function updateRelatedMeetingsGeocodeInfo(&$bean, $event, $arguments)
     // after_save
     $jjwg_Maps = get_module_info('jjwg_Maps');
     if ($jjwg_Maps->settings['logic_hooks_enabled']) {
예제 #2
 function action_marker_detail_map()
     $this->view = 'marker_detail_map';
     $jjwg_Markers = get_module_info('jjwg_Markers');
     // Get the map object
     if (is_guid($_REQUEST['id'])) {
     $GLOBALS['loc'] = $jjwg_Markers->define_loc();
예제 #3
 function action_area_detail_map()
     $this->view = 'area_detail_map';
     $jjwg_Areas = get_module_info('jjwg_Areas');
     // Get the map object
     if (is_guid($_REQUEST['id'])) {
     $GLOBALS['polygon'] = $jjwg_Areas->define_polygon();
     $GLOBALS['loc'] = $jjwg_Areas->define_area_loc();
 function deleteRelationship(&$bean, $event, $arguments)
     // after_relationship_delete
     // $arguments['module'], $arguments['related_module'], $arguments['id'] and $arguments['related_id']
     if ($this->jjwg_Maps->settings['logic_hooks_enabled']) {
         $focus = get_module_info($arguments['module']);
         if (!empty($arguments['id'])) {
             $this->jjwg_Maps->updateGeocodeInfo($focus, true);
             if ($focus->jjwg_maps_address_c != $focus->fetched_row['jjwg_maps_address_c']) {
 function deleteRelationship(&$bean, $event, $arguments)
     // after_relationship_delete
     $GLOBALS['log']->info(__METHOD__ . ' $arguments: ' . print_r($arguments, true));
     // $arguments['module'], $arguments['related_module'], $arguments['id'] and $arguments['related_id']
     $jjwg_Maps = get_module_info('jjwg_Maps');
     if ($jjwg_Maps->settings['logic_hooks_enabled']) {
         $focus = get_module_info($arguments['module']);
         if (!empty($arguments['id'])) {
             $jjwg_Maps->updateGeocodeInfo($focus, true);
             if ($focus->jjwg_maps_address_c != $focus->fetched_row['jjwg_maps_address_c']) {
function settings_run()
    global $session;
    $op = httpget('op');
    $category = stripslashes(rawurldecode(httpget('cat'))) ?: 'Account';
    page_header("Settings - {$category}");
    switch ($op) {
        case 'save':
            $accounts = db_prefix('accounts');
            $post = httpallpost();
            foreach ($post as $key => $val) {
                $post[$key] = stripcslashes($val);
            $post['oldvalues'] = json_decode($post['oldvalues'], true);
            foreach ($post['oldvalues'] as $key => $val) {
                $post['oldvalues'][$key] = stripslashes($val);
            $post = modulehook('prefs-change', $post);
            if ($post['return'] != '') {
                $return = $post['return'];
            //Fix template changes.
            if (md5(md5($post['oldpass'])) == $session['user']['password'] && $post['newpass'] != '') {
                require_once 'lib/systemmail.php';
                $newPass = md5(md5($post['newpass']));
                db_query("UPDATE {$accounts}\n                    SET password = '******'\n                    WHERE acctid = '{$session['user']['acctid']}'");
                systemmail($session['user']['acctid'], 'Account Settings', "`@Your password was changed successfully!");
            foreach ($post as $key => $val) {
                if ($key == 'bio' && $val != $post['oldvalues']['bio']) {
                    $session['user']['bio'] = $val;
                } else {
                    if (!is_array($val) && $val != $post['oldvalues'][$key]) {
                        if (strpos($key, '__user') || strpos($key, '__check')) {
                            $moduleKey = explode('__', $key);
                            set_module_pref($moduleKey[1], $val, $moduleKey[0]);
                        } else {
                            $session['user']['prefs'][$key] = $val;
            $prefs = @serialize($session['user']['prefs']);
            db_query("UPDATE {$accounts} SET prefs = '{$prefs}'\n                WHERE acctid = '{$session['user']['acctid']}'");
            addnav('Go back', 'runmodule.php?module=settings');
            $modules = db_prefix('modules');
            $userprefs = db_prefix('module_userprefs');
            $rewrite = trim(get_module_setting('rewrite'));
            $rewrite = json_decode($rewrite, true);
            $languages = getsetting('serverlanguages', 'en, English');
            $prefs = $session['user']['prefs'];
            $prefs['bio'] = $session['user']['bio'];
            $prefs['template'] = $_COOKIE['template'] ?: getsetting('defaultskin', 'jade.htm');
            $prefs['email'] = $session['user']['emailaddress'];
            $prefsFormat = ['Account' => ['bio' => 'Short biography, textarea', 'newpass' => 'New password, password', 'oldpass' => 'If you are changing your password, type your old one, password', 'email' => 'Email, text'], 'Display' => ['template' => 'Skin, theme', 'language' => 'Which language do you prefer?, enum, ' . $languages, 'timestamp' => 'Show timestamps in commentary?, enum, 0, None, 1, Real Time, 2, Relative Time'], 'Game Behavior' => ['emailonmail' => 'Receive emails when you receive a mail?, bool', 'systemmail' => 'Receive emails for system messages?, bool', 'Be sure to check your email\'s spam folder and add our email as a trusted sender!, note', 'dirtyemail' => 'Allow profanity in mail?, bool', 'timeoffset' => sprintf_translate('Hours to offset time (currently %s)?, int', date($prefs['timeformat'], strtotime('now') + $prefs['timeoffset'] * 3600)), 'ihavenocheer' => 'Disable holiday text?, bool', 'nojump' => 'Disable jumping to the commentary when posting or refreshing?, bool']];
            if (count(explode(',', $languages)) < 3) {
            $prefsFormat = modulehook('prefs-format', $prefsFormat);
            $prefsTemp = [];
            $modulesFound = [];
            $sql = db_query("SELECT modulename, formalname FROM {$modules}\n                WHERE infokeys LIKE '%|prefs|%'\n                AND active = 1\n                ORDER BY modulename");
            while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
                $formal = $row['formalname'];
                $modulesFound[$row['modulename']] = true;
                if (module_status($row['modulename']) == MODULE_FILE_NOT_PRESENT) {
                    foreach ($rewrite as $key => $moduleName) {
                        if ($moduleName == $formal || strpos($key, $row['modulename']) !== false) {
                    set_module_setting('rewrite', json_encode($rewrite));
                } else {
                    $prefsTemp[$formal] = get_module_info($row['modulename'])['prefs'];
                foreach ($prefsTemp[$formal] as $setting => $description) {
                    $description = explode('|', $description)[0];
                    if (strpos($setting, 'user_') === false) {
                    } else {
                        $structuredKey = "{$row['modulename']}__{$setting}";
                        if ($rewrite[$structuredKey] != $formal) {
                            $prefsTemp[$rewrite[$structuredKey]][$structuredKey] = $description;
                        } else {
                            $prefsTemp[$formal][$structuredKey] = $description;
                if (count($prefsTemp[$formal]) == 0) {
            foreach ($modulesFound as $name => $true) {
                $sql = db_query("SELECT modulename, setting, value FROM {$userprefs}\n                    WHERE modulename = '{$name}'\n                    AND (setting LIKE 'user_%' OR setting LIKE 'check_%')\n                    AND userid = '{$session['user']['acctid']}'\n                    ");
                while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
                    $prefs["{$row['modulename']}__{$row['setting']}"] = $row['value'];
            $prefsFormat = array_merge_recursive($prefsFormat, $prefsTemp);
            $prefsFormat = modulehook('prefs-format', $prefsFormat);
            require_once 'lib/villagenav.php';
            addnav('Refresh', 'runmodule.php?module=settings');
            foreach (array_keys($prefsFormat) as $int => $name) {
                addnav($name, "runmodule.php?module=settings&cat=" . rawurlencode($name));
            output("`c`b`i`Q{$category} Settings`b`i`c");
            if (httpget('save')) {
                output("`@`iYour Settings have been saved!`i`n");
            rawoutput("<form action='runmodule.php?module=settings&op=save' method = 'POST'>");
            require_once 'lib/showform.php';
            showform($prefsFormat[$category], $prefs);
            rawoutput(sprintf("<input type='hidden' name='oldvalues' value='%s' />", json_encode($prefs)));
            rawoutput("<input type='hidden' name='return' value='{$category}' />");
            rawoutput("<script type='text/javascript'>\n                document.getElementsByName('template')[0].onchange = function () {\n                    var index = this.selectedIndex;\n                    var selection = this.children[index].value;\n                    document.cookie = 'template=' + selection + ';expires=86400';\n                }\n\n                </script>");
            addnav('', 'runmodule.php?module=settings&op=save');
예제 #7
 protected function saveVardefs($basepath, $installDefPrefix, $relationshipName, $vardefs)
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug(get_class($this) . "->saveVardefs(): vardefs =" . print_r($vardefs, true));
     foreach ($vardefs as $moduleName => $definitions) {
         // find this module's Object name - the object name, not the module name, is used as the key in the vardefs...
