예제 #1
  * Get GraphItems data
  * @param array $options
  * @return array|boolean
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('gitems' => 'gi.gitemid'), 'from' => array('graphs_items' => 'graphs_items gi'), 'where' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('graphids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'type' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'selectGraphs' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'expandData' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     $this->checkDeprecatedParam($options, 'expandData');
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE gi.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY i.itemid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ')';
     // graphids
     if (!is_null($options['graphids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs'] = 'graphs g';
         $sqlParts['where']['gig'] = 'gi.graphid=g.graphid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('g.graphid', $options['graphids']);
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gi.itemid', $options['itemids']);
     // type
     if (!is_null($options['type'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'gi.type=' . zbx_dbstr($options['type']);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $dbRes = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($gitem = DBfetch($dbRes)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             $result = $gitem['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $result[$gitem['gitemid']] = $gitem;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('graphid'), $options['output']);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #2
  * Get template data.
  * @param array $options
  * @return array
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('templates' => 'h.hostid'), 'from' => array('hosts' => 'hosts h'), 'where' => array('h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'parentTemplateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'graphids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'with_items' => null, 'with_triggers' => null, 'with_graphs' => null, 'with_httptests' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => '', 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectTemplates' => null, 'selectParentTemplates' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'selectDiscoveries' => null, 'selectTriggers' => null, 'selectGraphs' => null, 'selectApplications' => null, 'selectMacros' => null, 'selectScreens' => null, 'selectHttpTests' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE h.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ')';
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hgh'] = 'hg.hostid=h.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hg'] = 'hg.groupid';
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['templateid'] = dbConditionInt('h.hostid', $options['templateids']);
     // parentTemplateids
     if (!is_null($options['parentTemplateids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_templates'] = 'hosts_templates ht';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.templateid', $options['parentTemplateids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hht'] = 'h.hostid=ht.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['templateid'] = 'ht.templateid';
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_templates'] = 'hosts_templates ht';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hht'] = 'h.hostid=ht.templateid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['ht'] = 'ht.hostid';
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('i.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('f.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
     // graphids
     if (!is_null($options['graphids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gi.graphid', $options['graphids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
     // with_items
     if (!is_null($options['with_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     // with_triggers
     if (!is_null($options['with_triggers'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,functions f,triggers t' . ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid' . ' AND f.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ' AND t.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     // with_graphs
     if (!is_null($options['with_graphs'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,graphs_items gi,graphs g' . ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=gi.itemid' . ' AND gi.graphid=g.graphid' . ' AND g.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     // with_httptests
     if (!empty($options['with_httptests'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (SELECT ht.httptestid FROM httptest ht WHERE ht.hostid=h.hostid)';
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('hosts h', $options, $sqlParts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('hosts h', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($template = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $template;
             } else {
                 $result = $template['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $template['templateid'] = $template['hostid'];
             $result[$template['templateid']] = $template;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #3
  * Get Itemprototype data.
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('items' => 'i.itemid'), 'from' => array('items' => 'items i'), 'where' => array('i.flags=' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'discoveryids' => null, 'graphids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'inherited' => null, 'templated' => null, 'monitored' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectApplications' => null, 'selectTriggers' => null, 'selectGraphs' => null, 'selectDiscoveryRule' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ')';
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['i'] = 'i.hostid';
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['itemid'] = dbConditionInt('i.itemid', $options['itemids']);
     // discoveryids
     if (!is_null($options['discoveryids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['item_discovery'] = 'item_discovery id';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('id.parent_itemid', $options['discoveryids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['idi'] = 'i.itemid=id.itemid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['id'] = 'id.parent_itemid';
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('f.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['if'] = 'i.itemid=f.itemid';
     // graphids
     if (!is_null($options['graphids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gi.graphid', $options['graphids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
     // inherited
     if (!is_null($options['inherited'])) {
         if ($options['inherited']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'i.templateid IS NOT NULL';
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'i.templateid IS NULL';
     // templated
     if (!is_null($options['templated'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if ($options['templated']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
     // monitored
     if (!is_null($options['monitored'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if ($options['monitored']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED;
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = '(h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' OR i.status<>' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ')';
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('items i', $options, $sqlParts);
     // --- FILTER ---
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('items i', $options, $sqlParts);
         if (isset($options['filter']['host'])) {
             $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
             $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
             $sqlParts['where']['h'] = dbConditionString('h.host', $options['filter']['host']);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($item = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $item;
             } else {
                 $result = $item['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $result[$item['itemid']] = $item;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     // add other related objects
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('hostid'), $options['output']);
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #4
  * Get GraphPrototype data
  * @param array $options
  * @return array
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('graphs' => 'g.graphid'), 'from' => array('graphs' => 'graphs g'), 'where' => array('g.flags=' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'graphids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'discoveryids' => null, 'templated' => null, 'inherited' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectTemplates' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'selectGraphItems' => null, 'selectDiscoveryRule' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         // check permissions by graph items
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM graphs_items gi,items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' LEFT JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE g.graphid=gi.graphid' . ' AND gi.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY i.hostid' . ' HAVING MAX(permission)<' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ' OR MIN(permission) IS NULL' . ' OR MIN(permission)=' . PERM_DENY . ')';
         // check permissions by Y min item
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' LEFT JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE g.ymin_type=' . GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_ITEM_VALUE . ' AND g.ymin_itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY i.hostid' . ' HAVING MAX(permission)<' . $permission . ' OR MIN(permission) IS NULL' . ' OR MIN(permission)=' . PERM_DENY . ')';
         // check permissions by Y max item
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' LEFT JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE g.ymax_type=' . GRAPH_YAXIS_TYPE_ITEM_VALUE . ' AND g.ymax_itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY i.hostid' . ' HAVING MAX(permission)<' . $permission . ' OR MIN(permission) IS NULL' . ' OR MIN(permission)=' . PERM_DENY . ')';
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['gig'] = 'gi.graphid=g.graphid';
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hg'] = 'hg.groupid';
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['gig'] = 'gi.graphid=g.graphid';
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['i'] = 'i.hostid';
     // graphids
     if (!is_null($options['graphids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('g.graphid', $options['graphids']);
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['where']['gig'] = 'gi.graphid=g.graphid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gi.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['gi'] = 'gi.itemid';
     // discoveryids
     if (!is_null($options['discoveryids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['item_discovery'] = 'item_discovery id';
         $sqlParts['where']['gig'] = 'gi.graphid=g.graphid';
         $sqlParts['where']['giid'] = 'gi.itemid=id.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('id.parent_itemid', $options['discoveryids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['id'] = 'id.parent_itemid';
     // templated
     if (!is_null($options['templated'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['ggi'] = 'g.graphid=gi.graphid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if ($options['templated']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
     // inherited
     if (!is_null($options['inherited'])) {
         if ($options['inherited']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'g.templateid IS NOT NULL';
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'g.templateid IS NULL';
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('graphs g', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('graphs g', $options, $sqlParts);
         if (isset($options['filter']['host'])) {
             $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
             $sqlParts['where']['gig'] = 'gi.graphid=g.graphid';
             $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
             $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
             $sqlParts['where']['host'] = dbConditionString('h.host', $options['filter']['host']);
         if (isset($options['filter']['hostid'])) {
             $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['where']['gig'] = 'gi.graphid=g.graphid';
             $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
             $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['filter']['hostid']);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $dbRes = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($graph = DBfetch($dbRes)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $graph;
             } else {
                 $result = $graph['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $result[$graph['graphid']] = $graph;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
  * Get GraphPrototype data
  * @param array $options
  * @return array
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     // allowed columns for sorting
     $sortColumns = array('graphid', 'name', 'graphtype');
     // allowed output options for [ select_* ] params
     $subselectsAllowedOutputs = array(API_OUTPUT_REFER, API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, API_OUTPUT_CUSTOM);
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('graphs' => 'g.graphid'), 'from' => array('graphs' => 'graphs g'), 'where' => array('g.flags=' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CHILD), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'graphids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'discoveryids' => null, 'type' => null, 'templated' => null, 'inherited' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectTemplates' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'selectGraphItems' => null, 'selectDiscoveryRule' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     if (is_array($options['output'])) {
         $dbTable = DB::getSchema('graphs');
         foreach ($options['output'] as $field) {
             if (isset($dbTable['fields'][$field])) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$field] = 'g.' . $field;
         $options['output'] = API_OUTPUT_CUSTOM;
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ_ONLY;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM graphs_items gi,items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE g.graphid=gi.graphid' . ' AND gi.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY gi.graphid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['groupid'] = 'hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['gig'] = 'gi.graphid=g.graphid';
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hg'] = 'hg.groupid';
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['hostid'] = 'i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['gig'] = 'gi.graphid=g.graphid';
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['i'] = 'i.hostid';
     // graphids
     if (!is_null($options['graphids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('g.graphid', $options['graphids']);
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['itemid'] = 'gi.itemid';
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['where']['gig'] = 'gi.graphid=g.graphid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gi.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['gi'] = 'gi.itemid';
     // discoveryids
     if (!is_null($options['discoveryids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['itemid'] = 'id.parent_itemid';
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['item_discovery'] = 'item_discovery id';
         $sqlParts['where']['gig'] = 'gi.graphid=g.graphid';
         $sqlParts['where']['giid'] = 'gi.itemid=id.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('id.parent_itemid', $options['discoveryids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['id'] = 'id.parent_itemid';
     // type
     if (!is_null($options['type'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'g.type=' . zbx_dbstr($options['type']);
     // templated
     if (!is_null($options['templated'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['ggi'] = 'g.graphid=gi.graphid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if ($options['templated']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
     // inherited
     if (!is_null($options['inherited'])) {
         if ($options['inherited']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'g.templateid IS NOT NULL';
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'g.templateid IS NULL';
     // output
     if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
         $sqlParts['select']['graphs'] = 'g.*';
     // countOutput
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         $options['sortfield'] = '';
         $sqlParts['select'] = array('count(DISTINCT g.graphid) as rowscount');
         // groupCount
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             foreach ($sqlParts['group'] as $key => $fields) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$key] = $fields;
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('graphs g', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('graphs g', $options, $sqlParts);
         if (isset($options['filter']['host'])) {
             $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
             $sqlParts['where']['gig'] = 'gi.graphid=g.graphid';
             $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
             $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
             $sqlParts['where']['host'] = dbConditionString('h.host', $options['filter']['host']);
         if (isset($options['filter']['hostid'])) {
             $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['where']['gig'] = 'gi.graphid=g.graphid';
             $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
             $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['filter']['hostid']);
     // sorting
     zbx_db_sorting($sqlParts, $options, $sortColumns, 'g');
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $graphids = array();
     $sqlParts['select'] = array_unique($sqlParts['select']);
     $sqlParts['from'] = array_unique($sqlParts['from']);
     $sqlParts['where'] = array_unique($sqlParts['where']);
     $sqlParts['group'] = array_unique($sqlParts['group']);
     $sqlParts['order'] = array_unique($sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlSelect = '';
     $sqlFrom = '';
     $sqlWhere = '';
     $sqlGroup = '';
     $sqlOrder = '';
     if (!empty($sqlParts['select'])) {
         $sqlSelect .= implode(',', $sqlParts['select']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['from'])) {
         $sqlFrom .= implode(',', $sqlParts['from']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['where'])) {
         $sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $sqlParts['where']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['group'])) {
         $sqlWhere .= ' GROUP BY ' . implode(',', $sqlParts['group']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['order'])) {
         $sqlOrder .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlLimit = $sqlParts['limit'];
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . zbx_db_distinct($sqlParts) . ' ' . $sqlSelect . ' FROM ' . $sqlFrom . ' WHERE ' . DBin_node('g.graphid', $nodeids) . $sqlWhere . $sqlGroup . $sqlOrder;
     $dbRes = DBselect($sql, $sqlLimit);
     while ($graph = DBfetch($dbRes)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $graph;
             } else {
                 $result = $graph['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $graphids[$graph['graphid']] = $graph['graphid'];
             if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
                 $result[$graph['graphid']] = array('graphid' => $graph['graphid']);
             } else {
                 if (!isset($result[$graph['graphid']])) {
                     $result[$graph['graphid']] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectHosts']) && !isset($result[$graph['graphid']]['hosts'])) {
                     $result[$graph['graphid']]['hosts'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectGraphItems']) && !isset($result[$graph['graphid']]['gitems'])) {
                     $result[$graph['graphid']]['gitems'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectTemplates']) && !isset($result[$graph['graphid']]['templates'])) {
                     $result[$graph['graphid']]['templates'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectItems']) && !isset($result[$graph['graphid']]['items'])) {
                     $result[$graph['graphid']]['items'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectDiscoveryRule']) && !isset($result[$graph['graphid']]['discoveryRule'])) {
                     $result[$graph['graphid']]['discoveryRule'] = array();
                 // hostids
                 if (isset($graph['hostid']) && is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$graph['graphid']]['hosts'])) {
                         $result[$graph['graphid']]['hosts'] = array();
                     $result[$graph['graphid']]['hosts'][] = array('hostid' => $graph['hostid']);
                 // itemids
                 if (isset($graph['itemid']) && is_null($options['selectItems'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$graph['graphid']]['items'])) {
                         $result[$graph['graphid']]['items'] = array();
                     $result[$graph['graphid']]['items'][] = array('itemid' => $graph['itemid']);
                 $result[$graph['graphid']] += $graph;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     // adding GraphItems
     if (!is_null($options['selectGraphItems']) && str_in_array($options['selectGraphItems'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
         $gitems = API::GraphItem()->get(array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'output' => $options['selectGraphItems'], 'graphids' => $graphids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
         foreach ($gitems as $gitem) {
             $ggraphs = $gitem['graphs'];
             foreach ($ggraphs as $graph) {
                 $result[$graph['graphid']]['gitems'][$gitem['gitemid']] = $gitem;
     // adding Hostgroups
     if (!is_null($options['selectGroups'])) {
         if (is_array($options['selectGroups']) || str_in_array($options['selectGroups'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $groups = API::HostGroup()->get(array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'output' => $options['selectGroups'], 'graphids' => $graphids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
             foreach ($groups as $group) {
                 $ggraphs = $group['graphs'];
                 foreach ($ggraphs as $graph) {
                     $result[$graph['graphid']]['groups'][] = $group;
     // adding Hosts
     if (!is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
         if (is_array($options['selectHosts']) || str_in_array($options['selectHosts'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $hosts = API::Host()->get(array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'output' => $options['selectHosts'], 'graphids' => $graphids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
             foreach ($hosts as $host) {
                 $hgraphs = $host['graphs'];
                 foreach ($hgraphs as $graph) {
                     $result[$graph['graphid']]['hosts'][] = $host;
     // adding Templates
     if (!is_null($options['selectTemplates']) && str_in_array($options['selectTemplates'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
         $templates = API::Template()->get(array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'output' => $options['selectTemplates'], 'graphids' => $graphids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
         foreach ($templates as $template) {
             $tgraphs = $template['graphs'];
             foreach ($tgraphs as $graph) {
                 $result[$graph['graphid']]['templates'][] = $template;
     // adding Items
     if (!is_null($options['selectItems']) && str_in_array($options['selectItems'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
         $items = API::Item()->get(array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'output' => $options['selectItems'], 'graphids' => $graphids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true, 'filter' => array('flags' => null)));
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $igraphs = $item['graphs'];
             foreach ($igraphs as $graph) {
                 $result[$graph['graphid']]['items'][] = $item;
     // adding discoveryRule
     if (!is_null($options['selectDiscoveryRule'])) {
         $ruleids = $ruleMap = array();
         $dbRules = DBselect('SELECT id.parent_itemid,gi.graphid' . ' FROM item_discovery id,graphs_items gi' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('gi.graphid', $graphids) . ' AND gi.itemid=id.itemid');
         while ($rule = DBfetch($dbRules)) {
             $ruleids[$rule['parent_itemid']] = $rule['parent_itemid'];
             $ruleMap[$rule['graphid']] = $rule['parent_itemid'];
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'itemids' => $ruleids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true);
         if (is_array($options['selectDiscoveryRule']) || str_in_array($options['selectDiscoveryRule'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectDiscoveryRule'];
             $discoveryRules = API::DiscoveryRule()->get($objParams);
             foreach ($result as $graphid => $graph) {
                 if (isset($ruleMap[$graphid]) && isset($discoveryRules[$ruleMap[$graphid]])) {
                     $result[$graphid]['discoveryRule'] = $discoveryRules[$ruleMap[$graphid]];
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #6
  * Get maintenances data.
  * @param array  $options
  * @param array  $options['itemids']
  * @param array  $options['hostids']
  * @param array  $options['groupids']
  * @param array  $options['triggerids']
  * @param array  $options['maintenanceids']
  * @param bool   $options['status']
  * @param bool   $options['editable']
  * @param bool   $options['count']
  * @param string $options['pattern']
  * @param int    $options['limit']
  * @param string $options['order']
  * @return array
 public function get(array $options = [])
     $result = [];
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = ['select' => ['maintenance' => 'm.maintenanceid'], 'from' => ['maintenances' => 'maintenances m'], 'where' => [], 'group' => [], 'order' => [], 'limit' => null];
     $defOptions = ['groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'maintenanceids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'filter' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectTimeperiods' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null];
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     $maintenanceids = [];
     if ($userType == USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN || $options['nopermissions']) {
         if (!is_null($options['groupids']) || !is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
                 $res = DBselect('SELECT mmg.maintenanceid' . ' FROM maintenances_groups mmg' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('mmg.groupid', $options['groupids']));
                 while ($maintenance = DBfetch($res)) {
                     $maintenanceids[] = $maintenance['maintenanceid'];
             $sql = 'SELECT mmh.maintenanceid' . ' FROM maintenances_hosts mmh,hosts_groups hg' . ' WHERE hg.hostid=mmh.hostid';
             if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
                 $sql .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
             if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
                 $sql .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('hg.hostid', $options['hostids']);
             $res = DBselect($sql);
             while ($maintenance = DBfetch($res)) {
                 $maintenanceids[] = $maintenance['maintenanceid'];
             $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('m.maintenanceid', $maintenanceids);
     } else {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sql = 'SELECT m.maintenanceid' . ' FROM maintenances m' . ' WHERE NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM maintenances_hosts mh,hosts_groups hg' . ' LEFT JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE m.maintenanceid=mh.maintenanceid' . ' AND mh.hostid=hg.hostid' . ' GROUP by mh.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission) IS NULL' . ' OR MIN(r.permission)=' . PERM_DENY . ' OR MAX(r.permission)<' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ')' . ' AND NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM maintenances_groups mg' . ' LEFT JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=mg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE m.maintenanceid=mg.maintenanceid' . ' GROUP by mg.groupid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission) IS NULL' . ' OR MIN(r.permission)=' . PERM_DENY . ' OR MAX(r.permission)<' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ')';
         if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
             $sql .= ' AND (' . 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM maintenances_groups mg' . ' WHERE m.maintenanceid=mg.maintenanceid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('mg.groupid', $options['groupids']) . ')' . ' OR EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM maintenances_hosts mh,hosts_groups hg' . ' WHERE m.maintenanceid=mh.maintenanceid' . ' AND mh.hostid=hg.hostid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']) . ')' . ')';
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $sql .= ' AND EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM maintenances_hosts mh' . ' WHERE m.maintenanceid=mh.maintenanceid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('mh.hostid', $options['hostids']) . ')';
         if (!is_null($options['maintenanceids'])) {
             $sql .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('m.maintenanceid', $options['maintenanceids']);
         $res = DBselect($sql);
         while ($maintenance = DBfetch($res)) {
             $maintenanceids[] = $maintenance['maintenanceid'];
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('m.maintenanceid', $maintenanceids);
     // maintenanceids
     if (!is_null($options['maintenanceids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('m.maintenanceid', $options['maintenanceids']);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('maintenances m', $options, $sqlParts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('maintenances m', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($maintenance = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $maintenance;
             } else {
                 $result = $maintenance['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']] = $maintenance;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #7
  * Get host data.
