public static function render_instance(BlockInstance $instance, $editing = false) { global $USER, $exporter; $userid = $instance->get_view()->get('owner'); if (!$userid) { // 'My Friends' doesn't make sense for group/site views return ''; } $limit = isset($exporter) ? false : MAXFRIENDDISPLAY; $friends = get_friends($userid, $limit, 0); if ($friends['count']) { self::build_myfriends_html($friends, $userid, $instance); } else { $friends = false; } $smarty = smarty_core(); $smarty->assign('friends', $friends); $smarty->assign('searchingforfriends', array('<a href="' . get_config('wwwroot') . 'user/find.php">', '</a>')); // If the user has no friends, try and display something useful, such // as a 'request friendship' button if (!$friends) { $loggedinid = $USER->get('id'); $is_friend = is_friend($userid, $loggedinid); if ($is_friend) { $relationship = 'existingfriend'; } else { if (record_exists('usr_friend_request', 'requester', $loggedinid, 'owner', $userid)) { $relationship = 'requestedfriendship'; } else { $relationship = 'none'; $friendscontrol = get_account_preference($userid, 'friendscontrol'); if ($friendscontrol == 'auto') { require_once 'pieforms/pieform.php'; $newfriendform = pieform(array('name' => 'myfriends_addfriend', 'successcallback' => 'addfriend_submit', 'autofocus' => false, 'renderer' => 'div', 'elements' => array('add' => array('type' => 'button', 'usebuttontag' => true, 'class' => 'btn-default', 'value' => '<span class="icon icon-user-plus icon-lg prs"></span>' . get_string('addtomyfriends', 'group')), 'id' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $userid)))); $smarty->assign('newfriendform', $newfriendform); } $smarty->assign('friendscontrol', $friendscontrol); } } $smarty->assign('relationship', $relationship); } $smarty->assign('loggedin', is_logged_in()); $smarty->assign('lookingatownpage', $USER->get('id') == $userid); $smarty->assign('USERID', $userid); return $smarty->fetch('blocktype:myfriends:myfriends.tpl'); }
function get_friends($screen_name, $cursor = -1) { print "getting friends of {$screen_name}\n"; global $twitter_keys, $current_key, $ratefree, $bin_name, $dbh; $ratefree--; if ($ratefree < 1 || $ratefree % 10 == 0) { $keyinfo = getRESTKey($current_key, 'friends', 'list'); $current_key = $keyinfo['key']; $ratefree = $keyinfo['remaining']; } $tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth(array('consumer_key' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_consumer_key'], 'consumer_secret' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_consumer_secret'], 'token' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_user_token'], 'secret' => $twitter_keys[$current_key]['twitter_user_secret'])); $params = array('cursor' => $cursor, 'skip_status' => true, 'count' => 200, 'include_user_entities' => false, 'screen_name' => $screen_name); $tmhOAuth->user_request(array('method' => 'GET', 'url' => $tmhOAuth->url('1.1/friends/list'), 'params' => $params)); if ($tmhOAuth->response['code'] == 200) { $data = json_decode($tmhOAuth->response['response'], true); $observed_at = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S", date('U')); $friends = $data['users']; $cursor = $data['next_cursor']; echo count($friends) . " users found\n"; // store in db $tr = new TwitterRelations($screen_name, $friends, "friend", $observed_at); $tr->save($dbh, $bin_name); // continue if there are still things to do if (!empty($cursor) && $cursor != -1) { sleep(1); get_friends($screen_name, $cursor); } } else { $error_code = json_decode($tmhOAuth->response['response'])->errors[0]->code; if ($error_code == 130) { print "Twitter is over capacity, sleeping 5 seconds before retry\n"; sleep(5); get_friends($screen_name, $cursor); } elseif ($error_code == 88) { print "API key rate limit exceeded, sleeping 60 seconds before retry\n"; sleep(60); get_friends($screen_name, $cursor); } else { echo "\nAPI error: " . $tmhOAuth->response['response'] . "\n"; } } }
return $queries; } // Comparison function based on mutual friend count function cmp($a, $b) { if ($a['count'] == $b['count']) { return 0; } return $a['count'] < $b['count'] ? 1 : -1; } if ($user) { try { // Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who's authenticated. $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me'); echo "<pre>"; $response = get_friends(); //array_splice($response, 50); $queries = get_queries($response); $BATCH_SIZE = 50; $batches = array_chunk($queries, $BATCH_SIZE); $i = 0; foreach ($batches as $batch) { try { $mutual = $facebook->api('/?batch=' . json_encode($batch), 'POST'); foreach ($mutual as $idx => $dict) { $body = $dict['body']; $arr = json_decode($body); $response[$i * $BATCH_SIZE + $idx]['count'] = count($arr); } } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { print_r($e);
