public function queryAction() { $model = new \Think\Model(); $brand_id = get_brand_id(); $time = date('Y-m'); $user_id = is_user_login(); $time = I("time"); if (empty($time)) { $start_month = I("start_month"); if (empty($start_month)) { $this->error("请输入月份时间!"); } else { $start_time = $start_month . "-01 00:00:00"; $end_time = $start_month . "-31 23:59:59"; } } else { $start_time = I("start_time"); $end_time = I("end_time"); if (empty($start_time)) { $this->error("请输入开始时间!"); } if (empty($end_time)) { $this->error("请输入终止时间!"); } } $ret = ChannelService::getInstance()->getStatistics($user_id, $start_time, $end_time); $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 1, "statistics" => $ret)); }
public function indexAction() { $model = M("BrandConfig"); $config = $model->where(array("brand_id" => get_brand_id()))->find(); $this->assign("config", $config); $this->display(); }
public function loginAction($username = null, $password = null, $verifycode = null) { // session('[start]'); // if(!check_verify($verifycode)){ // $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); // } $model = M("User"); $map['username'] = $username; $map['invalid'] = 1; $user = $model->where($map)->find(); if (is_array($user)) { /* 验证用户密码 */ if (ucenter_md5($password, C("MD5_SECRET_KEY")) === $user['password'] || $user['password'] == $password) { $extension = M("UserExtension")->find($user['id']); if ($extension['work_status'] == 1) { $this->error('您已离职,不能再登陆系统!'); } $this->updateLogin($user['id']); //更新用户登录信息 userLoginSession($user); session('[destroy]'); if ($user['club_id'] != 0 || get_brand_id() != 0) { $this->success('登录成功!', U('Main/main')); } else { $this->success('登录成功!', U('Main/teacher')); } } else { $this->error('密码错误!'); } } else { $this->error('用户不存在!'); } }
private function avg($userid, $protential, $invit, $invit_success, $invit_come, $deal_num, $a_member, $b_member, $pre_sale, $sale, $transform, $type, $time) { //cal days $fd = $time . "-01"; $ld = strtotime("{$fd} +1 month"); $days = ($ld - strtotime($fd)) / (60 * 60 * 24); $protential_avg = round($protential / $days); $invit_avg = round($invit / $days); $invit_success_avg = round($invit_success / $days); $invit_come_avg = round($invit_come / $days); $deal_num_avg = round($deal_num / $days); $a_member_avg = round($a_member / $days); $b_member_avg = round($b_member / $days); $pre_sale_avg = round($pre_sale / $days); $sale_avg = round($sale / $days); $transform_avg = round($transform / $days); $dao = M("McPlanDayNew"); $dao->where(array("type" => $type, "user_id" => $userid, "time" => array("between", "{$time}-01,{$time}-31")))->delete(); $data = array("type" => $type, "brand_id" => get_brand_id(), "club_id" => get_club_id(), "user_id" => $userid, "protential" => $protential_avg, "invit" => $invit_avg, "invit_success" => $invit_success_avg, "invit_come" => $invit_come_avg, "deal_num" => $deal_num_avg, "a_member" => $a_member_avg, "b_member" => $b_member_avg, "pre_sale" => $pre_sale_avg, "sale" => $sale_avg, "transform" => $transform_avg); for ($i = 1; $i < $days; $i++) { $day = $time . "-" . str_pad($i, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $data['time'] = $day; $dao->data($data)->add(); } $day = $time . "-" . str_pad($days, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $days = $days - 1; $data = array("type" => $type, "brand_id" => get_brand_id(), "club_id" => get_club_id(), "user_id" => $userid, "protential" => $protential - $protential_avg * $days, "invit" => $invit - $invit_avg * $days, "invit_success" => $invit_success - $invit_success_avg * $days, "invit_come" => $invit_come - $invit_come_avg * $days, "deal_num" => $deal_num - $deal_num_avg * $days, "a_member" => $a_member - $a_member_avg * $days, "b_member" => $b_member - $b_member_avg * $days, "pre_sale" => $pre_sale - $pre_sale_avg * $days, "sale" => $sale - $sale_avg * $days, "transform" => $transform - $transform_avg * $days); $data['time'] = $day; $dao->data($data)->add(); }
public function indexAction() { $clubs = M("Club")->where(array("brand_id" => get_brand_id()))->field('id,club_name')->select(); $this->assign("clubs", $clubs); $this->assign("action", U('Mc/Cardtype/getCardtype')); // $this->display("Cashier@Cardtype:index"); $this->display(); }
public function existAction() { $brand_id = get_brand_id(); $model = M("MemberBasic"); $member = $model->where(array("brand_id" => $brand_id, "name" => I("name"), "phone" => I("phone")))->find(); if (!empty($member)) { $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 0, "id" => $member["id"])); } else { $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 1)); } }
