예제 #1
function op_api_message($messageList, $member, $useIsReadFlag = false)
    $message = $messageList->getSendMessageData();
    $body = preg_replace(array('/<op:.*?>/', '/<\\/op:.*?>/'), '', $message->getBody());
    $body = preg_replace('/http.:\\/\\/maps\\.google\\.co[[:graph:]]*/', '', $body);
    $body = op_auto_link_text($body);
    $imagePath = null;
    $imageTag = null;
    $image = $message->getMessageFile();
    if (0 < count($image)) {
        $imageTag = image_tag_sf_image($image[0]->getFile(), array('size' => '76x76'));
        $imagePath = sf_image_path($image[0]->getFile());
    $data = array('id' => $message->getId(), 'member' => op_api_member($member), 'subject' => $message->getSubject(), 'body' => nl2br($body), 'summary' => op_truncate(op_decoration($body, true), 25, '...'), 'image_path' => $imagePath, 'image_tag' => $imageTag, 'created_at' => $message->getCreatedAt(), 'formatted_date' => get_formatted_date($message->getCreatedAt()));
    if ($useIsReadFlag) {
        $data['is_read'] = $messageList->isSelf() ? (bool) $messageList->getIsRead() : null;
    return $data;
예제 #2
<font face="arial" size="2"><b>Pixels</b></font>

