function __destruct() { //flush(); //个别web配置下会出错 if (!empty($_GET['inajax'])) return; if (empty($_GET['action']) || 'newthread' !== $_GET['action']) return; if ('yes' !== $_GET['topicsubmit']) return; if ($_POST['formhash'] != FORMHASH) return; global $tid; if (empty($tid)) return; if (defined("_bds_w9x_{$tid}")) return; define("_bds_w9x_{$tid}", true); if (!baidu_get_plugin_setting('openping')) return; if (baidu_senddata_error()) return; //发新帖 $thread = get_thread_by_tid($tid); if ($thread) { $url = baidu_gen_thread_url($tid, 1, 1, $thread['fid']); $schema = new BaiduThreadSchema(); $schema->setThreadUrl($url); baidu_send_data($schema, 1); } }
require_once libfile('function/blog'); $content['content'] = blog_bbcode($content['content']); if (!empty($_G['setting']['makehtml']['flag']) && $article['htmlmade']) { $_caturl = $_G['cache']['portalcategory'][$cat['topid']]['domain'] ? $_G['cache']['portalcategory'][$cat['topid']]['caturl'] : ''; $viewurl = $_caturl . $article['htmldir'] . $article['htmlname'] . '{page}.' . $_G['setting']['makehtml']['extendname']; unset($_caturl); } else { $viewurl = "portal.php?mod=view&aid={$aid}"; } $multi = multi($article['contents'], 1, $page, $viewurl); $org = array(); if ($article['idtype'] == 'tid' || $content['idtype'] == 'pid') { $thread = $firstpost = array(); require_once libfile('function/discuzcode'); require_once libfile('function/forum'); $thread = get_thread_by_tid($article[id]); if (!empty($thread)) { if ($content['idtype'] == 'pid') { $firstpost = C::t('forum_post')->fetch($thread['posttableid'], $content['id']); } else { $firstpost = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_threadpost_by_tid_invisible($article['id']); } if ($firstpost && $firstpost['tid'] == $article['id']) { $firstpost['uid'] = $firstpost['authorid']; $firstpost['username'] = $firstpost['author']; } } if (!empty($firstpost) && !empty($thread) && $thread['displayorder'] != -1) { $_G['tid'] = $article['id']; $aids = array(); $firstpost['message'] = $content['content'];
dexit(); } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'setthreadcover') { $aid = intval($_GET['aid']); $imgurl = $_GET['imgurl']; require_once libfile('function/post'); if ($_G['forum'] && ($aid || $imgurl)) { if ($imgurl) { $tid = intval($_GET['tid']); $pid = intval($_GET['pid']); } else { $threadimage = C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch('aid:' . $aid, $aid); $tid = $threadimage['tid']; $pid = $threadimage['pid']; } if ($tid && $pid) { $thread = get_thread_by_tid($tid); } else { $thread = array(); } if (empty($thread) || !$_G['forum']['ismoderator'] && $_G['uid'] != $thread['authorid']) { if ($_GET['newthread']) { showmessage('set_cover_faild', '', array(), array('msgtype' => 3)); } else { showmessage('set_cover_faild', '', array(), array('closetime' => 3)); } } if (setthreadcover($pid, $tid, $aid, 0, $imgurl)) { if (empty($imgurl)) { C::t('forum_threadimage')->delete_by_tid($threadimage['tid']); C::t('forum_threadimage')->insert(array('tid' => $threadimage['tid'], 'attachment' => $threadimage['attachment'], 'remote' => $threadimage['remote'])); }
function loadforum($fid = null, $tid = null) { global $_G; $tid = intval(isset($tid) ? $tid : getgpc('tid')); if (isset($fid)) { $fid = intval($fid); } else { $fid = getgpc('fid'); if (!$fid && getgpc('gid')) { $fid = intval(getgpc('gid')); } } if (isset($_G['forum']['fid']) && $_G['forum']['fid'] == $fid || isset($_G['thread']['tid']) && $_G['thread']['tid'] == $tid) { return null; } if (!empty($_GET['archiver'])) { //X1.5的Archiver兼容 if ($fid) { dheader('location: archiver/?fid-' . $fid . '.html'); } elseif ($tid) { dheader('location: archiver/?tid-' . $tid . '.html'); } else { dheader('location: archiver/'); } } if (defined('IN_ARCHIVER') && $_G['setting']['archiverredirect'] && !IS_ROBOT) { dheader('location: ../forum.php' . ($_G['mod'] ? '?mod=' . $_G['mod'] . (!empty($_GET['fid']) ? '&fid=' . $_GET['fid'] : (!empty($_GET['tid']) ? '&tid=' . $_GET['tid'] : '')) : '')); } if ($_G['setting']['forumpicstyle']) { $_G['setting']['forumpicstyle'] = dunserialize($_G['setting']['forumpicstyle']); empty($_G['setting']['forumpicstyle']['thumbwidth']) && ($_G['setting']['forumpicstyle']['thumbwidth'] = 203); empty($_G['setting']['forumpicstyle']['thumbheight']) && ($_G['setting']['forumpicstyle']['thumbheight'] = 999); } else { $_G['setting']['forumpicstyle'] = array('thumbwidth' => 203, 'thumbheight' => 999); } if ($fid) { $fid = is_numeric($fid) ? intval($fid) : (!empty($_G['setting']['forumfids'][$fid]) ? $_G['setting']['forumfids'][$fid] : 0); } $modthreadkey = isset($_GET['modthreadkey']) && $_GET['modthreadkey'] == modauthkey($tid) ? $_GET['modthreadkey'] : ''; $_G['forum_auditstatuson'] = $modthreadkey ? true : false; $metadescription = $hookscriptmessage = ''; $adminid = $_G['adminid']; if (!empty($tid) || !empty($fid)) { if (!empty($tid)) { $archiveid = !empty($_GET['archiveid']) ? intval($_GET['archiveid']) : null; $_G['thread'] = get_thread_by_tid($tid, $archiveid); $_G['thread']['allreplies'] = $_G['thread']['replies'] + $_G['thread']['comments']; if (!$_G['forum_auditstatuson'] && !empty($_G['thread']) && !($_G['thread']['displayorder'] >= 0 || in_array($_G['thread']['displayorder'], array(-4, -3, -2)) && $_G['uid'] && $_G['thread']['authorid'] == $_G['uid'])) { $_G['thread'] = null; } $_G['forum_thread'] =& $_G['thread']; if (empty($_G['thread'])) { $fid = $tid = 0; } else { $fid = $_G['thread']['fid']; $tid = $_G['thread']['tid']; } } if ($fid) { $forum = C::t('forum_forum')->fetch_info_by_fid($fid); } if ($forum) { if ($_G['uid']) { if ($_G['member']['accessmasks']) { $query = C::t('forum_access')->fetch_all_by_fid_uid($fid, $_G['uid']); $forum['allowview'] = $query[0]['allowview']; $forum['allowpost'] = $query[0]['allowpost']; $forum['allowreply'] = $query[0]['allowreply']; $forum['allowgetattach'] = $query[0]['allowgetattach']; $forum['allowgetimage'] = $query[0]['allowgetimage']; $forum['allowpostattach'] = $query[0]['allowpostattach']; $forum['allowpostimage'] = $query[0]['allowpostimage']; } if ($adminid == 3) { $forum['ismoderator'] = C::t('forum_moderator')->fetch_uid_by_fid_uid($fid, $_G['uid']); } } $forum['ismoderator'] = !empty($forum['ismoderator']) || $adminid == 1 || $adminid == 2 ? 1 : 0; $fid = $forum['fid']; $gorup_admingroupids = $_G['setting']['group_admingroupids'] ? dunserialize($_G['setting']['group_admingroupids']) : array('1' => '1'); if ($forum['status'] == 3) { if (!empty($forum['moderators'])) { $forum['moderators'] = dunserialize($forum['moderators']); } else { require_once libfile('function/group'); $forum['moderators'] = update_groupmoderators($fid); } if ($_G['uid'] && $_G['adminid'] != 1) { $forum['ismoderator'] = !empty($forum['moderators'][$_G['uid']]) ? 1 : 0; $_G['adminid'] = 0; if ($forum['ismoderator'] || $gorup_admingroupids[$_G['groupid']]) { $_G['adminid'] = $_G['adminid'] ? $_G['adminid'] : 3; if (!empty($gorup_admingroupids[$_G['groupid']])) { $forum['ismoderator'] = 1; $_G['adminid'] = 2; } $group_userperm = dunserialize($_G['setting']['group_userperm']); if (is_array($group_userperm)) { $_G['group'] = array_merge($_G['group'], $group_userperm); $_G['group']['allowmovethread'] = $_G['group']['allowcopythread'] = $_G['group']['allowedittypethread'] = 0; } } } } foreach (array('threadtypes', 'threadsorts', 'creditspolicy', 'modrecommend') as $key) { $forum[$key] = !empty($forum[$key]) ? dunserialize($forum[$key]) : array(); if (!is_array($forum[$key])) { $forum[$key] = array(); } } if ($forum['status'] == 3) { $_G['isgroupuser'] = 0; $_G['basescript'] = 'group'; if ($forum['level'] == 0) { $levelinfo = C::t('forum_grouplevel')->fetch_by_credits($forum['commoncredits']); $levelid = $levelinfo['levelid']; $forum['level'] = $levelid; C::t('forum_forum')->update_group_level($levelid, $fid); } if ($forum['level'] != -1) { loadcache('grouplevels'); $grouplevel = $_G['grouplevels'][$forum['level']]; if (!empty($grouplevel['icon'])) { $valueparse = parse_url($grouplevel['icon']); if (!isset($valueparse['host'])) { $grouplevel['icon'] = $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . 