public function index() { $pid = I(''); $region = get_region($pid); if ($region) { $this->success($region); } }
$recData['fax'] = $muujad[0]['fax']; $recData['http'] = $muujad[0]['http']; $recData['markused'] = $muujad[0]['add_info']; $recData['index'] = $muujad[0]['postalcode']; $recData['country'] = $muujad[0]['country']; $recData['region'] = $muujad[0]['region']; $recData['city'] = $muujad[0]['city']; $recData['address'] = $muujad[0]['address']; $country = get_country(); $region = get_region(0, $recData['country']); $city = get_city(0, $recData['region'], $recData['country']); } else { $country = get_country(); if ($_POST['form_country']) { $recData['country'] = $_POST['form_country']; $region = get_region(0, $_POST['form_country']); if ($_POST['form_region']) { $recData['region'] = $_POST['form_region']; $city = get_city(0, $_POST['form_region'], $_POST['form_country']); $recData['city'] = $_POST['form_city']; } } } $engSmarty->assign("region", $region); $engSmarty->assign("country", $country); $engSmarty->assign("city", $city); if (is_array($muujad)) { $engSmarty->assign("muujad", $muujad); } if ($_POST['formUser_submit']) { if (!$recData['fname']) {
<span class="icon-bar"></span> </button> <b>GiveRooms<small style="font-size: 16px;">.com</small></b> </div> <div id="navbar" class="navbar-collapse collapse"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right"> <li class="active"><a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?> ">Home<span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a></li> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Hotel <span class="caret"></span></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu hover-menu-edit"> <?php $regions = get_region(); foreach ($regions as $region) { ?> <li><a href="hotels-in-<?php echo slug_url($region->region_name_en); ?> ">Hotels in <?php echo $region->region_name_en; ?> <span class="badge pull-right"><?php echo get_total_hotel($region->region_id); ?> </span></a></li> <?php } ?>
function get_id() { $region = get_region(); if ($region == "ca") { $aws_partner_id = "linuhardgui01-20"; } elseif ($region == "") { $aws_partner_id = "linuhardguid-21"; } elseif ($region == "de") { $aws_partner_id = "linuxnetmagor-21"; } elseif ($region == "fr") { $aws_partner_id = "linuhardgui01-21"; } elseif ($region == "es") { $aws_partner_id = "linuhardgu061-21"; } elseif ($region == "it") { $aws_partner_id = "linuhardgui05-21"; } elseif ($region == "") { $aws_partner_id = "linuhardgui22-22"; //}elseif ($region == ""){ // $aws_partner_id ="linuhardgui22-22"; } elseif ($region == "cn") { $aws_partner_id = "linuhardgui23-23"; } elseif ($region == "in") { $aws_partner_id = "linuxhardwagu-21"; } elseif ($region == "nl") { $aws_partner_id = "linuxnetmagor-21"; } else { // com as default $aws_partner_id = "linuhardguid-20"; } //print "Region: $region <br>ID: $aws_partner_id<br>"; return $aws_partner_id; }
function get_local_region() { return get_region(get_local_cluster_id()); }
} if ($recData['country']) { if ($recData['region']) { if ($recData['ID']) { $city = get_city($recData['ID']); $recData['city'] = $recData['ID']; if (!$_POST['formUser_submit']) { $recData['value_est'] = $city[0]['name_est']; $recData['value_eng'] = $city[0]['name_eng']; $recData['value_rus'] = $city[0]['name_rus']; } } $region = get_region($recData['region']); } else { if ($recData['ID']) { $region = get_region($recData['ID']); if (!$_POST['formUser_submit']) { $recData['value_est'] = $region[0]['name_est']; $recData['value_eng'] = $region[0]['name_eng']; $recData['value_rus'] = $region[0]['name_rus']; $recData['path'] = $region[0]['path']; } } } $country = get_country($recData['country']); } else { if ($recData['ID']) { $country = get_country($recData['ID']); if (!$_POST['formUser_submit']) { $recData['value_est'] = $country[0]['name_est']; $recData['value_eng'] = $country[0]['name_eng'];
function lookupGeoLocation($ip) { if ($_loc=geoip_record_by_name($ip)) { $_loc['timezone'] = get_time_zone($_loc['country_code'], $_loc['region']); $_loc['region'] = get_region($_loc['country_code'], $_loc['region']); $country_transition = array( "A1" => "N/A", "A2" => "N/A", "O1" => "N/A", "AP" => "N/A", "GB" => "UK"); if (array_key_exists($_loc['country_code'],$country_transition)) { $_loc['country_code'] = $country_transition[$_loc['country_code']]; } return $_loc; } else { return array(); } }
function affilinet() { //echo "Affilinet Output:<br>"; $PostID = get_the_ID(); $ProductID_TMP = get_post_meta($PostID, 'PID_affilinet', true); $ProductID = split(",", $ProductID_TMP); //$ProductID=106020024; if ($ProductID == "") { return; } $region = get_region(); $path = "/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/lhg-product-post"; if (is_array($ProductID)) { //echo "Is array!"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ProductID); $i++) { //echo "I: $i"; exec("/usr/bin/php {$path}/affilinet.php \"" . (int) $ProductID[$i] . "\" {$PostID} {$region} >> /tmp/affilinet.log 2>> /tmp/affilinet.log &"); } } else { exec("/usr/bin/php {$path}/affilinet.php \"" . (int) $ProductID . "\" {$PostID} {$region} >> /tmp/affilinet.log 2>> /tmp/affilinet.log &"); } return; }
function wp_one_post_widget($args, $vars = array()) { extract($args); $widget_number = (int) str_replace('wp-one-post-widget-', '', @$widget_id); $options = get_option('wp_one_post_widget'); if (!empty($options[$widget_number])) { $vars = $options[$widget_number]; } // ------ data used by several parts ---------- $title = translate_title(get_the_title()); $s = explode("(", $title); $short_title = trim($s[0]); global $post; global $wpdb; global $lhg_price_db; global $lang; global $txt_summary; global $txt_supplier; global $txt_cheapest_supplier; global $txt_rating; global $txt_select; global $txt_ratings; global $txt_sim_tags; global $txt_combine_tags; global $txt_wpop_register; global $txt_register_long; global $txt_send; global $txt_manage_subscr; global $txt_not_avail; global $txt_rate_yourself; global $txt_wpop_register; global $txt_button_string; //defined by amazon-product-in-a-post.php //echo "ID: $post->ID"; if (is_single($post->ID)) { $querystr = "\r\n SELECT {$wpdb->posts}.* \r\n FROM {$wpdb->posts}\r\n WHERE {$wpdb->posts}.post_title = '" . $vars['title'] . "'\r\n AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'publish' \r\n AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_type = 'post'\r\n "; $pageposts = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT); foreach ($pageposts as $post) { setup_postdata($post); $title = $post->post_title; $excerpt = $post->post_excerpt; if (!$excerpt) { $excerpt = substr($post->post_content, 0, 100); } if (!$vars['thumbnail_position']) { $vars['thumbnail_position'] = 'left'; } $thumb = get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, 'thumbnail', array('class' => $vars['thumbnail_position'])); $link = get_permalink($post->ID); } echo "\n{$before_widget}"; echo ' <div class="topright" style="border: 1px solid #2b8fc3; padding-left: 3px; padding-right:3px; padding-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 10px; background-color: #fff; padding-bottom: 17px;">'; echo ' <div class="wp-one-summary">' . $txt_summary . "</div>"; // if(empty($vars['custom_title'])): echo $before_title . "A".$vars['title'] . $after_title; else: echo "<h2>".$vars['custom_title'] . "</h2>"; endif; if ($vars['use_thumbnail'] == 'yes') { $content_widget = $thumb . '<p>' . $excerpt . ' <a href="' . $link . '">' . $vars['readmore'] . '</a></p>'; } else { $content_widget = '<p>' . $excerpt . ' <a href="' . $link . '">' . $vars['readmore'] . '</a></p>'; } //$thumb = get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID); //echo "$thumb"; //Rating Overview $post_id = $post->ID; // Check IP From IP Logging Database #$get_rates = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT rating_rating FROM $wpdb->ratings WHERE rating_postid = $post_id"); //echo "Nr: ".sizeof($get_rates); $rating1 = 0; $rating2 = 0; $rating3 = 0; $rating4 = 0; $rating5 = 0; $rating_total = 0; #foreach($get_rates as $get_rate){ # $rating_total++; # # if ($get_rate->rating_rating == 1 ) $rating1++; # if ($get_rate->rating_rating == 2 ) $rating2++; # if ($get_rate->rating_rating == 3 ) $rating3++; # if ($get_rate->rating_rating == 4 ) $rating4++; # if ($get_rate->rating_rating == 5 ) $rating5++; # #} if ($lang != "de") { $ratings = $lhg_price_db->get_results("SELECT * FROM `lhgtransverse_posts` WHERE postid_com = {$post_id}"); } if ($lang == "de") { $ratings = $lhg_price_db->get_results("SELECT * FROM `lhgtransverse_posts` WHERE postid_de = {$post_id}"); } #var_dump($ratings); $rating1 = $ratings[0]->post_ratings_1_com + $ratings[0]->post_ratings_1_de; $rating2 = $ratings[0]->post_ratings_2_com + $ratings[0]->post_ratings_2_de; $rating3 = $ratings[0]->post_ratings_3_com + $ratings[0]->post_ratings_3_de; $rating4 = $ratings[0]->post_ratings_4_com + $ratings[0]->post_ratings_4_de; $rating5 = $ratings[0]->post_ratings_5_com + $ratings[0]->post_ratings_5_de; $rating_total = $ratings[0]->post_ratings_users_com + $ratings[0]->post_ratings_users_de; #$rating1 + $rating2 + $rating3 + $rating4 + $rating5; //echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=1> // <tr> // <td width=90%>"; //echo "</td></tr></table> "; global $vspacer; $vspacer = '<div class="spacer" style="border-top: 1px solid #2b8fc3; height: 0px; margin-top: 9px; margin-bottom: 9px;"></div>'; // ---- Overview - cheapest supplier // get cheapest supplier $cheapest_supplier_id = lhg_db_get_cheapest_supplier_id($post->ID); #echo "CID: $cheapest_supplier_id <br>"; if ($cheapest_supplier_id != "") { lhg_show_supplier_square($cheapest_supplier_id, $post->ID); } if ($cheapest_supplier_id == "") { lhg_show_supplier_square_default($post->ID); } //get price & url from DB $region = get_region(); # $meta="price-amazon.".