/** * Front-end display of widget. * * @see WP_Widget::widget() * * @param array $args Widget arguments. * @param array $instance Saved values from database. */ public function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); $text = $instance['text']; $category_id = !empty($instance['category_id']) ? $instance['category_id'] : ''; echo $before_widget; if (!empty($title)) { echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; } $args = array('category' => $category_id); $bookmarks = get_bookmarks($args); echo '<div class="widget-content-link">'; echo '<select onchange="openUrl(this.value)" style="height:35px;">'; echo '<option value=""> Chọn liên kết </option>'; foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) { echo '<option value="', $bookmark->link_url, '">', $bookmark->link_name, '</a><br />'; } echo '</select>'; echo '</div>'; echo $after_widget; add_action('wp_footer', 'addJs_LinkCombobox_Widget'); function addJs_LinkCombobox_Widget() { echo '<script language="javascript">'; echo 'function openUrl(url){ if(url.length) window.open(url); } </script>'; } }
/** * Sponsor Functions */ function mf_sponsor_carousel($category_name) { // Get all of the sponsor from the links $sponsors = get_bookmarks(array('orderby' => 'rating', 'category_name' => $category_name)); // Split them into chucks of two $sponsors = array_chunk($sponsors, 2, true); // Get the output started. $output = '<div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide">'; $output .= '<div class="carousel-inner">'; // Loop through each block of sponsors foreach ($sponsors as $idx => $sponsor) { if ($idx == 0) { $output .= '<div class="item active">'; } else { $output .= '<div class="item">'; } $output .= '<div class="row-fluid">'; // Loop through the individual sponsors foreach ($sponsor as $spon) { $output .= '<div class="span6"><div class="thumb"><a href="' . esc_url($spon->link_url) . '"><img src="' . wpcom_vip_get_resized_remote_image_url($spon->link_image, 125, 105) . '" alt="' . esc_attr($spon->link_name) . '"></a></div></div>'; } $output .= '</div></div>'; } $output .= '</div></div>'; return $output; }
function updates_requested() { if (isset($_POST['update']) or isset($_POST['action']) or isset($_POST['update_uri'])) { // Only do things with side-effects for HTTP POST or command line $fwp_update_invoke = 'post'; } else { $fwp_update_invoke = 'get'; } $update_set = array(); if ($fwp_update_invoke != 'get') { if (isset($_POST['link_ids']) and is_array($_POST['link_ids']) and $_POST['action'] == FWP_UPDATE_CHECKED) { $targets = get_bookmarks(array('include' => implode(",", $_POST['link_ids']))); if (is_array($targets)) { foreach ($targets as $target) { $update_set[] = $target->link_rss; } } else { // This should never happen FeedWordPress::critical_bug('fwp_syndication_manage_page::targets', $targets, __LINE__); } } elseif (isset($_POST['update_uri'])) { $targets = $_POST['update_uri']; if (!is_array($targets)) { $targets = array($targets); } $update_set = $targets; } } return $update_set; }
function mf_sponsor_list($category_name, $slug = '') { //get the list of links based on faire name $sponsors = get_bookmarks(array('orderby' => 'name', 'category_name' => $category_name, 'limit' => 40)); $slugData = get_term_by('slug', $slug, 'link_category', OBJECT); if (is_object($slugData)) { $slugCat = get_objects_in_term($slugData->term_id, 'link_category'); } else { $slugCat = array(); } //get the list of links based on sponsor category name $slugData = get_term_by('slug', $category_name, 'link_category', OBJECT); $sponsorName = get_objects_in_term($slugData->term_id, 'link_category'); //find the links that are in both the sponsor category and specified faire if (!empty($slugCat)) { $category = array_intersect($slugCat, $sponsorName); } else { $category = $sponsorName; } $include = implode(',', $category); $sponsors = array(); if (!empty($include)) { $sponsors = get_bookmarks(array('orderby' => 'name', 'limit' => 40, 'include' => $include)); } // Get the output started. $output = '<ul>'; // Loop through each block of sponsors foreach ($sponsors as $idx => $spon) { //foreach ($sponsor as $spon) { $output .= '<li><a href="' . esc_url($spon->link_url) . '"><img src="' . legacy_get_resized_remote_image_url($spon->link_image, 125, 105) . '" alt=""></a></li>'; //} } $output .= '</ul>'; return $output; }
