function &pass_out() { global $filestr; //$exactly equivalent to: $filestr =& $_GLOBALS['filestr']; $filestr = get_file_contents("./bigfile.txt"); return $_GLOBALS['filestr']; }
function parseaddons($addonspath, $filename, $shop_lang) { global $modx, $modulea, $moduleid, $tables, $tsvshop; $out = ""; $tmp = ""; $temp = ""; $num = 1; $lang = isset($lang) ? $lang : $modx->config['manager_language']; //$filename=$modx->config['base_path'].'assets/snippets/tsvshop/admin/tpl/addonstable.tpl'; $tpl = get_file_contents($filename); if (!empty($addonspath) && !empty($filename)) { $folders = scandir($addonspath, 1); foreach ($folders as $folder) { if ($folder != "." && $folder != ".." && file_exists($addonspath . $folder . "/")) { $temp = str_replace('[+moduleid+]', $_GET['id'], $tpl); $temp = str_replace('[+lang+]', $lang, $temp); $temp = str_replace('[+num+]', $num++, $temp); $temp = str_replace('[+addon+]', $shop_lang[$folder . '_title'], $temp); if (is_install($folder)) { if ($tables[$folder] == "system") { $temp = str_replace('[+actions+]', '<img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/system.png" alt="" />', $temp); } else { $temp = str_replace('[+actions+]', '<a href="/' . MGR_DIR . '/index.php?id=' . $moduleid . '&a=' . $modulea . '&act=addonuninstall&addon=' . $folder . '" title="' . $shop_lang['addons_uninstall'] . '" onclick="uninstall(\'' . $shop_lang['addons_uninstall_question'] . '\');return false"><img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/uninstall.png" alt="' . $shop_lang['addons_uninstall'] . '" /></a>', $temp); } if (getConf("addons", $folder . "_active") == "yes") { if ($tables[$folder] == "system") { $temp = str_replace('[+status+]', '<img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/addon_un.png" alt="" /> <img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/addon_un.png" alt="" />', $temp); } else { $temp = str_replace('[+status+]', '<img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/addon_on.png" alt="' . $shop_lang['addons_on'] . '" title="' . $shop_lang['addons_on'] . '" /> <a href="/' . MGR_DIR . '/index.php?id=' . $moduleid . '&a=' . $modulea . '&act=addonoff&addon=' . $folder . '" title="' . $shop_lang['addons_off_act'] . '"><img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/addon_un.png" alt="' . $shop_lang['addons_off_act'] . '" /></a>', $temp); } } else { if ($tables[$folder] == "system") { $temp = str_replace('[+status+]', '<img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/addon_un.png" alt="" /> <img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/addon_un.png" alt="" />', $temp); } else { $temp = str_replace('[+status+]', '<a href="/' . MGR_DIR . '/index.php?id=' . $moduleid . '&a=' . $modulea . '&act=addonon&addon=' . $folder . '" title="' . $shop_lang['addons_on_act'] . '"><img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/addon_un.png" alt="' . $shop_lang['addons_on_act'] . '" /></a> <img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/addon_off.png" alt="' . $shop_lang['addons_off'] . '" title="' . $shop_lang['addons_off'] . '" />', $temp); } } } else { if ($tables[$folder] == "system") { $temp = str_replace('[+actions+]', '<img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/system.png" alt="" />', $temp); $temp = str_replace('[+status+]', '<img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/addon_un.png" alt="' . $shop_lang['addons_on'] . '" title="' . $shop_lang['addons_on'] . '" /> <img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/addon_un.png" alt="' . $shop_lang['addons_on'] . '" title="' . $shop_lang['addons_on'] . '" />', $temp); } else { $temp = str_replace('[+actions+]', '<a href="/' . MGR_DIR . '/index.php?id=' . $moduleid . '&a=' . $modulea . '&act=addoninstall&addon=' . $folder . '" title="' . $shop_lang['addons_install'] . '"><img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/install.png" alt="' . $shop_lang['addons_install'] . '" /></a>', $temp); $temp = str_replace('[+status+]', '<img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/addon_un.png" alt="' . $shop_lang['addons_on'] . '" title="' . $shop_lang['addons_on'] . '" /> <img src="' . TSVSHOP_SURL . 'addons/addons/img/addon_un.png" alt="' . $shop_lang['addons_on'] . '" title="' . $shop_lang['addons_on'] . '" />', $temp); } } $temp = str_replace('[+description+]', $shop_lang[$folder . '_desc'], $temp); $out .= $temp; } } $out = preg_replace('/(\\[\\+.*?\\+\\])/', '', $out); return $out; } else { return ""; } }
