function getTableList()
    global $TABLE_PREFIX, $APP;
    // get table names
    $mysqlTables = getMysqlTablesWithPrefix();
    $schemaTables = getSchemaTables();
    // create multi query
    $tables = array();
    $tableRowCounts = array();
    foreach ($schemaTables as $tableName) {
        $tableNameWithPrefix = getTableNameWithPrefix($tableName);
        if (in_array($tableNameWithPrefix, $mysqlTables)) {
            $rowCount = mysql_count($tableNameWithPrefix);
        $localTableSchema = loadSchema($tableName);
        array_push($tables, array('tableName' => $tableName, 'menuName' => @$localTableSchema['menuName'], 'menuType' => @$localTableSchema['menuType'], 'menuOrder' => @$localTableSchema['menuOrder'], 'menuHidden' => @$localTableSchema['menuHidden'], 'tableHidden' => @$localTableSchema['tableHidden'], '_indent' => @$localTableSchema['_indent'], 'recordCount' => $rowCount));
    // sort table list
    uasort($tables, '_sortMenusByOrder');
    return $tables;
function _upgradeToVersion1_10()
    if ($SETTINGS['programVersion'] >= '1.10') {
    ### Update Access Levels
    // update mysql tables, schema, schema preset files
    $schemaDirs = array(DATA_DIR . '/schema', DATA_DIR . '/schemaPresets');
    $fieldsToMaintainOrder = array('num', 'createdDate', 'createdByUserNum', 'updatedDate', 'updatedByUserNum');
    foreach ($schemaDirs as $schemaDir) {
        foreach (getSchemaTables($schemaDir) as $tableName) {
            $schema = loadSchema($tableName, $schemaDir);
            $escapedTableName = mysql_escape(getTableNameWithPrefix($tableName));
            $isPreset = $schemaDir == DATA_DIR . '/schemaPresets';
            // skip tables
            if ($tableName == 'uploads') {
            if ($tableName == '_accesslist') {
            // add fields
            $schema['num']['order'] = "1";
            $schema['createdDate'] = array('order' => '2', 'type' => 'none', 'label' => "Created", 'isSystemField' => '1');
            $schema['createdByUserNum'] = array('order' => '3', 'type' => 'none', 'label' => "Created By", 'isSystemField' => '1');
            $schema['updatedDate'] = array('order' => '4', 'type' => 'none', 'label' => "Last Updated", 'isSystemField' => '1');
            $schema['updatedByUserNum'] = array('order' => '5', 'type' => 'none', 'label' => "Last Updated By", 'isSystemField' => '1');
            foreach (array_keys($schema) as $fieldname) {
                $fieldSchema =& $schema[$fieldname];
                if (!is_array($fieldSchema)) {
                // fields are stored as arrays, other entries are table metadata, skip metadata
                if (!in_array($fieldname, $fieldsToMaintainOrder)) {
                    $fieldSchema['order'] = @$fieldSchema['order'] + 6;
                ### Change column type for checkbox fields
                if (@$fieldSchema['type'] == 'checkbox' && !$isPreset) {
                    mysql_query("UPDATE `{$escapedTableName}` SET `{$fieldname}` = 0 WHERE `{$fieldname}` IS NULL") or die("Mysql error:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . " in " . __FILE__ . ", line " . __LINE__);
                    mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `{$escapedTableName}` CHANGE COLUMN `{$fieldname}` `{$fieldname}` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL") or die("Mysql error:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . " in " . __FILE__ . ", line " . __LINE__);
                ### Change column type for datetime fields
                if (@$fieldSchema['type'] == 'date' && !$isPreset) {
                    mysql_query("UPDATE `{$escapedTableName}` SET `{$fieldname}` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' WHERE `{$fieldname}` IS NULL") or die("Mysql error:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . " in " . __FILE__ . ", line " . __LINE__);
                    mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `{$escapedTableName}` CHANGE COLUMN `{$fieldname}` `{$fieldname}` datetime NOT NULL") or die("Mysql error:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . " in " . __FILE__ . ", line " . __LINE__);
                // Rename autoPublish fields
                if ($fieldname == 'autoPublishStartDate' && !@$schema['publishDate']) {
                    $schema['publishDate'] = $fieldSchema;
