예제 #1
function dashAcourse($id_course, $h_number)
    require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.form.php';
    require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.user_profile.php';
    require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.navbar.php';
    require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.preassessment.php';
    require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.catalogue.php';
    require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.coursepath.php';
    require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.course.php';
    require_once $GLOBALS["where_lms"] . "/modules/coursecatalogue/lib.coursecatalogue.php";
    $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('standard', 'framework');
    $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('course', 'lms');
    $normal_subs = 1;
    $man_course = new DoceboCourse($id_course);
    $cinfo = $man_course->getAllInfo();
    $man_courseuser = new Man_CourseUser();
    $usercourses =& $man_courseuser->getUserSubscriptionsInfo(getLogUserId(), false);
    $select_edition = " SELECT * ";
    $from_edition = " FROM " . $GLOBALS["prefix_lms"] . "_course_edition";
    $where_edition = " WHERE idCourse = '" . $id_course . "' ";
    $order_edition = " ORDER BY date_begin ";
    $re_edition = sql_query($select_edition . $from_edition . $where_edition . $order_edition);
    $editions = array();
    if ($re_edition) {
        while ($edition_elem = mysql_fetch_assoc($re_edition)) {
            $edition_elem['waiting'] = 0;
            $edition_elem['user_count'] = 0;
            $edition_elem['theacher_list'] = getSubscribed($edition_elem["idCourse"], false, 6, true, $edition_elem["idCourseEdition"]);
            $editions[$edition_elem["idCourse"]][$edition_elem["idCourseEdition"]] = $edition_elem;
    $select_ed_count = "SELECT idCourse, edition_id, sum(waiting) as waiting, COUNT(*) as user_count ";
    $from_ed_count = "FROM " . $GLOBALS["prefix_lms"] . "_courseuser ";
    $where_ed_count = "WHERE edition_id <> 0 AND idCourse = '" . $id_course . "'";
    $group_ed_count = "GROUP BY edition_id ";
    $re_ed_count = sql_query($select_ed_count . $from_ed_count . $where_ed_count . $group_ed_count);
    if ($re_ed_count) {
        while ($ed_count_elem = mysql_fetch_assoc($re_ed_count)) {
            $editions[$ed_count_elem["idCourse"]][$ed_count_elem["edition_id"]]['waiting'] = $ed_count_elem['waiting'];
            $editions[$ed_count_elem["idCourse"]][$ed_count_elem["edition_id"]]['user_count'] = $ed_count_elem['user_count'];
    $cinfo['theacher_list'] = getSubscribed($cinfo['idCourse'], false, 6, true);
    $cinfo['edition_list'] = isset($editions[$cinfo['idCourse']]) ? $editions[$cinfo['idCourse']] : array();
    $cinfo['edition_available'] = count($cinfo['edition_list']);
    $cinfo['user_score'] = isset($user_score[$cinfo['idCourse']]) ? $user_score[$cinfo['idCourse']] : NULL;
    require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.urlmanager.php';
    $url =& UrlManager::getInstance('catalogue');
    $url->setStdQuery('r=' . _after_login_);
    if ($normal_subs == 0) {
        $cinfo['can_subscribe'] = 0;
    $html = dashcourse($url, $lang, $cinfo, isset($usercourses[$cinfo['idCourse']]) ? $usercourses[$cinfo['idCourse']] : false, 0, $h_number);
    return $html;
예제 #2
function subscribedel()
    checkPerm('subscribe', false, 'course');
    require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.course.php';
    require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.form.php';
    require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.table.php';
    $id_course = importVar('id_course', true, 0);
    $course_to_save = Man_Course::saveCourseStatus();
    $edition_id = getCourseEditionId();
    $out =& $GLOBALS['page'];
    $lang =& DoceboLanguage::CreateInstance('subscribe', 'lms');
    $acl_man =& Docebo::user()->getAclManager();
    $levels = CourseLevel::getLevels();
    $user_alredy_subscribed = getSubscribed($id_course, false, false, true, $edition_id);
    $user_levels = getSubscribedLevel($id_course, false, false, $edition_id);
    require_once $GLOBALS['where_framework'] . '/lib/lib.adminmanager.php';
    $adminManager = new AdminManager();
    $acl_manager = new DoceboACLManager();
    $idst_associated = $adminManager->getAdminTree(getLogUserId());
    $array_user_associated =& $acl_manager->getAllUsersFromIdst($idst_associated);
    $user_level = Docebo::user()->getUserLevelId();
    if ($user_level != ADMIN_GROUP_GODADMIN) {
        $user_alredy_subscribed = array_intersect($user_alredy_subscribed, $array_user_associated);
    $user_selected_info =& $acl_man->getUsers($user_alredy_subscribed);
    $GLOBALS['page']->add(getTitleArea($lang->def('_SUBSCRIBE'), 'subscribe') . '<div class="std_block">' . Form::openForm('levelselection', 'index.php?modname=subscribe&amp;op=subscriberemove') . Form::getHidden('id_course', 'id_course', $id_course) . Form::getHidden('edition_id', 'edition_id', $edition_id), 'content');
    $tb = new Table(0, $lang->def('_CAPTION_SELECT_LEVELS'), $lang->def('_SUMMARY_SELECT_LEVEL'));
    $type_h = array('', '', '', 'image');
    $content_h = array($lang->def('_USERNAME'), $lang->def('_FULLNAME'), $lang->def('_LEVEL'), '<img src="' . getPathImage() . 'standard/delete.png" alt="' . $lang->def('_DEL') . '">');
    $tb->addHead($content_h, $type_h);
    $num_user_sel = 0;
    if (is_array($user_selected_info)) {
        while (list($id_user, $user_info) = each($user_selected_info)) {
            // if the user isn't alredy subscribed to the course
            $content = array(substr($user_info[ACL_INFO_USERID], 1), $user_info[ACL_INFO_LASTNAME] . ' ' . $user_info[ACL_INFO_FIRSTNAME], $levels[$user_levels[$id_user]], $content[] = Form::getInputCheckbox('user_to_remove' . $id_user, 'user_to_remove[' . $id_user . ']', $id_user, false, '') . '<label class="access-only" for="user_to_remove' . $id_user . '">' . $user_info[ACL_INFO_USERID] . '</label>');
        $GLOBALS['page']->add($tb->getTable(), 'content');