  * @param array         $options
  * @param array         $options['groupids']                 HostGroup IDs
  * @param array         $options['hostids']                  Host IDs
  * @param boolean       $options['monitored_hosts']          only monitored Hosts
  * @param boolean       $options['templated_hosts']          include templates in result
  * @param boolean       $options['with_items']               only with items
  * @param boolean       $options['with_monitored_items']     only with monitored items
  * @param boolean       $options['with_triggers']            only with triggers
  * @param boolean       $options['with_monitored_triggers']  only with monitored triggers
  * @param boolean       $options['with_httptests']           only with http tests
  * @param boolean       $options['with_monitored_httptests'] only with monitored http tests
  * @param boolean       $options['with_graphs']              only with graphs
  * @param boolean       $options['editable']                 only with read-write permission. Ignored for SuperAdmins
  * @param boolean       $options['selectGroups']             select HostGroups
  * @param boolean       $options['selectItems']              select Items
  * @param boolean       $options['selectTriggers']           select Triggers
  * @param boolean       $options['selectGraphs']             select Graphs
  * @param boolean       $options['selectApplications']       select Applications
  * @param boolean       $options['selectMacros']             select Macros
  * @param boolean|array $options['selectInventory']          select Inventory
  * @param boolean       $options['withInventory']            select only hosts with inventory
  * @param int           $options['count']                    count Hosts, returned column name is rowscount
  * @param string        $options['pattern']                  search hosts by pattern in Host name
  * @param string        $options['extendPattern']            search hosts by pattern in Host name, ip and DNS
  * @param int           $options['limit']                    limit selection
  * @param string        $options['sortfield']                field to sort by
  * @param string        $options['sortorder']                sort order
  * @return array|boolean Host data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = [])
     $result = [];
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = ['select' => ['hosts' => 'h.hostid'], 'from' => ['hosts' => 'hosts h'], 'where' => ['flags' => 'h.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')'], 'group' => [], 'order' => [], 'limit' => null];
     $defOptions = ['groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'proxyids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'interfaceids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'maintenanceids' => null, 'graphids' => null, 'applicationids' => null, 'dserviceids' => null, 'httptestids' => null, 'monitored_hosts' => null, 'templated_hosts' => null, 'proxy_hosts' => null, 'with_items' => null, 'with_monitored_items' => null, 'with_simple_graph_items' => null, 'with_triggers' => null, 'with_monitored_triggers' => null, 'with_httptests' => null, 'with_monitored_httptests' => null, 'with_graphs' => null, 'with_applications' => null, 'withInventory' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchInventory' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectParentTemplates' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'selectDiscoveries' => null, 'selectTriggers' => null, 'selectGraphs' => null, 'selectApplications' => null, 'selectMacros' => null, 'selectScreens' => null, 'selectInterfaces' => null, 'selectInventory' => null, 'selectHttpTests' => null, 'selectDiscoveryRule' => null, 'selectHostDiscovery' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null];
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE h.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ')';
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('h.hostid', $options['hostids']);
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hgh'] = 'hg.hostid=h.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['groupid'] = 'hg.groupid';
     // proxyids
     if (!is_null($options['proxyids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('h.proxy_hostid', $options['proxyids']);
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_templates'] = 'hosts_templates ht';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.templateid', $options['templateids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hht'] = 'h.hostid=ht.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['templateid'] = 'ht.templateid';
     // interfaceids
     if (!is_null($options['interfaceids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['interface'] = 'interface hi';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hi.interfaceid', $options['interfaceids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=hi.hostid';
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('i.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('f.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
     // httptestids
     if (!is_null($options['httptestids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['httptest'] = 'httptest ht';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.httptestid', $options['httptestids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['aht'] = 'ht.hostid=h.hostid';
     // graphids
     if (!is_null($options['graphids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gi.graphid', $options['graphids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
     // applicationids
     if (!is_null($options['applicationids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['applications'] = 'applications a';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('a.applicationid', $options['applicationids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ah'] = 'a.hostid=h.hostid';
     // dserviceids
     if (!is_null($options['dserviceids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['dservices'] = 'dservices ds';
         $sqlParts['from']['interface'] = 'interface i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ds.dserviceid', $options['dserviceids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['dsh'] = 'ds.ip=i.ip';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['dserviceid'] = 'ds.dserviceid';
     // maintenanceids
     if (!is_null($options['maintenanceids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['maintenances_hosts'] = 'maintenances_hosts mh';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('mh.maintenanceid', $options['maintenanceids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hmh'] = 'h.hostid=mh.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['maintenanceid'] = 'mh.maintenanceid';
     // monitored_hosts, templated_hosts
     if (!is_null($options['monitored_hosts'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED;
     } elseif (!is_null($options['templated_hosts'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 'h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['proxy_hosts'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 'h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_PROXY_ACTIVE . ',' . HOST_STATUS_PROXY_PASSIVE . ')';
     } else {
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 'h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ')';
     // with_items, with_monitored_items, with_simple_graph_items
     if (!is_null($options['with_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_monitored_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND i.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_simple_graph_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.value_type IN (' . ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT . ',' . ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64 . ')' . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND i.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     // with_triggers, with_monitored_triggers
     if (!is_null($options['with_triggers'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,functions f,triggers t' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid' . ' AND f.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ' AND t.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_monitored_triggers'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,functions f,triggers t' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid' . ' AND f.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND t.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED . ' AND t.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     // with_httptests, with_monitored_httptests
     if (!empty($options['with_httptests'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM httptest ht WHERE ht.hostid=h.hostid)';
     } elseif (!empty($options['with_monitored_httptests'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM httptest ht' . ' WHERE h.hostid=ht.hostid' . ' AND ht.status=' . HTTPTEST_STATUS_ACTIVE . ')';
     // with_graphs
     if (!is_null($options['with_graphs'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,graphs_items gi,graphs g' . ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=gi.itemid ' . ' AND gi.graphid=g.graphid' . ' AND g.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     // with applications
     if (!is_null($options['with_applications'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['applications'] = 'applications a';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'a.hostid=h.hostid';
     // withInventory
     if (!is_null($options['withInventory']) && $options['withInventory']) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = ' h.hostid IN (' . ' SELECT hin.hostid' . ' FROM host_inventory hin' . ')';
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('hosts h', $options, $sqlParts);
         if (zbx_db_search('interface hi', $options, $sqlParts)) {
             $sqlParts['from']['interface'] = 'interface hi';
             $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=hi.hostid';
     // search inventory
     if ($options['searchInventory'] !== null) {
         $sqlParts['from']['host_inventory'] = 'host_inventory hii';
         $sqlParts['where']['hii'] = 'h.hostid=hii.hostid';
         zbx_db_search('host_inventory hii', ['search' => $options['searchInventory'], 'startSearch' => $options['startSearch'], 'excludeSearch' => $options['excludeSearch'], 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => $options['searchWildcardsEnabled'], 'searchByAny' => $options['searchByAny']], $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('hosts h', $options, $sqlParts);
         if ($this->dbFilter('interface hi', $options, $sqlParts)) {
             $sqlParts['from']['interface'] = 'interface hi';
             $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=hi.hostid';
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($host = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $host;
             } else {
                 $result = $host['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $result[$host['hostid']] = $host;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #8
  * Get UserMacros data.
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $options['groupids'] usermacrosgroup ids
  * @param array $options['hostids'] host ids
  * @param array $options['hostmacroids'] host macros ids
  * @param array $options['globalmacroids'] global macros ids
  * @param array $options['templateids'] template ids
  * @param boolean $options['globalmacro'] only global macros
  * @param boolean $options['selectGroups'] select groups
  * @param boolean $options['selectHosts'] select hosts
  * @param boolean $options['selectTemplates'] select templates
  * @return array|boolean UserMacros data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('macros' => 'hm.hostmacroid'), 'from' => array('hostmacro hm'), 'where' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $sqlPartsGlobal = array('select' => array('macros' => 'gm.globalmacroid'), 'from' => array('globalmacro gm'), 'where' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'hostmacroids' => null, 'globalmacroids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'globalmacro' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectTemplates' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         if (!is_null($options['editable']) && !is_null($options['globalmacro'])) {
             return array();
         } else {
             $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
             $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE hm.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ')';
     // global macro
     if (!is_null($options['globalmacro'])) {
         $options['groupids'] = null;
         $options['hostmacroids'] = null;
         $options['triggerids'] = null;
         $options['hostids'] = null;
         $options['itemids'] = null;
         $options['selectGroups'] = null;
         $options['selectTemplates'] = null;
         $options['selectHosts'] = null;
     // globalmacroids
     if (!is_null($options['globalmacroids'])) {
         $sqlPartsGlobal['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gm.globalmacroid', $options['globalmacroids']);
     // hostmacroids
     if (!is_null($options['hostmacroids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hm.hostmacroid', $options['hostmacroids']);
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hgh'] = 'hg.hostid=hm.hostid';
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hm.hostid', $options['hostids']);
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['macros_templates'] = 'hosts_templates ht';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.templateid', $options['templateids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hht'] = 'hm.hostid=ht.hostid';
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('hostmacro hm', $options, $sqlParts);
         zbx_db_search('globalmacro gm', $options, $sqlPartsGlobal);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         if (isset($options['filter']['macro'])) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionString('hm.macro', $options['filter']['macro']);
             $sqlPartsGlobal['where'][] = dbConditionString('gm.macro', $options['filter']['macro']);
     // sorting
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions('hostmacro', 'hm', $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlPartsGlobal = $this->applyQuerySortOptions('globalmacro', 'gm', $options, $sqlPartsGlobal);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
         $sqlPartsGlobal['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     // init GLOBALS
     if (!is_null($options['globalmacro'])) {
         $sqlPartsGlobal = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions('globalmacro', 'gm', $options, $sqlPartsGlobal);
         $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlPartsGlobal), $sqlPartsGlobal['limit']);
         while ($macro = DBfetch($res)) {
             if ($options['countOutput']) {
                 $result = $macro['rowscount'];
             } else {
                 $result[$macro['globalmacroid']] = $macro;
     } else {
         $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions('hostmacro', 'hm', $options, $sqlParts);
         $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
         while ($macro = DBfetch($res)) {
             if ($options['countOutput']) {
                 $result = $macro['rowscount'];
             } else {
                 $result[$macro['hostmacroid']] = $macro;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('hostid'), $options['output']);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
  * Get Screen data
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $options['nodeids'] Node IDs
  * @param boolean $options['with_items'] only with items
  * @param boolean $options['editable'] only with read-write permission. Ignored for SuperAdmins
  * @param int $options['count'] count Hosts, returned column name is rowscount
  * @param string $options['pattern'] search hosts by pattern in host names
  * @param int $options['limit'] limit selection
  * @param string $options['order'] deprecated parameter (for now)
  * @return array|boolean Host data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     // allowed columns for sorting
     $sortColumns = array('screenid', 'name');
     // allowed output options for [ select_* ] params
     $subselectsAllowedOutputs = array(API_OUTPUT_REFER, API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('screens' => 's.screenid,s.templateid'), 'from' => array('screens' => 'screens s'), 'where' => array('template' => 's.templateid IS NOT NULL'), 'order' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'screenids' => null, 'screenitemids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'noInheritance' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectScreenItems' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     if (is_array($options['output'])) {
         $dbTable = DB::getSchema('screens');
         foreach ($options['output'] as $field) {
             if (isset($dbTable['fields'][$field])) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$field] = 's.' . $field;
         $options['output'] = API_OUTPUT_CUSTOM;
     if (!is_null($options['editable']) || is_null($options['hostids']) && is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         $options['noInheritance'] = 1;
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         // TODO: think how we could combine templateids && hostids options
         if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
             $options['templateids'] = API::Template()->get(array('templateids' => $options['templateids'], 'editable' => $options['editable'], 'preservekeys' => true));
             $options['templateids'] = array_keys($options['templateids']);
         } elseif (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['templateids'] = API::Host()->get(array('hostids' => $options['hostids'], 'editable' => $options['editable'], 'preservekeys' => true));
             $options['templateids'] = array_keys($options['templateids']);
         } else {
             // TODO: get screen
             $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ_ONLY;
             $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE s.templateid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // screenids
     if (!is_null($options['screenids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('s.screenid', $options['screenids']);
     // screenitemids
     if (!is_null($options['screenitemids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
             $sqlParts['select']['screenitemid'] = 'si.screenitemid';
         $sqlParts['from']['screens_items'] = 'screens_items si';
         $sqlParts['where']['ssi'] = 'si.screenid=s.screenid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('si.screenitemid', $options['screenitemids']);
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (isset($options['hostids']) && !is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         // collecting template chain
         $templatesChain = array();
         $linkedTemplateids = $options['hostids'];
         $childTemplateids = $options['hostids'];
         while (is_null($options['noInheritance']) && !empty($childTemplateids)) {
             $sql = 'SELECT ht.*' . ' FROM hosts_templates ht' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('hostid', $childTemplateids);
             $dbTemplates = DBselect($sql);
             $childTemplateids = array();
             while ($link = DBfetch($dbTemplates)) {
                 $childTemplateids[$link['templateid']] = $link['templateid'];
                 $linkedTemplateids[$link['templateid']] = $link['templateid'];
                 createParentToChildRelation($templatesChain, $link, 'templateid', 'hostid');
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
             $sqlParts['select']['templateid'] = 's.templateid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['templateid'] = 's.templateid';
         $sqlParts['where']['templateid'] = dbConditionInt('s.templateid', $linkedTemplateids);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('screens s', $options, $sqlParts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('screens s', $options, $sqlParts);
     // output
     if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
         $sqlParts['select']['screens'] = 's.*';
     // countOutput
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         $options['sortfield'] = '';
         $sqlParts['select'] = array('count(DISTINCT s.screenid) as rowscount');
         // groupCount
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             foreach ($sqlParts['group'] as $key => $fields) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$key] = $fields;
     // sorting
     zbx_db_sorting($sqlParts, $options, $sortColumns, 's');
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $screenids = array();
     $sqlParts['select'] = array_unique($sqlParts['select']);
     $sqlParts['from'] = array_unique($sqlParts['from']);
     $sqlParts['where'] = array_unique($sqlParts['where']);
     $sqlParts['group'] = array_unique($sqlParts['group']);
     $sqlParts['order'] = array_unique($sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlSelect = '';
     $sqlFrom = '';
     $sqlWhere = '';
     $sqlGroup = '';
     $sqlOrder = '';
     if (!empty($sqlParts['select'])) {
         $sqlSelect .= implode(',', $sqlParts['select']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['from'])) {
         $sqlFrom .= implode(',', $sqlParts['from']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['where'])) {
         $sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $sqlParts['where']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['group'])) {
         $sqlGroup .= ' GROUP BY ' . implode(',', $sqlParts['group']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['order'])) {
         $sqlOrder .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlLimit = $sqlParts['limit'];
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . zbx_db_distinct($sqlParts) . ' ' . $sqlSelect . ' FROM ' . $sqlFrom . ' WHERE ' . DBin_node('s.screenid', $nodeids) . $sqlWhere . $sqlGroup . $sqlOrder;
     $res = DBselect($sql, $sqlLimit);
     while ($screen = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $screen;
             } else {
                 $result = $screen['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $screenids[$screen['screenid']] = $screen['screenid'];
             if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
                 $result[$screen['screenid']] = array('screenid' => $screen['screenid'], 'templateid' => $screen['templateid']);
             } else {
                 if (!isset($result[$screen['screenid']])) {
                     $result[$screen['screenid']] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectScreenItems']) && !isset($result[$screen['screenid']]['screenitems'])) {
                     $result[$screen['screenid']]['screenitems'] = array();
                 if (isset($screen['screenitemid']) && is_null($options['selectScreenItems'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$screen['screenid']]['screenitems'])) {
                         $result[$screen['screenid']]['screenitems'] = array();
                     $result[$screen['screenid']]['screenitems'][] = array('screenitemid' => $screen['screenitemid']);
                 $result[$screen['screenid']] += $screen;
     // hashing
     $options['hostids'] = zbx_toHash($options['hostids']);
     // adding screenitems
     if (!is_null($options['selectScreenItems']) && str_in_array($options['selectScreenItems'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
         $screensItems = array();
         $dbSitems = DBselect('SELECT si.* FROM screens_items si WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('si.screenid', $screenids));
         while ($sitem = DBfetch($dbSitems)) {
             // sorting
             $screensItems[$sitem['screenitemid']] = $sitem;
             switch ($sitem['resourcetype']) {
                 case SCREEN_RESOURCE_GRAPH:
                     $graphids[$sitem['resourceid']] = $sitem['resourceid'];
                 case SCREEN_RESOURCE_SIMPLE_GRAPH:
                 case SCREEN_RESOURCE_PLAIN_TEXT:
                     $itemids[$sitem['resourceid']] = $sitem['resourceid'];
         foreach ($screensItems as $sitem) {
             if (!isset($result[$sitem['screenid']]['screenitems'])) {
                 $result[$sitem['screenid']]['screenitems'] = array();
             $result[$sitem['screenid']]['screenitems'][] = $sitem;
     // creating linkage of template -> real objects
     if (!is_null($options['selectScreenItems']) && !is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         // prepare graphs
         if (!empty($graphids)) {
             $tplGraphs = API::Graph()->get(array('output' => array('graphid', 'name'), 'graphids' => $graphids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
             $dbGraphs = API::Graph()->get(array('output' => array('graphid', 'name'), 'hostids' => $options['hostids'], 'filter' => array('name' => zbx_objectValues($tplGraphs, 'name')), 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
             $realGraphs = array();
             foreach ($dbGraphs as $graph) {
                 $host = reset($graph['hosts']);
                 if (!isset($realGraphs[$host['hostid']])) {
                     $realGraphs[$host['hostid']] = array();
                 $realGraphs[$host['hostid']][$graph['name']] = $graph;
         // prepare items
         if (!empty($itemids)) {
             $tplItems = API::Item()->get(array('output' => array('itemid', 'key_'), 'itemids' => $itemids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
             $dbItems = API::Item()->get(array('output' => array('itemid', 'key_'), 'hostids' => $options['hostids'], 'filter' => array('key_' => zbx_objectValues($tplItems, 'key_')), 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
             $realItems = array();
             foreach ($dbItems as $item) {
                 if (!isset($realItems[$item['hostid']])) {
                     $realItems[$item['hostid']] = array();
                 $realItems[$item['hostid']][$item['key_']] = $item;
     if (is_null($options['countOutput']) || !is_null($options['countOutput']) && !is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
         // creating copies of templated screens (inheritance)
         // screenNum is needed due to we can't refer to screenid/hostid/templateid as they will repeat
         $screenNum = 0;
         $vrtResult = array();
         foreach ($result as $screen) {
             if (is_null($options['hostids']) || isset($options['hostids'][$screen['templateid']])) {
                 $vrtResult[$screenNum] = $screen;
                 $vrtResult[$screenNum]['hostid'] = $screen['templateid'];
             if (!isset($templatesChain[$screen['templateid']])) {
             foreach ($templatesChain[$screen['templateid']] as $hostid) {
                 if (!isset($options['hostids'][$hostid])) {
                 $vrtResult[$screenNum] = $screen;
                 $vrtResult[$screenNum]['hostid'] = $hostid;
                 if (!isset($vrtResult[$screenNum]['screenitems'])) {
                 foreach ($vrtResult[$screenNum]['screenitems'] as &$screenitem) {
                     switch ($screenitem['resourcetype']) {
                         case SCREEN_RESOURCE_GRAPH:
                             $graphName = $tplGraphs[$screenitem['resourceid']]['name'];
                             $screenitem['real_resourceid'] = $realGraphs[$hostid][$graphName]['graphid'];
                         case SCREEN_RESOURCE_SIMPLE_GRAPH:
                         case SCREEN_RESOURCE_PLAIN_TEXT:
                             $itemKey = $tplItems[$screenitem['resourceid']]['key_'];
                             $screenitem['real_resourceid'] = $realItems[$hostid][$itemKey]['itemid'];
         $result = array_values($vrtResult);
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     } elseif (!is_null($options['noInheritance'])) {
         $result = zbx_toHash($result, 'screenid');
     return $result;
예제 #10
  * Get screen data.