                    if (!$isPreset) {
                        mysql_query("UPDATE `{$escapedTableName}` SET `{$fieldname}` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' WHERE `{$fieldname}` IS NULL") or die("Mysql error:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . " in " . __FILE__ . ", line " . __LINE__);
                        mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `{$escapedTableName}` CHANGE COLUMN `{$fieldname}` `publishDate` datetime NOT NULL") or die("Mysql error:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . " in " . __FILE__ . ", line " . __LINE__);
                if ($fieldname == 'autoPublishEndDate' && !@$schema['removeDate']) {
                    $schema['removeDate'] = $fieldSchema;
                    if (!$isPreset) {
                        mysql_query("UPDATE `{$escapedTableName}` SET `{$fieldname}` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' WHERE `{$fieldname}` IS NULL") or die("Mysql error:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . " in " . __FILE__ . ", line " . __LINE__);
                        mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `{$escapedTableName}` CHANGE COLUMN `{$fieldname}` `removeDate` datetime NOT NULL") or die("Mysql error:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . " in " . __FILE__ . ", line " . __LINE__);
                if ($fieldname == 'autoPublishNeverExpires' && !@$schema['neverRemove']) {
                    $schema['neverRemove'] = $fieldSchema;
                    if (!$isPreset) {
                        mysql_query("UPDATE `{$escapedTableName}` SET `{$fieldname}` = 0 WHERE `{$fieldname}` IS NULL") or die("Mysql error:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . " in " . __FILE__ . ", line " . __LINE__);
                        mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `{$escapedTableName}` CHANGE COLUMN `{$fieldname}` `neverRemove` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL") or die("Mysql error:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . " in " . __FILE__ . ", line " . __LINE__);
            uasort($schema, '__sortSchemaFieldsByOrder');
            // sort schema keys
            saveSchema($tableName, $schema, $schemaDir);
    // create missing fields
    // don't show "created table/field" alerts
    // uncomment this after next update
function mysql_insert($tableName, $colsToValues, $tempDisableMysqlStrictMode = false)
    $tableName = getTableNameWithPrefix($tableName);
    $set = mysql_getMysqlSetValues($colsToValues);
    $insert = "INSERT INTO `{$tableName}` SET {$set}";
    if ($tempDisableMysqlStrictMode) {
    mysql_query($insert) or dieAsCaller("MySQL Error: " . mysql_error() . "\n");
    $recordNum = mysql_insert_id();
    if ($tempDisableMysqlStrictMode) {
    return $recordNum;
function incrementCounterField($tablename, $fieldname, $recordNumber)
    global $VIEWER_NAME;
    // error checking
    if (!$tablename) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": No 'tablename' value specified!");
    if (!$fieldname) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": No 'fieldname' value specified!");
    if (!$recordNumber) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": No 'recordNumber' value specified!");
    // update counter
    $escapedTableName = mysql_escape(getTableNameWithPrefix($tablename));
    $query = "UPDATE `{$escapedTableName}` SET `{$fieldname}` = IFNULL(`{$fieldname}`,0) + 1";
    $query .= " WHERE `num` = '" . mysql_escape($recordNumber) . "'";
    $result = @mysql_query($query);
    if (!$result) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . " MySQL Error: " . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
    if (!mysql_affected_rows()) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": Couldn't find record '" . htmlencode($recordNumber) . "'!");
예제 #5
require_once "lib/menus/database/editTable_functions.php";
$tableDetails = getTableDetails();
$errors = getTableDetailErrors($schema);
if ($errors) {

<form method="post" action="?" autocomplete="off">
<input type="submit" style="width: 0px; height: 0px; position: absolute; border: none; padding: 0px" /> <!-- bugfix: hitting enter in textfield submits first submit button on form -->