'common/' . $grouplevel['icon']; } } } $group_postpolicy = $grouplevel['postpolicy']; if (is_array($group_postpolicy)) { $forum = array_merge($forum, $group_postpolicy); } $forum['allowfeed'] = $_G['setting']['group_allowfeed']; if ($_G['uid']) { if (!empty($forum['moderators'][$_G['uid']])) { $_G['isgroupuser'] = 1; } else { $groupuserinfo = C::t('forum_groupuser')->fetch_userinfo($_G['uid'], $fid); $_G['isgroupuser'] = $groupuserinfo['level']; if ($_G['isgroupuser'] <= 0 && empty($forum['ismoderator'])) { $_G['group']['allowrecommend'] = $_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']]['allowrecommend'] = 0; $_G['group']['allowcommentpost'] = $_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']]['allowcommentpost'] = 0; $_G['group']['allowcommentitem'] = $_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']]['allowcommentitem'] = 0; $_G['group']['raterange'] = $_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']]['raterange'] = array(); $_G['group']['allowvote'] = $_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']]['allowvote'] = 0; } else { $_G['isgroupuser'] = 1; } } } } } else { $fid = 0; } } $_G['fid'] = $fid; $_G['tid'] = $tid; $_G['forum'] =& $forum; $_G['current_grouplevel'] =& $grouplevel; if (empty($_G['uid'])) { $_G['group']['allowpostactivity'] = $_G['group']['allowpostpoll'] = $_G['group']['allowvote'] = $_G['group']['allowpostreward'] = $_G['group']['allowposttrade'] = $_G['group']['allowpostdebate'] = $_G['group']['allowpostrushreply'] = 0; } if (!empty($_G['forum']['widthauto'])) { $_G['widthauto'] = $_G['forum']['widthauto']; } }
function loadforum() { global $_G; $tid = intval(getgpc('tid')); $fid = getgpc('fid'); if (!$fid && getgpc('gid')) { $fid = intval(getgpc('gid')); } /*vot*/ if (!empty($_G['gp_archiver'])) { //Archiver X1.5 compatible if ($fid) { dheader('location: archiver/?fid-' . $fid . '.html'); } elseif ($tid) { dheader('location: archiver/?tid-' . $tid . '.html'); } else { dheader('location: archiver/'); } } if (defined('IN_ARCHIVER') && $_G['setting']['archiverredirect'] && !IS_ROBOT) { dheader('location: ../forum.php' . ($_G['mod'] ? '?mod=' . $_G['mod'] . (!empty($_GET['fid']) ? '&fid=' . $_GET['fid'] : (!empty($_GET['tid']) ? '&tid=' . $_GET['tid'] : '')) : '')); } if ($_G['setting']['forumpicstyle']) { $_G['setting']['forumpicstyle'] = unserialize($_G['setting']['forumpicstyle']); empty($_G['setting']['forumpicstyle']['thumbwidth']) && ($_G['setting']['forumpicstyle']['thumbwidth'] = 214); empty($_G['setting']['forumpicstyle']['thumbheight']) && ($_G['setting']['forumpicstyle']['thumbheight'] = 160); } else { $_G['setting']['forumpicstyle'] = array('thumbwidth' => 214, 'thumbheight' => 160); } if ($fid) { $fid = is_numeric($fid) ? intval($fid) : (!empty($_G['setting']['forumfids'][$fid]) ? $_G['setting']['forumfids'][$fid] : 0); } $modthreadkey = isset($_G['gp_modthreadkey']) && $_G['gp_modthreadkey'] == modauthkey($tid) ? $_G['gp_modthreadkey'] : ''; $_G['forum_auditstatuson'] = $modthreadkey ? true : false; $accessadd1 = $accessadd2 = $modadd1 = $modadd2 = $metadescription = $hookscriptmessage = ''; $adminid = $_G['adminid']; if ($_G['uid']) { if ($_G['member']['accessmasks']) { $accessadd1 = ', a.allowview, a.allowpost, a.allowreply, a.allowgetattach, a.allowgetimage, a.allowpostattach, a.allowpostimage'; /*vot*/ $accessadd2 = "LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_access') . " a ON (a.uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND a.fid=f.fid)"; } if ($adminid == 3) { $modadd1 = ', m.uid AS ismoderator'; /*vot*/ $modadd2 = "LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_moderator') . " m ON (m.uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND m.fid=f.fid)"; } } if (!empty($tid) || !empty($fid)) { if (!empty($tid)) { $archiveid = !empty($_G['gp_archiveid']) ? intval($_G['gp_archiveid']) : null; $_G['thread'] = get_thread_by_tid($tid, '*', '', $archiveid); if (!$_G['forum_auditstatuson'] && !empty($_G['thread']) && !