         if (isset($GLOBALS['beanList'][$moduleName])) {
             $module = get_module_info($moduleName);
             $object = $module->object_name;
         } else {
             $object = $moduleName;
         $filename = "{$basepath}/vardefs/{$moduleName}.php";
         foreach ($definitions as $definition) {
             $GLOBALS['log']->debug(get_class($this) . "->saveVardefs(): saving the following to {$filename}" . print_r($definition, true));
             write_array_to_file('dictionary["' . $object . '"]["fields"]["' . $definition['name'] . '"]', $definition, $filename, 'a');
         $installDefs[$moduleName] = array('from' => "{$installDefPrefix}/relationships/vardefs/{$moduleName}.php", 'to_module' => $moduleName);
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug(get_class($this) . "->saveVardefs(): installDefs =" . print_r($installDefs, true));
     return $installDefs;
 // Default tabbed config to true
 if (!isset($prefs['tabconfig'])) {
     $prefs['tabconfig'] = 1;
 // Okay, allow modules to add prefs one at a time.
 // We are going to do it this way to *ensure* that modules don't conflict
 // in namespace.
 $sql = "SELECT modulename FROM " . db_prefix("modules") . " WHERE infokeys LIKE '%|prefs|%' AND active=1 ORDER BY modulename";
 $result = db_query($sql);
 $everfound = 0;
 $foundmodules = array();
 $msettings = array();
 $mdata = array();
 while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
     $module = $row['modulename'];
     $info = get_module_info($module);
     if (count($info['prefs']) <= 0) {
     $tempsettings = array();
     $tempdata = array();
     $found = 0;
     while (list($key, $val) = each($info['prefs'])) {
         $isuser = preg_match("/^user_/", $key);
         $ischeck = preg_match("/^check_/", $key);
         if (is_array($val)) {
             $v = $val[0];
             $x = explode("|", $v);
             $val[0] = $x[0];
             $x[0] = $val;
         } else {
예제 #9
  * action map_markers
  * Google Maps - Output the Map Markers
 function action_map_markers()
     $this->view = 'map_markers';
     // Define globals for use in the view.
     $this->bean->map_center = array();
     $this->bean->map_markers = array();
     $this->bean->map_markers_groups = array();
     $this->bean->custom_markers = array();
     $this->bean->custom_areas = array();
     // Create New Sugar_Smarty Object
     $this->sugarSmarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
     $this->sugarSmarty->assign("mod_strings", $GLOBALS['mod_strings']);
     $this->sugarSmarty->assign("app_strings", $GLOBALS['app_strings']);
     $this->sugarSmarty->assign('app_list_strings', $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']);
     $this->sugarSmarty->assign('moduleListSingular', $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleListSingular']);
     $this->sugarSmarty->assign('moduleList', $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList']);
     //echo '<pre>';
     // Related Map Record Defines the Map
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['record']) || !empty($_REQUEST['relate_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['relate_module']) || !empty($_REQUEST['quick_address']) && !empty($_REQUEST['display_module'])) {
         // If map 'record' then define map details from current module.
         if (@is_guid($_REQUEST['record'])) {
             // Get the map object
             $map = get_module_info($GLOBALS['currentModule']);
             // Define map variables
             $map_parent_type = $map->parent_type;
             $map_parent_id = $map->parent_id;
             $map_module_type = $map->module_type;
             $map_unit_type = $map->unit_type;
             $map_distance = $map->distance;
         } else {
             if (@(is_guid($_REQUEST['relate_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['relate_module']))) {
                 // Define map variables
                 $map_parent_type = $_REQUEST['relate_module'];
                 $map_parent_id = $_REQUEST['relate_id'];
                 $map_module_type = !empty($_REQUEST['display_module']) ? $_REQUEST['display_module'] : $_REQUEST['relate_module'];
                 $map_distance = !empty($_REQUEST['distance']) ? $_REQUEST['distance'] : $this->settings['map_default_distance'];
                 $map_unit_type = !empty($_REQUEST['unit_type']) ? $_REQUEST['unit_type'] : $this->settings['map_default_unit_type'];
             } else {
                 if (!empty($_REQUEST['quick_address']) && !empty($_REQUEST['display_module'])) {
                     // Define map variables / No Parent
                     $map_parent_type = null;
                     $map_parent_id = null;
                     $map_module_type = !empty($_REQUEST['display_module']) ? $_REQUEST['display_module'] : $_REQUEST['relate_module'];
                     $map_distance = !empty($_REQUEST['distance']) ? $_REQUEST['distance'] : $this->settings['map_default_distance'];
                     $map_unit_type = !empty($_REQUEST['unit_type']) ? $_REQUEST['unit_type'] : $this->settings['map_default_unit_type'];
         // Define display object, note - 'Accounts_Members' is a special display type
         $this->display_object = $map_module_type == 'Accounts_Members' ? get_module_info('Accounts') : get_module_info($map_module_type);
         $mod_strings_display = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], $this->display_object->module_name);
         $mod_strings_display = array_merge($mod_strings_display, $GLOBALS['mod_strings']);
         // If relate module/id object
         if (!empty($map_parent_type) && !empty($map_parent_id)) {
             // Define relate objects
             $this->relate_object = get_module_info($map_parent_type);
             $mod_strings_related = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], $this->relate_object->module_name);
             $mod_strings_related = array_merge($mod_strings_related, $GLOBALS['mod_strings']);
             // Get the Relate object Assoc Data
             $where_conds = $this->relate_object->table_name . ".id = '" . $map_parent_id . "'";
             $query = $this->relate_object->create_new_list_query("" . $this->relate_object->table_name . ".assigned_user_id", $where_conds, array(), array(), 0, '', false, $this->relate_object, false);
             $relate_result = $this->bean->db->query($query);
             $relate = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($relate_result);
             // Add Relate (Center Point) Marker
             $this->bean->map_center = $this->getMarkerData($map_parent_type, $relate, true, $mod_strings_related);
             // Define Center Point
             $center_lat = $this->relate_object->jjwg_maps_lat_c;
             $center_lng = $this->relate_object->jjwg_maps_lng_c;
         } else {
             // Geocode 'quick_address'
             $aInfo = $this->bean->getGoogleMapsGeocode($_REQUEST['quick_address'], false, true);
             // If not status 'OK', then fail here and exit. Note: Inside of iFrame
             if (!empty($aInfo['status']) && $aInfo['status'] != 'OK' && preg_match('/[A-Z\\_]/', $aInfo['status'])) {
                 echo '<br /><br /><div><b>' . $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_MAP_LAST_STATUS'] . ': ' . $aInfo['status'] . '</b></div><br /><br />';
             // Define Marker Data
             $aInfo['name'] = $_REQUEST['quick_address'];
             $aInfo['id'] = 0;
             $aInfo['module'] = $map_module_type == 'Accounts_Members' ? 'Accounts' : $map_module_type;
             $aInfo['address'] = $_REQUEST['quick_address'];
             $aInfo['jjwg_maps_address_c'] = $_REQUEST['quick_address'];
             $aInfo['jjwg_maps_lat_c'] = $aInfo['lat'];
             $aInfo['jjwg_maps_lng_c'] = $aInfo['lng'];
             $this->bean->map_center = $this->getMarkerData($map_parent_type, $aInfo, true);
             // Define Center Point
             $center_lat = $aInfo['lat'];
             $center_lng = $aInfo['lng'];
         // Define $x and $y expressions
         $x = '(69.1*((' . $this->display_object->table_name . '_cstm.jjwg_maps_lat_c)-(' . $center_lat . ')))';
         $y = '(53.0*((' . $this->display_object->table_name . '_cstm.jjwg_maps_lng_c)-(' . $center_lng . ')) * COS((' . $center_lat . ')/57.1))';
         $calc_distance_expression = 'SQRT(' . $x . '*' . $x . '+' . $y . '*' . $y . ')';
         if (strtolower($map_unit_type) == 'km' || strtolower($map_unit_type) == 'kilometer') {
             $calc_distance_expression .= '*1.609';
             // 1 mile = 1.609 km
         // Find the Items to Display
         // Assume there is no address at 0,0; it's in the Atlantic Ocean!