<input type="hidden" name="menu" value="database" />
<input type="hidden" name="_defaultAction" value="editTable" />
<input type="hidden" name="tableName" id="tableName" value="<?php 
echo htmlencode(getTableNameWithPrefix($_REQUEST['tableName']));
" />
<input type="hidden" name="menuOrder" value="<?php 
echo htmlencode(@$schema['menuOrder']);
" />
echo security_getHiddenCsrfTokenField();

<div class="content-box list-tables">

  <div class="content-box-header">
function getRecord($options)
    $VIEWER_NAME = "Page Viewer ({$options['tableName']})";
    // error checking
    $requiredOptions = array('tableName');
    $validOptions = array('tableName', 'recordNum', 'where', 'titleField', 'orderBy');
    $errors = _getOptionErrors($requiredOptions, $validOptions, $options);
    if ($errors) {
        die("{$VIEWER_NAME} errors<br/>\n{$errors}");
    // set defaults
    $schema = loadSchema($options['tableName']);
    if (!@$options['recordNum']) {
        $options['recordNum'] = getLastNumberInUrl();
    if (@$schema['menuType'] == 'single') {
        $options['recordNum'] = "1";
    // always load record 1 for single menus
    // get where condition
    $whereConditions = '';
    $escapedRecordNum = mysql_escape((int) $options['recordNum']);
    if ($options['where']) {
        $whereConditions = $options['where'];
    } elseif ($options['recordNum']) {
        $whereConditions = "num = '{$escapedRecordNum}'";
    // get record
    $fullTableName = getTableNameWithPrefix($options['tableName']);
    $escapedTableName = mysql_escape($fullTableName);
    $where = _addWhereConditionsForSpecialFields($schema, $whereConditions, $options);
    $orderBy = @$options['orderBy'] ? "ORDER BY {$options['orderBy']}" : '';
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$escapedTableName}` {$where} {$orderBy} LIMIT 0, 1";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die("{$VIEWER_NAME}: MySQL Error: " . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
    $record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    // add _link field
    if ($record) {
        $filenameValue = getFilenameFieldValue($record, @$options['titleField']);
        $record['_link'] = _getLink($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], $filenameValue, $record['num'], @$options['useSeoUrls']);
    // define upload fields
    if ($record) {
        foreach ($schema as $fieldname => $fieldSchema) {
            if (!is_array($fieldSchema)) {
            // not a field definition, table metadata field
            if (@$fieldSchema['type'] != 'upload') {
            // skip all but upload fields
            $record[$fieldname] = "Use getUploads() function to list uploads (See code generator).\n";
    return $record;
function saveTableDetails()
    global $TABLE_PREFIX, $schema, $APP, $tableName, $tableNameWithPrefix;
    $oldSchemaFilepath = DATA_DIR . '/schema/' . getTableNameWithoutPrefix($_REQUEST['tableName']) . ".ini.php";
    $newSchemaFilepath = DATA_DIR . '/schema/' . getTableNameWithoutPrefix($_REQUEST['newTableName']) . ".ini.php";
    disableInDemoMode('', 'database/listTables.php');
    // error checking
    $errors = '';
    if ($_REQUEST['newTableName'] == '') {
        $errors .= "You must specify a tablename!<br/>\n";
    if (preg_match("/dragSortOrder/", @$_REQUEST['listPageFields']) || preg_match("/dragSortOrder/", $_REQUEST['listPageOrder'])) {
        if (!preg_match("/^dragSortOrder/", @$_REQUEST['listPageFields'])) {
            $errors .= "If used, dragSortOrder must be the first field in 'ListPage Fields'!<br/>\n";
        if (!preg_match("/^dragSortOrder/", $_REQUEST['listPageOrder'])) {
            $errors .= "If used, dragSortOrder must be the first field in 'Order By'!<br/>\n";
    if (@$_REQUEST['tableName'] && !$schema) {
        $errors .= "Error updating schema file.  Please wait a few seconds and try again.<br/>\n";
    if (!is_writable(DATA_DIR . '/schema/')) {
        $errors .= "Schema dir '/data/schema/' isn't writable.  Please update permissions.<br/>\n";
    } elseif (!is_writable($oldSchemaFilepath)) {
        $errors .= "Schema file '/data/schema/" . basename($oldSchemaFilepath) . "' isn't writable.  Please update permissions.<br/>\n";