function fetch_wikihow($url) { echo "<h2>FROM WIKIHOW</h2>"; global $current_file; global $machine_id; global $source_machine; global $spell_checked; global $source_id, $oldSource_id; global $fetchFromOutside, $oldSource, $lastResult, $newResult; $title = substr($url, 23); $query = "select * from data_how where title = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($title) . "'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or trigger_error(mysql_error() . " in {$query}", E_USER_ERROR); if (mysql_num_rows($result) && !$fetchFromOutside) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $source_id = $row['id']; $source_machine = $row['machine']; $current_file = "/hownew/{$source_id}"; $how_return = get_file_contents($current_file, $source_machine); } else { require_once 'class.WikiHow.php'; $mywiki = new WikiHow($url); $how_return = $mywiki->start_search(); if ($how_return) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $source_machine = $row['machine']; $source_id = $row['id']; $current_file = "/hownew/" . $row['id']; $str = substr($result, 0, 500); $newResult = str2hex($str); if ($newResult != $lastResult || $oldSource != "how") { writeToFile($source_machine, DATA_PATH . $current_file, $how_return); } } else { $query = "insert into data_how(title,machine) values('" . mysql_real_escape_string($title) . "',{$machine_id})"; mysql_query($query) or trigger_error(mysql_error() . " in {$query}", E_USER_ERROR); $source_id = mysql_insert_id(); file_put_contents(DATA_PATH . "/hownew/{$source_id}", $how_return); $source_machine = $machine_id; $current_file = "/hownew/{$source_id}"; } } } echo "HOW RETURN : " . $how_return; return $how_return; }
if ($m == "db") { //target = table/field/id_field/id $fields = explode("/", $current_file); echo "<br>request table<br>"; print_r($fields); echo "<br>"; $query = "SELECT " . $fields[1] . " FROM " . $fields[0] . " WHERE `" . $fields[2] . "` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($fields[3]) . "'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error() . " in {$query}"); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); echo "<br>row<br>"; print_r($row); echo "<br>"; $content = str_replace("\r", "\n", $row[0]); $content = trim($content); } else { $content = get_file_contents($current_file, $m); } var_dump($content); $e = 0; // //for disamb pages if (substr($content, 0, 1) == '|') { echo "<br>DISAMBIGUATION PAGE<br>"; $e = strpos($content, '|', 1) + 1; } // $first_char = substr($content, $position + $e - 1, 2); echo "\n<br>first char: "; var_dump($first_char); echo "<br>"; if (strpos($first_char, ".") === false && strpos($first_char, "\n") === false) {
function system_info_archive_page() { info_disabled_check(); $loader = find_loader(true); if (is_string($loader)) { $loader_file = $loader; } else { $loader_file = ''; } $all_files = system_info_temporary_files(); if (!empty($all_files)) { if (!empty($loader_file)) { $all_files['loader'] = $loader_file; } $archive_name = tempnam('/tmp', "ARC"); if (extension_loaded('zip')) { $archive_name .= '.zip'; $zip = @new ZipArchive(); $mode = @constant("ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE"); if (!$zip || $zip->open($archive_name, $mode) !== TRUE) { $archive_name = ''; } else { foreach ($all_files as $f) { $zip->addFile($f, basename($f)); } $zip->close(); } } elseif (extension_loaded('zlib') && !is_ms_windows()) { $tar_name = $archive_name . ".tar"; $all_files_str = join(' ', $all_files); $script = "tar -chf {$tar_name} {$all_files_str}"; $result = @system($script, $retval); if ($result !