         $where_conds = "(" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_lat_c != 0 OR " . "" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_lng_c != 0) " . " AND " . "(" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_geocode_status_c = 'OK')" . " AND " . "(" . $calc_distance_expression . " < " . $map_distance . ")";
         $query = $this->display_object->create_new_list_query('display_object_distance', $where_conds, array(), array(), 0, '', false, $this->display_object, false);
         // Add the disply_object_distance into SELECT list
         $query = str_replace('SELECT ', 'SELECT (' . $calc_distance_expression . ') AS display_object_distance, ', $query);
         if ($map_module_type == 'Contacts') {
             // Contacts - Account Name
             $query = str_replace(' FROM contacts ', ' , AS account_name, AS account_id  FROM contacts  ', $query);
             $query = str_replace(' FROM contacts ', ' FROM contacts LEFT JOIN accounts_contacts ON and accounts_contacts.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN accounts ON AND accounts.deleted=0 ', $query);
         } elseif ($map_module_type == 'Opportunities') {
             // Opps - Account Name
             $query = str_replace(' FROM opportunities ', ' , AS account_name, AS account_id  FROM opportunities  ', $query);
             $query = str_replace(' FROM opportunities ', ' FROM opportunities LEFT JOIN accounts_opportunities ON and accounts_opportunities.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN accounts ON AND accounts.deleted=0 ', $query);
         } elseif ($map_module_type == 'Accounts_Members') {
             // 'Accounts_Members' is a special display type
             $query = str_replace(' AND accounts.deleted=0', ' AND accounts.deleted=0 AND accounts.parent_id = \'' . $this->bean->db->quote($map_parent_id) . '\'', $query);
         $display_result = $this->bean->db->limitQuery($query, 0, $this->settings['map_markers_limit']);
         while ($display = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($display_result)) {
             if (!empty($map_distance) && !empty($display['id'])) {
                 $marker_data_module_type = $map_module_type == 'Accounts_Members' ? 'Accounts' : $map_module_type;
                 $marker_data = $this->getMarkerData($marker_data_module_type, $display, false, $mod_strings_display);
                 if (!empty($marker_data)) {
                     $this->bean->map_markers[] = $marker_data;
         // Next define the Custom Markers and Areas related to this Map
         // Define relate and display objects from the necessary classes (utils.php)
         @($markers_object = get_module_info('jjwg_Markers'));
         @($areas_object = get_module_info('jjwg_Areas'));
         // Relationship Names: jjwg_maps_jjwg_areas and jjwg_maps_jjwg_markers
         // Find the Related Beans: Maps to Markers
         if (@(is_object($markers_object) && is_object($map))) {
             $related_custom_markers = $map->get_linked_beans('jjwg_maps_jjwg_markers', 'jjwg_Markers');
             if ($related_custom_markers) {
                 foreach ($related_custom_markers as $marker_bean) {
                     $marker_data = $this->getMarkerDataCustom($marker_bean);
                     if (!empty($marker_data)) {
                         $this->bean->custom_markers[] = $marker_data;
         // Find the Related Beans: Maps to Areas
         if (@(is_object($areas_object) && is_object($map))) {
             $related_custom_areas = $map->get_linked_beans('jjwg_maps_jjwg_areas', 'jjwg_Areas');
             if ($related_custom_areas) {
                 foreach ($related_custom_areas as $area_bean) {
                     $area_data = $this->getAreaDataCustom($area_bean);
                     if (!empty($area_data)) {
                         $this->bean->custom_areas[] = $area_data;
         // Map Target List (ProspectLists)
     } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['list_id'])) {
         $this->bean->map_markers = array();
         $this->display_object = get_module_info('ProspectLists');
         // Use the Export Query
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['list_id'])) {
             if ($this->display_object->id == $_REQUEST['list_id']) {
                 $prospect_list_object = $this->display_object;
                 $list_id = $this->display_object->id;
         if (!empty($list_id)) {
             $list_modules = array('Accounts', 'Contacts', 'Leads', 'Users', 'Prospects');
             $temp_marker_groups = array();
             foreach ($list_modules as $display_module) {
                 $this->display_object = get_module_info($display_module);
                 $mod_strings_display = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], $this->display_object->module_name);
                 $mod_strings_display = array_merge($mod_strings_display, $GLOBALS['mod_strings']);
                 // Find the Items to Display
                 // Assume there is no address at 0,0; it's in the Atlantic Ocean!