  * @param array  $options
  * @param array  $options['nodeids']		Node IDs
  * @param bool   $options['with_items']		only with items
  * @param bool   $options['editable']		only with read-write permission. Ignored for SuperAdmins
  * @param int    $options['count']			count Hosts, returned column name is rowscount
  * @param string $options['pattern']		search hosts by pattern in host names
  * @param int    $options['limit']			limit selection
  * @param string $options['order']			deprecated parameter (for now)
  * @return array
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('screens' => 's.screenid,s.templateid'), 'from' => array('screens' => 'screens s'), 'where' => array('template' => 's.templateid IS NOT NULL'), 'order' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'screenids' => null, 'screenitemids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'noInheritance' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectScreenItems' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     if (!is_null($options['editable']) || is_null($options['hostids']) && is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         $options['noInheritance'] = 1;
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         // TODO: think how we could combine templateids && hostids options
         if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
             $options['templateids'] = API::Template()->get(array('templateids' => $options['templateids'], 'editable' => $options['editable'], 'preservekeys' => true));
             $options['templateids'] = array_keys($options['templateids']);
         } elseif (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['templateids'] = API::Host()->get(array('hostids' => $options['hostids'], 'editable' => $options['editable'], 'preservekeys' => true));
             $options['templateids'] = array_keys($options['templateids']);
         } else {
             // TODO: get screen
             $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
             $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE s.templateid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // screenids
     if (!is_null($options['screenids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('s.screenid', $options['screenids']);
     // screenitemids
     if (!is_null($options['screenitemids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
             $sqlParts['select']['screenitemid'] = 'si.screenitemid';
         $sqlParts['from']['screens_items'] = 'screens_items si';
         $sqlParts['where']['ssi'] = 'si.screenid=s.screenid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('si.screenitemid', $options['screenitemids']);
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (isset($options['hostids']) && !is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     $templatesChain = array();
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         // collecting template chain
         $linkedTemplateids = $options['hostids'];
         $childTemplateids = $options['hostids'];
         while (is_null($options['noInheritance']) && !empty($childTemplateids)) {
             $sql = 'SELECT ht.*' . ' FROM hosts_templates ht' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('hostid', $childTemplateids);
             $dbTemplates = DBselect($sql);
             $childTemplateids = array();
             while ($link = DBfetch($dbTemplates)) {
                 $childTemplateids[$link['templateid']] = $link['templateid'];
                 $linkedTemplateids[$link['templateid']] = $link['templateid'];
                 createParentToChildRelation($templatesChain, $link, 'templateid', 'hostid');
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['templateid'] = 's.templateid';
         $sqlParts['where']['templateid'] = dbConditionInt('s.templateid', $linkedTemplateids);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('screens s', $options, $sqlParts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('screens s', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryNodeOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($screen = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $screen;
             } else {
                 $result = $screen['rowscount'];
         } else {
             if (!isset($result[$screen['screenid']])) {
                 $result[$screen['screenid']] = array();
             if (isset($screen['screenitemid']) && is_null($options['selectScreenItems'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$screen['screenid']]['screenitems'])) {
                     $result[$screen['screenid']]['screenitems'] = array();
                 $result[$screen['screenid']]['screenitems'][] = array('screenitemid' => $screen['screenitemid']);
             $result[$screen['screenid']] += $screen;
     if ($options['countOutput'] !== null && $options['groupCount'] === null) {
         return $result;
     $screenIds = array_keys($result);
     // adding screenitems
     if ($options['selectScreenItems'] !== null && $options['selectScreenItems'] != API_OUTPUT_COUNT) {
         $screenItems = API::getApi()->select('screens_items', array('output' => $this->outputExtend('screens_items', array('screenid', 'screenitemid', 'resourcetype', 'resourceid'), $options['selectScreenItems']), 'filter' => array('screenid' => $screenIds), 'preservekeys' => true, 'nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true)));
         $relationMap = $this->createRelationMap($screenItems, 'screenid', 'screenitemid');
         foreach ($screenItems as $screenItem) {
             switch ($screenItem['resourcetype']) {
                 case SCREEN_RESOURCE_GRAPH:
                     $graphids[$screenItem['resourceid']] = $screenItem['resourceid'];
                 case SCREEN_RESOURCE_SIMPLE_GRAPH:
                 case SCREEN_RESOURCE_PLAIN_TEXT:
                     $itemids[$screenItem['resourceid']] = $screenItem['resourceid'];
         $screenItems = $this->unsetExtraFields($screenItems, array('screenid', 'screenitemid', 'resourceid', 'resourcetype'), $options['selectScreenItems']);
         $result = $relationMap->mapMany($result, $screenItems, 'screenitems');
     // creating linkage of template -> real objects
     if (!is_null($options['selectScreenItems']) && !is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         // prepare graphs
         if (!empty($graphids)) {
             $tplGraphs = API::Graph()->get(array('output' => array('graphid', 'name'), 'graphids' => $graphids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
             $dbGraphs = API::Graph()->get(array('output' => array('graphid', 'name'), 'selectHosts' => array('hostid'), 'hostids' => $options['hostids'], 'filter' => array('name' => zbx_objectValues($tplGraphs, 'name')), 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
             $realGraphs = array();
             foreach ($dbGraphs as $graph) {
                 $host = reset($graph['hosts']);
                 if (!isset($realGraphs[$host['hostid']])) {
                     $realGraphs[$host['hostid']] = array();
                 $realGraphs[$host['hostid']][$graph['name']] = $graph;
         // prepare items
         if (!empty($itemids)) {
             $tplItems = API::Item()->get(array('output' => array('itemid', 'key_', 'hostid'), 'itemids' => $itemids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
             $dbItems = API::Item()->get(array('output' => array('itemid', 'key_', 'hostid'), 'hostids' => $options['hostids'], 'filter' => array('key_' => zbx_objectValues($tplItems, 'key_')), 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
             $realItems = array();
             foreach ($dbItems as $item) {
                 if (!isset($realItems[$item['hostid']])) {
                     $realItems[$item['hostid']] = array();
                 $realItems[$item['hostid']][$item['key_']] = $item;
     // hashing
     $options['hostids'] = zbx_toHash($options['hostids']);
     if (is_null($options['countOutput']) || !is_null($options['countOutput']) && !is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
         // creating copies of templated screens (inheritance)
         // screenNum is needed due to we can't refer to screenid/hostid/templateid as they will repeat
         $screenNum = 0;
         $vrtResult = array();
         foreach ($result as $screen) {
             if (is_null($options['hostids']) || isset($options['hostids'][$screen['templateid']])) {
                 $vrtResult[$screenNum] = $screen;
                 $vrtResult[$screenNum]['hostid'] = $screen['templateid'];
             if (!isset($templatesChain[$screen['templateid']])) {
             foreach ($templatesChain[$screen['templateid']] as $hostid) {
                 if (!isset($options['hostids'][$hostid])) {
                 $vrtResult[$screenNum] = $screen;
                 $vrtResult[$screenNum]['hostid'] = $hostid;
                 if (!isset($vrtResult[$screenNum]['screenitems'])) {
                 foreach ($vrtResult[$screenNum]['screenitems'] as &$screenitem) {
                     switch ($screenitem['resourcetype']) {
                         case SCREEN_RESOURCE_GRAPH:
                             $graphName = $tplGraphs[$screenitem['resourceid']]['name'];
                             $screenitem['real_resourceid'] = $realGraphs[$hostid][$graphName]['graphid'];
                         case SCREEN_RESOURCE_SIMPLE_GRAPH:
                         case SCREEN_RESOURCE_PLAIN_TEXT:
                             $itemKey = $tplItems[$screenitem['resourceid']]['key_'];
                             $screenitem['real_resourceid'] = $realItems[$hostid][$itemKey]['itemid'];
         $result = array_values($vrtResult);
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('templateid'), $options['output']);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     } elseif (!is_null($options['noInheritance'])) {
         $result = zbx_toHash($result, 'screenid');
     return $result;
  * Get maintenances data
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $options['itemids']
  * @param array $options['hostids']
  * @param array $options['groupids']
  * @param array $options['triggerids']
  * @param array $options['maintenanceids']
  * @param boolean $options['status']
  * @param boolean $options['editable']
  * @param boolean $options['count']
  * @param string $options['pattern']
  * @param int $options['limit']
  * @param string $options['order']
  * @return array|int item data as array or false if error
 public function get(array $options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     // allowed columns for sorting
     $sortColumns = array('maintenanceid', 'name', 'maintenance_type');
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('maintenance' => 'm.maintenanceid'), 'from' => array('maintenances' => 'maintenances m'), 'where' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'maintenanceids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'filter' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectTimeperiods' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     $maintenanceids = array();
     if ($userType == USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN || $options['nopermissions']) {
         if (!is_null($options['groupids']) || !is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
                 $res = DBselect('SELECT mmg.maintenanceid' . ' FROM maintenances_groups mmg' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('mmg.groupid', $options['groupids']));
                 while ($maintenance = DBfetch($res)) {
                     $maintenanceids[] = $maintenance['maintenanceid'];
             $sql = 'SELECT mmh.maintenanceid' . ' FROM maintenances_hosts mmh,hosts_groups hg' . ' WHERE hg.hostid=mmh.hostid';
             if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
                 $sql .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
             if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
                 $sql .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('hg.hostid', $options['hostids']);
             $res = DBselect($sql);
             while ($maintenance = DBfetch($res)) {
                 $maintenanceids[] = $maintenance['maintenanceid'];
             $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('m.maintenanceid', $maintenanceids);
     } else {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ_ONLY;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sql = 'SELECT m.maintenanceid' . ' FROM maintenances m' . ' WHERE NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM maintenances_hosts mh,hosts_groups hg' . ' LEFT JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE m.maintenanceid=mh.maintenanceid' . ' AND mh.hostid=hg.hostid' . ' GROUP by mh.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission) IS NULL' . ' OR MIN(r.permission)<' . $permission . ')' . ' AND NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM maintenances_groups mg' . ' LEFT JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=mg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE m.maintenanceid=mg.maintenanceid' . ' GROUP by mg.groupid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission) IS NULL' . ' OR MIN(r.permission)<' . $permission . ')';
         if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
             $sql .= ' AND (' . 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM maintenances_groups mg' . ' WHERE m.maintenanceid=mg.maintenanceid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('mg.groupid', $options['groupids']) . ')' . ' OR EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM maintenances_hosts mh,hosts_groups hg' . ' WHERE m.maintenanceid=mh.maintenanceid' . ' AND mh.hostid=hg.hostid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']) . ')' . ')';
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $sql .= ' AND EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM maintenances_hosts mh' . ' WHERE m.maintenanceid=mh.maintenanceid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('mh.hostid', $options['hostids']) . ')';
         if (!is_null($options['maintenanceids'])) {
             $sql .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('m.maintenanceid', $options['maintenanceids']);
         $res = DBselect($sql);
         while ($maintenance = DBfetch($res)) {
             $maintenanceids[] = $maintenance['maintenanceid'];
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('m.maintenanceid', $maintenanceids);
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $options['selectGroups'] = 1;
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $options['selectHosts'] = 1;
     // maintenanceids
     if (!is_null($options['maintenanceids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('m.maintenanceid', $options['maintenanceids']);
     // output
     if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
         $sqlParts['select']['maintenance'] = 'm.*';
     // countOutput
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         $options['sortfield'] = '';
         $sqlParts['select'] = array('COUNT(DISTINCT m.maintenanceid) AS rowscount');
         // groupCount
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             foreach ($sqlParts['group'] as $key => $fields) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$key] = $fields;
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('maintenances m', $options, $sqlParts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('maintenances m', $options, $sqlParts);
     // sorting
     zbx_db_sorting($sqlParts, $options, $sortColumns, 'm');
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $maintenanceids = array();
     $sqlParts['select'] = array_unique($sqlParts['select']);
     $sqlParts['from'] = array_unique($sqlParts['from']);
     $sqlParts['where'] = array_unique($sqlParts['where']);
     $sqlParts['group'] = array_unique($sqlParts['group']);
     $sqlParts['order'] = array_unique($sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlSelect = '';
     $sqlFrom = '';
     $sqlWhere = '';
     $sqlGroup = '';
     $sqlOrder = '';
     if (!empty($sqlParts['select'])) {
         $sqlSelect .= implode(',', $sqlParts['select']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['from'])) {
         $sqlFrom .= implode(',', $sqlParts['from']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['where'])) {
         $sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $sqlParts['where']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['group'])) {
         $sqlWhere .= ' GROUP BY ' . implode(',', $sqlParts['group']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['order'])) {
         $sqlOrder .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlLimit = $sqlParts['limit'];
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . zbx_db_distinct($sqlParts) . ' ' . $sqlSelect . ' FROM ' . $sqlFrom . ' WHERE ' . DBin_node('m.maintenanceid', $nodeids) . $sqlWhere . $sqlOrder;
     $res = DBselect($sql, $sqlLimit);
     while ($maintenance = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $maintenance;
             } else {
                 $result = $maintenance['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $maintenanceids[$maintenance['maintenanceid']] = $maintenance['maintenanceid'];
             if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
                 $result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']] = array('maintenanceid' => $maintenance['maintenanceid']);
             } else {
                 if (!isset($result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']])) {
                     $result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectGroups']) && !isset($result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']]['groups'])) {
                     $result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']]['groups'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectHosts']) && !isset($result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']]['hosts'])) {
                     $result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']]['hosts'] = array();
                 // groupids
                 if (isset($maintenance['groupid']) && is_null($options['selectGroups'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']]['groups'])) {
                         $result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']]['groups'] = array();
                     $result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']]['groups'][] = array('groupid' => $maintenance['groupid']);
                 // hostids
                 if (isset($maintenance['hostid']) && is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']]['hosts'])) {
                         $result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']]['hosts'] = array();
                     $result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']]['hosts'][] = array('hostid' => $maintenance['hostid']);
                 $result[$maintenance['maintenanceid']] += $maintenance;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #12
 protected function applyQueryFilterOptions($tableName, $tableAlias, array $options, array $sqlParts)
     $sqlParts = parent::applyQueryFilterOptions($tableName, $tableAlias, $options, $sqlParts);
     // do not return host prototypes from discovered hosts
     $sqlParts['from'][] = 'host_discovery hd';
     $sqlParts['from'][] = 'items i';
     $sqlParts['from'][] = 'hosts ph';
     $sqlParts['where'][] = $this->fieldId('hostid') . '=hd.hostid';
     $sqlParts['where'][] = 'hd.parent_itemid=i.itemid';
     $sqlParts['where'][] = 'i.hostid=ph.hostid';
     $sqlParts['where'][] = 'ph.flags=' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL;
     if (CWebUser::getType() != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM ' . 'host_discovery hd,items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', getUserGroupsByUserId(self::$userData['userid'])) . ' WHERE h.hostid=hd.hostid' . ' AND hd.parent_itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ')';
     // discoveryids
     if ($options['discoveryids'] !== null) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hd.parent_itemid', (array) $options['discoveryids']);
         if ($options['groupCount'] !== null) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hd'] = 'hd.parent_itemid';
     // inherited
     if ($options['inherited'] !== null) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = $options['inherited'] ? 'h.templateid IS NOT NULL' : 'h.templateid IS NULL';
     return $sqlParts;
예제 #13
  * Add permission filter SQL query part
  * @param array $sqlParts
  * @return string
 protected function addPermissionFilter($sqlParts)
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
     $sqlParts['where'][] = '(EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE s.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY f.triggerid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>=' . PERM_READ_ONLY . ')' . ' OR s.triggerid IS NULL)';
     return $sqlParts;
예제 #14
  * Get actions data
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $options['itemids']
  * @param array $options['hostids']
  * @param array $options['groupids']
  * @param array $options['actionids']
  * @param array $options['applicationids']
  * @param array $options['status']
  * @param array $options['editable']
  * @param array $options['extendoutput']
  * @param array $options['count']
  * @param array $options['pattern']
  * @param array $options['limit']
  * @param array $options['order']
  * @return array|int item data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('actions' => 'a.actionid'), 'from' => array('actions' => 'actions a'), 'where' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'actionids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'mediatypeids' => null, 'usrgrpids' => null, 'userids' => null, 'scriptids' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'editable' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectConditions' => null, 'selectOperations' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         // conditions are checked here by sql, operations after, by api queries
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         // condition hostgroup
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM conditions cc' . ' LEFT JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=' . zbx_dbcast_2bigint('cc.value') . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE a.actionid=cc.actionid' . ' AND cc.conditiontype=' . CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_GROUP . ' GROUP BY cc.value' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission) IS NULL' . ' OR MIN(r.permission)=' . PERM_DENY . ' OR MAX(r.permission)<' . $permission . ')';
         // condition host or template
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM conditions cc,hosts_groups hgg' . ' LEFT JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE a.actionid=cc.actionid' . ' AND ' . zbx_dbcast_2bigint('cc.value') . '=hgg.hostid' . ' AND cc.conditiontype IN (' . CONDITION_TYPE_HOST . ',' . CONDITION_TYPE_TEMPLATE . ')' . ' GROUP BY cc.value' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission) IS NULL' . ' OR MIN(r.permission)=' . PERM_DENY . ' OR MAX(r.permission)<' . $permission . ')';
         // condition trigger
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM conditions cc,functions f,items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' LEFT JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE a.actionid=cc.actionid' . ' AND ' . zbx_dbcast_2bigint('cc.value') . '=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' AND cc.conditiontype=' . CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER . ' GROUP BY cc.value' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission) IS NULL' . ' OR MIN(r.permission)=' . PERM_DENY . ' OR MAX(r.permission)<' . $permission . ')';
     // actionids
     if (!is_null($options['actionids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['actionid'] = 'a.actionid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('a.actionid', $options['actionids']);
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['groupids'] = 'cg.value';
         $sqlParts['from']['conditions_groups'] = 'conditions cg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionString('cg.value', $options['groupids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ctg'] = 'cg.conditiontype=' . CONDITION_TYPE_HOST_GROUP;
         $sqlParts['where']['acg'] = 'a.actionid=cg.actionid';
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['hostids'] = 'ch.value';
         $sqlParts['from']['conditions_hosts'] = 'conditions ch';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionString('ch.value', $options['hostids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['cth'] = 'ch.conditiontype=' . CONDITION_TYPE_HOST;
         $sqlParts['where']['ach'] = 'a.actionid=ch.actionid';
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['triggerids'] = 'ct.value';
         $sqlParts['from']['conditions_triggers'] = 'conditions ct';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionString('ct.value', $options['triggerids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ctt'] = 'ct.conditiontype=' . CONDITION_TYPE_TRIGGER;
         $sqlParts['where']['act'] = 'a.actionid=ct.actionid';
     // mediatypeids
     if (!is_null($options['mediatypeids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['mediatypeid'] = 'om.mediatypeid';
         $sqlParts['from']['opmessage'] = 'opmessage om';
         $sqlParts['from']['operations_media'] = 'operations omed';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('om.mediatypeid', $options['mediatypeids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['aomed'] = 'a.actionid=omed.actionid';
         $sqlParts['where']['oom'] = 'omed.operationid=om.operationid';
     // operation messages
     // usrgrpids
     if (!is_null($options['usrgrpids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['usrgrpid'] = 'omg.usrgrpid';
         $sqlParts['from']['opmessage_grp'] = 'opmessage_grp omg';
         $sqlParts['from']['operations_usergroups'] = 'operations oug';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('omg.usrgrpid', $options['usrgrpids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['aoug'] = 'a.actionid=oug.actionid';
         $sqlParts['where']['oomg'] = 'oug.operationid=omg.operationid';
     // userids
     if (!is_null($options['userids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['userid'] = 'omu.userid';
         $sqlParts['from']['opmessage_usr'] = '******';
         $sqlParts['from']['operations_users'] = 'operations ou';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('omu.userid', $options['userids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['aou'] = 'a.actionid=ou.actionid';
         $sqlParts['where']['oomu'] = 'ou.operationid=omu.operationid';
     // operation commands
     // scriptids
     if (!is_null($options['scriptids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['scriptid'] = 'oc.scriptid';
         $sqlParts['from']['opcommand'] = 'opcommand oc';
         $sqlParts['from']['operations_scripts'] = 'operations os';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = '(' . dbConditionInt('oc.scriptid', $options['scriptids']) . ' AND oc.type=' . ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_GLOBAL_SCRIPT . ')';
         $sqlParts['where']['aos'] = 'a.actionid=os.actionid';
         $sqlParts['where']['ooc'] = 'os.operationid=oc.operationid';
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('actions a', $options, $sqlParts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('actions a', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $actionids = array();
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryNodeOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $dbRes = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($action = DBfetch($dbRes)) {
         if ($options['countOutput']) {
             $result = $action['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $actionids[$action['actionid']] = $action['actionid'];
             if (!isset($result[$action['actionid']])) {
                 $result[$action['actionid']] = array();
             $result[$action['actionid']] += $action;
             // return mediatype as array
             if (!empty($action['mediatypeid'])) {
                 $result[$action['actionid']]['mediatypeids'][] = $action['mediatypeid'];
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         // check hosts, templates
         $hosts = $hostids = array();
         $sql = 'SELECT o.actionid,och.hostid' . ' FROM operations o,opcommand_hst och' . ' WHERE o.operationid=och.operationid' . ' AND och.hostid<>0' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('o.actionid', $actionids);
         $dbHosts = DBselect($sql);
         while ($host = DBfetch($dbHosts)) {
             if (!isset($hosts[$host['hostid']])) {
                 $hosts[$host['hostid']] = array();
             $hosts[$host['hostid']][$host['actionid']] = $host['actionid'];
             $hostids[$host['hostid']] = $host['hostid'];
         $dbTemplates = DBselect('SELECT o.actionid,ot.templateid' . ' FROM operations o,optemplate ot' . ' WHERE o.operationid=ot.operationid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('o.actionid', $actionids));
         while ($template = DBfetch($dbTemplates)) {
             if (!isset($hosts[$template['templateid']])) {
                 $hosts[$template['templateid']] = array();
             $hosts[$template['templateid']][$template['actionid']] = $template['actionid'];
             $hostids[$template['templateid']] = $template['templateid'];
         $allowedHosts = API::Host()->get(array('hostids' => $hostids, 'output' => array('hostid'), 'editable' => $options['editable'], 'templated_hosts' => true, 'preservekeys' => true));
         foreach ($hostids as $hostid) {
             if (isset($allowedHosts[$hostid])) {
             foreach ($hosts[$hostid] as $actionid) {
                 unset($result[$actionid], $actionids[$actionid]);
         // check hostgroups
         $groups = $groupids = array();
         $dbGroups = DBselect('SELECT o.actionid,ocg.groupid' . ' FROM operations o,opcommand_grp ocg' . ' WHERE o.operationid=ocg.operationid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('o.actionid', $actionids));
         while ($group = DBfetch($dbGroups)) {
             if (!isset($groups[$group['groupid']])) {
                 $groups[$group['groupid']] = array();
             $groups[$group['groupid']][$group['actionid']] = $group['actionid'];
             $groupids[$group['groupid']] = $group['groupid'];
         $dbGroups = DBselect('SELECT o.actionid,og.groupid' . ' FROM operations o,opgroup og' . ' WHERE o.operationid=og.operationid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('o.actionid', $actionids));
         while ($group = DBfetch($dbGroups)) {
             if (!isset($groups[$group['groupid']])) {
                 $groups[$group['groupid']] = array();
             $groups[$group['groupid']][$group['actionid']] = $group['actionid'];
             $groupids[$group['groupid']] = $group['groupid'];
         $allowedGroups = API::HostGroup()->get(array('groupids' => $groupids, 'output' => array('groupid'), 'editable' => $options['editable'], 'preservekeys' => true));
         foreach ($groupids as $groupid) {
             if (isset($allowedGroups[$groupid])) {
             foreach ($groups[$groupid] as $actionid) {
                 unset($result[$actionid], $actionids[$actionid]);
         // check scripts
         $scripts = $scriptids = array();
         $dbScripts = DBselect('SELECT o.actionid,oc.scriptid' . ' FROM operations o,opcommand oc' . ' WHERE o.operationid=oc.operationid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('o.actionid', $actionids) . ' AND oc.type=' . ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_GLOBAL_SCRIPT);
         while ($script = DBfetch($dbScripts)) {
             if (!isset($scripts[$script['scriptid']])) {
                 $scripts[$script['scriptid']] = array();
             $scripts[$script['scriptid']][$script['actionid']] = $script['actionid'];
             $scriptids[$script['scriptid']] = $script['scriptid'];
         $allowedScripts = API::Script()->get(array('scriptids' => $scriptids, 'output' => array('scriptid'), 'preservekeys' => true));
         foreach ($scriptids as $scriptid) {
             if (isset($allowedScripts[$scriptid])) {
             foreach ($scripts[$scriptid] as $actionid) {
                 unset($result[$actionid], $actionids[$actionid]);
         // check users
         $users = $userids = array();
         $dbUsers = DBselect('SELECT o.actionid,omu.userid' . ' FROM operations o,opmessage_usr omu' . ' WHERE o.operationid=omu.operationid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('o.actionid', $actionids));
         while ($user = DBfetch($dbUsers)) {
             if (!isset($users[$user['userid']])) {
                 $users[$user['userid']] = array();
             $users[$user['userid']][$user['actionid']] = $user['actionid'];
             $userids[$user['userid']] = $user['userid'];
         $allowedUsers = API::User()->get(array('userids' => $userids, 'output' => array('userid'), 'preservekeys' => true));
         foreach ($userids as $userid) {
             if (isset($allowedUsers[$userid])) {
             foreach ($users[$userid] as $actionid) {
                 unset($result[$actionid], $actionids[$actionid]);
         // check usergroups
         $usrgrps = $usrgrpids = array();
         $dbUsergroups = DBselect('SELECT o.actionid,omg.usrgrpid' . ' FROM operations o,opmessage_grp omg' . ' WHERE o.operationid=omg.operationid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('o.actionid', $actionids));
         while ($usrgrp = DBfetch($dbUsergroups)) {
             if (!isset($usrgrps[$usrgrp['usrgrpid']])) {
                 $usrgrps[$usrgrp['usrgrpid']] = array();
             $usrgrps[$usrgrp['usrgrpid']][$usrgrp['actionid']] = $usrgrp['actionid'];
             $usrgrpids[$usrgrp['usrgrpid']] = $usrgrp['usrgrpid'];
         $allowedUsergrps = API::UserGroup()->get(array('usrgrpids' => $usrgrpids, 'output' => array('usrgrpid'), 'preservekeys' => true));
         foreach ($usrgrpids as $usrgrpid) {
             if (isset($allowedUsergrps[$usrgrpid])) {
             foreach ($usrgrps[$usrgrpid] as $actionid) {
                 unset($result[$actionid], $actionids[$actionid]);
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
  * Get host groups.