require_once "include/ads.inc.php";
//require ('include/mouseover_js.inc.php');
$sql = "SELECT *, MAX(order_date) as max_date, sum(quantity) AS pixels FROM orders where status='completed' AND banner_id='{$BID}' GROUP BY user_id, banner_id order by pixels desc ";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff" >
	<font face="arial" size="2"><?php 
    echo get_formatted_date(get_local_time($row[max_date]));
	<font face="arial" size="2"><?php 
    $sql = "Select * FROM  `ads` as t1, `orders` AS t2 WHERE t1.ad_id=t2.ad_id AND t1.banner_id='{$BID}' and t1.order_id > 0 AND t1.user_id='" . $row['user_id'] . "' ORDER BY `ad_date`";
    $m_result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
    while ($prams = mysql_fetch_array($m_result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        $ALT_TEXT = get_template_value('ALT_TEXT', 1);
        $ALT_TEXT = str_replace("'", "", $ALT_TEXT);
        $ALT_TEXT = str_replace("\"", '', $ALT_TEXT);
        $js_str = " onmousemove=\"sB(event, '" . $ALT_TEXT . "', this, " . $prams['ad_id'] . ")\" onmouseout=\"hI()\" ";
        echo $br . '<a target="_blank" ' . $js_str . ' href="' . get_template_value('URL', 1) . '">' . get_template_value('ALT_TEXT', 1) . '</a>';
        $br = '<br>';
예제 #3
                                        <span class="fa fa-calendar"></span>
                                        <time datetime="<?php 
        echo get_formatted_date($value['date']);
        echo get_formatted_date($value['date']);
                                        <span class="fa fa-clock-o"></span>
                                        <span class="sermon-author"><?php 
        echo get_formatted_date($value['date'], true);
                                        <span class="fa fa-map-marker"></span>
                                        <span class="sermon-verse"><?php 
        echo $value['location'];
 <span class="sermon-verse content none">The lord is always with you</span></span>
                        <div class="sermon-content">
예제 #4
                            <div class="sermon-title">
                                <h2><a href="<?php 
        echo $sermon;
        echo $value['title'];
                                        <time datetime="2014-03-12T02:09:39+00:00"><?php 
        echo get_formatted_date($value['date']);
                                        <span class="fa fa-user"></span>
                                        <span class="sermon-author"><?php 
        echo $value['author'];
                                        <span class="fa fa-book"></span>
                                        <span class="sermon-verse"><?php 
        echo $value['verse'];
예제 #5
function echo_ad_list_data($admin)
    global $column_list, $column_info, $label, $cur_offset, $order_str, $q_offset, $show_emp, $cat, $list_mode;
    if ($_REQUEST['order_by'] != '') {
        $ord = $_REQUEST['ord'];
        if ($ord == 'asc') {
            $ord = 'desc';
        } elseif ($ord == 'desc') {
            $ord = 'asc';
        } else {
            $ord = 'desc';
        $order_str = "&order_by=" . $_REQUEST['order_by'] . "&ord=" . $ord;
    foreach ($column_list as $template_tag) {
        $val = get_template_value($template_tag, 1, $admin);
        //$val = $val.$template_tag;
        if ($column_info[$template_tag]['admin'] == 'Y' && !$admin) {
            // do not render this column
        if ($column_info[$template_tag]['trunc'] > 0) {
            $val = truncate_html_str($val, $column_info[$template_tag]['trunc'], $trunc_str_len);
        // process the value depending on what kind of template tag it was given.
        if ($template_tag == 'DATE') {
            $init_date = strtotime(trim_date($val) . " GMT");
            // the last date modified
            $dst_date = strtotime(trim_date(gmdate("r")) . " GMT");
            // now
            if (!$init_date) {
                $days = "x";
            } else {
                $diff = $dst_date - $init_date;
                $days = floor($diff / 60 / 60 / 24);
            //echo $days;
            $FORMATTED_DATE = get_formatted_date(get_local_time($val));
            $val = $FORMATTED_DATE . "<br>";
            if ($days == 0) {
                $val = $val . '<span class="today"><b>' . $label["ads_list_today"] . '</span>';
            } elseif ($days > 0 && $days < 2) {
                $val = $val . '<span class="days_ago">' . $days . " " . $label["ads_list_day_ago"] . "</span>";
            } elseif ($days > 1 && $days < 8) {
                $val = $val . '<span class="days_ago">' . $days . " " . $label["ads_list_days_ago"] . "</span>";
            } elseif ($days >= 8) {
                $val = $val . '<span class="days_ago2">' . $days . " " . $label["ads_list_days_ago"] . "</span>";
        if ($column_info[$template_tag]['is_bold'] == 'Y') {
            $b1 = "<b>";
            $b2 = "</b>";
        } else {
            $b1 = '';
            $b2 = '';
        if ($column_info[$template_tag]['clean'] == 'Y') {
            // fix up punctuation spacing
            $val = preg_replace('/ *(,|\\.|\\?|!|\\/|\\\\) */i', '$1 ', $val);
        if ($column_info[$template_tag]['link'] == 'Y') {
            // Render as a Link to the record?
            $AD_ID = get_template_value('AD_ID', 1, $admin);
            $val = '<a href="' . htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?ad_id=' . $AD_ID . '&offset=' . $cur_offset . $order_str . $q_string . '"';
            /// IMAGE PREVIEW MOUSEOVER Code
            // Note: to have this feature working, you must have a template tag called 'IMAGE' defined in the resume form
            define('PREVIEW_AD', 'YES');
            if (PREVIEW_AD == 'YES') {
                $ALT_TEXT = get_template_value('ALT_TEXT', 1, $admin);
                //$AD_ID = get_template_value ('AD_ID', 1, $admin);
                $js_str = " onmousemove=\"sB(event,'" . htmlspecialchars(str_replace("'", "\\'", $ALT_TEXT)) . "',this, " . $AD_ID . ")\" onmouseout=\"hI()\" ";
                $val = $val . $js_str;
            $val = $val . '>' . get_template_value($template_tag, 1, $admin) . "</a>";
		<td class="list_data_cell" <?php 
        if ($column_info[$template_tag]['no_wrap'] == 'Y') {
            echo ' nowrap ';
        echo $b1 . $val . $b2;

