public function listBaobiao() { //报表列表 $paicha_id = intval($_REQUEST['paicha_id']); //学校筛选 $lianxiao = trim(urldecode($_GET['lianxiao'])); $xiangzhen = trim(urldecode($_GET['xiangzhen'])); if ($_SESSION['roleid'] == '11') { $xiangzhen = getXiangzhenByUserid($_SESSION['userid']); } //乡镇管理员只能查看本乡镇学校 $type = trim(urldecode($_GET['type'])); $school_name = trim(urldecode($_GET['school_name'])); if ($lianxiao || $xiangzhen || $type || $school_name !== '') { $where = ''; if ($lianxiao) { $where .= ($where ? ' AND ' : '') . " lianxiao='{$lianxiao}' "; } if ($xiangzhen) { $where .= ($where ? ' AND ' : '') . " lianxiao='{$xiangzhen}' "; } if ($type) { $where .= ($where ? ' AND ' : '') . " type='{$type}' "; } if ($school_name) { $where .= ($where ? ' AND ' : '') . " name LIKE '%{$school_name}%' "; } $M = M('safe_school'); $school_list = $M->select($where, 'id', '', 'id ASC'); $school_ids = array(); foreach ($school_list as $v) { $school_ids[] = $v['id']; } if (!empty($school_ids)) { $school_ids = implode(',', $school_ids); } else { $school_ids = '-1'; } } //报表列表 $page = intval($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $M = M('safe_school_baobiao'); $where = ''; $where .= ($where ? ' AND ' : '') . " paicha_id='{$paicha_id}' "; if ($school_ids) { $where .= ($where ? ' AND ' : '') . " school_id IN ({$school_ids}) "; } $status = trim(urldecode($_GET['status'])); //状态筛选 if ($status) { if ($status == '1' || $status == '3' || $status == '5') { //未排查,整改中,疑难问题 $where .= ($where ? ' AND ' : '') . " status{$status}>0 "; //只要一项满足条件就行 } elseif ($status == '2') { //已排查 $where .= ($where ? ' AND ' : '') . " status1=0 AND status3=0 AND status4=0 AND status5=0 "; //需要所有项都满足条件 } elseif ($status == '4') { //已整改 $where .= ($where ? ' AND ' : '') . " status1=0 AND status2=0 AND status3=0 AND status5=0 "; //需要所有项都满足条件 } elseif ($status == '6') { $where .= ($where ? ' AND ' : '') . " updatetime='' "; } } $size = 40; $list = $M->listinfo($where, 'id DESC', $page, $size); foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $list[$k]['school_name'] = getSchoolName($v['school_id']); } $pages = $this->getPagesArr($M->number, $size, $page); $this->jsonResult(array('list' => $list, 'pages' => $pages, 'currentPage' => $page)); }
?> </h1> <div class="control yahei"> <a class="t0" hideFocus> <?php if ($_SESSION['roleid'] == 10) { ?> <?php echo getSchoolnameByUserid($_SESSION['userid']); ?> 的 管理员: <?php } elseif ($_SESSION['roleid'] == 11) { ?> <?php echo getXiangzhenByUserid($_SESSION['userid']); ?> 的 管理员: <?php } else { ?> <?php } ?> <?php echo $admin_username; ?> , 欢迎您 </a> <a class="t1" hideFocus ms-click="menuClick($event,'my')"><s></s>个人中心</a> <?php