    // v2.53 - require urls to start with scheme:// or / (to ensure links are valid when moving between sites)
    $fieldNamesToLabels = array();
    $fieldNamesToLabels['_listPage'] = 'List Page Url';
    $fieldNamesToLabels['_detailPage'] = 'Detail Page Url';
    $fieldNamesToLabels['_previewPage'] = 'Preview Page Url';
    foreach ($fieldNamesToLabels as $name => $label) {
        $startsWithHttpOrSlash = preg_match("|^(\\w+:/)?/|", @$_REQUEST[$name]);
        if (@$_REQUEST[$name] && !$startsWithHttpOrSlash) {
            $errors .= t("{$label} must start with /") . "<br/>\n";
    if ($errors) {
    // force add table prefix (if not specified)
    $_REQUEST['newTableName'] = getTableNameWithPrefix($_REQUEST['newTableName']);
    ### rename table
    if ($_REQUEST['tableName'] != $_REQUEST['newTableName']) {
        $error = getTablenameErrors($_REQUEST['newTableName']);
        if ($error) {
        // rename mysql table
        $result = mysql_query("RENAME TABLE `" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['tableName']) . "`\n                                        TO `" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['newTableName']) . "`") or die("Error renaming MySQL table:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
        // rename schema file
        rename_winsafe($oldSchemaFilepath, $newSchemaFilepath) or die("Error renaming schema file!");
        // update uploads table with new table name
        $where = array('tableName' => getTableNameWithoutPrefix($_REQUEST['tableName']));
        // old tableName
        $colsToValues = array('tableName' => getTableNameWithoutPrefix($_REQUEST['newTableName']));
        // new tableName
        $result = mysql_update('uploads', null, $where, $colsToValues);
        // update tableName form field
        $_REQUEST['tableName'] = $_REQUEST['newTableName'];
        // update globals with new tablename
        $tableName = $_REQUEST['tableName'];
        // sic
        $tableNameWithPrefix = $_REQUEST['tableName'];
    ### update schema fields
    $schema['menuName'] = $_REQUEST['menuName'];
    $schema['_indent'] = @$_REQUEST['_indent'];
    $schema['menuType'] = $_REQUEST['menuType'];
    $schema['menuOrder'] = $_REQUEST['menuOrder'];
    if ($_REQUEST['menuType'] != 'link') {
        $schema['menuHidden'] = $_REQUEST['menuHidden'];
        $schema['listPageFields'] = @$_REQUEST['listPageFields'];
        $schema['listPageOrder'] = $_REQUEST['listPageOrder'];
        $schema['listPageSearchFields'] = $_REQUEST['listPageSearchFields'];
        $schema['_perPageDefault'] = @$_REQUEST['_perPageDefault'];
        $schema['_maxRecords'] = $_REQUEST['_maxRecords'];
        $schema['_maxRecordsPerUser'] = $_REQUEST['_maxRecordsPerUser'];
        $schema['_disableAdd'] = $_REQUEST['_disableAdd'];
        $schema['_disableView'] = $_REQUEST['_disableView'];
        $schema['_disableModify'] = $_REQUEST['_disableModify'];
        $schema['_disableErase'] = $_REQUEST['_disableErase'];
        $schema['_disablePreview'] = $_REQUEST['_disablePreview'];
        $schema['_filenameFields'] = @$_REQUEST['_filenameFields'];
        $schema['_listPage'] = @$_REQUEST['_listPage'];
        $schema['_detailPage'] = $_REQUEST['_detailPage'];
        $schema['_previewPage'] = $_REQUEST['_previewPage'];
        $schema['_hideRecordsFromDisabledAccounts'] = $_REQUEST['_hideRecordsFromDisabledAccounts'];
        $schema['_requiredPlugins'] = @$_REQUEST['_requiredPlugins'];
    if ($_REQUEST['menuType'] == 'link') {
        $schema['_url'] = $_REQUEST['_url'];
        $schema['_linkTarget'] = @$_REQUEST['_linkTarget'];
        $schema['_linkMessage'] = @$_REQUEST['_linkMessage'];
        $schema['_iframeHeight'] = @$_REQUEST['_iframeHeight'];
        // unset old schema value (if it exists)
    if ($_REQUEST['menuType'] == 'category') {
        $schema['_maxDepth'] = $_REQUEST['_maxDepth'];
    saveSchema($_REQUEST['tableName'], $schema);
    notice("Table details for '" . htmlencode($schema['menuName']) . "' have been saved.");
function backupDatabase($filenameOrPath = '', $selectedTable = '')
    global $TABLE_PREFIX;
    $prefixPlaceholder = '#TABLE_PREFIX#_';
    set_time_limit(60 * 5);
    // v2.51 - allow up to 5 minutes to backup/restore database