($_G['thread']['displayorder'] >= 0 || in_array($_G['thread']['displayorder'], array(-4, -3, -2)) && $_G['thread']['authorid'] == $_G['uid'])) { $_G['thread'] = null; } $_G['forum_thread'] =& $_G['thread']; if (empty($_G['thread'])) { $fid = $tid = 0; } else { $fid = $_G['thread']['fid']; $tid = $_G['thread']['tid']; } } if ($fid) { $forum = DB::fetch_first("SELECT f.fid, f.*, ff.* {$accessadd1} {$modadd1}, f.fid AS fid\r\n\t\t\tFROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " f\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table("forum_forumfield") . " ff ON ff.fid=f.fid {$accessadd2} {$modadd2}\r\n\t\t\tWHERE f.fid='{$fid}'"); } if ($forum) { $forum['ismoderator'] = !empty($forum['ismoderator']) || $adminid == 1 || $adminid == 2 ? 1 : 0; $fid = $forum['fid']; $gorup_admingroupids = $_G['setting']['group_admingroupids'] ? unserialize($_G['setting']['group_admingroupids']) : array('1' => '1'); if ($forum['status'] == 3) { if (!$_G['setting']['groupstatus']) { showmessage('group_status_off'); } if (!empty($forum['moderators'])) { $forum['moderators'] = unserialize($forum['moderators']); } else { require_once libfile('function/group'); $forum['moderators'] = update_groupmoderators($fid); } if ($_G['uid'] && $_G['adminid'] != 1) { $forum['ismoderator'] = !empty($forum['moderators'][$_G['uid']]) ? 1 : 0; $_G['adminid'] = 0; if ($forum['ismoderator'] || $gorup_admingroupids[$_G['groupid']]) { $_G['adminid'] = $_G['adminid'] ? $_G['adminid'] : 3; if (!empty($gorup_admingroupids[$_G['groupid']])) { $forum['ismoderator'] = 1; $_G['adminid'] = 2; } $group_userperm = unserialize($_G['setting']['group_userperm']); if (is_array($group_userperm)) { $_G['group'] = array_merge($_G['group'], $group_userperm); $_G['group']['allowmovethread'] = $_G['group']['allowcopythread'] = $_G['group']['allowedittypethread'] = 0; } } } } foreach (array('threadtypes', 'threadsorts', 'creditspolicy', 'modrecommend') as $key) { $forum[$key] = !empty($forum[$key]) ? unserialize($forum[$key]) : array(); if (!is_array($forum[$key])) { $forum[$key] = array(); } } if ($forum['status'] == 3) { $_G['isgroupuser'] = 0; $_G['basescript'] = 'group'; if (empty($forum['level'])) { $levelid = DB::result_first("SELECT levelid FROM " . DB::table('forum_grouplevel') . " WHERE creditshigher<='{$forum['commoncredits']}' AND '{$forum['commoncredits']}'<creditslower LIMIT 1"); $forum['level'] = $levelid; DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " SET level='{$levelid}' WHERE fid='{$fid}'"); } loadcache('grouplevels'); $grouplevel = $_G['grouplevels'][$forum['level']]; if (!empty($grouplevel['icon'])) { $valueparse = parse_url($grouplevel['icon']); if (!isset($valueparse['host'])) { $grouplevel['icon'] = $_G['setting']['attachurl'] . 'common/' . $grouplevel['icon']; } } $group_postpolicy = $grouplevel['postpolicy']; if (is_array($group_postpolicy)) { $forum = array_merge($forum, $group_postpolicy); } $forum['allowfeed'] = $_G['setting']['group_allowfeed']; if ($_G['uid']) { if (!empty($forum['moderators'][$_G['uid']])) { $_G['isgroupuser'] = 1; } else { $_G['isgroupuser'] = DB::result_first("SELECT level FROM " . DB::table('forum_groupuser') . " WHERE fid='{$fid}' AND uid='{$_G['uid']}' LIMIT 1"); if ($_G['isgroupuser'] <= 0 && empty($forum['ismoderator'])) { $_G['group']['allowrecommend'] = $_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']]['allowrecommend'] = 0; $_G['group']['allowcommentpost'] = $_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']]['allowcommentpost'] = 0; $_G['group']['allowcommentitem'] = $_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']]['allowcommentitem'] = 0; $_G['group']['raterange'] = $_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']]['raterange'] = array(); $_G['group']['allowvote'] = $_G['cache']['usergroup_' . $_G['groupid']]['allowvote'] = 0; } else { $_G['isgroupuser'] = 1; } } } } } else { $fid = 0; } } $_G['fid'] = $fid; $_G['tid'] = $tid; $_G['forum'] =& $forum; $_G['current_grouplevel'] =& $grouplevel; if (isset($_G['cookie']['widthauto']) && $_G['setting']['switchwidthauto'] && empty($_G['forum']['widthauto'])) { $_G['forum_widthauto'] = $_G['cookie']['widthauto'] > 0; } else { $_G['forum_widthauto'] = empty($_G['forum']['widthauto']) ? !$_G['setting']['allowwidthauto'] : $_G['forum']['widthauto'] > 0; if (!empty($_G['forum']['widthauto'])) { $_G['setting']['switchwidthauto'] = 0; } } }
