// load the suggestions
 $suggestions = load_wordcheck_events($projectid, $timeCutoff);
 if (!is_array($suggestions)) {
     $messages[] = sprintf(_("Unable to load suggestions: %s"), $suggestions);
 // parse the suggestions complex array
 // it was pulled in the raw format
 $word_suggestions = array();
 foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion) {
     list($time, $round, $page, $proofer, $words) = $suggestion;
     if (in_array($word, $words)) {
         array_push($word_suggestions, $suggestion);
 slim_header(_("Suggestion Detail"));
 $project_name = get_project_name($projectid);
 echo "<h2>", sprintf(_("Suggestion context for '%1\$s' in %2\$s"), $word, $project_name), "</h2>";
 echo "<p>";
 echo "<a href='show_word_context.php?projectid={$projectid}&amp;word={$encWord}' target='_PARENT'>" . _("Show full context set for this word") . "</a>";
 echo " | ";
 echo "<a target='_PARENT' href='" . attr_safe($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?projectid={$projectid}&amp;word={$encWord}&amp;timeCutoff={$timeCutoff}&amp;";
 if ($layout == LAYOUT_HORIZ) {
     echo "layout=" . LAYOUT_VERT . "'>" . _("Change to vertical layout");
 } else {
     echo "layout=" . LAYOUT_HORIZ . "'>" . _("Change to horizontal layout");
 echo "</a>";
 echo "</p>";
 foreach ($word_suggestions as $suggestion) {
     list($time, $round, $page, $proofer, $words) = $suggestion;
예제 #2
파일: viewFeed.php 프로젝트: rpshaw/CDash
$Project = new Project();
$role = 0;
if ($projectid) {
    $project = pdo_query("SELECT name FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'");
    if (pdo_num_rows($project) > 0) {
        $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
        $projectname = $project_array["name"];
    $Project->Id = $projectid;
    $role = $Project->GetUserRole($userid);
} else {
    $projectname = 'Global';
$xml = begin_XML_for_XSLT();
$xml .= "<title>Feed - " . $projectname . "</title>";
$xml .= get_cdash_dashboard_xml(get_project_name($projectid), $date);
$sql = '';
if ($date) {
    $sql = "AND date>'" . $date . "'";
// Get the errors
$query = pdo_query("SELECT * FROM feed WHERE projectid=" . qnum($projectid) . " ORDER BY id DESC");
while ($query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query)) {
    $xml .= "<feeditem>";
    $xml .= add_XML_value("date", $query_array["date"]);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("buildid", $query_array["buildid"]);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("type", $query_array["type"]);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("description", $query_array["description"]);
    $xml .= "</feeditem>";
$xml .= add_XML_value("admin", $User->IsAdmin());
예제 #3
    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
pmx_require_header("Item List");
$id = isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : "";
if (!is_item_exist($id)) {
    die("Error : Project id is invalid.");
$items = get_item_list($id);
<div class="main">
	<div class="top-bar">
		<div class="top-bar-title">
echo esc_html(get_project_name($id));
	<div class="main-item-projs-items-bar">
		<div class="pagination">
echo esc_html(get_item_page_item_range());
, Total <?php 
echo esc_html(get_item_num($id));
			<a type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs btn-page"
echo get_item_prevpageurl();
예제 #4
/** Main function to parse the incoming xml from ctest */
function ctest_parse($filehandler, $projectid, $expected_md5 = '', $do_checksum = true, $scheduleid = 0)
    include 'config/config.php';
    require_once 'include/common.php';
    require_once 'models/project.php';
    include 'include/version.php';
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists('local/ctestparser.php')) {
        require_once 'local/ctestparser.php';
        $localParser = new LocalParser();
        $localParser->BufferSizeMB = 8192 / (1024 * 1024);
    // Check if this is a new style PUT submission.