function displayLinks($cat, $class = 'boxesBox', $close = '', $limit = 10) { //get the links and store it in an array $b = get_bookmarks('category=' . $cat . '&orderby=id&order=DESC&limit=' . $limit); $html .= '<div class="' . $class . '"><h2 class="blue">Link</h2>'; $html .= '<div class="boxes BoxesSecond BoxesSecondBrowserFix boxFullWidth">'; // column left $html .= '<ul class="ulLinkLeft">'; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $html .= '<li>'; $html .= '<a href="' . $b[$i]->link_url . '" title="' . $b[$i]->link_name . '" target="_blank">' . $b[$i]->link_name . '</a>'; $html .= '</li>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; $html .= '<ul>'; //column right for ($i = 5; $i < 10; $i++) { $html .= '<li>'; $html .= '<a href="' . $b[$i]->link_url . '" title="' . $b[$i]->link_name . '" target="_blank">' . $b[$i]->link_name . '</a>'; $html .= '</li>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; $html .= '<p class="segnala2"><a href="http://dito.areato.org/home/?page_id=124" class="segnala">Tutti i link</a></p>'; $html .= '</div></div>' . $close; echo $html; }
function widget($args, $instance) { $data['title'] = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? __('Links') : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base); $category = isset($instance['category']) ? $instance['category'] : false; // load bookmarks $data['links'] = get_bookmarks(array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'category_name' => $category)); $this->display($instance, $data); }
/** @see WP_Widget::widget */ function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args); $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); $link = apply_filters('widget_link', $instance['link']); //Operation with TITLE and LINK if ('' . $link == '') { $link = "#"; $target = "_self"; } else { $target = "_blank"; } if ('' . $title == '') { $html_title = ""; } else { $first = substr($title, 0, 1); $other = substr($title, 1); $html_title = '<div class="widget_title">'; $html_title .= '<a href="' . $link . '" target="' . $target . '">'; $html_title .= $before_title; $html_title .= '<span class="widget_title_first">' . $first . '</span>'; $html_title .= $other; $html_title .= $after_title; $html_title .= "</a>"; $html_title .= "</div>"; $html_title .= '<div class="widget_sep"></div>'; } $args = array('category_name' => "blogroll", 'hide_invisible' => 1, 'show_updated' => 0, 'echo' => 1, 'categorize' => 0, 'category_orderby' => 'name', 'category_order' => 'ASC', 'class' => ''); ?> <?php echo $before_widget; ?> <div class="widget"> <?php echo $html_title; ?> <div class="widget_content blogroll_list"> <?php $global = get_bookmarks($args); foreach ($global as $bm) { $html = "<div class='blogroll_el'> - <a href='" . $bm->link_url . "' target='" . $bm->link_target . "'>" . $bm->link_name . "</a></div>"; print $html; } ?> </div> </div> <?php echo $after_widget; ?> <?php }
function acegiak_atlink_content($content) { return preg_replace_callback('`(^|\\W)@(\\w+)`i', function ($matches) { foreach (get_bookmarks() as $bookmark) { if (preg_match("`" . $matches[2] . "`i", preg_replace("`\\W`", "", $bookmark->link_name))) { return $matches[1] . '<a class="h-card u-category" href="' . $bookmark->link_url . '" alt="' . $bookmark->link_name . '">' . $bookmark->link_name . '</a>'; } } return $matches[1] . '<a class="h-card u-category" href="https://twitter.com/' . $matches[2] . '" alt="@' . $matches[2] . '">@' . $matches[2] . '</a>'; }, $content); }
/** * @ticket 18356 */ public function test_orderby_rand_should_not_be_cached() { global $wpdb; $bookmarks = self::factory()->bookmark->create_many(2); $found1 = get_bookmarks(array('orderby' => 'rand')); $num_queries = $wpdb->num_queries; $found2 = get_bookmarks(array('orderby' => 'rand')); // equal sets != same order $this->assertEqualSets($found1, $found2); $this->assertTrue($num_queries < $wpdb->num_queries); }
/** * Deletes plugin link from Blogroll * * @return void */ public static function link_delete() { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/bookmark.php'; $bookmarks = get_bookmarks(); $link_id = 0; foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) { if ($bookmark->link_url == W3TC_LINK_URL) { wp_delete_link($bookmark->link_id); } } }
