예제 #1
 $meta_boxes['seperator_end_dig'] = array("type" => "seperator_end");
 $meta_boxes['price_title'] = array("name" => "price_title", "title" => "Product Price Settings", "type" => "seperator", "description" => "");
 global $General;
 $meta_boxes['price'] = array("name" => "price", "title" => "Price (in " . $General->get_currency_code() . ")", "type" => "text", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "Enter Product Original Price (price is in " . $General->get_currency_code() . "(" . $General->get_currency_symbol() . ")).");
 $meta_boxes['spPrdLstDate'] = array("name" => "spPrdLstDate", "title" => "Last Date of your Special Product", "type" => "date", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "Last Date of your product as special product (in '<strong>YYYY-mm-dd</strong>' format only. Example :- " . date('Y-m-d') . "). After this date your product will not be displayed in the special product list.");
 $meta_boxes['specialprice'] = array("name" => "specialprice", "title" => "Special Price (in " . $General->get_currency_code() . ")", "type" => "text", "default" => "0.00", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "Enter Special Price to be display (price is in " . $General->get_currency_code() . "(" . $General->get_currency_symbol() . ")).");
 $meta_boxes['button_price'] = array("type" => "button");
 $meta_boxes['seperator_end_price'] = array("type" => "seperator_end");
 $meta_boxes['att_title'] = array("name" => "att_title", "title" => "Product Code & Weight & Tax Settings", "type" => "seperator", "description" => "");
 $meta_boxes['model'] = array("name" => "model", "title" => "Product Model", "type" => "text", "default" => "", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "Enter Product Model/Code");
 $meta_boxes['size_chart'] = array("name" => "size_chart", "title" => "Size Chart", "type" => "textarea", "default" => "", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "Enter Product Size Chart Image & Table Fromat Add");
 $meta_boxes['weight'] = array("name" => "weight", "title" => "Weight", "type" => "text", "default" => "", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "Enter Product Weight ( in " . $General->get_product_weight_unit() . ").");
 $meta_boxes['istaxable'] = array("name" => "istaxable", "title" => "Is taxable?", "type" => "checkbox", "default" => "0", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "Select whether product is taxable or not.");
 $meta_boxes['istax_included'] = array("name" => "istax_included", "title" => "Is Tax included with price?", "type" => "checkbox", "default" => "0", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "Select whether Tax is included with product price or not.");
 $valuearr = array();
 $valuearr = array_merge(array(array('id' => 'all', 'val' => 'All Taxes')), get_taxes());
 $meta_boxes['prd_tax'] = array("name" => "prd_tax", "title" => "Select Taxes", "type" => "multi-select", "default" => "0", "tabindex" => '2', "values" => $valuearr, "description" => "Select tax, It will enable if product is taxable.");
 $meta_boxes['is_free_shipping'] = array("name" => "is_free_shipping", "title" => "Select for Free shipping", "type" => "checkbox", "default" => "", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "Wish to Free shipping for the product? Please select the option to apply, otherwise shipping cost will apply as per the setting from shipping management.");
 $meta_boxes['button_other'] = array("type" => "button");
 $meta_boxes['button_other'] = array("type" => "button");
 $meta_boxes['seperator_end_other'] = array("type" => "seperator_end");
 $meta_boxes['att_title1'] = array("name" => "att_title1", "title" => "Product Attributes Settings", "type" => "seperator", "description" => "");
 $meta_boxes['sizetitle'] = array("name" => "sizetitle", "title" => "Attribute 1 Title  (ex: Size)", "type" => "text", "default" => "", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "Product Attribute title 1");
 $meta_boxes['size'] = array("name" => "size", "title" => "Attribute 1 Value", "type" => "select", "tabindex" => '2', "default" => "Size", "description" => "Product is available in various Sizes.  <b>Please press <u>Set Changes</u> button to get your changes effected.</b>'");
 $meta_boxes['colortitle'] = array("name" => "colortitle", "title" => "Attribute 2 Title (ex: Color)", "type" => "text", "default" => "", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "Product Attribute title 2");
 $meta_boxes['color'] = array("name" => "color", "title" => "Attribute 2 value ", "type" => "select", "tabindex" => '2', "default" => "Color", "description" => "Product is available in various Colors. <b>Please press <u>Set Changes</u> button to get your changes effected.</b>'");
 $meta_boxes['size_stock'] = array("name" => "size_stock", "title" => "", "type" => "hidden", "default" => "", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "");
 $meta_boxes['color_stock'] = array("name" => "color_stock", "title" => "", "type" => "hidden", "default" => "", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "");
 $meta_boxes['att3title'] = array("name" => "att3title", "title" => "Attribute 3 Title (ex: Shape)", "type" => "text", "default" => "", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "Product Attribute title 3");
 $meta_boxes['attribute3'] = array("name" => "attribute3", "title" => "Attribute 3 Value", "type" => "select", "tabindex" => '2', "default" => "attribute3", "description" => "Product is available in various Colors. <b>Please press <u>Set Changes</u> button to get your changes effected.</b>'");
 $meta_boxes['attribute3_stock'] = array("name" => "attribute3_stock", "title" => "", "type" => "hidden", "default" => "", "tabindex" => '2', "description" => "");
예제 #2
function create_tax_table($dept_id)
    //used in taxes network admin page
    //create html and return
    $result = "<table class='seufolios'>\n\t\t<tr><th>Taxonomy Slug</th><th>Settings</th><th></th></tr>";
    $taxes = get_taxes($dept_id);
    foreach ($taxes as $tax) {
        if (strtolower($tax->tax_slug) != 'posts') {
            //unset posts tax from this table
            $result .= "\n\t\t\t<tr id='tax_row_{$tax->id}'>\n\t\t\t<td>{$tax->tax_slug}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{$tax->tax_settings}</td>\n\t\t\t<td><button id='edit_{$tax->id}' class='edit_button' type='button' onclick='edit_tax({$tax->id})'>Edit</button>\n\t\t\t<button id='show_terms_{$tax->id}' class='show_terms_button' type='button' onclick='show_terms({$tax->id}, this)'>&raquo;</button></td></tr>\n</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n";
    $result .= "</table>";
    return $result;