FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' JOIN ' . IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE . ' ON image_id = id WHERE category_id = ' . $page['category_id'] . ' ORDER BY rank ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) > 0) { // template thumbnail initialization $current_rank = 1; $derivativeParams = ImageStdParams::get_by_type(IMG_SQUARE); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $derivative = new DerivativeImage($derivativeParams, new SrcImage($row)); if (!empty($row['name'])) { $thumbnail_name = $row['name']; } else { $file_wo_ext = get_filename_wo_extension($row['file']); $thumbnail_name = str_replace('_', ' ', $file_wo_ext); } $current_rank++; $template->append('thumbnails', array('ID' => $row['id'], 'NAME' => $thumbnail_name, 'TN_SRC' => $derivative->get_url(), 'RANK' => $current_rank * 10, 'SIZE' => $derivative->get_size())); } } // image order management $sort_fields = array('' => '', 'file ASC' => l10n('File name, A → Z'), 'file DESC' => l10n('File name, Z → A'), 'name ASC' => l10n('Photo title, A → Z'), 'name DESC' => l10n('Photo title, Z → A'), 'date_creation DESC' => l10n('Date created, new → old'), 'date_creation ASC' => l10n('Date created, old → new'), 'date_available DESC' => l10n('Date posted, new → old'), 'date_available ASC' => l10n('Date posted, old → new'), 'rating_score DESC' => l10n('Rating score, high → low'), 'rating_score ASC' => l10n('Rating score, low → high'), 'hit DESC' => l10n('Visits, high → low'), 'hit ASC' => l10n('Visits, low → high'), 'id ASC' => l10n('Numeric identifier, 1 → 9'), 'id DESC' => l10n('Numeric identifier, 9 → 1'), 'rank ASC' => l10n('Manual sort order')); $template->assign('image_order_options', $sort_fields); $image_order = explode(',', $category['image_order']); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { if (isset($image_order[$i])) { $template->append('image_order', $image_order[$i]); } else { $template->append('image_order', '');
function get_element_update_attributes($file) { global $conf; $data = array(); $filename = basename($file); $extension = get_extension($filename); $representative_ext = null; if (!isset($conf['flip_picture_ext'][$extension])) { $dirname = dirname($file); $filename_wo_ext = get_filename_wo_extension($filename); $representative_ext = $this->get_representative_ext($dirname, $filename_wo_ext); } $data['representative_ext'] = $representative_ext; return $data; }
/** * returns the element name from its filename. * removes file extension and replace underscores by spaces * * @param string $filename * @return string name */ function get_name_from_file($filename) { return str_replace('_', ' ', get_filename_wo_extension($filename)); }
/** * create a picture URL on a specific section for a specific picture * * @param array * @return string */ function make_picture_url($params) { global $conf; $url = get_root_url() . 'picture'; if ($conf['php_extension_in_urls']) { $url .= '.php'; } if ($conf['question_mark_in_urls']) { $url .= '?'; } $url .= '/'; switch ($conf['picture_url_style']) { case 'id-file': $url .= $params['image_id']; if (isset($params['image_file'])) { $url .= '-' . str2url(get_filename_wo_extension($params['image_file'])); } break; case 'file': if (isset($params['image_file'])) { $fname_wo_ext = get_filename_wo_extension($params['image_file']); if (ord($fname_wo_ext) > ord('9') or !preg_match('/^\\d+(-|$)/', $fname_wo_ext)) { $url .= $fname_wo_ext; break; } } default: $url .= $params['image_id']; } if (!isset($params['category'])) { // make urls shorter ... unset($params['flat']); } $url .= make_section_in_url($params); $url = add_well_known_params_in_url($url, $params); return $url; }