$region; # $aprice = get_post_meta($post->ID,$meta,true); # $meta="url-amazon.".$region; # $aurl=get_post_meta($post->ID,$meta,true); //amaz_url($post->ID); //still undefined? # if ($aurl == ""){ # $aid=get_id(); # $aurl = ''.$region.'/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=15121&creative=390961&linkCode=ur2&tag='.$aid; # } /* if ( ($region == "de") or ($region == "fr") or ($region == "it") or ($region == "es")) { $aprice=str_replace(".","",$aprice); }else{ $aprice=str_replace(",","",$aprice); //$aprice=str_replace(",",".",$aprice); } */ //echo "AP0: $aprice"; # $aprice = lhg_amazon_price_to_float ( $aprice , $region ); //echo "AP1: $aprice"; // // affilinet prices // if ($lang == "de debug") { //echo "A"; $meta = "affilinet_PID"; $aff_PID = get_post_meta($post->ID, $meta, true); //amaz_url($post->ID); if ($aff_PID == "") { //check for wrong entered PID $meta = "PID_affilinet"; $aff_PID = get_post_meta($post->ID, $meta, true); //amaz_url($post->ID); //echo "affPID: $aff_PID"; } if ($aff_PID != "") { // check for multiple PIDs $PIDlist = str_getcsv($aff_PID, ";"); $num = count($PIDlist); //echo "Num: $num <br>PIDlist0: $PIDlist[0]<br>"; //echo "PIDlist1: $PIDlist[1]<br>"; if ($num == 1) { list($aff_date, $aff_shop_id, $aff_price, $aff_shipping, $aff_url) = get_price_aff($aff_PID); $cheapestURL = str_replace("+++++", ";", $aff_url); //echo "Cheap: $cheapestURL<br>"; $tprice = $aff_price + $aff_shipping; //echo "TP: $tprice <br>"; if ($aff_shop_id == 1739) { $pcount++; $pricetable[$pcount] = $tprice . '### EUR ' . str_replace(".", ",", number_format($tprice, 2)) . ' > <a href="' . $aff_url . '" rel="nofollow"></a>'; $pricetable_data[$pcount] = $tprice . '###' . str_replace(".", ",", number_format($tprice, 2)) . '###' . $aff_url . '' . '###' . str_replace(".", ",", number_format($aff_shipping, 2)); } if ($aff_shop_id == 1752) { $pcount++; $pricetable[$pcount] = $tprice . '### EUR ' . str_replace(".", ",", number_format($tprice, 2)) . ' > <a href="' . $aff_url . '" rel="nofollow"></a>'; $pricetable_data[$pcount] = $tprice . '###' . str_replace(".", ",", number_format($tprice, 2)) . '###' . $aff_url . '' . '###' . str_replace(".", ",", number_format($aff_shipping, 2)); } } if ($num > 1) { //cycle through IDs //$ProductIDList = str_getcsv($ProductID,";"); //echo "multiple ids<br>"; list($aff_date, $aff_shop_id, $aff_price, $aff_shipping, $aff_url) = get_price_aff($aff_PID, $num); //echo "ShopID: $aff_shop_id"; $ShopIDList = str_getcsv($aff_shop_id, ";"); $PriceList = str_getcsv($aff_price, ";"); $ShippingList = str_getcsv($aff_shipping, ";"); $URLList = str_getcsv($aff_url, ";"); $tpriceListCheapest = 9999999999; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $tpriceList[$i] = $PriceList[$i] + $ShippingList[$i]; //url of cheapest partner if ($tpriceList[$i] < $tpriceListCheapest) { $tpriceListCheapest = $tpriceList[$i]; $cheapestURL = str_replace("+++++", ";", $URLList[$i]); //echo "Cheap: $cheapestURL<br>"; } if ($ShopIDList[$i] == 1739) { $pcount++; $pricetable[$pcount] = $tpriceList[$i] . '### EUR ' . str_replace(".", ",", number_format($tpriceList[$i], 2)) . ' > <a href="' . $URLList[$i] . '" rel="nofollow"></a>'; $pricetable_data[$pcount] = $tpriceList[$i] . '###' . str_replace(".", ",", number_format($tpriceList[$i], 2)) . '###' . $URLList[$i] . '' . '###' . str_replace(".", ",", number_format($ShippingList[$i], 2)); } if ($ShopIDList[$i] == 1752) { $pcount++; $pricetable[$pcount] = $tpriceList[$i] . '### EUR ' . str_replace(".", ",", number_format($tpriceList[$i], 2)) . ' > <a href="' . $URLList[$i] . '" rel="nofollow"></a>'; $pricetable_data[$pcount] = $tpriceList[$i] . '###' . str_replace(".", ",", number_format($tpriceList[$i], 2)) . '###' . $URLList[$i] . '' . '###' . str_replace(".", ",", number_format($ShippingList[$i], 2)); } } } } //echo "ID: $aff_shop_id <br>Price: $aff_price + $aff_shipping"; } //$nbprice=str_replace(",",".",NB_price($post->ID)); //$nburl=NB_url($post->ID); //$region=get_region(); //$aid=get_id(); //print $aprice; //print "AURL: $aurl<br>"; //if ($aurl == "") $aurl="$region/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=15121&creative=390961&linkCode=ur2&tag=$aid"; //default: Euro //print "2: ".number_format($aprice,2); //$pricestring = number_format( str_replace("EUR","",str_replace(",",".",$aprice)),2,',','.'); //pure price without currency //$pureprice = str_replace("EUR","",$aprice); //$pureprice = str_replace("CND","",$aprice); //$pureprice = str_replace("$","",$aprice); # $pricestring = $aprice; # # if ( ($region == "de") or # ($region == "es") or # ($region == "fr") or # ($region == "it") ){ # //$pricetable[0] = str_replace(",",".",$pricestring).'### EUR <span itemprop="price">'.$pricestring.'</span> > <a href="'.$aurl.'" rel="nofollow">Amazon.'.$region.'</a>'; # //$pricetable[0] = str_replace(",",".",$pricestring).'### EUR <span itemprop="price">'.$pricestring.'</span> > <a href="'.$aurl.'" rel="nofollow">Amazon.'.$region.'</a>'; # $pricetable_data[0] = $pricestring.'###'.$pricestring.'###'.$aurl.'###Amazon.'.$region; # } //float price to string # $aprice_str = lhg_float_to_currency_string( $aprice , $region ); # $cs = lhg_get_currency_symbol( $region ); //echo "REG: $region"; /* if ($region == "com") $pricetable[0] = ' $ <span itemprop="price">'.str_replace(".",".",number_format(str_replace("$","",$aprice),2)).'</span> > <a href="'.$aurl.'" rel="nofollow">Amazon.'.$region.'</a>'; if ($region == "in") $pricetable[0] = ' '.str_replace("INR",'₹ <span itemprop="price">',$aprice).'</span> > <a href="'.$aurl.'" rel="nofollow">Amazon.'.$region.'</a>'; if ($region == "ca") $pricetable[0] = ' CDN$ <span itemprop="price">'.str_replace(".",".",number_format(str_replace("CDN\$","",$aprice),2)).'</span> > <a href="'.$aurl.'" rel="nofollow">Amazon.'.$region.'</a>'; if ($region == "") $pricetable[0] = ' '.$cs.' <span itemprop="price">'.$aprice_str.'</span> > <a href="'.$aurl.'" rel="nofollow">Amazon.'.$region.'</a>'; if ($region == "") $pricetable[0] = ' ¥ <span itemprop="price">'.$aprice_str.'</span> > <a href="'.$aurl.'" rel="nofollow">Amazon.'.$region.'</a>'; */ # $pricetable[0] = ' '.$cs.' <span itemprop="price">'.$aprice_str.'</span> > <a href="'.$aurl.'" rel="nofollow">Amazon.'.$region.'</a>'; //echo "PT: $pricetable[0]"; //print "APrice: $aprice<br>"; # if ($aprice=='out of stock') # $pricetable[0] = ' '.$txt_not_avail.' > <a href="'.$aurl.'" rel="nofollow">Amazon.'.$region.'</a>'; //print "AP: >$aprice< <br>"; # if ( (strpos($aprice,'nicht vorr') !== false) or (strpos($aprice,'nicht liefer') !== false) or ($aprice=="") ) # $pricetable[0] = ' '.$txt_not_avail.' > <a href="'.$aurl.'" rel="nofollow">Amazon.'.$region.'</a>'; # if ($lang == "de"){ # if ($nbprice != ""){ # $pcount++; # $pricetable[$pcount] = ' EUR <span itemprop="price">'.str_replace(".",",",number_format(str_replace("EUR","",$nbprice),2)).'</span> > <a href="'.$nburl.'" rel="nofollow"></a>'; # } # //sort($pricetable); # array_multisort( $pricetable , SORT_NUMERIC, $pricetable_data ); # } //echo "PT0 ".$pricetable[0]; //echo "POS: ".strpos($pricetable[0],"###"); //get rid of sorting string, works only for "de" # if ( strpos($pricetable[0],"###") >0 ) # foreach ($pricetable as &$value) { # list( $null, $value) = explode("###",$value); # } //echo "PT0 ".$pricetable[0]; //echo "<br>PT1 ".$pricetable[1]; //echo "PR: $aprice"; // echo "\n".'<div itemscope itemtype="">'; // echo "\n".'<span itemprop="category" content="Hardware" ></span>'; // echo "\n".'<span itemprop="name" content="'.translate_title(get_the_title()).'" ></span>'; //echo "PC: $pcount"; # if ($pcount > 0) # echo "\n".'<div style="text-align: center;"><b>'.$txt_cheapest_supplier.':</b></div>'; //echo "aprice: $aprice<br>"; //echo "PC: ",$pcount; # if ($pcount == 0) # if ($aprice!='out of stock') # echo "\n".'<div style="text-align: center;"><b>'.$txt_supplier.'</b></div>'; # echo "\n".'