    if (parse_put_submission($filehandler, $projectid, $expected_md5)) {
        return true;
    $content = fread($filehandler, 8192);
    $handler = null;
    $parser = xml_parser_create();
    $file = '';
    if (preg_match('/<Update/', $content)) {
        // Should be first otherwise confused with Build
        $handler = new UpdateHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = 'Update';
    } elseif (preg_match('/<Build/', $content)) {
        $handler = new BuildHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = 'Build';
    } elseif (preg_match('/<Configure/', $content)) {
        $handler = new ConfigureHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = 'Configure';
    } elseif (preg_match('/<Testing/', $content)) {
        $handler = new TestingHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = 'Test';
    } elseif (preg_match('/<CoverageLog/', $content)) {
        // Should be before coverage
        $handler = new CoverageLogHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = 'CoverageLog';
    } elseif (preg_match('/<Coverage/', $content)) {
        $handler = new CoverageHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = 'Coverage';
    } elseif (preg_match('/<report/', $content)) {
        $handler = new CoverageJUnitHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = 'Coverage';
    } elseif (preg_match('/<Notes/', $content)) {
        $handler = new NoteHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = 'Notes';
    } elseif (preg_match('/<DynamicAnalysis/', $content)) {
        $handler = new DynamicAnalysisHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = 'DynamicAnalysis';
    } elseif (preg_match('/<Project/', $content)) {
        $handler = new ProjectHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = 'Project';
    } elseif (preg_match('/<Upload/', $content)) {
        $handler = new UploadHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = 'Upload';
    } elseif (preg_match('/<test-results/', $content)) {
        $handler = new TestingNUnitHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = 'Test';
    } elseif (preg_match('/<testsuite/', $content)) {
        $handler = new TestingJUnitHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = 'Test';
    // Try to get the IP of the build
    global $CDASH_REMOTE_ADDR;
    if ($handler == null) {
        echo 'no handler found';
        add_log('error: could not create handler based on xml content', 'ctest_parse', LOG_ERR);
        $Project = new Project();
        $Project->Id = $projectid;
        $Project->SendEmailToAdmin('Cannot create handler based on XML content', 'An XML submission from ' . $ip . ' to the project ' . get_project_name($projectid) . ' cannot be parsed. The content of the file is as follow: ' . $content);
        return false;
    xml_set_element_handler($parser, array($handler, 'startElement'), array($handler, 'endElement'));
    xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, array($handler, 'text'));
    xml_parse($parser, $content, false);
    $projectname = get_project_name($projectid);
    $sitename = '';
    $buildname = '';
    $stamp = '';
    if ($file != 'Project') {
        // projects don't have some of these fields.
        $sitename = $handler->getSiteName();
        $buildname = $handler->getBuildName();
        $stamp = $handler->getBuildStamp();
    // Check if the build is in the block list
    $query = pdo_query('SELECT id FROM blockbuild WHERE projectid=' . qnum($projectid) . "\n            AND (buildname='' OR buildname='" . $buildname . "')\n            AND (sitename='' OR sitename='" . $sitename . "')\n            AND (ipaddress='' OR ipaddress='" . $ip . "')");
    if (pdo_num_rows($query) > 0) {
        echo 'The submission is banned from this CDash server.';
        add_log('Submission is banned from this CDash server', 'ctestparser');
        return false;
    // If backups are disabled, switch the filename to that of the existing handle
    // Otherwise, create a backup file and process from that
    if ($CDASH_BACKUP_TIMEFRAME == '0') {
        $meta_data = stream_get_meta_data($filehandler);
        $filename = $meta_data['uri'];
    } else {
        $filename = writeBackupFile($filehandler, $content, $projectname, $buildname, $sitename, $stamp, $file . '.xml');
        if ($filename === false) {
            return $handler;
    $statusarray = array();
    $statusarray['status'] = 'OK';
    $statusarray['message'] = '';
    if ($do_checksum == true) {