function ubik_links() { // Initialize $links = $category = $search = ''; $links_array = array(); // Private links can only be seen by users with the manage_links capability $hide_invisible = current_user_can('manage_links') ? 0 : 1; // Get the link category from the query string if (get_query_var('link_category')) { $category = get_query_var('link_category'); } // Link search; also works with categories if (get_query_var('link_search')) { $search = get_query_var('link_search'); } // Fetch the bookmarks $links = get_bookmarks(array('orderby' => apply_filters('ubik_links_orderby', 'link_id'), 'order' => apply_filters('ubik_links_order', 'DESC'), 'category_name' => $category, 'hide_invisible' => $hide_invisible, 'search' => esc_sql($search), 'limit' => -1)); // Check for results then run through the loop if (!empty($links)) { foreach ($links as $link) { // Initialize all variables $title = $desc = $url = $rel = $target = $updated = $cats = $cats_formatted = ''; // Conditionally set relevant variables if (!empty($link->link_id)) { $id = $link->link_id; } if (!empty($link->link_name)) { $title = $link->link_name; } if (!empty($link->link_description)) { $desc = $link->link_description; } if (!empty($link->link_url)) { $url = $link->link_url; $domain = parse_url($url); $domain = $domain['host']; } if (!empty($link->link_rel)) { $rel = ' rel="' . $link->link_rel . '"'; } if (!empty($link->link_target)) { $target = ' target="' . $link->link_target . '"'; } // Link categories if (!empty($id)) { $cats = ubik_links_categories($id); } // Assemble the links array; this returns the raw data as well as processed strings $links_array[] = array('id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $desc, 'url' => $url, 'domain' => $domain, 'rel' => $rel, 'target' => $target, 'cats' => $cats, 'cats_html' => implode(', ', $cats), 'cats_list' => ubik_links_categories_list($cats), 'link' => '<a href="' . $url . '"' . $rel . $target . '>' . $title . '</a>'); } } return apply_filters('ubik_links', $links_array); }
function xv_bookmarks() { $bookmarks = get_bookmarks('orderby=name&show_description=1'); foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) { echo '<li><a href="' . $bookmark->link_url . '">'; if (substr($bookmark->link_image, 0, 4) == 'http') { echo '<span class="imgfavicon"><img src="' . $bookmark->link_image . '" alt="' . $bookmark->link_name . '" /></span>'; } echo $bookmark->link_name . '</a><div class="antifloat"></div>'; echo '</li>'; } }
function link_exists($link_url) { $bookmarks = get_bookmarks(); $matching_id = 0; foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) { if ($bookmark->link_url == $link_url) { $matching_id = $bookmark->link_id; break; } } return $matching_id; }
function get_footer_link_options() { $links = get_bookmarks(array('category_name' => 'Dynamic')); if (!empty($links)) { $options = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { $options[$link->link_id] = $link->link_name; } return $options; } else { return array(); } }
function show_nav($nav_id = 'nav', $css_class = 'nav', $before_html = '', $after_html = '', $seperator = '', $display_as_list = false) { if ($display_as_list) { $containertag = "ul"; $openlist = "<li>"; $closelist = "</li>"; } else { $containertag = "div"; $openlist = ""; $closelist = ""; } $useseperator = $seperator; echo '<' . $containertag . ' id="' . $nav_id . '" class="' . $css_class . '">'; $navlinks = get_bookmarks('orderby=rating&category_name=' . $nav_id); $numOfItems = count($navlinks); $counter = 0; foreach ((array) $navlinks as $navlink) { $counter += 1; if ($counter == $numOfItems) { $useseperator = ""; } if (!empty($navlink->link_url)) { $link_url = $navlink->link_url; } else { $link_url = ""; } if (!empty($navlink->link_name)) { $link_name = $navlink->link_name; } else { $link_name = ""; } if (!empty($navlink->link_description)) { $link_description = ' title="' . $navlink->link_description . '"'; } else { $link_description = ""; } if (!empty($navlink->link_target)) { $link_target = ' target="' . $navlink->link_target . '"'; } else { $link_target = ""; } $markCurrent = ''; $rootpath_ar = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $rootpath = "/" . $rootpath_ar[1] . "/"; if ($link_url == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] || $link_url . "/" == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] || $link_url == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "/" || $link_url == $rootpath) { $markCurrent = ' class="current"'; } echo $openlist . '<a href="' . $link_url . '"' . $link_description . $link_target . $markCurrent . '>' . $before_html . $link_name . $after_html . "</a>" . $closelist . $useseperator . "\n"; } echo "</{$containertag}>\n"; }