    $GLOBALS['page']->add(Form::openButtonSpace() . '<br />' . Form::getButton('subscribe', 'subscribe', $lang->def('_DEL')) . Form::getButton('cancelselector', 'cancelselector', $lang->def('_UNDO')) . Form::closeButtonSpace() . Form::closeForm(), 'content');
    $GLOBALS['page']->add('</div>', 'content');
예제 #3
function testQuestion()
    YuiLib::load(array('animation' => 'my_animation.js'));
    addJs($GLOBALS['where_lms_relative'] . '/modules/coursereport/', 'ajax.coursereport.js');
    require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.table.php';
    require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.test.php';
    $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('coursereport', 'lms');
    $out =& $GLOBALS['page'];
    $out->add('<script type="text/javascript">' . ' setup_coursereport(\'' . $GLOBALS['where_lms_relative'] . '/ajax.server.php?plf=lms&mn=coursereport&\'); ' . '</script>', 'page_head');
    $id_test = importVar('id_test', true, 0);
    $test_man = new GroupTestManagement();
    $lev = FALSE;
    if (isset($_GET['type_filter']) && $_GET['type_filter'] != null) {
        $lev = $_GET['type_filter'];
    $students = getSubscribed((int) $_SESSION['idCourse'], FALSE, $lev, TRUE, false, false, true);
    $id_students = array_keys($students);
    $quests = array();
    $answers = array();
    $tracks = array();
    $test_info = $test_man->getTestInfo(array($id_test));
    $page_title = array('index.php?modname=coursereport&amp;op=coursereport' => $lang->def('_COURSEREPORT', 'menu_course'), $test_info[$id_test]['title']);
    $out->add(getTitleArea($page_title, 'coursereport') . '<div class="std_block">');
    $query_test = "SELECT title" . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_test" . " WHERE idTest = '" . $id_test . "'";
    list($titolo_test) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query($query_test));
    $query_quest = "SELECT idQuest, type_quest, title_quest" . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testquest" . " WHERE idTest = '" . $id_test . "'" . " ORDER BY sequence";
    $result_quest = sql_query($query_quest);
    while (list($id_quest, $type_quest, $title_quest) = sql_fetch_row($result_quest)) {
        $quests[$id_quest]['idQuest'] = $id_quest;
        $quests[$id_quest]['type_quest'] = $type_quest;
        $quests[$id_quest]['title_quest'] = $title_quest;
        //		$query_answer =	"SELECT idAnswer, is_correct, answer"
        //						." FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer"
        //						." WHERE idQuest = '".$id_quest."'"
        //						." ORDER BY sequence";
        $query_answer = "SELECT tqa.idAnswer, tqa.is_correct, tqa.answer" . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testquestanswer AS tqa" . " LEFT JOIN" . " " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testtrack_answer tta ON tqa.idAnswer = tta.idAnswer" . " LEFT JOIN" . " " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testtrack tt ON tt.idTrack = tta.idTrack" . " WHERE tqa.idQuest = '" . $id_quest . "'";
        $query_answer .= " and tt.idUser in (" . implode(",", $id_students) . ")";
        $query_answer .= " ORDER BY tqa.sequence";
        $result_answer = sql_query($query_answer);
        while (list($id_answer, $is_correct, $answer) = sql_fetch_row($result_answer)) {
            $answers[$id_quest][$id_answer]['idAnswer'] = $id_answer;
            $answers[$id_quest][$id_answer]['is_correct'] = $is_correct;
            $answers[$id_quest][$id_answer]['answer'] = $answer;
        if ($type_quest == 'choice_multiple' || $type_quest == 'choice' || $type_quest == 'inline_choice') {
            $answers[$id_quest][0]['idAnswer'] = 0;
            $answers[$id_quest][0]['is_correct'] = 0;
            $answers[$id_quest][0]['answer'] = $lang->def('_NO_ANSWER');
    $query_track = "SELECT idTrack" . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testtrack" . " WHERE idTest = '" . $id_test . "'" . " AND score_status = 'valid'" . " AND idUser in (" . implode(",", $id_students) . ")";
    $result_track = sql_query($query_track);
    while (list($id_track) = sql_fetch_row($result_track)) {
        $query_track_answer = "SELECT idQuest, idAnswer, more_info" . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testtrack_answer" . " WHERE idTrack = '" . $id_track . "'";
        //." AND user_answer = 1";
        //print_r($query_track_answer.'<br />');
        $result_track_answer = sql_query($query_track_answer);
        //echo $query_track_answer."<br>";
        while (list($id_quest, $id_answer, $more_info) = sql_fetch_row($result_track_answer)) {
            $tracks[$id_track][$id_quest][$id_answer]['more_info'] = $more_info;
            //echo " -> ".$id_quest." - ".$id_answer." - ".$more_info."<br>";
    $query_total_play = "SELECT COUNT(*)" . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testtrack" . " WHERE idTest = '" . $id_test . "'" . " AND score_status = 'valid'" . " AND idUser in (" . implode(",", $id_students) . ")";
    list($total_play) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query($query_total_play));
    /*if ($total_play == 0) {
                    $query_total_play =     "SELECT COUNT(*)"
                                                    ." FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testtrack"
                                                    ." WHERE idTest = '".$id_test."' AND score_status = 'not_checked'";
                    list($total_play2) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($query_total_play));
    $total_play += $total_play2;
    foreach ($quests as $quest) {
        switch ($quest['type_quest']) {
            case "inline_choice":
            case "hot_text":
            case "choice_multiple":
            case "choice":
                $cont_h = array($lang->def('_ANSWER'), $lang->def('_PERCENTAGE'));
                $type_h = array('', 'image nowrap');
                $tb = new Table(0, str_replace('[title]', $quest['title_quest'], $lang->def('_TABLE_QUEST')));
                foreach ($answers[$quest['idQuest']] as $answer) {
                    $cont = array();
                    if ($answer['is_correct']) {
