예제 #1
  * Return array of users whose progress is tracked in this course.
  * Optionally supply a search's where clause, group id, sorting, paging.
  * @param string $where Where clause sql, referring to 'u.' fields (optional)
  * @param array $whereparams Where clause params (optional)
  * @param int $groupid Group ID to restrict to (optional)
  * @param string $sort Order by clause (optional)
  * @param int $limitfrom Result start (optional)
  * @param int $limitnum Result max size (optional)
  * @param context $extracontext If set, includes extra user information fields
  *   as appropriate to display for current user in this context
  * @return array Array of user objects with standard user fields
 public function get_tracked_users($where = '', $whereparams = array(), $groupid = 0, $sort = '', $limitfrom = '', $limitnum = '', context $extracontext = null)
     global $DB;
     list($enrolledsql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql(context_course::instance($this->course->id), 'moodle/course:isincompletionreports', $groupid, true);
     $sql = 'SELECT u.id, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.idnumber';
     if ($extracontext) {
         $sql .= get_extra_user_fields_sql($extracontext, 'u', '', array('idnumber'));
     $sql .= ' FROM (' . $enrolledsql . ') eu JOIN {user} u ON u.id = eu.id';
     if ($where) {
         $sql .= " AND {$where}";
         $params = array_merge($params, $whereparams);
     if ($sort) {
         $sql .= " ORDER BY {$sort}";
     return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
예제 #2
 * Return filtered (if provided) list of users in site, except guest and deleted users.
 * @param string $sort An SQL field to sort by
 * @param string $dir The sort direction ASC|DESC
 * @param int $page The page or records to return
 * @param int $recordsperpage The number of records to return per page
 * @param string $search A simple string to search for
 * @param string $firstinitial Users whose first name starts with $firstinitial
 * @param string $lastinitial Users whose last name starts with $lastinitial
 * @param string $extraselect An additional SQL select statement to append to the query
 * @param array $extraparams Additional parameters to use for the above $extraselect
 * @param stdClass $extracontext If specified, will include user 'extra fields'
 *   as appropriate for current user and given context
 * @return array Array of {@link $USER} records
function get_users_listing($sort = 'lastaccess', $dir = 'ASC', $page = 0, $recordsperpage = 0, $search = '', $firstinitial = '', $lastinitial = '', $extraselect = '', array $extraparams = null, $extracontext = null)
    global $DB, $CFG;
    $fullname = $DB->sql_fullname();
    $select = "deleted <> 1 AND id <> :guestid";
    $params = array('guestid' => $CFG->siteguest);
    if (!empty($search)) {
        $search = trim($search);
        $select .= " AND (" . $DB->sql_like($fullname, ':search1', false, false) . " OR " . $DB->sql_like('email', ':search2', false, false) . " OR username = :search3)";
        $params['search1'] = "%{$search}%";
        $params['search2'] = "%{$search}%";
        $params['search3'] = "{$search}";
    if ($firstinitial) {
        $select .= " AND " . $DB->sql_like('firstname', ':fni', false, false);
        $params['fni'] = "{$firstinitial}%";
    if ($lastinitial) {
        $select .= " AND " . $DB->sql_like('lastname', ':lni', false, false);
        $params['lni'] = "{$lastinitial}%";
    if ($extraselect) {
        $select .= " AND {$extraselect}";
        $params = $params + (array) $extraparams;
    if ($sort) {
        $sort = " ORDER BY {$sort} {$dir}";
    // If a context is specified, get extra user fields that the current user
    // is supposed to see.
    $extrafields = '';
    if ($extracontext) {
        $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields_sql($extracontext, '', '', array('id', 'username', 'email', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'city', 'country', 'lastaccess', 'confirmed', 'mnethostid'));
    // warning: will return UNCONFIRMED USERS
    return $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT id, username, email, firstname, lastname, city, country,\n                                        lastaccess, confirmed, mnethostid, suspended {$extrafields}\n                                   FROM {user}\n                                  WHERE {$select}\n                                  {$sort}", $params, $page, $recordsperpage);
예제 #3
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: anilch/Personel
     * @method get_users_listing
     * @todo to get user list of school based on condition  
     * @param string $sort fieldname
     * @param string $dir specify the order to sort
     * @param int $page page number
     * @param int $recordsperpage records perpage
     * @param string $extraselect extra condition to select user
     * @param array $extraparams
     * @return array of objects , list of users
    function get_users_listing($sort = 'lastaccess', $dir = 'ASC', $page = 0, $recordsperpage = 0, $extraselect = '', array $extraparams = null, $extracontext = null) {
        global $DB, $CFG;

        $select = "deleted <> 1 AND id <> :guestid";  //$select = "deleted=0";
        $params = array('guestid' => $CFG->siteguest);

        if ($extraselect) {
            $select .= " AND $extraselect";
            $params = $params + (array) $extraparams;

        // If a context is specified, get extra user fields that the current user
        // is supposed to see.
        $extrafields = '';
        if ($extracontext) {
            $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields_sql($extracontext, '', '', array('id', 'username', 'email', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'city', 'country',
                'lastaccess', 'confirmed', 'mnethostid'));
         * ###Bugreport#183-Filters
         * @author Naveen Kumar<*****@*****.**>
         * (Resolved) Added $select parameters for conditions 
        // warning: will return UNCONFIRMED USERS
        //  print_object($params);
        $users = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT *
                                       FROM {user}
                                       WHERE $select", $params);

        $hierarchy = new hierarchy();
        $schoollist = $hierarchy->get_assignedschools();
        $schoollist = $hierarchy->get_school_parent($schoollist, $selected = array(), $inctop = false, $all = false);
        if (is_siteadmin()) {
            $schoollist = $hierarchy->get_school_items();
        $schoolidin = implode(',', array_keys($schoollist));
        if ($users && $schoollist) {
            $useridin = implode(',', array_keys($users));
            return $DB->get_records_sql("select user.* from (SELECT u.id, u.username, u.email, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.city, u.country,
                                            u.lastaccess, u.confirmed, u.mnethostid, u.suspended FROM {user} u
                                        JOIN {local_users} lu ON lu.userid = u.id
                                        JOIN {local_school_permissions} sp ON sp.userid = u.id
                                        WHERE u.id in ($useridin) AND sp.schoolid IN ($schoolidin)
                                        SELECT u.id, u.username, u.email, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.city, u.country,
                                            u.lastaccess, u.confirmed, u.mnethostid, u.suspended FROM {user} u
                                        JOIN {local_users} lu ON lu.userid = u.id
                                        JOIN {local_userdata} ud ON ud.userid = u.id
                                        WHERE u.id in ($useridin) AND ud.schoolid IN ($schoolidin)) user GROUP BY user.id ORDER BY user.$sort $dir LIMIT $page, $recordsperpage ");
예제 #4
                TABLE_VAR_SHOW    => 'sshow',
                TABLE_VAR_IFIRST  => 'sifirst',
                TABLE_VAR_ILAST   => 'silast',
                TABLE_VAR_PAGE    => 'spage'

    // we are looking for all users with this role assigned in this context or higher
    $contextlist = get_related_contexts_string($context);

    list($esql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($context, NULL, $currentgroup, true);
    $joins = array("FROM {user} u");
    $wheres = array();

    $extrasql = get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, 'u', '', array(
            'id', 'username', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'city', 'country',
            'picture', 'lang', 'timezone', 'maildisplay', 'imagealt', 'lastaccess'));

    if ($isfrontpage) {
        $select = "SELECT u.id, u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname,
                          u.email, u.city, u.country, u.picture,
                          u.lang, u.timezone, u.maildisplay, u.imagealt,
        $joins[] = "JOIN ($esql) e ON e.id = u.id"; // everybody on the frontpage usually
        if ($accesssince) {
            $wheres[] = get_user_lastaccess_sql($accesssince);

    } else {
        $select = "SELECT u.id, u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname,
                          u.email, u.city, u.country, u.picture,
예제 #5
파일: report.php 프로젝트: numbas/moodle
     * displays the full report
     * @param stdClass $scorm full SCORM object
     * @param stdClass $cm - full course_module object
     * @param stdClass $course - full course object
     * @param string $download - type of download being requested
    function display($scorm, $cm, $course, $download) {
        global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE;
        $contextmodule = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
        $action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
        $attemptids = optional_param_array('attemptid', array(), PARAM_RAW);
        $attemptsmode = optional_param('attemptsmode', SCORM_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL_STUDENTS, PARAM_INT);
        $PAGE->set_url(new moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('attemptsmode' => $attemptsmode)));

        if ($action == 'delete' && has_capability('mod/scorm:deleteresponses', $contextmodule) && confirm_sesskey()) {
            if (scorm_delete_responses($attemptids, $scorm)) { //delete responses.
                add_to_log($course->id, 'scorm', 'delete attempts', 'report.php?id=' . $cm->id, implode(",", $attemptids), $cm->id);
                echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('scormresponsedeleted', 'scorm'), 'notifysuccess');
        // find out current groups mode
        $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);