function wiziapp_getAllLinks() { $header = array('action' => 'wiziapp_getAllLinks', 'status' => TRUE, 'code' => 200, 'message' => ''); $linksLimit = WiziappConfig::getInstance()->links_list_limit; $pageNumber = isset($_GET['wizipage']) ? $_GET['wizipage'] : 0; $links = get_bookmarks(array('limit' => $linksLimit, 'offset' => $pageNumber * $linksLimit)); $linksSummary = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { $linksSummary[$link->link_url] = $link->link_name; } // Get the total number of pages $total = $GLOBALS['WiziappDB']->get_links_count(); echo json_encode(array('header' => $header, 'links' => $linksSummary, 'total' => $total)); }
/** * Outputs an overview of all filters. * * @since 0.4 */ public function faf_filters_overview() { echo "<h2>" . __("Feedwordpress Advanced Filters Overview", "faf") . "</h2>"; _e("This page will display the filters from all feeds in the order they will be executed on the posts", "faf"); $faf = new FeedwordpressAdvancedFilters(); $cat_id = FeedWordpress::link_category_id(); $links = get_bookmarks(array("category" => $cat_id)); foreach ($links as $l => $link) { $Slink = new SyndicatedLink($link); $filter_array = $faf->get_filter_tree($Slink); echo "<a name='#" . $link->link_name . "' ></a>"; echo "<hr /><h3>" . $link->link_name . "</h3>"; foreach ($filter_array as $context => $filters) { if (count($filters) > 0) { foreach ($filters as $filter) { $name = $filter["filter_name"]; $args = $filter["filter_args"]; // echo "<div class='faf_filterSetting'><ul>"; $av_filters = $faf->get_available_filters(); $filter_function = $av_filters[$context][$name]["filter_function"]; if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3.0", "<")) { $desc = call_user_func($filter_function . '::get_description'); } else { $desc = $filter_function::get_description(); } echo "<div class='faf_filterBox'><h4>{$desc}</h4>"; //$filterObj = new $filter_function(array(),$args); //$filterObj->display(); // $filter_function::getDisplay($args); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3.0", "<")) { call_user_func_array($filter_function . '::getDisplay', array($args, $filter_function)); } else { $filter_function::getDisplay($args); } /* foreach($args as $arg_name => $arg_value) { if ($arg_value == 1) $arg_value = "yes"; echo "<li>$arg_name :: $arg_value</li>"; } */ // echo "</ul></div></p>"; echo "</div>"; } } } } echo "<div class='faf_small'><a href=\"http://www.weblogmechanic.com/plugins/feedwordpress-advanced-filters/\" target=\"_blank\">Feedwordpress Advanced Filters</a> \t\tversion " . FAF_VERSION . " by Bas Schuiling</div>"; }
/** * * @global int $cat_id * @global string $s * @global string $orderby * @global string $order */ public function prepare_items() { global $cat_id, $s, $orderby, $order; wp_reset_vars( array( 'action', 'cat_id', 'link_id', 'orderby', 'order', 's' ) ); $args = array( 'hide_invisible' => 0, 'hide_empty' => 0 ); if ( 'all' != $cat_id ) $args['category'] = $cat_id; if ( !empty( $s ) ) $args['search'] = $s; if ( !empty( $orderby ) ) $args['orderby'] = $orderby; if ( !empty( $order ) ) $args['order'] = $order; $this->items = get_bookmarks( $args ); }
function blogroll_links_html($category_id, $sort_by, $sort_order) { $bm = get_bookmarks(array('orderby' => $sort_by, 'order' => $sort_order, 'limit' => -1, 'category' => "{$category_id}", 'category_name' => null, 'hide_invisible' => 1, 'show_updated' => 0, 'include' => null, 'exclude' => null, 'search' => '.')); $links .= '<ul>'; foreach ($bm as $bookmark) { $rel_string = $bookmark->link_rel; $rel_tag_part = strlen($rel_string) > 0 ? ' rel="' . $rel_string . '"' : ''; $target_string = $bookmark->link_target; $target_tag_part = strlen($target_string) > 0 ? ' target="' . $target_string . '"' : ''; $description_string = $bookmark->link_description; $description_tag = strlen($description_string) > 0 ? ' - ' . $description_string : ''; $image_string = $bookmark->link_image; $image_tag = strlen($image_string) > 0 ? '<br />' . '<img src="' . $bookmark->link_image . '" border="0"/>' : ''; $links .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s"%s%s>%s</a>%s%s</li>', $bookmark->link_url, $rel_tag_part, $target_tag_part, $bookmark->link_name, $description_tag, $image_tag); } $links .= '</ul>'; return $links; }
