function get_package_parts($edition_num) { $edition_id = get_edition_id($edition_num); $zip_root_url = '../../' . get_package_path($edition_num) . $edition_id; $zip_root_path = get_package_dir($edition_num) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $edition_id; return array('html' => array('url' => $zip_root_url . '', 'path' => $zip_root_path . ''), 'assets' => array('url' => $zip_root_url . '', 'path' => $zip_root_path . '')); }
function reply_package_xml($edition_num) { $edition_id = get_edition_id($edition_num); $now_atom = gmdate(DATE_ATOM, time()); $now_822 = date(DATE_RFC822); $total_size = 0; $parts = get_package_parts($edition_num); foreach (array_keys($parts) as $part_name) { $part =& $parts[$part_name]; $size = filesize($part['path']); $part['size'] = $size; $total_size += $size; } $content = '../../' . get_package_path($edition_num) . substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], 1) . "/edition/{$edition_num}/content.xml"; $edition = pugpig_get_edition($edition_id); add_pugpig_headers($edition['ttl'], $edition['status']); header('Content-Type: application/xml'); print "<package root=\"{$content}\" size=\"{$total_size}\">\n"; print "<!-- Generated: {$now_822} -->\n"; foreach (array_keys($parts) as $part_name) { $part =& $parts[$part_name]; $size = $part['size']; $url = $part['url']; print " <part name=\"{$part_name}\" src=\"{$url}\" size=\"{$size}\" modified=\"{$now_atom}\"/>\n"; } print "</package>"; exit; }
$details = implode("<br />\n", claro_failure::get_last_failure()); $dialogBox->error(Backlog_Reporter::report($summary, $details)); } } } elseif (array_key_exists('packageCandidatePath', $_REQUEST)) { // If the target is a zip file, it must be unpack // If it's a unziped package, We copye the content if (is_package_file($_REQUEST['packageCandidatePath'])) { pushClaroMessage(__LINE__ . 'packageCandidatePath is a package', 'dbg'); $modulePath = unzip_package($_REQUEST['packageCandidatePath']); pushClaroMessage(__LINE__ . '<pre>$modulePath =' . var_export($modulePath, 1) . '</pre>', 'dbg'); } elseif (file_exists($_REQUEST['packageCandidatePath'])) { // COPY THE FILE TO WORK REPOSITORY pushClaroMessage(__LINE__ . 'packageCandidatePath is a path', 'dbg'); claro_mkdir(get_package_path()); $modulePath = create_unexisting_directory(get_package_path() . basename($_REQUEST['packageCandidatePath'])); claro_mkdir($modulePath); pushClaroMessage(__LINE__ . 'create target' . $modulePath, 'dbg'); if (claro_copy_file($_REQUEST['packageCandidatePath'], $modulePath . '/')) { $modulePath .= '/' . basename($_REQUEST['packageCandidatePath']); $moduleInstallable = true; } else { $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Module catching failed. Check your path')); $moduleInstallable = false; } } } pushClaroMessage(__LINE__ . '<pre>$modulePath =' . var_export($modulePath, 1) . '</pre>', 'dbg'); // OK TO TRY TO INSTALL ? if ($moduleInstallable) { list($backlog, $module_id) = install_module($modulePath);
function reply_package_zip($leaf) { if (preg_match('/((.*?)-.*\\.zip)/', $leaf, $matches) > 0) { $edition_id = $matches[2]; $url = '../../' . get_package_path($edition_id) . $leaf; $base = get_current_url(); $absolute_url = get_absolute_url($url, $base); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$leaf}"); $ch = curl_init($absolute_url); if (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && !empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] . ':' . $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']); } curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } }
<?php // Package was hit directly (ie. request to /id/version). Currently we only // expect these to be DELETE requests. require __DIR__ . '/../inc/core.php'; if (request_method() !== 'DELETE') { api_error('405', 'Only DELETEs allowed here'); } require_auth(); $id = $_GET['id']; $version = $_GET['version']; $path = get_package_path($id, $version); if (file_exists($path)) { unlink($path); } DB::deleteVersion($id, $version);