                 $where_conds = "(" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_lat_c != 0 OR " . "" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_lng_c != 0) " . " AND " . "(" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_geocode_status_c = 'OK')";
                 $query = $this->display_object->create_new_list_query('', $where_conds, array(), array(), 0, '', false, $this->display_object, false);
                 if ($display_module == 'Contacts') {
                     // Contacts - Account Name
                     $query = str_replace(' FROM contacts ', ' , AS account_name, AS account_id  FROM contacts  ', $query);
                     $query = str_replace(' FROM contacts ', ' FROM contacts LEFT JOIN accounts_contacts ON and accounts_contacts.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN accounts ON AND accounts.deleted=0 ', $query);
                 // Add List JOIN
                 $query = str_replace(' FROM ' . $this->display_object->table_name . ' ', ' FROM ' . $this->display_object->table_name . ' ' . 'LEFT JOIN prospect_lists_prospects ON prospect_lists_prospects.related_id = ' . $this->display_object->table_name . '.id AND prospect_lists_prospects.deleted=0 ' . 'LEFT JOIN prospect_lists ON prospect_lists_prospects.prospect_list_id = AND prospect_lists.deleted=0 ', $query);
                 // Restrict WHERE to related type and $list_id
                 $query .= ' AND prospect_lists_prospects.related_type = \'' . $this->display_object->module_name . '\' AND ' . ' = \'' . $this->bean->db->quote($list_id) . '\'';
                 $display_result = $this->bean->db->limitQuery($query, 0, $this->settings['map_markers_limit']);
                 $display_type_found = false;
                 while ($display = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($display_result)) {
                     if (!empty($display['id'])) {
                         $marker_data = $this->getMarkerData($display_module, $display, false, $mod_strings_display);
                         $marker_data['group'] = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList'][$display_module];
                         if (!empty($marker_data)) {
                             $this->bean->map_markers[] = $marker_data;
                         $display_type_found = true;
                 if ($display_type_found) {
                     $temp_marker_groups[] = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList'][$display_module];
             $this->bean->map_markers_groups = $temp_marker_groups;
         // Map Records
     } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['uid']) || !empty($_REQUEST['current_post'])) {
         if (in_array($_REQUEST['display_module'], $this->settings['valid_geocode_modules'])) {
             $display_module = $_REQUEST['display_module'];
         } else {
             $display_module = 'Accounts';
         if ($_REQUEST['current_post'] == 'session') {
             $current_post = $_SESSION['jjwg_Maps']['current_post'];
         } else {
             $current_post = $_REQUEST['current_post'];
         $query = '';
         $selected_query = '';
         $records = array();
         $order_by = '';
         $this->display_object = get_module_info($display_module);
         $mod_strings_display = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], $this->display_object->module_name);
         $mod_strings_display = array_merge($mod_strings_display, $GLOBALS['mod_strings']);
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['uid'])) {
             // Several records selected or this page
             $records = explode(',', $_REQUEST['uid']);
         } elseif (!empty($current_post)) {
             // Select all records (advanced search)
             $search_array = generateSearchWhere($display_module, $current_post);
             if (!empty($search_array['where'])) {
                 // Related Field Bug: Get relate/link patched 'where' and 'join'
                 @($ret_array = create_export_query_relate_link_patch($display_module, $search_array['searchFields'], $search_array['where']));
                 if (!empty($ret_array['join'])) {
                     @($selected_query = $this->display_object->create_export_query($order_by, $ret_array['where'], $ret_array['join']));
                 } else {
                     @($selected_query = $this->display_object->create_export_query($order_by, $ret_array['where']));
                 // SugarOnDemand JOIN Bug: If $ret_array['join'] is not included in query, force it in!
                 if (strpos($ret_array['join'], $selected_query) === false) {
                     $selected_query = str_replace(' where ', $ret_array['join'] . ' where ', $selected_query);
                 // Avoiding subquery. Let's just record the record ID's for later
                 $selected_result = $this->bean->db->limitQuery($selected_query, 0, $this->settings['map_markers_limit']);
                 while ($display = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($selected_result)) {
                     $records[] = $display['id'];
         // Find the Items to Display
         // Assume there is no address at 0,0; it's in the Atlantic Ocean!
         $where_conds = "(" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_lat_c != 0 OR " . "" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_lng_c != 0) " . " AND " . "(" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_geocode_status_c = 'OK')";
         $query = $this->display_object->create_new_list_query('', $where_conds, array(), array(), 0, '', false, $this->display_object, false);
         if ($display_module == 'Contacts') {
             // Contacts - Account Name
             $query = str_replace(' FROM contacts ', ' , AS account_name, AS account_id  FROM contacts  ', $query);
             $query = str_replace(' FROM contacts ', ' FROM contacts LEFT JOIN accounts_contacts ON and accounts_contacts.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN accounts ON AND accounts.deleted=0 ', $query);
         } elseif ($display_module == 'Opportunities') {
             // Opps - Account Name
             $query = str_replace(' FROM opportunities ', ' , AS account_name, AS account_id  FROM opportunities  ', $query);
             $query = str_replace(' FROM opportunities ', ' FROM opportunities LEFT JOIN accounts_opportunities ON and accounts_opportunities.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN accounts ON AND accounts.deleted=0 ', $query);
         $display_result = $this->bean->db->limitQuery($query, 0, $this->settings['map_markers_limit']);
         $this->bean->map_markers = array();
         while ($display = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($display_result)) {
             if (!empty($search_array['where'])) {
                 // Select all records (advanced search) with where clause
                 if (in_array($display['id'], $records)) {
                     $this->bean->map_markers[] = $this->getMarkerData($display_module, $display, false, $mod_strings_display);
             } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['uid'])) {
                 // Several records selected or this page selected
                 if (in_array($display['id'], $records)) {
                     $this->bean->map_markers[] = $this->getMarkerData($display_module, $display, false, $mod_strings_display);
             } else {
                 // All
                 $this->bean->map_markers[] = $this->getMarkerData($display_module, $display, false, $mod_strings_display);
     // Sort marker groups for the view
     // Set display object for later use
     $this->bean->display_object = $this->display_object;
     // Get Prospect List Array Dropdown
     $list = get_module_info('ProspectLists');
     $list_query = $list->create_list_query('', '1=1', 0);
     $list_result = $list->db->query($list_query);
     $list_array = array();
     while ($alist = $list->db->fetchByAssoc($list_result)) {
         if (!empty($alist['name']) && !empty($alist['id'])) {
             $list_array[$alist['id']] = $alist['name'];
     $this->bean->list_array = $list_array;
function install_module($module, $force = true)
    global $mostrecentmodule, $session;
    $name = $session['user']['name'];
    if (!$name) {
        $name = '`@System`0';
    require_once "lib/sanitize.php";
    if (modulename_sanitize($module) != $module) {
        output("Error, module file names can only contain alpha numeric characters and underscores before the trailing .php`n`nGood module names include 'testmodule.php', 'joesmodule2.php', while bad module names include, 'test.module.php' or 'joes module.php'`n");
        return false;
    } else {
        // If we are forcing an install, then whack the old version.
        if ($force) {
            $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("modules") . " WHERE modulename='{$module}'";
        // We want to do the inject so that it auto-upgrades any installed
        // version correctly.
