* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. * * */ require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../../session.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../../moneyio.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../../mio-cost/update/cost_func.php"; open_session(); if (isset($_SESSION) && !empty($_SESSION)) { //$wallet_user_id = $_GET["wallet_id"]; $wallet_id = $_GET["wallet_id"]; $cost_id = $_GET["cost_id"]; //$cost_user_id = $_SESSION["mio-username_id"]; $cost_info = get_cost($cost_id, $wallet_id); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf8"> <meta keywords="user"> <meta author="netSys"> <meta description="This example test"> <title>Create cost </title> </head> <body> <form action="../../../../mio-cost/update/cost.php?c_id=<?php echo $cost_info->cost_id; ?>
function display_edit_form($objid, $object_general, $object_rights, $object_lifecycle, $object_tech) { echo $object_general['title']; ?> <form method="post" action="edit_this_metadata.php"> <table> <tr> <td>Hidden:</td> <td><input type="hidden" name="objid" value="<?php echo $objid; ?> " /></td></tr> <tr> <td>Title:</td> <td><input type="text" name="newtitle" value="<?php echo $object_general['title']; ?> " /></td></tr> <tr> <td>Author:</td> <td><input type="text" name="newauthor" value="<?php echo $object_general['author']; ?> "/></td></tr> <tr> <td>Discipline</td> <td valign="top"> <select name="newdiscipline" size="1"> <?php $disc_array = get_discipline(); foreach ($disc_array as $thisdisc) { echo "<option value=\"" . $thisdisc['discname'] . "\""; if ($thisdisc['discname'] == $object_general['discipline']) { echo "selected"; } echo ">" . $thisdisc['discname'] . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr> <td>Language</td> <td valign="top"> <select name="newlanguage" size="1"> <?php $lang_array = get_language(); foreach ($lang_array as $thislang) { echo "<option value=\"" . $thislang['langname'] . "\""; if ($thislang['langname'] == $object_general['language']) { echo "selected"; } echo ">" . $thislang['langname'] . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr> <td>Keyword:</td> <td><input type="text" name="newkeyword" value="<?php echo $object_general['keyword']; ?> " /></td></tr> <tr> <td>Structure</td> <td valign="top"> <select name="newstructure" size="1"> <?php $struct_array = get_structure(); foreach ($struct_array as $thisstruct) { echo "<option value=\"" . $thisstruct['structname'] . "\""; if ($thisstruct['structname'] == $object_general['structure']) { echo "selected"; } echo ">" . $thisstruct['structname'] . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr> <td>Aggregation Level</td> <td valign="top"> <select name="newaggrelvl" size="1"> <?php $aggrelvl_array = get_aggrelvl(); foreach ($aggrelvl_array as $thisaggrelvl) { echo "<option value=\"" . $thisaggrelvl['aggrelvlname'] . "\""; if ($thisaggrelvl['aggrelvlname'] == $object_general['aggregation_level']) { echo "selected"; } echo ">" . $thisaggrelvl['aggrelvlname'] . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr> <td>Version:</td> <td><input type="text" name="newversion" value="<?php echo $object_lifecycle['version']; ?> " /></td></tr> <tr> <td>Status</td> <td valign="top"> <select name="newstatus" size="1"> <?php $status_array = get_status(); foreach ($status_array as $thisstatus) { echo "<option value=\"" . $thisstatus['statusname'] . "\""; if ($thisstatus['statusname'] == $object_lifecycle['status']) { echo "selected"; } echo ">" . $thisstatus['statusname'] . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr> <td>Interactivity Type</td> <td valign="top"> <select name="newinteracttype" size="1"> <?php $intertype_array = get_intertype(); foreach ($intertype_array as $thisintertype) { echo "<option value=\"" . $thisintertype['intertypename'] . "\""; if ($thisintertype['intertypename'] == $object_general['interactivity_type']) { echo "selected"; } echo ">" . $thisintertype['intertypename'] . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr> <td>Learning Resource Type</td> <td valign="top"> <select name="newresourcetype" size="1"> <?php $resourcetype_array = get_resourcetype(); foreach ($resourcetype_array as $thisresourcetype) { echo "<option value=\"" . $thisresourcetype['resourcetypename'] . "\""; if ($thisresourcetype['resourcetypename'] == $object_general['learning_res_type']) { echo "selected"; } echo ">" . $thisresourcetype['resourcetypename'] . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr> <td>Interactivity Level</td> <td valign="top"> <select name="newinteractlvl" size="1"> <?php $interactlvl_array = get_interactlvl(); foreach ($interactlvl_array as $thisinteractlvl) { echo "<option value=\"" . $thisinteractlvl['interactlvlname'] . "\""; if ($thisinteractlvl['interactlvlname'] == $object_general['interactivity_level']) { echo "selected"; } echo ">" . $thisinteractlvl['interactlvlname'] . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr> <td>Intended End User Role</td> <td valign="top"> <select name="newenduserrole" size="1"> <?php $enduserrole_array = get_enduserrole(); foreach ($enduserrole_array as $thisenduserrole) { echo "<option value=\"" . $thisenduserrole['enduserrolename'] . "\""; if ($thisenduserrole['enduserrolename'] == $object_general['intended_end_user_role']) { echo "selected"; } echo ">" . $thisenduserrole['enduserrolename'] . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr> <td>Typical Learning Time:</td> <td><input type="text" name="newlearningtime" value="<?php echo $object_general['typical_learning_time']; ?> " /></td></tr> <tr> <td>Cost</td> <td valign="top"> <select name="newcost" size="1"> <?php $cost_array = get_cost(); foreach ($cost_array as $thiscost) { echo "<option value=\"" . $thiscost['costname'] . "\""; if ($thiscost['costname'] == $object_rights['cost']) { echo "selected"; } echo ">" . $thiscost['costname'] . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> <tr> <td>Copyrights and Other Restrictions</td> <td valign="top"> <select name="newcopyright" size="1"> <?php $copyright_array = get_copyright(); foreach ($copyright_array as $thiscopyright) { echo "<option value=\"" . $thiscopyright['copyrightname'] . "\""; if ($thiscopyright['copyrightname'] == $object_rights['copyrights_and_other_res']) { echo "selected"; } echo ">" . $thiscopyright['copyrightname'] . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </td></tr> </table> <div class="page-header"> <p></p> </div> <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Update Object</button> </form> <?php }
$error_str .= make_table(array($cw['item_name'], $cw['notes'], $cw['item_cost']), "75%"); $error_str .= $eng_text . "</table>"; } /************************** * Misc Items **************************/ $misc_text = ""; if (avail_check(2003)) { $misc_text .= make_row(array($cw['shrouding_unit'], $st[657], $cloak_cost, "<a href='{$filename}?buy=4'>" . $cw['buy'] . "</a>", popup_help("help.php?upgrades=1&popup=1&chosen=ls", 350, 315))); } if (avail_check(2004)) { $cost_temp = get_cost("sc"); $misc_text .