예제 #1
$result = $sql->fetchAll();
if (is_array($result)) {
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        echo "Verschiebe Spieler mit der ID " . $row["LoginID"] . ": " . $row["user"] . "\n";
        $sql = $db_game->prepare("SELECT tribe \n                              FROM " . PLAYER_TABLE . " \n                              WHERE name = :user");
        $sql->bindValue('user', $row['user'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
        if (!$sql->execute()) {
            echo "Rotate Multi: Failed to get old tribe from Player\n";
        //Nachricht f�r den alten Stamm erzeugen
        if ($row2 = $sql->fetch()) {
            if ($row2['tribe'] != "") {
                $time = getUgaAggaTime(time());
                $month = getMonthName($time['month']);
                $sql2 = $db_game->prepare("INSERT INTO " . TRIBE_HISTORY_TABLE . " \n                                   (tribe, timestamp, ingameTime, message) \n                                   VALUES \n                                   (:tribe, NOW(), :timestamp, :message)");
                $sql2->bindValue('tribe', $row2['tribe'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                $sql2->bindValue('ingameTime', $time['day'] . "{$month}<br>im Jahr " . $time['year'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                $sql2->bindValue('message', "Spieler " . $row['user'] . " wurde in den Stamm Multi �berf�hrt", PDO::PARAM_STR);
                if (!$sql->execute()) {
                    echo "Rotate Multi: Failed to update old tribehistory\n";
        //Player in Multistamm packen
        $sql = $db_game->prepare("UPDATE " . PLAYER_TABLE . " \n                              SET tribe = 'multi' \n                              WHERE name = :user");
예제 #2
function getUgaAggaTimeFromTimeStamp($timestamp)
    $time = mktime(substr($timestamp, 8, 2), substr($timestamp, 10, 2), substr($timestamp, 12, 2), substr($timestamp, 4, 2), substr($timestamp, 6, 2), substr($timestamp, 0, 4));
    return getUgaAggaTime($time);
예제 #3

require_once "include/time.inc.php";
require_once "include/basic.lib.php";
$now = getUgaAggaTime(time());
$time = $now['day'] . ". " . unhtmlentities(getMonthName($now['month'])) . ", " . $now['year'] . ". Jahr";
$timelen = strlen($time);
$size = 11;
if ($timelen > 18) {
    $size = 8;
$x = 95 - $timelen / 2 * $size;
if ($x < 0) {
    $x = 0;
$im_bg = @imagecreate(185, 32);
$im_fg = @imagecreate(185, 32);
$background_color = ImageColorAllocate($im_bg, 255, 255, 255);
$background_color = ImageColorAllocate($im_fg, 255, 255, 255);
$text_color = ImageColorAllocate($im_fg, 0, 0, 0);
ImageTTFText($im_fg, $size, 0, $x, 18, -$text_color, "aniron.ttf", $time);
imagecolortransparent($im_fg, $background_color);
imagecolortransparent($im_bg, $background_color);
imagecopy($im_bg, $im_fg, 0, 0, 0, 0, 185, 32);
header("Content-type: image/png");
예제 #4
function stats_getStats()
    global $unitTypeList, $config, $params, $db;
    $stats = array();
    $db = new DB();
    // checking if the ticker is running
    $file = "../utilities/ticker_status";
    if (!file_exists($file)) {
        $stats['ticker_status'] = "Unbekannt";
    } else {
        // getting the filechangetime
        $time = getdate(filemtime($file));
        if ($time[mon] < 10) {
            $time[mon] = "0" . $time[mon];
        if ($time[mday] < 10) {
            $time[mday] = "0" . $time[mday];
        if ($time[hours] < 10) {
            $time[hours] = "0" . $time[hours];
        if ($time[minutes] < 10) {
            $time[minutes] = "0" . $time[minutes];
        if ($time[seconds] < 10) {
            $time[seconds] = "0" . $time[seconds];
        $modified = $time[year] . $time[mon] . $time[mday] . $time[hours] . $time[minutes] . $time[seconds];
        if (filesize($file) < 1024) {
            // we need to update the stats table if it is 0 (eg the first time we found it down)
            $query = "SELECT ticker_downtime FROM stats";
            if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
                echo "Database error!";
            $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
            if ($row[ticker_downtime] < 1) {
                // We need to update the status
                $query = "UPDATE stats SET ticker_downtime = " . $modified;
                if (!$db->query($query)) {
                    echo "Database error!";
            $t = $modified;
            $time = $t[6] . $t[7] . "." . $t[4] . $t[5] . "." . $t[0] . $t[1] . $t[2] . $t[3] . " - " . $t[8] . $t[9] . ":" . $t[10] . $t[11] . ":" . $t[12] . $t[13];
            $stats['ticker_status'] = "down since " . $time;
        } else {
            // oh the ticker is running, we need to reset the stats table
            $query = "UPDATE stats SET ticker_downtime = 0";
            if (!$db->query($query)) {
                echo "Database error!";
            // its running since...