        if (injectmodule($module, true)) {
            // If we're not forcing and this is already installed, we are done
            if (!$force && is_module_installed($module)) {
                return true;
            $info = get_module_info($module);
            //check installation requirements
            if (!module_check_requirements($info['requires'])) {
                output("`\$Module could not installed -- it did not meet its prerequisites.`n");
                return false;
            } else {
                $keys = "|" . join(array_keys($info), "|") . "|";
                $sql = "INSERT INTO " . db_prefix("modules") . " (modulename,formalname,moduleauthor,active,filename,installdate,installedby,category,infokeys,version,download,description) VALUES ('{$mostrecentmodule}','" . addslashes($info['name']) . "','" . addslashes($info['author']) . "',0,'{$mostrecentmodule}.php','" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "','" . addslashes($name) . "','" . addslashes($info['category']) . "','{$keys}','" . addslashes($info['version']) . "','" . addslashes($info['download']) . "', '" . addslashes($info['description']) . "')";
                $fname = $mostrecentmodule . "_install";
                if (isset($info['settings']) && count($info['settings']) > 0) {
                    foreach ($info['settings'] as $key => $val) {
                        if (is_array($val)) {
                            $x = explode("|", $val[0]);
                        } else {
                            $x = explode("|", $val);
                        if (isset($x[1])) {
                            $x[1] = trim($x[1]);
                            set_module_setting($key, $x[1]);
                            debug("Setting {$key} to default {$x[1]}");
                if ($fname() === false) {
                    return false;
                output("`^Module installed.  It is not yet active.`n");
                return true;
        } else {
            output("`\$Module could not be injected.");
            output("Module not installed.");
            output("This is probably due to the module file having a parse error or not existing in the filesystem.`n");
            return false;
 function __construct($subpanelName, $moduleName)
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug(get_class($this) . "->__construct({$subpanelName} , {$moduleName})");
     $this->_subpanelName = $subpanelName;
     $this->_moduleName = $moduleName;
     $module = BeanFactory::getBean($moduleName);
     if (empty($module)) {
         sugar_die(get_class($this) . ": Modulename {$moduleName} is not a Deployed Module");
     $this->historyPathname = 'custom/history/modules/' . $moduleName . '/subpanels/' . $subpanelName . '/' . self::HISTORYFILENAME;
     $this->_history = new History($this->historyPathname);
     require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php';
     // retrieve the definitions for all the available subpanels for this module from the subpanel
     $spd = new SubPanelDefinitions($module);
     // Get the lists of fields already in the subpanel and those that can be added in
     // Get the fields lists from an aSubPanel object describing this subpanel from the SubPanelDefinitions object
     $this->_viewdefs = array();
     $this->_fielddefs = array();
     $this->_language = '';
     if (!empty($spd->layout_defs)) {
         if (array_key_exists(strtolower($subpanelName), $spd->layout_defs['subpanel_setup'])) {
             //First load the original defs from the module folder
             $originalSubpanel = $spd->load_subpanel($subpanelName, false, true);
             $this->_fullFielddefs = $originalSubpanel ? $originalSubpanel->get_list_fields() : array();
             $this->_mergeFielddefs($this->_fielddefs, $this->_fullFielddefs);
             $this->_aSubPanelObject = $spd->load_subpanel($subpanelName);
             // now check if there is a restored subpanel in the history area - if there is, then go ahead and use it
             if (file_exists($this->historyPathname)) {
                 // load in the subpanelDefOverride from the history file
                 $GLOBALS['log']->debug(get_class($this) . ": loading from history");
                 require $this->historyPathname;
                 $this->_viewdefs = $layout_defs;
             } else {
                 $this->_viewdefs = $this->_aSubPanelObject->get_list_fields();
             // don't attempt to access the template_instance property if our subpanel represents a collection, as it won't be there - the sub-sub-panels get this value instead
             if (!$this->_aSubPanelObject->isCollection()) {
                 $this->_language = $this->_aSubPanelObject->template_instance->module_dir;
             // Retrieve a copy of the bean for the parent module of this subpanel - so we can find additional fields for the layout
             $subPanelParentModuleName = $this->_aSubPanelObject->get_module_name();
             $beanListLower = array_change_key_case($GLOBALS['beanList']);
             if (!empty($subPanelParentModuleName) && isset($beanListLower[strtolower($subPanelParentModuleName)])) {
                 $subPanelParentModule = get_module_info($subPanelParentModuleName);
                 // Run through the preliminary list, keeping only those fields that are valid to include in a layout
                 foreach ($subPanelParentModule->field_defs as $key => $def) {
                     $key = strtolower($key);
                     if (AbstractMetaDataParser::validField($def)) {
                         if (!isset($def['label'])) {
                             $def['label'] = $def['name'];
                         $this->_fielddefs[$key] = $def;
             $this->_mergeFielddefs($this->_fielddefs, $this->_viewdefs);
 $install_status = get_module_install_status();
 $uninstalled = $install_status['uninstalledmodules'];
 $invalidmodule = array("version" => "", "author" => "", "category" => "Invalid Modules", "download" => "", "description" => "", "invalid" => true);
 while (list($key, $modulename) = each($uninstalled)) {
     $row = array();
     //test if the file is a valid module or a lib file/whatever that got in, maybe even malcode that does not have module form
     $modulenamelower = strtolower($modulename);
     $file = strtolower(file_get_contents("modules/{$modulename}.php"));
     if (strpos($file, $modulenamelower . "_getmoduleinfo") === false || strpos($file, $modulenamelower . "_install") === false || strpos($file, $modulenamelower . "_uninstall") === false) {
         //here the files has neither do_hook nor getinfo, which means it won't execute as a module here --> block it + notify the admin who is the manage modules section
         $moduleinfo = array_merge($invalidmodule, array("name" => $modulename . ".php " . appoencode(translate_inline("(`\$Invalid Module! Contact Author or check file!`0)"))));
     } else {
         $moduleinfo = get_module_info($modulename);
     //end of testing
     $row['installed'] = false;
     $row['active'] = false;
     $row['category'] = $moduleinfo['category'];
     $row['modulename'] = $modulename;
     $row['formalname'] = $moduleinfo['name'];
     $row['description'] = $moduleinfo['description'];
     $row['moduleauthor'] = $moduleinfo['author'];
     $row['invalid'] = isset($moduleinfo['invalid']) ? $moduleinfo['invalid'] : false;
     if (!array_key_exists($row['category'], $all_modules)) {
         $all_modules[$row['category']] = array();
     $all_modules[$row['category']][$row['modulename']] = $row;

// translator ready
// addnews ready
// mail ready
define("ALLOW_ANONYMOUS", true);
define("OVERRIDE_FORCED_NAV", true);
require_once "lib/http.php";
require_once "common.php";
require_once "lib/dump_item.php";
require_once "lib/modules.php";
require_once "lib/villagenav.php";
if (injectmodule(httpget('module'), httpget('admin') ? true : false)) {
    $info = get_module_info(httpget('module'));
    if (!isset($info['allowanonymous'])) {
        $allowanonymous = false;
    } else {
        $allowanonymous = $info['allowanonymous'];
    if (!isset($info['override_forced_nav'])) {
        $override_forced_nav = false;
    } else {
        $override_forced_nav = $info['override_forced_nav'];
    do_forced_nav($allowanonymous, $override_forced_nav);
    $starttime = getmicrotime();
    $fname = $mostrecentmodule . "_run";
    $endtime = getmicrotime();
    if ($endtime - $starttime >= 1.0 && $session['user']['superuser'] & SU_DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
예제 #14
function search_filter_rel_info(&$focus, $tar_rel_module, $relationship_name)
    $rel_list = array();
    foreach ($focus->relationship_fields as $rel_key => $rel_value) {
        if ($rel_value == $relationship_name) {
            $temp_bean = get_module_info($tar_rel_module);
            echo $focus->{$rel_key};
            if ($temp_bean->id != "") {
                $rel_list[] = $temp_bean;
                return $rel_list;
    return $rel_list;
    //end function search_filter_rel_info
예제 #15
파일: manage.lib.php 프로젝트: rhertzog/lcs
 * Set module visibility in all courses
 * @param int $moduleId id of the module
 * @param bool $visibility true for visible, false for invisible
 * @return array( backlog, boolean )
 *      backlog object
 *      boolean true if suceeded, false otherwise
 * @todo remove the need of the Backlog and use Exceptions instead
function set_module_visibility($moduleId, $visibility)
    $backlog = new Backlog();
    $success = true;
    $tbl = claro_sql_get_main_tbl();
    $moduleInfo = get_module_info($moduleId);
    $tool_id = get_course_tool_id($moduleInfo['label']);
    $sql = "SELECT `code` FROM `" . $tbl['course'] . "`";
    $course_list = claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql);
    $default_visibility = false;
    foreach ($course_list as $course) {
        if (false === set_module_visibility_in_course($tool_id, $course['code'], $visibility)) {
            $success = false;
            $backlog->failure(get_lang('Cannot change module visibility in %course', array('%course' => $course['code'])));
    return array($backlog, $success);
예제 #16
  * Define Maps Address
  * Address Relationship Notes:
  * Account(address)
  * Contact(address)
  * Lead(address)
  * Taget/Prospect(address)
  * Opportunity to Account(address)
  * Case 'account_id' to Account(address)
  *   or Case to Account(address)
  * Project to Account(address)
  *   or Project to Opportunity to Account(address)
  * Meeting - based on Flex Relate
  * @param $object_name  signular object name
  * @param $display      fetched row
 function defineMapsAddress($object_name, $display)
     $address = false;
     $fields = false;
     $parent = null;
     $parent_type = '';
     $parent_id = '';
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' START');
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' $object_name: ' . $object_name);
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' $display: ' . print_r($display, true));
     // Field naming is different in some modules.
