 * Function make new folder
 * This function is used to send an error email meesage
 * @param string $folder_id = id for the new folder
 * @param string $folder_name = Name of the new folder
 * @version 1.0
 * @author Patrick Lockley
function make_new_folder($folder_id, $folder_name)
    global $xerte_toolkits_site;
    $mysql_id = database_connect("New folder database connect success", "New folder database connect failed");
    $prefix = $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix;
    if ($folder_id == "file_area") {
        $query = "INSERT INTO {$prefix}folderdetails (login_id,folder_parent,folder_name,date_created) values  (?,?,?,?)";
        $params = array($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'], get_user_root_folder(), $folder_name, date('Y-m-d'));
    } else {
        $query = "INSERT INTO {$prefix}folderdetails (login_id,folder_parent,folder_name,date_created) values  (?,?,?,?)";
        $params = array($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'], $folder_id, $folder_name, date('Y-m-d'));
    $ok = db_query($query, $params);
    if ($ok !== false) {
        receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "USER", "SUCCESS", "Folder creation succeeded for " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "Folder creation succeeded for " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username']);
    } else {
        receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "USER", "CRITICAL", "Folder creation failed for " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "Folder creation failed for " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username']);
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008,2009 University of Nottingham
 * @package
require_once "../../../config.php";
include "../user_library.php";
include "../template_library.php";
include "../template_status.php";
$database_connect_id = database_connect("new_template database connect success", "new_template database connect fail");
 * get the root folder for this user
if (is_numeric($_POST['template_id'])) {
    if (is_user_creator(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['template_id']))) {
        if ($_POST['folder_id'] == "workspace") {
            $folder_id = get_user_root_folder();
        } else {
            $folder_id = $_POST['folder_id'];
         * get the maximum id number from templates, as the id for this template
        $maximum_template_id = get_maximum_template_number();
        //$query_for_root_folder = "select folder_id from " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "folderdetails where login_id = '" .  $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'] . "' and folder_parent='0'";
        //$query_for_root_folder_response = mysql_query($query_for_root_folder);
        //$row_root = mysql_fetch_array($query_for_root_folder_response);
        $query_for_template_type_id = "select otd.template_type_id, otd.template_name, otd.template_framework, td.extra_flags from " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "originaltemplatesdetails otd, " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "templatedetails td where otd.template_type_id = td.template_type_id  AND td.template_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['template_id']) . "'";
        $query_for_template_type_id_response = mysql_query($query_for_template_type_id);
        $row_template_type = mysql_fetch_array($query_for_template_type_id_response);
         * create the new template record in the database
예제 #3
 * Function make new template
 * This function checks http security settings
 * @param string $type = type of template
 * @param string $zip_path = the path we are zipping
 * @version 1.0
 * @author Patrick Lockley
function make_new_template($type, $zip_path)
    global $xerte_toolkits_site, $delete_folder_array, $folder_id;
    $database_connect_id = database_connect("new_template(import) database connect success", "new_template(import) database connect fail");
     *get the root folder for this user
    $root_folder_id = get_user_root_folder();
     * get the maximum id number from templates, as the id for this template
    $maximum_template_id = get_maximum_template_number();
    $root_folder = get_user_root_folder();
    $prefix = $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix;
    $query_for_template_type_id = "select template_type_id, template_framework from {$prefix}originaltemplatesdetails where template_name = ?";
    $params = array($type);
    $row_template_type = db_query_one($query_for_template_type_id, $params);
     * create the new template record in the database
     * See if we have been given a name, if not, use a fixed one.