            $file = "../utilities/ticker.pid";
            if (file_exists($file)) {
                $fp = @fopen($file, "r");
                $pid = fscanf($fp, "%d");
                $ticker_time = fscanf($fp, "Ticker start: %d");
                $ttime = getdate($ticker_time[0]);
                if ($ttime[mon] < 10) {
                    $ttime[mon] = "0" . $ttime[mon];
                if ($ttime[mday] < 10) {
                    $ttime[mday] = "0" . $ttime[mday];
                if ($ttime[hours] < 10) {
                    $ttime[hours] = "0" . $ttime[hours];
                if ($ttime[minutes] < 10) {
                    $ttime[minutes] = "0" . $ttime[minutes];
                if ($ttime[seconds] < 10) {
                    $ttime[seconds] = "0" . $ttime[seconds];
                $running = $ttime[mday] . "." . $ttime[mon] . "." . $ttime[year] . " - " . $ttime[hours] . ":" . $ttime[minutes] . ":" . $ttime[seconds];
            $t = $modified;
            $time = $t[6] . $t[7] . "." . $t[4] . $t[5] . "." . $t[0] . $t[1] . $t[2] . $t[3] . " - " . $t[8] . $t[9] . ":" . $t[10] . $t[11] . ":" . $t[12] . $t[13];
            $stats['ticker_status'] = "up and running since " . $running . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(last check: " . $time . ")";
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // $query =
    //   "SELECT * ".
    //   "FROM stats ";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query = "SELECT * FROM stats"))) {
        echo "no db stats";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $t = $row[runden_start];
    $time = $t[6] . $t[7] . "." . $t[4] . $t[5] . "." . $t[0] . $t[1] . $t[2] . $t[3] . " - " . $t[8] . $t[9] . ":" . $t[10] . $t[11] . ":" . $t[12] . $t[13];
    $stats['runden_start'] = $time;
    $now = getUgaAggaTime(time());
    if ($now['moon'] == "z") {
        $moon = "zunehmend";
    if ($now['moon'] == "a") {
        $moon = "abnehmend";
    if ($now['moon'] == "n") {
        $moon = "Neumond";
    if ($now['moon'] == "v") {
        $moon = "Vollmond";
    $stats['uga_time'] = $now['day'] . ". Tag des " . getMonthName($now['month']) . "-Monats im Jahre " . $now['year'] . " um " . $now['hour'] . " Uhr. Mondphase: " . $moon . ".";
    $stats['kampfberichte'] = $row[kampfberichte];
    $stats['spioberichte'] = $row[spioberichte];
    $stats['takeover'] = $row[takeover_success];
    $stats['max_active'] = $row[max_active];
    $stats['max_date'] = $row[max_date];
    $stats['wunder'] = $row[wunderberichte];
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT count(*) AS anzahl FROM Player WHERE npcID = 0";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query)) || $result->isEmpty()) {
        echo "DB Error 1";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['spieler'] = $row[anzahl];
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT count(*) AS anzahl FROM Tribe WHERE name != 'Astaroth'";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query)) || $result->isEmpty()) {
        echo "DB Error 2";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['clans'] = $row[anzahl];
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT count(*) AS anzahl FROM Player WHERE tribe != 'Astaroth' AND tribe != ''";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query)) || $result->isEmpty()) {
        echo "DB Error 3";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['player_clans'] = $row[anzahl];
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT count(*) AS anzahl FROM Player WHERE tribe != 'Astaroth' AND tribe = ''";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query)) || $result->isEmpty()) {
        echo "DB Error 4";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['player_noclan'] = $row[anzahl];
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT count(*) AS anzahl FROM Ranking WHERE religion = 'none'";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
        echo "DB Error 5";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['player_noreligion'] = $row[anzahl];
    if ($stats['player_noreligion'] < 1) {
        $stats['player_noreligion'] = "keine";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT count(*) AS anzahl FROM Ranking WHERE religion = 'agga'";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
        echo "DB Error 6";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['player_religion_agga'] = $row[anzahl];
    if ($stats['player_religion_agga'] < 1) {
        $stats['player_religion_agga'] = "keine";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT count(*) AS anzahl FROM Ranking WHERE religion = 'uga'";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
