예제 #1
function insertUSRList($atts)
    $usrLang = get_option('usrLang');
    //Get all the needed attributes
    $readyToUseAttributes = getReadyToUseAttributes($atts);
    $atts = $readyToUseAttributes["usrAtts"];
    $usrAttributes = $readyToUseAttributes["usrAttributeArray"];
    //If there are more than 1 keys inside the array...
    if (count($atts) > 1) {
        //set a helper variable to calculate the average
        $sumRatingValues = 0;
        //Using a table because it looks better
        $usrlist = '<table class="usr">';
        //Check if this is a custom image
        if (substr($usrAttributes["usrStarImage"], 0, 1) === "c") {
            $usrCustomImagesFolder = get_option('usrCustomImagesFolder');
        } else {
            $usrCustomImagesFolder = FALSE;
        //For each key/value pair inside the array...
        foreach ($atts as $value) {
            //If there is a pair...
            if (strpos($value, ':')) {
                //splitting Key:Value into two variables - User can't use a ':' inside Key
                list($splittedKey, $splittedValue) = explode(":", $value, 2);
                //If there is just a key...
            } else {
                $splittedKey = $value;
                $splittedValue = 0;
            //Get the right rating formats
            $ratingValue = getUsableRating($splittedValue, $usrAttributes["usrMaxStars"]);
            $sumRatingValues = $sumRatingValues + $ratingValue;
            //Setting up the string with the right picture
            $usrlist .= '<tr><td>' . $splittedKey . ':</td><td>' . getImageString($ratingValue, $usrAttributes["usrStarImage"], $usrAttributes["usrMaxStars"], $usrAttributes["usrStarText"], $usrAttributes["usrPreviewImg"], $usrAttributes["usrStarSize"], false, 1, $usrCustomImagesFolder) . '</td></tr>';
        //If the average is needed...
        if ($usrAttributes["usrCalcAverage"] == "true") {
            $averageRating = getUsableRating(round($sumRatingValues / count($atts), 1), $usrAttributes["usrMaxStars"]);
            $usrlist .= '<tr><td style="border-top:1px solid;">' . $CONFIGURATION['AverageText'][$usrLang] . ':</td><td style="border-top:1px solid;">' . getImageString($averageRating, $usrAttributes["usrStarImage"], $usrAttributes["usrMaxStars"], $usrAttributes["usrStarText"], $usrAttributes["usrPreviewImg"], $usrAttributes["usrStarSize"], true, count($atts), $usrCustomImagesFolder) . '</td></tr>';
        //Finishing the table
        $usrlist .= '</table>';
        return $usrlist;
        //There is just 1 key:value pair we return the error message
    } else {
        return $MESSAGES['ERROR']['NotEnoughParameters'][$usrLang];
예제 #2
function getImageString($ratingValue, $usrStarImage, $usrMaxStars, $usrStarText, $usrPreviewImg, $usrStarSize, $usrAggregatedOutput, $usrAggregationCount, $usrCustomImagesFolder)
    if (!isset($usrAggregatedOutput) || $usrAggregatedOutput != true) {
        $usrAggregatedOutput = false;
    if (!isset($usrCustomImagesFolder)) {
        $usrCustomImagesFolder = "";
    //Just in case it is not done yet...
    $ratingValue = getUsableRating($ratingValue, $usrMaxStars);
    $formattedRatingValue = getFormattedRating($ratingValue);
    //Set the string
    $imageString = '';
    //Schema.org SEO
    if (get_option('usrSchemaOrg') == "true") {
        //If this is aggregated output from usrlist...
        if ($usrAggregatedOutput == false) {
            $imageString .= '<div itemprop="' . get_option("usrSchemaOrgType") . '" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Rating" class="usr">';
            $imageString .= '<meta itemprop="worstRating" content="0" />';
            //If text will not be displayed...
            if ($usrStarText != "true") {
                $imageString .= '<meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="' . $ratingValue . '" />';
                $imageString .= '<meta itemprop="bestRating" content="' . $usrMaxStars . '" />';
            //If it is not an aggregated output...
        } elseif ($usrAggregatedOutput == true) {
            $imageString .= '<div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/AggregateRating" class="usr">';
            if ($usrStarText != "true") {
                $imageString .= '<meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="' . $ratingValue . '" />';
                $imageString .= '<meta itemprop="reviewCount" content="' . $usrAggregationCount . '" />';
    //If it is a preview image
    if ($usrPreviewImg == "true") {
        //Set image
        $imageString .= '<img class="usr" src="' . content_url() . '/plugins/universal-star-rating/includes/stars.php?img=' . $usrStarImage . '&amp;px=' . $usrStarSize . '&amp;max=' . $usrMaxStars . '&amp;rat=' . $ratingValue;
        if ($usrCustomImagesFolder != "") {
            $imageString .= '&amp;folder=' . $usrCustomImagesFolder;
        $imageString .= '" style="height: ' . $usrStarSize . 'px !important;" alt="' . $ratingValue . ' Stars" />';
        //If it is not a preview
    } else {
        //Set image string
        $imageString .= '<img class="usr" src="' . content_url() . '/plugins/universal-star-rating/includes/stars.php?img=' . $usrStarImage . '&amp;px=' . $usrStarSize . '&amp;max=' . $usrMaxStars . '&amp;rat=' . $ratingValue;
        if ($usrCustomImagesFolder != "") {
            $imageString .= '&amp;folder=' . $usrCustomImagesFolder;
        $imageString .= '"';
        //If star size is not the default there has to be a style attribute...
        if ($usrStarSize != get_option('usrStarSize')) {
            $imageString .= ' style="height: ' . $usrStarSize . 'px !important;"';
        $imageString .= ' alt="' . $ratingValue . ' Stars" />';
    //If text will be displayed...
    if ($usrStarText == "true") {
        //With schema.org SEO
        if (get_option('usrSchemaOrg') == "true") {
            if ($usrAggregatedOutput == false) {
                $imageString .= ' (<span itemprop="ratingValue">' . $formattedRatingValue . '</span> / <span itemprop="bestRating">' . $usrMaxStars . '</span>)';
            if ($usrAggregatedOutput == true) {
                $imageString .= ' (<span itemprop="ratingValue">' . $formattedRatingValue . '</span> / ' . $usrMaxStars . ')<meta itemprop="reviewCount" content="' . $usrAggregationCount . '" />';
            //Without schema.org SEO
        } else {
            $imageString .= ' (' . $formattedRatingValue . ' / ' . $usrMaxStars . ')';
    //Close schema.org SEO tag
    if (get_option('usrSchemaOrg') == "true") {
        $imageString .= '</div>';
    return $imageString;