<div class="rating" style="border: 0px solid #222; width: 70%; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto;">'; # echo $cheap_txt; /* single offer. to be changed for group of offers! */ //echo "\n".'<span itemprop="offerDetails" itemscope itemtype="">'; # $price_meta = "USD"; # if ($region == "de") $price_meta = "EUR"; # if ($region == "it") $price_meta = "EUR"; # if ($region == "fr") $price_meta = "EUR"; # if ($region == "es") $price_meta = "EUR"; # if ($region == "com") $price_meta = "USD"; # if ($region == "") $price_meta = "GBP"; # if ($region == "") $price_meta = "JPY"; # if ($region == "cn") $price_meta = "CNY"; # if ($region == "ca") $price_meta = "CAD"; # if ($region == "in") $price_meta = "INR"; # # echo "\n".'<meta itemprop="currency" content="'.$price_meta.'" />'; //echo '<meta itemprop="price" content="'.str_replace(".",",",number_format(str_replace("EUR","",$nbprice),2)).'" />'; //echo "Amazon.$region"; //echo "PT: $pricetable[0]"; # if ( (strpos($pricetable[0],"Amazon.$region")) or ($pricetable[0] == "") ){ # //if ($aprice!='out of stock') # echo "\n".'<div class="amazonbutton"><a href="'.$aurl.'" rel="nofollow"><img src="/wp-uploads/2012/10/Amazon_Logo1.png" border=0 width=125 height=125 alt="'.$txt_button_string.': '.$short_title.'" title="'.$txt_button_string.': '.$short_title.'"></a></div>'; # }elseif (strpos($pricetable[0],"")){ # echo "\n".'<div class="amazonbutton"><a href="'.$nburl.'" rel="nofollow"><img src="wp-uploads/2012/10/Logo_125-x-125_5_H.gif" border=0></a></div>'; # }elseif (strpos($pricetable[0],"")){ # echo "\n".'<div class="amazonbutton" style="border: 1px solid #2B8FC3; width: 140px; margin: 0 auto;"><a href="'.$cheapestURL.'" rel="nofollow"><img src="/wp-uploads/2014/03/redcoon-logo-125x125.jpg" border=0 width=140 height=140></a></div>'; # }elseif (strpos($pricetable[0],"")){ # echo "\n".'<div class="amazonbutton" style="border: 1px solid #2B8FC3; width: 140px; margin: 0 auto;"><a href="'.$cheapestURL.'" rel="nofollow"><img src="/wp-uploads/2014/03/reichelt_logo_125x125.gif" border=0 width=140 height=140></a></div>'; # } # # $pricetable[0] = str_replace("+++++",";",$pricetable[0]); # echo str_replace(" > ", "<br>",$pricetable[0]); # echo "\n"."</div>"; # if ($pcount == 0){ # //echo "<b>Preis:</b>"; # }else{ # //echo "<b>Amazon-Preis:</b><br>"; # //echo ' '.$aprice.' > <a href="'.$aurl.'"></a>'; # echo $vspacer; # echo "<b>Übersicht der Anbieter:</b>"; # # } //echo "<br>PT1 ".$pricetable[1]; # if ($pcount == 0){ # //echo $line; # }else{ # echo "<br> # <table>"; # //<tr><td><b>Preis</b></td><td><b>Anbieter</b></td><td></td></tr> # //"; # $i=0; # foreach($pricetable as $line){ # list ($price1, $price2, $url , $shop, $shipping) = explode("###",$pricetable_data[$i]); # # //echo "$price2 .. $url .. $shop"; # # if (strpos($pricetable[$i],"")){ # echo '<tr><td>EUR '.$price2.'<br><div class="portoline">inkl. Porto: '.$shipping.' EUR</div></td><td valign="middle"><a href="'.$url.'" rel="nofollow"><img src="wp-uploads/2014/03/redcoon-logo-110x033.jpg" style="border: 1px solid #2B8FC3;"></a></td><td><a href="'.$url.'" rel="nofollow"></a></td></tr>'; # # }elseif (strpos($pricetable[$i],"")){ # echo '<tr><td>EUR '.$price2.'<br><div class="portoline">exkl. Porto</div></td><td valign="middle"><a href="'.$url.'" rel="nofollow"><img src="wp-uploads/2014/03/amazon_de_logo_110_33.jpg" style="border: 1px solid #2B8FC3;"></a></td><td><a href="'.$url.'" rel="nofollow"></a></td></tr>'; # //echo '<img src="wp-uploads/2014/03/amazon_de_logo_110_33.jpg">'.$pricetable[$i]."<br>"; # }elseif (strpos($pricetable[$i],"")){ # $url = str_replace("+++++",";",$url); # echo '<tr><td>EUR '.$price2.'<br><div class="portoline">inkl. Porto: '.$shipping.' EUR</div></td><td valign="middle"><a href="'.$cheapestURL.'" rel="nofollow"><img src="wp-uploads/2014/03/reichelt_logo_110x33.jpeg" style="border: 1px solid #2B8FC3;"></a></td><td><a href="'.$url.'" rel="nofollow"></a></td></tr>'; # //echo '<img src="wp-uploads/2014/03/amazon_de_logo_110_33.jpg">'.$pricetable[$i]."<br>"; # } # else{ # echo $pricetable[$i]."<br>"; # } # # //if ($i == 0) echo '<div class="priceline" style="border: 0px solid #000; "><div class="pricetop" style="border: 1px solid #2b8fc3; background-color: #eee; margin: 3px 3px;">'.$line.'</div></div>'; # //if ($i > 0) echo '<div class="priceline" style="border: 0px solid #000; "><div class="price" style="border: 0px solid #333; background-color: #fff; margin: 3px 3px;">'.$line.'</div></div>'; # $i++; # } # echo"</table>"; # } // echo get_affiliate_prices($post->ID); // // ---- New Supplier Overview // #if ($lang == "de") lhg_supplier_comparison($post->ID); // // ---- Rating Overview ============================================================== // global $txt_opw_num_ratings; // = "Number of ratings"; global $txt_opw_average_rating; // = "Average ratings"; global $txt_opw_rating_overview; global $txt_out_of; global $txt_opw_hardware; global $txt_average; global $no_supplier_square; #$rating_avg = get_post_meta($post->ID,'ratings_average',true); $num_rates = $ratings[0]->post_ratings_users_com + $ratings[0]->post_ratings_users_de; if ($num_rates == 0) { $rating_avg = 0; } if ($num_rates != 0) { $rating_avg = ($ratings[0]->post_ratings_score_com + $ratings[0]->post_ratings_score_de) / $num_rates; } if ($no_supplier_square != 1) { echo $vspacer; } #echo '<div itemscope itemtype="">'; #echo '<div itemscope itemtype="">'; #echo '<div property="itemReviewed" typeof="Product">'; #echo ' <div itemprop="rating" itemscope itemtype="">'; //echo '<div class="rating" style="border: 0px solid #222; width: 90%; margin: 0 auto;">'; echo ' <table class="ratingtable" border="0"> <tr> <td><b>' . $txt_opw_hardware . ':</b></td> <td><span itemprop="name">' . $short_title . '</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td> '; //if ($rating_total>1) echo "<b>$txt_wpone_num_ratings:</b></td><td> <b>".'<span itemprop="votes">'."$rating_total</span></b><br>"; //if ($rating_total<2) echo " <b>{$txt_opw_num_ratings}:</b>\n </td>\n\n\n\n <td>\n {$rating_total} <br />\n </td>\n </tr>\n\n\n <tr>\n <td><b>{$txt_opw_average_rating}: </b></td>\n\n <td>"; echo '<span itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="">'; echo the_ratings_results($post->ID, 0, 0, 0, 10) . ' (<span itemprop="ratingValue">' . round($rating_avg, 1) . '</span> ' . $txt_out_of . ' <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span>) <span itemprop="ratingCount" content="' . $rating_total . '" /> <span itemprop="worstRating" content="0" /> </span> </td> </tr> '; echo ' <tr> <td class="td-ratingoverview">' . "<b>{$txt_opw_rating_overview}:</b></td>\n\n <td>"; if ($rating_total == 0) { $ra5 = 0; $ra4 = 0; $ra3 = 0; $ra2 = 0; $ra1 = 0; } else { $ra5 = 100 * $rating5 / $rating_total; $ra4 = 100 * $rating4 / $rating_total; $ra3 = 100 * $rating3 / $rating_total; $ra2 = 100 * $rating2 / $rating_total; $ra1 = 100 * $rating1 / $rating_total; } echo ' <div class="rateline" style="border: 0px solid #000;"> <div style="float: left;">5: </div> <div class="outerbox" style="background-color: #eee; width: 80px; float: left; margin: 4px 0px;"> <div class="box" style="border: 0px solid #088; background-color: #2b8fc3; height: 8px; width: ' . $ra5 . '%;" ></div> </div> (' . $rating5 . ') </div><br clear="all" />'; echo ' <div class="rateline" style="border: 0px solid #000; margin-top: -17px; "> <div style="float: left;">4: </div> <div class="outerbox" style="background-color: #eee; width: 80px; float: left; margin: 4px 0px;"> <div class="box" style="border: 0px solid #088; background-color: #2b8fc3; height: 8px; width: ' . $ra4 . '%;" ></div> </div> (' . $rating4 . ') </div><br clear="all" />'; echo ' <div class="rateline" style="border: 0px solid #000; margin-top: -17px; "> <div style="float: left;">3: </div> <div class="outerbox" style="background-color: #eee; width: 80px; float: left; margin: 4px 0px;"> <div class="box" style="border: 0px solid #088; background-color: #2b8fc3; height: 8px; width: ' . $ra3 . '%;" ></div> </div> (' . $rating3 . ') </div><br clear="all" />'; echo ' <div class="rateline" style="border: 0px solid #000; margin-top: -17px; "> <div style="float: left;">2: </div> <div class="outerbox" style="background-color: #eee; width: 80px; float: left; margin: 4px 0px;"> <div class="box" style="border: 0px solid #088; background-color: #2b8fc3; height: 8px; width: ' . $ra2 . '%;" ></div> </div> (' . $rating2 . ') </div><br clear="all" />'; echo ' <div class="rateline" style="border: 0px solid #000; margin-top: -17px; "> <div style="float: left;">1: </div> <div class="outerbox" style="background-color: #eee; width: 80px; float: left; margin: 4px 0px;"> <div class="box" style="border: 0px solid #2b8fc3; background-color: #2b8fc3; height: 8px; width: ' . $ra1 . '%;" ></div> </div> (' . $rating1 . ') </div>'; # echo ' # </div>'; echo ' <a href="#comments">' . $txt_rate_yourself . '</a>'; //echo "</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>"; echo "\n </td>\n </tr>\n\n </table>\n\n "; #echo '</div>'; // itemreviewed # echo " </div>"; //Rating #echo '</div>'; //Review-aggregate //echo $vspacer; // // -------- Subscriber ============================================================= // //if ($lang == "de"){ echo $vspacer; print "<b>" . '<i class="icon-user icon-add-hw-user"></i><i class="icon-plus icon-add-hw-plus"></i>' . "{$txt_wpop_register}</b><br />"; print "{$txt_register_long}"; if (is_user_logged_in()) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); print '<form action="/hardware-profile?srp=' . $post->ID . '&sra=s" method="post" onsubmit="if(this.sre.value==\'\' || this.sre.indexOf(\'@\')==0) return false"> <fieldset style="border:0"> <input type="hidden" class="subscribe-form-field" name="sre" value="' . $current_user->user_email . '" size="18"> <button type="submit" value="' . $txt_send . '" >' . $txt_send . ' <i class="icon-arrow-right icon-button"></i></button> </fieldset> </form>'; } else { print '<form action="/hardware-profile?srp=' . $post->ID . '&sra=s" method="post" onsubmit="if(this.sre.value==\'\' || this.sre.indexOf(\'@\')==0) return false"> <fieldset style="border:0"> <input type="text" class="subscribe-form-field" name="sre" value="email" size="18" onfocus="if(this.value==this.defaultValue)this.value=\'\'" onblur="if(this.value==\'\')this.value=this.defaultValue"/> <button type="submit" value="' . $txt_send . '" >' . $txt_send . ' <i class="icon-arrow-right icon-button"></i></button> </fieldset> </form>'; } $usernum = 0; //get number of registered users global $txt_opw_registered; global $wpdb; global $txt_not_avail; $usernum = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key LIKE '\\_stcr@\\_%' AND post_id = " . $post->ID); if ($usernum > 0) { print "(" . $txt_opw_registered . ": " . $usernum . ")"; } //print do_shortcode('<a href="/manage-subscriptions">'.$txt_manage_subscr."</a>"); //} // // ----------- Language Selector ============================================ // #$selected ='<div class="pricetop" style="border: 1px solid #2b8fc3; background-color: #eee; margin: 3px 3px 3px 3px; padding-top: 3px;">'; #$selectedEnd ='</div>'; # Debug: #lhg_store_comment_numbers_by_post_id( $post_id ); echo $vspacer; echo "<b>{$txt_select}:</b><br />"; //echo "PL:".get_permalink(); //echo "<br>QPL:".qtrans_convertURL(get_permalink()); list($null1, $null2, $null3, $posturl) = explode("/", get_permalink()); list($null1, $null2, $null3, $null4, $posturl2) = explode("/", get_permalink()); //echo "pu:".$posturl ."<br>"; //echo "pu2".$posturl2."<br>"; if ($posturl2 != "") { $posturl = $posturl2; } //we are in a qtranslate subfolder! $posturlde = $posturl; $posturlcom = $posturl; if (!is_search() and !($postID == "1821") and !is_archive()) { $comURL = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'COM_URL', true); $deURL = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'DE_URL', true); if ($comURL != "") { $posturlcom = $comURL; } if ($deURL != "") { $posturlde = $deURL; } if (substr($comURL, 0, 1) == "/") { $comURL = substr($comURL, 1); } if (substr($deURL, 0, 1) == "/") { $deURL = substr($deURL, 1); } //echo "LANG: $lang, PID: $postID, "; //translation still missing -> redirect to main page if ($comURL == "" and $post->ID > 2599 and $lang == "de") { $posturlcom = ""; } if ($deURL == "" and $post->ID > 2599 and $lang == "en") { $posturlde = ""; } # on de server get com link from priceDB if ($lang == "de") { $com = lhg_get_com_post_URL($postID); $comURL == $com; } } //remove language selection for .de $posturlde = str_replace("?lang=jp", "", $posturlde); $posturlde = str_replace("?lang=it", "", $posturlde); $posturlde = str_replace("?lang=es", "", $posturlde); $posturlde = str_replace("?lang=uk", "", $posturlde); $posturlde = str_replace("?lang=ca", "", $posturlde); $posturlde = str_replace("?lang=in", "", $posturlde); $posturlde = str_replace("?lang=fr", "", $posturlde); $posturlde = str_replace("?lang=cn", "", $posturlde); $posturlde = str_replace("?lang=en", "", $posturlde); $posturlcom = str_replace("?lang=jp", "", $posturlcom); $posturlcom = str_replace("?lang=it", "", $posturlcom); $posturlcom = str_replace("?lang=es", "", $posturlcom); $posturlcom = str_replace("?lang=uk", "", $posturlcom); $posturlcom = str_replace("?lang=ca", "", $posturlcom); $posturlcom = str_replace("?lang=in", "", $posturlcom); $posturlcom = str_replace("?lang=fr", "", $posturlcom); $posturlcom = str_replace("?lang=cn", "", $posturlcom); $posturlcom = str_replace("?lang=en", "", $posturlcom); if ($lang == "de") { $URLC = ""; $URLD = ""; } if ($lang != "de") { $URLC = ""; $URLD = ""; } //$URLC=""; //Debug if (1 == 1) { echo '<div class="countrytable"><table border="0"> <tr class="countrytable_header"> <td class="cth_country">Country</td> <td class="cth_price">Price</td> <td class="cth_currency"></td> <td class="cth_comment">Comments</td> </tr>'; print lhg_country_row("de", $URLC, $URLD, $posturlcom, $posturlde); print lhg_country_row("com", $URLC, $URLD, $posturlcom, $posturlde); print lhg_country_row("ca", $URLC, $URLD, $posturlcom, $posturlde); print lhg_country_row("", $URLC, $URLD, $posturlcom, $posturlde); print lhg_country_row("fr", $URLC, $URLD, $posturlcom, $posturlde); print lhg_country_row("es", $URLC, $URLD, $posturlcom, $posturlde); print lhg_country_row("it", $URLC, $URLD, $posturlcom, $posturlde); print lhg_country_row("nl", $URLC, $URLD, $posturlcom, $posturlde); print lhg_country_row("in", $URLC, $URLD, $posturlcom, $posturlde); print lhg_country_row("", $URLC, $URLD, $posturlcom, $posturlde); print lhg_country_row("cn", $URLC, $URLD, $posturlcom, $posturlde); echo "</table></div>"; } else { //if ($region == "de") print $selected; //echo ' <a href="'.$URLD.'/'.$posturlde.'"><img src="/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/flags/de.png" alt="Germany" /> Germany (€)</a><br />'; //if ($region == "de") print $selectedEnd; if ($region == "de") { print $selected; } echo ' <a href="' . $URLC . '/' . $posturlcom . '"><img src="/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/flags/us.png" alt="USA" /> USA (€)</a><br />'; if ($region == "de") { print $selectedEnd; } if ($region == "ca") { print $selected; } echo ' <a href="' . $URLC . '/ca/' . $posturlcom . '"><img src="/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/flags/ca.png" alt="Canada" /> Canada (CDN $)</a><br />'; if ($region == "ca") { print $selectedEnd; } if ($region == "") { print $selected; } echo ' <a href="' . $URLC . '/uk/' . $posturlcom . '"><img src="/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/flags/uk.png" alt="UK" /> United Kingdom (£)</a><br />'; if ($region == "") { print $selectedEnd; } if ($region == "fr") { print $selected; } echo ' <a href="' . $URLC . '/fr/' . $posturlcom . '"><img src="/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/flags/fr.png" alt="France" /> France (€)</a><br />'; if ($region == "fr") { print $selectedEnd; } if ($region == "es") { print $selected; } echo ' <a href="' . $URLC . '/es/' . $posturlcom . '"><img src="/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/flags/es.png" alt="Espana" /> Espana (€)</a><br />'; if ($region == "es") { print $selectedEnd; } if ($region == "it") { print $selected; } echo ' <a href="' . $URLC . '/it/' . $posturlcom . '"><img src="/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/flags/it.png" alt="Italia" /> Italia (€)</a><br />'; if ($region == "it") { print $selectedEnd; } if ($region == "nl") { print $selected; } echo ' <a href="' . $URLC . '/nl/' . $posturlcom . '"><img src="/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/flags/nl.png" alt="Netherlands" /> Netherlands (€)</a><br />'; if ($region == "nl") { print $selectedEnd; } if ($region == "in") { print $selected; } echo ' <a href="' . $URLC . '/in/' . $posturlcom . '"><img src="/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/flags/in.png" alt="India" /> India (₹)</a><br />'; if ($region == "in") { print $selectedEnd; } if ($region == "") { print $selected; } echo ' <a href="' . $URLC . '/ja/' . $posturlcom . '"><img src="/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/flags/jp.png" alt="Japan" /> Japan (¥)</a><br />'; if ($region == "") { print $selectedEnd; } if ($region == "cn") { print $selected; } echo ' <a href="' . $URLC . '/zh/' . $posturlcom . '"><img src="/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate/flags/cn.png" alt="China" /> China (RMB)</a><br />'; if ($region == "cn") { print $selectedEnd; } } // // Tag List Start // echo $vspacer; echo "\n\n" . " <b>{$txt_sim_tags}:</b>\n <br />"; echo "\n" . ' <div style="margin-left: 18px;">'; echo "\n\n" . ' <form method="get" action="/tagsearch/" class="combine_tags">' . "\n"; foreach (get_the_category() as $category) { $counter++; $CID = $category->cat_ID; break; //stop at main category! } $args = array('category' => $CID); $catposts = get_posts($args); foreach ($catposts as $post) { setup_postdata($post); $posttags = get_the_tags(get_the_ID()); if (is_array($posttags)) { foreach ($posttags as $tag) { if ($tag->count > 1) { // combination not useful in case of one result if ($tag->term_id != 981) { $count++; $tagstrings[$count] = $tag->term_id . '; <a href="' . get_tag_link($tag->term_id) . '">' . $tag->name . '</a> (' . $tag->count . ')<br /> '; if ($count > 15) { break; } } } } } } if (is_array($tagstrings)) { $unique_tagstrings = array_unique($tagstrings); } if (is_array($unique_tagstrings)) { sort($unique_tagstrings); } $countU = 0; if (is_array($unique_tagstrings)) { foreach ($unique_tagstrings as $tagstring) { $part = explode(";", $tagstring); $out .= "\n" . ' <input type="checkbox" name="tagid[' . $countU . ']" value="' . $part[0] . '" />' . $part[1]; $countU++; } } echo $out; // // Tag List End // echo $content_widget; echo "\n" . ' <div class="tagbutton"> <button type="submit" value="' . $txt_combine_tags . '" >' . $txt_combine_tags . ' <i class="icon-arrow-right icon-button"></i> </button> </div> </form>'; echo "\n" . "\n </div>\n "; echo "\n" . "</div>"; echo $after_widget; //close the blue widget } }