    if ($_POST['templatename'] != "") {
        $template_name = $_POST['templatename'];
    } else {
        $template_name = IMPORT_NAME_IF_EMPTY;
    $query_for_new_template = "INSERT INTO {$prefix}templatedetails " . "(template_id, creator_id, template_type_id, date_created, date_modified, access_to_whom, template_name, extra_flags) " . "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
    $params = array($maximum_template_id + 1, $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'], $row_template_type['template_type_id'], date('Y-m-d'), date('Y-m-d'), "Private", $template_name, "engine=javascript");
    $ok = db_query($query_for_new_template, $params);
    if ($ok !== false) {
         * Are we importing into a folder
        if ($folder_id == "") {
            $folder_id = $root_folder_id;
        $query_for_template_rights = "INSERT INTO {$prefix}templaterights" . " (template_id,user_id,role, folder)" . "VALUES (?,?,?,?)";
        $params = array($maximum_template_id + 1, $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'], "creator", $folder_id);
        $ok = db_query($query_for_template_rights, $params);
        if ($ok !== false) {
             * Make the folders and copy the files in
            receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "ADMIN", "SUCCESS", "Created new template record for the database", $query_for_new_template . " " . $query_for_template_rights);
            mkdir($xerte_toolkits_site->root_file_path . $xerte_toolkits_site->users_file_area_short . ($maximum_template_id + 1) . "-" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'] . "-" . $type);
            chmod($xerte_toolkits_site->root_file_path . $xerte_toolkits_site->users_file_area_short . ($maximum_template_id + 1) . "-" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'] . "-" . $type, 0777);
            copy_loop($zip_path, $xerte_toolkits_site->root_file_path . $xerte_toolkits_site->users_file_area_short . ($maximum_template_id + 1) . "-" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'] . "-" . $type . "/");
            echo IMPORT_SUCCESS . "****";
             * Remove the files
            array_splice($delete_folder_array, 0);
            foreach ($delete_folder_array as $delete_folder) {
            $delete_folder_array = null;
        } else {
            receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "ADMIN", "CRITICAL", "Failed to create new template record for the database", $query_for_template_rights);
    } else {
        receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "ADMIN", "CRITICAL", "Failed to create new template record for the database", $query_for_new_template);
        echo "FAILED-" . $_SESSION['toolkits_most_recent_error'];
예제 #4
 * Function recycle bin
 * looks for a reycle bin and if can't find one, make it.
 * @author Patrick Lockley
 * @version 1.0
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008,2009 University of Nottingham
 * @package
function recycle_bin()
    global $xerte_toolkits_site;
    $query = "select folder_name from {$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix}folderdetails where \r\n        folder_name = ? AND login_id = ?";
    $res = db_query($query, array("recyclebin", $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id']));
    $root_folder = get_user_root_folder();
    if (sizeof($res) == 0) {
        $query = "insert into {$xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix}folderdetails \r\n            (login_id,folder_parent,folder_name) VALUES (?,?,?)";
        $res = db_query($query, array($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'], "0", "recyclebin"));
        if ($res) {
            receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "ADMIN", "SUCCESS", "Succeeded in creating users recycle bin " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'], "Succeeded in creating users root folder " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id']);
        } else {
            receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "ADMIN", "CRITICAL", "Failed to create users recycle bin", "Failed to create users recycle bin");
예제 #5
\t\t\t<div id="demoParent">
\t\t\t\t<div style="overflow: auto;" id="demoDIV"><div>

        require_once '../' . $xerte_toolkits_site->php_library_path . "display_library.php";
        echo "<form method=\"post\">";
        //echo "<div class=\"folder\" id=\"folder_workspace\" ondblclick=\"folder_open_close(this)\" onclick=\"highlight_main_toggle(this)\">";
        //echo "</div>\r\n<div id=\"folderchild_workspace\" class=\"workspace\">";
        $level = 1;
        $item = 1;
        $item = list_folder_contents_event_free(get_user_root_folder(), '../', $item, 'radio');
        print <<<END
\t\t\t<div class="demoHeader"></div>

\t\t\t<div id="styleDIV">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Select"></form>
\t\t<div style="clear:both;"></div>

\t\t<div style="clear:both;"></div>
예제 #6
 * Function move file
 * This function is used to move files and folders
 * @param array $files_to_move = an array of files and folders to move
 * @param string $destination = Name of the new folder
 * @version 1.0
 * @author Patrick Lockley
function move_file($files_to_move, $destination)
    global $xerte_toolkits_site;
    $mysql_id = database_connect("Move file database connect success", "Move file database connect failure");
    $new_files_array = explode(",", $files_to_move);
     * Files array can be complicated, and this thread can lock the system, so limit max files to 50
    if (count($new_files_array) != 0 && count($new_files_array) <= 50) {
         * check their is a destination
        if ($destination != "") {
            for ($x = 0; $x != count($new_files_array); $x++) {
                // check there are files
                if ($new_files_array[$x] != "") {
                    if ($new_files_array[$x + 1] == "file") {
                        if ($new_files_array[$x + 2] == "folder_workspace") {
                            $parent = get_user_root_folder();
                        if ($destination == "folder_workspace") {