== false) { $archive_name = $tar_name . '.gz'; $zp = gzopen($archive_name, "w9"); $tar_contents = get_file_contents($tar_name); gzwrite($zp, $tar_contents); gzclose($zp); } else { $archive_name = ''; } } else { $archive_name = ''; } } else { $archive_name = ''; } if ($archive_name) { header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $archive_name); @readfile($archive_name); } else { $self = get_self(); $base = get_base_address(); $server_type_code = server_type_code(); heading(); echo "<p>A downloadable archive of system information could not be created.<br> \r\n <strong>Please save each of the following and then attach those files to the support ticket:</strong></p>"; echo "<ul>"; echo "<li><a href=\"{$base}&page=phpinfo\" target=\"phpinfo\">phpinfo()</a></li>"; echo "<li><a href=\"{$base}&page=phpconfig\" target=\"phpconfig\">config</a></li>"; echo "<li><a href=\"{$base}&page=extra&stype={$server_type_code}\" target=\"extra\">additional information</a></li>"; echo "<li><a href=\"{$self}?page=loaderbin\">loader file</a></li>"; echo "</ul>"; footer(true); } }
<?php include "../db_connect.php"; $tmp = get_file_contents('idelprice.txt'); echo $tmp; $query = "SELECT * FROM im_catalog WHERE `show` ='1';"; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // echo "<a href='download_images_5.php?filename=$r[6]'>Скачать $r[6]</a><br>"; }
<?php /** * Dynamically generate the TinyMCE localization file if it doesn't already exist */ $lang_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $mce_locale . '_dlg.js'; if (is_file($lang_file) && is_readable($lang_file)) { $strings = get_file_contents($lang_file); } else { $strings = get_file_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/en_dlg.js'); $strings = preg_replace('/([\'"])en\\./', '$1' . $mce_locale . '.', $strings, 1); }
function tsv_minregjs() { global $modx, $jsfiles; $data = ""; if (is_array($jsfiles)) { array_unique($jsfiles); foreach ($jsfiles as $file) { if (file_exists(TSVSHOP_PATH . $file)) { $data .= get_file_contents(TSVSHOP_PATH . $file); } } $fn = md5($data); $filename = TSVSHOP_PATH . 'cache/' . $fn . '.js'; if (!file_exists($filename)) { if ($handle = opendir(TSVSHOP_PATH . 'cache/')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { unlink(TSVSHOP_PATH . 'cache/' . $file); } } closedir($handle); } require TSVSHOP_PATH . 'include/jsmin5.php'; $data = JSMin::minify($data); $tmp = fopen($filename, "w"); @flock($tmp, LOCK_EX); fwrite($tmp, $data); flock($tmp, LOCK_UN); fclose($tmp); $modx->regClientStartupScript(TSVSHOP_SURL . 'cache/' . $fn . '.js'); } else { $modx->regClientStartupScript(TSVSHOP_SURL . 'cache/' . $fn . '.js'); } } else { foreach ($jsfiles as $file) { if (file_exists(TSVSHOP_PATH . $file)) { $modx->regClientStartupScript(TSVSHOP_SURL . $file); } } } unset($jsfiles); unset($data); unset($fn); }
function tsv_showorder() { global $modx, $tsvshop; $dborders = $modx->getFullTableName('shop_order'); $dborders_details = $modx->getFullTableName('shop_order_detail'); $userid = $modx->getLoginUserID(); $i = explode(":", _filter($_GET['i'], 1)); $n = $i[0]; $c = $i[1]; $out = ""; $r = 0; $temp = ""; $filename = $modx->config['base_path'] . 'assets/snippets/tsvoffice/tpl/orderview.tpl'; if (!empty($n) && !empty($c) && !empty($userid)) { $res = $modx->db->select('*', $dborders, 'numorder = "' . $n . '" AND code="' . $c . '" AND userid="' . $userid . '"', 'numorder', '1'); $row = $modx->db->getRow($res); if ($res && is_array($row)) { //$row = $modx->db->getRow($res); $tpl = get_file_contents($filename); $tpltr = getStr($tpl, '<!--repeat-->', '<!--/repeat-->'); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, explode(",", $tsvshop['SecFields']))) { $value = DeCryptMessage($value, $tsvshop['SecPassword']); //echo "key=".$key.", value=".