$findme = ''; $pos = strpos($geouid, $findme); if ($pos === false) { $errors .= $user->lang['Error_geosu']; } else { grab_url($geouid); foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) { $line = iconv('windows-1251', 'UTF-8', $line); if (preg_match_all('/<a href="note.php?/isU', $line, $res)) { break; } $view_data .= $line; //$errors .= "Line #<b>{$line_num}</b> : " . htmlspecialchars($line) . "<br />\n"; // Регион if (!$geo_region) { get_region($line); //$geo_region = $region; if ($region) { $errors .= '<font size="3">' . $region . '</font><hr>'; } $region = ''; } //координаты get_wgs($line); $wgs = str_replace(array(" ", "°", "'"), '', $wgs); $wgsfull = !$wgsfull ? $wgs : $wgsfull; $wgses = explode(" ", $wgs); if ($wgs) { $wgs_lat[0] = $wgses[1]; $wgs_lat[1] = $wgses[2]; //$wgs_lat[2] = 0;
function lhg_get_sorted_products($shopids_input, $productid, $region) { #global $region; //check if input is an array or single shop integer if (!is_array($shopids_input)) { $shopids[0]->id = $shopids_input; } else { $shopids = $shopids_input; } global $lhg_price_db; $n_result = 0; foreach ($shopids as $shopid) { $sid = $shopid->id; #if ($productid == 40247) print "SID: $sid <br>"; //ToDo: support for multiple products per shop needed (e.g. Amazon) //echo "SQL request"; //echo $lhg_price_db; $sql = "SELECT id, shop_id, shop_last_price, shop_shipping_costs, shop_url, last_update FROM `lhgprices` WHERE shop_id = \"" . $sid . "\" AND lhg_article_id = \"" . $productid . "\" AND shop_last_price != \"Too low to display\""; #echo "SQL: $sql"; $result[$n_result] = $lhg_price_db->get_results($sql); #if ($productid ==26619) print_r ($result[$n_result]); $n_result += 1; } //$result_tmp = $result[0][0]; //print_r ($result); // sort array #$total[0] = 0; #$sortid[0] = 0; $foundproducts = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $n_result; $i++) { $price = $result[$i][0]->shop_last_price; $ship = $result[$i][0]->shop_shipping_costs; #if ($productid == 40247) print "<br>price0: $price"; $price = lhg_amazon_price_to_float($price, $region); $ship = lhg_amazon_price_to_float($ship, $region); //print "Price ".$result[$i][0]->shop_id.": $price + $ship"; #if ($productid == 26619) print "<br>price: $price"; #if ($productid == 26619) var_dump($rval); //skip empty results, even ignore if only shipping costs are available if ($price > 0) { $total[$i] = $price + $ship; $sortid[$i] = $i; $foundproducts += 1; } //print "<br>"; } #if ($productid == 40247) print "<br>FP: $foundproducts"; //add Amazon information // ToDo: currently information is from Wordpress DB, should be retrieved from PriceDB // ToDo: PriceDB needs to be filled by amazon-product-in-post plugin for that to work /* if ( ( $region == "de") and ( get_region() != "de") ) { # searching for de price on com webpage # get_post_meta would be empty } else { //echo "Search for Amazon"; //get price & url from DB #print "REG: $region<br>"; if ($region == "") $region=get_region(); $meta="price-amazon.".$region; $aprice = get_post_meta($productid,$meta,true); $meta="url-amazon.".$region; $aurl =get_post_meta($productid,$meta,true); //amaz_url($post->ID); //$aurl stays empty for new articles //echo "Aprice: $aprice<br>"; if ( ($aprice!='out of stock') and ($aprice!='nicht lieferbar') and ($aprice!='Check Amazon For Pricing') and ($aurl != "") ) { //echo "adding Amazon"; $i += 1; #$meta="url-amazon.".$region; #$aurl =get_post_meta($productid,$meta,true); //amaz_url($post->ID); #$aurl = $result[][0]->shop_url; #if ($productid == 40247) print "URL: $url <br>"; $price = lhg_amazon_price_to_float ( $aprice , $region ); //echo "URL: $aurl<br>"; //echo "Reg: $region"; $result[$i][0]->shop_last_price = $price; $result[$i][0]->shop_url = $aurl; $result[$i][0]->shop_id = "-1"; if ($region == "de") $result[$i][0]->shop_id = "4"; if ($region == "it") $result[$i][0]->shop_id = "6"; if ($region == "com") $result[$i][0]->shop_id = "7"; if ($region == "") $result[$i][0]->shop_id = "8"; if ($region == "ca") $result[$i][0]->shop_id = "9"; if ($region == "fr") $result[$i][0]->shop_id = "10"; if ($region == "in") $result[$i][0]->shop_id = "11"; if ($region == "") $result[$i][0]->shop_id = "12"; if ($region == "cn") $result[$i][0]->shop_id = "13"; if ($region == "es") $result[$i][0]->shop_id = "14"; $total[$i] = $price + $ship; $sortid[$i] = $i; $foundproducts +=1 ; } } */ //var_dump($sortid); if (is_array($total)) { array_multisort($total, $sortid); } #if ($productid == 40247) print "TTT:<br>"; #var_dump($sortid); #if ($productid == 40247) var_dump($result); //format output //$rval = array("url","price","shipping","shopid"); for ($i = 0; $i < $foundproducts; $i++) { //echo "SID: $sortid[$i]"; $rval[$i]["url"] = $result[$sortid[$i]][0]->shop_url; $rval[$i]["shop_id"] = $result[$sortid[$i]][0]->shop_id; $rval[$i]["last_update"] = $result[$sortid[$i]][0]->last_update; $rval[$i]["id"] = $result[$sortid[$i]][0]->id; $price = $result[$sortid[$i]][0]->shop_last_price; $ship = $result[$sortid[$i]][0]->shop_shipping_costs; $price = lhg_amazon_price_to_float($price, $region); $ship = lhg_amazon_price_to_float($ship, $region); #$price = lhg_price_clean_format($price); #$ship = lhg_price_clean_format($ship); $rval[$i]["price"] = $price; $rval[$i]["shipping"] = $ship; //var_dump($rval); } #echo "<p>DUMP:"; #if ($productid == 40247) echo "<p>DUMP: "; #if ($productid == 26619) var_dump($rval); // Set values locally for faster access by category-post-list $setprice = $rval[0]["price"]; if ($setprice == "" or $setprice == 0) { $setprice = "out of stock"; } if ($region == "") { $region = get_region(); } $meta = "price-amazon." . $region; update_post_meta($productid, $meta, $setprice); // return $rval; }
// onclick=\'document.cookie="wpsmart_view_full_site=0;";window.location.href = "'.$actual_link.'";return false;\' id="view_full_site"><i class="icon-google-phone icon-large2"></i> <span class="footerlinks">Mobile optimized site</span></a> global $code_version; $output .= ' <a href="' . $actual_link_mobile . '"><i class="icon-resize-small icon-large2"></i> <span class="footerlinks">' . $txt_for_mobile . '</span></a> - <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="icon-github-sign icon-large2"></i> <span class="footerlinks">Code base: ' . $code_version . '</span></a> </p>'; echo $output; $url_contact = "contact"; $url_donate = "donations"; $region = get_region(); if ($region == "de") { $url_contact = "kontakt"; } if ($region == "de") { $url_donate = 'faq#donate'; } echo ' </div> <div id="bottom-links"> <div id="general-box"> <b>' . $txt_footer_general . '</b> <br /> <a href="' . $url_lang . '/' . $url_contact . '">' . $txt_footer_contact . '</a> <br /> <a href="' . $url_lang . '/faq">' . $txt_footer_faq . '</a>
\t<tr><td> \t\t<h3>Single File Download</h3> \t\tClick on the links next to each file to download files directly in netCDF--ascii--binary--csv formats \t\t<br> \t\tor to view the Catalog Page or information on OPenDAP. \t</td></tr> \t<tr><td> \t\t<button class="selectall" data-name="filedownload" type="button">Select All</button> <button class="deselectall" data-name="filedownload" type="button">DeSelect All</button> \t</td></tr> HereDoc; //=================== // PRODUCT LOOP //=================== foreach ($_POST["productt"] as $productt) { $regionn = get_region($productt); $dailyPath = get_dailyPath($productt, $Files); $monthlyPath = get_monthlyPath($productt, $Files); $opendapdailyPath = get_opendapDailyPath($productt, $Files); $opendapmonthlyPath = get_opendapMonthlyPath($productt, $Files); $myAggPath = get_aggPath($productt, $Files); //=================== // MODEL LOOP //=================== foreach ($_POST["model"] as $model) { $had_gem = false; $ccsm4 = false; if (in_array($model, array("HadGEM2-ES", "HadGEM2-CC"))) { $had_gem = true; } if (in_array($model, array("HadGEM2-ES365", "HadGEM2-CC365"))) {