function prepare_items() { global $cat_id, $s, $orderby, $order; wp_reset_vars( array( 'action', 'cat_id', 'linkurl', 'name', 'image', 'description', 'visible', 'target', 'category', 'link_id', 'submit', 'orderby', 'order', 'links_show_cat_id', 'rating', 'rel', 'notes', 'linkcheck[]', 's' ) ); $args = array( 'hide_invisible' => 0, 'hide_empty' => 0 ); if ( 'all' != $cat_id ) $args['category'] = $cat_id; if ( !empty( $s ) ) $args['search'] = $s; if ( !empty( $orderby ) ) $args['orderby'] = $orderby; if ( !empty( $order ) ) $args['order'] = $order; $this->items = get_bookmarks( $args ); }
public function widget($args, $instance) { $this->instance = $instance; $category = $this->get_category_from_instance($instance); $categories = array(); foreach ($category as $pvalue) { $value = hocwp_get_value_by_key($pvalue, 'value'); if (hocwp_id_number_valid($value)) { $categories[] = $value; } } $bm_args = array('category' => implode(',', $categories)); $bookmarks = get_bookmarks($bm_args); hocwp_widget_before($args, $instance); $bookmarks = hocwp_sanitize_bookmark_link_image($bookmarks); $bm_args = array('before' => '', 'after' => ''); echo _walk_bookmarks($bookmarks, $bm_args); hocwp_widget_after($args, $instance); }
/** * Imports the WordPress links into this custom post type * * @since 8/19/12 * @uses called using ajax * * @return array( %old_link_id%, %new_post_id% ) - for testability only */ function import_links() { check_ajax_referer('simple_links_import_links'); //Add the categories from the links $old_link_cats = get_terms('link_category', array()); if (is_array($old_link_cats)) { foreach ($old_link_cats as $cat) { if (!term_exists($cat->name, Simple_Links_Categories::TAXONOMY)) { $args['description'] = $cat->description; $args['slug'] = $cat->slug; wp_insert_term($cat->name, Simple_Links_Categories::TAXONOMY, $args); } } } //for testability $matches = array(); //Import Each link foreach (get_bookmarks() as $link) { $post = array('post_name' => $link->link_name, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_title' => $link->link_name, 'post_type' => 'simple_link'); //Create the new post $id = wp_insert_post($post); $matches[$link->link_id] = $id; //Update Existing post data update_post_meta($id, 'description', $link->link_description); update_post_meta($id, 'target', $link->link_target); update_post_meta($id, 'web_address', $link->link_url); //Put the post in the old categories $terms = wp_get_object_terms($link->link_id, 'link_category'); if (is_array($terms)) { foreach ($terms as $term) { if ($term_id = term_exists($term->name, Simple_Links_Categories::TAXONOMY)) { wp_set_object_terms($id, (int) $term_id['term_id'], Simple_Links_Categories::TAXONOMY, true); } } } } return $matches; }
function get_the_link_items_with_posts($id = null) { $bookmarks = get_bookmarks('orderby=date&category=' . $id); $output = ''; if (!empty($bookmarks)) { $output .= '<div class="friend-posts--wrap fontSmooth">'; foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) { $output .= '<div class="friend-posts"><h4 class="friend-posts-title"><a style="display:block" href="' . $bookmark->link_url . '" title="' . $bookmark->link_description . '" target="_blank" >' . get_avatar($bookmark->link_notes, 24) . $bookmark->link_name . '</a></h4>'; $url = $bookmark->link_rss ? $bookmark->link_rss : rtrim($bookmark->link_url, '/') . '/feed/'; $rss_items = get_feed_posts($url); if (!empty($rss_items)) { $output .= '<ul class="friend-posts-items">'; foreach ($rss_items as $rss_item) { $output .= '<li><a target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" href="' . $rss_item['url'] . '">' . $rss_item['title'] . '</a></li>'; } $output .= '</ul>'; } $output .= '</div>'; } $output .= '</div>'; } return $output; }
