
$base_url = getScriptUrl();
$page = new stdClass();
$page->title = 'Ascend 2014 | Speakers';
$page->description = 'Ascend is a one-day event focused on helping PTs, OTs, ' . 'and SLPs succeed in business. With two learning tracks to choose ' . 'from&mdash;one for starting a practice and the other for growing an existing ' . 'one&mdash;Ascend brings together renowned industry leaders to show you the ' . 'ropes for success in private practice.';
$page->body = array('class' => array('node-type-webform'));
$page->scripts = <<<JSC

  <script type="text/javascript" src="{$base_url}js/jquery.formSelectStyle.js"></script>
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    (function(\$) {
      \$('#edit-submitted-are-you-a-webpt-member').on('change', function() {
        \$('.form').addClass('hidden').filter('.' + \$(this).val()).removeClass('hidden');
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$pardot_base = getProtocol() == 'http://' ? 'http://www2.webpt.com/' : 'https://go.pardot.com/';
include_once 'inc/head.php';
  <div id="nav-outer">
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      <div class="container">
        <a id="logo" href="<?php 
echo $base_url;
" title="WebPT">
          <img itemprop="image" src="<?php 
예제 #2
 * 获取主机路径,兼容多层目录
function getHostInfo()
    $phpself = getScriptUrl();
    $installPath = substr($phpself, 0, strrpos($phpself, '/'));
    $sitePath = str_replace('/install', '', $installPath);
    $isHTTPS = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'off' ? true : false;
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        $http = 'https';
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        $http = 'http';
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
        $hostInfo = $http . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
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        $hostInfo = $http . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
        $port = $secure ? getSecurePort() : getPort();
        if ($port !== 80 && !$secure || $port !== 443 && $secure) {
            $hostInfo .= ':' . $port;
    $siteurl = $hostInfo . $sitePath;
    return $siteurl;