예제 #6
function display_form($form_id, $mode, $prams, $section)
    global $label;
    global $admin;
    global $subscr_block_status;
    //print_r( $prams);
    if (func_num_args() > 4) {
        $dont_break_table = func_get_arg(4);
    $sql = "SELECT t2.field_label AS FLABEL, t1.* AS ID, t2.field_comment AS FCOMMENT FROM form_fields AS t1, form_field_translations AS t2 WHERE t1.field_id=t2.field_id AND lang='" . $_SESSION['MDS_LANG'] . "' AND section='{$section}' AND form_id='{$form_id}' {$where_sql} order by field_sort  ";
    //echo $sql;
    $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
    if (!$dont_break_table) {
	<table id="dynamic_form" class="dynamic_form" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="3"  >

    $count = mysql_num_rows($result);
    $i = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        if ($mode == 'EDIT' && $_REQUEST['field_id'] == $row['field_id']) {
            $bg_selected = ' style="background-color: #FFFFCC;" ';
        } else {
            $bg_selected = '';
        // load init value...
        if ($prams[$row['field_id']] == '') {
            $prams[$row['field_id']] = $row['field_init'];
        if ($row[is_hidden] == "Y" && $mode == "view" && !$admin) {
            # Hidden Fields, do not appear on website (view mode)
        } elseif ($row[field_type] == "SEPERATOR") {

				<tr <?php 
            echo $bg_selected;
				<td colspan="2" class="dynamic_form_seperator" ><font face="Arial" size="2"><b><?php 
            if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
                echo '<a href="' . htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?field_id=' . $row['field_id'] . '&mode=EDIT"><IMG SRC="../admin/edit.gif" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16" align="middle" BORDER="0" ALT="-"> ';
            echo $row[FLABEL];
            if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
                echo '</a>';

        } elseif ($row['field_type'] == "SKILL_MATRIX") {

					<tr <?php 
            echo $bg_selected;
					<td <?php 
            echo $bg_selected;
            if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
                echo '<a href="' . htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?field_id=' . $row['field_id'] . '&mode=EDIT"><IMG SRC="../admin/edit.gif" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16" align="middle" BORDER="0" ALT="-"> ';
            echo "<b>" . $row['FLABEL'] . "</b>";
            if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
                echo '</a>';
					<a href=""
                echo $row[field_id];
', '', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,statusbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=550,height=500,left = 50,top = 50');return false;"> [Skill Matrix Settings...]

				<td <?php 
            echo $bg_selected;
 class="dynamic_form_value"><font face="Arial" size="2"><?php 
            if ($row['FCOMMENT'] != '') {
                echo " <br>" . $row['FCOMMENT'] . "";
            display_matrix($row['field_id'], $prams, $mode);

        } elseif ($row['field_type'] == "IMAGE") {
				<td class="dynamic_form_2_col_field" nowrap valign="top"  colspan="2" <?php 
            echo $bg_selected;
            if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
                echo '<a href="' . htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?field_id=' . $row['field_id'] . '&mode=EDIT"><IMG SRC="../admin/edit.gif" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16" align="middle" BORDER="0" ALT="-">';
            echo "<span class='dynamic_form_image_label'>" . $row['FLABEL'] . "</span><br>";
            if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
                echo '</a>';
            if ($mode == 'EDIT' && is_reserved_template_tag($row['template_tag'])) {
                $alt = get_reserved_tag_description($row[template_tag]);
					<a href="" onclick="alert('<?php 
                echo htmlentities($alt);
');return false;">

					<IMG SRC="../admin/reserved.gif" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="13" BORDER="0" ALT="<?php 
                echo $alt;