        $md5sum = md5_file($filename);
        $md5error = false;
        if ($expected_md5 == '' || $expected_md5 == $md5sum) {
            $statusarray['status'] = 'OK';
        } else {
            $statusarray['status'] = 'ERROR';
            $statusarray['message'] = 'Checksum failed for file. Expected ' . $expected_md5 . ' but got ' . $md5sum;
            $md5error = true;
        $statusarray['md5'] = $md5sum;
        if ($md5error) {
            add_log("Checksum failure on file: {$filename}", 'ctest_parse', LOG_ERR, $projectid);
            return false;
    $parsingerror = '';
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists('local/ctestparser.php')) {
        $parsingerror = $localParser->StartParsing();
        if ($parsingerror != '') {
            $statusarray['status'] = 'ERROR';
            $statusarray['message'] = $parsingerror;
    if (!($parseHandle = fopen($filename, 'r'))) {
        $statusarray['status'] = 'ERROR';
        $statusarray['message'] = "ERROR: Cannot open file ({$filename})";
        add_log("Cannot open file ({$filename})", 'parse_xml_file', LOG_ERR);
        return $handler;
    //burn the first 8192 since we have already parsed it
    $content = fread($parseHandle, 8192);
    while (!feof($parseHandle)) {
        $content = fread($parseHandle, 8192);
        if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists('local/ctestparser.php')) {
            $parsingerror = $localParser->ParseFile();
            if ($parsingerror != '') {
                $statusarray['status'] = 'ERROR';
                $statusarray['message'] = $parsingerror;
        xml_parse($parser, $content, false);
    xml_parse($parser, null, true);
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists('local/ctestparser.php')) {
        $parsingerror = $localParser->EndParsingFile();
    return $handler;
예제 #5
/** Send an email to administrator of the project for users who are not registered */
function sendEmailUnregisteredUsers($projectid, $cvsauthors)
    include "cdash/config.php";
    require_once "models/userproject.php";
    include_once "cdash/common.php";
    $unregisteredusers = array();
    foreach ($cvsauthors as $author) {
        if ($author == "Local User") {
        $UserProject = new UserProject();
        $UserProject->RepositoryCredential = $author;
        $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
        if (!$UserProject->FillFromRepositoryCredential()) {
            $unregisteredusers[] = $author;
    // Send the email if any
    if (count($unregisteredusers) > 0) {
        // Find the project administrators
        $email = "";
        $emails = pdo_query("SELECT email FROM " . qid("user") . ",user2project WHERE " . qid("user") . ".id=user2project.userid\n                         AND user2project.projectid=" . qnum($projectid) . " AND user2project.role='2'");
        while ($emails_array = pdo_fetch_array($emails)) {
            if ($email != "") {
                $email .= ", ";
            $email .= $emails_array["email"];
        // Send the email
        if ($email != "") {
            $projectname = get_project_name($projectid);
            $serverName = $CDASH_SERVER_NAME;
            if (strlen($serverName) == 0) {
                $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
            $title = "CDash [" . $projectname . "] - Unregistered users";
            $body = "The following users are checking in code but are not registered for the project " . $projectname . ":\n";
            foreach ($unregisteredusers as $unreg) {
                $body .= "* " . $unreg . "\n";
            $body .= "\n You should register these users to your project. They are currently not receiving any emails from CDash.\n";
            $body .= "\n-CDash on " . $serverName . "\n";
            add_log($title . " : " . $body . " : " . $email, "sendEmailUnregisteredUsers");
            if (cdashmail("{$email}", $title, $body, "From: CDash <" . $CDASH_EMAIL_FROM . ">\nReply-To: " . $CDASH_EMAIL_REPLY . "\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "\nMIME-Version: 1.0")) {
                add_log("email sent to: " . $email, "sendEmailUnregisteredUsers");
            } else {
                add_log("cannot send email to: " . $email, "sendEmailUnregisteredUsers");
    // end count()
예제 #6
/** Send an email to administrator of the project for users who are not registered */
function sendEmailUnregisteredUsers($projectid, $cvsauthors)
    include 'config/config.php';
    require_once 'models/userproject.php';