// | USA. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (!defined("PHPWG_ROOT_PATH")) { die("Hacking attempt!"); } $errors = array(); $pwatermark = $_POST['w']; // step 0 - manage upload if any if (isset($_FILES['watermarkImage']) and !empty($_FILES['watermarkImage']['tmp_name'])) { list($width, $height, $type) = getimagesize($_FILES['watermarkImage']['tmp_name']); if (IMAGETYPE_PNG != $type) { $errors['watermarkImage'] = sprintf(l10n('Allowed file types: %s.'), 'PNG'); } else { $upload_dir = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . PWG_LOCAL_DIR . 'watermarks'; if (mkgetdir($upload_dir, MKGETDIR_DEFAULT & ~MKGETDIR_DIE_ON_ERROR)) { $new_name = get_filename_wo_extension($_FILES['watermarkImage']['name']) . '.png'; $file_path = $upload_dir . '/' . $new_name; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['watermarkImage']['tmp_name'], $file_path)) { $pwatermark['file'] = substr($file_path, strlen(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH)); } else { $page['errors'][] = $errors['watermarkImage'] = "{$file_path} " . l10n('no write access'); } } else { $page['errors'][] = $errors['watermarkImage'] = sprintf(l10n('Add write access to the "%s" directory'), $upload_dir); } } } // step 1 - sanitize HTML input switch ($pwatermark['position']) { case 'topleft': $pwatermark['xpos'] = 0;
switch ($_GET['part']) { case 'e': if (!$user['enabled_high']) { $deriv = new DerivativeImage(IMG_XXLARGE, new SrcImage($element_info)); if (!$deriv->same_as_source()) { do_error(401, 'Access denied e'); } } $file = get_element_path($element_info); break; case 'r': $file = original_to_representative(get_element_path($element_info), $element_info['representative_ext']); break; case 'f': $file = original_to_format(get_element_path($element_info), $format['ext']); $element_info['file'] = get_filename_wo_extension($element_info['file']) . '.' . $format['ext']; break; } if (empty($file)) { do_error(404, 'Requested file not found'); } if ($_GET['part'] == 'e') { pwg_log($_GET['id'], 'high'); } else { if ($_GET['part'] == 'e') { pwg_log($_GET['id'], 'other'); } else { if ($_GET['part'] == 'f') { pwg_log($_GET['id'], 'high', $format['format_id']); } }
function add_uploaded_file($source_filepath, $original_filename = null, $categories = null, $level = null, $image_id = null, $original_md5sum = null) { // 1) move uploaded file to upload/2010/01/22/20100122003814-449ada00.jpg // // 2) keep/resize original // // 3) register in database // TODO // * check md5sum (already exists?) global $conf, $user; if (isset($original_md5sum)) { $md5sum = $original_md5sum; } else { $md5sum = md5_file($source_filepath); } $file_path = null; $is_tiff = false; if (isset($image_id)) { // this photo already exists, we update it $query = ' SELECT path FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $image_id . ' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $file_path = $row['path']; } if (!isset($file_path)) { die('[' . __FUNCTION__ . '] this photo does not exist in the database'); } // delete all physical files related to the photo (thumbnail, web site, HD) delete_element_files(array($image_id)); } else { // this photo is new // current date list($dbnow) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT NOW();')); list($year, $month, $day) = preg_split('/[^\\d]/', $dbnow, 4); // upload directory hierarchy $upload_dir = sprintf(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . $conf['upload_dir'] . '/%s/%s/%s', $year, $month, $day); // compute file path $date_string = preg_replace('/[^\\d]/', '', $dbnow); $random_string = substr($md5sum, 0, 8); $filename_wo_ext = $date_string . '-' . $random_string; $file_path = $upload_dir . '/' . $filename_wo_ext . '.'; list($width, $height, $type) = getimagesize($source_filepath); if (IMAGETYPE_PNG == $type) { $file_path .= 'png'; } elseif (IMAGETYPE_GIF == $type) { $file_path .= 'gif'; } elseif (IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM == $type or IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II == $type) { $is_tiff = true; $file_path .= 'tif'; } elseif (IMAGETYPE_JPEG == $type) { $file_path .