= make_row(array($cw['scanner'], $st[658], $cost_temp['cost'], "<a href='{$filename}?buy=7'>" . $cw['buy'] . "</a>", popup_help("help.php?upgrades=1&popup=1&chosen=sc", 350, 315))); } if (avail_check(2005)) { $cost_temp = get_cost("sh"); $misc_text .= make_row(array($st[659], $st[660], $cost_temp['cost'], "<a href='{$filename}?buy=5'>" . $cw['buy'] . "</a>", popup_help("help.php?upgrades=1&popup=1&chosen=sh", 350, 315))); } if (!empty($misc_text)) { $error_str .= "<br /><br />" . $cw['misc']; $error_str .= make_table(array($cw['item_name'], $cw['notes'], $cw['item_cost']), "75%"); $error_str .= $misc_text . "</table>"; } $error_str .= "<p /><a href='help.php?topic=Upgrades' target='_blank'>" . $st[661] . "</a>"; } $rs = "<p /><a href='earth.php'>" . $cw['return_to_earth'] . "</a>"; print_page($cw['accessories_upgrades'], $error_str); #function for adding 'normal' upgrades to a ship. function make_basic_upgrade($upgrade_str, $upgrade_sql, $inc_amount, $cost) { global $user, $user_ship, $db_name;
} } $error_str .= sprintf($st[417], $upgrade_pods[upgrade_slots]); $error_str .= $st[418]; $error_str .= $st[419]; $error_str .= make_table(array($cw['item_name'], $cw['notes'], $cw['credits_cost'], $cw['tech_cost']), "75%"); if (avail_check(5000)) { $buy_many = ""; $num = $max_pc - $user_ship['num_pc']; if ($user_ship['upgrade_slots'] > 1 && $num > 1) { $buy_many .= "<a href='{$filename}?buy=3&many_pc={$num}'>Acheter {$num}</a>"; } $error_str .= make_row(array($cw['plasma_cannon'], sprintf($st[420], $max_pc), $plasma_cannon_c, $plasma_cannon_t, "<a href='{$filename}?buy=3'>" . $cw['buy'] . "</a>", $buy_many, popup_help("help.php?upgrades=1&popup=1&chosen=pc", 350, 315))); } if (avail_check(5002)) { $cost_temp = get_cost("ew"); $buy_many = ""; $num = $max_ew - $user_ship['num_ew']; if ($user_ship['upgrade_slots'] > 1 && $num > 1) { $buy_many .= "<a href='{$filename}?buy=5&many_ew={$num}'>Acheter {$num}</a>"; } $error_str .= make_row(array($cw['electronic_warfare_pod'], "Max of {$max_pc} per ship.", $cost_temp['cost'], $cost_temp['tech_cost'], "<a href='{$filename}?buy=5'>" . $cw['buy'] . "</a>", $buy_many, popup_help("help.php?upgrades=1&popup=1&chosen=ew", 350, 315))); } $error_str .= "</table>"; $error_str .= "<br /><br />" . $cw['misc'] . ""; $error_str .= make_table(array($cw['item_name'], $cw['notes'], $cw['credits_cost'], $cw['tech_cost']), "75%"); if (avail_check(5003)) { if ($GAME_VARS['ship_warp_cost'] == -1) { $engine_changes = $st[421]; } else { $engine_changes = "";
if (isset($changed_factor['config'])) { //work out upgrade costs && upgrade names within the config if (config_check("sc", $changed_factor)) { $temp_cost = get_cost("sc"); $scanner_cost = $temp_cost['cost']; $xtra_cost += $scanner_cost; $up_txt .= "1 " . $cw['scanner'] . ": <b>{$scanner_cost}</b><br />"; } if (config_check("sh", $changed_factor)) { $temp_cost = get_cost("sh"); $shield_charger = $temp_cost['cost']; $xtra_cost += $shield_charger; $up_txt .= "1 " . $st[715] . ": <b>{$shield_charger}</b><br />"; } if (config_check("ws", $changed_factor)) { $temp_cost = get_cost("ws"); $stabiliser_upgrade = $temp_cost['cost']; $xtra_cost += $stabiliser_upgrade; $up_txt .= "1 " . $st[716] . ": <b>{$stabiliser_upgrade}</b><br />"; } if (config_check("ls", $changed_factor)) { $f_cloak_cost = round($cloak_cost * ($user_ship['size'] / 100)) * 15; $xtra_cost += $f_cloak_cost; $up_txt .= "1 " . $st['cloak'] . ": <b>{$f_cloak_cost}</b><br />"; } if (config_check("e1", $changed_factor)) { $f_engine_cost = round($engine_upgrade * ($user_ship['size'] / 100)) * 15; $xtra_cost += $f_engine_cost; $up_txt .= "1 " . $cw['engine_upgrade'] . ": <b>{$f_engine_cost}</b><br />"; } }