private function getFriendsList() { $list = array(); $friends = get_friends($this->user->get('id'), 0, 0); if ($friends && array_key_exists('data', $friends) && is_array($friends['data'])) { foreach ($friends['data'] as $friend) { $list[] = $friend->id; } } return $list; }
)); $tmhOAuth->config['user_token'] = $_SESSION['access_token']['oauth_token']; $tmhOAuth->config['user_secret'] = $_SESSION['access_token']['oauth_token_secret']; //Twittear if ($_COOKIE['twitear'] != "no") { $tmhOAuth->request('POST', $tmhOAuth->url('1/statuses/update'), array( 'status' => "Usando las Twit-Herramientas \"Test de reciprocidad\": Descubre gente a la que que sigues pero no te sigue a ti. " . KCY, )); } // Conseguir Followers get_followers(); //Conseguir Firends get_friends(); // if ($followers['num'] == 5000 || $friends['num'] == 5000) { // echo("<p align=\"center\">Atención: Tienes más de 5000 followers o sigues a más de 5000 personas.<br> // La operación se realizará con los 5000 más recientes.</p>"); // } //Comparar foreach ($friends['ids'] as $hamijo) { if (!in_array($hamijo, $followers['ids'])) { $traidores[] = $hamijo; } } If (count($traidores) != 0) { $tmhOAuth->request('GET', $tmhOAuth->url('1/users/lookup'), array( 'user_id' => implode(",", array_slice($traidores, 0, 100)),
/** * 更新好友列表并返回好友信息。若参数为空,则返回存储的好友信息。 * @param $params * require u -- userid * fids -- 好友平台id字符串,用逗号隔开 * t -- update ,强制调用平台方法获取好友 * @return * s -- OK,others fail * infos -- 好友信息数组 * u -- 好友内部id数组 ? why? infos already have the id * a -- 好友帐户信息数组 //why not use map ,dbid */ public function get($params) { $now = time(); $uid = $params['u']; $upd = $params['t']; $tu = new TTUser($uid); $fids = $params['fids']; $infos = $tu->get('fr', false); if (!$fids) { $fids = $tu->getf(TT::FRIEND_STAT); if (!$fids || $upd == 'update') { //call from platform require_once WEB_ROOT . 'platform_tools.php'; $fids = get_friends($uid); if ($fids) { $tu->putf(TT::FRIEND_STAT, $fids); } } } else { $tu->putf(TT::FRIEND_STAT, $fids); } $fl = explode(',', $fids); $rinfos = array(); $dup = array(); $now = time(); $dup['253382225'] = 1; $friend_count = 0; //记录好友个数 foreach ($fl as $pid) { if ($dup[$pid]) { continue; } $dup[$pid] = 1; $finfos = TTGenid::getbypid($pid); //by tingkun $id = $finfos['id']; if ($id) { $fdid = $tu->getdid($id, 'fr'); $fdata = json_decode($infos[$fdid], true); //if(!$fdata || $fdata['ut']<$now - 3600){ if (!$fdata || $fdata['ut'] < $now - 3600) { $ftu = new TTUser($finfos['id']); $acc = $ftu->getdata(array('money', 'exp', 'gem')); if (!$acc['exp']) { continue; } $acc['name'] = $finfos['name']; $acc['icon'] = $finfos['icon']; $acc['pid'] = $pid; $acc['ut'] = $now; $acc['id'] = $fdid; $acc['dbid'] = $id; $tu->puto($acc); $rinfos[] = $acc; } else { $rinfos[] = $fdata; } unset($infos[$fdid]); } $friend_count++; } if ($friend_count > $tu->getf('friend_count')) { $tu->putf('friend_count', $friend_count); } //* $rinfos[] = array('name' => 'GM', 'icon' => '', 'pid' => '253382225', 'exp' => '10000', 'dbid' => 2, 'ht' => $now, 'help_car' => 1); //GM //*/ $ret['infos'] =& $rinfos; $ret['s'] = 'OK'; return $ret; }
echo $post['post_title']; ?> </a></h2> <?php } } } else { echo '<p>No hay ninguna entrada en el blog todavía.</p>'; } ?> </div> <div class="related-contacts"> <h3 class="site-subtitle">Mis Contactos</h3> <?php $contacts = get_friends($_GET['id']); if (count($contacts) == 0) { echo '<p>Todavía no tengo ningún contacto</p>'; } else { $result = "<ul>"; foreach ($contacts as $contact_id => $rel) { $contact_data = get_userdata((int) $contact_id); $result .= '<li><img src="' . author_image_path($contact_id, $display = false) . '" width=25 height=25 /> <a href="?id=' . $contact_id . '">' . $contact_data->display_name . '</a>. -> ' . $rel . '</li>'; if ($userdata->ID == $_GET['id']) { $result .= '<span class="elim"><a href="?id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&elim=' . $contact_id . '">Eliminar este contacto</a></span>'; } } $result .= "</ul>"; echo $result; } ?>
function handle($params) { require_once 'api.php'; $query = Dataface_Application::getInstance()->getQuery(); switch ($query['-do']) { case 'login': $token = login($query['username'], $query['password']); if (!$token) { $this->output(array('code' => 400, 'message' => error_message())); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 200, 'token' => $token)); } return; case 'logout': $token = logout($query['token']); if (!$token) { $this->output(array('code' => 500, 'message' => error_message())); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 200)); } return; case 'register': $res = register($query['username'], $query['password']); if (!