                        $txt = '<img src="' . getPathImage('lms') . 'standard/publish.png" alt="' . $lang->def('_ANSWER_CORRECT') . '" title="' . $lang->def('_ANSWER_CORRECT') . '" align="left" /> ';
                    } else {
                        $txt = '';
                    $cont[] = '<p>' . $txt . ' ' . $answer['answer'] . '</p>';
                    $answer_given = 0;
                    $i = 0;
                    foreach ($tracks as $track) {
                        if (isset($track[$quest['idQuest']][$answer['idAnswer']])) {
                        } elseif (!isset($track[$quest['idQuest']]) && $answer['idAnswer'] == 0) {
                    if ($answer['idAnswer'] == 0 && $i < $total_play) {
                        //			if ($i < $total_play) {
                        $answer_given = $answer_given + ($total_play - $i);
                    if ($total_play > 0) {
                        $percentage = $answer_given / $total_play * 100;
                    } else {
                        $percentage = 0;
                    $percentage = number_format($percentage, 2);
                    $cont[] = Util::draw_progress_bar($percentage, true, false, false, false, false);
                $out->add($tb->getTable() . '<br/>');
            case "upload":
            case "extended_text":
                $out->add('<p><a href="#" onclick="getQuestDetail(' . $quest['idQuest'] . ', ' . $id_test . ', \'' . $quest['type_quest'] . '\'); return false;" id="more_quest_' . $quest['idQuest'] . '"><img src="' . getPathImage('fw') . 'standard/more.gif" alt="' . $lang->def('_MORE_INFO') . '" />' . str_replace('[title]', $quest['title_quest'], $lang->def('_TABLE_QUEST_LIST')) . '</a></p>');
                $out->add('<p><a href="#" onclick="closeQuestDetail(' . $quest['idQuest'] . '); return false;" id="less_quest_' . $quest['idQuest'] . '" style="display:none"><img src="' . getPathImage('fw') . 'standard/less.gif" alt="' . $lang->def('_CLOSE') . '" />' . str_replace('[title]', $quest['title_quest'], $lang->def('_TABLE_QUEST_LIST')) . '</a></p>');
                $out->add('<div id="quest_' . $quest['idQuest'] . '">');
            case "text_entry":
                $cont_h = array($lang->def('_PERCENTAGE_CORRECT'));
                $type_h = array('align-center');
                $tb = new Table(0, str_replace('[title]', $quest['title_quest'], $lang->def('_TABLE_QUEST_CORRECT_TXT')));
                foreach ($answers[$quest['idQuest']] as $answer) {
                    $cont = array();
                    $answer_correct = 0;
                    foreach ($tracks as $track) {
                        if ($track[$quest['idQuest']][$answer['idAnswer']]['more_info'] === $answer['answer']) {
                    $percentage = $answer_correct / $total_play * 100;
                    $percentage = number_format($percentage, 2);
                    $cont[] = Util::draw_progress_bar($percentage, true, false, false, false, false);
                $out->add($tb->getTable() . '<br/>');
            case "associate":
                $cont_h = array($lang->def('_ANSWER'), $lang->def('_PERCENTAGE_CORRECT'));
                $type_h = array('', 'align-center');
                $tb = new Table(0, str_replace('[title]', $quest['title_quest'], $lang->def('_TABLE_QUEST_CORRECT_ASS')));
                foreach ($answers[$quest['idQuest']] as $answer) {
                    $cont = array();
                    $cont[] = $answer['answer'];
                    $answer_correct = 0;
                    foreach ($tracks as $track) {
                        if ($track[$quest['idQuest']][$answer['idAnswer']]['more_info'] === $answer['is_correct']) {
                    $percentage = $answer_correct / $total_play * 100;
                    echo "risp corrette: " . $answer_correct . " totale: " . $total_play;
                    $percentage = number_format($percentage, 2);
                    $cont[] = Util::draw_progress_bar($percentage, true, false, false, false, false);
                $out->add($tb->getTable() . '<br/>');
예제 #4
function savePanel()
    require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.form.php';
    require_once _adm_ . '/lib/lib.publicadminmanager.php';
    require_once _lms_ . '/lib/lib.course.php';
    require_once _lms_ . '/lib/lib.date.php';
    require_once _lms_ . '/lib/lib.competences.php';
    $save = Get::req('save', DOTY_MIXED, false);
    $undo = Get::req('undo', DOTY_MIXED, false);
    $update = Get::req('update', DOTY_MIXED, false);
    $db = DbConn::getInstance();
    $lang =& DoceboLanguage::CreateInstance('public_coursepanel', 'lms');
    $man_competences = new Competences_Manager();
    //back page link
    $back_ui = getBackUi('index.php?modname=public_coursepanel&op=coursepanel', $lang->def('_BACK'));
    cout(getTitleArea($lang->def('_COURSEPANEL'), 'coursepanel') . '<div class="std_block">' . $back_ui, 'content');
    $sel_competence = Get::req('sel_competence', DOTY_INT, false);
    $sel_course = Get::req('sel_course', DOTY_INT, false);
    $required_filter = Get::req('required_filter', DOTY_INT, 0);
    $is_retraining = $man_competences->isRetrainingCourse($sel_course, $sel_competence);
    $back_url = "index.php?modname=public_coursepanel&op=coursepanel&sel_competence=" . (int) $sel_competence . "&sel_course=" . (int) $sel_course;
    if ($required_filter > 0) {
        $back_url .= '&required_filter=1';
    $to_consider = Get::req('to_consider', DOTY_MIXED, false);
    if ($to_consider) {
        require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.json.php';
        $json = new Services_JSON(SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE);
        $to_consider = $json->decode(base64_decode($to_consider));
    } else {
        $to_consider = array('users' => array(), 'editions' => array());
    if ($undo) {
    } elseif ($save) {
        //change users' subscription to course editions
        $data = Get::req('subscriptions', DOTY_MIXED, array());
        $man_course = new Man_Course();
        $course_info = $man_course->getCourseInfo($sel_course);
        if (!$sel_competence || !$sel_course) {
            //error ...