/** * [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc. * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * $Id: 34814 2014-08-07 01:46:48Z nemohou $ */ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } if ($_G['adminid'] != 1) { showmessage('undefined_action'); } require_once libfile('function/forum'); require_once libfile('function/post'); $thread = get_thread_by_tid($_GET['tid']); if (!$thread) { showmessage('undefined_action'); } $post = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_threadpost_by_tid_invisible($_GET['tid']); if ($thread['cover']) { $picurl = getthreadcover($thread['tid'], $thread['cover']); } else { $attach = C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch_all_by_id('tid:' . $_GET['tid'], 'pid', array($post['pid']), '', true); $picurl = ''; if ($attach) { $attach = array_shift($attach); $picurl = ($attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl']) . 'forum/' . $attach['attachment']; } } $data = array('name' => lang('plugin/wechat', 'resource_thread_push') . ': ' . $thread['subject'], 'data' => array('title' => $thread['subject'], 'pic' => $picurl ? (preg_match('/^http:/', $picurl) ? '' : $_G['siteurl']) . $picurl : '', 'desc' => messagecutstr($post['message'], 0, 120), 'content' => nl2br(messagecutstr($post['message'])), 'url' => $_G['siteurl'] . 'forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=' . $_GET['tid']));
} elseif ($result['idtype'] == 'blogid') { $itemid = $result[itemid]; $blogidarray[$itemid] = $blogidarray[$itemid] == '' ? 'tag' : $blogidarray[$itemid]; $blogidarray[$itemid] = "(REPLACE({$blogidarray[$itemid]}, '{$result['tagid']},{$result['tagname']}\t', ''))"; } } DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('common_tag') . " WHERE tagid IN (" . dimplode($tagidarray) . ")"); $newid = DB::fetch_first("SELECT tagid FROM " . DB::table('common_tag') . " WHERE tagname='{$newtag}'"); if (!$newid) { DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB::table('common_tag') . " (tagname, status) VALUES ('{$newtag}', '0')"); $newid = DB::insert_id(); } DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_tagitem') . " SET tagid='{$newid}',tagname='{$newtag}' WHERE tagid IN (" . dimplode($tagidarray) . ")"); if ($tidarray) { foreach ($tidarray as $key => $var) { $thread = get_thread_by_tid($key); DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table($thread[posttable]) . " SET tags={$var} WHERE tid='{$key}' AND first=1"); DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table($thread[posttable]) . " SET tags=concat(tags, '{$newid},{$newtag}\t') WHERE tid='{$key}' AND first=1"); } } if ($blogidarray) { foreach ($blogidarray as $key => $var) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('home_blogfield') . " SET tag={$var} WHERE blogid='{$key}'"); DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('home_blogfield') . " SET tag=concat(tag, '{$newid},{$newtag}\t') WHERE blogid='{$key}'"); } } } else { cpmsg('tag_length'); } } cpmsg('tag_admin_updated', 'action=tag&operation=admin&searchsubmit=yes&tagname=' . $_G['gp_tagname'] . '&perpage=' . $_G['gp_perpage'] . '&status=' . $_G['gp_status'] . '&page=' . $_G['gp_page'], 'succeed');
function baidu_gen_thread_url($tid, $page, $prevpage, $fid = '') { global $_G; //是否启用伪静态 if (is_array($_G['setting']['rewritestatus']) && in_array('forum_viewthread', $_G['setting']['rewritestatus'])) { $rule = $_G['setting']['rewriterule']['forum_viewthread']; if (!$fid && false !== strpos($rule, '{fid}')) { $thread = get_thread_by_tid($tid); $fid = $thread['fid']; } $url = $_G['siteurl'] . str_replace( array('{tid}', '{page}', '{prevpage}', '{fid}'), array($tid, $page, $prevpage, $fid), $rule); } else { $url = $_G['siteurl'] . 'forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=' . $tid; } return $url; }