= 'jpg'; } elseif (isset($conf['upload_form_all_types']) and $conf['upload_form_all_types']) { $original_extension = strtolower(get_extension($original_filename)); if (in_array($original_extension, $conf['file_ext'])) { $file_path .= $original_extension; } else { die('unexpected file type'); } } else { die('forbidden file type'); } prepare_directory($upload_dir); } if (is_uploaded_file($source_filepath)) { move_uploaded_file($source_filepath, $file_path); } else { rename($source_filepath, $file_path); } @chmod($file_path, 0644); if ($is_tiff and pwg_image::get_library() == 'ext_imagick') { // move the uploaded file to pwg_representative sub-directory $representative_file_path = dirname($file_path) . '/pwg_representative/'; $representative_file_path .= get_filename_wo_extension(basename($file_path)) . '.'; $representative_ext = $conf['tiff_representative_ext']; $representative_file_path .= $representative_ext; prepare_directory(dirname($representative_file_path)); $exec = $conf['ext_imagick_dir'] . 'convert'; if ('jpg' == $conf['tiff_representative_ext']) { $exec .= ' -quality 98'; } $exec .= ' "' . realpath($file_path) . '"'; $dest = pathinfo($representative_file_path); $exec .= ' "' . realpath($dest['dirname']) . '/' . $dest['basename'] . '"'; $exec .= ' 2>&1'; @exec($exec, $returnarray); // sometimes ImageMagick creates file-0.jpg (full size) + file-1.jpg // (thumbnail). I don't know how to avoid it. $representative_file_abspath = realpath($dest['dirname']) . '/' . $dest['basename']; if (!file_exists($representative_file_abspath)) { $first_file_abspath = preg_replace('/\\.' . $representative_ext . '$/', '-0.' . $representative_ext, $representative_file_abspath); if (file_exists($first_file_abspath)) { rename($first_file_abspath, $representative_file_abspath); } } } // // generate pwg_representative in case of video // $ffmpeg_video_exts = array('wmv', 'mov', 'mkv', 'mp4', 'mpg', 'flv', 'asf', 'xvid', 'divx', 'mpeg', 'avi', 'rm'); if (isset($original_extension) and in_array($original_extension, $ffmpeg_video_exts)) { $representative_file_path = dirname($file_path) . '/pwg_representative/'; $representative_file_path .= get_filename_wo_extension(basename($file_path)) . '.'; $representative_ext = 'jpg'; $representative_file_path .= $representative_ext; prepare_directory(dirname($representative_file_path)); $second = 1; $ffmpeg = $conf['ffmpeg_dir'] . 'ffmpeg'; $ffmpeg .= ' -i "' . $file_path . '"'; $ffmpeg .= ' -an -ss ' . $second; $ffmpeg .= ' -t 1 -r 1 -y -vcodec mjpeg -f mjpeg'; $ffmpeg .= ' "' . $representative_file_path . '"'; // file_put_contents('/tmp/ffmpeg.log', "\n==== ".date('c')."\n".__FUNCTION__.' : '.$ffmpeg."\n", FILE_APPEND); @exec($ffmpeg); if (!file_exists($representative_file_path)) { $representative_ext = null; } } if (isset($original_extension) and 'pdf' == $original_extension and pwg_image::get_library() == 'ext_imagick') { $representative_file_path = dirname($file_path) . '/pwg_representative/'; $representative_file_path .= get_filename_wo_extension(basename($file_path)) . '.'; $representative_ext = 'jpg'; $representative_file_path .= $representative_ext; prepare_directory(dirname($representative_file_path)); $exec = $conf['ext_imagick_dir'] . 'convert'; $exec .= ' -quality 98'; $exec .= ' "' . realpath($file_path) . '"[0]'; $dest = pathinfo($representative_file_path); $exec .= ' "' . realpath($dest['dirname']) . '/' . $dest['basename'] . '"'; $exec .