public function queryAction() { list($page, $sidx, $limit, $sord, $start) = getRequestParams(); $filters = I("filters", '', ''); $brand_id = get_brand_id(); $club_id = get_club_id(); $condition = array("club_id" => $club_id); $filters = json_decode($filters); if ($filters->groupOp == 'AND') { $rules = $filters->rules; foreach ($rules as $key => $value) { if ($value->field == "contract_number") { $condition["contract_number"] = $value->data; } if ($value->field == "card_number") { $member_ids = M("Card")->where(array("card_number" => $value->data))->field("group_concat( distinct member_id) as ids")->find(); if (!empty($member_ids)) { $condition["member_id"] = array("in", $member_ids['ids']); } else { $response = array("page" => 0, "total" => 0, "records" => 0, "rows" => ""); $this->ajaxReturn($response); } } if ($value->field == "name") { $member_ids = M("MemberBasic")->where(array("name" => $value->data))->field("group_concat( distinct id) as ids")->find(); if (!empty($member_ids)) { $condition["member_id"] = array("in", $member_ids['ids']); } else { $response = array("page" => 0, "total" => 0, "records" => 0, "rows" => ""); $this->ajaxReturn($response); } } if ($value->field == "phone") { $member_ids = M("MemberBasic")->where(array("phone" => $value->data))->field("group_concat( distinct id) as ids")->find(); if (!empty($member_ids)) { $condition["member_id"] = array("in", $member_ids['ids']); } else { $response = array("page" => 0, "total" => 0, "records" => 0, "rows" => ""); $this->ajaxReturn($response); } } } } $model = D("PtContract"); $count = $model->where($condition)->count(); $ret = $model->relation(true)->where($condition)->order("{$sidx} {$sord}")->limit("{$start},{$limit}")->select(); if ($count > 0 && $limit > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } $response = array("page" => $page, "total" => $total_pages, "records" => $count, "rows" => $ret); $this->ajaxReturn($response); }
public function getAllCards($member_id, $brand_id = null) { if (empty($brand_id)) { $brand_id = get_brand_id(); } if (!empty($brand_id)) { return $this->where(array("member_id" => $member_id, "brand_id" => $brand_id, "status" => array("neq", 5)))->select(); } else { return $this->where(array("member_id" => $member_id, "status" => array("neq", 5)))->select(); } }
public function buyAction() { $member_id = I("member_id"); $member = M("MemberBasic")->find(I("member_id")); if (empty($member)) { $this->error("member does not exist"); } $use_recharge = I("use_recharge"); $rules = array(array('pos', 'number', '请输入正确的pos金额!', 1), array('cash', 'number', '请输入正确的现金金额!', 1), array('check', 'number', '请输入正确的支票金额!', 1), array('network', 'number', '请输入正确的支票金额!', 1), array('netbank', 'number', '请输入正确的支票金额!', 1)); $recharge = 0; if ($use_recharge == 1) { $recharge = $member['recharge'] > I("should_pay") ? I("should_pay") : $member['recharge']; } if ($use_recharge == 1 && $recharge != 0) { M("MemberBasic")->where(array("id" => $member_id))->setField("recharge", $member['recharge'] - $recharge); $data = array("member_id" => $member_id, "value" => "-{$recharge}", "record_id" => is_user_login(), "description" => "购定金消费¥{$recharge},余额¥" . ($member['recharge'] - $recharge)); $recharge_id = M("RechargeHistory")->data($data)->add(); } $service = \Service\CService::factory("Financial"); $mc_id = I("type") == 8 ? $member['pt_id'] : $member['mc_id']; $bill_id = $service->addBillProject(I("type"), 0, 0, $member_id, I("should_pay"), 0, get_brand_id(), is_user_login(), get_club_id(), $mc_id, I("description")); if (!$bill_id) { M("MemberBasic")->where(array("id" => $member_id))->setField("recharge", $member['recharge'] + $recharge); if (isset($recharge_id)) { M("RechargeHistory")->delete($recharge_id); } $this->error($service->getError()); } $ret = $service->pay($bill_id, 0, is_user_login(), get_brand_id(), I('description'), I("cash"), I("pos"), I("check"), I("check_num"), get_club_id(), $recharge, I("network"), I("netbank")); if (!$ret) { M("MemberBasic")->where(array("id" => $member_id))->setField("recharge", $member['recharge'] + $recharge); if (isset($recharge_id)) { M("RechargeHistory")->delete($recharge_id); } M("BillProject")->delete($bill_id); $this->error($service->getError()); } if (I("type") == 8) { M("MemberBasic")->where(array("id" => $member_id))->setInc("pt_book_price", I("should_pay")); } if (I("type") == 9) { M("MemberBasic")->where(array("id" => $member_id))->setInc("contract_book_price", I("should_pay")); } // if(!empty($reason)) // { // $contract = M("PtContract")->find($contract_id); // $data=array("extension"=>json_encode($contract),"reason"=>$reason,"record_id"=>is_user_login(),"club_id"=>get_club_id(),"brand_id"=>get_brand_id(),"type"=>1,"status"=>0); // M("Review")->data($data)->add(); // } $this->success("购买成功!", U("Cashier/Book/printreceipts/id/{$ret}")); }
public function indexAction() { if (is_user_brand()) { $clubs = M("Club")->where(array("brand_id" => get_brand_id()))->field('id,club_name')->order("id desc")->select(); } else { $permission = D("FinanceClub")->where(array("user_id" => is_user_login()))->relation(true)->select(); $clubs = array(); foreach ($permission as $key => $value) { $clubs[] = $value['club']; } } $this->assign("clubs", $clubs); $this->display(); }