            Util::jump_to($back_url . "&err=invalid");
        //check the admin level of the current user, if it's not an admin or the idst is invalid, return an error
        $id_pa = getLogUserId();
        if (!$id_pa) {
            Util::jump_to($back_url . "&err=invalid");
        $acl_man = new DoceboACLManager();
        $admin_manager = new PublicAdminManager();
        $array_users = array();
        $idst_associated = $admin_manager->getAdminTree($id_pa);
        $array_users =& $acl_man->getAllUsersFromIdst($idst_associated);
        $array_users = array_unique($array_users);
        if (empty($array_users)) {
            Util::jump_to($back_url . "&err=invalid");
        //filter array of user ids by competence
        $filtered_users = array();
        $query_filter = "SELECT id_user FROM %lms_competence_user WHERE id_user IN (" . implode(",", $array_users) . ") AND id_competence='" . (int) $sel_competence . "'";
        $res_filter = $db->query($query_filter);
        while (list($idst) = $db->fetch_row($res_filter)) {
            $filtered_users[] = $idst;
        $subs_limit = array();
        $subs_count = array();
        if ($course_info['course_type'] == 'elearning') {
            $editions[] = $sel_course;
            $subscribed[$sel_course] = getSubscribed((int) $sel_course);
            $course_info = $man_course->getCourseInfo($sel_course);
            $subs_count[$sel_course] = count($data);
        } elseif ($course_info['course_type'] == 'classroom') {
            //get all combinations id_user - id_date
            $date_man = new DateManager();
            $editions = array();
            $query_editions = "SELECT id_date, id_course, code, name FROM %lms_course_date WHERE id_course='" . (int) $sel_course . "'";
            $res_editions = $db->query($query_editions);
            while (list($id_edition, $id_course, $code, $name) = $db->fetch_row($res_editions)) {
                $editions[] = $id_edition;
                $subscribed[$id_edition] = $date_man->getDateSubscribed($id_edition);
                $date_info = $date_man->getDateInfo($id_edition);
                $subs_limit[$id_edition] = array('max' => $date_info['max_par'], 'subs' => $date_info['user_subscribed']);
                $subs_count[$id_edition] = 0;
        //count the users to be subscribed/unsubscribed and check subscription limits, if any
        //subtract users to de-subscribe from courses
        foreach ($subscribed as $id_edition => $users_list) {
            foreach ($users_list as $id_user) {
                if ($course_info['course_type'] == 'elearning') {
                    if (!isset($data[$id_user])) {
                } elseif ($course_info['course_type'] == 'classroom') {
                    //check if the current selection match the current subscriptions
                    if (!isset($data[$id_user][$id_edition])) {
        foreach ($data as $user => $edition_list) {
            //id user
            foreach ($edition_list as $edition => $val) {
                //id date edition
                if (isset($subscribed[$edition][$user])) {
                    //already subscribed, do nothing
                } else {
        //check if we have enough room to subscribe users
        //{at the moment, rely on js ...}
        //unsubscribe deselected users
        foreach ($subscribed as $id_edition => $users_list) {
            foreach ($users_list as $id_user) {
                if ($course_info['course_type'] == 'elearning') {
                    if (!isset($data[$id_user])) {
                        if (in_array($id_user, $to_consider['users']) && in_array($id_edition, $to_consider['editions'])) {
                            $group_levels = DoceboCourse::getCourseLevel($sel_course);
                            $user_levels = getSubscribedLevel($sel_course, false, false, 0);
                            $_res = _removeCourseSubscription($sel_course, $id_user, $group_levels[$user_levels[$id_user]], 0);
                } elseif ($course_info['course_type'] == 'classroom') {
                    //check if the current selection match the current subscriptions
                    if (!isset($data[$id_user][$id_edition])) {
                        if (in_array($id_user, $to_consider['users']) && in_array($id_edition, $to_consider['editions'])) {
                            $date_man->removeUserFromDate($id_user, $id_edition, $sel_course);
        //check every single user for inscription
        $count = 0;
        $lv_sel = 3;
        //student level
        $waiting = 0;
        //don't subscribe as "waiting for approvation"
        //retrive id of group of the course for the varioud level
        $level_idst = DoceboCourse::getCourseLevel((int) $sel_course);
        //if the group doesn't exists create it
        if (count($level_idst) == 0 || $level_idst[1] == '') {
            $level_idst =& DoceboCourse::createCourseLevel((int) $sel_course);
        foreach ($data as $user => $edition_list) {
            //id user
            foreach ($edition_list as $edition => $val) {
                //id date edition
                if (isset($subscribed[$edition][$user])) {
                    //already subscribed, do nothing
                } else {
                    //this user is to be subscribed, do it
                    //add to level group of the course
                    $acl_man->addToGroup($level_idst[$lv_sel], $user);
                    // Add in table
                    $re = $db->query("INSERT INTO %lms_courseuser (idUser, idCourse, edition_id, level, waiting, subscribed_by, date_inscr)" . " VALUES ( '" . (int) $user . "', '" . (int) $sel_course . "', '0', '" . $lv_sel . "', '" . $waiting . "', '" . getLogUserId() . "', '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "' )\t");
                    //additional operations for editions
                    if ($course_info['course_type'] == 'elearning') {
                    } elseif ($course_info['course_type'] == 'classroom') {
                        $ret = $date_man->addUserToDate($edition, $user, getLogUserId());
                        if ($ret) {
        Util::jump_to($back_url . "&err=ok&count=" . (int) $count);
