".TB_PREFIX."custom_fields $where ORDER BY $sort $dir LIMIT $start, $limit"; $sth = dbQuery($sql,':domain_id', $auth_session->domain_id) or die(end($dbh->errorInfo())); $count = $sth->rowCount(); $cfs = null; $number_of_rows = 0; for($i=0; $cf = $sth->fetch();$i++) { $cfs[$i] = $cf; $cfs[$i]['field_name_nice'] = get_custom_field_name($cf['cf_custom_field']); $number_of_rows = $i; } $xml .= "<rows>"; $xml .= "<page>$page</page>"; $xml .= "<total>$count</total>"; foreach ($cfs as $row) { $xml .= "<row id='".htmlsafe($row['cf_id'])."'>"; $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[ <a class='index_table' title='$LANG[view] $LANG[custom_field] ".htmlsafe($row['field_name_nice'])."' href='index.php?module=custom_fields&view=details&id=$row[cf_id]&action=view'><img src='" . $baseUrl . "images/common/view.png' height='16' border='-5px' padding='-4px' valign='bottom' /></a> <a class='index_table' title='$LANG[edit] $LANG[custom_field] ".htmlsafe($row['field_name_nice'])."' href='index.php?module=custom_fields&view=details&id=$row[cf_id]&action=edit'><img src='" . $baseUrl . "images/common/edit.png' height='16' border='-5px' padding='-4px' valign='bottom' /></a> ]]></cell>"; $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[".htmlsafe($row['cf_id'])."]]></cell>"; $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[".htmlsafe($row['field_name_nice'])."]]></cell>";
<?php /* * Script: details.php * Custom fields details page * * License: * GPL v3 or above * * Website: * http://www.simpleinvoices.org */ //stop the direct browsing to this file - let index.php handle which files get displayed checkLogin(); #table #get the invoice id $cf_id = $_GET["id"]; global $dbh; #customer query $print_product = "SELECT * FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "custom_fields WHERE cf_id = :id"; $sth = dbQuery($print_product, ':id', $cf_id) or die(end($dbh->errorInfo())); $cf = $sth->fetch(); $cf['name'] = get_custom_field_name($cf['cf_custom_field']); $pageActive = "options"; $smarty->assign('pageActive', $pageActive); $smarty->assign("cf", $cf); $smarty->assign('pageActive', 'custom_field'); $subPageActive = $_GET['action'] == "view" ? "custom_fields_view" : "custom_fields_edit"; $smarty->assign('subPageActive', $subPageActive); $smarty->assign('active_tab', '#setting');