$value; } if ($key == "dateorder") { $value = date("d.m.Y H:i:s", $value); } // игнорируем дисконтную карту, проверим позже if ($key == "discountnum") { $value = '[+discountnum+]'; } // $tpl = str_replace('[+' . $key . '+]', $value, $tpl); } // Проверим валидна ли дисконтная карта и если её нет в базе выведем предупреждение if ($tsvshop['addons_discount_active'] == 'yes') { $discountres = $modx->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $modx->getFullTableName('shop_discount') . " AS a WHERE a.discountnum = '" . $row['discountnum'] . "' AND = 1 AND (a.use < a.count OR a.count = 0) AND (a.summa >= '" . $sub . "' OR a.summa = 0) LIMIT 1"); $discountrow = $modx->db->getRow($discountres); } if ($discountrow['discountnum']) { $tpl = str_replace('[+discountnum+]', $discountrow['discountnum'], $tpl); } else { $tpl = str_replace('[+discountnum+]', '<span class="error_discount">Карта указана неверно или неактивна</span>', $tpl); } // end if ($res = $modx->db->select('*', $dborders_details, 'numorder = "' . $n . '"', 'numorder')) { while ($row = $modx->db->getRow($res)) { $r++; $temp = $tpltr; foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $temp = str_replace('[+' . $key . '+]', $value, $temp); } $temp = str_replace('[+num+]', $r, $temp); $out .= $temp; } $out = str_replace($tpltr, $out, $tpl); $out = preg_replace('/(\\[\\+.*?\\+\\])/', '', $out); return $out; } } else { return '<div class="error">Извините, но такого заказа не существует.</div>'; } } else { return '<div class="error">Извините, но такого заказа не существует.</div>'; } // если номер заказа, ид пользователя и код доступа подходят, выдаем подробности заказа // backid }
$total_return = get_file_contents($current_file, $source_machine); break; case 'wiki_ext': $source_machine = $source_id; $current_file = "/mwikiext/{$id}"; $to_logserver['source'] = 'wiki'; $total_return = get_file_contents($current_file, $source_machine); break; case 'evi': case 'duck': case 'wolf': $case = $row['source']; $source_machine = $source_id; $current_file = "/{$case}/{$id}"; $to_logserver['source'] = $case; $total_return = get_file_contents($current_file, $source_machine); break; case 'wans': case 'linked': case 'ans': case 'iforum': case 'imdb': case 'ehow': case 'local': $case = $row['source']; $q = "select ans from data_{$case} where id = {$source_id}"; $r = mysql_query($q) or trigger_error(mysql_error() . " in " . $q, E_USER_ERROR); $rw = mysql_fetch_array($r); $total_return = $rw['ans']; $source_machine = 'db'; $current_file = "data_{$case}/ans/id/{$source_id}";
echo "<h4>CITY SEARCH</h4>"; $tree = new BinarySearch('msi_cities', 'city', 3); echo $city_name = $tree->search($city, 1); if (!empty($city_name)) { echo $query = "select * from msi_cities where city='{$city_name}'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_fields($result) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $flag = $row['flag']; $mid = $row['machineID']; $id = $row['id']; if ($flag != 0 && $mid != 0) { echo "<h2>Inside DB</h2>"; $current_file = "/city/{$id}"; $source_machine = $mid; $total_return = get_file_contents($current_file, $mid); echo $total_return; $to_logserver['source'] = 'city'; include 'allmanip.php'; putOutput($total_return); exit; } else { echo $url = "" . ucfirst($city_name); $content = httpGet($url); if (!empty($content)) { preg_match_all("~<td class=\"td-title-sm-pl\">(.+)<div class=\"sep10\"></div>~Usi", $content, $match); if (!empty($match[1])) { $out = $match[1][0]; $out = preg_replace('~<td class="td-pl">|<br>~', "***", $out); $out = strip_tags($out); $out = str_replace("More details coming soon. Stay tuned!", "", $out);
