예제 #1
function caption_edit_form($imagefile, $gallery, $dirkey, $filekey)
    $caption = htmlspecialchars(get_caption($imagefile));
    // Display input form
    print <<<EOH
   <form action="gallery.php" method="post" >
     <div class="caption_input" >
     Edit caption: <br/>
     <textarea class="caption_input" name="caption" cols="40" rows="1" >{$caption}</textarea>
     <input type="submit" name="caption_submit" value="Go" />
     <input type="hidden" name="imagefile" value="{$gallery}" />
     <input type="hidden" name="imagefile" value="{$dirkey}" />
     <input type="hidden" name="imagefile" value="{$filekey}" />
     <input type="hidden" name="action" value="write_caption" />

예제 #2
function JPEG_Thumbnail($filelist, $gallery, $dirkey, $filekey, $basedir)
    #$filelist = generate_filelist($gallery, $dirkey);
    $filename = $filelist[$filekey];
    $file = "{$basedir}/{$filename}";
    $caption = get_caption($file);
    if (!isset($caption) || $caption == "") {
        $caption = $filename;
    $random = rand(1000, 999999);
    $imagetag = "<img class=thumbnail src='image_resample.php?gallery={$gallery}&dirkey={$dirkey}&filekey={$filekey}&size=150&xx={$random}' title='{$caption}'>";
    print <<<HTMLEND

    <div class=thumbnail>
    <a class=thumbnail href='gallery.php?gallery={$gallery}&dirkey={$dirkey}&filekey={$filekey}&size=700&action=display_image'>

    // END OF FUNCTION Thumbnail
예제 #3
파일: gallery.php 프로젝트: robincj/gallery
function display_image_section($gallery, $dirkey, $filekey, $size, $xsize, $ysize)
    include "set_paths.php";
    include "{$imagedata}/{$gallery}";
    if (!isset($_GLOBAL['filelist'])) {
        include_once "generate_filelist.php";
        $filelist = generate_filelist($gallery, $dirkey);
    } else {
        $filelist = $_GLOBAL['filelist'];
    $numfiles = count($filelist);
    $basedir = $dirs[$dirkey];
    if (preg_match("/\\.(mov|mpg|mpeg|avi|mp4)\$/i", $filelist[$filekey])) {
        $type = "movie";
    // Create next image href
    #$nexttag = "<span class='nav_inactive' >Next&gt;&gt;</span>";
    if ($filekey + 1 >= $numfiles) {
        $nextfile = $filelist[0];
        $nextfile = "{$basedir}/{$nextfile}";
        $nexttag = "<a class='prevnext_active' href='gallery.php?filekey=0&size=700&action=display_image'>|&lt;&lt;Back to start</a>";
    } else {
        $nextkey = $filekey + 1;
        $nextfile = $filelist[$nextkey];
        $nextfile = "{$basedir}/{$nextfile}";
        $nexttag = "<a class='prevnext_active' href='gallery.php?filekey={$nextkey}&size=700&action=display_image'>Next&gt;&gt;</a>";