function get_thumbnails($show_top = false) { // Retrieve Related Posts HTML for output $output = ''; $debug = 'Developer mode initialisation; Version: 1.2.9;'; $time = microtime(true); //R.Z.: post_number is doubled to get rid of non-available products $posts_number_real = get_option('relpoststh_number', $this->number); $posts_number = 2 * get_option('relpoststh_number', $this->number); if ($posts_number <= 0) { // return nothing if this parameter was set to <= 0 return $this->finish_process($output, $debug . 'Posts number is 0;', $time); } $id = get_the_ID(); $relation = get_option('relpoststh_relation', $this->relation); $poststhname = get_option('relpoststh_poststhname', $this->poststhname); $text_length = get_option('relpoststh_textlength', $this->text_length); $excerpt_length = get_option('relpoststh_excerptlength', $this->excerpt_length); $thsource = get_option('relpoststh_thsource', $this->thsource); $categories_show_all = get_option('relpoststh_show_categoriesall', get_option('relpoststh_categoriesall', $this->categories_all)); $onlywiththumbs = current_theme_supports('post-thumbnails') && $thsource == 'post-thumbnails' ? get_option('relpoststh_onlywiththumbs', false) : false; $post_type = get_post_type(); global $wpdb; /* Get taxonomy terms */ $debug .= "Relation: {$relation}; All categories: {$categories_show_all};"; $use_filter = $categories_show_all != '1' || $relation != 'no'; if ($use_filter) { $query_objects = "SELECT distinct object_id FROM {$wpdb->term_relationships} WHERE 1=1 "; if ($relation != 'no') { /* Get object terms */ if ($relation == 'categories') { $taxonomy = array('category'); } elseif ($relation == 'tags') { $taxonomy = array('post_tag'); } elseif ($relation == 'custom') { $taxonomy = get_option('relpoststh_custom_taxonomies', $this->custom_taxonomies); } else { $taxonomy = array('category', 'post_tag'); } $object_terms = wp_get_object_terms($id, $taxonomy, array('fields' => 'ids')); if (empty($object_terms) || !is_array($object_terms)) { // no terms to get taxonomy return $this->finish_process($output, $debug . 'No taxonomy terms to get posts;', $time); } $query = "SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id in ('" . implode("', '", $object_terms) . "')"; $object_taxonomy = $wpdb->get_results($query); $object_taxonomy_a = array(); if (count($object_taxonomy) > 0) { foreach ($object_taxonomy as $item) { $object_taxonomy_a[] = $item->term_taxonomy_id; } } $query_objects .= " AND term_taxonomy_id IN ('" . implode("', '", $object_taxonomy_a) . "') "; } if ($categories_show_all != '1') { /* Get filter terms */ $select_terms = get_option('relpoststh_show_categories', get_option('relpoststh_categories')); if (empty($select_terms) || !is_array($select_terms)) { // if no categories were specified intentionally return nothing return $this->finish_process($output, $debug . 'No categories were selected;', $time); } $query = "SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id in ('" . implode("', '", $select_terms) . "')"; $taxonomy = $wpdb->get_results($query); $filter_taxonomy_a = array(); if (count($taxonomy) > 0) { foreach ($taxonomy as $item) { $filter_taxonomy_a[] = $item->term_taxonomy_id; } } if ($relation != 'no') { $query_objects .= " AND object_id IN (SELECT distinct object_id FROM {$wpdb->term_relationships} WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN ('" . implode("', '", $filter_taxonomy_a) . "') )"; } else { $query_objects .= " AND term_taxonomy_id IN ('" . implode("', '", $filter_taxonomy_a) . "')"; } } $relationships = $wpdb->get_results($query_objects); $related_objects = array(); if (count($relationships) > 0) { foreach ($relationships as $item) { $related_objects[] = $item->object_id; } } } $query = "SELECT distinct ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} "; $where = " WHERE post_type = '" . $post_type . "' AND post_status = 'publish' AND ID<>" . $id; // not the current post $startdate = get_option('relpoststh_startdate'); if (!empty($startdate) && preg_match('/^\\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d$/', $startdate)) { // If startdate was set $debug .= "Startdate: {$startdate};"; $where .= " AND post_date >= '" . $startdate . "'"; } if ($use_filter) { $where .= " AND ID IN ('" . implode("', '", $related_objects) . "')"; } /* // All articles have thumbs or default image $join = ""; if ( $onlywiththumbs ) { $debug .= "Only with thumbnails;"; $join = " INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta ON ($wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->postmeta.post_id)"; $where .= " AND $wpdb->postmeta.meta_key = '_thumbnail_id'"; } */ $order = " ORDER BY rand() LIMIT " . $posts_number; $random_posts = $wpdb->get_results($query . $join . $where . $order); /* Get posts by their IDs */ if (!is_array($random_posts) || count($random_posts) < 1) { return $this->finish_process($output, $debug . 'No posts matching relationships criteria;', $time); } $posts_in = array(); foreach ($random_posts as $random_post) { $posts_in[] = $random_post->ID; } $query = "SELECT ID, post_content, post_excerpt, post_title FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID IN ('" . implode("', '", $posts_in) . "')"; $posts = array_reverse($wpdb->get_results($query)); if (!(is_array($posts) && count($posts) > 0)) { // no posts $debug .= 'No posts found;'; return $this->finish_process($output, $debug, $time); } else { $debug .= 'Found ' . count($posts) . ' posts;'; } /* Calculating sizes */ /* if ( $thsource == 'custom-field' ) { $debug .= 'Custom sizes;'; $width = get_option( 'relpoststh_customwidth', $this->custom_width ); $height = get_option( 'relpoststh_customheight', $this->custom_height ); } else { // post-thumbnails source if ( $poststhname == 'thumbnail' || $poststhname == 'medium' || $poststhname == 'large' ) { // get thumbnail size for basic sizes $debug .= 'Basic sizes;'; $width = get_option( "{$poststhname}_size_w" ); $height = get_option( "{$poststhname}_size_h" ); } elseif ( current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails' ) ) { // get sizes for theme supported thumbnails global $_wp_additional_image_sizes; if ( isset( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $poststhname ] ) ) { $debug .= 'Additional sizes;'; $width = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $poststhname ][ 'width' ]; $height = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $poststhname ][ 'height' ]; } else $debug .= 'No additional sizes;'; } } // displaying square if one size is not cropping if ( $height == 9999 ) $height = $width; if ( $width == 9999 ) $width = $height; // theme is not supporting but settings were not changed if ( empty( $width ) ) { $debug .= 'Using default width;'; $width = get_option( "thumbnail_size_w" ); } if ( empty( $height ) ) { $debug .= 'Using default height;'; $height = get_option( "thumbnail_size_h" ); } $debug .= 'Got sizes '.$width.'x'.$height.';'; */ // rendering related posts HTML global $txt_rpt_creation; //="creation date"; global $txt_rpt_update; //="last update"; global $txt_rpt_sub_by; //="last update"; $authorID = get_the_author_meta('ID'); if ($authorID == 1) { //$output2 = ', <span itemprop="reviewer">Linux-Hardware-Guide</span>'; $output2 = ', Linux-Hardware-Guide'; } elseif ($authorID == 12378 or $authorID == 27) { $pid = get_the_ID(); $mail = get_post_meta($pid, "user_submit_name", true); $pos = strpos($mail, "@"); #echo "MAIL: $pid - $mail - $pos<br>"; if ($pos > 0) { $name = ", sent by " . substr($mail, 0, $pos); } $output2 = $name . ' via web frontend'; } else { $avatar = get_avatar($authorID, 25); $author = get_the_author(); //$output2 .= ', '.$txt_rpt_sub_by.' <a href="./hardware-profile/user'.$authorID.'"><span itemprop="reviewer">'.$author."</span> $avatar</a>"; $output2 .= ', ' . $txt_rpt_sub_by . ' <a href="./hardware-profile/user' . $authorID . '">' . $author . " {$avatar}</a>"; } //end of itemprop description $output .= "</div>"; # was #$output .= "</span>"; $output .= '<div class="articledates">' . $txt_rpt_creation . ': ' . get_the_date(); //$output .= ", ".$txt_rpt_update.': <time itemprop="dtreviewed" datetime="'.get_the_modified_date('Y-m-d').'">'.get_the_modified_date()."</time>".$output2.'</div><br style="clear:left;" />'; $output .= ", " . $txt_rpt_update . ': ' . get_the_modified_date() . " " . $output2 . '</div><br style="clear:left;" />'; $output .= lhg_article_scans_overview(); global $txt_rpt_title; if ($show_top) { //$output .= "Test".stripslashes( get_option( 'relpoststh_top_text', $this->top_text ) ); $output .= $txt_rpt_title; } //"Test".stripslashes( get_option( 'relpoststh_top_text', $this->top_text ) ); //$relpoststh_output_style = get_option( 'relpoststh_output_style', $this->output_style ); //$relpoststh_cleanhtml = get_option( 'relpoststh_cleanhtml', 0 ); //$text_height = get_option( 'relpoststh_textblockheight', $this->text_block_height ); if ($relpoststh_output_style == 'list') { $output .