$res) { $this->output(array('code' => 500, 'message' => error_message())); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 200)); } return; case 'get_friends': $friends = get_friends($query['token']); if ($friends === false) { $this->output(array('code' => 500, 'message' => error_message())); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 200, 'friends' => $friends)); } return; case 'find_users': $results = find_users($query['token'], $query['filter']); if ($results === false) { $this->output(array('code' => 500, 'message' => error_message())); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 200, 'results' => $results)); } return; case 'get_pending_friend_requests': $requests = get_pending_friend_requests($query['token']); if ($requests === false) { $this->output(array('code' => 500, 'message' => 'Failed to get friend requests')); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 200, 'requests' => $requests)); } return; case 'send_friend_request': $res = send_friend_request($query['token'], $query['friend']); if (!$res) { $this->output(array('code' => 500, 'message' => error_message())); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 200)); } return; case 'accept_friend_request': $res = accept_friend_request($query['token'], $query['friend']); if (!$res) { $this->output(array('code' => 500, 'message' => error_message())); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 200)); } return; case 'decline_friend_request': $res = decline_friend_request($query['token'], $query['friend']); if (!$res) { $this->output(array('code' => 500, 'message' => error_message())); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 200)); } return; case 'post': $file_path = null; $file_name = null; if (@$_FILES['photo']) { $file_path = $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']; $file_name = $_FILES['photo']['name']; } $res = post($query['token'], $query['comment'], $file_path, $file_name); if (!$res) { $this->output(array('code' => 500, 'message' => error_message())); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 200, 'post_id' => $res)); } return; case 'get_posts': $posts = get_posts($query['token'], @$query['username'], @$query['older_than']); if ($posts === false) { $this->output(array('code' => 500, 'message' => error_message())); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 200, 'posts' => $posts)); } return; case 'get_feed': $posts = get_feed($query['token'], @$query['older_than']); if ($posts === false) { $this->output(array('code' => 500, 'message' => error_message())); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 200, 'posts' => $posts)); } return; case 'get_profile': $profile = get_profile($query['token'], $query['username']); if ($profile === false) { $this->output(array('code' => 500, 'message' => error_message())); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 200, 'profile' => $profile)); } return; case 'update_profile': $vals = array(); if (@$query['screen_name']) { $vals['screen_name'] = $query['screen_name']; } if (@$_FILES['avatar']) { $vals['avatar'] = $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']; } $res = update_profile($query['token'], $vals); if ($res !== false) { $this->output(array('code' => 200)); } else { $this->output(array('code' => 500, 'message' => error_message())); } return; } }
<?php /** * * @package mahara * @subpackage blocktype-myfriends * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @license GNU GPL version 3 or later * @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('JSON', 1); require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/init.php'; safe_require('blocktype', 'myfriends'); require_once 'user.php'; $offset = param_integer('offset'); $limit = param_integer('limit', MAXFRIENDDISPLAY); $bi = new BlockInstance(param_integer('block')); if (!can_view_view($bi->get('view'))) { json_reply(true, get_string('accessdenied', 'error')); } $userid = $bi->get_view()->get('owner'); $friends = get_friends($userid, $limit, $offset); PluginBlocktypeMyfriends::build_myfriends_html($friends, $userid, $bi); unset($friends['data']); json_reply(false, array('data' => $friends));
function show_group_blog_form_options() { global $current_user; $result = ''; $friends = get_friends($current_user->ID); if (count($friends) != 0) { $i = 0; $results .= _e('Agrega si lo deseas a tus contactos como editores del nuevo blog: <br />'); foreach ($friends as $id => $rel) { $i++; $friend = get_userdata((int) $id); $result .= '<img src="' . author_image_path($id, $display = false) . '" width=25 height=25 /> ' . $friend->display_name . ' <input type="checkbox" name="' . $i . '" value="' . $id . '" /> <br />'; } $result .= '<input type="hidden" name="count_friends" value="' . $i . '">'; } echo $result; }
public function GetResults() { $userID = $this->User['UserID']; return get_friends($userID); }