            if ($prams[$row[field_id]] != '') {
                if ($is_hidden == 'Y' || $is_blocked == 'Y') {
                    echo $prams[$row[field_id]];
                } else {
                    if ($_REQUEST['del_image' . $row[field_id]] != '') {
                        unlink(UPLOAD_PATH . 'images/' . $prams[$row[field_id]]);
                        //@unlink (UPLOAD_PATH.''.$prams[$row[field_id]]);
                    if (file_exists(UPLOAD_PATH . 'images/' . $prams[$row[field_id]])) {
					<img alt="" src="<?php 
                        echo UPLOAD_HTTP_PATH . 'images/' . $prams[$row[field_id]];
" >
                    } else {
                        echo '<IMG SRC="' . UPLOAD_HTTP_PATH . 'images/no-image.gif" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="150" BORDER="0" ALT="">';
            } else {
                echo '<IMG SRC="' . UPLOAD_HTTP_PATH . 'images/no-image.gif" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="150" BORDER="0" ALT="">';
            if (strtolower($mode) == 'edit') {
                // delete image button
                if (file_exists(UPLOAD_PATH . 'images/' . $prams[$row[field_id]]) && $prams[$row[field_id]] != '') {
                    $image_field_id = $row[field_id];
                    echo "<br><input type='hidden' name='del_image" . $row[field_id] . "' value=''><input type='button' value='" . $label['delete_image_button'] . "' onclick='document.form1.del_image" . $row[field_id] . ".value=\"" . $image_field_id . "\"; document.form1.submit()'><br>";
                } else {
                    // upload image form
                    echo "<br>" . $label['upload_image'] . '<br> ' . form_image_field($row[field_id], $prams[$row[field_id]]);
                    if ($row['FCOMMENT'] != '') {
                        echo " <br>" . $row['FCOMMENT'] . "";
        } elseif ($row[field_type] == "FILE") {
				<td valign="top" class="dynamic_form_2_col_field" colspan="2"   <?php 
            echo $bg_selected;
				<span >
            if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
                echo '<a href="' . htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?field_id=' . $row['field_id'] . '&mode=EDIT"><IMG SRC="../admin/edit.gif" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16" align="middle" BORDER="0" ALT="-">';
            //if ($mode !='view') {
            echo "<span class=\"dynamic_form_image_label\" >" . $row[FLABEL] . "</span><br>";
            if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
                echo '</a>';
            if ($mode == 'EDIT' && is_reserved_template_tag($row[template_tag])) {
                $alt = get_reserved_tag_description($row[template_tag]);
					<a href="" onclick="alert('<?php 
                echo htmlentities($alt);
');return false;">
					<IMG SRC="../admin/reserved.gif" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="13" BORDER="0" ALT="<?php 
                echo $alt;
            if ($_REQUEST['del_file' . $row[field_id]] != '') {
                @unlink(UPLOAD_PATH . 'docs/' . $prams[$row[field_id]]);
                //@unlink (IMG_PATH.''.$prams[$row[field_id]]);
            if ($prams[$row[field_id]] != '' && file_exists(UPLOAD_PATH . '/docs' . $prams[$row[field_id]])) {
					<a href="<?php 
                echo UPLOAD_HTTP_PATH . '' . $prams[$row[field_id]];
" >
					<IMG alt="" src="../images/file.gif" width="20" height="20" border="0" alt=""> 
                echo $prams[$row[field_id]];
 </a> - <?php 
                echo filesize(UPLOAD_PATH . "" . $prams[$row[field_id]]);
                echo $label['bytes'] . "<br>";
            } elseif ($mode == 'view') {
                echo '<i>' . $label['no_file_uploaded'] . '</i>';
            if (strtolower($mode) == 'edit') {
                if (file_exists(UPLOAD_PATH . '/docs/' . $prams[$row[field_id]]) && $prams[$row[field_id]] != '') {
                    //if ($mode != 'view') {
                    $image_field_id = $row[field_id];
                    echo "<br><input type='hidden' name='del_file" . $row[field_id] . "' value=''><input type='button' value='" . $label['delete_file_button'] . "' onclick='document.form1.del_file" . $row[field_id] . ".value=\"" . $image_field_id . "\"; document.form1.submit()'><br>";
                } else {
                    echo $label['upload_file'] . " " . form_file_field($row[field_id], $prams[$row[field_id]]);
                    if ($row['FCOMMENT'] != '') {
                        echo " <br>" . $row['FCOMMENT'] . "";
        } elseif ($row[field_type] == "NOTE") {
            if ($mode == 'view') {
            } else {