public function getNotice() { list($page, $sidx, $limit, $sord, $start) = getRequestParams(); $brand_id = get_brand_id(); $condition = array("brand_id" => $brand_id); $notice = $this->where($condition)->order("{$sidx} {$sord}")->limit("{$start},{$limit}")->select(); $count = $this->where($condition)->count(); if ($count > 0 && $limit > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } $response = array("page" => $page, "total" => $total_pages, "records" => $count, "rows" => $notice); return $response; }
public function getCardtypeAction() { list($page, $sidx, $limit, $sord, $start) = getRequestParams(); $brand_id = get_brand_id(); $can_sale_id = D("CardSaleclub")->getCanSaleCards(); $model = D("CardType"); $ids = array(); foreach ($can_sale_id as $key => $value) { $ids[] = $value["id"]; } $useclub = I("useclub"); if (!empty($useclub) && $useclub != -1) { $can_use_id = D("CardUseclub")->getCanUseCards($useclub); $model = D("CardType"); $uids = array(); foreach ($can_use_id as $key => $value) { $uids[] = $value["id"]; } $ids = array_intersect($ids, $uids); } $ids = implode(',', $ids); $condition = array("brand_id" => $brand_id, "id" => array("in", $ids)); $category = I("category"); if ($category != -1 && $category !== '') { $condition["category"] = $category; } $type = I("type"); if ($type != -1 && $type !== '') { $condition["type"] = $type; } $name = I("name"); if ($name != -1 && $name !== '') { $condition["name"] = array("like", "%{$name}%"); } $ret = $model->relation(true)->where($condition)->order("{$sidx} {$sord}")->limit("{$start},{$limit}")->select(); $count = $model->where($condition)->count(); if ($count > 0 && $limit > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } $clubs = M("Club")->where(array("brand_id" => get_brand_id()))->field('id,club_name')->select(); $peaktimes = M("PeakTime")->where(array("brand_id" => get_brand_id()))->field('id,peak_name')->select(); $response = array("page" => $page, "total" => $total_pages, "records" => $count, "rows" => $ret, "userdata" => array("clubs" => $clubs, "peaktimes" => $peaktimes)); $this->ajaxReturn($response); }
function getautocardnumber() { $max_card = M("Card")->where(array("sale_club" => get_club_id(), "is_auto_create" => 1))->order("card_number desc")->find(); if (empty($max_card)) { $card_number = get_club_id() . "000001"; } else { $card_number = $max_card['card_number'] + 1; } $card_number = preg_replace("/4/", "5", $card_number); $cardModel = D("Card"); while (true) { if ($cardModel->isExist($card_number, get_brand_id())) { $card_number += 1; $card_number = preg_replace("/4/", "5", $card_number); } else { break; } } return $card_number; }
public function getAllCanUpgrade($old_card_start_time, $card_type_id, $brand_id = null) { $brand_id = empty($brand_id) ? get_brand_id() : $brand_id; $can_sale_id = D("CardSaleclub")->getCanSaleCards(); $ids = ""; foreach ($can_sale_id as $key => $value) { if ($value['id'] == $card_type_id) { continue; } if ($key != 0) { $ids .= ","; } $ids .= $value["id"]; } $cardtype = $this->find($card_type_id); $price = $cardtype['price']; // $valid_time = $cardtype['valid_time']; // $valid_number=$cardtype['valid_number']; // $type=$cardtype['type']; $condition = array("price" => array("EGT", $price), "brand_id" => $brand_id, "id" => array("in", $ids)); // if($type==1) //time // { // $condition["valid_time"]=array("EGT",$valid_time); // } // else // { // } $ret = $this->where($condition)->select(); $old_start_time = strtotime($old_card_start_time); $now = time(); foreach ($ret as $key => $value) { $month = $value["valid_time"]; $end_time = strtotime("+{$month} month", $old_start_time); if ($end_time <= $now) { unset($ret[$key]); } } return $ret; }
public function queryAction() { list($page, $sidx, $limit, $sord, $start) = getRequestParams(); $model = D("Channel"); $club_id = get_club_id(); if ($club_id != 0) { $condition = array("club_id" => $club_id); } else { $condition = array("brand_id" => get_brand_id()); } $search = I("_search"); if (!empty($search)) { $condition = array_merge($condition, getOneSearchParams()); } $ret = $model->relation(true)->where($condition)->order("{$sidx} {$sord}")->limit("{$start},{$limit}")->select(); $count = $model->where($condition)->count(); if ($count > 0 && $limit > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } $response = array("page" => $page, "total" => $total_pages, "records" => $count, "rows" => $ret); $this->ajaxReturn($response); }