  * @param array $params
  * @return array
 public function get($params)
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     // allowed columns for sorting
     $sortColumns = array('groupid', 'name');
     // allowed output options for [ select_* ] params
     $subselectsAllowedOutputs = array(API_OUTPUT_REFER, API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('groups' => 'g.groupid'), 'from' => array('groups' => 'groups g'), 'where' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'graphids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'maintenanceids' => null, 'monitored_hosts' => null, 'templated_hosts' => null, 'real_hosts' => null, 'not_proxy_hosts' => null, 'with_hosts_and_templates' => null, 'with_items' => null, 'with_simple_graph_items' => null, 'with_monitored_items' => null, 'with_historical_items' => null, 'with_triggers' => null, 'with_monitored_triggers' => null, 'with_httptests' => null, 'with_monitored_httptests' => null, 'with_graphs' => null, 'with_applications' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectTemplates' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $params);
     if (is_array($options['output'])) {
         $dbTable = DB::getSchema('groups');
         $sqlParts['select']['groupid'] = 'g.groupid';
         foreach ($options['output'] as $field) {
             if (isset($dbTable['fields'][$field])) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$field] = 'g.' . $field;
         $options['output'] = API_OUTPUT_CUSTOM;
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ_ONLY;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM rights r' . ' WHERE g.groupid=r.id' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' GROUP BY r.id' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['groupid'] = dbConditionInt('g.groupid', $options['groupids']);
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['hostid'] = 'hg.hostid';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'hg.groupid=g.groupid';
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['triggerid'] = 'f.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('f.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'hg.groupid=g.groupid';
     // graphids
     if (!is_null($options['graphids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['graphid'] = 'gi.graphid';
         $sqlParts['from']['gi'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['i'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hg'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gi.graphid', $options['graphids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'hg.groupid=g.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
     // maintenanceids
     if (!is_null($options['maintenanceids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['maintenanceid'] = 'mg.maintenanceid';
         $sqlParts['from']['maintenances_groups'] = 'maintenances_groups mg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('mg.maintenanceid', $options['maintenanceids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hmh'] = 'g.groupid=mg.groupid';
     // monitored_hosts, real_hosts, templated_hosts, not_proxy_hosts, with_hosts_and_templates
     if (!is_null($options['monitored_hosts'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'g.groupid=hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts h' . ' WHERE hg.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['real_hosts'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'hg.groupid=g.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.hostid=hg.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status IN(' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['templated_hosts'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'hg.groupid=g.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.hostid=hg.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
     } elseif (!is_null($options['not_proxy_hosts'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'hg.groupid=g.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.hostid=hg.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status NOT IN (' . HOST_STATUS_PROXY_ACTIVE . ',' . HOST_STATUS_PROXY_PASSIVE . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_hosts_and_templates'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'hg.groupid=g.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.hostid=hg.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE . ')';
     // with_items, with_monitored_items, with_historical_items, with_simple_graph_items
     if (!is_null($options['with_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'g.groupid=hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i' . ' WHERE hg.hostid=i.hostid' . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_monitored_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'g.groupid=hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,hosts h' . ' WHERE hg.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_historical_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'g.groupid=hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i' . ' WHERE hg.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.status IN (' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ',' . ITEM_STATUS_NOTSUPPORTED . ')' . ' AND i.lastvalue IS NOT NULL' . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_simple_graph_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'g.groupid=hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i' . ' WHERE hg.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.value_type IN (' . ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT . ',' . ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64 . ')' . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND i.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     // with_triggers, with_monitored_triggers
     if (!is_null($options['with_triggers'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'g.groupid=hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,functions f' . ' WHERE hg.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid' . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_monitored_triggers'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'g.groupid=hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,hosts h,functions f,triggers t' . ' WHERE hg.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid' . ' AND f.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ' AND h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND t.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED . ')';
     // with_httptests, with_monitored_httptests
     if (!is_null($options['with_httptests'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'g.groupid=hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM applications a,httptest ht' . ' WHERE hg.hostid=a.hostid' . ' AND a.applicationid=ht.applicationid' . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_monitored_httptests'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'g.groupid=hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts h,applications a,httptest ht' . ' WHERE hg.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND hg.hostid=a.hostid' . ' AND a.applicationid=ht.applicationid' . ' AND h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' AND ht.status=' . HTTPTEST_STATUS_ACTIVE . ')';
     // with_graphs
     if (!is_null($options['with_graphs'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'g.groupid=hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,graphs_items gi' . ' WHERE hg.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=gi.itemid' . ')';
     if (!is_null($options['with_applications'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['from']['applications'] = 'applications a';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgg'] = 'g.groupid=hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'hg.hostid=a.hostid';
     // output
     if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
         $sqlParts['select']['groups'] = 'g.*';
     // countOutput
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         $options['sortfield'] = '';
         $sqlParts['select'] = array('COUNT(DISTINCT g.groupid) AS rowscount');
         // groupCount
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             foreach ($sqlParts['group'] as $key => $fields) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$key] = $fields;
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('groups g', $options, $sqlParts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('groups g', $options, $sqlParts);
     // sorting
     zbx_db_sorting($sqlParts, $options, $sortColumns, 'g');
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $groupids = array();
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryNodeOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($group = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $group;
             } else {
                 $result = $group['rowscount'];
         } else {
             if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
                 $result[$group['groupid']] = array('groupid' => $group['groupid']);
             } else {
                 $groupids[$group['groupid']] = $group['groupid'];
                 if (!isset($result[$group['groupid']])) {
                     $result[$group['groupid']] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectTemplates']) && !isset($result[$group['groupid']]['templates'])) {
                     $result[$group['groupid']]['templates'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectHosts']) && !isset($result[$group['groupid']]['hosts'])) {
                     $result[$group['groupid']]['hosts'] = array();
                 // hostids
                 if (isset($group['hostid']) && is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$group['groupid']]['hosts'])) {
                         $result[$group['groupid']]['hosts'] = array();
                     $result[$group['groupid']]['hosts'][] = array('hostid' => $group['hostid']);
                 // graphids
                 if (isset($group['graphid'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$group['groupid']]['graphs'])) {
                         $result[$group['groupid']]['graphs'] = array();
                     $result[$group['groupid']]['graphs'][] = array('graphid' => $group['graphid']);
                 // maintenanceids
                 if (isset($group['maintenanceid'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$group['groupid']]['maintenanceid'])) {
                         $result[$group['groupid']]['maintenances'] = array();
                     $result[$group['groupid']]['maintenances'][] = array('maintenanceid' => $group['maintenanceid']);
                 // triggerids
                 if (isset($group['triggerid'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$group['groupid']]['triggers'])) {
                         $result[$group['groupid']]['triggers'] = array();
                     $result[$group['groupid']]['triggers'][] = array('triggerid' => $group['triggerid']);
                 $result[$group['groupid']] += $group;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     // adding hosts
     if (!is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'groupids' => $groupids, 'preservekeys' => true);
         if (is_array($options['selectHosts']) || str_in_array($options['selectHosts'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectHosts'];
             $hosts = API::Host()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($hosts, 'host');
             $count = array();
             foreach ($hosts as $hostid => $host) {
                 $hgroups = $host['groups'];
                 foreach ($hgroups as $group) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$group['groupid']])) {
                             $count[$group['groupid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$group['groupid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$group['groupid']]['hosts'][] = $hosts[$hostid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectHosts']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $hosts = API::Host()->get($objParams);
             $hosts = zbx_toHash($hosts, 'groupid');
             foreach ($result as $groupid => $group) {
                 if (isset($hosts[$groupid])) {
                     $result[$groupid]['hosts'] = $hosts[$groupid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$groupid]['hosts'] = 0;
     // adding templates
     if (!is_null($options['selectTemplates'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'groupids' => $groupids, 'preservekeys' => true);
         if (is_array($options['selectTemplates']) || str_in_array($options['selectTemplates'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectTemplates'];
             $templates = API::Template()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($templates, 'host');
             $count = array();
             foreach ($templates as $templateid => $template) {
                 $hgroups = $template['groups'];
                 foreach ($hgroups as $group) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$group['groupid']])) {
                             $count[$group['groupid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$group['groupid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$group['groupid']]['templates'][] = $templates[$templateid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectTemplates']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $templates = API::Template()->get($objParams);
             $templates = zbx_toHash($templates, 'groupid');
             foreach ($result as $groupid => $group) {
                 if (isset($templates[$groupid])) {
                     $result[$groupid]['templates'] = $templates[$groupid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$groupid]['templates'] = 0;
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #16
  * Get Triggers data.
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $options['itemids']
  * @param array $options['hostids']
  * @param array $options['groupids']
  * @param array $options['triggerids']
  * @param array $options['applicationids']
  * @param array $options['status']
  * @param array $options['editable']
  * @param array $options['count']
  * @param array $options['pattern']
  * @param array $options['limit']
  * @param array $options['order']
  * @return array|int item data as array or false if error
 public function get(array $options = [])
     $result = [];
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = ['select' => ['triggers' => 't.triggerid'], 'from' => ['t' => 'triggers t'], 'where' => [], 'group' => [], 'order' => [], 'limit' => null];
     $defOptions = ['groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'applicationids' => null, 'functions' => null, 'inherited' => null, 'templated' => null, 'monitored' => null, 'active' => null, 'maintenance' => null, 'withUnacknowledgedEvents' => null, 'withAcknowledgedEvents' => null, 'withLastEventUnacknowledged' => null, 'skipDependent' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'editable' => null, 'lastChangeSince' => null, 'lastChangeTill' => null, 'group' => null, 'host' => null, 'only_true' => null, 'min_severity' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'expandDescription' => null, 'expandComment' => null, 'expandExpression' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'selectFunctions' => null, 'selectDependencies' => null, 'selectDiscoveryRule' => null, 'selectLastEvent' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null];
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' LEFT JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid ' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY i.hostid' . ' HAVING MAX(permission)<' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ' OR MIN(permission) IS NULL' . ' OR MIN(permission)=' . PERM_DENY . ')';
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['groupid'] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hg'] = 'hg.groupid';
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['i'] = 'i.hostid';
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['triggerid'] = dbConditionInt('t.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['where']['itemid'] = dbConditionInt('f.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['f'] = 'f.itemid';
     // applicationids
     if (!is_null($options['applicationids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items_applications'] = 'items_applications ia';
         $sqlParts['where']['a'] = dbConditionInt('ia.applicationid', $options['applicationids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fia'] = 'f.itemid=ia.itemid';
     // functions
     if (!is_null($options['functions'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionString('f.function', $options['functions']);
     // monitored
     if (!is_null($options['monitored'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['monitored'] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts h' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND (' . 'i.status<>' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' OR h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ')' . ')';
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 't.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED;
     // active
     if (!is_null($options['active'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['active'] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts h' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ')';
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 't.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED;
     // maintenance
     if (!is_null($options['maintenance'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = ($options['maintenance'] == 0 ? 'NOT ' : '') . 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts h' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND h.maintenance_status=' . HOST_MAINTENANCE_STATUS_ON . ')';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 't.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED;
     // lastChangeSince
     if (!is_null($options['lastChangeSince'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['lastchangesince'] = 't.lastchange>' . zbx_dbstr($options['lastChangeSince']);
     // lastChangeTill
     if (!is_null($options['lastChangeTill'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['lastchangetill'] = 't.lastchange<' . zbx_dbstr($options['lastChangeTill']);
     // withUnacknowledgedEvents
     if (!is_null($options['withUnacknowledgedEvents'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['unack'] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM events e' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=e.objectid' . ' AND e.source=' . EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS . ' AND e.object=' . EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER . ' AND e.value=' . TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE . ' AND e.acknowledged=' . EVENT_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGED . ')';
     // withAcknowledgedEvents
     if (!is_null($options['withAcknowledgedEvents'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['ack'] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM events e' . ' WHERE e.objectid=t.triggerid' . ' AND e.source=' . EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS . ' AND e.object=' . EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER . ' AND e.value=' . TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE . ' AND e.acknowledged=' . EVENT_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGED . ')';
     // templated
     if (!is_null($options['templated'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if ($options['templated']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
     // inherited
     if (!is_null($options['inherited'])) {
         if ($options['inherited']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 't.templateid IS NOT NULL';
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 't.templateid IS NULL';
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('triggers t', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_null($options['filter'])) {
         $options['filter'] = [];
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         if (!array_key_exists('flags', $options['filter'])) {
             $options['filter']['flags'] = [ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED];
         $this->dbFilter('triggers t', $options, $sqlParts);
         if (isset($options['filter']['host']) && !is_null($options['filter']['host'])) {
             $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
             $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
             $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
             $sqlParts['where']['host'] = dbConditionString('h.host', $options['filter']['host']);
         if (isset($options['filter']['hostid']) && !is_null($options['filter']['hostid'])) {
             $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
             $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['filter']['hostid']);
     // group
     if (!is_null($options['group'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['from']['groups'] = 'groups g';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['ghg'] = 'g.groupid = hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where']['group'] = ' g.name=' . zbx_dbstr($options['group']);
     // host
     if (!is_null($options['host'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['host'] = ' h.host=' . zbx_dbstr($options['host']);
     // only_true
     if (!is_null($options['only_true'])) {
         $config = select_config();
         $sqlParts['where']['ot'] = '((t.value=' . TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE . ')' . ' OR ' . '((t.value=' . TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE . ') AND (t.lastchange>' . (time() - $config['ok_period']) . ')))';
     // min_severity
     if (!is_null($options['min_severity'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 't.priority>=' . zbx_dbstr($options['min_severity']);
     // limit
     if (!zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) || !$options['limit']) {
         $options['limit'] = null;
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     // return count or grouped counts via direct SQL count
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput']) && !$this->requiresPostSqlFiltering($options)) {
         $dbRes = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $options['limit']);
         while ($trigger = DBfetch($dbRes)) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $trigger;
             } else {
                 $result = $trigger['rowscount'];
         return $result;
     $result = zbx_toHash($this->customFetch($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $options), 'triggerid');
     // return count for post SQL filtered result sets
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return count($result);
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
     // expandDescription
     if (!is_null($options['expandDescription']) && $result && array_key_exists('description', reset($result))) {
         $result = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerNames($result);
     // expandComment
     if (!is_null($options['expandComment']) && $result && array_key_exists('comments', reset($result))) {
         $result = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerDescriptions($result);
     // expand expression
     if ($options['expandExpression'] !== null && $result && array_key_exists('expression', reset($result))) {
         $result = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($result, ['resolve_usermacros' => true, 'resolve_macros' => true]);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, ['state', 'expression'], $options['output']);
     return $result;
  * Get Itemprototype data
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     // allowed columns for sorting
     $sortColumns = array('itemid', 'name', 'key_', 'delay', 'history', 'trends', 'type', 'status');
     // allowed output options for [ select_* ] params
     $subselectsAllowedOutputs = array(API_OUTPUT_REFER, API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, API_OUTPUT_CUSTOM);
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('items' => 'i.itemid'), 'from' => array('items' => 'items i'), 'where' => array('i.flags=' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CHILD), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'discoveryids' => null, 'graphids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'inherited' => null, 'templated' => null, 'monitored' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectApplications' => null, 'selectTriggers' => null, 'selectGraphs' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     if (is_array($options['output'])) {
         $dbTable = DB::getSchema('items');
         $sqlParts['select']['itemid'] = 'i.itemid';
         foreach ($options['output'] as $field) {
             if (isset($dbTable['fields'][$field])) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$field] = 'i.' . $field;
         $options['output'] = API_OUTPUT_CUSTOM;
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ_ONLY;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
             $sqlParts['select']['hostid'] = 'i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['i'] = 'i.hostid';
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['itemid'] = dbConditionInt('i.itemid', $options['itemids']);
     // discoveryids
     if (!is_null($options['discoveryids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['discoveryid'] = 'id.parent_itemid';
         $sqlParts['from']['item_discovery'] = 'item_discovery id';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('id.parent_itemid', $options['discoveryids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['idi'] = 'i.itemid=id.itemid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['id'] = 'id.parent_itemid';
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['triggerid'] = 'f.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('f.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['if'] = 'i.itemid=f.itemid';
     // graphids
     if (!is_null($options['graphids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['graphid'] = 'gi.graphid';
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gi.graphid', $options['graphids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
     // inherited
     if (!is_null($options['inherited'])) {
         if ($options['inherited']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'i.templateid IS NOT NULL';
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'i.templateid IS NULL';
     // templated
     if (!is_null($options['templated'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if ($options['templated']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
     // monitored
     if (!is_null($options['monitored'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if ($options['monitored']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED;
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = '(h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' OR i.status<>' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ')';
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('items i', $options, $sqlParts);
     // --- FILTER ---
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('items i', $options, $sqlParts);
         if (isset($options['filter']['host'])) {
             $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
             $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
             $sqlParts['where']['h'] = dbConditionString('h.host', $options['filter']['host']);
     // output
     if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
         $sqlParts['select']['items'] = 'i.*';
     // countOutput
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         $options['sortfield'] = '';
         $sqlParts['select'] = array('count(DISTINCT i.itemid) as rowscount');
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             foreach ($sqlParts['group'] as $key => $fields) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$key] = $fields;
     // sorting
     zbx_db_sorting($sqlParts, $options, $sortColumns, 'i');
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $itemids = array();
     $sqlParts['select'] = array_unique($sqlParts['select']);
     $sqlParts['from'] = array_unique($sqlParts['from']);
     $sqlParts['where'] = array_unique($sqlParts['where']);
     $sqlParts['group'] = array_unique($sqlParts['group']);
     $sqlParts['order'] = array_unique($sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlSelect = '';
     $sqlFrom = '';
     $sqlWhere = '';
     $sqlGroup = '';
     $sqlOrder = '';
     if (!empty($sqlParts['select'])) {
         $sqlSelect .= implode(',', $sqlParts['select']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['from'])) {
         $sqlFrom .= implode(',', $sqlParts['from']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['where'])) {
         $sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $sqlParts['where']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['group'])) {
         $sqlWhere .= ' GROUP BY ' . implode(',', $sqlParts['group']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['order'])) {
         $sqlOrder .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlLimit = $sqlParts['limit'];
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . zbx_db_distinct($sqlParts) . ' ' . $sqlSelect . ' FROM ' . $sqlFrom . ' WHERE ' . DBin_node('i.itemid', $nodeids) . $sqlWhere . $sqlGroup . $sqlOrder;
     $res = DBselect($sql, $sqlLimit);
     while ($item = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $item;
             } else {
                 $result = $item['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $itemids[$item['itemid']] = $item['itemid'];
             if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
                 $result[$item['itemid']] = array('itemid' => $item['itemid']);
             } else {
                 if (!isset($result[$item['itemid']])) {
                     $result[$item['itemid']] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectHosts']) && !isset($result[$item['itemid']]['hosts'])) {
                     $result[$item['itemid']]['hosts'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectApplications']) && !isset($result[$item['itemid']]['applications'])) {
                     $result[$item['itemid']]['applications'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectTriggers']) && !isset($result[$item['itemid']]['triggers'])) {
                     $result[$item['itemid']]['triggers'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectGraphs']) && !isset($result[$item['itemid']]['graphs'])) {
                     $result[$item['itemid']]['graphs'] = array();
                 // hostids
                 if (isset($item['hostid']) && is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$item['itemid']]['hosts'])) {
                         $result[$item['itemid']]['hosts'] = array();
                     $result[$item['itemid']]['hosts'][] = array('hostid' => $item['hostid']);
                 // triggerids
                 if (isset($item['triggerid']) && is_null($options['selectTriggers'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$item['itemid']]['triggers'])) {
                         $result[$item['itemid']]['triggers'] = array();
                     $result[$item['itemid']]['triggers'][] = array('triggerid' => $item['triggerid']);
                 // graphids
                 if (isset($item['graphid']) && is_null($options['selectGraphs'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$item['itemid']]['graphs'])) {
                         $result[$item['itemid']]['graphs'] = array();
                     $result[$item['itemid']]['graphs'][] = array('graphid' => $item['graphid']);
                 // discoveryids
                 if (isset($item['discoveryids'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$item['itemid']]['discovery'])) {
                         $result[$item['itemid']]['discovery'] = array();
                     $result[$item['itemid']]['discovery'][] = array('ruleid' => $item['item_parentid']);
                 $result[$item['itemid']] += $item;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     // Adding Objects
     // Adding hosts
     if (!is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
         if (is_array($options['selectHosts']) || str_in_array($options['selectHosts'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'itemids' => $itemids, 'templated_hosts' => 1, 'output' => $options['selectHosts'], 'nopermissions' => 1, 'preservekeys' => 1);
             $hosts = API::Host()->get($objParams);
             foreach ($hosts as $host) {
                 $hitems = $host['items'];
                 foreach ($hitems as $inum => $item) {
                     $result[$item['itemid']]['hosts'][] = $host;
             $templates = API::Template()->get($objParams);
             foreach ($templates as $template) {
                 $titems = $template['items'];
                 foreach ($titems as $inum => $item) {
                     $result[$item['itemid']]['hosts'][] = $template;
     // Adding triggers
     if (!is_null($options['selectTriggers'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'itemids' => $itemids, 'preservekeys' => true);
         if (in_array($options['selectTriggers'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectTriggers'];
             $triggers = API::TriggerPrototype()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($triggers, 'description');
             $count = array();
             foreach ($triggers as $triggerid => $trigger) {
                 foreach ($trigger['items'] as $item) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$item['itemid']])) {
                             $count[$item['itemid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$item['itemid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$item['itemid']]['triggers'][] =& $triggers[$triggerid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectTriggers']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $triggers = API::TriggerPrototype()->get($objParams);
             $triggers = zbx_toHash($triggers, 'parent_itemid');
             foreach ($result as $itemid => $item) {
                 if (isset($triggers[$itemid])) {
                     $result[$itemid]['triggers'] = $triggers[$itemid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$itemid]['triggers'] = 0;
     // Adding applications
     if (!is_null($options['selectApplications']) && str_in_array($options['selectApplications'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'output' => $options['selectApplications'], 'itemids' => $itemids, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         $applications = API::Application()->get($objParams);
         foreach ($applications as $applicationid => $application) {
             $aitems = $application['items'];
             foreach ($aitems as $inum => $item) {
                 $result[$item['itemid']]['applications'][] = $application;
     // Adding graphs
     if (!is_null($options['selectGraphs'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'itemids' => $itemids, 'preservekeys' => true);
         if (in_array($options['selectGraphs'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectGraphs'];
             $graphs = API::GraphPrototype()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($graphs, 'name');
             $count = array();
             foreach ($graphs as $graphid => $graph) {
                 foreach ($graph['items'] as $item) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$item['itemid']])) {
                             $count[$item['itemid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$item['itemid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$item['itemid']]['graphs'][] =& $graphs[$graphid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectGraphs']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $graphs = API::GraphPrototype()->get($objParams);
             $graphs = zbx_toHash($graphs, 'parent_itemid');
             foreach ($result as $itemid => $item) {
                 if (isset($graphs[$itemid])) {
                     $result[$itemid]['graphs'] = $graphs[$itemid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$itemid]['graphs'] = 0;
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #18
  * Get interface data.