        echo "DB Error 7";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['player_religion_uga'] = $row[anzahl];
    if ($stats['player_religion_uga'] < 1) {
        $stats['player_religion_uga'] = "keine";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT count(*) AS anzahl FROM Player WHERE agga > 1 AND npcID = 0";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
        echo "DB Error 8";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['player_religion_hex'] = $row[anzahl];
    if ($stats['player_religion_hex'] < 1) {
        $stats['player_religion_hex'] = "keine";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT ";
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($unitTypeList); $i++) {
        $unit = $unitTypeList[$i];
        // the current unit
        if ($i > 0) {
            $query .= "+ ";
        $query .= "sum(" . $unit->dbFieldName . ") ";
    $query .= " AS anzahl FROM Cave WHERE playerID != 1 AND playerID != 2 AND playerID != 3 AND playerID != 4 AND playerID != 5 AND playerID != 6 AND playerID != 7 AND playerID != 0 AND quest_cave = 0";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query)) || $result->isEmpty()) {
        echo "DB Error 9";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['units'] = $row[anzahl];
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT ";
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($unitTypeList); $i++) {
        $unit = $unitTypeList[$i];
        // the current unit
        if ($i > 0) {
            $query .= "+ ";
        $query .= "sum(" . $unit->dbFieldName . ") ";
    $query .= " AS anzahl FROM Event_movement";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
        echo "Database error!";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['units_moving'] = $row[anzahl];
    if ($stats['units_moving'] < 1) {
        $stats['units_moving'] = "keine";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT messageID AS anzahl FROM Message ORDER BY messageID DESC LIMIT 0 , 1";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
        echo "Database error!";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['messages'] = $row[anzahl];
    if ($stats['messages'] < 1) {
        $stats['messages'] = "keine";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT count( * ) AS anzahl FROM Cave";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
        echo "Database error!";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['caves_all'] = $row[anzahl];
    if ($stats['caves_all'] < 1) {
        $stats['caves_all'] = "keine";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT count( * ) AS anzahl FROM Cave WHERE playerID >0 AND playerID != 1 AND playerID != 2 AND playerID != 3 AND playerID != 4 AND playerID != 5 AND playerID != 6 AND playerID != 7 AND quest_cave =0";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
        echo "Database error!";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['caves'] = $row[anzahl];
    if ($stats['caves'] < 1) {
        $stats['caves'] = "keine";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = "SELECT count( * ) AS anzahl FROM Cave WHERE playerID = 0 AND takeoverable = 1";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
        echo "Database error!";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['caves_free'] = $row[anzahl];
    if ($stats['caves_free'] < 1) {
        $stats['caves_free'] = "keine";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Questions
    $query = "SELECT count(*) AS anzahl FROM Questionnaire_questions";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
        echo "Database error!";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['questions'] = $row[anzahl];
    if ($stats['questions'] < 1) {
        $stats['questions'] = "keine";
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // aktive Spieler
    $now = time() - 10 * 60;
    $timestamp = date("YmdHis", $now);
    $query = "SELECT count( * ) AS anzahl FROM Session WHERE lastAction > " . $timestamp;
    if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
        echo "Database error!";
    $row = $result->nextRow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $stats['user_active'] = $row[anzahl];
    $active = $row[anzahl];
    if ($stats['user_active'] < 1) {
        $stats['user_active'] = "keine";
    // checking max
    if ($active > $stats['max_active']) {
        // new max, enter in db
        $now = time();