public function queryAction() { $model = new \Think\Model(); $brand_id = get_brand_id(); $time = date('Y-m'); // $sql="select,,b.level,count(a.channel_id) as protential,COALESCE(sum(a.is_member),0) as mcount from yoga_channel b left join yoga_member_basic a on b.brand_id=$brand_id and a.channel_id!=0 and "; $user_id = I("user_id"); if (!empty($user_id)) { // $sql.=" and a.recommend_id=$user_id"; } $time = I("time"); if (empty($time)) { $start_month = I("start_month"); if (empty($start_month)) { $this->error("请输入月份时间!"); } else { $start_time = $start_month . "-01 00:00:00"; $end_time = $start_month . "-31 23:59:59"; // $sql.=" and a.create_time>='{$start_time}' and a.create_time<='{$end_time}'"; } } else { $start_time = I("start_time"); $end_time = I("end_time"); if (empty($start_time)) { $this->error("请输入开始时间!"); } if (empty($end_time)) { $this->error("请输入终止时间!"); } // $sql.=" and a.create_time>='{$start_time}' and a.create_time<='{$end_time}'"; } // $sql .=" group by order by protential desc"; // $ret = $model->query($sql); $ret = ChannelService::getInstance()->getStatistics($user_id, $start_time, $end_time); $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 1, "statistics" => $ret)); }
public function editAction($id, $card_number, $btype, $card_type_id, $present_day, $present_num, $price, $start_time, $end_time, $active_type, $desc, $free_rest, $free_trans, $mc_name) { $rules = array(array('id', 'require', '合同ID必须!', 1), array('card_number', 'require', '卡号必须!', 1), array('btype', array(0, 1), '类型不对!', 1, 'in'), array('card_type_id', 'number', '卡类型不对!', 1), array('present_day', 'number', '赠送天数需要为整数!', 1), array('present_num', 'number', '赠送次数需要为整数!', 1), array('price', 'number', '请输入正确的应付价格!', 1), array('active_type', array(0, 1, 2), '请选择开卡方式!', 1, 'in')); $bill = M("BillProject")->find($id); $model = D("Contract"); if (!$model->validate($rules)->create()) { $this->error($model->getError()); } if ($active_type != 2) { $rules = array(array('start_time', '/^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}$/', '请选择合同开始日期!', 1), array('end_time', '/^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}$/', '请选择合同结束日期!', 1)); if (!$model->validate($rules)->create()) { $this->error($model->getError()); } } $cardTypeModel = M("CardType"); $cardType = $cardTypeModel->find($card_type_id); if (empty($cardType)) { $this->error("卡种不存在!"); } $model = D("Contract"); $original_contract = $model->find($bill['object_id']); $member_id = $original_contract['member_id']; $card_id = $original_contract['card_id']; $original_extension = json_encode($original_contract); if (empty($original_contract)) { $this->error("Error"); } if ($original_contract['is_review'] == 1 && !is_user_brand()) { $this->error("此合同已审核,如需修改,请联系管理员! "); } if ($original_contract['is_review'] == 2) { $this->error("此合同已升级作废,如需修改请联系管理员! "); } $cardModel = D("Card"); if ($card_number != $original_contract['card_number']) { $c = $cardModel->getCard($card_number, get_brand_id()); if (empty($c)) { //delete this card is no relate contract $count = $model->where("card_id=" . $original_contract['card_id'])->count(); if ($count == 1) { $card = $cardModel->find($original_contract['card_id']); if (empty($card)) { $card = array("card_number" => $card_number, "member_id" => $member_id, "brand_id" => get_brand_id()); $card_id = $cardModel->data($card)->add(); } else { M("Card")->where("id=" . $original_contract['card_id'])->setField(array("card_number" => $card_number, "is_auto_create" => 0)); } } else { $card = $cardModel->find($card_id); unset($card['id']); $card['create_time'] = getDbTime(); $card['update_time'] = getDbTime(); $card['card_number'] = $card_number; $card_id = $cardModel->data($card)->add(); } } else { if ($c['member_id'] != $member_id) { $this->error("此卡已被占用!请输入其他卡号!"); } $card_id = $c['id']; } } if (!$card_id) { $this->error("开卡失败,请稍后再试!"); } if (I('active_type') == 2) { unset($model->start_time); unset($model->end_time); } $new_contract = $original_contract; $new_contract['card_id'] = $card_id; $new_contract['type'] = $btype; if ($original_contract['card_type_id'] != $card_type_id) { $new_contract['card_type_extension'] = json_encode($cardType); } $new_contract['card_type_id'] = $card_type_id; $new_contract['present_day'] = $present_day; $new_contract['present_num'] = $present_num; $new_contract['price'] = $price; $new_contract['start_time'] = $start_time; $new_contract['end_time'] = $end_time; $new_contract['active_type'] = $active_type; $new_contract['free_rest'] = $free_rest; $new_contract['free_trans'] = $free_trans; if ($original_contract['mc_id'] != $mc_name) { M("MemberBasic")->where("id={$member_id}")->setField(array("mc_id" => $mc_name)); M("BillProject")->where("id={$id}")->setField(array("mc_id" => $mc_name)); } $new_contract['mc_id'] = $mc_name; if (!empty($desc)) { $new_contract['description'] = $desc . ";" . $original_contract['description']; } $new_contract['total_num'] = $present_num + $cardType['valid_number']; $model->data($new_contract)->save(); M("BillProject")->where("id={$id}")->setField(array("price" => $price)); //review $reason = "合同修改"; if (!empty($reason)) { $contract = M("Contract")->find($new_contract["id"]); $data = array("original_extension" => $original_extension, "extension" => json_encode($contract), "reason" => $reason, "record_id" => is_user_login(), "club_id" => get_club_id(), "brand_id" => get_brand_id(), "type" => 0, "status" => 0); M("Review")->data($data)->add(); } $this->success("修改成功"); }