public function reportPost($type, $tid, $pid, $extra = NULL, $isFollow = 0) { global $_G; $utilService = Cloud::loadClass('Service_Util'); if (!self::$_secStatus) { return false; } $startTime = microtime(true); $tid = dintval($tid); $pid = dintval($pid); $url = $_G['siteurl'] . "forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid={$tid}&pid={$pid}"; include_once libfile('function/forum'); $thread = get_thread_by_tid($tid); if (!is_array($thread)) { return true; } $post = get_post_by_pid($pid); $member = C::t('common_member')->fetch($post['authorid'], 0, 1); $memberField = C::t('common_member_field_forum')->fetch($post['authorid'], 0, 1); $memberStatus = C::t('common_member_status')->fetch($post['authorid'], 0, 1); $memberVerify = C::t('common_member_verify')->fetch($post['authorid']); if ($post['first'] == 1) { $type = $type . 'Thread'; } else { $type = $type . 'Post'; } $id = 'pid:' . $pid; $aids = C::t('forum_attachment')->fetch_all_by_id('pid', $pid); $aids = array_keys($aids); $postAttachs = C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch_all($id, $aids); if (!$post['first']) { $firstPost = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_all_by_tid($thread['posttableid'], $tid, 1, '', 0, 0, 1); $firstPost = array_pop($firstPost); $id = 'pid:' . $firstPost['pid']; $aids = C::t('forum_attachment')->fetch_all_by_id('pid', $firstPost['pid']); $aids = array_keys($aids); $threadAttachs = C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch_all($id, $aids); } else { $firstPost = $post; $firstPostAttachs = $postAttachs; } $views = dintval($thread['views']); $replies = dintval($thread['replies']); $favourites = dintval($thread['favtimes']); $supports = dintval($thread['recommend_add']); $opposes = dintval($thread['recommend_sub']); $shares = dintval($thread['sharetimes']); $openId = $this->_getOpenId($_G['uid']); if (!$thread || !$post) { return true; } $fid = $thread["fid"]; if ($post['first']) { $threadShield = $post['status'] & 1 ? 1 : 2; $threadWarning = $post['status'] & 2 ? 1 : 2; } else { $threadShield = $firstPost['status'] & 1 ? 1 : 2; $threadWarning = $firstPost['status'] & 2 ? 1 : 2; } $contentBitMap = array('onTop' => $thread['displayorder'] ? 1 : 2, 'hide' => strpos($post['message'], '[hide') ? 1 : 2, 'digest' => $thread['digest'] ? 1 : 2, 'highLight' => $thread['highlight'] ? 1 : 2, 'special' => $thread['special'] ? 1 : 2, 'threadAttach' => 2, 'threadAttachFlash' => 2, 'threadAttachPic' => 2, 'threadAttachVideo' => 2, 'threadAttachAudio' => 2, 'threadShield' => $threadShield, 'threadWarning' => $threadWarning, 'postAttach' => 2, 'postAttachFlash' => 2, 'postAttachPic' => 2, 'postAttachVideo' => 2, 'postAttachAudio' => 2, 'postShield' => $post['status'] & 1 ? 1 : 2, 'postWarning' => $post['status'] & 2 ? 1 : 2, 'isAdmin' => $member['adminid'] ? 1 : 2, 'isRush' => getstatus($thread['status'], 3) ? 1 : 2, 'hasReadPerm' => $thread['readperm'] ? 1 : 2, 'hasStamp' => $thread['stamp'] >= 0 ? 1 : 2, 'hasIcon' => $thread['icon'] >= 0 ? 1 : 2, 'isPushed' => $thread['pushedaid'] ? 1 : 2, 'hasCover' => $thread['cover'] ? 1 : 2, 'hasReward' => $thread['replycredit'] ? 1 : 2, 'isFollow' => $isFollow ? 1 : 2, 'threadStatus' => $thread['status'], 'postStatus' => $post['status']); if ($post['first']) { $contentBitMap['isMobile'] = $utilService->isMobile($thread['status']) ? 1 : 2; if ($contentBitMap['isMobile'] == 1) { $contentBitMap['isMobileSound'] = $utilService->mobileHasSound($thread['status']) ? 1 : 2; $contentBitMap['isMobilePhoto'] = $utilService->mobileHasPhoto($thread['status']) ? 1 : 2; $contentBitMap['isMobileGPS'] = $utilService->mobileHasGPS($thread['status']) ? 1 : 2; } } else { $contentBitMap['isMobile'] = getstatus($post['status'], 4) ? 1 : 2; } $userBitMap['isAdmin'] = $member['adminid'] ? 1 : 2; $userBitMap['hasMedal'] = $memberField['medals'] ? 1 : 2; $userBitMap['hasAvatar'] = $member['avatarstatus'] ? 1 : 2; $userBitMap['hasVerify'] = count($memberVerify) ? 