function _before_insert(&$data, $options) { $type = $data["type"]; $dept_id = get_dept_id(); $data['dept_id'] = $dept_id; $data['dept_name'] = get_dept_name(); $data['emp_no'] = get_emp_no(); $doc_no_format = M("FlowType")->where("id={$type}")->getField("doc_no_format"); $short_dept = M("Dept")->where("id={$dept_id}")->getField('short'); $short_flow = M("FlowType")->where("id={$type}")->getField('short'); $sql = "SELECT count(*) count FROM `" . $this->tablePrefix . "flow` WHERE type={$type} "; $sql .= " and year(FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time))>=year(now())"; if (strpos($doc_no_format, "{DEPT}") !== false) { $sql .= " and dept_id=" . get_dept_id(); } $rs = $this->db->query($sql); $count = $rs[0]['count'] + 1; if (strpos($doc_no_format, "{DEPT}") !== false) { $doc_no_format = str_replace("{DEPT}", $short_dept, $doc_no_format); } if (strpos($doc_no_format, "{SHORT}") !== false) { $doc_no_format = str_replace("{SHORT}", $short_flow, $doc_no_format); } if (strpos($doc_no_format, "{YYYY}") !== false) { $doc_no_format = str_replace("{YYYY}", date('Y', mktime()), $doc_no_format); } if (strpos($doc_no_format, "{YY}") !== false) { $doc_no_format = str_replace("{YY}", date('y', mktime()), $doc_no_format); } if (strpos($doc_no_format, "{M}") !== false) { $doc_no_format = str_replace("{M}", date('m', mktime()), $doc_no_format); } if (strpos($doc_no_format, "{D}") !== false) { $doc_no_format = str_replace("{D}", date('d', mktime()), $doc_no_format); } if (strpos($doc_no_format, "{#}") !== false) { $doc_no_format = str_replace("{#}", str_pad($count, 1, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $doc_no_format); } if (strpos($doc_no_format, "{##}") !== false) { $doc_no_format = str_replace("{##}", str_pad($count, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $doc_no_format); } if (strpos($doc_no_format, "{###}") !== false) { $doc_no_format = str_replace("{###}", str_pad($count, 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $doc_no_format); } if (strpos($doc_no_format, "{####}") !== false) { $doc_no_format = str_replace("{####}", str_pad($count, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $doc_no_format); } if (strpos($doc_no_format, "{#####}") !== false) { $doc_no_format = str_replace("{#####}", str_pad($count, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $doc_no_format); } if (strpos($doc_no_format, "{######}") !== false) { $doc_no_format = str_replace("{######}", str_pad($count, 6, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $doc_no_format); } $data['doc_no'] = $doc_no_format; }
/** 插入新新数据 **/ protected function _update() { $model = D("MonthlyReport"); if (false === $model->create()) { $this->error($model->getError()); } if (in_array('user_id', $model->getDbFields())) { $model->user_id = get_user_id(); } if (in_array('user_name', $model->getDbFields())) { $model->user_name = get_user_name(); } if (in_array('dept_id', $model->getDbFields())) { $model->dept_id = get_dept_id(); } if (in_array('dept_name', $model->getDbFields())) { $model->dept_name = get_dept_name(); } $model->create_time = time(); /*保存当前数据对象 */ $list = $model->save(); if ($list !== false) { //保存成功 $this->assign('jumpUrl', get_return_url()); $this->success('保存成功!'); } else { $this->error('保存失败!'); //失败提示 } }