        $timestamp = date("YmdHis", $now);
        $query = "UPDATE stats SET max_active = " . $active . ", max_date = " . $timestamp;
        if (!$db->query($query)) {
            echo "Database error!";
        $stats['max_active'] = $active;
        $stats['max_date'] = $timestamp;
    $t = $stats['max_date'];
    $time = $t[6] . $t[7] . "." . $t[4] . $t[5] . "." . $t[0] . $t[1] . $t[2] . $t[3] . " - " . $t[8] . $t[9] . ":" . $t[10] . $t[11] . ":" . $t[12] . $t[13];
    $stats['max_date'] = $time;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Höhlen anzahl
    $query = "SELECT count( * ) AS anzahl FROM Cave WHERE playerID >0 AND playerID !=1 AND playerID != 2 AND playerID != 3 AND playerID != 4 AND playerID != 5 AND playerID != 6 AND playerID != 7 AND quest_cave =0 GROUP BY playerID";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
        echo "Database error!";
    $count = 0;
    $count2 = 0;
    while ($row = $result->nextrow(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        if ($row[anzahl] == 1) {
        if ($row[anzahl] > 4) {
    if ($count < 1) {
        $count2 = "keine";
    $stats['one_cave'] = $count;
    if ($count2 < 1) {
        $count2 = "keine";
    $stats['4_cave'] = $count2;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Artefakt anzahl
    $query = "SELECT a.artefactID, a.caveID, a.initiated, ac.name AS artefactname, ac.initiationID, c.name AS cavename, c.xCoord, c.yCoord, c.quest_cave, p.playerID, p.name, p.tribe FROM Artefact a LEFT  JOIN Artefact_class ac ON a.artefactClassID = ac.artefactClassID LEFT  JOIN Cave c ON a.caveID = c.caveID LEFT  JOIN Player p ON c.playerID = p.playerID WHERE p.playerID !=0 AND p.tribe !=  'Astaroth' AND c.quest_cave =0";
    $result = $db->query($query);
    $count = 0;
    while ($row = $result->nextrow(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    $stats['artefact'] = $count;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Urlauber
    $query = "SELECT count(*) AS anzahl FROM Player WHERE urlaub = 1";
    if (!($result = $db->query($query))) {
        echo "Database error!";
    if ($result->isEmpty()) {
        $stats['urlauber'] = "keine";
    } else {
        $row = $result->nextrow(MYSQL_ASSOC);
        $stats['urlauber'] = $row[anzahl];
        if ($stats['urlauber'] < 1) {
            $stats['urlauber'] = "keine";
    return array($stats);
예제 #5
 public static function setHistory($tribeID, $message)
     global $db;
     if (empty($tribeID) || empty($message)) {
         return false;
     $time = getUgaAggaTime(time());
     $month = getMonthName($time['month']);
     $sql = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO " . TRIBE_HISTORY_TABLE . "\n                         (tribeID, ingameTime, message)\n                         VALUES (:tribeID, :ingameTime, :message)");
     $sql->bindValue('tribeID', $tribeID, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $sql->bindValue('ingameTime', "{$time['day']}. {$month} im Jahr {$time['year']}", PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $sql->bindValue('message', $message, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     if (!$sql->execute() || $sql->rowCount() == 0) {
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #6
function relation_insertIntoHistory($tribe, $message, $db)
    $time = getUgaAggaTime(time());
    $month = getMonthName($time['month']);
    $query = "INSERT INTO TribeHistory " . "(tribe, ingameTime, message) " . "values ('{$tribe}', '{$time['day']}. {$month}<br>im Jahr {$time['year']}', " . "'{$message}')";
    return $db->query($query);
예제 #7
function questionnaire_timeIsRight($row)
    global $db;
    static $now = null;
    // get current uga agga time
    if ($now === null) {
        $now = getUgaAggaTime(time());
    $parsed_row = array();
    questionnaire_parseNumericElement($row['hour'], $parsed_row['hour'], HOURS_PER_DAY);
    questionnaire_parseNumericElement($row['day_of_month'], $parsed_row['day_of_month'], DAYS_PER_MONTH);
    questionnaire_parseNumericElement($row['month'], $parsed_row['month'], MONTHS_PER_YEAR);
    questionnaire_parseCharElement($row['phase_of_moon'], $parsed_row['phase_of_moon'], array("a", "n", "z", "v"));
    return $parsed_row['hour'][$now['hour']] && $parsed_row['day_of_month'][$now['day']] && $parsed_row['month'][$now['month']] && $parsed_row['phase_of_moon'][$now['moon']];
예제 #8
파일: menu.php 프로젝트: agatho/uaenhanced
 function initTime()
     // get ua_time
     $this->time = getUgaAggaTime(time());
     $this->time['monthName'] = getMonthName($this->time['month']);