echo "<td id='mne'>"; if (strlen($row['name']) < 26) { echo "$row[name]"; } else { if (strlen($row['name']) > 39) { echo "<span style=\"font-size: xx-small\">$row[name]</span>"; } else { echo "<span style=\"font-size: x-small\">$row[name]</span>"; } } echo "</td>"; echo "<td id='seen'>"; echo humanReadable($row['seen']) . " times\n"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td id='lastseen'>"; echo getRelativeTime($row['lastseen']) . "\n"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $i++; } echo "</tbody>"; echo "</table>"; } else { echo "<b><u>No Mnemonics</u></b><br>"; echo "Either wait for caches to update, or restart your syslog daemon.\n<br>"; } ?> <!-- BEGIN Mnemonics Selector Modal --> <div class="dialog_hide"> <div id="mne_dialog" title="Mnemonic Selector">
?> edit"><span<?php echo ($firstTime ? ' class="first"' : '') . '>' . $bin['url']; ?> /</span><?php echo $bin['revision']; ?> /</a></td> <td class="created"><a pubdate="<?php echo $bin['created']; ?> " href="<?php echo $url; ?> edit"><?php echo getRelativeTime($bin['created']); ?> </a></td> <td class="title"><a href="<?php echo $url; ?> edit"><?php echo substr($title, 0, 200); ?> </a></td> </tr> <?php $last = $bin['url']; } } ?>
protected function _formatNews($item) { if ($this->name == 'SYSTEM.rss') { $stitle = htmlspecialchars($item->title, ENT_QUOTES); $sdescription = htmlspecialchars($item->description, ENT_QUOTES); $ssummary = htmlspecialchars($item->summary, ENT_QUOTES); } else { $stitle = $item->title; $sdescription = $item->description; $ssummary = $item->summary; } $slink = $item->link; $this->_buffer = str_replace('{itemid}', $item->id, $this->_buffer); $this->_buffer = str_replace('{link}', $slink, $this->_buffer); $this->_buffer = str_replace('{link_encoded}', rawurlencode(str_replace('&', '&', $slink)), $this->_buffer); if ($item->pubdate != -1) { if ($this->name == 'SYSTEM.rss') { $pubdate = date('r', $item->pubdate); } else { $pubdate = zf_transcode(strftime(ZF_PUBDATEFORMAT, date($item->pubdate))); } } else { $pubdate = $item->pubdate; } $this->_buffer = str_replace('{pubdate}', $pubdate, $this->_buffer); $this->_buffer = str_replace('{relativedate}', getRelativeTime($item->pubdate), $this->_buffer); $this->_buffer = str_replace('{title}', $stitle, $this->_buffer); $newvalue = $item->isNew ? ZF_ISNEW_STRING : ''; $this->_buffer = str_replace('{isnew}', $newvalue, $this->_buffer); /* description */ $this->_buffer = str_replace('{description}', $sdescription, $this->_buffer); $this->_formatEnclosures($item); $hasSummary = strpos($this->_buffer, '{summary}'); $this->_buffer = str_replace('{summary}', $ssummary, $this->_buffer); $zfarticleurl = '?q=item&zftemplate=' . $this->name . '&itemid=' . $item->id; $this->_buffer = str_replace('{articleurl}', htmlentities($zfarticleurl), $this->_buffer); $zfdownloadcontent = '?q=download-item&zftemplate=' . $this->name . '&itemid=' . $item->id; $this->_buffer = str_replace('{download}', htmlentities($zfdownloadcontent), $this->_buffer); // for RSS feeds only $this->_buffer = str_replace('{guid}', md5($slink), $this->_buffer); }
</a> </div> <em class="date" data-timestamp="<?php echo strtotime($s['lastvote']) != null ? strtotime($s['lastvote']) : 0; ?> "></em> <p><?php echo $s['cnt']; ?> vote<?php echo $s['cnt'] > 1 ? 's' : ''; ?> • Créé <?php echo getRelativeTime($s['creation']); ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div id="droite"> <p class="survolez"></p> </div> <script> $(function() { // Add a new choice
switch ($act) { // init case "getArticles": $smarty->assign('articles', $database->getArticles()); $smarty->display(DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/view/templates/admin/commandListArticles.tpl'); break; case "getGroupes": $smarty->assign('articles', $database->getArticles()); $smarty->assign('groupes', $database->getGroupesArticles()); $smarty->display(DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/view/templates/admin/commandListGroupes.tpl'); break; case "getCommandes": $commandes = $database->getCommandes(); foreach ($commandes as $kc => $commande) { $commandes[$kc]['joueur'] = $database->getJoueur($commande['id_joueur']); $commandes[$kc]['date'] = getRelativeTime($commande['date']); $commandes[$kc]['commande'] = $database->getCommande($commande['id_commande']); } $smarty->assign('commandes', $commandes); $smarty->display(DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/view/templates/admin/commandListCommandes.tpl'); break; // commandes // commandes case "isPaye": if (isset($_POST['idCommande'])) { $database->setCommandeAsPaye($_POST['idCommande']); } break; case "isCommanded": if (isset($_POST['idCommande'])) { $database->setCommandeAsCommanded($_POST['idCommande']);