echo get_user_tel(); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="username"> <a href="<?php echo U('grzhongxin/index'); ?> " style="color:#fff"><?php echo session('user_name'); ?> </a> <!-- <?php echo get_dept_name(); ?> --> | <a href="<?php echo U('login/logout'); ?> " style="color:#fff">退出</a> </div> </div> </div><!-- #header --> <div class="main-container" id="main-container"> <div class="main-container-inner"> <div class="sidebar" id="sidebar"> <!-- <div id="user_info" class="text-center hidden-xs" > <span >当前用户:<?php
/** * 添加日志 * @param int $uid * @param string $content 今日总结 * @param string $plan 计划 * @param string $feedback 问题反馈 * @param int $time * @param int $type 1为安卓 2为ios */ public function addLog() { $uid = UID; // $uid=$_REQUEST['uid']; $content = $_REQUEST['content']; // $plan=$_REQUEST['plan']; // $feedback=$_REQUEST['feedback']; $time = NOW_TIME; $type = $_REQUEST['type'] ? $_REQUEST['type'] : 1; // if($type!=1){ // $content=base64_decode($content); // $plan=base64_decode($plan); // $feedback=base64_decode($feedback); // } $model = D('work_log'); $data = array('user_id' => $uid, 'user_name' => get_user_name(), 'dept_id' => get_dept_id(), 'dept_name' => get_dept_name(), 'create_time' => time(), 'content' => $content ? $content : '', 'start_date' => date('Y-m-d', $time), 'end_date' => date('Y-m-d', $time)); $res = $model->add($data); if ($res) { $this->result('1', '添加成功!'); } else { $this->result('0', '未知错误!'); } }
public function mine() { $widget['date-range'] = true; $this->assign("widget", $widget); $this->assign('user_id', get_user_id()); $this->assign("title", '日志查询'); $auth = $this->config['auth']; $this->assign('auth', $auth); if ($_GET['id']) { $id = $_GET['id']; $this->assign("XIN", 0); } else { $id = get_user_id(); $this->assign("XIN", 1); } if ($auth['admin']) { $rolein = false; $role = D('role_user')->where('user_id = ' . get_user_id())->field('role_id')->select(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($role); $i++) { if ($role[$i]['role_id'] == 1 || $role[$i]['role_id'] == 12) { $rolein = true; continue; } } $node = D("Dept"); $dept_id = get_dept_id(); $dept_name = get_dept_name(); $menu = array(); $dept_menu = $node->field('id,pid,name')->where("is_del=0")->order('sort asc')->select(); if ($rolein) { $dept_tree = list_to_tree($dept_menu); } else { $dept_tree = list_to_tree($dept_menu, $dept_id); } $count = count($dept_tree); // dump(get_user_id()); // exit; if (empty($count)) { /*获取部门列表*/ $html = ''; $html = $html . "<option value='{$dept_id}'>{$dept_name}</option>"; $this->assign('dept_list', $html); /*获取人员列表*/ $where['dept_id'] = array('eq', $dept_id); $emp_list = D("User")->where($where)->getField('id,emp_name'); // $this->assign('emp_list',$emp_list); } else { /*获取部门列表*/ $this->assign('dept_list', select_tree_menu($dept_tree)); $dept_list = tree_to_list($dept_tree); $dept_list = rotate($dept_list); $dept_list = $dept_list['id']; /*获取人员列表*/ $where['dept_id'] = array('in', $dept_list); $emp_list = D("User")->where($where)->getField('id,emp_name'); // $this->assign('emp_list',$emp_list); } } $map = $this->_search(); $map['user_id'] = $id; if (method_exists($this, '_search_filter')) { $this->_search_filter($map); } $model = D("WorkLog"); if (!empty($model)) { $this->_list($model, $map); // $this -> _list($model,''); } $this->assign("uid", $id); $this->display(); }