    } elseif ($update) {
        $sel_competence = Get::req('sel_competence', DOTY_INT, false);
        $sel_course = Get::req('sel_course', DOTY_INT, false);
    } else {
    cout($back_ui . '</div>', 'content');
예제 #5
 function getSubstitution()
     $subs = array();
     $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('course', 'lms');
     $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('certificate', 'lms');
     if ($this->id_meta != 0) {
         require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.course.php';
         require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.coursereport.php';
         $acl_man =& $GLOBALS['current_user']->getAclManager();
         $courses = array();
         $array_coursetype = array('elearning' => $lang->def('_COURSE_TYPE_ELEARNING', 'course', 'lms'), 'classroom' => $lang->def('_CLASSROOM', 'course', 'lms'), 'web_seminar' => $lang->def('Web seminar'));
         $course_time = 0;
         $blended_time = 0;
         $query = "SELECT DISTINCT idCourse" . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_certificate_meta_course" . " WHERE idMetaCertificate = '" . $this->id_meta . "'" . " AND idUser = '******'";
         $result = sql_query($query);
         $table_course = '<table width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" align="" summary="Corsi frequentati">' . '<thead>' . '<tr>' . '<td>' . $lang->def('_COURSE_NAME') . '</td>' . '<td>' . $lang->def('_COURSE_TYPE') . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . $lang->def('_COURSE_TIME') . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '</thead>' . '</tbody>';
         $table_blended = '<table width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" align="" summary="Corsi frequentati">' . '<thead>' . '<tr>' . '<td>' . $lang->def('_COURSE_NAME') . '</td>' . '<td>' . $lang->def('_COURSE_PROF') . '</td>' . '<td>' . $lang->def('_COURSE_TYPE') . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . $lang->def('_COURSE_TIME') . '</td>' . '</thead>' . '</tbody>';
         $course_count = 0;
         $blended_count = 0;
         $array_meta_complete = array();
         $array_meta_inscr = array();
         $array_meta_access = array();
         while (list($id_course) = sql_fetch_row($result)) {
             $query = "SELECT date_complete, date_inscr, date_first_access" . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_courseuser" . " WHERE idCourse = '" . $id_course . "'" . " AND idUser = '******'";
             list($date_complete_meta, $date_inscr_meta, $date_access_meta) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query($query));
             $array_meta_complete[] = $date_complete_meta;
             $array_meta_inscr[] = $date_inscr_meta;
             $array_meta_access[] = $date_access_meta;
             $man_course = new Man_Course();
             $course_info = $man_course->getCourseInfo($id_course);
             $rep_man = new CourseReportManager();
             $score_course = $rep_man->getUserFinalScore(array($this->id_user), array($this->id_course));
             if ($course_info['course_type'] === 'blended') {
                 $teacher_array = getSubscribed($id_course, false, 6, true);
                 $first = true;
                 if (is_array($teacher_array) && !empty($teacher_array)) {
                     while (list(, $id_teach) = each($teacher_array)) {
                         $teacher_info = $acl_man->getUser($id_teach);
                         if ($first) {
                             $teacher = $teacher_info[ACL_INFO_FIRSTNAME] . ' ' . $teacher_info[ACL_INFO_LASTNAME];
                             $first = false;
                         } else {
                             $teacher = '<br/>' . $teacher_info[ACL_INFO_FIRSTNAME] . ' ' . $teacher_info[ACL_INFO_LASTNAME];
                 } else {
                     $teacher = '&nbsp;';
                 $table_blended .= '<tr>' . '<td>' . $course_info['name'] . '</td>' . '<td>' . $teacher . '</td>' . '<td>' . $array_coursetype[$course_info['course_type']] . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . $course_info['mediumTime'] . '</td>' . '</tr>';
                 $blended_time += $course_info['mediumTime'];
             } else {
                 $table_course .= '<tr>' . '<td>' . $course_info['name'] . '</td>' . '<td>' . $array_coursetype[$course_info['course_type']] . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . $course_info['mediumTime'] . '</td>' . '</tr>';
                 $course_time += $course_info['mediumTime'];
         $table_course .= '<tr>' . '<td align="right" colspan="2">' . $lang->def('_TOTAL_HOURS') . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . $course_time . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '</tbody>' . '</table>';
         $table_blended .= '<tr>' . '<td align="right" colspan="2">' . $lang->def('_TOTAL_HOURS') . '</td>' . '<td align="right">' . $blended_time . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '</tbody>' . '</table>';
         $subs['[meta_complete]'] = $array_meta_complete[0];
         $subs['[meta_inscr]'] = $array_meta_inscr[0];
         $subs['[meta_access]'] = $array_meta_access[0];
         $subs['[table_course]'] = $course_count ? $table_course : '';
         $subs['[table_blended]'] = $blended_count ? $table_blended : '';
     } else {
         require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.course.php';
         $courseuser = new Man_CourseUser();
         $course_stat =& $courseuser->getUserCourses($this->id_user, false, false, false, array($this->id_course));
         if (isset($course_stat[$this->id_course])) {
             $subs['[date_enroll]'] = Format::date($course_stat[$this->id_course]['date_inscr'], 'date');
             $subs['[date_first_access]'] = Format::date($course_stat[$this->id_course]['date_first_access'], 'date');
             $subs['[date_complete]'] = Format::date($course_stat[$this->id_course]['date_complete'], 'date');
             $subs['[date_complete_year]'] = substr($course_stat[$this->id_course]['date_complete'], 0, 4);
         } else {
             $subs['[date_enroll]'] = '';