                            $destination = get_user_root_folder();
                        if ($destination == "recyclebin") {
                            $destination = get_recycle_bin();
                         * Move files in the database
                        $query_file = "UPDATE " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "templaterights SET folder = \"" . $destination . "\" where (template_id=\"" . $new_files_array[$x] . "\" AND user_id =\"" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'] . "\")";
                        if (mysql_query($query_file)) {
                            receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "USER", "SUCCESS", "File " . $new_files_array[$x] . " moved into " . $destination . " for " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "File " . $new_files_array[$x] . " moved into " . $destination . " for " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username']);
                        } else {
                            receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "USER", "SUCCESS", "File " . $new_files_array[$x] . " failed to move into " . $destination . " for " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "File " . $new_files_array[$x] . " failed to move into " . $destination . " for " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username']);
                    } else {
                         * destination is the root folder
                        if ($destination == "folder_workspace") {
                            $destination = get_user_root_folder();
                        $query_folder = "UPDATE " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "folderdetails SET folder_parent = \"" . $destination . "\" where (folder_id=\"" . $new_files_array[$x] . "\")";
                        if (mysql_query($query_folder)) {
                            receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "USER", "SUCCESS", "Folder " . $new_files_array[$x] . " moved into " . $destination . " for " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "File " . $new_files_array[$x] . " moved into " . $destination . " for " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username']);
                        } else {
                            receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "USER", "SUCCESS", "File " . $new_files_array[$x] . " failed to move into " . $destination . " for " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "Folder " . $new_files_array[$x] . " failed to move into " . $destination . " for " . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username']);
                    $x += 2;
예제 #7
 * Function make new template
 * This function checks http security settings
 * @param string $type = type of template
 * @param string $zip_path = the path we are zipping
 * @version 1.0
 * @author Patrick Lockley
function make_new_template($type, $zip_path)
    global $xerte_toolkits_site, $delete_folder_array, $folder_id;
    $database_connect_id = database_connect("new_template(import) database connect success", "new_template(import) database connect fail");
     *get the root folder for this user
    $root_folder_id = get_user_root_folder();
     * get the maximum id number from templates, as the id for this template
    $maximum_template_id = get_maximum_template_number();
    $root_folder = get_user_root_folder();
    $query_for_template_type_id = "select template_type_id, template_framework from " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "originaltemplatesdetails where template_name = '" . $type . "'";
    $query_for_template_type_id_response = mysql_query($query_for_template_type_id);
    $row_template_type = mysql_fetch_array($query_for_template_type_id_response);
     * create the new template record in the database
     * See if we have been given a name, if not, use a fixed one.
    if ($_POST['templatename'] != "") {
        $template_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['templatename']);
    } else {
        $template_name = IMPORT_NAME_IF_EMPTY;
    $query_for_new_template = "INSERT INTO " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "templatedetails (template_id, creator_id, template_type_id, date_created, date_modified, access_to_whom, template_name) VALUES (\"" . ($maximum_template_id + 1) . "\",\"" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'] . "\", \"" . $row_template_type['template_type_id'] . "\",\"" . date('Y-m-d') . "\",\"" . date('Y-m-d') . "\",\"Private\",\"" . $template_name . "\")";
    if (mysql_query($query_for_new_template)) {
         * Are we importing into a folder
        if ($folder_id == "") {
            $folder_id = $root_folder_id;
        $query_for_template_rights = "INSERT INTO " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "templaterights (template_id,user_id,role, folder) VALUES (\"" . ($maximum_template_id + 1) . "\",\"" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'] . "\", \"creator\" ,\"" . $folder_id . "\")";
        if (mysql_query($query_for_template_rights)) {
             * Make the folders and copy the files in
            receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "ADMIN", "SUCCESS", "Created new template record for the database", $query_for_new_template . " " . $query_for_template_rights);
            mkdir($xerte_toolkits_site->root_file_path . $xerte_toolkits_site->users_file_area_short . ($maximum_template_id + 1) . "-" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'] . "-" . $type);
            chmod($xerte_toolkits_site->root_file_path . $xerte_toolkits_site->users_file_area_short . ($maximum_template_id + 1) . "-" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'] . "-" . $type, 0777);
            mkdir($xerte_toolkits_site->root_file_path . $xerte_toolkits_site->users_file_area_short . ($maximum_template_id + 1) . "-" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'] . "-" . $type . "/media/");
            chmod($xerte_toolkits_site->root_file_path . $xerte_toolkits_site->users_file_area_short . ($maximum_template_id + 1) . "-" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'] . "-" . $type . "/media/", 0777);