/** * This gets buckets of content and has some defaults which allow for the * most generic buckets to be laid out for display. Carousels are also * buckets. */ function get_buckets($bucket_type = 'Bucket', $exclude_category = 'Case Studies, CC Store', $orderby = 'rating', $debug = false) { $buckets = array(); $bookmarks = get_bookmarks(array('orderby' => $orderby, 'category_name' => $bucket_type)); $excluded_categories = explode(', ', $exclude_category); if (empty($excluded_categories)) { $excluded_categories[] = $exclude_category; } foreach ($bookmarks as $b) { $do_not_save = false; $book = get_bookmark($b->link_id); foreach ($book->link_category as $term_id) { $link_terms = get_term_by('id', $term_id, 'link_category'); if (in_array($link_terms->name, $excluded_categories)) { $do_not_save = true; } $book->link_terms[] = $link_terms; } if (!$do_not_save) { $buckets[] = $book; } } return $buckets; }
<div class="fixed"></div> </div> <div class="content"> <?php if ($linkcats) { foreach ($linkcats as $linkcat) { ?> <div class="boxcaption"><h3><?php echo $linkcat->name; ?> </h3></div> <div class="box linkcat"> <ul> <?php $bookmarks = get_bookmarks('orderby=rand&category_name=' . $linkcat->name); if (!empty($bookmarks)) { foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) { echo '<li><a href="' . $bookmark->link_url . '" title="' . $bookmark->link_description . '">' . $bookmark->link_name . '</a></li>'; } } ?> </ul> <div class="fixed"></div> </div> <?php } } the_content(); ?> <div class="fixed"></div>
/** * Gets the links associated with category by id. * * @since 0.71 * @deprecated 2.1 * @deprecated Use get_bookmarks() * @see get_bookmarks() * * @param int $category The category to use. If no category supplied uses all * @param string $before the html to output before the link * @param string $after the html to output after the link * @param string $between the html to output between the link/image and its description. * Not used if no image or show_images == true * @param bool $show_images whether to show images (if defined). * @param string $orderby the order to output the links. E.g. 'id', 'name', 'url', * 'description', or 'rating'. Or maybe owner. If you start the name with an * underscore the order will be reversed. You can also specify 'rand' as the order * which will return links in a random order. * @param bool $show_description whether to show the description if show_images=false/not defined. * @param bool $show_rating show rating stars/chars * @param int $limit Limit to X entries. If not specified, all entries are shown. * @param int $show_updated whether to show last updated timestamp * @param bool $echo whether to echo the results, or return them instead * @return null|string */ function get_links($category = -1, $before = '', $after = '<br />', $between = ' ', $show_images = true, $orderby = 'name', $show_description = true, $show_rating = false, $limit = -1, $show_updated = 1, $echo = true) { _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '2.1', 'get_bookmarks()'); $order = 'ASC'; if (substr($orderby, 0, 1) == '_') { $order = 'DESC'; $orderby = substr($orderby, 1); } if ($category == -1) { //get_bookmarks uses '' to signify all categories $category = ''; } $results = get_bookmarks(array('category' => $category, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, 'show_updated' => $show_updated, 'limit' => $limit)); if (!$results) { return; } $output = ''; foreach ((array) $results as $row) { if (!isset($row->recently_updated)) { $row->recently_updated = false; } $output .= $before; if ($show_updated && $row->recently_updated) { $output .= get_option('links_recently_updated_prepend'); } $the_link = '#'; if (!empty($row->link_url)) { $the_link = esc_url($row->link_url); } $rel = $row->link_rel; if ('' != $rel) { $rel = ' rel="' . $rel . '"'; } $desc = esc_attr(sanitize_bookmark_field('link_description', $row->link_description, $row->link_id, 'display')); $name = esc_attr(sanitize_bookmark_field('link_name', $row->link_name, $row->link_id, 'display')); $title = $desc; if ($show_updated) { if (substr($row->link_updated_f, 0, 2) != '00') { $title .