        // detailed report
        $mform = new mod_scorm_report_interactions_settings($PAGE->url, compact('currentgroup'));
        if ($fromform = $mform->get_data()) {
            $pagesize = $fromform->pagesize;
            $includeqtext = $fromform->qtext;
            $includeresp = $fromform->resp;
            $includeright = $fromform->right;
            set_user_preference('scorm_report_pagesize', $pagesize);
            set_user_preference('scorm_report_interactions_qtext', $includeqtext);
            set_user_preference('scorm_report_interactions_resp', $includeresp);
            set_user_preference('scorm_report_interactions_right', $includeright);
        } else {
            $pagesize = get_user_preferences('scorm_report_pagesize', 0);
            $includeqtext = get_user_preferences('scorm_report_interactions_qtext', 0);
            $includeresp = get_user_preferences('scorm_report_interactions_resp', 1);
            $includeright = get_user_preferences('scorm_report_interactions_right', 0);
        if ($pagesize < 1) {
            $pagesize = SCORM_REPORT_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;

        // select group menu
        $displayoptions = array();
        $displayoptions['attemptsmode'] = $attemptsmode;
        $displayoptions['qtext'] = $includeqtext;
        $displayoptions['resp'] = $includeresp;
        $displayoptions['right'] = $includeright;

        $mform->set_data($displayoptions + array('pagesize' => $pagesize));
        if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) {   // Groups are being used
            if (!$download) {
                groups_print_activity_menu($cm, new moodle_url($PAGE->url, $displayoptions));
        $formattextoptions = array('context' => get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id));

        // We only want to show the checkbox to delete attempts
        // if the user has permissions and if the report mode is showing attempts.
        $candelete = has_capability('mod/scorm:deleteresponses', $contextmodule)
                && ($attemptsmode != SCORM_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_STUDENTS_WITH_NO);
        // select the students
        $nostudents = false;

        if (empty($currentgroup)) {
            // all users who can attempt scoes
            if (!$students = get_users_by_capability($contextmodule, 'mod/scorm:savetrack', '', '', '', '', '', '', false)) {
                echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsyet'));
                $nostudents = true;
                $allowedlist = '';
            } else {
                $allowedlist = array_keys($students);
        } else {
            // all users who can attempt scoes and who are in the currently selected group
            if (!$groupstudents = get_users_by_capability($contextmodule, 'mod/scorm:savetrack', '', '', '', '', $currentgroup, '', false)) {
                echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsingroup'));
                $nostudents = true;
                $groupstudents = array();
            $allowedlist = array_keys($groupstudents);
        if ( !$nostudents ) {
            // Now check if asked download of data
            $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
            if ($download) {
                $filename = clean_filename("$course->shortname ".format_string($scorm->name, true,$formattextoptions));

            // Define table columns
            $columns = array();
            $headers = array();
            if (!$download && $candelete) {
                $columns[] = 'checkbox';
                $headers[] = null;
            if (!$download && $CFG->grade_report_showuserimage) {
                $columns[] = 'picture';
                $headers[] = '';
            $columns[] = 'fullname';
            $headers[] = get_string('name');

            $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($coursecontext);
            foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
                $columns[] = $field;
                $headers[] = get_user_field_name($field);
            $columns[] = 'attempt';
            $headers[] = get_string('attempt', 'scorm');
            $columns[] = 'start';
            $headers[] = get_string('started', 'scorm');
            $columns[] = 'finish';
            $headers[] = get_string('last', 'scorm');
            $columns[] = 'score';
            $headers[] = get_string('score', 'scorm');
            $scoes = $DB->get_records('scorm_scoes', array("scorm"=>$scorm->id), 'id');
            foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
                if ($sco->launch != '') {
                    $columns[] = 'scograde'.$sco->id;
                    $headers[] = format_string($sco->title,'',$formattextoptions);

            $params = array();
            list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowedlist, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
                                    // Construct the SQL
            $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT '.$DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'COALESCE(st.attempt, 0)').' AS uniqueid, ';
            $select .= 'st.scormid AS scormid, st.attempt AS attempt, ' .
                    'u.id AS userid, u.idnumber, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture, u.imagealt, u.email'.
                    get_extra_user_fields_sql($coursecontext, 'u', '', array('idnumber')) . ' ';

            // This part is the same for all cases - join users and scorm_scoes_track tables
            $from = 'FROM {user} u ';
            $from .= 'LEFT JOIN {scorm_scoes_track} st ON st.userid = u.id AND st.scormid = '.$scorm->id;
            switch ($attemptsmode) {
                    // Show only students with attempts
                    $where = ' WHERE u.id ' .$usql. ' AND st.userid IS NOT NULL';
                    // Show only students without attempts
                    $where = ' WHERE u.id ' .$usql. ' AND st.userid IS NULL';
                    // Show all students with or without attempts
                    $where = ' WHERE u.id ' .$usql. ' AND (st.userid IS NOT NULL OR st.userid IS NULL)';

            $countsql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT('.$DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'COALESCE(st.attempt, 0)').')) AS nbresults, ';
            $countsql .= 'COUNT(DISTINCT('.$DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'st.attempt').')) AS nbattempts, ';
            $countsql .= 'COUNT(DISTINCT(u.id)) AS nbusers ';
            $countsql .= $from.$where;
            $attempts = $DB->get_records_sql($select.$from.$where, $params);
            $questioncount = get_scorm_question_count($scorm->id);
            for($id = 0; $id < $questioncount; $id++) {
                if ($displayoptions['qtext']) {
                    $columns[] = 'question' . $id;
                    $headers[] = get_string('questionx', 'scormreport_interactions', $id);
                if ($displayoptions['resp']) {
                    $columns[] = 'response' . $id;
                    $headers[] = get_string('responsex', 'scormreport_interactions', $id);
                if ($displayoptions['right']) {
                    $columns[] = 'right' . $id;
                    $headers[] = get_string('rightanswerx', 'scormreport_interactions', $id);

            if (!$download) {
                $table = new flexible_table('mod-scorm-report');



                // This is done to prevent redundant data, when a user has multiple attempts
                foreach ($extrafields as $field) {


                foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
                    if ($sco->launch != '') {

                $table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
                $table->column_class('fullname', 'bold');
                $table->column_class('score', 'bold');

                $table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
                $table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
                $table->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox');

                // Start working -- this is necessary as soon as the niceties are over
            } else if ($download == 'ODS') {

                $filename .= ".ods";
                // Creating a workbook
                $workbook = new MoodleODSWorkbook("-");
                // Sending HTTP headers
                // Creating the first worksheet
                $sheettitle = get_string('report', 'scorm');
                $myxls =& $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
                // format types
                $format =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatbc =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatb =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formaty =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatc =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatr =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatg =& $workbook->add_format();
                // Here starts workshhet headers

                $colnum = 0;
                foreach ($headers as $item) {
                    $myxls->write(0, $colnum, $item, $formatbc);
                $rownum = 1;
            } else if ($download =='Excel') {

                $filename .= ".xls";
                // Creating a workbook
                $workbook = new MoodleExcelWorkbook("-");
                // Sending HTTP headers
                // Creating the first worksheet
                $sheettitle = get_string('report', 'scorm');
                $myxls =& $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
                // format types
                $format =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatbc =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatb =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formaty =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatc =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatr =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatg =& $workbook->add_format();

                $colnum = 0;
                foreach ($headers as $item) {
                    $myxls->write(0, $colnum, $item, $formatbc);
                $rownum = 1;
            } else if ($download == 'CSV') {
                $filename .= ".txt";
                header("Content-Type: application/download\n");
                header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
                header("Expires: 0");
                header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0");
                header("Pragma: public");
                echo implode("\t", $headers)." \n";

            if (!$download) {
                $sort = $table->get_sql_sort();
            } else {
                $sort = '';
            // Fix some wired sorting
            if (empty($sort)) {
                $sort = ' ORDER BY uniqueid';
            } else {
                $sort = ' ORDER BY '.$sort;

            if (!$download) {
                // Add extra limits due to initials bar
                list($twhere, $tparams) = $table->get_sql_where();
                if ($twhere) {
                    $where .= ' AND '.$twhere; //initial bar
                    $params = array_merge($params, $tparams);

                if (!empty($countsql)) {
                    $count = $DB->get_record_sql($countsql,$params);
                    $totalinitials = $count->nbresults;
                    if ($twhere) {
                        $countsql .= ' AND '.$twhere;
                    $count = $DB->get_record_sql($countsql, $params);
                    $total  = $count->nbresults;

                $table->pagesize($pagesize, $total);

                echo '<div class="quizattemptcounts">';
                if ( $count->nbresults == $count->nbattempts ) {
                    echo get_string('reportcountattempts', 'scorm', $count);
                } else if ( $count->nbattempts>0 ) {
                    echo get_string('reportcountallattempts', 'scorm', $count);
                } else {
                    echo $count->nbusers.' '.get_string('users');
                echo '</div>';