     // Some modules do not have an address, so a related account needs to be found first.
     if ($object_name == 'Account') {
         $address = $this->defineMapsFormattedAddress($display, $this->settings['geocode_modules_to_address_type']['Accounts']);
     } elseif ($object_name == 'Contact') {
         $address = $this->defineMapsFormattedAddress($display, $this->settings['geocode_modules_to_address_type']['Contacts']);
     } elseif ($object_name == 'Lead') {
         $address = $this->defineMapsFormattedAddress($display, $this->settings['geocode_modules_to_address_type']['Leads']);
     } elseif ($object_name == 'Prospect') {
         $address = $this->defineMapsFormattedAddress($display, $this->settings['geocode_modules_to_address_type']['Prospects']);
     } elseif ($object_name == 'User') {
         $address = $this->defineMapsFormattedAddress($display, $this->settings['geocode_modules_to_address_type']['Users']);
     } elseif ($object_name == 'Opportunity') {
         // Find Account - Assume only one related Account
         $query = "SELECT accounts.*, accounts_cstm.* FROM accounts LEFT JOIN accounts_cstm ON = accounts_cstm.id_c " . " LEFT JOIN accounts_opportunities ON = accounts_opportunities.account_id AND accounts_opportunities.deleted = 0 " . " WHERE accounts.deleted = 0 AND accounts_opportunities.opportunity_id = '" . $display['id'] . "'";
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' Opportunity to Account');
         $result = $this->db->limitQuery($query, 0, 1);
         $fields = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
         if (!empty($fields)) {
             $address = $this->defineMapsFormattedAddress($fields, $this->settings['geocode_modules_to_address_type']['Opportunities']);
     } elseif (in_array($object_name, array('aCase', 'Case'))) {
         // Find Account from Case (account_id field)
         $query = "SELECT accounts.*, accounts_cstm.* FROM accounts LEFT JOIN accounts_cstm ON = accounts_cstm.id_c " . " WHERE accounts.deleted = 0 AND id = '" . $display['account_id'] . "'";
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' Case to Account');
         $result = $this->db->limitQuery($query, 0, 1);
         $fields = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
         // If Account is not found; Find many to many Account - Assume only one related Account
         if (empty($fields)) {
             $query = "SELECT accounts.*, accounts_cstm.* FROM accounts LEFT JOIN accounts_cstm ON = accounts_cstm.id_c " . " LEFT JOIN accounts_cases ON = accounts_cases.account_id AND accounts_cases.deleted = 0 " . " WHERE accounts.deleted = 0 AND accounts_cases.case_id = '" . $display['id'] . "'";
             $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' Case to Accounts');
             $result = $this->db->limitQuery($query, 0, 1);
             $fields = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
         if (!empty($fields)) {
             $address = $this->defineMapsFormattedAddress($fields, $this->settings['geocode_modules_to_address_type']['Cases']);
     } elseif ($object_name == 'Project') {
         // Check relationship from Project to Account - Assume only one related Account
         $query = "SELECT accounts.*, accounts_cstm.* FROM accounts LEFT JOIN accounts_cstm ON = accounts_cstm.id_c " . " LEFT JOIN projects_accounts ON = projects_accounts.account_id AND projects_accounts.deleted = 0 " . " WHERE accounts.deleted = 0 AND projects_accounts.project_id = '" . $display['id'] . "'";
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' Project to Account');
         $result = $this->db->limitQuery($query, 0, 1);
         $fields = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
         if (empty($fields)) {
             // Find Opportunity - Assuming that the Project was created from an Opportunity (Closed Won) Detial View
             $query = "SELECT opportunities.*, opportunities_cstm.* FROM opportunities LEFT JOIN opportunities_cstm ON = opportunities_cstm.id_c " . " LEFT JOIN projects_opportunities ON = projects_opportunities.opportunity_id AND projects_opportunities.deleted = 0 " . " WHERE opportunities.deleted = 0 AND projects_opportunities.project_id = '" . $display['id'] . "'";
             $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' Project to Opportunity');
             $result = $this->db->limitQuery($query, 0, 1);
             $opportunity = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
             // Find Account - Assume only one related Account for the Opportunity
             $query = "SELECT accounts.*, accounts_cstm.* FROM accounts LEFT JOIN accounts_cstm ON = accounts_cstm.id_c " . " LEFT JOIN accounts_opportunities ON = accounts_opportunities.account_id AND accounts_opportunities.deleted = 0 " . " WHERE accounts.deleted = 0 AND accounts_opportunities.opportunity_id = '" . $opportunity['id'] . "'";
             $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' Opportunity to Account');
             $result = $this->db->limitQuery($query, 0, 1);
             $fields = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
         if (!empty($fields)) {
             $address = $this->defineMapsFormattedAddress($fields, $this->settings['geocode_modules_to_address_type']['Project']);
     } elseif ($object_name == 'Meeting') {
         // Find Meeting - Flex Relate Fields: meetings.parent_type and meetings.parent_id
         $query = "SELECT meetings.*, meetings_cstm.* FROM meetings LEFT JOIN meetings_cstm ON = meetings_cstm.id_c " . " WHERE meetings.deleted = 0 AND = '" . $display['id'] . "'";
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' Meeting');
         $result = $this->db->limitQuery($query, 0, 1);
         $meeting = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
         $parent_type = $meeting['parent_type'];
         $parent_id = $meeting['parent_id'];
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' Meeting $parent_type: ' . $parent_type);
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' Meeting $parent_id: ' . $parent_id);
         // If the parent_type is valid module to geocode
         if (in_array($parent_type, array_keys($this->settings['valid_geocode_modules'])) && !empty($parent_id) && $parent_type != 'Meeting') {
             // Define parent object
             $parent = get_module_info($parent_type);
             $fields = $parent->fetched_row;
             $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' Meeting $parent->object_name: ' . $parent->object_name);
             $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' Meeting $parent->fetched_row: ' . print_r($parent->fetched_row, true));
             // Call this defineMapsAddress for parent which will look at other relationships
             $aInfo = $this->defineMapsAddress($parent->object_name, $parent->fetched_row);
             // return $aInfo
             $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' Meeting $address Found $aInfo: ' . print_r($aInfo, true));
             return $aInfo;
     // If related account address has already been geocoded
     if (!empty($address) && $fields['jjwg_maps_geocode_status_c'] == 'OK' && !empty($fields['jjwg_maps_lat_c']) && !empty($fields['jjwg_maps_lng_c'])) {
         $aInfo = array('address' => $address, 'status' => 'OK', 'lat' => $fields['jjwg_maps_lat_c'], 'lng' => $fields['jjwg_maps_lng_c']);
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' OK Array Found $aInfo: ' . print_r($aInfo, true));
         return $aInfo;
         // elseif return address only - if defined
     } elseif (!empty($address)) {