    include_once 'include/common.php';
    $unregisteredusers = array();
    foreach ($cvsauthors as $author) {
        if ($author == 'Local User') {
        $UserProject = new UserProject();
        $UserProject->RepositoryCredential = $author;
        $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
        if (!$UserProject->FillFromRepositoryCredential()) {
            $unregisteredusers[] = $author;
    // Send the email if any
    if (count($unregisteredusers) > 0) {
        // Find the project administrators
        $email = '';
        $emails = pdo_query('SELECT email FROM ' . qid('user') . ',user2project WHERE ' . qid('user') . '.id=user2project.userid
                         AND user2project.projectid=' . qnum($projectid) . " AND user2project.role='2'");
        while ($emails_array = pdo_fetch_array($emails)) {
            if ($email != '') {
                $email .= ', ';
            $email .= $emails_array['email'];
        // Send the email
        if ($email != '') {
            $projectname = get_project_name($projectid);
            $serverName = $CDASH_SERVER_NAME;
            if (strlen($serverName) == 0) {
                $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
            $title = 'CDash [' . $projectname . '] - Unregistered users';
            $body = 'The following users are checking in code but are not registered for the project ' . $projectname . ":\n";
            foreach ($unregisteredusers as $unreg) {
                $body .= '* ' . $unreg . "\n";
            $body .= "\n You should register these users to your project. They are currently not receiving any emails from CDash.\n";
            $body .= "\n-CDash on " . $serverName . "\n";
            add_log($title . ' : ' . $body . ' : ' . $email, 'sendEmailUnregisteredUsers');
            if (cdashmail("{$email}", $title, $body)) {
                add_log('email sent to: ' . $email, 'sendEmailUnregisteredUsers');
            } else {
                add_log('cannot send email to: ' . $email, 'sendEmailUnregisteredUsers');
예제 #7
			<a href="#"
        echo $hostList_item["title"] != "" ? esc_html($hostList_item["title"]) : "unknow";
				class="label label-info">T : <?php 
        echo $hostList_item["title"] != "" ? esc_html(mb_substr($hostList_item["title"], 0, 10, "utf-8")) . "..." : "unknow";
			<a href="#"
        echo esc_html(get_project_name($hostList_item["pid"]));
				class="label label-info">P : <?php 
        echo esc_html(mb_substr(get_project_name($hostList_item["pid"]), 0, 10, "utf-8") . "...");
		<div class="main-item-footer pull-left">
			<div class="main-item-host-mark">
				<a href="#"><span
        echo $hostList_item["device"] != "" ? esc_html($hostList_item["device"]) : "unknow";
				<a href="#"><span
        echo esc_html(host_get_system($hostList_item["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]));
예제 #8
      lines: { show: true },
      points: { show: true },
      xaxis: { mode: "time" }, 
      grid: {backgroundColor: "#fffaff",
      clickable: true,
      hoverable: true,
      hoverFill: '#444',
      hoverRadius: 4},
      selection: { mode: "x" },
      colors: ["#0000FF", "#dba255", "#919733"]
    $("#grapholder").bind("selected", function (event, area) {
    plot = $.plot($("#grapholder"), [{label: "Number of changed files",  data: d1}], $.extend(true, {}, options, {xaxis: { min: area.x1, max: area.x2 }}));
   $("#grapholder").bind("plotclick", function (e, pos, item) {
       if (item) {
           plot.highlight(item.series, item.datapoint);
           date = dates[item.datapoint[0]];
           window.location = "viewChanges.php?project=<?php 
echo get_project_name($projectid);
  plot = $.plot($("#grapholder"), [{label: "Number of changed files",  data: d1}],options);
예제 #9
echo '<table width="90%"' . ">\n";
if (!isset($_GET['project_id'])) {
    echo '<tr><td colspan="2" align="center" class="naglowek">Wybierz projekt<hr></td></tr>' . "\n";
    $active_projects = get_active_projects();
    echo '<tr><td width="50%">';
    show_select_project_form($active_projects, 'Projekty aktywne');
    echo '</td><td width=50%">';
    $inactive_projects = array_diff(get_projects(), $active_projects);
    show_select_project_form($inactive_projects, 'Projekty nieaktywne');
    echo '</td></tr></table>' . "\n";
$show_orgs = isset($_GET['show_orgs']) ? $_GET['show_orgs'] : 0;
$show_contacts = isset($_GET['show_contacts']) ? $_GET['show_contacts'] : 0;