= '<ul id="related_posts_thumbnails"'; if (!$relpoststh_cleanhtml) { $output .= ' style="list-style-type:none; list-style-position: inside; padding: 0; margin:0"'; } $output .= '>'; $output .= '<div class="theme-skinless"><ul id="carousel_0" class="jcarousel-skin-skinless">'; } //else //$output .= '<div id="hwcarou">'; $output .= '</div>'; //closure of "desription" span from amazon-plugin #$output .= '</span>'; //closure of "desription" span from amazon-plugin $output .= '<div style="clear: both"></div>' . "\n"; $output .= '<div class="theme-skinless" style="height:300px; width:98%; border:0px solid #eeeeee;padding:0px;margin:0px;"><div class="inner-caroussel-frame">' . "\n"; //$output .= '<div style="border: 1pt none ; margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt;">'."\n"; //$output .= '<div class="arrow-right"><a href="#scroll" class="carousel_0_prev">Back 1 panel</a></div>'."\n"; $output .= '<a href="#scroll" class="carousel_0_next"><img class="slider-left" src="/wp-content/plugins/wp-carousel/themes/premium-slider/img/arrow_left.png" alt="scroll left" /></a>' . "\n"; $output .= '<ul id="carousel_0" class="jcarousel-skin-skinless" >' . "\n"; $i = 0; $region = get_region(); foreach ($posts as $post) { $txt_na = "out of stock"; //check availability $meta = "price-amazon." . $region; $aprice = get_post_meta($post->ID, $meta, true); //no Amazon product available, check global DB as second try if ($aprice == "" or $aprice == $txt_na or $aprice == 0) { $aprice = lhg_db_get_cheapest_price($post->ID); } #echo "PDI: $post->ID -- "; #echo "AP: $aprice --"; if ($region == "de") { $txt_na = "nicht lieferbar"; } //if ($lang == "fr") $txt_na="indisponible"; //echo "Language: $lang"; //echo "AP: $aprice"; if ($aprice != "" && $aprice != $txt_na && $aprice != 0) { //check rating $meta = "ratings_average"; $rating = get_post_meta($post->ID, $meta, true); $ratinglist[$i] = $rating; $pidlist[$i] = $post->ID; //echo "rat: $rating --"; $i++; } } //echo "I: $i"; if ($i < 4) { $i--; //not enough found. append custom list $ratinglist[$i + 1] = 1; $ratinglist[$i + 2] = 1; $ratinglist[$i + 3] = 1; $ratinglist[$i + 4] = 1; $pidlist[$i + 1] = 1317; $pidlist[$i + 2] = 1459; $pidlist[$i + 3] = 2505; $pidlist[$i + 4] = 2528; $i += 4; //if ($aprice == "nicht lieferbar") $sc=""; //if ($aprice == "") $sc=""; //echo "<br>"; } array_multisort($ratinglist, SORT_DESC, $pidlist); //echo "<hr>"; //echo "I: $i<br>"; //print list of products for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) { //echo "Rat: $ratinglist[$j] ID: $pidlist[$j]<br>"; //} //echo "<hr>"; //foreach( $posts as $post ) { /* $image = ''; $url = ''; if ( $thsource == 'custom-field' ) { $debug .= 'Using custom field;'; $url = $basic_url = get_post_meta( $post->ID, get_option( 'relpoststh_customfield', $this->custom_field ), true ); if (strpos($url, '/wp-content') !== false) $url = substr($url, strpos($url, '/wp-content')); $theme_resize_url = get_option( 'relpoststh_theme_resize_url', '' ); if ( !empty( $theme_resize_url ) ) $url = $theme_resize_url . '?src=' . $url . '&w=' . $width . '&h=' . $height . '&zc=1&q=90'; } else { $from_post_body = true; if ( current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails' ) ) { // using built in Wordpress feature $post_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ); $debug .= 'Post-thumbnails enabled in theme;'; if ( !( empty( $post_thumbnail_id ) || $post_thumbnail_id === false ) ) { // post has thumbnail $debug .= 'Post has thumbnail '.$post_thumbnail_id.';'; $debug .= 'Postthname: '.$poststhname.';'; $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $post_thumbnail_id, $poststhname ); $url = $image[0]; $from_post_body = false; } else $debug .= 'Post has no thumbnail;'; } if ( $from_post_body ) { // Theme does not support post-thumbnails, or post does not have assigned thumbnail $debug .= 'Getting image from post body;'; $wud = wp_upload_dir(); preg_match_all( '|<img.*?src=[\'"](' . $wud['baseurl'] . '.*?)[\'"].*?>|i', $post->post_content, $matches ); // searching for the first uploaded image in text if ( isset( $matches ) ) $image = $matches[1][0]; else $debug .= 'No image was found;'; if ( strlen( trim( $image ) ) > 0 ) { $image_sizes = @getimagesize( $image ); if ( $image_sizes === false ) $debug .= 'Unable to determine parsed image size'; if ( $image_sizes !== false && isset( $image_sizes[0] ) && $image_sizes[0] == $width ) { // if this image is the same size as we need $debug .= 'Image used is the required size;'; $url = $image; } else { // if not, search for resized thumbnail according to Wordpress thumbnails naming function $debug .= 'Changing image according to Wordpress standards;'; $url = preg_replace( '/(-[0-9]+x[0-9]+)?(\.[^\.]*)$/', '-' . $width . 'x' . $height . '$2', $image ); } } else $debug .= 'Found wrong formatted image: '.$image.';'; } $basic_url = $url; } */ /* if ( strpos( $url, '/' ) === 0 ) { $debug .= 'Relative url: ' . $url . ';'; $url = $basic_url = get_bloginfo( 'url' ) . $url; } $debug .= 'Image URL: '.$url.';'; if ( empty( $basic_url ) ) { // parsed URL is empty or no file if can check $debug .= 'Image is empty or no file. Using default image;'; $url = get_option( 'relpoststh_default_image', $this->default_image ); } */ //$title = $this->process_text_cut( $post->post_title, $text_length ); //$title = str_replace('quot;', '"', $title); //$title = str_replace('amp;', '', $title); //$title = str_replace("&", '', $title); //$title = str_replace('Lenovo', '\"', $title); //$post_excerpt = ( empty( $post->post_excerpt ) ) ? $post->post_content : $post->post_excerpt; //$excerpt = $this->process_text_cut( $post_excerpt, $excerpt_length ); //if ( !empty( $title ) && !empty( $excerpt ) ) { // $title = '<b>' . $title . '</b>'; // $excerpt = '<br/>' . $excerpt; //} // $debug .= 'Using title with size ' . $text_length . '. Using excerpt with size ' . $excerpt_length . ';'; if ($relpoststh_output_style == 'list') { $link = get_permalink($post->ID); $fontface = str_replace('"', "'", stripslashes(get_option('relpoststh_fontfamily', $this->font_family))); $output .= '<li '; if (!$relpoststh_cleanhtml) { //$output .= ' style="float: left; padding: 0; margin:0; padding: 5px; display: block; border-right: 1px solid ' . get_option( 'relpoststh_bordercolor', $this->border_color ) . '; background-color: ' . get_option( 'relpoststh_background', $this->background ) . '" onmouseout="\'' . get_option( 'relpoststh_background', $this->background ) . '\'" onmouseover="\'' . get_option( 'relpoststh_hoverbackground', $this->hoverbackground ) . '\'"'; $output .= ' style="float: left; padding: 0; margin:0; padding: 5px; display: block; border-right: 1px solid'; } $output .= '>'; $output .= '<a href="' . $link . '" ><img alt="' . $title . '" src="' . $url . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" '; if (!$relpoststh_cleanhtml) { $output .= 'style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; border: 0pt none;"'; } $output .= '/></a>'; if ($text_height != '0') { $output .= '<a href="' . $link . '"'; if (!$relpoststh_cleanhtml) { $output .= ' style="display: block; width: ' . $width . 'px; overflow: hidden;height: ' . $text_height . 'px; font-family: ' . $fontface . '; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: ' . get_option('relpoststh_fontsize', $this->font_size) . 'px; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; -x-system-font: none; color: ' . get_option('relpoststh_fontcolor', $this->font_color) . ';text-decoration: none;"'; } $output .= '><span>' . $title . $excerpt . '</span></a></li>'; } } //else { //global $lang; //echo "LANG: $lang"; //if ($lang == "de"){ // $sc=""; // echo "Juhu! $post->ID "; //look if available // $meta=""; // $aprice = get_post_meta($post->ID,$meta,true); // echo "AP: $aprice--"; // if ($aprice == "nicht lieferbar") $sc=""; // if ($aprice == "") $sc=""; // if ( !(($aprice == "nicht lieferbar") or ($aprice == "")) ){ $output .= "\n \t <li class=\"panel\" style=\"height:230px;width:150px;background:#ffffff;margin-right: 20px; padding: 0px;\">\n \t [wp_cpl_sc cat_id=238 list_num=1 css_theme=0 sticky_post=" . $pidlist[$j] . "]\n \t </li>"; //} //do ignore otherwise //}else{ //cpu hog for other languages // $sc = do_shortcode(" // <li class=\"panel\" style=\"height:230px;width:150px;background:#ffffff;margin-right: 20px; padding: 0px;\"> // [wp_cpl_sc cat_id=238 list_num=1 css_theme=0 sticky_post=".$post->ID."] // </li>"); //} /* $sc = (" <li class=\"panel\" style=\"height:230px;width:150px;background:#ffffff;margin-right: 20px; padding: 0px;\"> [wp_cpl_sc cat_id=238 list_num=1 css_theme=0 sticky_post=".$post->ID."] </li>"); */ //$sc = do_shortcode("<li class=\"panel\" style=\"height:150px;width:130px;background:#ffffff;\"> Test </li>"); //echo "SC: $sc"; //if (strpos($sc,"nicht lieferbar") or strpos($sc,"out of stock")) { // $output .