= ' 2>&1'; @exec($exec, $returnarray); } if (pwg_image::get_library() != 'gd') { if ($conf['original_resize']) { $need_resize = need_resize($file_path, $conf['original_resize_maxwidth'], $conf['original_resize_maxheight']); if ($need_resize) { $img = new pwg_image($file_path); $img->pwg_resize($file_path, $conf['original_resize_maxwidth'], $conf['original_resize_maxheight'], $conf['original_resize_quality'], $conf['upload_form_automatic_rotation'], false); $img->destroy(); } } } // we need to save the rotation angle in the database to compute // width/height of "multisizes" $rotation_angle = pwg_image::get_rotation_angle($file_path); $rotation = pwg_image::get_rotation_code_from_angle($rotation_angle); $file_infos = pwg_image_infos($file_path); if (isset($image_id)) { $update = array('file' => pwg_db_real_escape_string(isset($original_filename) ? $original_filename : basename($file_path)), 'filesize' => $file_infos['filesize'], 'width' => $file_infos['width'], 'height' => $file_infos['height'], 'md5sum' => $md5sum, 'added_by' => $user['id'], 'rotation' => $rotation); if (isset($level)) { $update['level'] = $level; } single_update(IMAGES_TABLE, $update, array('id' => $image_id)); } else { // database registration $file = pwg_db_real_escape_string(isset($original_filename) ? $original_filename : basename($file_path)); $insert = array('file' => $file, 'name' => get_name_from_file($file), 'date_available' => $dbnow, 'path' => preg_replace('#^' . preg_quote(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH) . '#', '', $file_path), 'filesize' => $file_infos['filesize'], 'width' => $file_infos['width'], 'height' => $file_infos['height'], 'md5sum' => $md5sum, 'added_by' => $user['id'], 'rotation' => $rotation); if (isset($level)) { $insert['level'] = $level; } if (isset($representative_ext)) { $insert['representative_ext'] = $representative_ext; } single_insert(IMAGES_TABLE, $insert); $image_id = pwg_db_insert_id(IMAGES_TABLE); } if (isset($categories) and count($categories) > 0) { associate_images_to_categories(array($image_id), $categories); } // update metadata from the uploaded file (exif/iptc) if ($conf['use_exif'] and !function_exists('read_exif_data')) { $conf['use_exif'] = false; } sync_metadata(array($image_id)); invalidate_user_cache(); // cache thumbnail $query = ' SELECT id, path FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $image_id . ' ;'; $image_infos = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); set_make_full_url(); // in case we are on uploadify.php, we have to replace the false path $thumb_url = preg_replace('#admin/include/i#', 'i', DerivativeImage::thumb_url($image_infos)); unset_make_full_url(); fetchRemote($thumb_url, $dest); return $image_id; }
function pshare_section_init() { global $tokens, $page, $conf, $user, $template; if ($tokens[0] == 'pshare') { $page['section'] = 'pshare'; $page['title'] = l10n('Shared Picture'); if (!isset($tokens[1])) { die("missing key"); } if (!preg_match(PSHARE_KEY_PATTERN, $tokens[1])) { die("invalid key"); } $page['pshare_key'] = $tokens[1]; $query = ' SELECT *, NOW() AS dbnow FROM ' . PSHARE_KEYS_TABLE . ' WHERE uuid = \'' . $page['pshare_key'] . '\' ;'; $shares = query2array($query); if (count($shares) == 0) { die('unknown key'); } $share = $shares[0]; pshare_log($share['pshare_key_id'], 'visit'); // is the key still valid? if (strtotime($share['expire_on']) < strtotime($share['dbnow'])) { die('expired key'); } // if the user is permitted for this photo, let's redirect to // picture.php (with full details and actions) if (!is_a_guest() and pshare_is_photo_visible($share['image_id'])) { // find the first reachable category linked to the photo $query = ' SELECT category_id FROM ' . IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE . ' WHERE image_id = ' . $share['image_id'] . ' ;'; $authorizeds = array_diff(array_from_query($query, 'category_id'), explode(',', calculate_permissions($user['id'], $user['status']))); foreach ($authorizeds as $category_id) { $url = make_picture_url(array('image_id' => $share['image_id'], 'category' => get_cat_info($category_id))); if (function_exists('Fotorama_is_replace_picture') and Fotorama_is_replace_picture()) { $url .