예제 #1
if (($handle = fopen("bagdb.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
        $num = count($data);
        echo "<p> {$num} fields in line {$row}: <br /></p>\n";
        // Skip blank rows
        if ($data[0] == '') {
        // Get title from CSV and Create Bag
        if ($row == 3) {
            $name = $data[0];
            echo "Create Bag: " . $name . "<br/>";
            $bagid = create_bag($name);
            if (!$bagid) {
                $bag = get_bag_by_name($name);
                $bagid = $bag['bagid'];
        // Skip Title Row
        if ($row < 4) {
        // Add Product to Bag (Create or Find Existing Product from inventory)
        import_bag_content($bagid, $data[0], $data[2], $data[3]);
        echo "Product: " . $data[0] . " | Quantity: " . $data[2] . " | Notes: " . $data[3] . "<br/>";
        		for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
                    echo $data[$c] . "<br />\n";
예제 #2
include_once 'include/config.inc.php';
include_once 'library/mysql.lib.php';
include_once 'library/inventory.lib.php';
include_once 'library/bag.lib.php';
include_once 'library/util.lib.php';
global $bagid;
// Create Bags for Family Size 1 through 10
$bag_names = array('1' => 'Family of One', '2' => 'Family of Two', '3' => 'Family of Three', '4' => 'Family of Four', '5' => 'Family of Five', '6' => 'Family of Six', '7' => 'Family of Seven', '8' => 'Family of Eight', '9' => 'Family of Nine', '10' => 'Family of Ten');
$bag_ids = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
    $bag_id = create_bag($bag_names[$i], 'none');
    // Create bag
    if (!$bag_id) {
        // if bag alreadt exists get its bag_id
        $bag = get_bag_by_name($bag_names[$i]);
        $bag_id = $bag['bagid'];
    $bag_ids[$i] = $bag_id;
    // Store bagids
// Read in Every row from Distribution.csv
// Create Products in Inventory
// Add their Quantity to Each Family Size Bag
$row = 1;
if (($handle = fopen("distribution.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
        $num = count($data);
        echo "<p> {$num} fields in line {$row}: <br /></p>\n";
        // Skip title rows