/** * 添加日志 * @param int $uid * @param string $content 今日总结 * @param string $plan 计划 * @param string $feedback 问题反馈 * @param int $time * @param int $type 1为安卓 2为ios */ public function addLog() { $uid = $_REQUEST('uid'); $content = $_REQUEST('content'); $plan = $_REQUEST('plan'); $feedback = $_REQUEST('feedback'); $time = $_REQUEST('time'); $type = $_REQUEST('type') ? $_REQUEST('type') : 1; if ($type != 1) { $content = base64_decode($content); $plan = base64_decode($plan); $feedback = base64_decode($feedback); } $model = D('work_log'); $data = array('user_id' => $uid, 'user_name' => get_user_name(), 'dept_id' => get_dept_id(), 'dept_name' => get_dept_name(), 'create_time' => time(), 'content' => $content ? $content : '', 'plan' => $plan ? $plan : '', 'feedback' => $feedback ? $feedback : '', 'start_date' => date('Y-m-d', $time), 'end_date' => date('Y-m-d', $time)); $res = $model->add($data); if ($res) { $this->result('1', '添加成功!'); } else { $this->result('0', '未知错误!'); } }
/** * 添加 AND 临时保存 草稿箱修改公文 * @param unknown $doc_type 公文类型 * @param unknown $doc_model 发文字号 * @param unknown $doc_level 秘密等级 * @param unknown $doc_acute 紧急程度 * @param unknown $doc_title 公文标题 * @param unknown $doc_content 公文内容 * @param unknown $doc_keyword 关键词 * @param string $people_sh 传uid * @param string $people_qf 传uid * @param string $people_sj 传uid 多人逗号分隔 * @param string $sid 附件id 多个附件 分号分割 * @param int $type 1为安卓 2为ios * @param int $status 1 添加 2保存 3修改 * @param int $flow_id 传入要修改的公文id */ public function addAndEdditDoc() { // var_dump('5456656'); // exit; $doc_type = $_REQUEST['doc_type']; $doc_model = $_REQUEST['doc_model']; $doc_level = $_REQUEST['doc_level']; $doc_acute = $_REQUEST['doc_acute']; $doc_title = $_REQUEST['doc_title']; $doc_content = $_REQUEST['doc_content']; $doc_keyword = $_REQUEST['keyword']; $people_sh = $_REQUEST['people_sh']; $people_qf = $_REQUEST['people_qf']; $people_sj = $_REQUEST['people_sj']; $sid = $_REQUEST['sid']; $type = $_REQUEST['type']; $status = $_REQUEST['status']; $id = $_REQUEST['flow_id']; $flow = M('flow'); if ($type == 2) { $doc_type = base64_decode($doc_type); $doc_level = base64_decode($doc_level); $doc_model = base64_decode($doc_model); $doc_acute = base64_decode($doc_acute); $doc_title = base64_decode($doc_title); $doc_content = base64_decode($doc_content); $doc_keyword = base64_decode($doc_keyword); } $str = ''; $peopel_sj = explode(',', $people_sj); for ($i = 0; $i < count($peopel_sj); $i++) { $str .= get_userName($peopel_sj[$i]) . "|"; $html = '<span>' . get_userName($peopel_sj[$i]) . '</span>'; } $id = get_user_id(); $data = array('docNo' => $doc_model, 'name' => $doc_title, 'content' => $doc_content, 'drafter_name' => get_user_name(), 'confirm' => get_userName($people_sh) . '|', 'confirm_name' => get_userName($people_sh), 'consult' => get_userName($people_qf), 'consult_name' => get_userName($people_qf), 'refer' => $str, 'refer_name' => $html, 'add_file' => $sid, 'user_id' => get_user_id(), 'emp_no' => get_userEmpNo($id), 'user_name' => get_user_name(), 'dept_id' => get_dept_id(), 'dept_name' => get_dept_name(), 'create_time' => time(), 'update_time' => 0, 'step' => $status == 1 ? 20 : 10, 'is_del' => 0, 'doc_type' => $doc_type, 'doc_level' => $doc_level, 'doc_acute' => $doc_acute); // var_dump($data); // exit; $res = $flow->add($data); if ($status <= 2) { if ($res) { $log_data = array('flow_id' => $res, 'emp_no' => get_userName($people_sh), 'step' => 21, 'create_time' => time(), 'update_time' => time(), 'is_del' => 0); M('flow_log')->add($log_data); $this->result('1', '添加成功!'); } else { $this->result('0', '未知错误!'); } } else { if ($status > 2) { $info = M('Flow')->where(array('id' => $id))->save($data); if ($info) { $this->result('1', '保存成功!'); } else { $this->result('0', '失败!'); } } } }