예제 #1
$mod_path = dirname(__FILE__);
$mod_rel = str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', str_replace('\\', '/', $mod_path));
$mod_name = basename($mod_path);
include 'lang.functions.php';
include get_module_language_file($mod_name);
// this function checks the basic configurations of an existing WB intallation
function status_msg($message, $class = 'check', $element = 'span')
    // returns a status message
    print '<' . $element . ' class="' . $class . '">' . $message . '</' . $element . '>';
 *  - Add field "page_code" to table "pages"
print '<h3>Step 1: Updating database pages entrie</h3>';
$database->field_add(TABLE_PREFIX . 'pages', 'page_code', 'INT(11) NOT NULL AFTER `modified_by`');
print '<h3>Step 2: Updating field page_code with page_id by default language</h3>';
$lang_array = get_page_languages();
// check for page languages
if (count($lang_array)) {
    $entries = array();
    $entries = get_page_list(0);
    // fill page_code with $page_id for default_language
    while (list($page_id, $val) = each($entries)) {
        if ($val['language'] == DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) {
            db_update_field_entry($page_id, 'pages', (int) $page_id);
// Print admin footer
// $admin->print_footer();
예제 #2
function set_language_array($pageId = 0)
    $return_value = array();
    $mod_path = dirname(__FILE__);
    $mod_rel = str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', str_replace('\\', '/', $mod_path));
    $mod_name = basename($mod_path);
    $array = get_page_languages();
    $array2 = get_pageCode_values($pageId);
    $langPageArray = array_merge($array, $array2);
    foreach ($langPageArray as $key => $value) {
        $langKey = $key;
        if ($array[$langKey]['visibility'] == 'hidden') {
        $return_value[$langKey]['title'] = get_languages($langKey);
        $return_value[$langKey]['url'] = get_page_url($value);
        $return_value[$langKey]['active'] = strtoupper($langKey) == LANGUAGE ? true : false;
        $return_value[$langKey]['image'] = WB_URL . '/modules/' . $mod_name . '/flags/' . strtolower($langKey) . '.';
    return $return_value;