    // v2.51 - End the current session and store session data so locked session data doesn't prevent concurrent access to CMS by user while backup in progress
    // error checking
    if ($selectedTable != '') {
        $schemaTables = getSchemaTables();
        if (preg_match("/[^\\w\\d\\-\\.]/", $selectedTable)) {
            die(__FUNCTION__ . " : \$selectedTable contains invalid chars! " . htmlencode($selectedTable));
        if (!in_array($selectedTable, $schemaTables)) {
            die("Unknown table selected '" . htmlencode($selectedTable) . "'!");
    // open backup file
    $hostname = preg_replace('/[^\\w\\d\\-\\.]/', '', @$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
    if (!$filenameOrPath) {
        $filenameOrPath = "{$hostname}-v{$GLOBALS['APP']['version']}-" . date('Ymd-His');
        if ($selectedTable) {
            $filenameOrPath .= "-{$selectedTable}";
        $filenameOrPath .= ".sql.php";
    $outputFilepath = isAbsPath($filenameOrPath) ? $filenameOrPath : DATA_DIR . "/backups/{$filenameOrPath}";
    // v2.60 if only filename provided, use /data/backup/ as the basedir
    $fp = @fopen($outputFilepath, 'x');
    if (!$fp) {
        // file already exists - avoid race condition
        return false;
    // create no execute php header
    fwrite($fp, "-- <?php die('This is not a program file.'); exit; ?>\n\n");
    # prevent file from being executed
    // get tablenames to backup
    if ($selectedTable) {
        $tablenames = array(getTableNameWithPrefix($selectedTable));
    } else {
        $skippedTables = array('_cron_log', '_error_log', '_outgoing_mail', '_nlb_log');
        // don't backup these table names
        $skippedTables = applyFilters('backupDatabase_skippedTables', $skippedTables);
        // let users skip tables via plugins
        $skippedTables = array_map('getTableNameWithPrefix', $skippedTables);
        // add table_prefix to all table names (if needed)
        $allTables = getMysqlTablesWithPrefix();
        $tablenames = array_diff($allTables, $skippedTables);
        // remove skipped tables from list
    // backup database
    foreach ($tablenames as $unescapedTablename) {
        $escapedTablename = mysql_escape($unescapedTablename);
        $tablenameWithFakePrefix = $prefixPlaceholder . getTableNameWithoutPrefix($escapedTablename);
        // create table
        fwrite($fp, "\n--\n");
        fwrite($fp, "-- Table structure for table `{$tablenameWithFakePrefix}`\n");
        fwrite($fp, "--\n\n");
        fwrite($fp, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$tablenameWithFakePrefix}`;\n\n");
        $result = mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `{$escapedTablename}`");
        list(, $createStatement) = mysql_fetch_row($result) or die("MySQL Error: " . htmlencode(mysql_error()));
        $createStatement = str_replace("TABLE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}", "TABLE `{$prefixPlaceholder}", $createStatement);
        fwrite($fp, "{$createStatement};\n\n");
        if (is_resource($result)) {
        // create rows
        fwrite($fp, "\n--\n");
        fwrite($fp, "-- Dumping data for table `{$tablenameWithFakePrefix}`\n");
        fwrite($fp, "--\n\n");
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `{$escapedTablename}`") or die("MySQL Error: " . htmlencode(mysql_error()));
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
            $values = '';
            foreach ($row as $value) {
                if (is_null($value)) {
                    $values .= 'NULL,';
                } else {
                    $values .= '"' . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . '",';
            $values = chop($values, ',');
            // remove trailing comma
            fwrite($fp, "INSERT INTO `{$tablenameWithFakePrefix}` VALUES({$values});\n");
        if (is_resource($result)) {
    fwrite($fp, "\n");
    $result = fwrite($fp, "-- Dump completed on " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s O') . "\n\n");
    if ($result === false) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": Error writing backup file! {$php_errormsg}");
    fclose($fp) || die(__FUNCTION__ . ": Error closing backup file! {$php_errormsg}");
    // hide error: E_WARNING: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent
    return $outputFilepath;