  * @param array   $options
  * @param array   $options['nodeids']		Node IDs
  * @param array   $options['hostids']		Interface IDs
  * @param boolean $options['editable']		only with read-write permission. Ignored for SuperAdmins
  * @param boolean $options['selectHosts']	select Interface hosts
  * @param boolean $options['selectItems']	select Items
  * @param int     $options['count']			count Interfaces, returned column name is rowscount
  * @param string  $options['pattern']		search hosts by pattern in Interface name
  * @param int     $options['limit']			limit selection
  * @param string  $options['sortfield']		field to sort by
  * @param string  $options['sortorder']		sort order
  * @return array|boolean Interface data as array or false if error
 public function get(array $options = array())
     $result = array();
     $nodeCheck = false;
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userId = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('interface' => 'hi.interfaceid'), 'from' => array('interface' => 'interface hi'), 'where' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'interfaceids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userId);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE hi.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = is_null($options['nodeids']) ? get_current_nodeid() : $options['nodeids'];
     // interfaceids
     if (!is_null($options['interfaceids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['interfaceid'] = dbConditionInt('hi.interfaceid', $options['interfaceids']);
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'hi.interfaceid', $nodeids);
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['hostid'] = 'hi.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('hi.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'hi.hostid', $nodeids);
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['itemid'] = 'i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('i.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'hi.interfaceid=i.interfaceid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'i.itemid', $nodeids);
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['triggerid'] = 'f.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('f.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'hi.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'f.triggerid', $nodeids);
     // node check, should last, after all ****IDS checks
     if (!$nodeCheck) {
         $sqlParts['where'] = sqlPartDbNode($sqlParts['where'], 'hi.interfaceid', $nodeids);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('interface hi', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('interface hi', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryNodeOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($interface = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $interface;
             } else {
                 $result = $interface['rowscount'];
         } else {
             if (!isset($result[$interface['interfaceid']])) {
                 $result[$interface['interfaceid']] = array();
             // itemids
             if (isset($interface['itemid']) && is_null($options['selectItems'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$interface['interfaceid']]['items'])) {
                     $result[$interface['interfaceid']]['items'] = array();
                 $result[$interface['interfaceid']]['items'][] = array('itemid' => $interface['itemid']);
             $result[$interface['interfaceid']] += $interface;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('hostid'), $options['output']);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #19
  * Get events data.
  * @param _array $options
  * @param array $options['itemids']
  * @param array $options['hostids']
  * @param array $options['groupids']
  * @param array $options['eventids']
  * @param array $options['applicationids']
  * @param array $options['status']
  * @param array $options['editable']
  * @param array $options['count']
  * @param array $options['pattern']
  * @param array $options['limit']
  * @param array $options['order']
  * @return array|int item data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array($this->fieldId('eventid')), 'from' => array('events' => 'events e'), 'where' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'objectids' => null, 'eventids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'object' => EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER, 'source' => EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS, 'acknowledged' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'value' => null, 'time_from' => null, 'time_till' => null, 'eventid_from' => null, 'eventid_till' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectRelatedObject' => null, 'select_alerts' => null, 'select_acknowledges' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         // triggers
         if ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER) {
             // specific triggers
             if ($options['objectids'] !== null) {
                 $triggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('output' => array('triggerid'), 'triggerids' => $options['objectids'], 'editable' => $options['editable']));
                 $options['objectids'] = zbx_objectValues($triggers, 'triggerid');
             } else {
                 $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
                 $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', getUserGroupsByUserId($userid)) . ' WHERE e.objectid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY f.triggerid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ')';
         } elseif ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_ITEM || $options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_LLDRULE) {
             // specific items or LLD rules
             if ($options['objectids'] !== null) {
                 if ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_ITEM) {
                     $items = API::Item()->get(array('output' => array('itemid'), 'itemids' => $options['objectids'], 'editable' => $options['editable']));
                     $options['objectids'] = zbx_objectValues($items, 'itemid');
                 } elseif ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_LLDRULE) {
                     $items = API::DiscoveryRule()->get(array('output' => array('itemid'), 'itemids' => $options['objectids'], 'editable' => $options['editable']));
                     $options['objectids'] = zbx_objectValues($items, 'itemid');
             } else {
                 $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
                 $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', getUserGroupsByUserId($userid)) . ' WHERE e.objectid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ')';
     // eventids
     if (!is_null($options['eventids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('e.eventid', $options['eventids']);
     // objectids
     if ($options['objectids'] !== null && in_array($options['object'], array(EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER, EVENT_OBJECT_ITEM, EVENT_OBJECT_LLDRULE))) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('e.objectid', $options['objectids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['objectid'] = 'e.objectid';
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         // triggers
         if ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER) {
             $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
             $sqlParts['where']['hg'] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
             $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fe'] = 'f.triggerid=e.objectid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         } elseif ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_LLDRULE || $options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_ITEM) {
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
             $sqlParts['where']['hg'] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
             $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'e.objectid=i.itemid';
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         // triggers
         if ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER) {
             $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['where']['i'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
             $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=e.objectid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         } elseif ($options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_LLDRULE || $options['object'] == EVENT_OBJECT_ITEM) {
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['where']['i'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'e.objectid=i.itemid';
     // object
     if (!is_null($options['object'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['o'] = 'e.object=' . zbx_dbstr($options['object']);
     // source
     if (!is_null($options['source'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'e.source=' . zbx_dbstr($options['source']);
     // acknowledged
     if (!is_null($options['acknowledged'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'e.acknowledged=' . ($options['acknowledged'] ? 1 : 0);
     // time_from
     if (!is_null($options['time_from'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'e.clock>=' . zbx_dbstr($options['time_from']);
     // time_till
     if (!is_null($options['time_till'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'e.clock<=' . zbx_dbstr($options['time_till']);
     // eventid_from
     if (!is_null($options['eventid_from'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'e.eventid>=' . zbx_dbstr($options['eventid_from']);
     // eventid_till
     if (!is_null($options['eventid_till'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'e.eventid<=' . zbx_dbstr($options['eventid_till']);
     // value
     if (!is_null($options['value'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('e.value', $options['value']);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('events e', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('events e', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($event = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $event;
             } else {
                 $result = $event['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $result[$event['eventid']] = $event;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('object', 'objectid'), $options['output']);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #20
  * Get Template data
  * @param array $options
  * @return array|boolean Template data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $nodeCheck = false;
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     // allowed columns for sorting
     $sortColumns = array('hostid', 'host', 'name');
     // allowed output options for [ select_* ] params
     $subselectsAllowedOutputs = array(API_OUTPUT_REFER, API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('templates' => 'h.hostid'), 'from' => array('hosts' => 'hosts h'), 'where' => array('h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'parentTemplateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'graphids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'with_items' => null, 'with_triggers' => null, 'with_graphs' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => '', 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectTemplates' => null, 'selectParentTemplates' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'selectDiscoveries' => null, 'selectTriggers' => null, 'selectGraphs' => null, 'selectApplications' => null, 'selectMacros' => null, 'selectScreens' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     if (is_array($options['output'])) {
         $dbTable = DB::getSchema('hosts');
         $sqlParts['select']['hostid'] = 'h.hostid';
         foreach ($options['output'] as $field) {
             if ($field == 'templateid') {
             if (isset($dbTable['fields'][$field])) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$field] = 'h.' . $field;
         $options['output'] = API_OUTPUT_CUSTOM;
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ_ONLY;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE h.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['groupid'] = 'hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hgh'] = 'hg.hostid=h.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hg'] = 'hg.groupid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'][] = DBin_node('hg.groupid', $nodeids);
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['templateid'] = dbConditionInt('h.hostid', $options['templateids']);
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'][] = DBin_node('h.hostid', $nodeids);
     // parentTemplateids
     if (!is_null($options['parentTemplateids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['parentTemplateid'] = 'ht.templateid as parentTemplateid';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_templates'] = 'hosts_templates ht';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.templateid', $options['parentTemplateids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hht'] = 'h.hostid=ht.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['templateid'] = 'ht.templateid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'][] = DBin_node('ht.templateid', $nodeids);
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['linked_hostid'] = 'ht.hostid as linked_hostid';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_templates'] = 'hosts_templates ht';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hht'] = 'h.hostid=ht.templateid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['ht'] = 'ht.hostid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'][] = DBin_node('ht.hostid', $nodeids);
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['itemid'] = 'i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('i.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'][] = DBin_node('i.itemid', $nodeids);
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['triggerid'] = 'f.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('f.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'][] = DBin_node('f.triggerid', $nodeids);
     // graphids
     if (!is_null($options['graphids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['graphid'] = 'gi.graphid';
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gi.graphid', $options['graphids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if (!$nodeCheck) {
             $nodeCheck = true;
             $sqlParts['where'][] = DBin_node('gi.graphid', $nodeids);
     // node check !!!!
     // should last, after all ****IDS checks
     if (!$nodeCheck) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = DBin_node('h.hostid', $nodeids);
     // with_items
     if (!is_null($options['with_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM items i WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid )';
     // with_triggers
     if (!is_null($options['with_triggers'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS(' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,functions f,triggers t' . ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid' . ' AND f.triggerid=t.triggerid)';
     // with_graphs
     if (!is_null($options['with_graphs'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS(' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,graphs_items gi' . ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=gi.itemid)';
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('hosts h', $options, $sqlParts);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('hosts h', $options, $sqlParts);
     // output
     if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
         $sqlParts['select']['templates'] = 'h.*';
     // countOutput
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         $options['sortfield'] = '';
         $sqlParts['select'] = array('count(DISTINCT h.hostid) as rowscount');
         // groupCount
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             foreach ($sqlParts['group'] as $key => $fields) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$key] = $fields;
     // sorting
     zbx_db_sorting($sqlParts, $options, $sortColumns, 'h');
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $templateids = array();
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($template = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $template;
             } else {
                 $result = $template['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $template['templateid'] = $template['hostid'];
             $templateids[$template['templateid']] = $template['templateid'];
             if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
                 $result[$template['templateid']] = array('templateid' => $template['templateid']);
             } else {
                 if (!isset($result[$template['templateid']])) {
                     $result[$template['templateid']] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectGroups']) && !isset($result[$template['templateid']]['groups'])) {
                     $template['groups'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectTemplates']) && !isset($result[$template['templateid']]['templates'])) {
                     $template['templates'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectHosts']) && !isset($result[$template['templateid']]['hosts'])) {
                     $template['hosts'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectParentTemplates']) && !isset($result[$template['templateid']]['parentTemplates'])) {
                     $template['parentTemplates'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectItems']) && !isset($result[$template['templateid']]['items'])) {
                     $template['items'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectDiscoveries']) && !isset($result[$template['hostid']]['discoveries'])) {
                     $result[$template['hostid']]['discoveries'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectTriggers']) && !isset($result[$template['templateid']]['triggers'])) {
                     $template['triggers'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectGraphs']) && !isset($result[$template['templateid']]['graphs'])) {
                     $template['graphs'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectApplications']) && !isset($result[$template['templateid']]['applications'])) {
                     $template['applications'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectMacros']) && !isset($result[$template['templateid']]['macros'])) {
                     $template['macros'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectScreens']) && !isset($result[$template['templateid']]['screens'])) {
                     $template['screens'] = array();
                 // groupids
                 if (isset($template['groupid']) && is_null($options['selectGroups'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$template['templateid']]['groups'])) {
                         $result[$template['templateid']]['groups'] = array();
                     $result[$template['templateid']]['groups'][] = array('groupid' => $template['groupid']);
                 // hostids
                 if (isset($template['linked_hostid']) && is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$template['templateid']]['hosts'])) {
                         $result[$template['templateid']]['hosts'] = array();
                     $result[$template['templateid']]['hosts'][] = array('hostid' => $template['linked_hostid']);
                 // parentTemplateids
                 if (isset($template['parentTemplateid']) && is_null($options['selectParentTemplates'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$template['templateid']]['parentTemplates'])) {
                         $result[$template['templateid']]['parentTemplates'] = array();
                     $result[$template['templateid']]['parentTemplates'][] = array('templateid' => $template['parentTemplateid']);
                 // itemids
                 if (isset($template['itemid']) && is_null($options['selectItems'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$template['templateid']]['items'])) {
                         $result[$template['templateid']]['items'] = array();
                     $result[$template['templateid']]['items'][] = array('itemid' => $template['itemid']);
                 // triggerids
                 if (isset($template['triggerid']) && is_null($options['selectTriggers'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$template['hostid']]['triggers'])) {
                         $result[$template['hostid']]['triggers'] = array();
                     $result[$template['hostid']]['triggers'][] = array('triggerid' => $template['triggerid']);
                 // graphids
                 if (isset($template['graphid']) && is_null($options['selectGraphs'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$template['templateid']]['graphs'])) {
                         $result[$template['templateid']]['graphs'] = array();
                     $result[$template['templateid']]['graphs'][] = array('graphid' => $template['graphid']);
                 $result[$template['templateid']] += $template;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     // Adding Objects
     // Adding Groups
     if (!is_null($options['selectGroups']) && str_in_array($options['selectGroups'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'output' => $options['selectGroups'], 'hostids' => $templateids, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         $groups = API::HostGroup()->get($objParams);
         foreach ($groups as $groupid => $group) {
             $ghosts = $group['hosts'];
             foreach ($ghosts as $hnum => $template) {
                 $result[$template['hostid']]['groups'][] = $group;
     // Adding Templates
     if (!is_null($options['selectTemplates'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'parentTemplateids' => $templateids, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         if (is_array($options['selectTemplates']) || str_in_array($options['selectTemplates'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectTemplates'];
             $templates = API::Template()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($templates, 'host');
             foreach ($templates as $templateid => $template) {
                 if (isset($template['parentTemplates']) && is_array($template['parentTemplates'])) {
                     $count = array();
                     foreach ($template['parentTemplates'] as $parentTemplate) {
                         if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                             if (!isset($count[$parentTemplate['templateid']])) {
                                 $count[$parentTemplate['templateid']] = 0;
                             if ($count[$parentTemplate['templateid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                         $result[$parentTemplate['templateid']]['templates'][] =& $templates[$templateid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectTemplates']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $templates = API::Template()->get($objParams);
             $templates = zbx_toHash($templates, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $templateid => $template) {
                 if (isset($templates[$groupid])) {
                     $result[$templateid]['templates'] = $templates[$templateid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$templateid]['templates'] = 0;
     // Adding Hosts
     if (!is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'templateids' => $templateids, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         if (is_array($options['selectHosts']) || str_in_array($options['selectHosts'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectHosts'];
             $hosts = API::Host()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($hosts, 'host');
             foreach ($hosts as $hostid => $host) {
                 foreach ($host['templates'] as $tnum => $template) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$template['templateid']])) {
                             $count[$template['templateid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$template['templateid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$template['templateid']]['hosts'][] =& $hosts[$hostid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectHosts']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $hosts = API::Host()->get($objParams);
             $hosts = zbx_toHash($hosts, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $templateid => $template) {
                 if (isset($hosts[$templateid])) {
                     $result[$templateid]['hosts'] = $hosts[$templateid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$templateid]['hosts'] = 0;
     // Adding parentTemplates
     if (!is_null($options['selectParentTemplates'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'hostids' => $templateids, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         if (is_array($options['selectParentTemplates']) || str_in_array($options['selectParentTemplates'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectParentTemplates'];
             $templates = API::Template()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($templates, 'host');
             foreach ($templates as $templateid => $template) {
                 foreach ($template['hosts'] as $hnum => $host) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$host['hostid']])) {
                             $count[$host['hostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$host['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['parentTemplates'][] =& $templates[$templateid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectTemplates']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $templates = API::Template()->get($objParams);
             $templates = zbx_toHash($templates, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $templateid => $template) {
                 if (isset($templates[$groupid])) {
                     $result[$templateid]['parentTemplates'] = $templates[$templateid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$templateid]['parentTemplates'] = 0;
     // Adding Items
     if (!is_null($options['selectItems'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'hostids' => $templateids, 'nopermissions' => 1, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         if (is_array($options['selectItems']) || str_in_array($options['selectItems'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectItems'];
             $items = API::Item()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($items, 'name');
             $count = array();
             foreach ($items as $itemid => $item) {
                 if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                     if (!isset($count[$item['hostid']])) {
                         $count[$item['hostid']] = 0;
                     if ($count[$item['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                 $result[$item['hostid']]['items'][] =& $items[$itemid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectItems']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $items = API::Item()->get($objParams);
             $items = zbx_toHash($items, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $templateid => $template) {
                 if (isset($items[$templateid])) {
                     $result[$templateid]['items'] = $items[$templateid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$templateid]['items'] = 0;
     // Adding Discoveries
     if (!is_null($options['selectDiscoveries'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'hostids' => $templateids, 'nopermissions' => 1, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         if (is_array($options['selectDiscoveries']) || str_in_array($options['selectDiscoveries'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectDiscoveries'];
             $items = API::DiscoveryRule()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($items, 'name');
             foreach ($items as $itemid => $item) {
                 foreach ($item['hosts'] as $hnum => $host) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$host['hostid']])) {
                             $count[$host['hostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$host['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['discoveries'][] =& $items[$itemid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectDiscoveries']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $items = API::DiscoveryRule()->get($objParams);
             $items = zbx_toHash($items, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $hostid => $host) {
                 if (isset($items[$hostid])) {
                     $result[$hostid]['discoveries'] = $items[$hostid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$hostid]['discoveries'] = 0;
     // Adding triggers
     if (!is_null($options['selectTriggers'])) {
         if (is_array($options['selectTriggers']) || str_in_array($options['selectTriggers'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $triggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'hostids' => $templateids, 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => $options['selectTriggers']));
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($triggers, 'description');
             foreach ($triggers as $triggerid => $trigger) {
                 foreach ($trigger['hosts'] as $hnum => $host) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$host['hostid']])) {
                             $count[$host['hostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$host['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['triggers'][] =& $triggers[$triggerid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectTriggers']) {
             $triggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'hostids' => $templateids, 'countOutput' => true, 'groupCount' => true));
             $triggers = zbx_toHash($triggers, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $templateid => $template) {
                 if (isset($triggers[$templateid])) {
                     $result[$templateid]['triggers'] = $triggers[$templateid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$templateid]['triggers'] = 0;
     // Adding graphs
     if (!is_null($options['selectGraphs'])) {
         if (is_array($options['selectGraphs']) || str_in_array($options['selectGraphs'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $graphs = API::Graph()->get(array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'hostids' => $templateids, 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => $options['selectGraphs']));
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($graphs, 'name');
             foreach ($graphs as $graphid => $graph) {
                 foreach ($graph['hosts'] as $hnum => $host) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$host['hostid']])) {
                             $count[$host['hostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$host['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['graphs'][] =& $graphs[$graphid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectGraphs']) {
             $graphs = API::Graph()->get(array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'hostids' => $templateids, 'countOutput' => true, 'groupCount' => true));
             $graphs = zbx_toHash($graphs, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $templateid => $template) {
                 if (isset($graphs[$templateid])) {
                     $result[$templateid]['graphs'] = $graphs[$templateid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$templateid]['graphs'] = 0;
     // Adding applications
     if (!is_null($options['selectApplications'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'hostids' => $templateids, 'nopermissions' => 1, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         if (is_array($options['selectApplications']) || str_in_array($options['selectApplications'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectApplications'];
             $applications = API::Application()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($applications, 'name');
             foreach ($applications as $applicationid => $application) {
                 foreach ($application['hosts'] as $hnum => $host) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$host['hostid']])) {
                             $count[$host['hostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$host['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['applications'][] =& $applications[$applicationid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectApplications']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $applications = API::Application()->get($objParams);
             $applications = zbx_toHash($applications, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $templateid => $template) {
                 if (isset($applications[$templateid])) {
                     $result[$templateid]['applications'] = $applications[$templateid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$templateid]['applications'] = 0;
     // Adding screens
     if (!is_null($options['selectScreens'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'templateids' => $templateids, 'editable' => $options['editable'], 'nopermissions' => 1, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         if (is_array($options['selectScreens']) || str_in_array($options['selectScreens'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectScreens'];
             $screens = API::TemplateScreen()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($screens, 'name');
             foreach ($screens as $screenid => $screen) {
                 if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                     if (count($result[$screen['hostid']]['screens']) >= $options['limitSelects']) {
                 $result[$screen['hostid']]['screens'][] =& $screens[$screenid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectScreens']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $screens = API::TemplateScreen()->get($objParams);
             $screens = zbx_toHash($screens, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $templateid => $template) {
                 if (isset($screens[$templateid])) {
                     $result[$templateid]['screens'] = $screens[$templateid]['rowscount'];
                 } else {
                     $result[$templateid]['screens'] = 0;
     // Adding macros
     if (!is_null($options['selectMacros']) && str_in_array($options['selectMacros'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $nodeids, 'output' => $options['selectMacros'], 'hostids' => $templateids, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         $macros = API::UserMacro()->get($objParams);
         foreach ($macros as $macroid => $macro) {
             foreach ($macro['hosts'] as $hnum => $host) {
                 $result[$host['hostid']]['macros'][] = $macros[$macroid];
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #21
  * Get data about web scenarios.