= '&slidestop'; } redirect($url); } redirect(make_picture_url(array('image_id' => $share['image_id']))); } $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $share['image_id'] . ' ;'; $rows = query2array($query); $image = $rows[0]; $src_image = new SrcImage($image); if (isset($tokens[2]) && 'download' == $tokens[2]) { $format_id = null; if (isset($tokens[3]) && preg_match('/^f(\\d+)$/', $tokens[3], $matches)) { $format_id = $matches[1]; $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . IMAGE_FORMAT_TABLE . ' WHERE format_id = ' . $format_id . ' AND image_id = ' . $image['id'] . ' ;'; $formats = query2array($query); if (count($formats) == 0) { do_error(400, 'Invalid request - format'); } $format = $formats[0]; $file = original_to_format(get_element_path($image), $format['ext']); $image['file'] = get_filename_wo_extension($image['file']) . '.' . $format['ext']; } else { $file = $image['path']; } $gmt_mtime = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($file)) . ' GMT'; $http_headers = array('Content-Length: ' . @filesize($file), 'Last-Modified: ' . $gmt_mtime, 'Content-Type: ' . mime_content_type($file), 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $image['file'] . '";', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); foreach ($http_headers as $header) { header($header); } readfile($file); pshare_log($share['pshare_key_id'], 'download', $format_id); exit; } $template->set_filename('shared_picture', realpath(PSHARE_PATH . 'template/shared_picture.tpl')); $derivative = new DerivativeImage(ImageStdParams::get_by_type(IMG_MEDIUM), $src_image); $derivative_size = $derivative->get_size(); // a random string to avoid browser cache $rand = '&download=' . substr(md5(time()), 0, 6); $template->assign(array('SRC' => $derivative->get_url(), 'IMG_WIDTH' => $derivative_size[0], 'IMG_HEIGHT' => $derivative_size[1], 'DOWNLOAD_URL' => duplicate_index_url() . '/' . $page['pshare_key'] . '/download' . $rand)); // formats if (defined('IMAGE_FORMAT_TABLE')) { $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . IMAGE_FORMAT_TABLE . ' WHERE image_id = ' . $share['image_id'] . ' ;'; $formats = query2array($query); if (!empty($formats)) { foreach ($formats as &$format) { $format['download_url'] = duplicate_index_url() . '/' . $page['pshare_key'] . '/download'; $format['download_url'] .= '/f' . $format['format_id'] . $rand; $format['filesize'] = sprintf('%.1fMB', $format['filesize'] / 1024); } } $template->assign('formats', $formats); } $template->parse('shared_picture'); $template->p(); exit; } }
function upload_file_video($representative_ext, $file_path) { global $logger, $conf; $logger->info(__FUNCTION__ . ', $file_path = ' . $file_path . ', $representative_ext = ' . $representative_ext); if (isset($representative_ext)) { return $representative_ext; } $ffmpeg_video_exts = array('wmv', 'mov', 'mkv', 'mp4', 'mpg', 'flv', 'asf', 'xvid', 'divx', 'mpeg', 'avi', 'rm'); if (!in_array(strtolower(get_extension($file_path)), $ffmpeg_video_exts)) { return $representative_ext; } $representative_file_path = dirname($file_path) . '/pwg_representative/'; $representative_file_path .= get_filename_wo_extension(basename($file_path)) . '.'; $representative_ext = 'jpg'; $representative_file_path .= $representative_ext; prepare_directory(dirname($representative_file_path)); $second = 1; $ffmpeg = $conf['ffmpeg_dir'] . 'ffmpeg'; $ffmpeg .= ' -i "' . $file_path . '"'; $ffmpeg .= ' -an -ss ' . $second; $ffmpeg .= ' -t 1 -r 1 -y -vcodec mjpeg -f mjpeg'; $ffmpeg .= ' "' . $representative_file_path . '"'; @exec($ffmpeg); if (!file_exists($representative_file_path)) { return null; } return $representative_ext; }