         $aInfo = array('address' => $address);
         $GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__ . ' $address Found $aInfo: ' . print_r($aInfo, true));
         return $aInfo;
     } else {
         return false;
예제 #17
                    $summary = get_lang('Module installation failed');
                    $dialogBox->error(Backlog_Reporter::report($summary, $details));
            } else {
                $summary = get_lang('Module installation failed');
                $details = get_lang('Module directory not found');
                $dialogBox->error(Backlog_Reporter::report($summary, $details));
        } else {
            $summary = get_lang('Module installation failed');
            $details = get_lang('Missing module directory');
            $dialogBox->error(Backlog_Reporter::report($summary, $details));
if (empty($typeReq) && $module_id) {
    $moduleInfo = get_module_info($module_id);
    $typeReq = $moduleInfo['type'];
// $moduleTypeList = claro_get_module_types();
// $moduleTypeList = array_merge($moduleTypeList, array_keys($typeLabel));
switch ($typeReq) {
    case 'applet':
        $sqlSelectType = "       D.`id`    AS dock_id, " . "\n" . "       D.`name`  AS dockname," . "\n";
        $sqlJoinType = " LEFT JOIN `" . $tbl_dock . "` AS D " . "\n" . "        ON D.`module_id`= " . "\n";
        $orderType = "";
    case 'tool':
        $sqlSelectType = "       CT.`id`    AS courseToolId, " . "\n" . "       CT.`icon`  AS icon," . "\n" . "       CT.`script_url` AS script_url," . "\n" . "       CT.`def_rank` AS rank," . "\n" . "       CT.`def_access` AS visibility," . "\n";
 function LeadsJjwg_MapsLogicHook()
     $this->jjwg_Maps = get_module_info('jjwg_Maps');
 function __construct()
     $this->jjwg_Maps = get_module_info('jjwg_Maps');
예제 #20
 protected function getTablename($moduleName)
     // Check the moduleName exists in the beanList before calling get_module_info - Activities is the main culprit here
     if (isset($GLOBALS['beanList'][$moduleName])) {
         $module = get_module_info($moduleName);
         return $module->table_name;
     return strtolower($moduleName);
 function ProspectsJjwg_MapsLogicHook()
     $this->jjwg_Maps = get_module_info('jjwg_Maps');
예제 #22
 function trace_relationship_module($base_module, $rel_module1_name, $rel_module2_name = "")
     global $beanList;
     global $dictionary;
     $temp_module = get_module_info($base_module);
     $rel_attribute1_name = $temp_module->field_defs[strtolower($rel_module1_name)]['relationship'];
     $rel_module1 = $this->get_other_module($rel_attribute1_name, $base_module, $temp_module->db);
     $rel_module1_bean = get_module_info($rel_module1);
     if ($rel_module2_name != "") {
         if ($rel_module2_name == 'ProjectTask') {
             $rel_module2_name = strtolower($rel_module2_name);
         $rel_attribute2_name = $rel_module1_bean->field_defs[strtolower($rel_module2_name)]['relationship'];
         $rel_module2 = $this->get_other_module($rel_attribute2_name, $rel_module1_bean->module_dir, $rel_module1_bean->db);
         $rel_module2_bean = get_module_info($rel_module2);
         return $rel_module2_bean;
     } else {
         //no rel_module2, so return rel_module2 bean
         return $rel_module1_bean;
     //end function trace_relationship_module
 addnav("", "modules.php?sorting=shortname&order=" . ($sorting == "shortname" ? !$order : 0));
 if (count($uninstmodules) > 0) {
     $count = 0;
     $moduleinfo = array();
     $sortby = array();
     $numberarray = array();
     $invalidmodule = array("version" => "", "author" => "", "category" => "", "download" => "", "invalid" => true);
     foreach ($uninstmodules as $key => $shortname) {
         //test if the file is a valid module or a lib file/whatever that got in, maybe even malcode that does not have module form
         $shortnamelower = strtolower($shortname);
         $file = strtolower(file_get_contents("modules/{$shortname}.php"));
         if (strpos($file, $shortnamelower . "_getmoduleinfo") === false || strpos($file, $shortnamelower . "_install") === false || strpos($file, $shortnamelower . "_uninstall") === false) {
             //here the files has neither do_hook nor getinfo, which means it won't execute as a module here --> block it + notify the admin who is the manage modules section
             $temp = array_merge($invalidmodule, array("name" => $shortname . ".php " . appoencode(translate_inline("(`\$Invalid Module! Contact Author or check file!`0)"))));
         } else {
             $temp = get_module_info($shortname);
         //end of testing
         if (!$temp || empty($temp)) {
         $temp['shortname'] = $shortname;
         array_push($moduleinfo, $temp);
         array_push($sortby, full_sanitize($temp[$sorting]));
         array_push($numberarray, $count);
     array_multisort($sortby, $order ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC, $numberarray, $order ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC);
     for ($a = 0; $a < count($moduleinfo); $a++) {
         $i = $numberarray[$a];
         rawoutput("<tr class='" . ($i % 2 ? "trlight" : "trdark") . "'>");
예제 #24
 private static function identifyRelateField($thisModuleName, $sourceModuleName)
     $module = get_module_info($thisModuleName);
     foreach ($module->field_defs as $field) {
         if ($field['type'] == 'relate' && isset($field['module']) && $field['module'] == $sourceModuleName) {
             return $field['name'];
     return null;
예제 #25
 function process_by_rel_bean($rel1_module)
     $this->rel1_relationship_name = $this->retrieve_by_modules($this->base_module, $rel1_module, $this->db);
     $this->rel1_module = $rel1_module;
     $this->rel1_bean = get_module_info($this->rel1_module);
     //end function process_by_rel_bean
예제 #26
 protected function saveVardefs($basepath, $installDefPrefix, $relationshipName, $vardefs)
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug(get_class($this) . "->saveVardefs(): vardefs =" . print_r($vardefs, true));
     foreach ($vardefs as $moduleName => $definitions) {
         // find this module's Object name - the object name, not the module name, is used as the key in the vardefs...
         if (isset($GLOBALS['beanList'][$moduleName])) {
             $module = get_module_info($moduleName);
             $object = $module->object_name;
         } else {
             $object = $moduleName;
         $relName = $moduleName;
         foreach ($definitions as $definition) {
             if (!empty($definition['relationship'])) {
                 $relName = $definition['relationship'];
         $filename = "{$basepath}/vardefs/{$relName}_{$moduleName}.php";
         $out = "<?php\n// created: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n";
         foreach ($definitions as $definition) {
             $GLOBALS['log']->debug(get_class($this) . "->saveVardefs(): saving the following to {$filename}" . print_r($definition, true));
             $out .= '$dictionary["' . $object . '"]["fields"]["' . $definition['name'] . '"] = ' . var_export_helper($definition) . ";\n";
         file_put_contents($filename, $out);
         $installDefs[$moduleName] = array('from' => "{$installDefPrefix}/relationships/vardefs/{$relName}_{$moduleName}.php", 'to_module' => $moduleName);
     $GLOBALS['log']->debug(get_class($this) . "->saveVardefs(): installDefs =" . print_r($installDefs, true));
     return $installDefs;
예제 #27
  * Merge determined bean data into an determined text template, this could be
  * an email template, expression template, or another type of text with
  * bean variables in it.