  * @param array $options
  * @return array
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('httptests' => 'ht.httptestid'), 'from' => array('httptest' => 'httptest ht'), 'where' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('httptestids' => null, 'applicationids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'inherited' => null, 'templated' => null, 'monitored' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'expandName' => null, 'expandStepName' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectSteps' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE ht.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ')';
     // httptestids
     if (!is_null($options['httptestids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['httptestid'] = dbConditionInt('ht.httptestid', $options['httptestids']);
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('ht.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hostid'] = 'ht.hostid';
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'hg.hostid=ht.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hg'] = 'hg.groupid';
     // applicationids
     if (!is_null($options['applicationids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.applicationid', $options['applicationids']);
     // inherited
     if (isset($options['inherited'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = $options['inherited'] ? 'ht.templateid IS NOT NULL' : 'ht.templateid IS NULL';
     // templated
     if (isset($options['templated'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['ha'] = 'h.hostid=ht.hostid';
         if ($options['templated']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
     // monitored
     if (!is_null($options['monitored'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['hht'] = 'h.hostid=ht.hostid';
         if ($options['monitored']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED;
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'ht.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = '(h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' OR ht.status<>' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ')';
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('httptest ht', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('httptest ht', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($httpTest = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $httpTest;
             } else {
                 $result = $httpTest['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $result[$httpTest['httptestid']] = $httpTest;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
         // expandName
         $nameRequested = is_array($options['output']) && in_array('name', $options['output']) || $options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_EXTEND;
         $expandName = $options['expandName'] !== null && $nameRequested;
         // expandStepName
         $stepNameRequested = $options['selectSteps'] == API_OUTPUT_EXTEND || is_array($options['selectSteps']) && in_array('name', $options['selectSteps']);
         $expandStepName = $options['expandStepName'] !== null && $stepNameRequested;
         if ($expandName || $expandStepName) {
             $result = resolveHttpTestMacros($result, $expandName, $expandStepName);
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('hostid'), $options['output']);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #22
  * Get applications data.
  * @param array  $options
  * @param array  $options['itemids']
  * @param array  $options['hostids']
  * @param array  $options['groupids']
  * @param array  $options['triggerids']
  * @param array  $options['applicationids']
  * @param bool   $options['status']
  * @param bool   $options['editable']
  * @param bool   $options['count']
  * @param string $options['pattern']
  * @param int    $options['limit']
  * @param string $options['order']
  * @return array	item data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('apps' => 'a.applicationid'), 'from' => array('applications' => 'applications a'), 'where' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'applicationids' => null, 'templated' => null, 'editable' => null, 'inherited' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'expandData' => null, 'selectHost' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     $this->checkDeprecatedParam($options, 'expandData');
     $this->checkDeprecatedParam($options, 'selectHosts');
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE a.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ')';
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['ahg'] = 'a.hostid=hg.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hg'] = 'hg.groupid';
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('a.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hostid'] = 'a.hostid';
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['items_applications'] = 'items_applications ia';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ia.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['aia'] = 'a.applicationid=ia.applicationid';
     // applicationids
     if (!is_null($options['applicationids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('a.applicationid', $options['applicationids']);
     // templated
     if (!is_null($options['templated'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['ah'] = 'a.hostid=h.hostid';
         if ($options['templated']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
     // inherited
     if (!is_null($options['inherited'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = ($options['inherited'] ? '' : 'NOT') . ' EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM application_template at' . ' WHERE a.applicationid=at.applicationid' . ')';
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('applications a', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('applications a', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     // output
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($application = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $application;
             } else {
                 $result = $application['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $result[$application['applicationid']] = $application;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('hostid'), $options['output']);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
  * Get Applications data
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $options['itemids']
  * @param array $options['hostids']
  * @param array $options['groupids']
  * @param array $options['triggerids']
  * @param array $options['applicationids']
  * @param boolean $options['status']
  * @param boolean $options['editable']
  * @param boolean $options['count']
  * @param string $options['pattern']
  * @param int $options['limit']
  * @param string $options['order']
  * @return array|int item data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sortColumns = array('applicationid', 'name');
     $subselectsAllowedOutputs = array(API_OUTPUT_REFER, API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('apps' => 'a.applicationid'), 'from' => array('applications' => 'applications a'), 'where' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'applicationids' => null, 'templated' => null, 'editable' => null, 'inherited' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'exludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'expandData' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ_ONLY;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE a.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['groupid'] = 'hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['ahg'] = 'a.hostid=hg.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hg'] = 'hg.groupid';
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
             $sqlParts['select']['hostid'] = 'a.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('a.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hostid'] = 'a.hostid';
     // expandData
     if (!is_null($options['expandData'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['host'] = 'h.host';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['ah'] = 'a.hostid=h.hostid';
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['itemid'] = 'ia.itemid';
         $sqlParts['from']['items_applications'] = 'items_applications ia';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ia.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['aia'] = 'a.applicationid=ia.applicationid';
     // applicationids
     if (!is_null($options['applicationids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['applicationid'] = 'a.applicationid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('a.applicationid', $options['applicationids']);
     // templated
     if (!is_null($options['templated'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['ah'] = 'a.hostid=h.hostid';
         if ($options['templated']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
     // inherited
     if (!is_null($options['inherited'])) {
         if ($options['inherited']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'a.templateid IS NOT NULL';
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'a.templateid IS NULL';
     // output
     if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
         $sqlParts['select']['apps'] = 'a.*';
     // countOutput
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         $options['sortfield'] = '';
         $sqlParts['select'] = array('count(DISTINCT a.applicationid) as rowscount');
         // groupCount
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             foreach ($sqlParts['group'] as $key => $fields) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$key] = $fields;
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('applications a', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('applications a', $options, $sqlParts);
     // sorting
     zbx_db_sorting($sqlParts, $options, $sortColumns, 'a');
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $applicationids = array();
     $sqlParts['select'] = array_unique($sqlParts['select']);
     $sqlParts['from'] = array_unique($sqlParts['from']);
     $sqlParts['where'] = array_unique($sqlParts['where']);
     $sqlParts['group'] = array_unique($sqlParts['group']);
     $sqlParts['order'] = array_unique($sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlSelect = '';
     $sqlFrom = '';
     $sqlWhere = '';
     $sqlGroup = '';
     $sqlOrder = '';
     if (!empty($sqlParts['select'])) {
         $sqlSelect .= implode(',', $sqlParts['select']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['from'])) {
         $sqlFrom .= implode(',', $sqlParts['from']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['where'])) {
         $sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $sqlParts['where']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['group'])) {
         $sqlWhere .= ' GROUP BY ' . implode(',', $sqlParts['group']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['order'])) {
         $sqlOrder .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlLimit = $sqlParts['limit'];
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . zbx_db_distinct($sqlParts) . ' ' . $sqlSelect . ' FROM ' . $sqlFrom . ' WHERE ' . DBin_node('a.applicationid', $nodeids) . $sqlWhere . $sqlGroup . $sqlOrder;
     $res = DBselect($sql, $sqlLimit);
     while ($application = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $application;
             } else {
                 $result = $application['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $applicationids[$application['applicationid']] = $application['applicationid'];
             if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
                 $result[$application['applicationid']] = array('applicationid' => $application['applicationid']);
             } else {
                 if (!isset($result[$application['applicationid']])) {
                     $result[$application['applicationid']] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectHosts']) && !isset($result[$application['applicationid']]['hosts'])) {
                     $result[$application['applicationid']]['hosts'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectItems']) && !isset($result[$application['applicationid']]['items'])) {
                     $result[$application['applicationid']]['items'] = array();
                 // hostids
                 if (isset($application['hostid']) && is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$application['applicationid']]['hosts'])) {
                         $result[$application['applicationid']]['hosts'] = array();
                     $result[$application['applicationid']]['hosts'][] = array('hostid' => $application['hostid']);
                 // itemids
                 if (isset($application['itemid']) && is_null($options['selectItems'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$application['applicationid']]['items'])) {
                         $result[$application['applicationid']]['items'] = array();
                     $result[$application['applicationid']]['items'][] = array('itemid' => $application['itemid']);
                 $result[$application['applicationid']] += $application;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     // adding objects
     // adding hosts
     if ($options['selectHosts'] !== null && (is_array($options['selectHosts']) || str_in_array($options['selectHosts'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs))) {
         $objParams = array('output' => $options['selectHosts'], 'applicationids' => $applicationids, 'nopermissions' => 1, 'templated_hosts' => true, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         $hosts = API::Host()->get($objParams);
         foreach ($hosts as $hostid => $host) {
             $iapplications = $host['applications'];
             foreach ($iapplications as $application) {
                 $result[$application['applicationid']]['hosts'][] = $host;
     // adding objects
     // adding items
     if (!is_null($options['selectItems']) && str_in_array($options['selectItems'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
         $objParams = array('output' => $options['selectItems'], 'applicationids' => $applicationids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true);
         $items = API::Item()->get($objParams);
         foreach ($items as $itemid => $item) {
             $iapplications = $item['applications'];
             foreach ($iapplications as $application) {
                 $result[$application['applicationid']]['items'][] = $item;
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #24
  * Get Host data
  * @param array         $options
  * @param array         $options['nodeids']                  Node IDs
  * @param array         $options['groupids']                 HostGroup IDs
  * @param array         $options['hostids']                  Host IDs
  * @param boolean       $options['monitored_hosts']          only monitored Hosts
  * @param boolean       $options['templated_hosts']          include templates in result
  * @param boolean       $options['with_items']               only with items
  * @param boolean       $options['with_monitored_items']     only with monitored items
  * @param boolean       $options['with_historical_items']    only with historical items
  * @param boolean       $options['with_triggers']            only with triggers
  * @param boolean       $options['with_monitored_triggers']  only with monitored triggers
  * @param boolean       $options['with_httptests']           only with http tests
  * @param boolean       $options['with_monitored_httptests'] only with monitored http tests
  * @param boolean       $options['with_graphs']              only with graphs
  * @param boolean       $options['editable']                 only with read-write permission. Ignored for SuperAdmins
  * @param boolean       $options['selectGroups']             select HostGroups
  * @param boolean       $options['selectItems']              select Items
  * @param boolean       $options['selectTriggers']           select Triggers
  * @param boolean       $options['selectGraphs']             select Graphs
  * @param boolean       $options['selectApplications']       select Applications
  * @param boolean       $options['selectMacros']             select Macros
  * @param boolean|array $options['selectInventory']          select Inventory
  * @param boolean       $options['withInventory']            select only hosts with inventory
  * @param int           $options['count']                    count Hosts, returned column name is rowscount
  * @param string        $options['pattern']                  search hosts by pattern in Host name
  * @param string        $options['extendPattern']            search hosts by pattern in Host name, ip and DNS
  * @param int           $options['limit']                    limit selection
  * @param string        $options['sortfield']                field to sort by
  * @param string        $options['sortorder']                sort order
  * @return array|boolean Host data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     // allowed columns for sorting
     $sortColumns = array('hostid', 'host', 'name', 'status');
     // allowed output options for [ select_* ] params
     $subselectsAllowedOutputs = array(API_OUTPUT_REFER, API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, API_OUTPUT_CUSTOM);
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('hosts' => 'h.hostid'), 'from' => array('hosts' => 'hosts h'), 'where' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'proxyids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'interfaceids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'maintenanceids' => null, 'graphids' => null, 'applicationids' => null, 'dhostids' => null, 'dserviceids' => null, 'httptestids' => null, 'monitored_hosts' => null, 'templated_hosts' => null, 'proxy_hosts' => null, 'with_items' => null, 'with_monitored_items' => null, 'with_historical_items' => null, 'with_simple_graph_items' => null, 'with_triggers' => null, 'with_monitored_triggers' => null, 'with_httptests' => null, 'with_monitored_httptests' => null, 'with_graphs' => null, 'with_applications' => null, 'withInventory' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectParentTemplates' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'selectDiscoveries' => null, 'selectTriggers' => null, 'selectGraphs' => null, 'selectDHosts' => null, 'selectDServices' => null, 'selectApplications' => null, 'selectMacros' => null, 'selectScreens' => null, 'selectInterfaces' => null, 'selectInventory' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     if (is_array($options['output'])) {
         $dbTable = DB::getSchema('hosts');
         $sqlParts['select']['hostid'] = 'h.hostid';
         foreach ($options['output'] as $field) {
             if (isset($dbTable['fields'][$field])) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$field] = 'h.' . $field;
         $options['output'] = API_OUTPUT_CUSTOM;
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ_ONLY;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE h.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('h.hostid', $options['hostids']);
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['groupid'] = 'hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hgh'] = 'hg.hostid=h.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['groupid'] = 'hg.groupid';
     // proxyids
     if (!is_null($options['proxyids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['proxy_hostid'] = 'h.proxy_hostid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('h.proxy_hostid', $options['proxyids']);
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['templateid'] = 'ht.templateid';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_templates'] = 'hosts_templates ht';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.templateid', $options['templateids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hht'] = 'h.hostid=ht.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['templateid'] = 'ht.templateid';
     // interfaceids
     if (!is_null($options['interfaceids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['interfaceid'] = 'hi.interfaceid';
         $sqlParts['from']['interface'] = 'interface hi';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hi.interfaceid', $options['interfaceids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=hi.hostid';
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['itemid'] = 'i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('i.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['triggerid'] = 'f.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('f.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
     // httptestids
     if (!is_null($options['httptestids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['httptestid'] = 'ht.httptestid';
         $sqlParts['from']['applications'] = 'applications a';
         $sqlParts['from']['httptest'] = 'httptest ht';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.httptestid', $options['httptestids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['aht'] = 'a.applicationid=ht.applicationid';
         $sqlParts['where']['ah'] = 'a.hostid=h.hostid';
     // graphids
     if (!is_null($options['graphids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['graphid'] = 'gi.graphid';
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gi.graphid', $options['graphids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
     // applicationids
     if (!is_null($options['applicationids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['applicationid'] = 'a.applicationid';
         $sqlParts['from']['applications'] = 'applications a';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('a.applicationid', $options['applicationids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ah'] = 'a.hostid=h.hostid';
     // dhostids
     if (!is_null($options['dhostids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['dhostid'] = 'ds.dhostid';
         $sqlParts['from']['dservices'] = 'dservices ds';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ds.dhostid', $options['dhostids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['dsh'] = 'ds.ip=h.ip';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['dhostid'] = 'ds.dhostid';
     // dserviceids
     if (!is_null($options['dserviceids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['dserviceid'] = 'ds.dserviceid';
         $sqlParts['from']['dservices'] = 'dservices ds';
         $sqlParts['from']['interface'] = 'interface i';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ds.dserviceid', $options['dserviceids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['dsh'] = 'ds.ip=i.ip';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['dserviceid'] = 'ds.dserviceid';
     // maintenanceids
     if (!is_null($options['maintenanceids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['maintenanceid'] = 'mh.maintenanceid';
         $sqlParts['from']['maintenances_hosts'] = 'maintenances_hosts mh';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('mh.maintenanceid', $options['maintenanceids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['hmh'] = 'h.hostid=mh.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['maintenanceid'] = 'mh.maintenanceid';
     // monitored_hosts, templated_hosts
     if (!is_null($options['monitored_hosts'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED;
     } elseif (!is_null($options['templated_hosts'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 'h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['proxy_hosts'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 'h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_PROXY_ACTIVE . ',' . HOST_STATUS_PROXY_PASSIVE . ')';
     } else {
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 'h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ')';
     // with_items, with_monitored_items, with_historical_items, with_simple_graph_items
     if (!is_null($options['with_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_monitored_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_historical_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.status IN (' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ',' . ITEM_STATUS_NOTSUPPORTED . ')' . ' AND i.lastvalue IS NOT NULL' . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_simple_graph_items'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.value_type IN (' . ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT . ',' . ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64 . ')' . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND i.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     // with_triggers, with_monitored_triggers
     if (!is_null($options['with_triggers'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,functions f,triggers t' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid' . ' AND f.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_monitored_triggers'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items i,functions f,triggers t' . ' WHERE h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid' . ' AND f.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ' AND i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' AND t.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED . ')';
     // with_httptests, with_monitored_httptests
     if (!is_null($options['with_httptests'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM applications a,httptest ht' . ' WHERE h.hostid=a.hostid' . ' AND a.applicationid=ht.applicationid' . ')';
     } elseif (!is_null($options['with_monitored_httptests'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM applications a,httptest ht' . ' WHERE h.hostid=a.hostid' . ' AND a.applicationid=ht.applicationid' . ' AND ht.status=' . HTTPTEST_STATUS_ACTIVE . ')';
     // with_graphs
     if (!is_null($options['with_graphs'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . ' SELECT 1' . ' FROM items i,graphs_items gi' . ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=gi.itemid ' . zbx_limit(1) . ')';
     // with applications
     if (!is_null($options['with_applications'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['applications'] = 'applications a';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'a.hostid=h.hostid';
     // withInventory
     if (!is_null($options['withInventory']) && $options['withInventory']) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = ' h.hostid IN (' . ' SELECT hin.hostid' . ' FROM host_inventory hin)';
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('hosts h', $options, $sqlParts);
         if (zbx_db_search('interface hi', $options, $sqlParts)) {
             $sqlParts['from']['interface'] = 'interface hi';
             $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=hi.hostid';
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('hosts h', $options, $sqlParts);
         if ($this->dbFilter('interface hi', $options, $sqlParts)) {
             $sqlParts['from']['interface'] = 'interface hi';
             $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=hi.hostid';
     // output
     if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
         $sqlParts['select']['hosts'] = 'h.*';
     // countOutput
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         $options['sortfield'] = '';
         $sqlParts['select'] = array('COUNT(DISTINCT h.hostid) AS rowscount');
         // groupCount