echo '<tr><td align="center" class="naglowek">Dane projektu <i>' . htmlspecialchars(get_project_name($_GET['project_id'])) . '</i>';
if (is_admin()) {
    echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a href="../admin/edit_project_form.php?project_id=' . $_GET['project_id'] . '" class="menu">Edytuj</a>]';
echo "<hr></td></tr>\n";
<tr><td align="center">
	<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
		<th rowspan="3" align="center" valign="center">U¿ytkownik</th>
		<th colspan="3" align="center">Organizacje</th>
		<th colspan="3" align="center">Kontakty</th>
		<th rowspan="2" align="center">Przyznane</th>
		<th colspan="2" align="center">Skontaktowane?</th>
예제 #10
파일: viewSite.php 프로젝트: kitware/cdash
$testtime = pdo_query('SELECT projectid, build.name AS buildname, build.type AS buildtype, SUM(' . $timediff . ') AS elapsed
              FROM build, buildupdate, build2update
                build.submittime > ' . $timestampadd . "\n                AND build2update.buildid = build.id\n                AND buildupdate.id = build2update.updateid\n                AND build.siteid = '{$siteid}'\n                GROUP BY projectid,buildname,buildtype\n                ORDER BY elapsed\n                ");
$xml .= '<siteload>';
echo pdo_error();
$totalload = 0;
while ($testtime_array = pdo_fetch_array($testtime)) {
    $projectid = $testtime_array['projectid'];
    if (checkUserPolicy(@$_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'], $projectid, 1)) {
        $timespent = round($testtime_array['elapsed'] / 7.0);
        // average over 7 days
        $xml .= '<build>';
        $xml .= add_XML_value('name', $testtime_array['buildname']);
        $xml .= add_XML_value('project', get_project_name($projectid));
        $xml .= add_XML_value('type', $testtime_array['buildtype']);
        $xml .= add_XML_value('time', $timespent);
        $totalload += $timespent;
        $xml .= '</build>';
// Compute the idle time
$idletime = 24 * 3600 - $totalload;
if ($idletime < 0) {
    $idletime = 0;
$xml .= '<idle>' . $idletime . '</idle>';
$xml .= '</siteload>';
if (isset($_SESSION['cdash'])) {
    $xml .= '<user>';
예제 #11
"> $ <?php 
    echo $res->amount;
									  <td class="<?php 
    echo $class1;
    echo get_datetime($res->transaction_time);
									   <td class="<?php 
    echo $class1;
    $project_name = get_project_name($res->project_id);
    if (isset($project_name)) {
        echo $project_name;
									  <td class="<?php 
    echo $class1;
    echo $res->status;
    if ($res->status == 'Pending') {
예제 #12
파일: display.php 프로젝트: exviva/flip
function display_link_to_project($project_id, $status = 1)
    echo '<a href="' . get_www_root() . 'show/show_project.php?project_id=' . $project_id . '&show_orgs=0&show_contacts=0" class="' . ($status == 0 ? 'closed_project' : 'menu') . '">' . htmlspecialchars(get_project_name($project_id)) . '</a>';
예제 #13
if (isset($_POST['project_name'])) {
    $project_name = stripslashes($_POST['project_name']);
} else {
    $project_name = get_project_name($project_id);
if (!is_admin()) {
echo '<table width="90%">';
echo '<tr><td align="center" class="naglowek">Edytuj dane projektu <i>' . htmlspecialchars(get_project_name($project_id)) . "</i><hr></td></tr>\n";
if (isset($_POST['ocp_id'])) {
    $ocp_id = $_POST['ocp_id'];
} else {
    $ocp_id = get_project_ocp($project_id);
<form action="edit_project.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="project_id" value="<?php 
echo $project_id;
			<td align="right">Nazwa projektu:</td>
예제 #14
                    echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '[' . $arr_k . '] value="' . $arr_v . '">' . "\n";
            } else {
                echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($value)) . '">' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="new_orgs" value="' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(join("\n", $new_orgs))) . '">' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="project_new_orgs" value="' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(join("\n", $project_new_orgs))) . '">' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="confirmed" value="yes">' . "\n";
    echo '<input type="submit" value="Zatwierd¼">' . "\n";
    echo "</form></td></tr></table>\n";
    echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
} else {
    if (stripslashes($_POST['project_name']) !== get_project_name($_POST['project_id']) && !change_project_name($_POST['project_id'], $_POST['project_name'])) {
        display_warning('Zmiana nazwy projektu zakoñczona niepowodzeniem!');