  * @global type $beanList
  * @param type $bean
  * @param type $template
  * @param type $component_array
  * @param type $evaluate
  * @return type
 public function mergeTemplate($bean, $template, $component_array, $evaluate = false)
     global $beanList;
     $replace_array = array();
     $replace_type_array = array();
     foreach ($component_array as $module_name => $module_array) {
         //base module
         if ($module_name == $bean->module_dir) {
             foreach ($module_array as $field => $field_array) {
                 if ($field_array['value_type'] == 'href_link') {
                     //Create href link to target record
                     $replacement_value = $this->get_href_link($bean);
                 if ($field_array['value_type'] == 'future') {
                     if ($evaluate) {
                         $replacement_value = bpminbox_check_special_fields($field_array['name'], $bean, false, array());
                     } else {
                         $replacement_value = bpminbox_check_special_fields($field_array['name'], $bean, false, array());
                 if ($field_array['value_type'] == 'past') {
                     $replacement_value = bpminbox_check_special_fields($field_array['name'], $bean, true, array());
                 $replace_type_array[$field_array['original']] = get_bean_field_type($field_array['name'], $bean);
                 $replace_array[$field_array['original']] = implode(', ', unencodeMultienum($replacement_value));
         } else {
             //Confirm this is an actual module in the beanlist
             if (isset($beanList[$module_name]) || isset($bean->field_defs[$module_name])) {
                 ///Build the relationship information using the Relationship handler
                 $rel_handler = $bean->call_relationship_handler("module_dir", true);
                 if (isset($bean->field_defs[$module_name])) {
                     $rel_handler->rel1_relationship_name = $bean->field_defs[$module_name]['relationship'];
                     $rel_module = get_rel_module_name($bean->module_dir, $rel_handler->rel1_relationship_name, $bean->db);
                     $rel_handler->rel1_module = $rel_module;
                     $rel_handler->rel1_bean = get_module_info($rel_module);
                 } else {
                 foreach ($bean->field_defs as $field => $attribute_array) {
                     if (!empty($attribute_array['relationship']) && $attribute_array['relationship'] == $rel_handler->rel1_relationship_name) {
                         $rel_handler->base_vardef_field = $field;
                 //obtain the rel_module object
                 $rel_list = $rel_handler->build_related_list("base");
                 if (!empty($rel_list[0])) {
                     $rel_object = $rel_list[0];
                     $rel_module_present = true;
                 } else {
                     $rel_module_present = false;
                 foreach ($module_array as $field => $field_array) {
                     if ($rel_module_present == true) {
                         if ($field_array['value_type'] == 'href_link') {
                             //Create href link to target record
                             $replacement_value = $this->get_href_link($rel_object);
                         } else {
                             //use future always for rel because fetched should always be the same
                             $replacement_value = bpminbox_check_special_fields($field_array['name'], $rel_object, false, array());
                     } else {
                         $replacement_value = "Invalid Value";
                     $replace_array[$field_array['original']] = implode(', ', unencodeMultienum($replacement_value));
     foreach ($replace_array as $name => $replacement_value) {
         if ($evaluate) {
             $replacement_value = str_replace("\n", ' ', $replacement_value);
             $type = $replace_type_array[$name]['type'];
             $dbtype = $replace_type_array[$name]['db_type'];
             //TODO evaluate more types even Ids perhaps
             $this->logger->info("Field : {$name} , type: '{$type}',  DBtype: '{$dbtype}'");
             if (($dbtype == 'double' || $dbtype == 'int') && $type != 'currency') {
                 $replacement_value = trim($replacement_value);
             } elseif ($type == 'currency') {
                 //TODO hardcoded . , should use system currency format
                 $replacement_value = str_replace(",", '', $replacement_value);
                 $replacement_value = str_replace(".", ',', $replacement_value);
                 $replacement_value = floatval($replacement_value);
             } else {
                 //here $replacement_value must be datatime, time, string datatype values
                 $replacement_value = "'" . $replacement_value . "'";
         } else {
             $replacement_value = nl2br($replacement_value);
         $template = str_replace($name, $replacement_value, $template);
     return $template;
예제 #28
function search_filter_rel_info(&$focus, $tar_rel_module, $relationship_name)
    $rel_list = array();
    foreach ($focus->relationship_fields as $rel_key => $rel_value) {
        if ($rel_value == $relationship_name) {
            $temp_bean = get_module_info($tar_rel_module);
            //		echo $focus->$rel_key;
            if ($temp_bean->id != "") {
                $rel_list[] = $temp_bean;
                return $rel_list;
    foreach ($focus->field_defs as $field_name => $field_def) {
        //Check if the relationship_name matches a "relate" field
        if (!empty($field_def['type']) && $field_def['type'] == 'relate' && !empty($field_def['id_name']) && !empty($focus->field_defs[$field_def['id_name']]) && !empty($focus->field_defs[$field_def['id_name']]['relationship']) && $focus->field_defs[$field_def['id_name']]['relationship'] == $relationship_name) {
            $temp_bean = get_module_info($tar_rel_module);
            //	echo $focus->$field_def['id_name'];
            if ($temp_bean->id != "") {
                $rel_list[] = $temp_bean;
                return $rel_list;
            //Check if the relationship_name matches a "link" in a relate field
        } else {
            if (!empty($rel_value['link']) && !empty($rel_value['id_name']) && $rel_value['link'] == $relationship_name) {
                $temp_bean = get_module_info($tar_rel_module);
                //	echo $focus->$rel_value['id_name'];
                if ($temp_bean->id != "") {
                    $rel_list[] = $temp_bean;
                    return $rel_list;
    // special case for unlisted parent-type relationships
    if (!empty($focus->parent_type) && $focus->parent_type == $tar_rel_module && !empty($focus->parent_id)) {
        $temp_bean = get_module_info($tar_rel_module);
        if ($temp_bean->id != "") {
            $rel_list[] = $temp_bean;
            return $rel_list;
    return $rel_list;
    //end function search_filter_rel_info
예제 #29
파일: module.php 프로젝트: rhertzog/lcs
$tbl_module = $tbl_name['module'];
$tbl_module_info = $tbl_name['module_info'];
$tbl_dock = $tbl_name['dock'];
require_once get_path('incRepositorySys') . '/lib/module/manage.lib.php';
require_once get_path('incRepositorySys') . '/lib/';
$undeactivable_tool_array = get_not_deactivable_tool_list();
$htmlHeadXtra[] = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nfunction confirmMakeVisible ()\n{\n    if (confirm(\" " . clean_str_for_javascript(get_lang("Are you sure you want to make this module visible in all courses ?")) . "\"))\n        {return true;}\n    else\n        {return false;}\n}\nfunction confirmMakeInVisible ()\n{\n    if (confirm(\" " . clean_str_for_javascript(get_lang("Are you sure you want to make this module invisible in all courses ?")) . "\"))\n        {return true;}\n    else\n        {return false;}\n}\n</script>";
$cmd = isset($_REQUEST['cmd']) ? $_REQUEST['cmd'] : null;
$item = isset($_REQUEST['item']) ? $_REQUEST['item'] : 'GLOBAL';
$section_selected = isset($_REQUEST['section']) ? $_REQUEST['section'] : null;
$moduleId = isset($_REQUEST['module_id']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['module_id'] : null;
$module = get_module_info($moduleId);
if (!$module) {
    claro_die("ERROR: INVALID MODULE ID!!!");
$dockList = get_dock_list($module['type']);
$nameTools = get_lang('Module settings');
$noPHP_SELF = true;
// FIXME : BAD use of get_lang !!!!!
ClaroBreadCrumbs::getInstance()->prepend(get_lang('Module list'), get_path('rootAdminWeb') . 'module/module_list.php?typeReq=' . $module['type']);
ClaroBreadCrumbs::getInstance()->prepend(get_lang('Administration'), get_path('rootAdminWeb'));
$dialogBox = new dialogBox();