				<td colspan="2" valign="top" class="dynamic_form_2_col_field" <?php 
                echo $bg_selected;
 ><span class="dynamic_form_note_label"><?php 
                if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
                    echo '<a href="' . htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?field_id=' . $row['field_id'] . '&mode=EDIT"><IMG SRC="../admin/edit.gif" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16" align="middle" BORDER="0" ALT="-"> ';
                echo $row[FLABEL];
                if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
                    echo '</a>';
                if ($mode == 'EDIT' && is_reserved_template_tag($row[template_tag])) {
                    $alt = get_reserved_tag_description($row[template_tag]);
					<a href="" onclick="alert('<?php 
                    echo htmlentities($alt);
');return false;">

					<IMG SRC="../admin/reserved.gif" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="13" BORDER="0" ALT="<?php 
                    echo $alt;


        } elseif ($row[field_type] == "MIME") {
            // do nothing. It is an extra field for FILE type fields..
        } else {
            if ($row[FLABEL] == '') {
                $row[FLABEL] = '&nbsp;&nbsp';
			<tr >
				<td class="dynamic_form_field" <?php 
            echo $bg_selected;
  valign="top" ><?php 
            if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
                echo '<a href="' . htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?field_id=' . $row['field_id'] . '&mode=EDIT"><IMG SRC="../admin/edit.gif" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16" align="middle" BORDER="0" ALT="-">';
            echo $row[FLABEL];
            if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
                echo '</a>';
            if ($row[is_required] == 'Y' && $mode != 'view') {
                echo "<FONT SIZE='4' COLOR='#FF0000'><b>*</B></FONT>";
            if ($mode == 'EDIT' && is_reserved_template_tag($row[template_tag])) {
                $alt = get_reserved_tag_description($row[template_tag]);
					<a href="" onclick="alert('<?php 
                echo htmlentities($alt);
');return false;">

					<IMG SRC="../admin/reserved.gif" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="13" BORDER="0" ALT="<?php 
                echo $alt;