             $subs['[date_first_access]'] = '';
             $subs['[date_complete]'] = '';
             $subs['[date_complete_year]'] = '';
         require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.orgchart.php';
         $org_man = new OrganizationManagement($this->id_course);
         $score_start = $org_man->getStartObjectScore(array($this->id_user), array($this->id_course));
         $score_final = $org_man->getFinalObjectScore(array($this->id_user), array($this->id_course));
         require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.coursereport.php';
         $rep_man = new CourseReportManager();
         $score_course = $rep_man->getUserFinalScore(array($this->id_user), array($this->id_course));
         $subs['[test_score_start]'] = isset($score_start[$this->id_course][$this->id_user]) ? $score_start[$this->id_course][$this->id_user]['score'] : '';
         $subs['[test_score_start_max]'] = isset($score_start[$this->id_course][$this->id_user]) ? $score_start[$this->id_course][$this->id_user]['max_score'] : '';
         $subs['[test_score_final]'] = isset($score_final[$this->id_course][$this->id_user]) ? $score_final[$this->id_course][$this->id_user]['score'] : '';
         $subs['[test_score_final_max]'] = !empty($score_final[$this->id_course][$this->id_user]['max_score']) ? $score_final[$this->id_course][$this->id_user]['max_score'] : '100';
         $subs['[course_score_final]'] = isset($score_course[$this->id_user][$this->id_course]) ? $score_course[$this->id_user][$this->id_course]['score'] : '';
         $subs['[course_score_final_max]'] = isset($score_course[$this->id_user][$this->id_course]) ? $score_course[$this->id_user][$this->id_course]['max_score'] : '';
         require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.track_user.php';
         $time_in = TrackUser::getUserTotalCourseTime($this->id_user, $this->id_course);
         $hours = (int) ($time_in / 3600);
         $minutes = (int) ($time_in % 3600 / 60);
         $seconds = (int) ($time_in % 60);
         if ($minutes < 10) {
             $minutes = '0' . $minutes;
         if ($seconds < 10) {
             $seconds = '0' . $seconds;
         $subs['[total_time]'] = $hours . 'h ' . $minutes . 'm ' . $seconds . 's';
         $subs['[total_time_hour]'] = $hours;
         $subs['[total_time_minute]'] = $minutes;
         $subs['[total_time_second]'] = $seconds;
     return $subs;
예제 #6
        $values = array();
        switch ($id_field) {
            case "name":
                $acl_man = new DoceboACLManager();
                $users = getSubscribed($id_course);
                $allusers_info = $acl_man->getUsers($users);
                while (list(, $user_info) = each($allusers_info)) {
                    $values[$user_info[ACL_INFO_IDST]] = $user_info[ACL_INFO_LASTNAME] . ' ' . $user_info[ACL_INFO_FIRSTNAME];
            case "email":
                $acl_man = new DoceboACLManager();
                $users = getSubscribed($id_course);
                $allusers_info = $acl_man->getUsers($users);
                while (list(, $user_info) = each($allusers_info)) {
                    $values[$user_info[ACL_INFO_IDST]] = $user_info[ACL_INFO_EMAIL];
                $users = getSubscribed($id_course);
                $values = $fman->fieldValue((int) $id_field, $users);
        if ($id_field == 'name') {
        } else {
        require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.json.php';
        $json = new Services_JSON();
        $output = $json->encode($values);
예제 #7
         $edition_elem['classrooms'] = isset($classrooms[$edition_elem['classrooms']]) ? $classrooms[$edition_elem['classrooms']] : false;
         $editions[$edition_elem["idCourse"]][$edition_elem["idCourseEdition"]] = $edition_elem;
 $select_ed_count = "SELECT idCourse, edition_id, sum(waiting) as waiting, COUNT(*) as user_count ";
 $from_ed_count = "FROM " . $GLOBALS["prefix_lms"] . "_courseuser ";
 $where_ed_count = "WHERE edition_id <> 0 AND idCourse = '" . $id_course . "'";
 $group_ed_count = "GROUP BY edition_id ";
 $re_ed_count = sql_query($select_ed_count . $from_ed_count . $where_ed_count . $group_ed_count);
 if ($re_ed_count) {
     while ($ed_count_elem = mysql_fetch_assoc($re_ed_count)) {
         $editions[$ed_count_elem["idCourse"]][$ed_count_elem["edition_id"]]['waiting'] = $ed_count_elem['waiting'];
         $editions[$ed_count_elem["idCourse"]][$ed_count_elem["edition_id"]]['user_count'] = $ed_count_elem['user_count'];
 $cinfo['theacher_list'] = getSubscribed($cinfo['idCourse'], false, 6, true);
 $cinfo['edition_list'] = isset($editions[$cinfo['idCourse']]) ? $editions[$cinfo['idCourse']] : array();
 $cinfo['edition_available'] = count($cinfo['edition_list']);
 $cinfo['user_score'] = isset($user_score[$cinfo['idCourse']]) ? $user_score[$cinfo['idCourse']] : NULL;
 require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.urlmanager.php';
 $url =& UrlManager::getInstance('catalogue');
 if ($normal_subs == 0) {
     $cinfo['can_subscribe'] = 0;
 $html = dashcourse($url, $lang, $cinfo, isset($usercourses[$cinfo['idCourse']]) ? $usercourses[$cinfo['idCourse']] : false, 0);
 $value = array("content" => $html, "elem_id" => importVar('elem_id'), "id_course" => importVar('id_course', false, 0));
 require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.json.php';
 $json = new Services_JSON();
 $output = $json->encode($value);
예제 #8
 * @version  $Id:$
 * @author	 Fabio Pirovano <fabio [at] docebo-com>
 * @package course
function displayCourseList(&$url, $order_type)
    require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.form.php';
    require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.user_profile.php';
    require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.navbar.php';
    require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.preassessment.php';
    require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.catalogue.php';
    require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.course.php';
    require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.coursereport.php';
    require_once $GLOBALS["where_framework"] . "/lib/lib.ajax_comment.php";