a { color: #C34402; font-weight: bold; } </style> </head> <body> <p id="song"><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($mp3s[0]['info']); ?> "><?php echo htmlspecialchars($song); ?> </a></p> <p>played <?php echo htmlspecialchars(getRelativeTime($songs[0]->get_date('U'))); ?> by</p> <p id="show"><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9 ]/i', '', $showtitle)); ?> "><?php echo htmlspecialchars($showtitle); ?> </a></p> <p id="about"><a href="about.html">about</a></p> </body> </html>
$url = formatURL($bin['url'], $bin['revision']); $title = getTitleFromCode($bin); $firstTime = $bin['url'] != $last; // attempt to get the modified panels - note that this won't detect // if they're using their own template $args = array('?live'); $js = trim($bin['javascript']); $html = trim($bin['html']); $css = trim($bin['css']); if ($js && $js !== $defjs) { $args[] = 'javascript'; } if ($html && $html !== $defhtml) { $args[] = 'html'; } if ($css && $css !== $defcss) { $args[] = 'css'; } // show the console instead of the live render if there's no HTML if ($js && !$html) { $args[0] = '?console'; } // TODO decide whether I need the root here... $editurl = $url . 'edit' . implode(',', $args); array_push($template_bin, array('title' => substr($title, 0, 100), 'code' => $bin['url'], 'revision' => $bin['revision'], 'url' => $url, 'edit_url' => $editurl, 'created' => $bin['created'], 'pretty_created' => getRelativeTime($bin['created']), 'is_first' => count($template_bin) === 0)); } array_push($formatted, $template_bin); } $view = file_get_contents('../views/history.html'); $mustache = new Mustache(); echo $mustache->render($view, array('bins' => $formatted));
<thead> <tr> <th class="header"><a href="logviewer.php?sort=player">Player</a></th> <th class="header"><a href="logviewer.php?sort=message">Message</a></th> <th class="header"><a href="logviewer.php?sort=source">Source</a></th> <th class="header"><a href="logviewer.php?sort=date">Date</a></th> </tr> </thead> <?php $i = 0; while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { if ($i % 2) { //this means if there is a remainder echo "<tr class='odd'>"; } else { //if there isn't a remainder we will do the else echo "<tr>"; } echo "<td>" . $arr['player'] . "</td><td>" . $arr['message'] . "</td><td>" . $arr['source'] . "</td><td>" . getRelativeTime($arr['date']) . "</td></tr>"; $i++; } ?> </table> <center><p><?php echo $num; ?> rows</p></center> </body> </html>
<?php echo __("Pending validation"); ?> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="/images/icones/16x16/travel.png" /> Inscription </td> <td> <?php echo ucfirst(getRelativeTime($mbr['created_at'])); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="/images/icones/16x16/cup.png" /> <?php echo __("Last visit"); ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($mbr->getLastvisit() == null) { ?> <em><?php
<?php require_once '../common/head.php'; $notifs = ''; if (isset($_GET['id_notif']) && isset($_GET['type'])) { $idj = $_SESSION['id_joueur']; $type = $_GET['type']; $idn = $_GET['id_notif']; if ($type == "set") { $database->setNotifAsSeen($idj, $idn); } elseif ($type == "del") { $database->delNotifJoueur($idj, $idn); } } elseif (isset($_GET['lastUpdate'])) { $dateConverted = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $_GET['lastUpdate'] / 1000); $notifs = $database->getNotificationsJoueurFrom($_SESSION['id_joueur'], $dateConverted); } else { $notifs = $database->getNotificationsJoueur($_SESSION['id_joueur']); } // Applying Template if (!empty($notifs)) { foreach ($notifs as $k => $v) { $notifs[$k]['date'] = getRelativeTime($v['date']); } $smarty->assign('notifications', $notifs); $smarty->display('default/notif.tpl'); }