예제 #1
function removeTranslatedTextAttributeValue( $valueId ) {
	$dc = wdGetDataSetContext();
	$translatedTextAttribute = getTranslatedTextAttribute( $valueId );
	// Dilemma: 
	// Should we also remove the translated texts when removing a
	// translated content attribute? There are pros and cons. For
	// now it is easier to not remove them so they can be rolled
	// back easier.      
//	removeTranslatedTexts($translatedTextAttribute->value_tcid);  

	$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
		"UPDATE {$dc}_translated_content_attribute_values" .
		" SET remove_transaction_id=" . getUpdateTransactionId() .
		" WHERE value_id=$valueId" .
		" AND remove_transaction_id IS NULL"
예제 #2
	public function update( $keyPath, $value ) {
		$valueId = $keyPath->peek( 0 )->translatedTextAttributeId;
		$translatedTextAttribute = getTranslatedTextAttribute( $valueId );

		if ( $value != "" ) {
			updateTranslatedText( $translatedTextAttribute->value_tcid, $this->filterLanguageId, $value );