    require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.classroom.php';
    // cahce classroom
    $classroom_man = new ClassroomManager();
    $classrooms = $classroom_man->getClassroomNameList();
    $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('catalogue');
    $lang_c =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('course');
    $nav_bar = new NavBar('ini', Get::sett('visuItem'), 0);
    $man_course = new Man_Course();
    $id_parent = importVar('id_parent', false, 0);
    $nav_url = $id_parent != 0 ? $url->getUrl('id_parent=' . $id_parent) : $url->getUrl();
    $ini = $nav_bar->getSelectedElement();
    $profile = new UserProfile(getLogUserId());
    $profile->init('profile', 'framework', '', 'ap');
    // searching courses
    $use_category = $order_type == 'category';
    $select_course = "" . " SELECT c.idCourse, c.course_type, c.idCategory, c.code, c.name, c.description, c.lang_code, c.difficult, " . "\tc.subscribe_method, c.date_begin, c.date_end, c.max_num_subscribe, " . "\tc.selling, c.prize, c.create_date, c.status AS course_status, c.course_edition, " . "\tc.classrooms, c.img_material, c.course_demo, c.course_vote, COUNT(*) as enrolled, " . "\tc.can_subscribe, c.sub_start_date, c.sub_end_date, c.allow_overbooking, c.max_num_subscribe, c.min_num_subscribe, c.direct_play, " . "\tc.valid_time, c.userStatusOp, u.level, u.date_inscr, u.date_first_access, u.date_complete, u.status AS user_status, u.waiting, c.advance ";
    $from_course = " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_course AS c " . "\tLEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_courseuser AS u " . "\t\tON ( c.idCourse = u.idCourse ) ";
    $where_course = " c.status <> '" . CST_PREPARATION . "' ";
    if (Get::sett('catalogue_hide_ended') == 'on') {
        $where_course .= " AND ( c.date_end = '0000-00-00'" . " OR c.date_end > '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' ) ";
    $group_by_course = " GROUP BY c.idCourse ";
    switch ($order_type) {
        case "mostscore":
            $order_course = " ORDER BY c.course_vote DESC ";
        case "popular":
            $order_course = " ORDER BY enrolled DESC ";
        case "recent":
            $order_course = " ORDER BY c.create_date DESC ";
            $order_course = " ORDER BY c.name ";
    $limit_course = " LIMIT " . $ini . ", " . Get::sett('visuItem');
    $where_course .= " AND c.course_type <> 'assessment'";
    if (Docebo::user()->isAnonymous()) {
        $where_course .= " AND c.show_rules = 0";
    } else {
        $where_course .= " AND c.show_rules  <> 2";
    // maybe a must apply some filter to remove from the list some courses --------------
    $cat_man = new Catalogue_Manager();
    $catalogues =& $cat_man->getUserAllCatalogueId(getLogUserId());
    // at least one catalogue is assigned to this user
    if (!empty($catalogues)) {
        $cat_courses = $cat_man->getAllCourseOfUser(getLogUserId());
        if (empty($cat_courses)) {
            $where_course .= " AND 0 ";
        } else {
            $where_course .= " AND c.idCourse IN ( " . implode(',', $cat_courses) . " ) ";
    } elseif (Get::sett('on_catalogue_empty') == 'off') {
        $where_course .= " AND 0 ";
    if (!Docebo::user()->isAnonymous()) {
        if (!isset($_SESSION['cp_assessment_effect'])) {
            $pa_man = new AssessmentList();
            $arr_assessment = $pa_man->getUserAssessmentSubsription(Docebo::user()->getArrSt());
            $report = new CourseReportManager();
            $user_result = $report->getAllUserFinalScore(getLogUserId(), $arr_assessment['course_list']);
            $rule_man = new AssessmentRule();
            $ass_elem = $rule_man->getCompleteEffectListForAssessmentWithUserResult($arr_assessment['course_list'], $user_result);
            $_SESSION['cp_assessment_effect'] = urlencode(serialize($ass_elem));
        } else {
            $ass_elem = unserialize(urldecode($_SESSION['cp_assessment_effect']));
        if (!empty($ass_elem['parsed']['course'])) {
            $where_course = " ( ( " . $where_course . " ) OR c.idCourse IN (" . implode(',', $ass_elem['parsed']['course']) . ") ) ";
    // apply search filter --------------------------------------------------------------
    $s_searched = get_searched('simple_search', '');
    $filter_lang = get_searched('filter_lang', 'all');
    $filter_date_begin = get_searched('filter_date_begin', '');
    if ($filter_date_begin != '') {
        $filter_date_begin = Format::dateDb($filter_date_begin, 'date') . ' 00:00:00';
    $filter_date_end = get_searched('filter_date_end', '');
    if ($filter_date_end != '') {
        $filter_date_end = Format::dateDb($filter_date_end, 'date') . ' 00:00:00';
    $all_lang = Docebo::langManager()->getAllLangCode();
    if (must_search_filter()) {
        if (trim($s_searched) != '') {
            $where_course .= " AND ( c.code LIKE '%" . $s_searched . "%' " . " OR c.name LIKE '%" . $s_searched . "%' " . " OR c.description LIKE '%" . $s_searched . "%' ) ";
        if ($filter_lang != 'all') {
            $where_course .= " AND c.lang_code = '" . $all_lang[$filter_lang] . "' ";
        if ($filter_date_begin != '') {
            $where_course .= " AND ( c.date_begin >= '" . $filter_date_begin . "' OR c.course_edition = 1 ) ";
        if ($filter_date_end != '') {
            $where_course .= " AND ( c.date_end <= '" . $filter_date_end . "' OR c.course_edition = 1 ) ";
    if ($use_category) {
        $where_course .= " AND c.idCategory = '" . (int) $id_parent . "'";
    $re_course = sql_query($select_course . $from_course . " WHERE " . $where_course . $group_by_course . $order_course . $limit_course);
    list($course_number) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) " . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_course AS c " . " WHERE " . $where_course));
    // retrive editions ----------------------------------------------------------------
    $select_edition = " SELECT e.* ";
    $from_edition = " FROM " . $GLOBALS["prefix_lms"] . "_course_edition AS e";
    $where_edition = " WHERE e.status <> '" . CST_PREPARATION . "' ";