    if ($_POST['ocp_id'] !== get_project_ocp($_POST['project_id']) && !change_project_ocp($_POST['project_id'], $_POST['ocp_id'])) {
        display_warning('Zmiana OCPa zakoñczona niepowodzeniem!');
    if (isset($_POST['del_orgs']) && !delete_orgs_from_project(array_keys($_POST['del_orgs']), $_POST['project_id'])) {
        display_warning('Usuniêcie organizacji zakoñczone niepowodzeniem!');
    if (isset($_POST['new_orgs'])) {
        $new_orgs = str_replace("\r", '', $_POST['new_orgs']);
        $new_orgs = explode("\n", $new_orgs);
        if (!empty($new_orgs[0])) {
예제 #15
/** Main function to parse the incoming xml from ctest */
function ctest_parse($filehandler, $projectid, $expected_md5 = '', $do_checksum = true, $scheduleid = 0)
    include 'cdash/config.php';
    require_once 'cdash/common.php';
    require_once 'models/project.php';
    include 'cdash/version.php';
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists("local/ctestparser.php")) {
        require_once "local/ctestparser.php";
        $localParser = new LocalParser();
        $localParser->BufferSizeMB = 8192 / (1024 * 1024);
    // Check if this is a new style PUT submission.
    if (parse_put_submission($filehandler, $projectid, $expected_md5)) {
        return true;
    $content = fread($filehandler, 8192);
    $handler = null;
    $parser = xml_parser_create();
    $file = "";
    if (preg_match('/<Update/', $content)) {
        $handler = new UpdateHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
        $file = "Update";
    } else {
        if (preg_match('/<Build/', $content)) {
            $handler = new BuildHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
            $file = "Build";
        } else {
            if (preg_match('/<Configure/', $content)) {
                $handler = new ConfigureHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
                $file = "Configure";
            } else {
                if (preg_match('/<Testing/', $content)) {
                    $handler = new TestingHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
                    $file = "Test";
                } else {
                    if (preg_match('/<CoverageLog/', $content)) {
                        $handler = new CoverageLogHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
                        $file = "CoverageLog";
                    } else {
                        if (preg_match('/<Coverage/', $content)) {
                            $handler = new CoverageHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
                            $file = "Coverage";
                        } else {
                            if (preg_match('/<report/', $content)) {
                                $handler = new CoverageJUnitHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
                                $file = "Coverage";
                            } else {
                                if (preg_match('/<Notes/', $content)) {
                                    $handler = new NoteHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
                                    $file = "Notes";
                                } else {
                                    if (preg_match('/<DynamicAnalysis/', $content)) {
                                        $handler = new DynamicAnalysisHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
                                        $file = "DynamicAnalysis";
                                    } else {
                                        if (preg_match('/<Project/', $content)) {
                                            $handler = new ProjectHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
                                            $file = "Project";
                                        } else {
                                            if (preg_match('/<Upload/', $content)) {
                                                $handler = new UploadHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
                                                $file = "Upload";
                                            } else {
                                                if (preg_match('/<test-results/', $content)) {
                                                    $handler = new TestingNUnitHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
                                                    $file = "Test";
                                                } else {