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             foreach ($sqlParts['group'] as $key => $fields) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$key] = $fields;
     // sorting
     zbx_db_sorting($sqlParts, $options, $sortColumns, 'h');
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $hostids = array();
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryNodeOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($host = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $host;
             } else {
                 $result = $host['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $hostids[$host['hostid']] = $host['hostid'];
             if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
                 $result[$host['hostid']] = array('hostid' => $host['hostid']);
             } else {
                 if (!isset($result[$host['hostid']])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectGroups']) && !isset($result[$host['hostid']]['groups'])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['groups'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectParentTemplates']) && !isset($result[$host['hostid']]['parentTemplates'])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['parentTemplates'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectItems']) && !isset($result[$host['hostid']]['items'])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['items'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectDiscoveries']) && !isset($result[$host['hostid']]['discoveries'])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['discoveries'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectInventory']) && !isset($result[$host['hostid']]['inventory'])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['inventory'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectTriggers']) && !isset($result[$host['hostid']]['triggers'])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['triggers'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectGraphs']) && !isset($result[$host['hostid']]['graphs'])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['graphs'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectDHosts']) && !isset($result[$host['hostid']]['dhosts'])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['dhosts'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectDServices']) && !isset($result[$host['hostid']]['dservices'])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['dservices'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectApplications']) && !isset($result[$host['hostid']]['applications'])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['applications'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectMacros']) && !isset($result[$host['hostid']]['macros'])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['macros'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectScreens']) && !isset($result[$host['hostid']]['screens'])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['screens'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectInterfaces']) && !isset($result[$host['hostid']]['interfaces'])) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['interfaces'] = array();
                 // groupids
                 if (isset($host['groupid']) && is_null($options['selectGroups'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$host['hostid']]['groups'])) {
                         $result[$host['hostid']]['groups'] = array();
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['groups'][] = array('groupid' => $host['groupid']);
                 // templateids
                 if (isset($host['templateid'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$host['hostid']]['templates'])) {
                         $result[$host['hostid']]['templates'] = array();
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['templates'][] = array('templateid' => $host['templateid'], 'hostid' => $host['templateid']);
                 // triggerids
                 if (isset($host['triggerid']) && is_null($options['selectTriggers'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$host['hostid']]['triggers'])) {
                         $result[$host['hostid']]['triggers'] = array();
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['triggers'][] = array('triggerid' => $host['triggerid']);
                 // interfaceids
                 if (isset($host['interfaceid']) && is_null($options['selectInterfaces'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$host['hostid']]['interfaces'])) {
                         $result[$host['hostid']]['interfaces'] = array();
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['interfaces'][] = array('interfaceid' => $host['interfaceid']);
                 // itemids
                 if (isset($host['itemid']) && is_null($options['selectItems'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$host['hostid']]['items'])) {
                         $result[$host['hostid']]['items'] = array();
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['items'][] = array('itemid' => $host['itemid']);
                 // graphids
                 if (isset($host['graphid']) && is_null($options['selectGraphs'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$host['hostid']]['graphs'])) {
                         $result[$host['hostid']]['graphs'] = array();
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['graphs'][] = array('graphid' => $host['graphid']);
                 // graphids
                 if (isset($host['applicationid'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$host['hostid']]['applications'])) {
                         $result[$host['hostid']]['applications'] = array();
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['applications'][] = array('applicationid' => $host['applicationid']);
                 // httptestids
                 if (isset($host['httptestid'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$host['hostid']]['httptests'])) {
                         $result[$host['hostid']]['httptests'] = array();
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['httptests'][] = array('httptestid' => $host['httptestid']);
                 // dhostids
                 if (isset($host['dhostid']) && is_null($options['selectDHosts'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$host['hostid']]['dhosts'])) {
                         $result[$host['hostid']]['dhosts'] = array();
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['dhosts'][] = array('dhostid' => $host['dhostid']);
                 // dserviceids
                 if (isset($host['dserviceid']) && is_null($options['selectDServices'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$host['hostid']]['dservices'])) {
                         $result[$host['hostid']]['dservices'] = array();
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['dservices'][] = array('dserviceid' => $host['dserviceid']);
                 // maintenanceids
                 if (isset($host['maintenanceid'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$host['hostid']]['maintenances'])) {
                         $result[$host['hostid']]['maintenances'] = array();
                     if ($host['maintenanceid'] > 0) {
                         $result[$host['hostid']]['maintenances'][] = array('maintenanceid' => $host['maintenanceid']);
                 $result[$host['hostid']] += $host;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
      * adding objects
     // adding groups
     if (!is_null($options['selectGroups']) && str_in_array($options['selectGroups'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
         $groups = API::HostGroup()->get(array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'output' => $options['selectGroups'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'preservekeys' => true));
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             $ghosts = $group['hosts'];
             foreach ($ghosts as $host) {
                 $result[$host['hostid']]['groups'][] = $group;
     // adding inventories
     if (!is_null($options['selectInventory']) && $options['selectInventory'] !== false) {
         if (is_array($options['selectInventory'])) {
             // if we are given a list of fields that needs to be fetched
             $dbTable = DB::getSchema('host_inventory');
             $selectHIn = array('hin.hostid');
             foreach ($options['selectInventory'] as $field) {
                 if (isset($dbTable['fields'][$field])) {
                     $selectHIn[] = 'hin.' . $field;
         } else {
             // all fields are needed
             $selectHIn = array('hin.*');
         $dbInventory = DBselect('SELECT ' . implode(', ', $selectHIn) . ' FROM host_inventory hin' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('hin.hostid', $hostids));
         while ($inventory = DBfetch($dbInventory)) {
             $result[$inventory['hostid']]['inventory'] = $inventory;
     // adding templates
     if (!is_null($options['selectParentTemplates'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'preservekeys' => true);
         if (is_array($options['selectParentTemplates']) || str_in_array($options['selectParentTemplates'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectParentTemplates'];
             $templates = API::Template()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($templates, 'host');
             foreach ($templates as $templateid => $template) {
                 $count = array();
                 foreach ($template['hosts'] as $host) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$host['hostid']])) {
                             $count[$host['hostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$host['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['parentTemplates'][] =& $templates[$templateid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectParentTemplates']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $templates = API::Template()->get($objParams);
             $templates = zbx_toHash($templates, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $hostid => $host) {
                 $result[$hostid]['templates'] = isset($templates[$hostid]) ? $templates[$hostid]['rowscount'] : 0;
     // adding hostinterfaces
     if (!is_null($options['selectInterfaces'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true);
         if (is_array($options['selectInterfaces']) || str_in_array($options['selectInterfaces'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectInterfaces'];
             $interfaces = API::HostInterface()->get($objParams);
             // we need to order interfaces for proper linkage and viewing
             order_result($interfaces, 'interfaceid', ZBX_SORT_UP);
             $count = array();
             foreach ($interfaces as $interfaceid => $interface) {
                 if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                     if (!isset($count[$interface['hostid']])) {
                         $count[$interface['hostid']] = 0;
                     if ($count[$interface['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                 $result[$interface['hostid']]['interfaces'][$interfaceid] =& $interfaces[$interfaceid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectInterfaces']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $interfaces = API::HostInterface()->get($objParams);
             $interfaces = zbx_toHash($interfaces, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $hostid => $host) {
                 $result[$hostid]['interfaces'] = isset($interfaces[$hostid]) ? $interfaces[$hostid]['rowscount'] : 0;
     // adding items
     if (!is_null($options['selectItems'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true);
         if (is_array($options['selectItems']) || str_in_array($options['selectItems'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectItems'];
             $items = API::Item()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($items, 'name');
             $count = array();
             foreach ($items as $itemid => $item) {
                 if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                     if (!isset($count[$item['hostid']])) {
                         $count[$item['hostid']] = 0;
                     if ($count[$item['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                 $result[$item['hostid']]['items'][] =& $items[$itemid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectItems']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $items = API::Item()->get($objParams);
             $items = zbx_toHash($items, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $hostid => $host) {
                 $result[$hostid]['items'] = isset($items[$hostid]) ? $items[$hostid]['rowscount'] : 0;
     // adding discoveries
     if (!is_null($options['selectDiscoveries'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true);
         if (is_array($options['selectDiscoveries']) || str_in_array($options['selectDiscoveries'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectDiscoveries'];
             $items = API::DiscoveryRule()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($items, 'name');
             $count = array();
             foreach ($items as $itemid => $item) {
                 foreach ($item['hosts'] as $host) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$host['hostid']])) {
                             $count[$host['hostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$host['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['discoveries'][] =& $items[$itemid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectDiscoveries']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $items = API::DiscoveryRule()->get($objParams);
             $items = zbx_toHash($items, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $hostid => $host) {
                 $result[$hostid]['discoveries'] = isset($items[$hostid]) ? $items[$hostid]['rowscount'] : 0;
     // adding triggers
     if (!is_null($options['selectTriggers'])) {
         if (is_array($options['selectTriggers']) || str_in_array($options['selectTriggers'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $triggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => $options['selectTriggers']));
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($triggers, 'description');
             $count = array();
             foreach ($triggers as $triggerid => $trigger) {
                 foreach ($trigger['hosts'] as $host) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$host['hostid']])) {
                             $count[$host['hostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$host['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['triggers'][] =& $triggers[$triggerid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectTriggers']) {
             $triggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'countOutput' => true, 'groupCount' => true));
             $triggers = zbx_toHash($triggers, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $hostid => $host) {
                 $result[$hostid]['triggers'] = isset($triggers[$hostid]) ? $triggers[$hostid]['rowscount'] : 0;
     // adding graphs
     if (!is_null($options['selectGraphs'])) {
         if (is_array($options['selectGraphs']) || str_in_array($options['selectGraphs'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectGraphs'];
             $graphs = API::Graph()->get(array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'preservekeys' => true, 'output' => $options['selectGraphs']));
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($graphs, 'name');
             $count = array();
             foreach ($graphs as $graphid => $graph) {
                 foreach ($graph['hosts'] as $host) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$host['hostid']])) {
                             $count[$host['hostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$host['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['graphs'][] =& $graphs[$graphid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectGraphs']) {
             $graphs = API::Graph()->get(array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'countOutput' => true, 'groupCount' => true));
             $graphs = zbx_toHash($graphs, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $hostid => $host) {
                 $result[$hostid]['graphs'] = isset($graphs[$hostid]) ? $graphs[$hostid]['rowscount'] : 0;
     // adding discovery hosts
     if (!is_null($options['selectDHosts'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true);
         if (is_array($options['selectDHosts']) || str_in_array($options['selectDHosts'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectDHosts'];
             $dhosts = API::DHost()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($dhosts, 'dhostid');
             $count = array();
             foreach ($dhosts as $dhostid => $dhost) {
                 foreach ($dhost['hosts'] as $host) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$host['hostid']])) {
                             $count[$host['hostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$host['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['dhosts'][] =& $dhosts[$dhostid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectDHosts']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $dhosts = API::DHost()->get($objParams);
             $dhosts = zbx_toHash($dhosts, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $hostid => $host) {
                 $result[$hostid]['dhosts'] = isset($dhosts[$hostid]) ? $dhosts[$hostid]['rowscount'] : 0;
     // adding applications
     if (!is_null($options['selectApplications'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true);
         if (is_array($options['selectApplications']) || str_in_array($options['selectApplications'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectApplications'];
             $applications = API::Application()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($applications, 'name');
             $count = array();
             foreach ($applications as $applicationid => $application) {
                 foreach ($application['hosts'] as $host) {
                     if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                         if (!isset($count[$host['hostid']])) {
                             $count[$host['hostid']] = 0;
                         if ($count[$host['hostid']] > $options['limitSelects']) {
                     $result[$host['hostid']]['applications'][] =& $applications[$applicationid];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectApplications']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $applications = API::Application()->get($objParams);
             $applications = zbx_toHash($applications, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $hostid => $host) {
                 $result[$hostid]['applications'] = isset($applications[$hostid]) ? $applications[$hostid]['rowscount'] : 0;
     // adding macros
     if (!is_null($options['selectMacros']) && str_in_array($options['selectMacros'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'output' => $options['selectMacros'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'preservekeys' => true);
         $macros = API::UserMacro()->get($objParams);
         foreach ($macros as $macroid => $macro) {
             $mhosts = $macro['hosts'];
             foreach ($mhosts as $host) {
                 $result[$host['hostid']]['macros'][$macroid] = $macro;
     // adding screens
     if (!is_null($options['selectScreens'])) {
         $objParams = array('nodeids' => $options['nodeids'], 'hostids' => $hostids, 'editable' => $options['editable'], 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true);
         if (is_array($options['selectScreens']) || str_in_array($options['selectScreens'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
             $objParams['output'] = $options['selectScreens'];
             $screens = API::TemplateScreen()->get($objParams);
             if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                 order_result($screens, 'name');
             foreach ($screens as $snum => $screen) {
                 if (!is_null($options['limitSelects'])) {
                     if (count($result[$screen['hostid']]['screens']) >= $options['limitSelects']) {
                 $result[$screen['hostid']]['screens'][] =& $screens[$snum];
         } elseif (API_OUTPUT_COUNT == $options['selectScreens']) {
             $objParams['countOutput'] = 1;
             $objParams['groupCount'] = 1;
             $screens = API::TemplateScreen()->get($objParams);
             $screens = zbx_toHash($screens, 'hostid');
             foreach ($result as $hostid => $host) {
                 $result[$hostid]['screens'] = isset($screens[$hostid]) ? $screens[$hostid]['rowscount'] : 0;
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #25
  * Get items data.
  * @param array  $options
  * @param array  $options['itemids']
  * @param array  $options['hostids']
  * @param array  $options['groupids']
  * @param array  $options['triggerids']
  * @param array  $options['applicationids']
  * @param bool   $options['status']
  * @param bool   $options['templated_items']
  * @param bool   $options['editable']
  * @param bool   $options['count']
  * @param string $options['pattern']
  * @param int    $options['limit']
  * @param string $options['order']
  * @return array|int item data as array or false if error
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('items' => 'i.itemid'), 'from' => array('items' => 'items i'), 'where' => array('webtype' => 'i.type<>' . ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST, 'flags' => 'i.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')'), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'proxyids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'interfaceids' => null, 'graphids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'applicationids' => null, 'webitems' => null, 'inherited' => null, 'templated' => null, 'monitored' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'group' => null, 'host' => null, 'application' => null, 'with_triggers' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectInterfaces' => null, 'selectTriggers' => null, 'selectGraphs' => null, 'selectApplications' => null, 'selectDiscoveryRule' => null, 'selectItemDiscovery' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + permission check
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY hgg.hostid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ' AND MAX(r.permission)>=' . zbx_dbstr($permission) . ')';
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['itemid'] = dbConditionInt('i.itemid', $options['itemids']);
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['i'] = 'i.hostid';
     // interfaceids
     if (!is_null($options['interfaceids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['interfaceid'] = dbConditionInt('i.interfaceid', $options['interfaceids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['i'] = 'i.interfaceid';
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hg'] = 'hg.groupid';
     // proxyids
     if (!is_null($options['proxyids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('h.proxy_hostid', $options['proxyids']);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['h'] = 'h.proxy_hostid';
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('f.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['if'] = 'i.itemid=f.itemid';
     // applicationids
     if (!is_null($options['applicationids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['items_applications'] = 'items_applications ia';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ia.applicationid', $options['applicationids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ia'] = 'ia.itemid=i.itemid';
     // graphids
     if (!is_null($options['graphids'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['graphs_items'] = 'graphs_items gi';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('gi.graphid', $options['graphids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['igi'] = 'i.itemid=gi.itemid';
     // webitems
     if (!is_null($options['webitems'])) {
     // inherited
     if (!is_null($options['inherited'])) {
         if ($options['inherited']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'i.templateid IS NOT NULL';
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'i.templateid IS NULL';
     // templated
     if (!is_null($options['templated'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if ($options['templated']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
     // monitored
     if (!is_null($options['monitored'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if ($options['monitored']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED;
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'i.status=' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = '(h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' OR i.status<>' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ')';
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('items i', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('items i', $options, $sqlParts);
         if (isset($options['filter']['host'])) {
             $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
             $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
             $sqlParts['where']['h'] = dbConditionString('h.host', $options['filter']['host'], false, true);
         if (array_key_exists('flags', $options['filter']) && (is_null($options['filter']['flags']) || !zbx_empty($options['filter']['flags']))) {
     // group
     if (!is_null($options['group'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['groups'] = 'groups g';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['ghg'] = 'g.groupid=hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = ' g.name=' . zbx_dbstr($options['group']);
     // host
     if (!is_null($options['host'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = ' h.host=' . zbx_dbstr($options['host']);
     // application
     if (!is_null($options['application'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['applications'] = 'applications a';
         $sqlParts['from']['items_applications'] = 'items_applications ia';
         $sqlParts['where']['aia'] = 'a.applicationid = ia.applicationid';
         $sqlParts['where']['iai'] = 'ia.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = ' a.name=' . zbx_dbstr($options['application']);
     // with_triggers
     if (!is_null($options['with_triggers'])) {
         if ($options['with_triggers'] == 1) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions ff,triggers t' . ' WHERE i.itemid=ff.itemid' . ' AND ff.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ' AND t.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions ff,triggers t' . ' WHERE i.itemid=ff.itemid' . ' AND ff.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ' AND t.flags IN (' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL . ',' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED . ')' . ')';
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($item = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $item;
             } else {
                 $result = $item['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $result[$item['itemid']] = $item;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     // add other related objects
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('hostid', 'interfaceid', 'value_type'), $options['output']);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #26
  * Get data about web scenarios.
