media_url(param('blog_media_url', 'string', ''));
                // check params
                switch ($this->get('media_location')) {
                    case 'custom':
                        // custom path and URL
                        global $demo_mode, $media_path;
                        if ($this->get('media_fullpath') == '') {
                            param_error('blog_media_fullpath', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . T_('You must provide the full path of the media directory.'));
                        if (!preg_match('#^https?://#', $this->get('media_url'))) {
                            param_error('blog_media_url', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . T_('You must provide an absolute URL (starting with <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code>)!'));
                        if ($demo_mode) {
                            $canonical_fullpath = get_canonical_path($this->get('media_fullpath'));
                            if (!$canonical_fullpath || strpos($canonical_fullpath, $media_path) !== 0) {
                                param_error('blog_media_fullpath', T_('Media dir location') . ': in demo mode the path must be inside of $media_path.');
                    case 'subdir':
                        global $media_path;
                        if ($this->get('media_subdir') == '') {
                            param_error('blog_media_subdir', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . T_('You must provide the media subdirectory.'));
                        } else {
                            // Test if it's below $media_path (subdir!)
                            $canonical_path = get_canonical_path($media_path . $this->get('media_subdir'));
                            if (!$canonical_path || strpos($canonical_path, $media_path) !== 0) {
                                param_error('blog_media_subdir', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . sprintf(T_('Invalid subdirectory &laquo;%s&raquo;.'), format_to_output($this->get('media_subdir'))));
                            } else {
                                // Validate if it's a valid directory name:
                                $subdir = no_trailing_slash(substr($canonical_path, strlen($media_path)));
                                if ($error = validate_dirname($subdir)) {
                                    param_error('blog_media_subdir', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . $error);
        return !param_errors_detected();
     $blog_comments = $moderator_comments;
 } else {
     // This moderator user may have different permission on different blogs, collect the comments corresponding to the perms
     foreach ($moderators[$moderator_ID] as $blog_ID => $perms) {
         if (!isset($comments_map[$blog_ID])) {
             // this blog doesn't contains comments awaiting moderation which statuses corresponds to this blog moderation statutes
         $cmt_count = 0;
         foreach ($comments_map[$blog_ID] as $status => $content) {
             $status_perm_value = get_status_permvalue($status);
             if ($perms['perm_statuses'] & $status_perm_value) {
                 // User has permission to edit comments with this status
                 // TODO asimo> Here probably we should also check if user is able to deprecate/recycle the comment.
                 // Check if User has permission to raise comment status
                 $ordered_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('ordered-index');
                 $raise_status_allowed = false;
                 $current_status_found = false;
                 foreach ($ordered_statuses as $ordered_status => $order_index) {
                     if ($ordered_status == $status) {
                         $current_status_found = true;
                     } elseif ($current_status_found && $order_index !== 0) {
                         // This is a higher status then the currently checked status
                         $ordered_status_perm_value = get_status_permvalue($ordered_status);
                         if ($perms['perm_statuses'] & $ordered_status_perm_value) {
                             // User has permission to a higher status, so the comment status can be raised
                             $raise_status_allowed = true;
if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) {
    die('Please, do not access this page directly.');
global $blogs_list, $delete_bankruptcy_blogs, $bankruptcy_blogs_IDs, $comment_status;
$Form = new Form();
$Form->hidden('tab3', 'tools');
$Form->hidden('tool', 'bankruptcy');
$Form->begin_form('fform', T_('Declare comment spam bankruptcy...'));
if (isset($delete_bankruptcy_blogs) && $delete_bankruptcy_blogs) {
