case 'edit': // Make sure productid set to edit if (isset($aid_command)) { // Get aidid to edit $aidid = $aid_command; // Check if updating financial aid if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['name'])) { $new_name = $_POST['name']; $usda_qualifier = $_POST['usda_qualifier']; edit_aid($aidid, $new_name, $usda_qualifier); //echo "Update food source to '".$new_name."'"; redirect($g["abs_url"] . '/aid/list/'); } // Show the updated food source render_edit_aid($aidid); } else { redirect($g["abs_url"] . '/error/invalid-page'); } break; case 'delete': if (isset($aid_command)) { delete_aid($aid_command); redirect($g["abs_url"] . '/aid/list/'); } break; default: $client_framework_render['message'] = 'An error occurred.'; render_all_foodsources(get_all_food_sources()); } return; }
case 'new': render_new_bag(); break; case 'save': $bagid = create_bag(post('name'), post('bag')); redirect($g["abs_url"] . '/bag/edit/' . $bagid); break; case 'edit': // Make sure bagid set to edit if (isset($bag_command)) { // Get bagid to edit $bagid = $bag_command; // Check if updating product if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['bag_name'])) { edit_bag($bag_command, post('bag_name')); $food_sources = get_all_food_sources(); foreach ($food_sources as $food_source) { $field = clean_url($food_source['name']); $weight = post('foodsource-' . $field . '-weight'); $price = post('foodsource-' . $field . '-price'); edit_bag_food_source($bag_command, $food_source['sourceid'], $weight, $price); } //echo "Renamed bag to '".post('name')."'"; } // Show the updated bag render_edit_bag($bag_command); } else { redirect($g["abs_url"] . '/error/invalid-page'); } break; case 'delete':
function render_food_source_report() { global $reporting_framework_render; global $parameters; foreach ($parameters as $parameter) { global ${$parameter}; } $content = ""; // Get transactions of last month $start_date = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 1, date('d'), date('Y'))); $end_date = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'))); $report = array(); $food_sources = get_all_food_sources(); // List of products and quantity needed for the month $bags = get_all_bags(); $total_weight = '0'; $total_weight_last_month = '0'; foreach ($bags as $bag) { $num_clients = count(get_bag_clients($bag['bagid'])); $num_clients_last_month = count(get_bag_transactions($bag['bagid'], $start_date, $end_date)); $bag_sources = get_all_bag_food_sources($bag['bagid']); foreach ($bag_sources as $bag_source) { if (!isset($report[$bag_source['name']])) { $report[$bag_source['name']] = array('weight' => $bag_source['weight'] * $num_clients, 'percent' => '0', 'weight_last_month' => $bag_source['weight'] * $num_clients_last_month, 'percent_last_month' => '0'); } else { $report[$bag_source['name']]['weight'] += $bag_source['weight'] * $num_clients; $report[$bag_source['name']]['weight_last_month'] += $bag_source['weight'] * $num_clients_last_month; } $total_weight += $bag_source['weight'] * $num_clients; $total_weight_last_month += $bag_source['weight'] * $num_clients_last_month; } } // Add Total Row $report['Total'] = array('weight' => $total_weight, 'percent' => '0', 'weight_last_month' => $total_weight_last_month, 'percent_last_month' => '0'); // Calculate percentages foreach ($report as $fsname => $fs) { $report[$fsname]['percent'] = number_format($fs['weight'] / $total_weight * 100, 1); if ($total_weight_last_month != 0) { $report[$fsname]['percent_last_month'] = number_format($fs['weight_last_month'] / $total_weight_last_month * 100, 1); } } $reporting_list = new Template(); $reporting_list->load('report_foodsource_list'); $reporting_list_render['food_sources'] = ''; $report_row = new Template(); $report_row->load('report_foodsource_row'); $report_row_render['name'] = ''; $report_row_render['weight'] = ''; $report_row_render['percent'] = ''; $report_row_render['weight_last_month'] = ''; $report_row_render['percent_last_month'] = ''; if ($report != null) { foreach ($report as $name => $report_fs) { $report_row_render['name'] = $name; $report_row_render['weight'] = $report_fs['weight']; $report_row_render['percent'] = $report_fs['percent']; $report_row_render['weight_last_month'] = $report_fs['weight_last_month']; $report_row_render['percent_last_month'] = $report_fs['percent_last_month']; $report_row->set_vars($report_row_render); $report_row->parse(); $content .= $report_row->final; } } $reporting_list_render['food_sources'] = $content; $reporting_list->set_vars($reporting_list_render); $reporting_list->parse(); $reporting_framework_render['content'] = $reporting_list->final; render_all(); }