public function showEditAction($id) { $this->checkPermission($id); //get roles $brand_user = M("User")->where(array("is_brand" => get_brand_id()))->find(); //get roles $authGroupAccess = M("AuthGroupAccess"); $group_ids = $authGroupAccess->where("uid=" . $brand_user['id'])->field("group_id")->select(); $ids = array(); foreach ($group_ids as $key => $value) { $ids[] = $value['group_id']; } // $map['id'] = array("in",$ids); $map['module'] = array("not in", "Brand,Shopkeeper"); $groups = M("AuthGroup")->where($map)->field("id,title")->select(); $this->assign("groups", $groups); $user = M("User")->find($id); $user_extension = M("UserExtension")->find($id); $employee = array_merge($user, $user_extension); $this->assign("employee", $employee); //当前的权限 $group_ids = $authGroupAccess->where("uid=" . $id)->field("group_id")->select(); $ids = array(); foreach ($group_ids as $key => $value) { $ids[] = $value['group_id']; } $map['id'] = array("in", $ids); $map['module'] = array("neq", "Brand"); $groups = M("AuthGroup")->where($map)->field("id")->select(); $roles = array(); foreach ($groups as $key => $value) { $roles[] = $value['id']; } $this->assign("roles", $roles); $this->display("showAdd"); }
protected function checkPermission($employee_id, $brand_id = null) { $model = M("User"); $club = $model->find($employee_id); $brand_id = empty($brand_id) ? get_brand_id() : $brand_id; if (empty($club)) { $this->error("员工不存在!"); } if ($club['brand_id'] != $brand_id) { $this->error("无权操作此员工!"); } if ($employee_id == is_user_login()) { $this->error("无权操作此员工!"); } return $club; }
} } $sql_select = 'SELECT goods_sn FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_activity') . " WHERE act_id={$activity_id}"; $joined_goods = $GLOBALS['db']->getCol($sql_select); $smarty->assign('joined_goods', $joined_goods); $smarty->assign('goods_list', $goods_list); $smarty->assign('goods_list_div', true); $smarty->assign('filter', $filter); $smarty->assign('activity_id', $activity_id); $res['response_action'] = 'search_service'; $res['main'] = $smarty->fetch('spread_activity_div.htm'); die($json->encode($res)); } elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'set_privilege') { $privilege = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['privilege']); if ($privilege != '') { $brand_list = get_brand_id(); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'get_act_goods') { $act_id = intval($_REQUEST['act_id']); $res = array('req_msg' => true, 'code' => false); if ($act_id != 0) { $sql_select = 'SELECT g.goods_name,g.goods_sn FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_activity') . ' ga,' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . 'g ' . " WHERE ga.goods_sn=g.goods_sn AND ga.act_id={$act_id}"; $goods_list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql_select); $sql_select = 'SELECT g.goods_name,gifts_num FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('spread_activity') . ' sa,' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " g WHERE sa.gifts_sn=g.goods_sn AND sa.activity_id={$act_id}"; $gifts_info = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql_select); $res['message'] = '<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>'; if ($goods_list) { foreach ($goods_list as $val) { $res['message'] .= "<tr><td>{$val['goods_sn']}</td><td>{$val['goods_name']}</td></tr>"; } $res['message'] .= "<tr><td colspan=2><font color=red>赠品:</font>{$gifts_info['goods_name']} <font color=red>数量:{$gifts_info['gifts_num']}</font></td></tr></table>";
if (admin_priv('order_sheet', '', false)) { $sql_one = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_sheet') . ' WHERE status<2'; $sql_select = 'SELECT o.order_sheet_id,o.goods_sn,o.goods_name,o.add_time,o.production_day,o.manufacturer,u.unit_name,o.quantity,a.user_name FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_sheet') . ' AS o LEFT JOIN' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_unit') . ' AS u ON o.unit_id=u.unit_id LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('admin_user') . ' AS a ON o.add_admin=a.user_id' . ' WHERE o.status<2 ORDER BY add_time ASC'; $act = 'order_sheet'; $result = filter_page($sql_one, $sql_select, $act); $filter = $result['filter']; $order_sheet_list = $result['result']; foreach ($filter as $key => $val) { $smarty->assign($key, $val); } foreach ($order_sheet_list as &$val) { $val['add_time'] = date('Y-m-d', $val['add_time']); $val['production_day'] = date('Y-m-d', $val['production_day']); } $smarty->assign('order_sheet_list', $order_sheet_list); $smarty->assign('brand_list', get_brand_id()); $smarty->assign('dst_script', 