            // Fetch the attempts
            if (!$download) {
                $attempts = $DB->get_records_sql($select.$from.$where.$sort, $params,
                $table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size());
                echo '<div id="scormtablecontainer">';
                if ($candelete) {
                    // Start form
                    $strreallydel  = addslashes_js(get_string('deleteattemptcheck', 'scorm'));
                    echo '<form id="attemptsform" method="post" action="' . $PAGE->url->out(false) .
                         '" onsubmit="return confirm(\''.$strreallydel.'\');">';
                    echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete"/>';
                    echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="'.sesskey().'" />';
                    echo '<div style="display: none;">';
                    echo html_writer::input_hidden_params($PAGE->url);
                    echo '</div>';
                    echo '<div>';
                $table->initialbars($totalinitials>20); // Build table rows
            } else {
                $attempts = $DB->get_records_sql($select.$from.$where.$sort, $params);
            if ($attempts) {
                foreach ($attempts as $scouser) {
                    $row = array();
                    if (!empty($scouser->attempt)) {
                        $timetracks = scorm_get_sco_runtime($scorm->id, false, $scouser->userid, $scouser->attempt);
                    } else {
                        $timetracks = '';
                    if (in_array('checkbox', $columns)) {
                        if ($candelete && !empty($timetracks->start)) {
                            $row[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="attemptid[]" value="'. $scouser->userid . ':' . $scouser->attempt . '" />';
                        } else if ($candelete) {
                            $row[] = '';
                    if (in_array('picture', $columns)) {
                        $user = (object)array(
                        $row[] = $OUTPUT->user_picture($user, array('courseid'=>$course->id));
                    if (!$download) {
                        $row[] = '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$scouser->userid.'&amp;course='.$course->id.'">'.fullname($scouser).'</a>';
                    } else {
                        $row[] = fullname($scouser);
                    foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
                        $row[] = s($scouser->{$field});
                    if (empty($timetracks->start)) {
                        $row[] = '-';
                        $row[] = '-';
                        $row[] = '-';
                        $row[] = '-';
                    } else {
                        if (!$download) {
                            $row[] = '<a href="userreport.php?a='.$scorm->id.'&amp;user='******'&amp;attempt='.$scouser->attempt.'">'.$scouser->attempt.'</a>';
                        } else {
                            $row[] = $scouser->attempt;
                        if ($download =='ODS' || $download =='Excel' ) {
                            $row[] = userdate($timetracks->start, get_string("strftimedatetime", "langconfig"));
                        } else {
                            $row[] = userdate($timetracks->start);
                        if ($download =='ODS' || $download =='Excel' ) {
                            $row[] = userdate($timetracks->finish, get_string('strftimedatetime', 'langconfig'));
                        } else {
                            $row[] = userdate($timetracks->finish);
                        $row[] = scorm_grade_user_attempt($scorm, $scouser->userid, $scouser->attempt);
                    // print out all scores of attempt
                    foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
                        if ($sco->launch != '') {
                            if ($trackdata = scorm_get_tracks($sco->id, $scouser->userid, $scouser->attempt)) {
                                if ($trackdata->status == '') {
                                    $trackdata->status = 'notattempted';
                                $strstatus = get_string($trackdata->status, 'scorm');
                                // if raw score exists, print it
                                if ($trackdata->score_raw != '') {
                                    $score = $trackdata->score_raw;
                                    // add max score if it exists
                                    if ($scorm->version == 'SCORM_1.3') {
                                        $maxkey = 'cmi.score.max';
                                    } else {
                                        $maxkey = 'cmi.core.score.max';
                                    if (isset($trackdata->$maxkey)) {
                                        $score .= '/'.$trackdata->$maxkey;
                                // else print out status
                                } else {
                                    $score = $strstatus;
                                if (!$download) {
                                    $row[] = '<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url($trackdata->status, 'scorm').'" alt="'.$strstatus.'" title="'.$strstatus.'" /><br/>
                                            <a href="userreport.php?b='.$sco->id.'&amp;user='******'&amp;attempt='.$scouser->attempt.
                                            '" title="'.get_string('details', 'scorm').'">'.$score.'</a>';
                                } else {
                                    $row[] = $score;
                                // interaction data
                                while(isset($trackdata->$element)) {
                                    if ($displayoptions['qtext']) {
                                        if (isset($trackdata->$element)) {
                                            $row[] = s($trackdata->$element);
                                        } else {
                                            $row[] = '&nbsp;';
                                    if ($displayoptions['resp']) {
                                        if (isset($trackdata->$element)) {
                                            $row[] = s($trackdata->$element);
                                        } else {
                                            $row[] = '&nbsp;';
                                    if ($displayoptions['right']) {
                                        $element = 'cmi.interactions_'.$i.'.correct_responses_'.$j.'.pattern';
                                        $rightans = '';
                                        if (isset($trackdata->$element)) {
                                            while(isset($trackdata->$element)) {
                                                if($j>0) {
                                                    $rightans .= ',';
                                                $rightans .= s($trackdata->$element);
                                                $element = 'cmi.interactions_'.$i.'.correct_responses_'.$j.'.pattern';
                                            $row[] = $rightans;
                                        } else {
                                            $row[] = '&nbsp;';
                                    $element = 'cmi.interactions_'.$i.'.id';
                            //---end of interaction data*/
                            } else {
                                // if we don't have track data, we haven't attempted yet
                                $strstatus = get_string('notattempted', 'scorm');
                                if (!$download) {
                                    $row[] = '<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('notattempted', 'scorm').'" alt="'.$strstatus.'" title="'.$strstatus.'" /><br/>'.$strstatus;
                                } else {
                                    $row[] = $strstatus;

                    if (!$download) {
                    } else if ($download == 'Excel' or $download == 'ODS') {
                        $colnum = 0;
                        foreach ($row as $item) {
                            $myxls->write($rownum, $colnum, $item, $format);
                    } else if ($download == 'CSV') {
                        $text = implode("\t", $row);
                        echo $text." \n";
                if (!$download) {
                    if ($candelete) {
                        echo '<table id="commands">';
                        echo '<tr><td>';
                        echo '<a href="javascript:select_all_in(\'DIV\', null, \'scormtablecontainer\');">'.
                             get_string('selectall', 'scorm').'</a> / ';
                        echo '<a href="javascript:deselect_all_in(\'DIV\', null, \'scormtablecontainer\');">'.
                             get_string('selectnone', 'scorm').'</a> ';
                        echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                        echo '<input type="submit" value="'.get_string('deleteselected', 'quiz_overview').'"/>';
                        echo '</td></tr></table>';
                        // Close form
                        echo '</div>';
                        echo '</form>';
                    echo '</div>';
                    if (!empty($attempts)) {
                        echo '<table class="boxaligncenter"><tr>';
                        echo '<td>';
                        echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new moodle_url($PAGE->url,
                                                                   array('download'=>'ODS') + $displayoptions),
                        echo "</td>\n";
                        echo '<td>';
                        echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new moodle_url($PAGE->url,
                                                                   array('download'=>'Excel') + $displayoptions),
                        echo "</td>\n";
                        echo '<td>';
                        echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new moodle_url($PAGE->url,
                                                                   array('download'=>'CSV') + $displayoptions),
                        echo "</td>\n";
                        echo "<td>";
                        echo "</td>\n";
                        echo '</tr></table>';
            } else {
                if ($candelete && !$download) {
                    echo '</div>';
                    echo '</form>';
                echo '</div>';
            // Show preferences form irrespective of attempts are there to report or not
            if (!$download) {
                $mform->set_data(compact('detailedrep', 'pagesize', 'attemptsmode'));
            if ($download == 'Excel' or $download == 'ODS') {
            } else if ($download == 'CSV') {
        } else {
            echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('noactivity', 'scorm'));
    }// function ends
예제 #6
파일: index.php 프로젝트: jtibbetts/moodle
            TABLE_VAR_SORT    => 'ssort',
            TABLE_VAR_HIDE    => 'shide',
            TABLE_VAR_SHOW    => 'sshow',
            TABLE_VAR_IFIRST  => 'sifirst',
            TABLE_VAR_ILAST   => 'silast',
            TABLE_VAR_PAGE    => 'spage'

list($esql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($context, null, $currentgroup, true);
$joins = array("FROM {user} u");
$wheres = array();

$mainuserfields = user_picture::fields('u', array('username', 'email', 'city', 'country', 'lang', 'timezone', 'maildisplay'));
$alreadyretrievedfields = explode(',', $mainuserfields);
$extrasql = get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, 'u', '', $alreadyretrievedfields);

if ($isfrontpage) {
    $select = "SELECT $mainuserfields, u.lastaccess$extrasql";
    $joins[] = "JOIN ($esql) e ON e.id = u.id"; // Everybody on the frontpage usually.
    if ($accesssince) {
        $wheres[] = get_user_lastaccess_sql($accesssince);

