require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../classes/class_administration.php"; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../classes/class_wfs.php"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../extensions/JSON.php"; //db connection $con = db_connect(DBSERVER, OWNER, PW); db_select_db(DB, $con); $json = new Services_JSON(); $obj = $json->decode(stripslashes($_REQUEST['obj'])); //workflow: switch ($obj->action) { case 'getServices': $obj->services = getServices($obj); sendOutput($obj); break; case 'getWfsConfData': $obj->wfsConf = getWfsConfData($obj->wfs); sendOutput($obj); break; case 'getAssignedGuis': $obj->assignedGuis = getAssignedGuis($obj); sendOutput($obj); break; case 'deleteSelectedConfs': deleteWfsConf($obj); sendOutput($obj); break; default: sendOutput("no action specified..."); } /* * Get all services (ids and titles) where the current user is owner
function getAssignedConfs($obj) { global $con; $assignedConfs = array(); $confs = getWfsConfData($obj->selectedWfs); if ($confs === false || is_null($confs)) { return false; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM gui_wfs_conf WHERE fkey_gui_id = \$1 AND fkey_wfs_conf_id IN (" . join(",", $confs['id']) . ")"; $v = array($obj->selectedGui); $t = array('s'); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if (!$res) { $e = new mb_exception("Error: SQL: " . $sql . " -> Gui: " . $obj->selectedGui); } while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { array_push($assignedConfs, $row['fkey_wfs_conf_id']); } return $assignedConfs; }