  * @param array $options
  * @return array
 public function get($options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     // allowed columns for sorting
     $sortColumns = array('httptestid', 'name');
     // allowed output options for [ select_* ] params
     $subselectsAllowedOutputs = array(API_OUTPUT_REFER, API_OUTPUT_EXTEND);
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('httptests' => 'ht.httptestid'), 'from' => array('httptest' => 'httptest ht'), 'where' => array(), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'httptestids' => null, 'applicationids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'exludeSearch' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectSteps' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + PERMISSION CHECK
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ_ONLY;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM applications a,hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE a.applicationid=ht.applicationid' . ' AND a.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY a.applicationid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>=' . $permission . ')';
     // nodeids
     $nodeids = !is_null($options['nodeids']) ? $options['nodeids'] : get_current_nodeid();
     // httptestids
     if (!is_null($options['httptestids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['httptestid'] = 'ht.httptestid';
         $sqlParts['where']['httptestid'] = dbConditionInt('ht.httptestid', $options['httptestids']);
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
             $sqlParts['select']['hostid'] = 'a.hostid';
         $sqlParts['from']['applications'] = 'applications a';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'a.applicationid=ht.applicationid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('a.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hostid'] = 'a.hostid';
     // applicationids
     if (!is_null($options['applicationids'])) {
         if ($options['output'] != API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
             $sqlParts['select']['applicationid'] = 'a.applicationid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('ht.applicationid', $options['applicationids']);
     // output
     if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_EXTEND) {
         $sqlParts['select']['httptests'] = 'ht.*';
     // countOutput
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         $options['sortfield'] = '';
         $sqlParts['select'] = array('count(ht.httptestid) as rowscount');
         // groupCount
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             foreach ($sqlParts['group'] as $key => $fields) {
                 $sqlParts['select'][$key] = $fields;
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('httptest ht', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('httptest ht', $options, $sqlParts);
     // sorting
     zbx_db_sorting($sqlParts, $options, $sortColumns, 'ht');
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $httpTestIds = array();
     $sqlParts['select'] = array_unique($sqlParts['select']);
     $sqlParts['from'] = array_unique($sqlParts['from']);
     $sqlParts['where'] = array_unique($sqlParts['where']);
     $sqlParts['group'] = array_unique($sqlParts['group']);
     $sqlParts['order'] = array_unique($sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlSelect = '';
     $sqlFrom = '';
     $sqlWhere = '';
     $sqlGroup = '';
     $sqlOrder = '';
     if (!empty($sqlParts['select'])) {
         $sqlSelect .= implode(',', $sqlParts['select']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['from'])) {
         $sqlFrom .= implode(',', $sqlParts['from']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['where'])) {
         $sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $sqlParts['where']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['group'])) {
         $sqlWhere .= ' GROUP BY ' . implode(',', $sqlParts['group']);
     if (!empty($sqlParts['order'])) {
         $sqlOrder .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $sqlParts['order']);
     $sqlLimit = $sqlParts['limit'];
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . zbx_db_distinct($sqlParts) . ' ' . $sqlSelect . ' FROM ' . $sqlFrom . ' WHERE ' . DBin_node('ht.httptestid', $nodeids) . $sqlWhere . $sqlGroup . $sqlOrder;
     $res = DBselect($sql, $sqlLimit);
     while ($httpTest = DBfetch($res)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $httpTest;
             } else {
                 $result = $httpTest['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $httpTestIds[$httpTest['httptestid']] = $httpTest['httptestid'];
             if ($options['output'] == API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN) {
                 $result[$httpTest['httptestid']] = array('httptestid' => $httpTest['httptestid']);
             } else {
                 if (!isset($result[$httpTest['httptestid']])) {
                     $result[$httpTest['httptestid']] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectHosts']) && !isset($result[$httpTest['httptestid']]['hosts'])) {
                     $result[$httpTest['httptestid']]['hosts'] = array();
                 if (!is_null($options['selectSteps']) && !isset($result[$httpTest['httptestid']]['steps'])) {
                     $result[$httpTest['httptestid']]['steps'] = array();
                 // hostids
                 if (isset($httpTest['hostid']) && is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
                     if (!isset($result[$httpTest['httptestid']]['hosts'])) {
                         $result[$httpTest['httptestid']]['hosts'] = array();
                     $result[$httpTest['httptestid']]['hosts'][] = array('hostid' => $httpTest['hostid']);
                 $result[$httpTest['httptestid']] += $httpTest;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     // adding hosts
     if (!is_null($options['selectHosts']) && str_in_array($options['selectHosts'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
         $objParams = array('output' => $options['selectHosts'], 'httptestids' => $httpTestIds, 'nopermissions' => true, 'preservekeys' => true);
         $hosts = API::Host()->get($objParams);
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $hwebchecks = $host['httptests'];
             foreach ($hwebchecks as $hwebcheck) {
                 $result[$hwebcheck['httptestid']]['hosts'][] = $host;
     // adding steps
     if (!is_null($options['selectSteps']) && str_in_array($options['selectSteps'], $subselectsAllowedOutputs)) {
         $dbSteps = DBselect('SELECT h.*' . ' FROM httpstep h' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('h.httptestid', $httpTestIds));
         while ($step = DBfetch($dbSteps)) {
             $stepid = $step['httpstepid'];
             $step['webstepid'] = $stepid;
             $result[$step['httptestid']]['steps'][$step['webstepid']] = $step;
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #27
    case 'year':
        $time_dif = SEC_PER_YEAR;
    case 'day':
        $time_dif = SEC_PER_DAY;
$triggersEventCount = array();
// get 100 triggerids with max event count
$sql = 'SELECT e.objectid,count(distinct e.eventid) AS cnt_event' . ' FROM triggers t,events e' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=e.objectid' . ' AND e.source=' . EVENT_SOURCE_TRIGGERS . ' AND e.object=' . EVENT_OBJECT_TRIGGER . ' AND e.clock>' . (time() - $time_dif);
// add permission filter
if (CWebUser::getType() != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
    $userid = CWebUser::$data['userid'];
    $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
    $sql .= ' AND EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY f.triggerid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ')';
$sql .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('t.flags', array(ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED)) . ' GROUP BY e.objectid' . ' ORDER BY cnt_event desc';
$result = DBselect($sql, 100);
while ($row = DBfetch($result)) {
    $triggersEventCount[$row['objectid']] = $row['cnt_event'];
$triggers = API::Trigger()->get(array('triggerids' => array_keys($triggersEventCount), 'output' => array('triggerid', 'description', 'expression', 'priority', 'flags', 'url', 'lastchange'), 'selectHosts' => array('hostid', 'status', 'name'), 'selectItems' => array('itemid', 'hostid', 'name', 'key_', 'value_type'), 'expandDescription' => true, 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true));
$hostIds = array();
foreach ($triggers as $triggerId => $trigger) {
    $hostIds[$trigger['hosts'][0]['hostid']] = $trigger['hosts'][0]['hostid'];
    $triggers[$triggerId]['cnt_event'] = $triggersEventCount[$triggerId];
CArrayHelper::sort($triggers, array(array('field' => 'cnt_event', 'order' => ZBX_SORT_DOWN), 'host', 'description', 'priority'));
$hosts = API::Host()->get(array('output' => array('hostid', 'status'), 'hostids' => $hostIds, 'selectGraphs' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'selectScreens' => API_OUTPUT_COUNT, 'preservekeys' => true));
예제 #28
  * Get TriggerPrototypes data.
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $options['itemids']
  * @param array $options['hostids']
  * @param array $options['groupids']
  * @param array $options['triggerids']
  * @param array $options['applicationids']
  * @param array $options['status']
  * @param array $options['editable']
  * @param array $options['count']
  * @param array $options['pattern']
  * @param array $options['limit']
  * @param array $options['order']
  * @return array|int item data as array or false if error
 public function get(array $options = array())
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('triggers' => 't.triggerid'), 'from' => array('t' => 'triggers t'), 'where' => array('t.flags=' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE), 'group' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('nodeids' => null, 'groupids' => null, 'templateids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'triggerids' => null, 'itemids' => null, 'applicationids' => null, 'discoveryids' => null, 'functions' => null, 'inherited' => null, 'templated' => null, 'monitored' => null, 'active' => null, 'maintenance' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'editable' => null, 'group' => null, 'host' => null, 'min_severity' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'expandExpression' => null, 'expandData' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'selectItems' => null, 'selectFunctions' => null, 'selectDiscoveryRule' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'groupCount' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null, 'limitSelects' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + permission check
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN && !$options['nopermissions']) {
         $permission = $options['editable'] ? PERM_READ_WRITE : PERM_READ;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 'NOT EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' LEFT JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY i.hostid' . ' HAVING MAX(permission)<' . $permission . ' OR MIN(permission) IS NULL' . ' OR MIN(permission)=' . PERM_DENY . ')';
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['groupid'] = 'hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['groupid'] = dbConditionInt('hg.groupid', $options['groupids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['hg'] = 'hg.groupid';
     // templateids
     if (!is_null($options['templateids'])) {
         if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
             $options['hostids'] = array_merge($options['hostids'], $options['templateids']);
         } else {
             $options['hostids'] = $options['templateids'];
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['hostid'] = 'i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['i'] = 'i.hostid';
     // triggerids
     if (!is_null($options['triggerids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['triggerid'] = dbConditionInt('t.triggerid', $options['triggerids']);
     // itemids
     if (!is_null($options['itemids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['itemid'] = 'f.itemid';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['where']['itemid'] = dbConditionInt('f.itemid', $options['itemids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['f'] = 'f.itemid';
     // applicationids
     if (!is_null($options['applicationids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['applicationid'] = 'a.applicationid';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['applications'] = 'applications a';
         $sqlParts['where']['a'] = dbConditionInt('a.applicationid', $options['applicationids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ia'] = 'i.hostid=a.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
     // discoveryids
     if (!is_null($options['discoveryids'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['itemid'] = 'id.parent_itemid';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['item_discovery'] = 'item_discovery id';
         $sqlParts['where']['fid'] = 'f.itemid=id.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('id.parent_itemid', $options['discoveryids']);
         if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
             $sqlParts['group']['id'] = 'id.parent_itemid';
     // functions
     if (!is_null($options['functions'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionString('f.function', $options['functions']);
     // monitored
     if (!is_null($options['monitored'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['monitored'] = ' NOT EXISTS (' . ' SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions ff' . ' WHERE ff.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ' AND EXISTS (' . ' SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items ii,hosts hh' . ' WHERE ff.itemid=ii.itemid' . ' AND hh.hostid=ii.hostid' . ' AND (' . ' ii.status<>' . ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE . ' OR hh.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' )' . ' )' . ' )';
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 't.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED;
     // active
     if (!is_null($options['active'])) {
         $sqlParts['where']['active'] = ' NOT EXISTS (' . ' SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions ff' . ' WHERE ff.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ' AND EXISTS (' . ' SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items ii,hosts hh' . ' WHERE ff.itemid=ii.itemid' . ' AND hh.hostid=ii.hostid' . ' AND  hh.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ' )' . ' )';
         $sqlParts['where']['status'] = 't.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED;
     // maintenance
     if (!is_null($options['maintenance'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = ($options['maintenance'] == 0 ? ' NOT ' : '') . ' EXISTS (' . ' SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions ff' . ' WHERE ff.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ' AND EXISTS (' . ' SELECT NULL' . ' FROM items ii,hosts hh' . ' WHERE ff.itemid=ii.itemid' . ' AND hh.hostid=ii.hostid' . ' AND hh.maintenance_status=1' . ' )' . ' )';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 't.status=' . TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED;
     // templated
     if (!is_null($options['templated'])) {
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         if ($options['templated']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status=' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 'h.status<>' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE;
     // inherited
     if (!is_null($options['inherited'])) {
         if ($options['inherited']) {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 't.templateid IS NOT NULL';
         } else {
             $sqlParts['where'][] = 't.templateid IS NULL';
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('triggers t', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('triggers t', $options, $sqlParts);
         if (isset($options['filter']['host']) && !is_null($options['filter']['host'])) {
             $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
             $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
             $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
             $sqlParts['where']['host'] = dbConditionString('h.host', $options['filter']['host']);
         if (isset($options['filter']['hostid']) && !is_null($options['filter']['hostid'])) {
             $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
             $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
             $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
             $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
             $sqlParts['where']['hostid'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['filter']['hostid']);
     // group
     if (!is_null($options['group'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['name'] = 'g.name';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts_groups'] = 'hosts_groups hg';
         $sqlParts['from']['groups'] = 'groups g';
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hgi'] = 'hg.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['ghg'] = 'g.groupid=hg.groupid';
         $sqlParts['where']['group'] = ' g.name=' . zbx_dbstr($options['group']);
     // host
     if (!is_null($options['host'])) {
         $sqlParts['select']['host'] = 'h.host';
         $sqlParts['from']['functions'] = 'functions f';
         $sqlParts['from']['items'] = 'items i';
         $sqlParts['from']['hosts'] = 'hosts h';
         $sqlParts['where']['i'] = dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $options['hostids']);
         $sqlParts['where']['ft'] = 'f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
         $sqlParts['where']['fi'] = 'f.itemid=i.itemid';
         $sqlParts['where']['hi'] = 'h.hostid=i.hostid';
         $sqlParts['where']['host'] = ' h.host=' . zbx_dbstr($options['host']);
     // min_severity
     if (!is_null($options['min_severity'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = 't.priority>=' . zbx_dbstr($options['min_severity']);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $triggerids = array();
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryNodeOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $dbRes = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($trigger = DBfetch($dbRes)) {
         if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
             if (!is_null($options['groupCount'])) {
                 $result[] = $trigger;
             } else {
                 $result = $trigger['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $triggerids[$trigger['triggerid']] = $trigger['triggerid'];
             if (!isset($result[$trigger['triggerid']])) {
                 $result[$trigger['triggerid']] = array();
             // groups
             if (isset($trigger['groupid']) && is_null($options['selectGroups'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$trigger['triggerid']]['groups'])) {
                     $result[$trigger['triggerid']]['groups'] = array();
                 $result[$trigger['triggerid']]['groups'][] = array('groupid' => $trigger['groupid']);
             // hostids
             if (isset($trigger['hostid']) && is_null($options['selectHosts'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$trigger['triggerid']]['hosts'])) {
                     $result[$trigger['triggerid']]['hosts'] = array();
                 $result[$trigger['triggerid']]['hosts'][] = array('hostid' => $trigger['hostid']);
                 if (is_null($options['expandData'])) {
             // itemids
             if (isset($trigger['itemid']) && is_null($options['selectItems'])) {
                 if (!isset($result[$trigger['triggerid']]['items'])) {
                     $result[$trigger['triggerid']]['items'] = array();
                 $result[$trigger['triggerid']]['items'][] = array('itemid' => $trigger['itemid']);
             // expand expression
             if ($options['expandExpression'] !== null && isset($trigger['expression'])) {
                 $trigger['expression'] = explode_exp($trigger['expression'], false, true);
             $result[$trigger['triggerid']] += $trigger;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #29
  * Get scripts data.
  * @param array  $options
  * @param array  $options['itemids']
  * @param array  $options['hostids']	deprecated (very slow)
  * @param array  $options['groupids']
  * @param array  $options['triggerids']
  * @param array  $options['scriptids']
  * @param bool   $options['status']
  * @param bool   $options['editable']
  * @param bool   $options['count']
  * @param string $options['pattern']
  * @param int    $options['limit']
  * @param string $options['order']
  * @return array
 public function get(array $options)
     $result = array();
     $userType = self::$userData['type'];
     $userid = self::$userData['userid'];
     $sqlParts = array('select' => array('scripts' => 's.scriptid'), 'from' => array('scripts s'), 'where' => array(), 'order' => array(), 'limit' => null);
     $defOptions = array('groupids' => null, 'hostids' => null, 'scriptids' => null, 'usrgrpids' => null, 'editable' => null, 'nopermissions' => null, 'filter' => null, 'search' => null, 'searchByAny' => null, 'startSearch' => null, 'excludeSearch' => null, 'searchWildcardsEnabled' => null, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectGroups' => null, 'selectHosts' => null, 'countOutput' => null, 'preservekeys' => null, 'sortfield' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'limit' => null);
     $options = zbx_array_merge($defOptions, $options);
     // editable + permission check
     if ($userType != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
         if (!is_null($options['editable'])) {
             return $result;
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sqlParts['where'][] = '(s.usrgrpid IS NULL OR ' . dbConditionInt('s.usrgrpid', $userGroups) . ')';
         $sqlParts['where'][] = '(s.groupid IS NULL OR EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM rights r' . ' WHERE s.groupid=r.id' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' GROUP BY r.id' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . '))';
     // groupids
     if (!is_null($options['groupids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = '(s.groupid IS NULL OR ' . dbConditionInt('s.groupid', $options['groupids']) . ')';
     // hostids
     if (!is_null($options['hostids'])) {
         // return scripts that are assigned to the hosts' groups or to no group
         $hostGroups = API::HostGroup()->get(array('output' => array('groupid'), 'hostids' => $options['hostids']));
         $hostGroupIds = zbx_objectValues($hostGroups, 'groupid');
         $sqlParts['where'][] = '(' . dbConditionInt('s.groupid', $hostGroupIds) . ' OR s.groupid IS NULL)';
     // usrgrpids
     if (!is_null($options['usrgrpids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = '(s.usrgrpid IS NULL OR ' . dbConditionInt('s.usrgrpid', $options['usrgrpids']) . ')';
     // scriptids
     if (!is_null($options['scriptids'])) {
         $sqlParts['where'][] = dbConditionInt('s.scriptid', $options['scriptids']);
     // search
     if (is_array($options['search'])) {
         zbx_db_search('scripts s', $options, $sqlParts);
     // filter
     if (is_array($options['filter'])) {
         $this->dbFilter('scripts s', $options, $sqlParts);
     // limit
     if (zbx_ctype_digit($options['limit']) && $options['limit']) {
         $sqlParts['limit'] = $options['limit'];
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQueryOutputOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $sqlParts = $this->applyQuerySortOptions($this->tableName(), $this->tableAlias(), $options, $sqlParts);
     $res = DBselect($this->createSelectQueryFromParts($sqlParts), $sqlParts['limit']);
     while ($script = DBfetch($res)) {
         if ($options['countOutput']) {
             $result = $script['rowscount'];
         } else {
             $result[$script['scriptid']] = $script;
     if (!is_null($options['countOutput'])) {
         return $result;
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->addRelatedObjects($options, $result);
         $result = $this->unsetExtraFields($result, array('groupid', 'host_access'), $options['output']);
     // removing keys (hash -> array)
     if (is_null($options['preservekeys'])) {
         $result = zbx_cleanHashes($result);
     return $result;
예제 #30
  * Process screen.
  * @return CDiv (screen inside container)
 public function get()
     $sortfield = 'clock';
     $sortorder = ZBX_SORT_DOWN;
     $sorttitle = _('Time');
     switch ($this->screenitem['sort_triggers']) {
             $sortfield = 'clock';
             $sortorder = ZBX_SORT_UP;
             $sorttitle = _('Time');
             $sortfield = 'clock';
             $sortorder = ZBX_SORT_DOWN;
             $sorttitle = _('Time');
             $sortfield = 'description';
             $sortorder = ZBX_SORT_UP;
             $sorttitle = _('Type');
             $sortfield = 'description';
             $sortorder = ZBX_SORT_DOWN;
             $sorttitle = _('Type');
             $sortfield = 'status';
             $sortorder = ZBX_SORT_UP;
             $sorttitle = _('Status');
             $sortfield = 'status';
             $sortorder = ZBX_SORT_DOWN;
             $sorttitle = _('Status');
             $sortfield = 'sendto';
             $sortorder = ZBX_SORT_UP;
             $sorttitle = _('Recipient(s)');
             $sortfield = 'sendto';
             $sortorder = ZBX_SORT_DOWN;
             $sorttitle = _('Recipient(s)');
     $sql = 'SELECT a.alertid,a.clock,a.sendto,a.subject,a.message,a.status,a.retries,a.error,' . 'a.userid,a.actionid,a.mediatypeid,mt.description' . ' FROM events e,alerts a' . ' LEFT JOIN media_type mt ON mt.mediatypeid=a.mediatypeid' . ' WHERE e.eventid=a.eventid' . ' AND alerttype=' . ALERT_TYPE_MESSAGE;
     if (CWebUser::getType() != USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
         $userid = CWebUser::$data['userid'];
         $userGroups = getUserGroupsByUserId($userid);
         $sql .= ' AND EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM functions f,items i,hosts_groups hgg' . ' JOIN rights r' . ' ON r.id=hgg.groupid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('r.groupid', $userGroups) . ' WHERE e.objectid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid' . ' GROUP BY f.triggerid' . ' HAVING MIN(r.permission)>' . PERM_DENY . ')';
     $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $sortfield . ' ' . $sortorder;
     $alerts = DBfetchArray(DBselect($sql, $this->screenitem['elements']));
     order_result($alerts, $sortfield, $sortorder);
     if ($alerts) {
         $dbUsers = API::User()->get(array('output' => array('userid', 'alias', 'name', 'surname'), 'userids' => zbx_objectValues($alerts, 'userid'), 'preservekeys' => true));
     // indicator of sort field
     $sortfieldSpan = new CSpan(array($sorttitle, SPACE));
     $sortorderSpan = new CSpan(SPACE, $sortorder === ZBX_SORT_DOWN ? 'icon_sortdown default_cursor' : 'icon_sortup default_cursor');
     // create alert table
     $actionTable = new CTableInfo(_('No action log entries found.'));
     $actionTable->setHeader(array($sortfield === 'clock' ? array($sortfieldSpan, $sortorderSpan) : _('Time'), _('Action'), $sortfield === 'description' ? array($sortfieldSpan, $sortorderSpan) : _('Type'), $sortfield === 'sendto' ? array($sortfieldSpan, $sortorderSpan) : _('Recipient(s)'), _('Message'), $sortfield === 'status' ? array($sortfieldSpan, $sortorderSpan) : _('Status'), _('Info')));
     $actions = API::Action()->get(array('output' => array('actionid', 'name'), 'actionids' => array_unique(zbx_objectValues($alerts, 'actionid')), 'preservekeys' => true));
     foreach ($alerts as $alert) {
         if ($alert['status'] == ALERT_STATUS_SENT) {
             $status = new CSpan(_('Sent'), 'green');
         } elseif ($alert['status'] == ALERT_STATUS_NOT_SENT) {
             $status = new CSpan(array(_('In progress') . ':', BR(), _n('%1$s retry left', '%1$s retries left', ALERT_MAX_RETRIES - $alert['retries'])), 'orange');
         } else {
             $status = new CSpan(_('Not sent'), 'red');
         $recipient = $alert['userid'] ? array(bold(getUserFullname($dbUsers[$alert['userid']])), BR(), $alert['sendto']) : $alert['sendto'];
         $message = array(bold(_('Subject') . ':'), br(), $alert['subject'], br(), br(), bold(_('Message') . ':'), br(), $alert['message']);
         if (zbx_empty($alert['error'])) {
             $info = '';
         } else {
             $info = new CDiv(SPACE, 'status_icon iconerror');
             $info->setHint($alert['error'], 'on');
         $actionTable->addRow(array(new CCol(zbx_date2str(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_SECONDS, $alert['clock']), 'top'), new CCol($actions[$alert['actionid']]['name'], 'top'), new CCol($alert['mediatypeid'] == 0 ? '-' : $alert['description'], 'top'), new CCol($recipient, 'top'), new CCol($message, 'top pre'), new CCol($status, 'top'), new CCol($info, 'wraptext top')));
     return $this->getOutput($actionTable);