} else {
    $select = "SELECT $mainuserfields, COALESCE(ul.timeaccess, 0) AS lastaccess$extrasql";
    $joins[] = "JOIN ($esql) e ON e.id = u.id"; // Course enrolled users only.
    $joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {user_lastaccess} ul ON (ul.userid = u.id AND ul.courseid = :courseid)"; // Not everybody accessed course yet.
    $params['courseid'] = $course->id;
    if ($accesssince) {
        $wheres[] = get_course_lastaccess_sql($accesssince);
예제 #7
  * displays the full report
  * @param \stdClass $scorm full SCORM object
  * @param \stdClass $cm - full course_module object
  * @param \stdClass $course - full course object
  * @param string $download - type of download being requested
 public function display($scorm, $cm, $course, $download)
     global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE;
     $contextmodule = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
     $action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
     $attemptids = optional_param_array('attemptid', array(), PARAM_RAW);
     $attemptsmode = optional_param('attemptsmode', SCORM_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL_STUDENTS, PARAM_INT);
     $PAGE->set_url(new \moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('attemptsmode' => $attemptsmode)));
     if ($action == 'delete' && has_capability('mod/scorm:deleteresponses', $contextmodule) && confirm_sesskey()) {
         if (scorm_delete_responses($attemptids, $scorm)) {
             // Delete responses.
             echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('scormresponsedeleted', 'scorm'), 'notifysuccess');
     // Find out current groups mode.
     $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
     // Detailed report.
     $mform = new \mod_scorm_report_objectives_settings($PAGE->url, compact('currentgroup'));
     if ($fromform = $mform->get_data()) {
         $pagesize = $fromform->pagesize;
         $showobjectivescore = $fromform->objectivescore;
         set_user_preference('scorm_report_pagesize', $pagesize);
         set_user_preference('scorm_report_objectives_score', $showobjectivescore);
     } else {
         $pagesize = get_user_preferences('scorm_report_pagesize', 0);
         $showobjectivescore = get_user_preferences('scorm_report_objectives_score', 0);
     if ($pagesize < 1) {
         $pagesize = SCORM_REPORT_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
     // Select group menu.
     $displayoptions = array();
     $displayoptions['attemptsmode'] = $attemptsmode;
     $displayoptions['objectivescore'] = $showobjectivescore;
     $mform->set_data($displayoptions + array('pagesize' => $pagesize));
     if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) {
         // Groups are being used.
         if (!$download) {
             groups_print_activity_menu($cm, new \moodle_url($PAGE->url, $displayoptions));
     $formattextoptions = array('context' => \context_course::instance($course->id));
     // We only want to show the checkbox to delete attempts
     // if the user has permissions and if the report mode is showing attempts.
     $candelete = has_capability('mod/scorm:deleteresponses', $contextmodule) && $attemptsmode != SCORM_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_STUDENTS_WITH_NO;
     // Select the students.
     $nostudents = false;
     if (empty($currentgroup)) {
         // All users who can attempt scoes.
         if (!($students = get_users_by_capability($contextmodule, 'mod/scorm:savetrack', 'u.id', '', '', '', '', '', false))) {
             echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsyet'));
             $nostudents = true;
             $allowedlist = '';
         } else {
             $allowedlist = array_keys($students);
     } else {
         // All users who can attempt scoes and who are in the currently selected group.
         $groupstudents = get_users_by_capability($contextmodule, 'mod/scorm:savetrack', 'u.id', '', '', '', $currentgroup, '', false);
         if (!$groupstudents) {
             echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsingroup'));
             $nostudents = true;
             $groupstudents = array();
         $allowedlist = array_keys($groupstudents);
     if (!$nostudents) {
         // Now check if asked download of data.
         $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course->id);
         if ($download) {
             $filename = clean_filename("{$course->shortname} " . format_string($scorm->name, true, $formattextoptions));
         // Define table columns.
         $columns = array();
         $headers = array();
         if (!$download && $candelete) {
             $columns[] = 'checkbox';
             $headers[] = null;
         if (!$download && $CFG->grade_report_showuserimage) {
             $columns[] = 'picture';
             $headers[] = '';
         $columns[] = 'fullname';
         $headers[] = get_string('name');
         $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($coursecontext);
         foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
             $columns[] = $field;
             $headers[] = get_user_field_name($field);
         $columns[] = 'attempt';
         $headers[] = get_string('attempt', 'scorm');
         $columns[] = 'start';
         $headers[] = get_string('started', 'scorm');
         $columns[] = 'finish';
         $headers[] = get_string('last', 'scorm');
         $columns[] = 'score';
         $headers[] = get_string('score', 'scorm');
         $scoes = $DB->get_records('scorm_scoes', array("scorm" => $scorm->id), 'sortorder, id');
         foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
             if ($sco->launch != '') {
                 $columns[] = 'scograde' . $sco->id;
                 $headers[] = format_string($sco->title, '', $formattextoptions);
         $params = array();
         list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowedlist, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
         // Construct the SQL.
         $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT ' . $DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'COALESCE(st.attempt, 0)') . ' AS uniqueid, ';
         $select .= 'st.scormid AS scormid, st.attempt AS attempt, ' . \user_picture::fields('u', array('idnumber'), 'userid') . get_extra_user_fields_sql($coursecontext, 'u', '', array('email', 'idnumber')) . ' ';
         // This part is the same for all cases - join users and scorm_scoes_track tables.
         $from = 'FROM {user} u ';
         $from .= 'LEFT JOIN {scorm_scoes_track} st ON st.userid = u.id AND st.scormid = ' . $scorm->id;
         switch ($attemptsmode) {
                 // Show only students with attempts.
                 $where = ' WHERE u.id ' . $usql . ' AND st.userid IS NOT NULL';
                 // Show only students without attempts.
                 $where = ' WHERE u.id ' . $usql . ' AND st.userid IS NULL';
                 // Show all students with or without attempts.
                 $where = ' WHERE u.id ' . $usql . ' AND (st.userid IS NOT NULL OR st.userid IS NULL)';
         $countsql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(' . $DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'COALESCE(st.attempt, 0)') . ')) AS nbresults, ';
         $countsql .= 'COUNT(DISTINCT(' . $DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'st.attempt') . ')) AS nbattempts, ';
         $countsql .= 'COUNT(DISTINCT(u.id)) AS nbusers ';
         $countsql .= $from . $where;
         $nbmaincolumns = count($columns);
         // Get number of main columns used.
         $objectives = get_scorm_objectives($scorm->id);
         $nosort = array();
         foreach ($objectives as $scoid => $sco) {
             foreach ($sco as $id => $objectivename) {
                 $colid = $scoid . 'objectivestatus' . $id;
                 $columns[] = $colid;
                 $nosort[] = $colid;
                 if (!$displayoptions['objectivescore']) {
                     // Display the objective name only.
                     $headers[] = $objectivename;
                 } else {
                     // Display the objective status header with a "status" suffix to avoid confusion.
                     $headers[] = $objectivename . ' ' . get_string('status', 'scormreport_objectives');
                     // Now print objective score headers.
                     $colid = $scoid . 'objectivescore' . $id;
                     $columns[] = $colid;
                     $nosort[] = $colid;
                     $headers[] = $objectivename . ' ' . get_string('score', 'scormreport_objectives');
         $emptycell = '';
         // Used when an empty cell is being printed - in html we add a space.
         if (!$download) {
             $emptycell = '&nbsp;';
             $table = new \flexible_table('mod-scorm-report');
             // This is done to prevent redundant data, when a user has multiple attempts.
             foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
             foreach ($nosort as $field) {
             foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
                 if ($sco->launch != '') {
                     $table->no_sorting('scograde' . $sco->id);
             $table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
             $table->column_class('fullname', 'bold');
             $table->column_class('score', 'bold');
             $table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
             $table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
             $table->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox');
             // Start working -- this is necessary as soon as the niceties are over.
         } else {
             if ($download == 'ODS') {
                 require_once "{$CFG->libdir}/odslib.class.php";
                 $filename .= ".ods";
                 // Creating a workbook.
                 $workbook = new \MoodleODSWorkbook("-");
                 // Sending HTTP headers.
                 // Creating the first worksheet.
                 $sheettitle = get_string('report', 'scorm');
                 $myxls = $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
                 // Format types.