= ""; //}else{ #$output .= $sc; //sort by rating // $avgpos=strpos($sc,"average"); // $avg=substr($sc, $avgpos+9, 4); // #echo "Val=".substr($sc, $avg+9, 4); // $scr[$i]=(5-$avg)." ".$sc; //echo $i."--".$scr[$i]; // $i++; //} //$output .= "test"; //$url2=''; //$output .= '<a onmouseout="\'' . get_option( 'relpoststh_background', $this->background ) . '\'" onmouseover="\'' . get_option( 'relpoststh_hoverbackground', $this->hoverbackground ) . '\'" style="background-color: ' . get_option( 'relpoststh_background', $this->background ) . '; border-right: 1px solid ' . get_option( 'relpoststh_bordercolor', $this->border_color ) . '; border-bottom: medium none; margin: 0pt; padding: 6px; display: block; float: left; text-decoration: none; text-align: left; cursor: pointer;" href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '">'; //$output .= '<a style="border: 0px solid #000; height: 225px; background-color: ' . get_option( 'relpoststh_background', $this->background ) . '; padding: 5pt; display: block; float: left; text-decoration: none; text-align: left; cursor: pointer;" href="' . get_permalink( $post->ID ) . '" >'; //$output .= '<div style="border: 0pt none ; margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt; padding: 0pt; width: 150px; height: ' . ( $height + $text_height ) . 'px; " >'; //$output .= '<div style="border: 0pt none ; margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt; background: transparent url(' . $url . ') no-repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; width: 150px; height: 130px;"></div>'; //$output .= '<center><div style="border: 0pt none; margin: 3px 0pt 0pt; padding: 0pt; ">' . $title . $excerpt . ' //</div>'; //$output .= '<br><div id="rateprod" style="width=100px; border: 0pt none; display: inline; margin: 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; background: transparent url('. $url.') no-repeat scroll 0% 0%;" >'.the_ratings_results($post_id,0,0,0,10).'</div>'; //$output .= '<div class="teaser2">'.the_ratings_results($post->ID,0,0,0,10).'</div>'; //$output .= '<div style="border: 0px solid #eee; margin: 3px 0pt 0pt; padding: 0pt; ">'.$this->amaz_price($post->ID).'</div>'; //$output .= '</center></div>'; //$output .= '</a>'; //} } // end foreach //sort by rating //sort($scr); //for ($j=0;( ($j<$i) and ($j<$posts_number_real) ); $j++){ //remove sort value // $output .= substr($scr[$j],4); //} //print "Number: $j<br>"; /* if ($j < 2){ //not enough products - prevent carossel from failing $rndid=2146; $sc = do_shortcode(" <li class=\"panel\" style=\"height:230px;width:150px;background:#ffffff;margin-right: 20px; padding: 0px;\"> [wp_cpl_sc cat_id=238 list_num=1 css_theme=0 sticky_post=".$rndid."] </li>"); $output .= $sc; } */ //if ($relpoststh_output_style == 'list'){ // $output .= '</ul>'; //}else{ $output .= '</ul>'; $output .= '<a href="#scroll" class="carousel_0_prev"><img class="slider-right" src="/wp-content/plugins/wp-carousel/themes/premium-slider/img/arrow_right.png" alt="scroll right" /></a>' . "\n"; $output .= '</div></div>'; //$output .= '<div style="clear: both"></div><br clear="all"> <br clear="all">'; //} //caroussel //$output .='</div>'; // // $output .='<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> // $(function() { // // Using default configuration // $("#hwcarou").carouFredSel(); // }); // </script> // '; // $output .= '<div id="ratedprod" style="background-image: none; clear: both; width: 80px; border: 0pt none; display: inline; margin: 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; background: transparent; background-color: #eee;" >'.the_ratings_results($post_id,0,0,0,10).'</div>'; //Filter output! //$region = get_region(); return $this->finish_process($output, $debug, $time); }
public function submitorder() { $consignee_address_id = I('consignee_address_id'); $order_note = I('order_note'); //查询配送地址 $map = array(); $map['uid'] = UID; $map['consignee_address_id'] = $consignee_address_id; $info = M('ConsigneeAddress')->where($map)->find(); empty($info) && $this->error('配送地址错误!'); if (IS_POST) { //查询购物车是不是有商品 //$jon=__DB_PREFIX__.'goods as a on '.__DB_PREFIX__.'cart.goods_id=a.goods_id'; $map = array(); $map['uid'] = UID; $map['selected'] = 1; $cartlist = D('CartView')->where($map)->select(); empty($cartlist) && $this->error('购物车是空的!', U('Cart/index')); $ordernum = create_ordersn(); $order_total = 0.0; //订单总额 //把购物车中的产品生成订单保存到order_goods $datalist = array(); foreach ($cartlist as $val) { $num = intval($val['num']); $price = doubleval($val['price']); $order_total += $num * $price; $datalist[] = array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id'], 'uid' => UID, 'num' => $num, 'price' => $price, 'total' => $num * $price, 'order_id' => 0, 'create_time' => NOW_TIME); //从购物车中删除 M('Cart')->delete($val['cart_id']); } //把订单的所有产品价格生成一个支付信息保存到order $data = array(); $data['uid'] = UID; $data['order_sn'] = $ordernum; $data['create_time'] = NOW_TIME; $data['update_time'] = NOW_TIME; $data['order_total'] = $order_total; $data['consignee_name'] = $info['consignee_name']; $data['consignee_mobile'] = $info['consignee_mobile']; $data['consignee_diqu'] = get_region($info['consignee_diqu']); $data['consignee_detail'] = $info['consignee_detail']; $data['youbian'] = $info['consignee_youbian']; $data['order_status'] = 1; //$data['consignee_email']=$info['consignee_email']; $data['order_note'] = $order_note; $result = M('Order')->add($data); if (0 < $result) { $res = 0; foreach ($datalist as $k => $v) { $datalist[$k]['order_id'] = $result; $re = M('OrderGoods')->add($datalist[$k]); $re > 0 || $res++; } //$re=M('OrderGoods')->addAll($dataList); //var_dump($datalist); //var_dump($re); if ($res > 0) { $this->error('下单失败'); } else { //F('__ORDERSUCCESS__' . $result, 'true'); $this->success('下单成功', U('Buy/pay', array('order_id' => $result))); } } else { $this->error('提交订单失败'); } } else { $this->error('参数错误!'); } }
//Year of Publicaction $authors = get_result_meta($post->ID, '_authors_meta'); //Authors $institution = get_result_meta($post->ID, '_institution_meta'); //Institution $city = get_result_meta($post->ID, '_city_meta'); //City $cityb = get_result_meta($post->ID, '_city_meta_b'); $cityc = get_result_meta($post->ID, '_city_meta_c'); $cityd = get_result_meta($post->ID, '_city_meta_d'); $citye = get_result_meta($post->ID, '_city_meta_e'); $url = get_result_meta($post->ID, '_url_meta'); //URL $implementing_partner = get_implementing_partner($post->ID); //Implementing partner $region = get_region($post->ID); //Implementing partner $sector = get_sector($post->ID); //Implementing partner ?> <div id="pageheader" class="titleclass"> <div class="header-color-overlay"></div> <div class="container"> <div class="page-header"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h1 class="post_page_title entry-title" itemprop="name headline">Result - <?php echo get_the_title(); ?> </h1>
} echo "<strong>" . TXT_WPSC_CUSTOMERDETAILS . "</strong>"; echo "<table>"; $form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "submited_form_data` WHERE `log_id` = '" . $_GET['purchaseid'] . "'"; $input_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql, ARRAY_A); //exit("<pre>".print_r($input_data,true)."</pre>"); if ($input_data != null) { foreach ($input_data as $form_field) { $form_sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "collect_data_forms` WHERE `active` = '1' AND `id` = '" . $form_field['form_id'] . "' LIMIT 1"; $form_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql, ARRAY_A); if ($form_data != null) { $form_data = $form_data[0]; switch ($form_data['type']) { case 'country': if (is_numeric($purch_data[0]['shipping_region'])) { echo " <tr><td>" . TXT_WPSC_STATE . ":</td><td>" . get_region($purch_data[0]['shipping_region']) . "</td></tr>"; } echo " <tr><td>" . $form_data['name'] . ":</td><td>" . get_country($purch_data[0]['billing_country']) . "</td></tr>"; break; case 'delivery_country': echo " <tr><td>" . $form_data['name'] . ":</td><td>" . get_country($purch_data[0]['shipping_country']) . "</td></tr>"; break; default: echo " <tr><td>" . $form_data['name'] . ":</td><td>" . $form_field['value'] . "</td></tr>"; break; } } } } else { echo " <tr><td>" . TXT_WPSC_NAME . ":</td><td>" . $purch_data[0]['firstname'] . " " . $purch_data[0]['lastname'] . "</td></tr>"; echo " <tr><td>" . TXT_WPSC_ADDRESS . ":</td><td>" . $purch_data[0]['address'] . "</td></tr>";
} } } } } } } } } } return $ret; } //TEMPMAXC $out = ''; $weather_req = urlencode($word); $url = 'API'; $content = httpGet($url); $weather = get_weather($content); if ($weather == '') { $url = 'API'; $content = httpGet($url); $out = get_region($content); if ($out != '') { $weather_req = urlencode($out); $url = 'API'; $content = httpGet($url); $weather = get_weather($content); } } $weather_return = $weather; //out put will get in $weather;