$data = implode("\n", array_filter(explode("\n", $tmpdata))); } } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { $usern = $_POST['username']; $passw = $_POST['phrase']; $tgt = $_POST['target']; $fpath = json_decode($_POST['filepath']); $cfg = "/tmp/" . $_POST['cfg'] . ".s3cfg"; $tmp_data = ""; if ($tgt == "1") { // Currently, we expect only element 0 get_s3_file($fpath, $tmp_data, $cfg); } else { $myhost = $_POST['host']; get_file_contents($myhost, $usern, $passw, $fpath, $tmp_data); } if ($tmp_data != "") { $myc_arr = ""; // create map $realkey_cnt = 0; $paths_map = array(); foreach (array_filter(explode("\n", $tmp_data)) as $f) { $dn = dirname($f); if (!array_key_exists($dn, $paths_map)) { $paths_map[$dn] = $realkey_cnt; $realkey_cnt++; } } $mymap = array_flip($paths_map); // output map and data
key vpnkey.pem */ execute_command_return_output("/usr/bin/openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout /tmp/cakey.pem -out /tmp/cacert.pem -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf"); echo "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">document.forms[0].status.value=\"Creating Server Certificates...\";</script>"; execute_command_return_output("/usr/bin/openssl req -nodes -new -keyout /tmp/vpnkey.pem -out /tmp/vpncert-req.pem -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf"); execute_command_return_output("/usr/bin/openssl ca -out /tmp/vpncert.pem -in /tmp/vpncert-req.pem -batch"); echo "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">document.forms[0].status.value=\"Creating DH Parms...\";</script>"; execute_command_return_output("/usr/bin/openssl dhparam -out /tmp/dh1024.pem 1024"); echo "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">document.forms[0].status.value=\"Done!\";</script>"; //CLIENT //mwexec("openssl req -nodes -new -keyout home.key -out home.csr"); //mwexec("openssl ca -out home.crt -in home.csr"); $cacertA = get_file_contents("/tmp/cacert.pem"); $serverkeyA = get_file_contents("/tmp/vpnkey.pem"); $servercertA = get_file_contents("/tmp/vpncert.pem"); $dhpemA = get_file_contents("/tmp/dh1024.pem"); $cacert = ereg_replace("\n", "\\n", $cacertA); $serverkey = ereg_replace("\n", "\\n", $serverkeyA); $dhpem = ereg_replace("\n", "\\n", $dhpemA); //$servercert = ereg_replace("\n","\\n", $servercertA); $tmp = strstr($servercertA, "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"); $servercert = ereg_replace("\n", "\\n", $tmp); ?> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var ca_cert ='<?php echo $cacert; ?> '; var srv_key ='<?php echo $serverkey;
<?php if ($req == "localmovie_list") { echo "<br>LOCALMOVIE LIST<br>"; $localmovie_list = unserialize(get_file_contents("/localmovie/" . $numbers, $m)); echo "<br>localmovie_list: "; print_r($localmovie_list); echo "<br>"; include 'localmovie_list.php'; $total_return = "Movie listing for " . $localmovie_list['city'] . "\n"; include 'allmanip.php'; $to_logserver['source'] = 'showtimes'; if ($fromHi == true) { $total_return = str_replace("OPTIONS", "ALSO TRY", $total_return); $total_return = str_replace("Reply with", "Try with", $total_return); } putOutput($total_return); die; }
function vieworder($filename) { global $modx, $shop_lang, $theme, $tsvshop, $tables, $moduleid, $modulea; $user = $modx->userLoggedIn(); $out = ""; $output_sales_notice = ""; $output_sales_error = ""; $temp = ""; $act = $_GET['act']; $id = _filter($_GET['idorder'], 1); $filename = empty($filename) ? TSVSHOP_PATH . 'addons/sales/tpl/orderview.tpl' : $filename; if ($user['usertype'] == "manager") { if (!empty($act) && $act == "vieworder" && $tables['sales'] != "none" && $tsvshop['dborders'] != "" && !empty($id) && is_numeric($id)) { if ($res = $modx->db->select('*', $tsvshop['dborders'], 'numorder = "' . $id . '"', 'numorder', '1')) { $row = $modx->db->getRow($res); $url = "index.php"; $tpl = get_file_contents($filename); $row1 = array('moduleurl' => $url, 'modulea' => $modulea, 'moduleid' => $moduleid, 'theme' => $theme); $tpltr = getStr($tpl, '<!--repeat-->', '<!