            if ($mode == 'EDIT' && $row[field_type] == 'BLANK') {
                echo '<a href="' . htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?field_id=' . $row['field_id'] . '&mode=EDIT">[]</a>';
				<td class="dynamic_form_value" <?php 
            echo $bg_selected;
            if ($is_hidden == 'Y' || $is_blocked == 'Y') {
                echo $prams[$row['field_id']];
                // display blocked field message
            } else {
                switch ($row[field_type]) {
                    case "TEXT":
                        if ($mode == 'view') {
                            $val = $prams[$row['field_id']];
                            $val = escape_html($val);
                            if (EMAIL_AT_REPLACE == "YES") {
                                $val = str_replace("@", '<IMG SRC="' . BASE_HTTP_PATH . 'images/at.gif" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="9" BORDER="0" ALT="">', $val);
                            } elseif (EMAIL_AT_REPLACE == "YES_2") {
                                $val = str_replace("@", '&#64;', $val);
                            echo $val;
                        } else {
                            echo form_text_field($row['field_id'], $prams[$row['field_id']], $row['field_width']);
                            if ($row['FCOMMENT'] != '') {
                                echo " " . $row['FCOMMENT'] . "";
                    case "SEPERATOR":
                    case "EDITOR":
                        $val = $prams[$row['field_id']];
                        if ($mode == 'view') {
                            $val = process_for_html_output($val);
                            //echo '<font face="arial" size="2">'.$prams[$row[field_id]].'</font>';
                            echo $val;
                        } else {
                            if ($row['FCOMMENT'] != '') {
                                echo $row['FCOMMENT'] . "<br>";
                            echo form_editor_field($row['field_id'], $val, $row['field_width'], $row['field_height']);
                    case "TEXTAREA":
                        if ($mode == 'view') {
                            //$val = process_for_html_output ($prams[$row[field_id]]);
                            $val = escape_html($prams[$row['field_id']]);
                            $val = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $val);
                            if (EMAIL_AT_REPLACE == "YES") {
                                $val = str_replace("@", '<IMG SRC="' . BASE_HTTP_PATH . 'images/at.gif" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="9" BORDER="0" ALT="">', $val);
                            } elseif (EMAIL_AT_REPLACE == "YES_2") {
                                $val = str_replace("@", '&#64;', $val);
                            echo $val;
                        } else {
                            if ($row['FCOMMENT'] != '') {
                                $row['FCOMMENT'] . "<br>";
                            echo form_textarea_field($row['field_id'], $prams[$row['field_id']], $row['field_width'], $row['field_height']);
                    case "CATEGORY":
                        $str = getPath($prams[$row['field_id']]);
                        //if (!$str) {
                        //$str = $prams[$row[field_id]];
                        if ($mode == 'view') {
                            echo $str;
                        } else {
                            echo form_category_field($row['field_id'], $row['category_init_id'], $prams[$row['field_id']], $form_id);
                            if ($row['FCOMMENT'] != '') {
                                echo "" . $row['FCOMMENT'] . "<br>";
                    case "DATE":
                    case "DATE_CAL":
                        if ($mode == 'view') {
                            if ($is_blocked == 'Y') {
                                // output a string
                                echo $prams[$row['field_id']];
                            } else {
                                // output a date
                                if ($prams[$row['field_id']] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                                    echo get_formatted_date($prams[$row['field_id']]);
                                } else {
                                    echo "";
                        } else {
                            if ($row['field_type'] == 'DATE') {
                                // traditional date input
                                preg_match("/(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)/", $prams[$row['field_id']], $m);
                                // Year - Month - Day (database output format)
                                $year = $m[1];
                                $day = $m[3];
                                $month = $m[2];
                                echo form_date_field($row['field_id'], $day, $month, $year, "dynamic_form_date_style");
                            } else {
                                // scw input

										<input name="<?php 
                                echo $row['field_id'];
" onclick= "scwShow(this,this);" size="10" onfocus= "scwShow(this,this);" type="text" value="<?php 
                                echo trim_date($prams[$row['field_id']]);

                            if ($row['FCOMMENT'] != '') {
                                echo " " . $row['FCOMMENT'] . "";
                    case "SELECT":
                        if ($mode == 'view') {
                            echo getCodeDescription($row['field_id'], $prams[$row['field_id']]);
                        } else {
                            form_select_field($row['field_id'], $prams[$row['field_id']]);
                        if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
							<a href=""
                            echo $row['field_id'];
', '', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,statusbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=400,height=500,left = 50,top = 50');return false;"> [Edit Options]

                    case "RADIO":
                        if ($mode == 'view') {
                            echo getCodeDescription($row['field_id'], $prams[$row['field_id']]);
                        } else {
                            form_radio_field($row['field_id'], $prams[$row['field_id']]);
                        if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
							<a href=""
                            echo $row['field_id'];
', '', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,statusbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=400,height=500,left = 50,top = 50');return false;"> [Edit Options]

                    case "CHECK":
                        form_checkbox_field($row['field_id'], $prams[$row['field_id']], $mode);
                        if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
							<a href=""
                            echo $row['field_id'];
', '', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,statusbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=400,height=500,left = 50,top = 50');return false;"> [Edit Options]

                    case "MSELECT":
                        form_mselect_field($row['field_id'], $prams[$row['field_id']], $row['field_height'], $mode);
                        if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
							<a href=""
                            echo $row['field_id'];
', '', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,statusbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=400,height=500,left = 50,top = 50');return false;"> [Edit Options]

                    case "NOTE":
                    case "MIME":
                    case "BLANK":
                        echo "&nbsp;";
    if (!$dont_break_table) {