    // Create href to previous image
    if ($filekey == 0) {
        # We are at first image so don't show next link - just inactive.
        $prevtag = "<span class='prevnext_inactive' >&lt;&lt;Previous</span>";
    } else {
        $prevkey = $filekey - 1;
        $prevfile = $filelist[$prevkey];
        $prevfile = "{$basedir}/{$prevfile}";
        $prevtag = "<a class='prevnext_active' href='gallery.php?&filekey={$prevkey}&size=700&action=display_image'>&lt;&lt;Previous</a>";
    // Use random number so that browser cache does not mistake this for the same picture each time
    $random = rand(1000, 9999);
    $imagefile = "{$basedir}/" . $filelist[$filekey];
    $_GLOBAL['caption'] = get_caption($imagefile);
    $caption = $_GLOBAL['caption'];
    // Menu line
    if ($type != "movie") {
 <div class="imagenavigate" > <?php 
        include "resize_menu.php";
        print "\n<span id='resize_menu'>\n";
        print "</span>\n";
    } else {
        //Display fake resize menu as placeholder
        print "\n<ul class='nav' ><li> </li></ul>\n";
    print <<<EOH
        <span class="prevnext" >
          {$prevtag} &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; {$nexttag} 
    if ($_SESSION['edit']) {
        print <<<EOH
    <span id="edit_caption_link" >
     <a href="?gallery={$gallery}&action=edit_caption&filekey={$filekey}&dirkey={$dirkey}&size={$size}" >
      Edit Caption

    #if ( $_SESSION['action'] != 'edit_caption' && authorise_user('edit_caption') ){
    if ($_SESSION['action'] != 'edit_caption') {
        // display caption
        print <<<EOH
    <span id="caption" >{$caption}</span>
        print "\n<br/>\n";
    } elseif ($_SESSION['action'] == 'edit_caption') {
        // display caption in an editable text box
        $filepath = $dirs[$dirkey] . "/" . $filelist[$filekey];
        caption_edit_form($filepath, $gallery, $dirkey, $filekey);
        print "<br/>\n";
    } else {
        // no edit functions requested, just write the caption
        print <<<EOH
      <span id="caption" >{$caption}</span><br/>
    // Display image
    if (preg_match_all("/\\.(mov|mpg|mpeg|avi|mp4)\$/i", $filelist[$filekey], $matches)) {
        $mimetype = mime_content_type($dirs[$dirkey] . "/" . $filelist[$filekey]);
        $parts = $matches[0];
        $type = $parts[0];
        #<embed type="video/x-msvideo" src='send_file.php?mode=stream&gallery=$gallery&dirkey=$dirkey&filekey=$filekey' width=640 height=480 >
        #<object type="video/avi" data='send_file.php?mode=stream&gallery=$gallery&dirkey=$dirkey&filekey=$filekey' width=640 height=480 >
        echo <<<HTMLEND
  <span class="center" >This file "{$filelist[$filekey]}" is a "{$mimetype}" movie file.<br/>
  <a href='send_file.php?mode=stream&gallery={$gallery}&dirkey={$dirkey}&filekey={$filekey}' type='{$mimetype}' >Click here to play it</a>
  <a href='send_file.php?mode=attach&gallery={$gallery}&dirkey={$dirkey}&filekey={$filekey}'>
  <b>Click here to download it.</b></a></span><br>
    } else {
        #if ( $_SESSION['size'] == "full" ) {
        if ($size == "full") {
            $filekey = $_SESSION['filekey'];
            $filelist = $_SESSION['filelist'];
            $basedir = $_SESSION['basedir'];
            $filename = $filelist[$filekey];
            $src_imgfile = "{$basedir}/{$filename}";
            if (!isset($caption) || $caption == "") {
                $caption = $filename;
            echo <<<HTMLEND
\t<img src="send_file.php?mode=stream&gallery={$gallery}&dirkey={$dirkey}&filekey={$filekey}" title="{$caption}" >
        } else {
            if (!isset($caption) || $caption == "") {
                $caption = basename($imagefile);
            if ($size > 10) {
                $urlsize = "size={$size}";
            } else {
                $urlsize = "xsize={$xsize}&ysize={$ysize}";
            $filekey = $_SESSION['filekey'];
            $dirkey = $_SESSION['dirkey'];
            echo <<<HTMLEND
\t<img src="image_resample.php?gallery={$gallery}&dirkey={$dirkey}&filekey={$filekey}&{$urlsize}&xxx={$random}"  title="{$caption}">
        print "\n\n<br/>\n\n";
        display_exif("{$basedir}/" . $filelist[$filekey]);
예제 #4
function get_photos($post_id, $num = 0, $sizes = null, $ret = null, $landscape = null)
    // save the image with the highest priority
    // to use when returing only one image
    $top_priority['priority'] = 9999;
    // check if there are attachments
    if ($images = get_children(array('post_parent' => $post_id, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'post_mime_type' => 'image'))) {
        // loop through each image
        foreach ($images as $image) {
            $image->attachment_metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata($image->ID);
            if (isset($photo['photos'])) {