                 $format = $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatbc = $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatb = $workbook->add_format();
                 $formaty = $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatc = $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatr = $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatg = $workbook->add_format();
                 // Here starts workshhet headers.
                 $colnum = 0;
                 foreach ($headers as $item) {
                     $myxls->write(0, $colnum, $item, $formatbc);
                 $rownum = 1;
             } else {
                 if ($download == 'Excel') {
                     require_once "{$CFG->libdir}/excellib.class.php";
                     $filename .= ".xls";
                     // Creating a workbook.
                     $workbook = new \MoodleExcelWorkbook("-");
                     // Sending HTTP headers.
                     // Creating the first worksheet.
                     $sheettitle = get_string('report', 'scorm');
                     $myxls = $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
                     // Format types.
                     $format = $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatbc = $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatb = $workbook->add_format();
                     $formaty = $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatc = $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatr = $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatg = $workbook->add_format();
                     $colnum = 0;
                     foreach ($headers as $item) {
                         $myxls->write(0, $colnum, $item, $formatbc);
                     $rownum = 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($download == 'CSV') {
                         $csvexport = new \csv_export_writer("tab");
                         $csvexport->set_filename($filename, ".txt");
         if (!$download) {
             $sort = $table->get_sql_sort();
         } else {
             $sort = '';
         // Fix some wired sorting.
         if (empty($sort)) {
             $sort = ' ORDER BY uniqueid';
         } else {
             $sort = ' ORDER BY ' . $sort;
         if (!$download) {
             // Add extra limits due to initials bar.
             list($twhere, $tparams) = $table->get_sql_where();
             if ($twhere) {
                 $where .= ' AND ' . $twhere;
                 // Initial bar.
                 $params = array_merge($params, $tparams);
             if (!empty($countsql)) {
                 $count = $DB->get_record_sql($countsql, $params);
                 $totalinitials = $count->nbresults;
                 if ($twhere) {
                     $countsql .= ' AND ' . $twhere;
                 $count = $DB->get_record_sql($countsql, $params);
                 $total = $count->nbresults;
             $table->pagesize($pagesize, $total);
             echo \html_writer::start_div('scormattemptcounts');
             if ($count->nbresults == $count->nbattempts) {
                 echo get_string('reportcountattempts', 'scorm', $count);
             } else {
                 if ($count->nbattempts > 0) {
                     echo get_string('reportcountallattempts', 'scorm', $count);
                 } else {
                     echo $count->nbusers . ' ' . get_string('users');
             echo \html_writer::end_div();
         // Fetch the attempts.
         if (!$download) {
             $attempts = $DB->get_records_sql($select . $from . $where . $sort, $params, $table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size());
             echo \html_writer::start_div('', array('id' => 'scormtablecontainer'));
             if ($candelete) {
                 // Start form.
                 $strreallydel = addslashes_js(get_string('deleteattemptcheck', 'scorm'));
                 echo \html_writer::start_tag('form', array('id' => 'attemptsform', 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $PAGE->url->out(false), 'onsubmit' => 'return confirm("' . $strreallydel . '");'));
                 echo \html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'action', 'value' => 'delete'));
                 echo \html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'sesskey', 'value' => sesskey()));
                 echo \html_writer::start_div('', array('style' => 'display: none;'));
                 echo \html_writer::input_hidden_params($PAGE->url);
                 echo \html_writer::end_div();
                 echo \html_writer::start_div();
             $table->initialbars($totalinitials > 20);
             // Build table rows.
         } else {
             $attempts = $DB->get_records_sql($select . $from . $where . $sort, $params);
         if ($attempts) {
             foreach ($attempts as $scouser) {
                 $row = array();
                 if (!empty($scouser->attempt)) {
                     $timetracks = scorm_get_sco_runtime($scorm->id, false, $scouser->userid, $scouser->attempt);
                 } else {
                     $timetracks = '';
                 if (in_array('checkbox', $columns)) {
                     if ($candelete && !empty($timetracks->start)) {
                         $row[] = \html_writer::checkbox('attemptid[]', $scouser->userid . ':' . $scouser->attempt, false);
                     } else {
                         if ($candelete) {
                             $row[] = '';
                 if (in_array('picture', $columns)) {
                     $user = new \stdClass();
                     $additionalfields = explode(',', \user_picture::fields());
                     $user = username_load_fields_from_object($user, $scouser, null, $additionalfields);
                     $user->id = $scouser->userid;
                     $row[] = $OUTPUT->user_picture($user, array('courseid' => $course->id));
                 if (!$download) {
                     $url = new \moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $scouser->userid, 'course' => $course->id));
                     $row[] = \html_writer::link($url, fullname($scouser));
                 } else {
                     $row[] = fullname($scouser);
                 foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
                     $row[] = s($scouser->{$field});
                 if (empty($timetracks->start)) {
                     $row[] = '-';
                     $row[] = '-';
                     $row[] = '-';
                     $row[] = '-';
                 } else {
                     if (!$download) {
                         $url = new \moodle_url('/mod/scorm/report/userreport.php', array('id' => $cm->id, 'user' => $scouser->userid, 'attempt' => $scouser->attempt));
                         $row[] = \html_writer::link($url, $scouser->attempt);
                     } else {
                         $row[] = $scouser->attempt;
                     if ($download == 'ODS' || $download == 'Excel') {
                         $row[] = userdate($timetracks->start, get_string("strftimedatetime", "langconfig"));
                     } else {
                         $row[] = userdate($timetracks->start);
                     if ($download == 'ODS' || $download == 'Excel') {
                         $row[] = userdate($timetracks->finish, get_string('strftimedatetime', 'langconfig'));
                     } else {
                         $row[] = userdate($timetracks->finish);
                     $row[] = scorm_grade_user_attempt($scorm, $scouser->userid, $scouser->attempt);
                 // Print out all scores of attempt.
                 foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
                     if ($sco->launch != '') {
                         if ($trackdata = scorm_get_tracks($sco->id, $scouser->userid, $scouser->attempt)) {
                             if ($trackdata->status == '') {
                                 $trackdata->status = 'notattempted';
                             $strstatus = get_string($trackdata->status, 'scorm');
                             if ($trackdata->score_raw != '') {
                                 // If raw score exists, print it.
                                 $score = $trackdata->score_raw;
                                 // Add max score if it exists.
                                 if (isset($trackdata->score_max)) {
                                     $score .= '/' . $trackdata->score_max;
                             } else {
                                 // ...else print out status.
                                 $score = $strstatus;
                             if (!$download) {
                                 $url = new \moodle_url('/mod/scorm/report/userreporttracks.php', array('id' => $cm->id, 'scoid' => $sco->id, 'user' => $scouser->userid, 'attempt' => $scouser->attempt));
                                 $row[] = \html_writer::img($OUTPUT->pix_url($trackdata->status, 'scorm'), $strstatus, array('title' => $strstatus)) . \html_writer::empty_tag('br') . \html_writer::link($url, $score, array('title' => get_string('details', 'scorm')));
                             } else {
                                 $row[] = $score;
                             // Iterate over tracks and match objective id against values.
                             $scorm2004 = false;
                             if (scorm_version_check($scorm->version, SCORM_13)) {
                                 $scorm2004 = true;
                                 $objectiveprefix = "cmi.objectives.";
                             } else {
                                 $objectiveprefix = "cmi.objectives_";
                             $keywords = array(".id", $objectiveprefix);
                             $objectivestatus = array();
                             $objectivescore = array();
                             foreach ($trackdata as $name => $value) {
                                 if (strpos($name, $objectiveprefix) === 0 && strrpos($name, '.id') !== false) {
                                     $num = trim(str_ireplace($keywords, '', $name));
                                     if (is_numeric($num)) {