    $Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Deleting log'));
    antispam_bankruptcy_delete($bankruptcy_blogs_IDs, $comment_status);
$visibility_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('', array());
$Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Filter comments by status'));
$Form->select_input_array('comment_status', $comment_status, $visibility_statuses, T_('Look at comments with status'), '');
$Form->buttons(array(array('submit', 'actionArray[bankruptcy_filter]', T_('Filter'))));
$Form->begin_fieldset(T_('Select blogs'));
$blogs_list = antispam_bankruptcy_blogs($comment_status);
if (empty($blogs_list)) {
    // No blogs
    echo '<p>' . sprintf(T_('No comments found with status %s...'), $visibility_statuses[$comment_status]) . '</p>';
} else {
    // Print blogs list
    foreach ($blogs_list as $blog) {
        echo '<p><input type="checkbox" name="bankruptcy_blogs[]" value="' . $blog->blog_ID . '" id="bankruptcy_blog_' . $blog->blog_ID . '" /> ';
        echo '<label for="bankruptcy_blog_' . $blog->blog_ID . '">' . $blog->blog_name . ' (' . sprintf(T_('<b>%s</b> comments with status %s'), $blog->comments_count, $visibility_statuses[$comment_status]) . ')</label></p>';
예제 #27
         // Set admin skin, used for buttons, @see button_class()
         global $current_User, $UserSettings, $is_admin_page, $adminskins_path;
         $admin_skin = $UserSettings->get('admin_skin', $current_User->ID);
         $is_admin_page = true;
         require_once $adminskins_path . $admin_skin . '/_adminUI.class.php';
         $AdminUI = new AdminUI();
     $statuses = param('statuses', 'string', NULL);
     $item_ID = param('itemid', 'integer');
     $currentpage = param('currentpage', 'integer', 1);
     if (strlen($statuses) > 2) {
         $statuses = substr($statuses, 1, strlen($statuses) - 2);
     $status_list = explode(',', $statuses);
     if ($status_list == NULL) {
         $status_list = get_visibility_statuses('keys', array('redirected', 'trash'));
     // In case of comments_fullview we must set a filterset name to be abble to restore filterset.
     // If $moderation is not NULL, then this requests came from the comments_fullview
     // TODO: asimo> This should be handled with a better solution
     $filterset_name = $item_ID > 0 ? '' : 'fullview';
     echo_item_comments($blog, $item_ID, $status_list, $currentpage, $limit, array(), $filterset_name, $expiry_status);
 } elseif ($request_from == 'front') {
     // AJAX request goes from frontoffice
     // Send new current status as ajax response
     echo $edited_Comment->status;
     // Also send the statuses which will be after raising/lowering of a status by current user
     $comment_raise_status = $edited_Comment->get_next_status(true, $edited_Comment->status);
     $comment_lower_status = $edited_Comment->get_next_status(false, $edited_Comment->status);
     echo ':' . ($comment_raise_status ? $comment_raise_status[0] : '');
     echo ':' . ($comment_lower_status ? $comment_lower_status[0] : '');
예제 #28
$include_emptyurl = ${$pp . 'include_emptyurl'};
$author_IP = ${$pp . 'author_IP'};
$Widget = new Widget();
$template = $AdminUI->get_template('side_item');
$Widget->title = T_('Filters');
echo $Widget->replace_vars($template['block_start']);
$Form = new Form(NULL, 'comment_filter_form', 'get', 'none');
$Form->hidden('tab3', $tab3);
$Form->submit(array('submit', T_('Search'), 'search', '', 'float:right'));
echo '<fieldset>';
echo '<legend>' . T_('Comments to show') . '</legend>';
$exclude_statuses = array_merge(get_restricted_statuses($Blog->ID, 'blog_comment!'), array('redirected'));
$statuses = get_visibility_statuses('notes-array', $exclude_statuses);
foreach ($statuses as $status_key => $status_name) {
    // show statuses
		<input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
    echo $pp;
show_statuses[]" value="<?php 
    echo $status_key;
" id="sh_<?php 
    echo $status_key;
" class="checkbox" <?php 
    if (in_array($status_key, $show_statuses)) {
        echo 'checked="checked" ';
예제 #29

if (!empty($legend_statuses) && is_logged_in()) {
    // Display legend for items statuses
    $legend_statuses = array_unique($legend_statuses);
    $statuses = get_visibility_statuses('', array('deprecated', 'redirected', 'trash'));
    $statuses_titles = get_visibility_statuses('legend-titles');
<ul class="bPosts bForums legend">
    foreach ($statuses_titles as $status => $title) {
        if (in_array($status, $legend_statuses)) {
            // Only statuses that exist on the page
				<a href="<?php 
            echo get_manual_url('visibility-statuses');
" target="_blank"><span class="note status_<?php 
            echo $status;
예제 #30
 * Initialize list mode; Several actions need this.