1 : 2; $videoExt = array('.rm', '.flv', '.mkv', '.rmvb', '.avi', '.wmv', '.mp4', '.mpeg', '.mpg'); $audioExt = array('.wav', '.mid', '.mp3', '.m3u', '.wma', '.asf', '.asx'); if ($firstPostAttachs) { foreach ($firstPostAttachs as $attach) { $fileExt = substr($attach['filename'], strrpos($attach['filename'], '.')); if ($fileExt == '.bmp' || $fileExt == '.jpg' || $fileExt == '.jpeg' || $fileExt == '.gif' || $fileExt == '.png') { $contentBitMap['threadAttachPic'] = 1; } if ($fileExt == '.swf' || $fileExt == '.fla') { $contentBitMap['threadAttachFlash'] = 1; } if (in_array($fileExt, $videoExt)) { $contentBitMap['threadAttachVideo'] = 1; } if (in_array($fileExt, $audioExt)) { $contentBitMap['threadAttachAudio'] = 1; } } $contentBitMap['threadAttach'] = 1; } if ($postAttachs) { foreach ($postAttachs as $attach) { $fileExt = substr($attach['filename'], strrpos($attach['filename'], '.')); if ($fileExt == '.bmp' || $fileExt == '.jpg' || $fileExt == '.jpeg' || $fileExt == '.gif' || $fileExt == '.png') { $contentBitMap['postAttachPic'] = 1; } if ($fileExt == '.swf' || $fileExt == '.fla') { $contentBitMap['postAttachFlash'] = 1; } if (in_array($fileExt, $videoExt)) { $contentBitMap['postAttachVideo'] = 1; } if (in_array($fileExt, $audioExt)) { $contentBitMap['postAttachAudio'] = 1; } } $contentBitMap['postAttach'] = 1; } if ($thread['authorid'] == $_G['uid']) { $threadEmail = $_G['member']['email']; } else { $threadMember = C::t('common_member')->fetch($thread['authorid'], 0, 1); $threadEmail = $threadMember['email']; } if ($post['authorid'] == $_G['uid']) { $postEmail = $_G['member']['email']; } else { $postEmail = $member['email']; } if ($thread['special']) { if (array_key_exists($thread['special'], $this->specialType)) { $threadSpecial = self::$specialType[$thread['special']]; } else { $threadSpecial = 'other'; } } $threadSort = 2; if ($thread['sortid']) { $threadSort = 1; if ($post['first']) { $sortMessage = $this->_convertSortInfo($thread['sortid'], $thread['tid']); } } $contentBitMap['threadSort'] = $threadSort; if ($_GET['action'] == 'newtrade') { $type = 'newThread'; $pid = $firstPost['pid']; } $batchData[] = array('tId' => $tid, 'pId' => $pid, 'threadUid' => dintval($thread['authorid']), 'threadUsername' => $thread['author'], 'threadEmail' => $threadEmail, 'postUid' => dintval($post['authorid']), 'postUsername' => $post['author'], 'postEmail' => $postEmail, 'openId' => $openId, 'fId' => dintval($fid), 'threadUrl' => $url, 'operateTime' => $_G['timestamp'], 'clientIp' => $_G['clientip'], 'remoteIp' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'views' => $views, 'replies' => $replies, 'favourites' => $favourites, 'supports' => $supports, 'opposes' => $opposes, 'shares' => $shares, 'title' => $post['subject'], 'content' => $post['message'], 'sortMessage' => $sortMessage, 'attachList' => $postAttachs, 'reportType' => $type, 'contentBitMap' => $contentBitMap, 'userBitMap' => $userBitMap, 'extra' => $extra, 'specialType' => $threadSpecial, 'signature' => $memberField['sightml'], 'userAgent' => $this->_getUA()); $result = false; try { $result = self::$_secClient->securityReportPost($batchData); } catch (Cloud_Service_Client_RestfulException $e) { $ids = array($tid, $pid); $this->logFailed($type, $ids); } catch (Exception $e) { } $this->benchMarkLog($startTime, $pid, $batchData, $type); return $result; }
if (empty($_GET['goto']) && $ptid) { $_GET['goto'] = 'findpost'; } if ($_GET['goto'] == 'findpost') { $post = $thread = array(); if ($ptid) { $thread = get_thread_by_tid($ptid); } if ($pid) { if ($thread) { $post = C::t('forum_post')->fetch($thread['posttableid'], $pid); } else { $post = get_post_by_pid($pid); } if ($post && empty($thread)) { $thread = get_thread_by_tid($post['tid']); } } if (empty($thread)) { showmessage('thread_nonexistence'); } else { $tid = $thread['tid']; } if (empty($pid)) { if ($postno) { if (getstatus($thread['status'], 3)) { $rowarr = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_all_by_tid_position($thread['posttableid'], $ptid, $postno); $pid = $rowarr[0]['pid']; } if ($pid) { $post = C::t('forum_post')->fetch($thread['posttableid'], $pid);