                                         if ($scorm2004) {
                                             $element = $objectiveprefix . $num . '.completion_status';
                                         } else {
                                             $element = $objectiveprefix . $num . '.status';
                                         if (isset($trackdata->{$element})) {
                                             $objectivestatus[$value] = $trackdata->{$element};
                                         } else {
                                             $objectivestatus[$value] = '';
                                         if ($displayoptions['objectivescore']) {
                                             $element = $objectiveprefix . $num . '.score.raw';
                                             if (isset($trackdata->{$element})) {
                                                 $objectivescore[$value] = $trackdata->{$element};
                                             } else {
                                                 $objectivescore[$value] = '';
                             // Interaction data.
                             if (!empty($objectives[$trackdata->scoid])) {
                                 foreach ($objectives[$trackdata->scoid] as $name) {
                                     if (isset($objectivestatus[$name])) {
                                         $row[] = s($objectivestatus[$name]);
                                     } else {
                                         $row[] = $emptycell;
                                     if ($displayoptions['objectivescore']) {
                                         if (isset($objectivescore[$name])) {
                                             $row[] = s($objectivescore[$name]);
                                         } else {
                                             $row[] = $emptycell;
                             // End of interaction data.
                         } else {
                             // If we don't have track data, we haven't attempted yet.
                             $strstatus = get_string('notattempted', 'scorm');
                             if (!$download) {
                                 $row[] = \html_writer::img($OUTPUT->pix_url('notattempted', 'scorm'), $strstatus, array('title' => $strstatus)) . \html_writer::empty_tag('br') . $strstatus;
                             } else {
                                 $row[] = $strstatus;
                             // Complete the empty cells.
                             for ($i = 0; $i < count($columns) - $nbmaincolumns; $i++) {
                                 $row[] = $emptycell;
                 if (!$download) {
                 } else {
                     if ($download == 'Excel' or $download == 'ODS') {
                         $colnum = 0;
                         foreach ($row as $item) {
                             $myxls->write($rownum, $colnum, $item, $format);
                     } else {
                         if ($download == 'CSV') {
             if (!$download) {
                 if ($candelete) {
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('table', array('id' => 'commands'));
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('tr') . \html_writer::start_tag('td');
                     echo \html_writer::link('javascript:select_all_in(\'DIV\', null, \'scormtablecontainer\');', get_string('selectall', 'scorm')) . ' / ';
                     echo \html_writer::link('javascript:deselect_all_in(\'DIV\', null, \'scormtablecontainer\');', get_string('selectnone', 'scorm'));
                     echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                     echo \html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => get_string('deleteselected', 'scorm'), 'class' => 'btn btn-secondary'));
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('td') . \html_writer::end_tag('tr') . \html_writer::end_tag('table');
                     // Close form.
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('div');
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('form');
                 echo \html_writer::end_div();
                 if (!empty($attempts)) {
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('table', array('class' => 'boxaligncenter')) . \html_writer::start_tag('tr');
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('td');
                     echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new \moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('download' => 'ODS') + $displayoptions), get_string('downloadods'), 'post', ['class' => 'm-t-1']);
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('td');
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('td');
                     echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new \moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('download' => 'Excel') + $displayoptions), get_string('downloadexcel'), 'post', ['class' => 'm-t-1']);
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('td');
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('td');
                     echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new \moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('download' => 'CSV') + $displayoptions), get_string('downloadtext'), 'post', ['class' => 'm-t-1']);
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('td');
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('td');
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('td');
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('tr') . \html_writer::end_tag('table');
         } else {
             if ($candelete && !$download) {
                 echo \html_writer::end_div();
                 echo \html_writer::end_tag('form');
             echo \html_writer::end_div();
         // Show preferences form irrespective of attempts are there to report or not.
         if (!$download) {
             $mform->set_data(compact('detailedrep', 'pagesize', 'attemptsmode'));
         if ($download == 'Excel' or $download == 'ODS') {
         } else {
             if ($download == 'CSV') {
     } else {
         echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('noactivity', 'scorm'));
예제 #8
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: robadobdob/moodle
  * pulls out the userids of the users to be display, and sorts them
 public function load_users()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     //limit to users with a gradeable role
     list($gradebookrolessql, $gradebookrolesparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(explode(',', $this->gradebookroles), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'grbr0');
     //limit to users with an active enrollment
     list($enrolledsql, $enrolledparams) = get_enrolled_sql($this->context);
     //fields we need from the user table
     $userfields = user_picture::fields('u');
     $userfields .= get_extra_user_fields_sql($this->context);
     $sortjoin = $sort = $params = null;
     //if the user has clicked one of the sort asc/desc arrows
     if (is_numeric($this->sortitemid)) {
         $params = array_merge(array('gitemid' => $this->sortitemid), $gradebookrolesparams, $this->groupwheresql_params, $enrolledparams);
         $sortjoin = "LEFT JOIN {grade_grades} g ON g.userid = u.id AND g.itemid = {$this->sortitemid}";
         $sort = "g.finalgrade {$this->sortorder}";
     } else {
         $sortjoin = '';
         switch ($this->sortitemid) {
             case 'lastname':
                 $sort = "u.lastname {$this->sortorder}, u.firstname {$this->sortorder}";
             case 'firstname':
                 $sort = "u.firstname {$this->sortorder}, u.lastname {$this->sortorder}";
             case 'idnumber':
                 $sort = "u.idnumber {$this->sortorder}";
         $params = array_merge($gradebookrolesparams, $this->groupwheresql_params, $enrolledparams);
     $sql = "SELECT {$userfields}\n                  FROM {user} u\n                  JOIN ({$enrolledsql}) je ON je.id = u.id\n                       {$this->groupsql}\n                       {$sortjoin}\n                  JOIN (\n                           SELECT DISTINCT ra.userid\n                             FROM {role_assignments} ra\n                            WHERE ra.roleid IN ({$this->gradebookroles})\n                              AND ra.contextid " . get_related_contexts_string($this->context) . "\n                       ) rainner ON rainner.userid = u.id\n                   AND u.deleted = 0\n                   {$this->groupwheresql}\n              ORDER BY {$sort}";
     $this->users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, $this->get_pref('studentsperpage') * $this->page, $this->get_pref('studentsperpage'));
     if (empty($this->users)) {
         $this->userselect = '';
         $this->users = array();
         $this->userselect_params = array();
     } else {
         list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($this->users), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'usid0');
         $this->userselect = "AND g.userid {$usql}";
         $this->userselect_params = $uparams;
         //add a flag to each user indicating whether their enrolment is active
         $sql = "SELECT ue.userid\n                      FROM {user_enrolments} ue\n                      JOIN {enrol} e ON e.id = ue.enrolid\n                     WHERE ue.userid {$usql}\n                           AND ue.status = :uestatus\n                           AND e.status = :estatus\n                           AND e.courseid = :courseid\n                  GROUP BY ue.userid";
         $coursecontext = get_course_context($this->context);
         $params = array_merge($uparams, array('estatus' => ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED, 'uestatus' => ENROL_USER_ACTIVE, 'courseid' => $coursecontext->instanceid));
         $useractiveenrolments = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
         foreach ($this->users as $user) {
             $this->users[$user->id]->suspendedenrolment = !array_key_exists($user->id, $useractiveenrolments);
     return $this->users;
    public function test_get_extra_user_fields_sql() {
        global $CFG, $USER, $DB;