'storage'); $smarty->assign('foot_page', $smarty->fetch('page_fragment.htm')); $smarty->assign('order_sheet_div', $smarty->fetch('order_sheet_div.htm')); $res['main'] = $smarty->fetch('order_sheet.htm'); die($json->encode($res)); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'add_order_sheet_done') { $goods_sn = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['goods_sn']); $goods_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['goods_name']); $production_day = strtotime($_REQUEST['production_day']); $manufacturer = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['manufacturer']); $quantity = intval($_REQUEST['quantity']); $unit_id = intval($_REQUEST['goods_unit']); $res = array('req_msg' => true, 'timeout' => 2000, 'code' => falsea, 'message' => '', 'btncontent' => false); if ($goods_sn != '' && $quantity != 0) {
public function delayAction() { $clubs = M("Club")->where(array("brand_id" => get_brand_id()))->field('id,club_name')->select(); $this->assign("clubs", $clubs); $delay_history = D("DelayHistory")->relation(true)->where(array("brand_id" => get_brand_id()))->order("id desc")->select(); $this->assign("history", $delay_history); $this->display(); }
public function getAllClubsName() { return $this->where(array("brand_id" => get_brand_id()))->field('id,club_name')->select(); }
public function rechargeNewAction($member_id, $cash, $pos, $check, $check_num, $network, $netbank, $discount) { $memberModel = M("MemberBasic"); $member = $memberModel->find($member_id); if (empty($member)) { $this->error("User is not exist!"); } $model = D("RechargeHistory"); if (!$model->create()) { $this->error($model->getError()); } $model->record_id = is_user_login(); $model->member_id = $member_id; $value = I("cash") + I("check") + I("pos") + I("network") + I("netbank"); $recharge = $member['recharge'] + $value; $model->value = $value; $model->discount = $discount; $model->value_real = $value; $model->description = "充值¥{$value},折扣{$discount},余额¥{$recharge}"; $id = $model->add(); $service = \Service\CService::factory("Financial"); $bill_id = $service->addBillProject(7, 0, $id, $member_id, I("cash") + I("pos") + I("check") + I("network") + I("netbank"), 0, get_brand_id(), is_user_login(), get_club_id(), $member['mc_id'], I("description"), $discount); if (!$bill_id) { $this->error($service->getError()); } $ret = $service->pay($bill_id, 0, is_user_login(), get_brand_id(), "充值¥{$value},折扣{$discount},余额¥{$recharge}" . I("description"), I("cash"), I("pos"), I("check"), I('check_num'), get_club_id(), 0, I("network"), I("netbank")); if (!$ret) { M("BillProject")->delete($bill_id); $this->error($service->getError()); } $memberModel->where(array("id" => $member_id))->setField(array("recharge" => $recharge, "recharge_discount" => $discount)); // $cashModel = M("CashHistory"); // $cashModel->data(array("type"=>3,"cash"=>I("cash"),"check"=>I("check"),"pos"=> I("pos"),"object_id"=>$member_id,"price"=>0,"record_id"=>is_user_login(),"brand_id"=>get_brand_id(),"description"=>I("description"),"check_num"=>I('check_num')))->add(); $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 1, "info" => "充值成功!", "recharge" => $recharge)); }
$goods_id = intval(pq('input[name="id"]')->attr('value')); // 说明源id大于47900是无水印的 前判读吧.. // 63767 后面开始进行第二次采集 if ($goods_id > 63767) { // 删除旧产品数据和相册数据 delete('ecs_goods', array('goods_id' => $goods_id)); delete('ecs_goods_gallery', array('goods_id' => $goods_id)); $cat_name = trim(pq('#ur_here>.f_l>a:eq(1)')->html()); $brand_name = trim(pq('.props>dl:eq(1)>dd')->html()); $price_tmp = trim(pq('#ECS_SHOPPRICE')->html()); if (preg_match('(\\d+)', $price_tmp, $match)) { $price = $match[0]; } else { $price = 0; } $goods_info = array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'cat_id' => get_cat_id($cat_name), 'goods_sn' => trim(pq('.props>dl:eq(0)>dd')->html()), 'goods_name' => trim(pq('h1')->html()), 'goods_desc' => '<table>' . pq('div>table')->html() . '</table>', 'brand_id' => get_brand_id($brand_name), 'goods_number' => 9999, 'market_price' => (int) floor($price / 0.57), 'shop_price' => $price, 'goods_thumb' => '' . $v['thumb_img_org']); $result = insert('ecs_goods', $goods_info); /** * 获取相册 * */ $gallerys_tmp = pq('.gallery>#demo>#demo1>ul>li'); $goods_gallerys = array(); foreach ($gallerys_tmp as $li) { $img_url = trim(pq($li)->find('a')->attr('rev')); $thumb_url = trim(pq($li)->find('img')->attr('src')); $goods_gallerys[] = array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'img_url' => !empty($img_url) ? '' . $img_url : '', 'thumb_url' => !empty($thumb_url) ? '' . $thumb_url : ''); } if (isset($goods_gallerys[0]['img_url']) && !empty($goods_gallerys[0]['img_url'])) { $gallery_result = insert_batch('ecs_goods_gallery', $goods_gallerys); }