function render_media($content, $picture) { global $template, $picture, $page, $conf, $user, $refresh; // do nothing if the current picture is actually an image ! if (@$picture['current']['is_picture'] || array_key_exists('src_image', @$picture['current']) && @$picture['current']['src_image']->is_original()) { return $content; } // In case, the we handle a large video, we define a MAX_WIDTH // variable to limit the display size. if (isset($user['maxwidth']) and $user['maxwidth'] != '') { $MAX_WIDTH = $user['maxwidth']; } else { $MAX_WIDTH = '720'; } // Get video infos with getID3 lib require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/getid3/getid3.php'; $getID3 = new getID3(); $fileinfo = $getID3->analyze($picture['current']['path']); $extension = strtolower(get_extension($picture['current']['path'])); $basename = strtolower(get_filename_wo_extension($picture['current']['path'])); $is_video = False; // if not a media extension, do nothing if (!in_array($extension, $conf['media_ext'])) { return $content; } else { if (isset($fileinfo['video'])) { // -- video file -- $is_video = True; if ($extension == 'webm') { $extension = 'webmv'; } if ($extension == 'mp4') { $extension = 'm4v'; } // guess resolution if (isset($fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'])) { $width = $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x']; } if (isset($fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'])) { $height = $fileinfo['video']['resolution_y']; } if (!isset($width) || !isset($height)) { // If guess was unsuccessful, fallback to default 16/9 resolution // This is the case for ogv video for example. $width = $MAX_WIDTH; $height = intval(9 * ($width / 16)); } } else { // -- audio only file -- if ($extension == 'webm') { $extension = 'webma'; } if ($extension == 'mp4') { $extension = 'm4a'; } if ($extension == 'ogg') { $extension = 'oga'; } $width = '0'; $height = '0'; } } // Resize if video is too large if ($width > $MAX_WIDTH) { $height = intval($height * ($MAX_WIDTH / $width)); $width = $MAX_WIDTH; } // Slideshow : The video needs to be launch automatically in // slideshow mode. The refresh of the page is set to the // duration of the video. if (isset($conf['jplayer_autoplay']) && $conf['jplayer_autoplay']) { $AUTOPLAY = 'play'; } else { $AUTOPLAY = ''; } if ($page['slideshow']) { $refresh = $fileinfo['playtime_seconds']; $AUTOPLAY = 'play'; } // Picture representative to be used as poster image in the player $poster_url = NULL; if (isset($picture['current']['src_image']) && isset($conf['jplayer_representative_as_poster']) && $conf['jplayer_representative_as_poster']) { $poster_url = $picture['current']['src_image']->get_url(); $poster_url = embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $poster_url); if (strpos($poster_url, "mimetype")) { // Ignore mimetype representatives because they're too small $poster_url = NULL; } } // Load parameter, fallback to blue monday if unset $skin = isset($conf['jplayer_skin']) ? $conf['jplayer_skin'] : 'bm'; // Select the template $template->set_filenames(array('jp_content' => dirname(__FILE__) . "/template/jp-" . $skin . ".tpl")); $alternate_media_url = ''; $alternate_type = ''; if ($extension == 'webmv') { if (file_exists($basename . '.m4v')) { $alternate_media_url = str_replace('webm', 'm4v', $picture['current']['element_url']); $alternate_type = 'm4v'; } } else { if ($extension == 'm4v') { if (file_exists($basename . '.webm')) { $alternate_media_url = str_replace('m4v', 'webm', $picture['current']['element_url']); $alternate_type = 'webmv'; } } } // Assign the template variables // We use here the piwigo's get_gallery_home_url function to build // the full URL as suggested by jplayer for flash fallback compatibility $template->assign(array('JP_MEDIA_URL' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $picture['current']['element_url']), 'ALT_JP_MEDIA_URL' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $alternate_media_url), 'JP_POSTER' => $poster_url, 'JPLAYER_PATH' => JPLAYER_PATH, 'JPLAYER_FULLPATH' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__)), 'WIDTH' => $width . 'px', 'HEIGHT' => $height . 'px', 'TYPE' => $extension, 'ALT_TYPE' => $alternate_type, 'AUTOPLAY' => $AUTOPLAY, 'IS_VIDEO' => $is_video)); // Return the rendered html $jp_content = $template->parse('jp_content', true); return $jp_content; }