/** * 获取文章内容 * * @param int|array $aid * @param int $page * @return array */ public static function getNewsContent($aid, $page = 1) { global $_G; $article = $aid; !is_array($aid) && ($article = PortalUtils::getNewsInfo($aid)); $content = C::t('portal_article_content')->fetch_by_aid_page($article['aid'], $page); if (empty($content)) { return $content; } $content['content'] = PortalUtils::preParseArticleContent($content['content']); require_once libfile('function/blog'); $content['content'] = blog_bbcode($content['content']); if ($article['idtype'] == 'tid' || $content['idtype'] == 'pid') { $thread = $firstpost = array(); require_once libfile('function/discuzcode'); require_once libfile('function/forum'); $thread = get_thread_by_tid($article['id']); if (!empty($thread)) { if ($content['idtype'] == 'pid') { $firstpost = C::t('forum_post')->fetch($thread['posttableid'], $content['id']); } else { $firstpost = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_threadpost_by_tid_invisible($article['id']); } if ($firstpost && $firstpost['tid'] == $article['id']) { $firstpost['uid'] = $firstpost['authorid']; $firstpost['username'] = $firstpost['author']; } } if (!empty($firstpost) && !empty($thread) && $thread['displayorder'] != -1) { $_G['tid'] = $article['id']; $aids = array(); $firstpost['message'] = $content['content']; if ($thread['attachment']) { $_G['group']['allowgetimage'] = 1; if (preg_match_all("/\\[attach\\](\\d+)\\[\\/attach\\]/i", $firstpost['message'], $matchaids)) { $aids = $matchaids[1]; } } if ($aids) { parseforumattach($firstpost, $aids); } $content['content'] = $firstpost['message']; $content['pid'] = $firstpost['pid']; } else { C::t('portal_article_title')->update($aid, array('id' => 0, 'idtype' => '')); C::t('portal_article_content')->update_by_aid($aid, array('id' => 0, 'idtype' => '')); } } elseif ($article['idtype'] == 'blogid') { $content['content'] = ''; } return PortalUtils::transArticleContent($content['content']); }
function _jumpThread($postno) { global $_G; $ptid = !empty($_GET['tid']) ? intval($_GET['tid']) : 0; if ($ptid) { $thread = get_thread_by_tid($ptid); } if ($postno) { if (getstatus($thread['status'], 3)) { $rowarr = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_all_by_tid_position($thread['posttableid'], $ptid, $postno); $pid = $rowarr[0]['pid']; } if ($pid) { $post = C::t('forum_post')->fetch($thread['posttableid'], $pid); if ($post['invisible'] != 0) { $post = array(); } $pid = 0; } else { $postno = $postno > 1 ? $postno - 1 : 0; $post = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_visiblepost_by_tid($thread['posttableid'], $ptid, $postno); $pid = $post['pid']; } } $ordertype = !isset($_GET['ordertype']) && getstatus($thread['status'], 4) ? 1 : $ordertype; if ($thread['special'] == 2 || C::t('forum_threaddisablepos')->fetch($tid)) { $curpostnum = C::t('forum_post')->count_by_tid_dateline($thread['posttableid'], $tid, $post['dateline']); } else { if ($thread['maxposition']) { $maxposition = $thread['maxposition']; } else { $maxposition = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_maxposition_by_tid($thread['posttableid'], $tid); } $thread['replies'] = $maxposition; $curpostnum = $post['position']; } if ($ordertype != 1) { $page = ceil($curpostnum / $_G['ppp']); } elseif ($curpostnum > 1) { $page = ceil(($thread['replies'] - $curpostnum + 3) / $_G['ppp']); } else { $page = 1; } $_G['jump#pid'] = $ret['pid'] = isset($pid) ? $pid : 0; $_G['page'] = $ret['page'] = $page; return $ret; }
protected function _checkThreadIgnore($tid) { if (!intval($tid)) { return true; } require_once libfile('function/forum'); $checkFiled = array('highlight', 'displayorder', 'digest'); $thread = get_thread_by_tid($tid); $checkResult = false; $checkResult = $this->_checkBoardIgnore($thread['fid']); $checkResult = $checkResult ? true : $this->_checkUserIgnore($thread['authorid']); foreach ($checkFiled as $field) { if ($thread[$field] > 0) { $checkResult = true; } } return $checkResult; }