--/repeat-->'); $row = array_merge($shop_lang, $row1, $row); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, explode(",", $tsvshop['SecFields']))) { $value = DeCryptMessage($value, $tsvshop['SecPassword']); } if ($key == "dateorder") { $value = date("d.m.Y H:i:s", $value); } if ($key == "status") { $tpl = str_replace('[+buildstatus+]', '<select name="status" id="status">' . buildstatus($value, explode("||", $tsvshop['StatusOrder'])) . '</select>', $tpl); } $tpl = str_replace('[+' . $key . '+]', $value, $tpl); } if ($res = $modx->db->select('*', $tsvshop['dborders_details'], 'numorder = "' . $id . '"', 'numorder')) { while ($order = $modx->db->getRow($res)) { $row = array_merge($row, $order); $r++; $temp = str_replace('[+moduleid+]', $_GET['id'], $tpltr); foreach ($order as $key => $value) { $temp = str_replace('[+' . $key . '+]', $value, $temp); } $temp = str_replace('[+num+]', $r, $temp); $out .= $temp; } $out = str_replace($tpltr, $out, $tpl); $out = preg_replace('/(\\[\\+.*?\\+\\])/', '', $out); return $out; } } //--- } } }
$test = testDirWrite('', '', $d, '', 0, $debug); if ($test->res == 'red') { installerShowErrorPage('Directory not writable! ' . $d . '<br />Please correct by executing: <em>chmod 777</em> or set writing permission for php process, exiting!', 'Directory_not_writable'); } } require_once $pathSmartClass; $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->compile_dir = TMP_TEMPLATES_C_LOCATION; $smarty->cache_dir = TMP_CACHE_LOCATION; $smarty->template_dir = cms_join_path(CMS_INSTALL_BASE, 'templates'); $smarty->caching = false; $smarty->force_compile = true; $smarty->debugging = false; $smarty->assign('languages', $installer->dropdown_lang()); if (file_exists(cms_join_path(CMS_INSTALL_BASE, 'releasenotes.txt'))) { $smarty->assign('release_notes', get_file_contents(cms_join_path(CMS_INSTALL_BASE, 'releasenotes.txt'))); } $smarty->display('installer_start.tpl'); $smarty->display('pagestart.tpl'); $smarty->display('installer_end.tpl'); exit; } else { if (!isset($_SESSION['test'])) { installerShowErrorPage('Session not working, you have problem with some modules and functionality! Ask your provider, exiting!', 'Session_not_working'); } } // First checks ok if (isset($_POST['default_cms_lang'])) { $frontendlang = $_POST['default_cms_lang']; } require_once cms_join_path(CMS_INSTALL_BASE, 'lang.php');
function getContents() { if (!is_file($this->getPathname())) { throw new Exception("Not a file or not readable"); } return get_file_contents($this->getPathname()); }
if ($rows->key() == "row") { $fileid = $filename = NULL; $props = $rows->getChildren(); $props->rewind(); while ($props->valid()) { switch ($props->key()) { case "id": $fileid = strval($props->current()); break; case "file_name": $filename = strval($props->current()); } $props->next(); } if (!empty($fileid) && !empty($filename)) { $contents = get_file_contents($fileid); if ($contents) { parse_file($filename, $contents); } } } $rows->next(); } } $xml->next(); } $lastchange = intval(ConfigHelper::getConfig('finances.bgz_password_lastchange', 0)); if (!$lastchange || time() - $lastchange > 30 * 86400) { if (!$quiet) { printf("Changing BGZ password ... "); }
<?php if (preg_match("~__bestmaketrip__(.+)__(.+)__(.+)__~", $req, $matches)) { echo "<h3>Route API SPCL CASE</h3>"; $input = $matches[1]; $origin = $matches[2]; $destination = $matches[3]; $hitMake = false; $matched = TRUE; $file = $listAll["target"]; $mch = $listAll['machine_id']; $content = get_file_contents($file, $mch); $arResult = json_decode($content, TRUE); if (empty($arResult)) { $hitMake = TRUE; } include 'routeapi.php'; } elseif (preg_match("~\\b(routes?|distances?|directions?)\\b~", $spell_checked, $match)) { echo "<br>ROUTE DETAILS<br>"; echo $route_req = $spell_checked; $rout_must = false; $hitapi = true; if ($match[1] == 'to' || $match[1] == ' 2 ') { $route_req = preg_replace("~ 2 ~", " to ", $route_req); $hitapi = false; } else { if ($match[1] == 'route' || $match[1] == 'routes') { $rout_must = true; } } if (!preg_match("~\\b(who|where|movie|song|weather|climate|cricket|cri|score|review|lyrics|bus|dict)\\b~", $req)) {
function parseUrl($Url) { if ($Content = @get_file_contents($Url)) { return $this->Parse($Conent); } }