protected function edit() { $id = I("id"); $rules = array(array('total', '/^\\d+(\\.\\d+)?$/', '请输入正确的项目总价!', 1), array('cash', '/^\\d+(\\.\\d+)?$/', '请输入正确的现金金额!', 1), array('pos', '/^\\d+(\\.\\d+)?$/', '请输入正确的POS金额!', 1), array('check', '/^\\d+(\\.\\d+)?$/', '请输入正确的支票金额!', 1), array('recharge', '/^\\d+(\\.\\d+)?$/', '请输入正确的储值卡金额!', 1)); $model = D("PayHistory"); if (!$model->validate($rules)->create()) { $this->error($model->getError()); } $projectModel = M("BillProject"); $pay_history = $model->relation(true)->find($id); $pay_history['member'] = M("MemberBasic")->find($pay_history['bill']['member_id']); $new_pay = $pay_history; $new_pay['cash'] = I("cash"); $new_pay['pos'] = I("pos"); $new_pay['check'] = I("check"); $new_pay['recharge'] = I("recharge"); $new_pay['network'] = I("network"); $new_pay['netbank'] = I("netbank"); $new_pay['create_time'] = I("create_time"); $ret = $model->data($new_pay)->save(); if ($ret === false) { $this->error($model->getError()); } $paid = $pay_history['cash'] + $pay_history['pos'] + $pay_history['check'] + $pay_history['recharge'] + $pay_history['network'] + $pay_history['netbank']; $projectModel->where(array("id" => $pay_history['bill_project_id']))->setField("price", I("total")); $new_paid = I("cash") + I("pos") + I("check") + I("recharge"); $interval = $new_paid - $paid; if ($pay_history['bill']['type'] == 7) { $ret = M("MemberBasic")->where(array("id" => $pay_history['bill']['member_id']))->setInc("recharge", $interval); } else { $ret = M("BillProject")->where(array("id" => $pay_history['bill_project_id']))->setInc("paid", $interval); } $reason = "修改消费记录"; $new_pay['member'] = M("MemberBasic")->find($new_pay['bill']['member_id']); $new_pay['bill'] = M("BillProject")->find($pay_history['bill_project_id']); $data = array("original_extension" => json_encode($pay_history), 'extension' => json_encode($new_pay), "reason" => $reason, "record_id" => is_user_login(), "club_id" => get_club_id(), "brand_id" => get_brand_id(), "type" => 3, "status" => 0); M("Review")->data($data)->add(); $response = array("success" => true, "message" => "success!", "new_id" => $id); $this->ajaxReturn($response); }
public function queryConsumeAction() { $service = \Service\CService::factory("Member"); list($page, $sidx, $limit, $sord, $start) = getRequestParams(); $condition = array("brand_id" => get_brand_id()); $filters = I("filters", '', ''); $filters = json_decode($filters); if ($filters->groupOp == 'AND') { $rules = $filters->rules; $name = ""; $phone = ""; foreach ($rules as $key => $value) { if ($value->field == "club_id" && $value->data != -1) { $condition["club_id"] = $value->data; } else { if ($value->field == "name") { $name = $value->data; } else { if ($value->field == "phone") { $phone = $value->data; } else { if ($value->field == "contract_number") { $contract = M("Contract")->where(array("contract_number" => $value->data))->find(); if (empty($contract)) { $response = array("page" => 0, "total" => 0, "records" => 0, "rows" => null); $this->ajaxReturn($response); } $condition["contract_id"] = $contract['id']; } else { if ($value->field == "card_number") { $card = M("Card")->where(array("card_number" => $value->data))->find(); if (empty($card)) { $response = array("page" => 0, "total" => 0, "records" => 0, "rows" => null); $this->ajaxReturn($response); } $condition["card_id"] = $card['id']; } } } } } } if (!empty($name) || !empty($phone)) { $members = $service->getMemberByBrand(get_brand_id(), $name, $phone); if (empty($members)) { $response = array("page" => 0, "total" => 0, "records" => 0, "rows" => null); $this->ajaxReturn($response); } $ids = ""; foreach ($members as $k => $v) { if ($k != 0) { $ids .= ","; } $ids .= $v['id']; } $condition["member_id"] = array("in", $ids); } } $model = D("CheckHistory"); $ret = $model->relation(true)->where($condition)->order("{$sidx} {$sord}")->limit("{$start},{$limit}")->select(); $count = $model->where($condition)->count(); if ($count > 0 && $limit > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } $response = array("page" => $page, "total" => $total_pages, "records" => $count, "rows" => $ret); $this->ajaxReturn($response); }
public function doPayAction() { $goodsModel = M("Goods"); $goodsModel->startTrans(); $service = \Service\CService::factory("Financial"); $bill_project = M("BillProject")->find(I("id")); if (empty($bill_project)) { $goodsModel->rollback(); $this->error("Bill is not exist!"); } $recharge = 0; $member_id = I("member_id"); $member = M("MemberBasic")->find(I("member_id")); $price = $bill_project['price'] - $bill_project['paid']; if (I('use_recharge') == 1) { $recharge = $member['recharge']; $recharge = $recharge > $price ? $price : $recharge; } $ret = $service->pay(I("id"), 1, is_user_login(), get_brand_id(), I("description"), I("cash"), I("pos"), I("check"), I('check_num'), get_club_id(), $recharge, I("network"), I("netbank")); if (!$ret) { $goodsModel->rollback(); $this->error($service->getError()); } if (I('use_recharge') == 1 && $recharge > 0) { M("MemberBasic")->where(array("id" => $member_id))->setField("recharge", $member['recharge'] - $recharge); $data = array("member_id" => $member_id, "value" => "-{$recharge}", "record_id" => is_user_login(), "description" => "支付购物欠款,余额" . ($member['recharge'] - $recharge)); M("RechargeHistory")->data($data)->add(); } $goodsModel->commit(); $this->success("支付成功", U("printreceipts", array("id" => $ret))); }