            copy_loop($zip_path, $xerte_toolkits_site->root_file_path . $xerte_toolkits_site->users_file_area_short . ($maximum_template_id + 1) . "-" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'] . "-" . $type . "/");
            echo IMPORT_SUCCESS . "****";
             * Remove the files
            array_splice($delete_folder_array, 0);
            while ($delete_folder = array_pop($delete_folder_array)) {
        } else {
            receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "ADMIN", "CRITICAL", "Failed to create new template record for the database", $query_for_template_rights);
    } else {
        receive_message($_SESSION['toolkits_logon_username'], "ADMIN", "CRITICAL", "Failed to create new template record for the database", $query_for_new_template);
        echo "FAILED-" . $_SESSION['toolkits_most_recent_error'];
 * Function list users projects
 * This function is used as part of the recursion to display the main file system
 * @param string $sort_type = A variable which dictates how we are sorting this
 * @version 1.0
 * @author Patrick Lockley
function list_users_projects($sort_type)
     * Called by index.php to start off the process
    global $level, $xerte_toolkits_site;
    $root_folder = get_user_root_folder();
     * Create the workspace folder
    echo "<div class=\"folder\" id=\"folder_workspace\" ondblclick=\"folder_open_close(this)\" onclick=\"highlight_main_toggle(this)\"><p><img style=\"vertical-align:middle\"";
    echo " src=\"{$xerte_toolkits_site->site_url}/website_code/images/folder_workspace.gif\"";
    echo " />" . DISPLAY_WORKSPACE . "</p></div><div id=\"folderchild_workspace\" class=\"workspace\">";
    $level = 1;
    list_folder_contents(get_user_root_folder(), $sort_type);
    $query = "select folder_id from " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "folderdetails where folder_name=\"recyclebin\" and login_id =\"" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'] . "\"";
    $query_response = mysql_query($query);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($query_response);
    $level = 1;
    $query_for_folder_content = "select template_id from " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "templaterights where folder=\"" . $row['folder_id'] . "\" UNION SELECT folder_id from " . $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix . "folderdetails where folder_parent=\"" . $row['folder_id'] . "\"";
    $query_response_for_folder_content = mysql_query($query_for_folder_content);
    echo "</div>";
     * Display the recycle bin
    echo "<div class=\"folder\" id=\"recyclebin\" ondblclick=\"folder_open_close(this)\" onclick=\"highlight_main_toggle(this)\"><p><img id=\"folder_recyclebin\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\"";
    if (mysql_num_rows($query_response_for_folder_content) == 0) {
        echo " src=\"{$xerte_toolkits_site->site_url}/website_code/images/rb_empty.gif\"";
    } else {
        echo " src=\"{$xerte_toolkits_site->site_url}/website_code/images/rb_full.gif\"";
    echo " />" . DISPLAY_RECYCLE . "</p></div><div id=\"folderchild_recyclebin\" class=\"folder_content\">";
    list_folder_contents($row['folder_id'], $sort_type);
    echo "</div>";
 * Builds an array with the whole structure of the workspace suitable for jsTree
 * Called by an AJAX function, that returns the array as a alternative JSON file for jstree
 * @param $sort_type the way the workspace is to be sorte
function get_users_projects($sort_type)
    global $xerte_toolkits_site;
    $root_folder = get_user_root_folder();
    $workspace = new stdClass();
    $workspace->user = $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'];
    $workspace->items = array();
     * We've two toplevel icons
     * - Workspace
     * - Recyclebin
    $workspace->workspace_id = "ID_" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'] . "_F" . get_user_root_folder();
    $item = new stdClass();
    $item->id = $workspace->workspace_id;
    $item->xot_id = get_user_root_folder();
    $item->parent = "#";
    $item->text = DISPLAY_WORKSPACE;
    $item->type = "workspace";
    $item->xot_type = "workspace";
    $state = new stdClass();
    $state->opened = true;
    $state->disabled = false;
    $state->selected = true;
    $item->state = $state;
    $workspace->items[] = $item;
    $workspace->nodes[$item->id] = $item;
    $items = get_folder_contents($item->xot_id, $item->id, $sort_type);
    if ($items) {
        $workspace->items = array_merge($workspace->items, $items);
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $workspace->nodes[$item->id] = $item;
    $prefix = $xerte_toolkits_site->database_table_prefix;
    $query = "select folder_id from {$prefix}folderdetails where folder_name=? AND login_id = ?";
    $params = array("recyclebin", $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id']);
    $row = db_query_one($query, $params);
    $workspace->recyclebin_id = "ID_" . $_SESSION['toolkits_logon_id'] . "_F" . $row['folder_id'];
    $item = new stdClass();
    $item->id = $workspace->recyclebin_id;
    $item->xot_id = $row['folder_id'];
    $item->parent = "#";
    $item->text = DISPLAY_RECYCLE;
    $item->type = "recyclebin";
    $item->xot_type = "recyclebin";
    $workspace->items[] = $item;
    $workspace->nodes[$item->id] = $item;
    $items = get_folder_contents($item->xot_id, $item->id, $sort_type);
    if ($items) {
        $workspace->items = array_merge($workspace->items, $items);
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $workspace->nodes[$item->id] = $item;
    // setup the templates available in the installation , to determine the node types
    $query_for_blank_templates = "select * from {$prefix}originaltemplatesdetails order by date_uploaded DESC";
    $templates = array();
    $rows = db_query($query_for_blank_templates, array());
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $templates[] = strtolower($row['template_name']);
    $workspace->templates = $templates;
    return json_encode($workspace);