        $olduser = $USER;
        $USER = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>2)); //admin

        $oldshowuseridentity = $CFG->showuseridentity;
        $context = context_system::instance();

        // No fields
        $CFG->showuseridentity = '';
        $this->assertEquals('', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context));

        // One field
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog';
        $this->assertEquals(', frog', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context));

        // Two fields with table prefix
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
        $this->assertEquals(', u1.frog, u1.zombie', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, 'u1'));

        // Two fields with field prefix
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
        $this->assertEquals(', frog AS u_frog, zombie AS u_zombie',
            get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, '', 'u_'));

        // One field excluded
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog';
        $this->assertEquals('', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, '', '', array('frog')));

        // Two fields, one excluded, table+field prefix
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
        $this->assertEquals(', u1.zombie AS u_zombie',
            get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, 'u1', 'u_', array('frog')));

        // As long as this test passes, the value will be set back. This is only
        // in-memory anyhow
        $CFG->showuseridentity = $oldshowuseridentity;
        $USER = $olduser;
예제 #10
  * Return array of users whose progress is tracked in this course
  * Optionally supply a search's where caluse, group id, sorting, paging
  * @param string $where Where clause sql (optional)
  * @param array $where_params Where clause params (optional)
  * @param integer $groupid Group ID to restrict to (optional)
  * @param string $sort Order by clause (optional)
  * @param integer $limitfrom Result start (optional)
  * @param integer $limitnum Result max size (optional)
  * @param context $extracontext If set, includes extra user information fields
  *   as appropriate to display for current user in this context
  * @return array
 public function get_tracked_users($where = '', $where_params = array(), $groupid = 0, $sort = '', $limitfrom = '', $limitnum = '', context $extracontext = null)
     global $DB;
     $tracked = $this->generate_tracked_user_sql($groupid);
     $params = $tracked->data;
     $sql = "\n            SELECT\n                u.id,\n                u.firstname,\n                u.lastname,\n                u.idnumber\n        ";
     if ($extracontext) {
         $sql .= get_extra_user_fields_sql($extracontext, 'u', '', array('idnumber'));
     $sql .= $tracked->sql;
     if ($where) {
         $sql .= " AND {$where}";
         $params = array_merge($params, $where_params);
     if ($sort) {
         $sql .= " ORDER BY {$sort}";
     $users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     return $users ? $users : array();
     // In case it returns false
예제 #11
  * get information about particular users with their registrations/queues
  * @param int $groupingid optional get only this grouping
  * @param int $groupid optional get only this group
  * @param int|array $userids optional get only this user(s)
  * @param stdClass[] $orderby array how data should be sorted (column as key and ASC/DESC as value)
  * @return stdClass[] array of objects records from DB with all necessary data
 public function get_user_data($groupingid = 0, $groupid = 0, $userids = 0, $orderby = array())
     global $DB, $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
     // After which table-fields can we sort?
     $sortable = array('firstname', 'lastname', 'idnumber', 'email');
     $return = new stdClass();
     // Indexed by agrpid!
     $agrps = $this->get_active_groups(false, false, 0, $groupid, $groupingid, false);
     $agrpids = array_keys($agrps);
     if (!empty($agrpids)) {
         list($agrpsql, $agrpparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($agrpids);
     } else {
         $agrpsql = '';
         $agrpparams = array();
         echo $OUTPUT->box($OUTPUT->notification(get_string('no_groups_to_display', 'grouptool'), 'notifyproblem'), 'generalbox centered');
     if (!empty($userids)) {
         if (!is_array($userids)) {
             $userids = array($userids);
         list($usersql, $userparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($userids);
     } else {
         $usersql = ' LIKE *';
         $userparams = array();
     $extrauserfields = get_extra_user_fields_sql($this->context, 'u');
     $mainuserfields = user_picture::fields('u', array('idnumber', 'email'));
     $orderbystring = "";
     if (!empty($orderby)) {
         foreach ($orderby as $field => $direction) {
             if (in_array($field, $sortable)) {
                 if ($orderbystring != "") {
                     $orderbystring .= ", ";
                 } else {
                     $orderbystring .= " ORDER BY";
                 $orderbystring .= " " . $field . " " . (!empty($direction) && $direction == 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC');
             } else {
     $sql = "SELECT {$mainuserfields} {$extrauserfields} " . "FROM {user} u " . "WHERE u.id " . $usersql . $orderbystring;
     $params = array_merge($userparams);
     $data = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
     // Add reg and queue data...
     if (!empty($agrpsql)) {
         foreach ($data as $idx => &$cur) {
             $sql = "SELECT agrps.id\n                          FROM {grouptool_registered} regs\n                     LEFT JOIN {grouptool_agrps}      agrps ON regs.agrpid = agrps.id\n                     LEFT JOIN {groups}               grps  ON agrps.groupid = grps.id\n                         WHERE regs.modified_by >= 0\n                               AND regs.userid = ?\n                               AND regs.agrpid " . $agrpsql;
             $params = array_merge(array($cur->id), $agrpparams);
             $cur->regs = $DB->get_fieldset_sql($sql, $params);
             $sql = "SELECT agrps.id\n                          FROM {grouptool_queued} queued\n                     LEFT JOIN {grouptool_agrps}  agrps ON queued.agrpid = agrps.id\n                     LEFT JOIN {groups}           grps  ON agrps.groupid = grps.id\n                         WHERE queued.userid = ?\n                               AND queued.agrpid " . $agrpsql;
             $params = array_merge(array($cur->id), $agrpparams);
             $cur->queued = $DB->get_fieldset_sql($sql, $params);
     return $data;
예제 #12
     * Contruct all the parts of the main database query.
     * @param object $quiz the quiz settings.
     * @param string $qmsubselect SQL fragment from {@link quiz_report_qm_filter_select()}.
     * @param bool $qmfilter whether to show all, or only the final grade attempt.
     * @param int $attemptsmode which attempts to show.
     *      One of the QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_... constants.
     * @param array $reportstudents list if userids of users to include in the report.
     * @return array with 4 elements ($fields, $from, $where, $params) that can be used to
     *      build the actual database query.
    protected function base_sql($quiz, $qmsubselect, $qmfilter, $attemptsmode, $reportstudents) {
        global $DB;

        $fields = $DB->sql_concat('u.id', "'#'", 'COALESCE(quiza.attempt, 0)') . ' AS uniqueid,';

        if ($qmsubselect) {
            $fields .= "\n(CASE WHEN $qmsubselect THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS gradedattempt,";

        $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields_sql($this->context, 'u', '',
                array('id', 'idnumber', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'picture',
                'imagealt', 'institution', 'department', 'email'));
        $fields .= '
                quiza.uniqueid AS usageid,
                quiza.id AS attempt,
                u.id AS userid,
                u.email' . $extrafields . ',
                CASE WHEN quiza.timefinish = 0 THEN null
                     WHEN quiza.timefinish > quiza.timestart THEN quiza.timefinish - quiza.timestart
                     ELSE 0 END AS duration';
            // To explain that last bit, in MySQL, qa.timestart and qa.timefinish
            // are unsigned. Since MySQL 5.5.5, when they introduced strict mode,
            // subtracting a larger unsigned int from a smaller one gave an error.
            // Therefore, we avoid doing that. timefinish can be non-zero and less
            // than timestart when you have two load-balanced servers with very
            // badly synchronised clocks, and a student does a really quick attempt.';

        // This part is the same for all cases - join users and quiz_attempts tables
        $from = "\n{user} u";
        $from .= "\nLEFT JOIN {quiz_attempts} quiza ON
                                    quiza.userid = u.id AND quiza.quiz = :quizid";
        $params = array('quizid' => $quiz->id);

        if ($qmsubselect && $qmfilter) {
            $from .= " AND $qmsubselect";
        switch ($attemptsmode) {
            case QUIZ_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL:
                // Show all attempts, including students who are no longer in the course
                $where = 'quiza.id IS NOT NULL AND quiza.preview = 0';
                // Show only students with attempts
                list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(
                        $reportstudents, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u');
                $params += $uparams;
                $where = "u.id $usql AND quiza.preview = 0 AND quiza.id IS NOT NULL";
                // Show only students without attempts
                list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(
                        $reportstudents, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u');
                $params += $uparams;
                $where = "u.id $usql AND quiza.id IS NULL";
                // Show all students with or without attempts
                list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(
                        $reportstudents, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u');
                $params += $uparams;
                $where = "u.id $usql AND (quiza.preview = 0 OR quiza.preview IS NULL)";

        return array($fields, $from, $where, $params);
예제 #13
function local_mail_getsqlrecipients($courseid, $search, $groupid, $roleid, $recipients = false) {
    global $CFG, $USER, $DB;

    $context = context_course::instance($courseid);

    $mailsamerole = has_capability('local/mail:mailsamerole', $context);

    list($esql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($context, null, $groupid, true);
    $joins = array("FROM {user} u");
    $wheres = array();

    $mainuserfields = user_picture::fields('u', array('username', 'email', 'city', 'country', 'lang', 'timezone', 'maildisplay'));

    $extrasql = get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, 'u', '', array(
            'id', 'firstname', 'lastname'));
    $select = "SELECT $mainuserfields$extrasql";
    $joins[] = "JOIN ($esql) e ON e.id = u.id";

    // Performance hacks - we preload user contexts together with accounts.
    $ccselect = ', ' . context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('ctx');
    $ccjoin = "LEFT JOIN {context} ctx ON (ctx.instanceid = u.id AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextlevel)";
    $params['contextlevel'] = CONTEXT_USER;
    $select .= $ccselect;
    $joins[] = $ccjoin;

    if (!$mailsamerole) {
        $userroleids = local_mail_get_user_roleids($USER->id, $context);
        list($relctxsql, $reldctxparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($context->get_parent_context_ids(true), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'relctx');
        list($samerolesql, $sameroleparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($userroleids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'samerole' , false);
        $wheres[] = "u.id IN (SELECT userid FROM {role_assignments} WHERE roleid $samerolesql AND contextid $relctxsql)";
        $params = array_merge($params, array('roleid' => $roleid), $sameroleparams, $reldctxparams);

    if ($roleid) {
        // We want to query both the current context and parent contexts.
        list($relatedctxsql, $relatedctxparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($context->get_parent_context_ids(true), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'relatedctx');
        $wheres[] = "u.id IN (SELECT userid FROM {role_assignments} WHERE roleid = :roleid AND contextid $relatedctxsql)";
        $params = array_merge($params, array('roleid' => $roleid), $relatedctxparams);

    $from = implode("\n", $joins);

    if (!empty($search)) {
        $fullname = $DB->sql_fullname('u.firstname', 'u.lastname');
        $wheres[] = "(". $DB->sql_like($fullname, ':search1', false, false) .") ";
        $params['search1'] = "%$search%";

    $from = implode("\n", $joins);

    $wheres[] = 'u.id <> :guestid AND u.deleted = 0 AND u.confirmed = 1 AND u.id <> :userid';
    $params['userid'] = $USER->id;
    $params['guestid'] = $CFG->siteguest;

    if ($recipients) {
        $wheres[] = 'u.id IN ('.preg_replace('/^,|,$/', '', $recipients).')';

    $where = "WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $wheres);