= ' (' . __('Last updated') . ' ' . date(get_option('links_updated_date_format'), $row->link_updated_f + get_option('gmt_offset') * HOUR_IN_SECONDS) . ')'; } } if ('' != $title) { $title = ' title="' . $title . '"'; } $alt = ' alt="' . $name . '"'; $target = $row->link_target; if ('' != $target) { $target = ' target="' . $target . '"'; } $output .= '<a href="' . $the_link . '"' . $rel . $title . $target . '>'; if ($row->link_image != null && $show_images) { if (strpos($row->link_image, 'http') !== false) { $output .= "<img src=\"{$row->link_image}\" {$alt} {$title} />"; } else { // If it's a relative path $output .= "<img src=\"" . get_option('siteurl') . "{$row->link_image}\" {$alt} {$title} />"; } } else { $output .= $name; } $output .= '</a>'; if ($show_updated && $row->recently_updated) { $output .= get_option('links_recently_updated_append'); } if ($show_description && '' != $desc) { $output .= $between . $desc; } if ($show_rating) { $output .= $between . get_linkrating($row); } $output .= "{$after}\n"; } // end while if (!$echo) { return $output; } echo $output; }
</div> <br class="clear" /> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php if ('all' == $cat_id) { $cat_id = ''; } $args = array('category' => $cat_id, 'hide_invisible' => 0, 'orderby' => $sqlorderby, 'hide_empty' => 0); if (!empty($_GET['s'])) { $args['search'] = $_GET['s']; } $links = get_bookmarks($args); if ($links) { $link_columns = get_column_headers('link-manager'); $hidden = get_hidden_columns('link-manager'); ?> <?php wp_nonce_field('bulk-bookmarks'); ?> <table class="widefat fixed" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <?php print_column_headers('link-manager'); ?> </tr>
wp_reset_query(); ?> </ul> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div id="network-list"> <h2>Our Broader Network</h2> <p>These superstars have been a part of our teaching teams, fellows, staff or founding team. They continue to do amazing work at Stanford and in the world.</p> <ul> <?php //echo strip_tags(preg_replace('@\<li([^>]*)>\<a([^>]*)>(.*?)\<\/a>@i', '<li$1><a$2><span>$3</span></a>', wp_list_bookmarks('category=47&title_li=&categorize=0&echo=0&orderby=name&order=asc&show_images=0') ),'<li>' ); ?> <?php $links = get_bookmarks(array('category' => 47)); foreach ($links as $link) { echo '<li id="' . $link->link_image . '">' . $link->link_name . "</li>"; } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <?php echo apply_atomic_shortcode('entry_meta', '<div class="entry-meta">[entry-edit-link]</div>'); ?> <?php do_atomic('close_entry');
/** * Instantiate multiple containers of the container type managed by this class. * * @param array $containers Array of assoc. arrays containing container data. * @param string $purpose An optional code indicating how the retrieved containers will be used. * @param bool $load_wrapped_objects Preload wrapped objects regardless of purpose. * * @return array of blcBookmark indexed by "container_type|container_id" */ function get_containers($containers, $purpose = '', $load_wrapped_objects = false) { $containers = $this->make_containers($containers); //Preload bookmark data if it is likely to be useful later $preload = $load_wrapped_objects || in_array($purpose, array(BLC_FOR_DISPLAY, BLC_FOR_PARSING)); if ($preload) { $bookmark_ids = array(); foreach ($containers as $container) { $bookmark_ids[] = $container->container_id; } $args = array('include' => implode(',', $bookmark_ids)); $bookmarks = get_bookmarks($args); foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) { $key = $this->container_type . '|' . $bookmark->link_id; if (isset($containers[$key])) { $containers[$key]->wrapped_object = $bookmark; } } } return $containers; }
foreach ((array) $cats as $cat) { /** * Filters the OPML outline link category name. * * @since 2.2.0 * * @param string $catname The OPML outline category name. */ $catname = apply_filters('link_category', $cat->name); ?> <outline type="category" title="<?php echo esc_attr($catname); ?> "> <?php $bookmarks = get_bookmarks(array("category" => $cat->term_id)); foreach ((array) $bookmarks as $bookmark) { /** * Filters the OPML outline link title text. * * @since 2.2.0 * * @param string $title The OPML outline title text. */ $title = apply_filters('link_title', $bookmark->link_name); ?> <outline text="<?php echo esc_attr($title); ?> " type="link" xmlUrl="<?php echo esc_attr($bookmark->link_rss);