                                                    if (preg_match('/<testsuite/', $content)) {
                                                        $handler = new TestingJUnitHandler($projectid, $scheduleid);
                                                        $file = "Test";
    if ($handler == NULL) {
        echo "no handler found";
        add_log('error: could not create handler based on xml content', 'ctest_parse', LOG_ERR);
        $Project = new Project();
        $Project->Id = $projectid;
        // Try to get the IP of the build
        $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        $Project->SendEmailToAdmin('Cannot create handler based on XML content', 'An XML submission from ' . $ip . ' to the project ' . get_project_name($projectid) . ' cannot be parsed. The content of the file is as follow: ' . $content);
    xml_set_element_handler($parser, array($handler, 'startElement'), array($handler, 'endElement'));
    xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, array($handler, 'text'));
    xml_parse($parser, $content, false);
    $projectname = get_project_name($projectid);
    $sitename = "";
    $buildname = "";
    $stamp = "";
    if ($file != "Project") {
        $sitename = $handler->getSiteName();
        $buildname = $handler->getBuildName();
        $stamp = $handler->getBuildStamp();
    // Check if the build is in the block list
    $query = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM blockbuild WHERE projectid=" . qnum($projectid) . "\n                         AND (buildname='' OR buildname='" . $buildname . "')\n                         AND (sitename='' OR sitename='" . $sitename . "')\n                         AND (ipaddress='' OR ipaddress='" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "')");
    if (pdo_num_rows($query) > 0) {
        echo $query_array['id'];
        echo "The submission is banned from this CDash server.";
        add_log("Submission is banned from this CDash server", "ctestparser");
    // Write the file to the backup directory.
    $filename = writeBackupFile($filehandler, $content, $projectname, $buildname, $sitename, $stamp, $file . ".xml");
    if ($filename === false) {
        return $handler;
    $statusarray = array();
    $statusarray['status'] = 'OK';
    $statusarray['message'] = '';
    if ($do_checksum == true) {
        $md5sum = md5_file($filename);
        $md5error = false;
        if ($expected_md5 == '' || $expected_md5 == $md5sum) {
            $statusarray['status'] = 'OK';
        } else {
            $statusarray['status'] = 'ERROR';
            $statusarray['message'] = 'Checksum failed for file. Expected ' . $expected_md5 . ' but got ' . $md5sum;
            $md5error = true;
        $statusarray['md5'] = $md5sum;
        if ($md5error) {
            add_log("Checksum failure on file: {$filename}", "ctest_parse", LOG_ERR, $projectid);
            return FALSE;
    $parsingerror = '';
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists("local/ctestparser.php")) {
        $parsingerror = $localParser->StartParsing();
        if ($parsingerror != '') {
            $statusarray['status'] = 'ERROR';
            $statusarray['message'] = $parsingerror;
    if (!($parseHandle = fopen($filename, 'r'))) {
        $statusarray['status'] = 'ERROR';
        $statusarray['message'] = "ERROR: Cannot open file ({$filename})";
        add_log("Cannot open file ({$filename})", "parse_xml_file", LOG_ERR);
        return $handler;
    //burn the first 8192 since we have already parsed it
    $content = fread($parseHandle, 8192);
    while (!feof($parseHandle)) {
        $content = fread($parseHandle, 8192);
        if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists("local/ctestparser.php")) {
            $parsingerror = $localParser->ParseFile();
            if ($parsingerror != '') {
                $statusarray['status'] = 'ERROR';
                $statusarray['message'] = $parsingerror;
        xml_parse($parser, $content, false);
    xml_parse($parser, null, true);
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists("local/ctestparser.php")) {
        $parsingerror = $localParser->EndParsingFile();
    return $handler;
include_once $relPath . 'wordcheck_engine.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'Project.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'theme.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'links.inc';
include_once "./word_freq_table.inc";
// no time limit