public function indexAction() { $this->setIndexActiveClass(); $id = I("id"); $this->assign("edit", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . MODULE_NAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . CONTROLLER_NAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "index"); $this->assign("exist", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . MODULE_NAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . CONTROLLER_NAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "exist"); $this->assign("queryRecommend", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . MODULE_NAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . CONTROLLER_NAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "queryRecommend"); $this->assign("action", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . MODULE_NAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . CONTROLLER_NAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "add"); if (!empty($id)) { $this->assign("action", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . MODULE_NAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . CONTROLLER_NAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "edit"); $model = D("MemberBasic"); $member = $model->find($id); if (!is_user_brand()) { $is_reception = D("User")->isReception(is_user_login()); if (!$is_reception && $member["mc_id"] != is_user_login() && $member['record_id'] != is_user_login() && $member["pt_id"] != is_user_login()) { $this->error("无权查看此用户信息"); } } else { if ($member['brand_id'] != get_brand_id()) { $this->error("无权查看此用户信息"); } } // $mc $this->assign("member", $member); } $model = M("Channel"); $channles = $this->getchannels(); $this->assign("channels", $channles); if ((D("User")->isMc(is_user_login()) || D("User")->isPt(is_user_login())) && empty($id) && MODULE_NAME != 'Reception') { // $mcs=array( D("UserExtension")->find(is_user_login())); $mcs = D("User")->getMc(); } else { $mcs = D("User")->getMc(); } $this->assign("mcs", $mcs); // $brand_id=get_brand_id(); // $users= $model->where(" and and b.brand_id=$brand_id and c.group_id=18")->table(array("yoga_user_extension"=>"a","yoga_user"=>"b","yoga_auth_group_access"=>"c"))->field(",a.name_cn")->select(); // $this->assign("users",$users); $model = M("Club"); $clubs = $model->where(array("brand_id" => get_brand_id()))->field("id,club_name")->select(); $model = D("CardSaleclub"); $types = $model->getCanSaleCards(); $this->assign("types", $types); $this->assign("clubs", $clubs); // $mcs= $model->where(" and and b.brand_id=$brand_id and c.group_id=6")->table(array("yoga_user_extension"=>"a","yoga_user"=>"b","yoga_auth_group_access"=>"c"))->field(",a.name_cn")->select(); // $this->assign("mcs",$mcs); $this->display("Mc@Visit:index"); }
public function queryAction() { $page = I("page"); $page = empty($page) ? 0 : $page; $sidx = I("sidx"); $sidx = empty($sidx) ? "id" : $sidx; $limit = I("rows"); $limit = empty($limit) ? 1000 : $limit; $sord = I("sord"); $sord = empty($sord) ? "desc" : $sord; $start = $limit * $page - $limit; $start = $start >= 0 ? $start : 0; $model = D("Goods"); $brand_id = get_brand_id(); $condition = array("brand_id" => $brand_id); $category_id = I("category_id"); if ($category_id != -1 && $category_id !== '') { $condition["category_id"] = $category_id; } $sale_type = I("sale_type"); if ($sale_type != -1 && $sale_type !== '') { $condition["sale_type"] = $sale_type; } $name = I("name"); if ($name != -1 && $name !== '') { $condition["name"] = array("like", "%{$name}%"); } $ret = $model->relation(true)->where($condition)->order("{$sidx} {$sord}")->limit("{$start},{$limit}")->select(); $count = $model->where($condition)->count(); $club = I("club"); $goods = array(); if ($club != -1 && $club !== '') { foreach ($ret as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value['clubs'])) { foreach ($value['clubs'] as $clubobj) { if ($clubobj['club_id'] == $club) { $goods[] = $value; break; } } } } } else { $goods = $ret; } $clubs = M("Club")->where(array("brand_id" => get_brand_id()))->field('id,club_name')->select(); if ($count > 0 && $limit > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } $response = array("page" => $page, "total" => $total_pages, "records" => $count, "rows" => $goods, "userdata" => $clubs); $this->ajaxReturn($response); }