                $i = count($photo['photos']);
            } else {
                $i = 0;
            // store image information
            $photo['photos'][$i]['id'] = get_id($image);
            $photo['photos'][$i]['caption'] = get_caption($image);
            $photo['photos'][$i]['credit'] = get_credit($image);
            $photo['photos'][$i]['priority'] = get_priority($image);
            $photo['photos'][$i]['width'] = get_width($image);
            $photo['photos'][$i]['height'] = get_height($image);
            // return requested sizes
            if ($sizes) {
                foreach ($sizes as $size) {
                    $photo['photos'][$i]['src'][$size] = get_src($image, $size);
            } else {
                // return all sizes when none are specified
                $photo['photos'][$i]['src']['full'] = get_src($image, 'full');
                $photo['photos'][$i]['src']['large'] = get_src($image, 'large');
                $photo['photos'][$i]['src']['thumbnail'] = get_src($image, 'thumbnail');
                $photo['photos'][$i]['src']['medium'] = get_src($image, 'medium');
                $photo['photos'][$i]['src']['single-inline'] = get_src($image, 'single-inline');
                $photo['photos'][$i]['src']['alt-thumbnail'] = get_src($image, 'alt-thumbnail');
                $photo['photos'][$i]['src']['custom-495'] = get_src($image, 'custom-495');
                $photo['photos'][$i]['src']['custom-165'] = get_src($image, 'custom-165');
                $photo['photos'][$i]['src']['custom-260'] = get_src($image, 'custom-260');
                $photo['photos'][$i]['src']['custom-75x75-crop'] = get_src($image, 'custom-75x75-crop');
            // store the photo with the highest priority in wordpress.
            // photos with high priorities are given low numbers.
            // photos with priority of -1 are ignored.
            if ($num === 1 && $photo['photos'][$i]['priority'] < $top_priority['priority'] && $photo['photos'][$i]['priority'] >= 0) {
                // if user wants a landscape photo, check
                // to make sure it is landscape
                if ($landscape && !is_landscape($image)) {
                $top_priority = $photo['photos'][$i];
            // determine image position based on priority
            if (!isset($photo['display']['feature']) && get_priority($image) === 1) {
                // feature photo - below headline
                $photo['display']['feature'] = $i;
                $photo['photos'][$i]['src']['single-feature'] = get_src($image, 'single-feature');
            } elseif (!isset($photo['display']['inline']) && get_priority($image) === 2) {
                // inline photo - thumbnail w/in post
                $photo['display']['inline'] = $i;
                $photo['photos'][$i]['src']['single-inline'] = get_src($image, 'single-inline');
            } else {
                if (!isset($photo['display']['inline'])) {
                    // inline photo has not been set
                    $photo['display']['inline'] = $i;
                    $photo['photos'][$i]['src']['single-inline'] = get_src($image, 'single-inline');
                } else {
                    // gallery photo - appears in post photo gallery
                    if (isset($photo['display']['gallery'])) {
                        $photo['display']['gallery'][count($photo['display']['gallery'])] = $i;
                    } else {
                        $photo['display']['gallery'][0] = $i;
            // return first photo when one is requested and there is only one
            if ($num === 1 && count($images) == 1) {
                return $photo['photos'][$i];
        // returns top photo when one is requested.
        // if user only wants one landscape photo,
        // but the top_priority is not landscape, don't
        // return anything.
        if ($num === 1) {
            if ($landscape && !is_landscape($image)) {
                return false;
            return $top_priority;
        // return all of the requested photos
        return $photo;
    } else {
        // check if the image is from the archives. images on our old
        // websites (custom CMS for some time then College Publisher)
        // were not saved as attachments, but were stored as custom
        // fields.
        $meta = get_post_custom($post_id);
        if ($meta && isset($meta['_image1'])) {
            $meta['_image1'] = get_image($meta['_image1']);
            // needed to make legacy photo output look like current photos
            $photo['photos'][0] = $meta['_image1'];
            $photo['photos'][0]['priority'] = 0;
            $photo['display']['inline'] = 0;
            if ($num === 1) {
                return $photo['photos'][0];
            return $photo;
    // no images were found
    return false;