    $sort = 'ORDER BY u.lastname ASC, u.firstname ASC';

    return array($select, $from, $where, $sort, $params);
예제 #14
function get_users_listing_subadmin($sort = 'lastaccess', $dir = 'ASC', $page = 0, $recordsperpage = 0, $search = '', $firstinitial = '', $lastinitial = '', $extraselect = '', array $extraparams = null, $extracontext = null, $join = '')
    global $DB;
    $fullname = $DB->sql_fullname();
    $select = "u.deleted <> 1";
    $params = array();
    if (!empty($search)) {
        $search = trim($search);
        $select .= " AND (" . $DB->sql_like($fullname, ':search1', false, false) . " OR " . $DB->sql_like('u.email', ':search2', false, false) . " OR u.username = :search3)";
        $params['search1'] = "%{$search}%";
        $params['search2'] = "%{$search}%";
        $params['search3'] = "{$search}";
    if ($firstinitial) {
        $select .= " AND " . $DB->sql_like('u.firstname', ':fni', false, false);
        $params['fni'] = "{$firstinitial}%";
    if ($lastinitial) {
        $select .= " AND " . $DB->sql_like('u.lastname', ':lni', false, false);
        $params['lni'] = "{$lastinitial}%";
    if ($extraselect) {
        $select .= " AND {$extraselect}";
        $params = $params + (array) $extraparams;
    if ($sort) {
        $sort = " ORDER BY {$sort} {$dir}";
    // If a context is specified, get extra user fields that the current user
    // is supposed to see.
    $extrafields = '';
    if ($extracontext) {
        $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields_sql($extracontext, '', '', array('id', 'username', 'email', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'city', 'country', 'lastaccess', 'confirmed', 'mnethostid'));
    // warning: will return UNCONFIRMED USERS
    return $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT u.*\n                                   FROM {user} u\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   {$join}\n                                  WHERE {$select}\n                                  {$sort}", $params, $page, $recordsperpage);
예제 #15
 public function test_get_extra_user_fields_sql()
     global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
     $context = context_system::instance();
     // No fields.
     $CFG->showuseridentity = '';
     $this->assertSame('', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context));
     // One field.
     $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog';
     $this->assertSame(', frog', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context));
     // Two fields with table prefix.
     $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
     $this->assertSame(', u1.frog, u1.zombie', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, 'u1'));
     // Two fields with field prefix.
     $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
     $this->assertSame(', frog AS u_frog, zombie AS u_zombie', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, '', 'u_'));
     // One field excluded.
     $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog';
     $this->assertSame('', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, '', '', array('frog')));
     // Two fields, one excluded, table+field prefix.
     $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
     $this->assertEquals(', u1.zombie AS u_zombie', get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, 'u1', 'u_', array('frog')));
예제 #16
     * Contruct all the parts of the main database query.
     * @param array $reportstudents list if userids of users to include in the report.
     * @return array with 4 elements ($fields, $from, $where, $params) that can be used to
     *      build the actual database query.
    public function base_sql($reportstudents) {
        global $DB;

        $fields = $DB->sql_concat('u.id', "'#'", 'COALESCE(quiza.attempt, 0)') . ' AS uniqueid,';

        if ($this->qmsubselect) {
            $fields .= "\n(CASE WHEN $this->qmsubselect THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS gradedattempt,";

        $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields_sql($this->context, 'u', '',
                array('id', 'idnumber', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'picture',
                'imagealt', 'institution', 'department', 'email'));
        $fields .= '
                quiza.uniqueid AS usageid,
                quiza.id AS attempt,
                u.id AS userid,
                u.email' . $extrafields . ',
                CASE WHEN quiza.timefinish = 0 THEN null
                     WHEN quiza.timefinish > quiza.timestart THEN quiza.timefinish - quiza.timestart
                     ELSE 0 END AS duration';
            // To explain that last bit, timefinish can be non-zero and less
            // than timestart when you have two load-balanced servers with very
            // badly synchronised clocks, and a student does a really quick attempt.

        // This part is the same for all cases. Join the users and quiz_attempts tables.
        $from = "\n{user} u";
        $from .= "\nLEFT JOIN {quiz_attempts} quiza ON
                                    quiza.userid = u.id AND quiza.quiz = :quizid";
        $params = array('quizid' => $this->quiz->id);

        if ($this->qmsubselect && $this->options->onlygraded) {
            $from .= " AND $this->qmsubselect";

        switch ($this->options->attempts) {
            case quiz_attempts_report::ALL_WITH:
                // Show all attempts, including students who are no longer in the course.
                $where = 'quiza.id IS NOT NULL AND quiza.preview = 0';
            case quiz_attempts_report::ENROLLED_WITH:
                // Show only students with attempts.
                list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(
                        $reportstudents, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u');
                $params += $uparams;
                $where = "u.id $usql AND quiza.preview = 0 AND quiza.id IS NOT NULL";
            case quiz_attempts_report::ENROLLED_WITHOUT:
                // Show only students without attempts.
                list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(
                        $reportstudents, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u');
                $params += $uparams;
                $where = "u.id $usql AND quiza.id IS NULL";
            case quiz_attempts_report::ENROLLED_ALL:
                // Show all students with or without attempts.
                list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(
                        $reportstudents, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'u');
                $params += $uparams;
                $where = "u.id $usql AND (quiza.preview = 0 OR quiza.preview IS NULL)";

        if ($this->options->states) {
            list($statesql, $stateparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($this->options->states,
                    SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'state');
            $params += $stateparams;
            $where .= " AND (quiza.state $statesql OR quiza.state IS NULL)";

        return array($fields, $from, $where, $params);
예제 #17
$table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
$table->set_attribute('id', 'participants');
$table->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox');
$table->set_control_variables(array(TABLE_VAR_SORT => 'ssort', TABLE_VAR_HIDE => 'shide', TABLE_VAR_SHOW => 'sshow', TABLE_VAR_IFIRST => 'sifirst', TABLE_VAR_ILAST => 'silast', TABLE_VAR_PAGE => 'spage'));
list($esql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($context, null, $currentgroup, true);
$joins = array("FROM {user} u");
$wheres = array();
$userfields = array('username', 'email', 'city', 'country', 'lang', 'timezone', 'maildisplay');
$mainuserfields = user_picture::fields('u', $userfields);
$extrasql = get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, 'u', '', $userfields);
if ($isfrontpage) {
    $select = "SELECT {$mainuserfields}, u.lastaccess{$extrasql}";
    $joins[] = "JOIN ({$esql}) e ON e.id = u.id";
    // Everybody on the frontpage usually.
    if ($accesssince) {
        $wheres[] = get_user_lastaccess_sql($accesssince);
} else {
    $select = "SELECT {$mainuserfields}, COALESCE(ul.timeaccess, 0) AS lastaccess{$extrasql}";
    $joins[] = "JOIN ({$esql}) e ON e.id = u.id";
    // Course enrolled users only.
    $joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {user_lastaccess} ul ON (ul.userid = u.id AND ul.courseid = :courseid)";
    // Not everybody accessed course yet.
    $params['courseid'] = $course->id;
    if ($accesssince) {
예제 #18
     * @method get_users_listing
     * @todo to get user list of costcenter based on condition  
     * @param string $sort fieldname
     * @param string $dir specify the order to sort
     * @param int $page page number
     * @param int $recordsperpage records perpage
     * @param string $extraselect extra condition to select user
     * @param array $extraparams
     * @return array of objects , list of users
    function get_users_listing($sort = 'lastaccess', $dir = 'ASC', $page = 0, $recordsperpage = 0, $extraselect = '', array $extraparams = null, $extracontext = null) {
        global $DB, $CFG,$USER;

        $select = "u.deleted <> 1 AND u.id <> :guestid";  //$select = "deleted=0";
        $params = array('guestid' => $CFG->siteguest);

        if ($extraselect) {
            $select .= " AND $extraselect";
            $params = $params + (array) $extraparams;

        // If a context is specified, get extra user fields that the current user
        // is supposed to see.
        $extrafields = '';
        if ($extracontext) {
            $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields_sql($extracontext, '', '', array('id', 'username', 'email', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'city', 'country',
                'lastaccess', 'confirmed', 'mnethostid'));
         * ###Bugreport#183-Filters
         * @author Naveen Kumar<*****@*****.**>
         * (Resolved) Added $select parameters for conditions 
        // warning: will return UNCONFIRMED USERS
        //  print_object($params);
        if (!is_siteadmin()) {
         //$costcenterid = $DB->get_field('local_costcenter_permissions','costcenterid',array('userid'=>$USER->id));
         /* code for training manager capable of handling one or more departments - code added by sreenivas*/
        $cost_list = $DB->get_fieldset_sql('select costcenterid from {local_userdata} where userid='.$USER->id.''); /*code added by sreenivas*/
        $dsin = implode(',',$cost_list); /*code added by sreenivas*/
        $join = " RIGHT JOIN {local_userdata} as ud ON u.id=ud.userid AND costcenterid in ($dsin)"; /*code modified by sreenivas*/
            $join =" RIGHT JOIN {local_userdata} as ud ON u.id=ud.userid";

       return $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT u.*
                                       FROM {user} as u $join
                                       WHERE $select GROUP BY id ORDER BY $sort $dir LIMIT $page, $recordsperpage", $params);
        //$userids = $DB->get_fieldset_sql("SELECT id
        //                               FROM {user}
        //                               WHERE $select", $params);
        //if ($userids && $costcenterlist) {
        //     $useridin = implode(',', array_keys($userids));
        //    return $DB->get_records_sql("select user.* from (
        //                                SELECT u.id, u.username, u.email, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.city, u.country,
        //                                    u.lastaccess, u.confirmed, u.mnethostid, u.suspended FROM {user} u
        //                                JOIN {local_userdata} ud ON ud.userid = u.id
        //                                WHERE u.id in ($useridin) AND ud.costcenterid IN ($costcenteridin)) user GROUP BY user.id ORDER BY user.$sort $dir LIMIT $page, $recordsperpage ");