function init_list_mode()
    global $tab, $tab_type, $Blog, $UserSettings, $ItemList, $AdminUI;
    // set default itemslist param prefix
    $items_list_param_prefix = 'items_';
    if (param('p', 'integer', NULL) || param('title', 'string', NULL)) {
        // Single post requested, do not filter any post types. If the user
        // has clicked a post link on the dashboard and previously has selected
        // a tab which would filter this post, it wouldn't be displayed now.
        $tab = 'full';
        // in case of single item view params prefix must be empty
        $items_list_param_prefix = NULL;
    } else {
        // Store/retrieve preferred tab from UserSettings:
        $UserSettings->param_Request('tab', 'pref_browse_tab', 'string', NULL, true, true);
        $UserSettings->param_Request('tab_type', 'pref_browse_tab_type', 'string', NULL, true, true);
    if ($tab == 'tracker' && !$Blog->get_setting('use_workflow')) {
        // Display workflow view only if it is enabled
        global $Messages;
        $Messages->add(T_('Workflow feature has not been enabled for this collection.'), 'note');
        $tab = 'full';
     * Init list of posts to display:
    load_class('items/model/_itemlist.class.php', 'ItemList2');
    if (!empty($tab) && !empty($items_list_param_prefix)) {
        // Use different param prefix for each tab
        $items_list_param_prefix .= substr($tab, 0, 7) . '_';
        //.utf8_strtolower( $tab_type ).'_';
    // Set different filterset name for each different tab and tab_type
    $filterset_name = $tab == 'type' ? $tab . '_' . utf8_strtolower($tab_type) : $tab;
    // Create empty List:
    $ItemList = new ItemList2($Blog, NULL, NULL, $UserSettings->get('results_per_page'), 'ItemCache', $items_list_param_prefix, $filterset_name);
    // COPY (func)
    $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('visibility_array' => get_visibility_statuses('keys')));
    if ($Blog->get_setting('orderby') == 'RAND') {
        // Do not display random posts in backoffice for easy management
        $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('orderby' => 'datemodified'));
    switch ($tab) {
        case 'full':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => NULL));
            // $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add( T_('All items'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab='.$tab.'&amp;filter=restore' );
            // require colorbox js
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('All'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=full&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'manual':
            if ($Blog->get('type') != 'manual') {
                // Display this tab only for manual blogs
                global $admin_url;
                header_redirect($admin_url . '?ctrl=items&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&tab=type&tab_type=posts&filter=restore');
            global $ReqURI, $blog;
            init_field_editor_js(array('action_url' => $ReqURI . '&blog=' . $blog . '&order_action=update&order_data='));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Manual view'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'type':
            // Filter a posts list by type
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => get_item_types_by_tab($tab_type)));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_($tab_type), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;tab_type=' . urlencode($tab_type) . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'tracker':
            // In tracker mode, we want a different default sort:
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('orderby' => 'priority', 'order' => 'ASC'));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Workflow view'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=tracker&amp;filter=restore');
            // JS to edit priority of items from list view
            require_js('jquery/jquery.jeditable.js', 'rsc_url');
            // Delete the pref_browse_tab setting so that the default
            // (full) gets used the next time the user wants to browse
            // a blog and we don't run into the same error again.
            debug_die('Unknown filterset [' . $tab . ']');
    // Init filter params:
    if (!$ItemList->load_from_Request()) {
        // If we could not init a filterset from request
        // typically happens when we could no fall back to previously saved filterset...
        // echo ' no filterset!';