    $where_edition .= " AND (e.date_begin > '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "' OR e.date_begin = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')";
    $order_edition = " ORDER BY date_begin ";
    if (must_search_filter()) {
        if ($filter_date_begin != '') {
            $where_edition .= " AND date_begin >= '" . $filter_date_begin . "' ";
        if ($filter_date_end != '') {
            $where_edition .= " AND date_end <= '" . $filter_date_end . "' ";
    $re_edition = sql_query($select_edition . $from_edition . $where_edition . $order_edition);
    $editions = array();
    if ($re_edition) {
        while ($edition_elem = mysql_fetch_assoc($re_edition)) {
            $edition_elem['classrooms'] = isset($classrooms[$edition_elem['classrooms']]) ? $classrooms[$edition_elem['classrooms']] : '';
            $edition_elem['waiting'] = 0;
            $edition_elem['user_count'] = 0;
            $edition_elem['theacher_list'] = getSubscribed($edition_elem["idCourse"], false, 6, true, $edition_elem["idCourseEdition"]);
            $editions[$edition_elem["idCourse"]][$edition_elem["idCourseEdition"]] = $edition_elem;
    // retrive editions subscribed -----------------------------------------------------
    $select_ed_count = "SELECT u.idCourse, u.edition_id, sum(u.waiting) as waiting, COUNT(*) as user_count ";
    $from_ed_count = " FROM " . $GLOBALS["prefix_lms"] . "_courseuser AS u";
    $where_ed_count = " WHERE u.edition_id <> 0 " . " AND u.level = '3'" . " AND u.status IN ('" . _CUS_CONFIRMED . "', '" . _CUS_SUBSCRIBED . "', '" . _CUS_BEGIN . "', '" . _CUS_END . "', '" . _CUS_SUSPEND . "', '" . _CUS_WAITING_LIST . "')" . " AND u.absent = '0'";
    $group_ed_count = "GROUP BY u.edition_id ";
    $re_ed_count = sql_query($select_ed_count . $from_ed_count . $where_ed_count . $group_ed_count);
    if ($re_ed_count) {
        while ($ed_count_elem = mysql_fetch_assoc($re_ed_count)) {
            if (isset($editions[$ed_count_elem["idCourse"]][$ed_count_elem["edition_id"]])) {
                $editions[$ed_count_elem["idCourse"]][$ed_count_elem["edition_id"]]['waiting'] = $ed_count_elem['waiting'];
                $editions[$ed_count_elem["idCourse"]][$ed_count_elem["edition_id"]]['user_count'] = $ed_count_elem['user_count'];
    // retrive course subscription -----------------------------------------------------
    $man_courseuser = new Man_CourseUser();
    $usercourses = $man_courseuser->getUserSubscriptionsInfo(getLogUserId(), false);
    $user_score = $man_courseuser->getUserCourseScored(getLogUserId());
    require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.orgchart.php';
    $first_is_scorm = OrganizationManagement::objectFilter(array_keys($usercourses), 'scormorg');
    // load search form ----------------------------------------------------------------
    $GLOBALS['page']->add(searchForm($url, $lang), 'content');
    if ($use_category && !must_search_filter()) {
        // show category selection -----------------------------------------------------
        $descendant = $man_course->getCategoryCourseAndSonCount();
        $GLOBALS['page']->add('<p class="category_path">' . '<b>' . $lang->def('_CATEGORY_PATH', 'course') . ' :</b> ' . $man_course->getCategoryPath($id_parent, $lang->def('_MAIN_CATEGORY', 'course'), $lang->def('_TITLE_CATEGORY_JUMP', 'course'), $url->getUrl(), 'id_parent') . '</p>', 'content');
        $categories =& $man_course->getCategoriesInfo($id_parent);
        if (!empty($categories)) {
            $GLOBALS['page']->add('<ul class="category_list">', 'content');
            while (list($id_cat, $cat) = each($categories)) {
                $GLOBALS['page']->add('<li' . (!isset($descendant[$id_cat]) ? ' class="empty_folder"' : '') . '>' . '<a href="' . $url->getUrl('id_parent=' . $id_cat) . '">' . $cat['name'] . '<br />' . '<b>' . str_replace(array('[course]', '[category]'), array(isset($descendant[$id_cat]['course']) ? $descendant[$id_cat]['course'] : 0, isset($descendant[$id_cat]['category']) ? $descendant[$id_cat]['category'] : 0), $lang->def('_COURSE_CONTENT', 'course')) . '</b>' . '</a></li>', 'content');
            $GLOBALS['page']->add('</ul>' . '<div class="nofloat"></div>', 'content');
    if (!$re_course || !mysql_num_rows($re_course)) {
        // no course found for the criteria --------------------------------------------
        $GLOBALS['page']->add('<p class="no_course_found">' . $lang->def('_NO_COURSE_FOUND') . '</p>' . '</div>', 'content');
    $ax_comm = new AjaxComment('course', 'lms');
    $comment_count = $ax_comm->getResourceCommentCount();
    $GLOBALS['page']->add($nav_bar->getNavBar($ini), 'content');
    $i = 0;
    $direct_play = false;
    while ($cinfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($re_course)) {
        if (must_search_filter()) {
            $s_searched = get_searched('simple_search', '');
            if ($s_searched != '') {
                $cinfo['code'] = preg_replace("/" . $s_searched . "/i", '<b class="filter_evidence">' . $s_searched . '</b>', $cinfo['code']);
                $cinfo['name'] = preg_replace("/" . $s_searched . "/i", '<b class="filter_evidence">' . $s_searched . '</b>', $cinfo['name']);
                $cinfo['description'] = preg_replace("/" . $s_searched . "/i", '<b class="filter_evidence">' . $s_searched . '</b>', $cinfo['description']);
        $cinfo['theacher_list'] = getSubscribed($cinfo['idCourse'], false, 6, true);
        $cinfo['edition_list'] = isset($editions[$cinfo['idCourse']]) ? $editions[$cinfo['idCourse']] : array();
        $cinfo['edition_available'] = count($cinfo['edition_list']);
        $cinfo['user_score'] = isset($user_score[$cinfo['idCourse']]) ? $user_score[$cinfo['idCourse']] : NULL;
        $cinfo['classrooms'] = isset($classrooms[$cinfo['classrooms']]) ? $classrooms[$cinfo['classrooms']] : '';
        if (isset($first_is_scorm[$cinfo['idCourse']])) {
            $cinfo['first_is_scorm'] = $first_is_scorm[$cinfo['idCourse']];
        } else {
            $cinfo['first_is_scorm'] = false;
        if (isset($comment_count[$cinfo['idCourse']])) {
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