$projectid = validate_projectID('projectid', @$_GET['projectid']);
$title = _("WordCheck Project Usage");
output_header($title, NO_STATSBAR);
echo "<h1>{$title}</h1>";
echo "<h2>" . get_project_name($projectid) . "</h2>";
// load the events
$events = load_wordcheck_events($projectid);
if (is_array($events)) {
    // parse the events complex array
    foreach ($events as $event) {
        list($time, $roundID, $page, $proofer, $words, $corrections) = $event;
echo "<p>" . _("The following table lists the number of times WordCheck was run against a page in each round and the last user to work on the page. Click the proofreader's username to compose a private message to them.") . "</p>";
echo "<p><b>" . _("Legend") . "</b></p>";
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li>" . _("Page has not been saved in the given round.") . "</li>";
echo "<li><span class='WC'>" . _("Page has had WordCheck run on it and is saved in the given round.") . "</span></li>";
echo "<li><span class='noWC'>" . _("Page has not had WordCheck run on it and is saved in the given round.") . "</span></li>";
    $format = "html";
list($all_suggestions_w_freq, $all_suggestions_w_occurrences, $round_suggestions_w_freq, $round_suggestions_w_occurrences, $rounds, $round_page_count, $messages) = _get_word_list($projectid, $timeCutoff);
$title = _("Candidates for Good Words List from Proofreaders");
$page_text = sprintf(_("Displayed below are the words that proofreaders have suggested (via the %s button) in the WordCheck interface that have not been already included in the project's Good Words List."), "<img src='{$code_url}/graphics/Book-Plus-Small.gif'>");
$page_text .= " ";
$page_text .= _("The results list also shows how many times each word occurs in the project text and how many times each word was suggested by proofreaders.");
if ($format == "file") {
    $filename = "{$projectid}_proofer_suggestions.txt";
    header("Content-type: text/plain");
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"');
    // The cache-control and pragma is a hack for IE not accepting filenames
    header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
    header('Pragma: public');
    echo $title . "\r\n";
    echo sprintf(_("Project: %s"), get_project_name($projectid)) . "\r\n";
    echo "\r\n";
    echo strip_tags($page_text) . "\r\n";
    echo "\r\n";
    echo_page_instruction_text("good", $format);
    echo "\r\n";
    echo_download_text($projectid, $format);
    echo "\r\n";
    echo strip_tags($time_cutoff_text) . "\r\n";
    echo _("Format: [word] - [frequency in text] - [frequency suggested]") . "\r\n";
    echo "\r\n";
    // print out the complete list first
    echo _("All rounds") . "\r\n";
    foreach ($all_suggestions_w_freq as $word => $freq) {
        echo "{$word} - {$freq} - " . $all_suggestions_w_occurrences[$word] . "\r\n";
예제 #18
파일: viewSite.php 프로젝트: rpshaw/CDash
} else {
    $timediff = "TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(build.submittime, buildupdate.starttime))";
    $timestampadd = "TIMESTAMPADD(" . qiv("HOUR") . ", -167, NOW())";
$testtime = pdo_query("SELECT projectid, build.name AS buildname, build.type AS buildtype, SUM(" . $timediff . ") AS elapsed\n              FROM build, buildupdate, build2update\n              WHERE\n                build.submittime > " . $timestampadd . "\n                AND build2update.buildid = build.id\n                AND buildupdate.id = build2update.updateid\n                AND build.siteid = '{$siteid}'\n                GROUP BY projectid,buildname,buildtype\n                ORDER BY elapsed\n                ");
$xml .= "<siteload>";
echo pdo_error();
$totalload = 0;
while ($testtime_array = pdo_fetch_array($testtime)) {
    $projectid = $testtime_array["projectid"];
    if (checkUserPolicy(@$_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'], $projectid, 1)) {
        $timespent = round($testtime_array["elapsed"] / 7.0);
        // average over 7 days
        $xml .= "<build>";
        $xml .= add_XML_value("name", $testtime_array["buildname"]);
        $xml .= add_XML_value("project", get_project_name($projectid));
        $xml .= add_XML_value("type", $testtime_array["buildtype"]);
        $xml .= add_XML_value("time", $timespent);
        $totalload += $timespent;
        $xml .= "</build>";
// Compute the idle time
$idletime = 24 * 3600 - $totalload;
if ($idletime < 0) {
    $idletime = 0;
$xml .= "<idle>" . $idletime . "</idle>";
$xml .= "</siteload>";
if (isset($_SESSION['cdash'])) {
    $xml .= "<user>";