include_once $root . "/include/"; include_once $root . "/include/"; include_once $root . "/include/"; include_once $root . "/include/"; $sprache = getSessionWert(SPRACHE); $gastro_id = getSessionWert(GASTRO_ID); //function to generate a table card: include_once $root . '/include/'; //create a new pdf object: $pageOrientation = getTableCardProperty(TC_PAGE_ORIENTATION, $tableCardId); $measureUnit = getTableCardProperty(TC_MEASURE_UNIT, $tableCardId); $dimension = getTableCardProperty(TC_DIMENSION, $tableCardId); if ($dimension == TC_CUSTOM_FORMAT) { $size = array(); $size[] = getTableCardProperty(TC_CUSTOM_FORMAT_Y, $tableCardId); $size[] = getTableCardProperty(TC_CUSTOM_FORMAT_X, $tableCardId); } else { $size = $dimension; } //create the pdf with constructor: $pdf = new FPDF($pageOrientation, $measureUnit, $size); $pdf->AddPage(); //raender setzen: $pdf->SetMargins(float left, float top [, float right]) $pdf->SetMargins(5.0, 5.0); //SetFont(string family [, string style [, float size]]) /* # Courier (fixed-width) # Helvetica or Arial (synonymous; sans serif) # Times (serif) Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive):
$gastro_id = getSessionWert(GASTRO_ID); $tableCardId = $_POST['tableCardId']; if (isset($_FILES['bild']['tmp_name'])) { $bild = $_FILES['bild']['tmp_name']; $mimeType = $_FILES['bild']['type']; $fileExtension = getFileExtension($mimeType); if (!($fileExtension == ".png" || $fileExtension == ".jpg")) { $nachricht = "Sie können nur .png oder .jpg hochladen. Sie versuchten " . $fileExtension . " hochzuladen."; $nachricht = getUebersetzung($nachricht); $fehler = true; include_once "./index.php"; exit; } } //add constans to db if (getTableCardProperty("TC_PAGE_ORIENTATION", $tableCardId) == FALSE) { setTableCardProperty("TC_PAGE_ORIENTATION", 'TC_PAGE_ORIENTATION', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("TC_PORTRAIT", 'TC_PORTRAIT', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("TC_LANDSCAPE", 'TC_LANDSCAPE', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("TC_MEASURE_UNIT", 'TC_MEASURE_UNIT', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("TC_MILLIMETER", 'TC_MILLIMETER', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("TC_CENTIMETER", 'TC_CENTIMETER', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("TC_DIMENSION", 'TC_DIMENSION', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("TC_A4", 'TC_A4', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("TC_A5", 'TC_A5', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("TC_CUSTOM_FORMAT_X", 'TC_CUSTOM_FORMAT_X', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("TC_CUSTOM_FORMAT_Y", 'TC_CUSTOM_FORMAT_Y', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("font_heading", 'font_heading', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("TC_FONT_TEXT", 'TC_FONT_TEXT', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("TC_FONT_COURIER", 'TC_FONT_COURIER', $tableCardId); setTableCardProperty("TC_FONT_ARIAL", 'TC_FONT_ARIAL', $tableCardId);
require_once $root . '/include/fpdf153/fpdf.php'; include_once $root . "/include/"; include_once $root . "/include/"; include_once $root . "/include/"; include_once $root . "/include/"; $sprache = getSessionWert(SPRACHE); $gastro_id = getSessionWert(GASTRO_ID); //create a new pdf object: $pageOrientation = getTableCardProperty(TC_PAGE_ORIENTATION, $tableCardId); if (!$pageOrientation) { //set default properties if setTableCardDefaultProperties($tableCardId); $pageOrientation = getTableCardProperty(TC_PAGE_ORIENTATION, $tableCardId); } $measureUnit = getTableCardProperty(TC_MEASURE_UNIT, $tableCardId); $dimension = getTableCardProperty(TC_DIMENSION, $tableCardId); if ($dimension == TC_CUSTOM_FORMAT) { $size = array(); //$size[]= getTableCardProperty(TC_CUSTOM_FORMAT_Y,$tableCardId); //$size[]= getTableCardProperty(TC_CUSTOM_FORMAT_X,$tableCardId); $size[] = $y; $size[] = $x; } else { $size = $dimension; } //create the pdf with constructor: $pdf = new FPDF($pageOrientation, $measureUnit, $size); $pdf->AddPage(); //raender setzen: $pdf->SetMargins(float left, float top [, float right]) //$pdf->SetMargins(5.0, 5.0); //SetFont(string family [, string style [, float size]])
<tr> <td> <?php echo getUebersetzung("Schriftgröße Text"); ?> </td> <td> <select name="font_size_text"> <?php for ($i = 6; $i <= 36; $i++) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $i; ?> " <?php if ($i == getTableCardProperty(TC_FONT_TEXT_SIZE, $tableCardId)) { ?> selected="selected" <?php } ?> ><?php echo $i; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> Punkt </td> </tr>
/** * @author coster * @date 01.08.2007 * set a value for a property * */ function setTableCardProperty($label, $value, $tableCard_id) { global $db; if (empty($db)) { die("Error on global variable!"); } if (empty($tableCard_id)) { die("Table card id failes!"); } $temp = getTableCardProperty($label, $tableCard_id); if ($temp === FALSE) { $query = "INSERT INTO \n\t\t BOOKLINE_TISCHKARTE_PROPERTIES\n\t\t (LABEL,TISCHKARTE_ID,VALUE)\n\t\t VALUES\n\t\t ('{$label}','{$tableCard_id}','{$value}')\n\t\t "; } else { $query = "UPDATE \n\t\t BOOKLINE_TISCHKARTE_PROPERTIES\n\t\t SET\n\t\t VALUE = '{$value}'\n\t\t where\n\t\t TISCHKARTE_ID = '{$tableCard_id}'\n\t\t and\n\t\t LABEL = '{$label}'\n\t\t "; } $res = $db->Execute($query); if (!$res) { print $db->ErrorMsg(); die("<br/>Die Anfrage <br/>{$query}<br/> scheiterte."); } else { return true; } }